#celebrate rhen
Hey just to all my fellow fat people out there: You are doing great and your body is amazing. I am tired of fat bodies only being depicted as funny, disgusting, frightening fuck that. Fat people are great and valuable and we deserve better.
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leolingo · 8 months
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spiderbit seven month wedding anniversary today
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gwispy · 1 month
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Made this in celebration of hitting 300 buggies on Twitter the other day!! AND RHEN EXPLODED AND NOW WE HAVE 500 BUGGIES ISNT THAT CRAZY!!! Anyways enjoy my fella freaks
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stompandhollar · 20 days
i love u rosey but its so funny cause i thought u were so cool and rhen u followed me back and i was like omg and when im talking to just u like yayyy friends but then u get like so many notes on ur posts and im like i forgot she was a celebrity
THETA I LOVE U. literally i’m smiling so big right now. this was the sweetest thing for u to say and also not true at all. i just yap on this silly website 😌🤍🪽
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iztopher · 1 year
hi everyone it is my birthday so to celebrate im making a masterpost of stuff i've made and want to share and encouraging people to check it out and share your thoughts if you are so inclined >:3c
ORIGINAL WORK (aka RPG maker XP games)
Both games I've worked on are free, no combat, and take about an hour or less to complete! They are also both unfortunately Windows only.
seaglass: Eliot has never met their best friend, Loren, in person before. They have communicated for years by tossing bottles with messages in them back and forth across the sea. Now Loren is finally coming to visit, and Eliot wants to celebrate the occasion with a suitable gift - a sea glass necklace! This game I made by myself, and it's pretty old but I still like it.
Inn Need: The once marvelous Silver Willow Inn has fallen into disrepair over the years. Older witch and new owner Hestia Kindlee is determined to fix that, though. Explore the old inn, fix what you can, find help for what you can't, and restore the inn to its former glory. This game was made in collaboration with TeiRaven and Ji Tealeaf!
there is no better way to celebrate my birthday than to watch my te'ijalahad supercut. an hour and a half of (almost) every te'ijal and galahad scene in the series (i'll be uploading an actually complete one once i've finished my av3 replay, just to make sure nothing else snuck past me.
speaking of te'ijalahad, have you seen my aro meta? now you have :)
honestly just check out my AO3 and find what interests you but my personal highlights are:
don't you dare go down: if you read one of my fics let it be this one. four years old and still my favorite thing i've ever written. 5.3k, te'ijalahad, Av1-Av3, 3+1 fic, teen. Te'ijal and Galahad learn how to help each other.
you and i are friends of empty graves: 2k, end of Av3/TDP, te'ijalahad, general. Te'ijal's memory has faded over time and she looks to Galahad's help to jog it.
nobody's daughter: 2.2k, alternate take on the end of GON, Lydia?Mel, general. Lydia character study exploring a nonbinary Lydia.
you try so loud to love me: 3.3k, TLO, te'ijalahad, explicit. I stand by my completely non-erotic te'ijalahad sex fic although it goes against my personal headcanon. have a sex repulsed asexual's take on the idea that two people being married means they'll inevitably sleep together. this description works for both me and galahad
with rhyme and reason: 3.4k, Av1, Rhen-centric, general. A character study exploring the Aveyond 1 prophecy, how Rhen feels about being at the heart of it, and ultimately why she is.
left undead: 5k, modern/college AU, te'ijalahad, teen. Te'ijal liveblogs reading Twilight in Galahad's texts.
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satohqbanana · 2 years
Liar Liar
Welcome to another episode of “Anne had a great idea but then she lost sight of what it was supposed to be” and today’s story features Rhen being a lie detector! I edited this minimally to preserve whatever was there while correcting a few details and applying text emphasis. It’s fairly long but I wish it was even longer. In fact, I think this could be a nice multichapter story. Who knows; I might pick it up again someday? This is like almost two years old but it’s still a very interesting bunny with one hell of an idea I would like to revisit. Anyway, enjoy!
Rhen realized it when she was 14, and every other teen girl in Clearwater was crushing on Danny. It had been a courageous day in which Rhen was alone with him, as they let the sheep wander about while Peter's dog stood guard. Danny was not the most handsome in the village, but he was the cutest, and he had a smile that lit up the town. When he volunteered for herding duty, Rhen immediately shot her hand up and said she wanted in, too. All the other girls cried and complained, but Rhen the tomboy was allowed to go, because she was strong and she was a responsible young lady, because she was dependable and tough and hardworking. Tomboy she was, she still liked boys. And she liked Danny.
And they spent their herding duty talking and laughing and joking. They talked about their dreams, their plans for the future, and their hopes and wishes. Rhen had almost let it slip she liked him. It was when they arrived home after their little everyday chore, when the boys hounded Danny and just about asked for juicy details. Rhen tried not to get too close, but she wanted to know how Danny thought of her-- "What?" Danny laughed. "Okay, I admit. If I had to chooose who to marry, it'd be Rhen." --and while that should've brought her endless joy, something tingled inside her head. It sounded just wrong and her head spun. The next thing she knew was that the girls were hogging her, and that she had been staring into the nothing of what her eyes beheld. Then, her fellow teens were seething in jealousy as one of the older women came around and approached Danny. Danny's cheeks colored, his confident stance gone as he exhanged words to the beautiful, mature Mathilde, who was about five years older and held the status of being the village beauty. Danny lied. Danny lied, and Rhen excused herself. She ended up eating little for dinner, and on her bed, she kept asking, asking, asking... ...
Rhen turned 14, and she found an unconscious woman by the cliffs. She helped the woman recover, and when the stranger got well enough to speak, she gave Rhen her priestess ring. "Take it. It will protect you." The tingling sensation did not come. Rhen had had a year to understand as much of this ugly tingles inside her, and it was clear that she had somehow acquired the ability to detect it when people lied. She only told her parents so far, and while wide-eyed, they accepted it as one of her many little quirks. They hadn't been able to sneak a little excuse to her, and she only grinned as they tried in vain. Rhen mustered the courage to put on the very exquisite and expensive-looking ring on the eve of their Spring Festival celebration. Her Ma looked at her with many emotions, before embracing her in a very tight hug. "Rhen, listen..." the woman said, "You know, no matter what, I'll be your mother as long as you want me to be?." How weird to say to your own daughter. "It's not like I'm getting married to Danny or anything!" Rhen laughed. Maybe it's one of those growing up things again. "Besides, I am your daughter, aren't I?" "Of course." Then Rhen's heart dropped as the tingling sensation announced itself. No. ... Maybe it's because she was dizzy from the festivities, or maybe she just really wanted to run away. Peter called her because he and the boys (sans Danny, good boy Danny, responsible son Danny, who was busy busting out as many pies as their ovens could make) were going to bully the sheep again. Without thinking, Rhen agreed, and Peter ran ahead, telling the boys (sans Danny) that she was gonna be there too. Cheers echoed in the cave, and she followed the voices blindly. Then, a man with a large sack came around - not the first time this had happened. Clearwater received a regular amount of traders, travellers, and explorers as a town on a cliffside. The ring on Rhen's finger tingled, and she's not sure what that meant. "Hello there, young lady!" greeted the man. "I'm a little lost, and those damn boisterous lads just walked past me! Would you mind telling me where the nearest village is?" Her liar sense tingled. Oh. "It's that way." Rhen pointed, and her ring shone inside the cave. Please go, please go, please go-- Prayers turned to ashes. She was fighting against the grip of the man, then she was biting on a cloth over her mouth as the man's grip shoved her into a sack, then she was crying and thrashing and yelling and crying. "I got you, priestess!" ... When she was a young girl, she heard of those mean traders who traded slaves. No child was allowed beyond the caves, and those who grew up were often advised to always explore beyond the village in pairs. Now, she was 15, and she was in a completely different place, humid and wet and dark and endlessly green wherever she looked. She was more than happy to give up the useless priestess ring, but her long, beautiful hair the color of dawn was cut and sold, and her fine wool dress replaced with a rough sack cloth. They gave her wounds, welts, and a slave bracelet. And her liar sensor went on and on and on. Traders and nobles exchanged false promises, and Rhen never missed home this badly. She told herself she should've just trusted her Ma, should've just ignored that bad feeling she had, should've just spent her life in an unhappy and unfulfilling relationship with Danny if it meant she had decent living conditions again. For days, she had been in and out of the dirty, smelly holding room. No one was buying her. Who would? She had such pretty hair that the nobles didn't like, because she still looked way prettier than they did, and she always glared at them, and they were looking for someone more obedient. Maybe, if she was never sold, she could still die with a bit of dignity left in her. At the very least, the traders didn't touch her in any disgusting way, and they fed her regularly, even in little amounts. Then fate struck like lightning. Nobles came here and there, and Rhen spent her day giving them the mean eye. She might have spit on like two or three of them, until a green-haired boy with sharp eyes stopped before her. What was a boy her age doing here? "Your hair," he said, his voice thick and annoyingly rich, "Is purple." "Duh?!" The slave trader cracked his whip and Rhen flinched - she had gotten used to it, but it was still horrible - but the boy lifted his hand, and an invisible shield protected both Rhen and the noble boy. "Easy there, Mister," the boy scoffed. "I'm trying to inspect the goods." The slave trader backed down. "W-We're trying to establish authority here." "This is why you can't establish authority, isn't it? You're assuming authority even over the nobles." Rhen gritted her teeth. She didn't know whether the boy was going to be a pain or a friend. Either way, he was her ticket out. She had to impress him somehow. "What? Treating everyone like your slave now, little boy?" The noble turned his attention back on her. "Ah, a slave who insults her own master?" "I'm the slave of no one and the master of my own self." Then the slave trader ran to the boy. "Please, Sir, you must want something else?" The boy scowled. "Quiet, you!" "This one needs more training. I would like to offer you our fresh batch of slaves--" The slave trader yelped as the boy held out a hand filled with energy. Magic. "I think I'm quite capable of handling myself in front of a slave. Now will you please leave me in peace? Or are you going to embarrass yourself further?" Rhen could barely suppress her laughter. She supposed that if funny things like these happened even if she was in a moment of disgrace, she would take it. The man who'd been torturing her for the past few days cowered in front of a boy as young as she. "--purple hair, fierce eyes, sharp tongue, assuming of her own authority, rude, especially in front of a noble?" Rhen snapped back to reality. "Not to mention, inattentive." Rhen's cheeks burned. "It isn't like you're that noteworthy." Her own liar sense tingled as it slipped out of her tongue. The boy was the single most interesting person she'd met since she was taken from Clearwater. And as he glared at her, she forced herself to glare back. "Lars!" Brief trance broken, the boy - Lars - turned around and faced a woman much older than him. His aunt? "Lars, stop dawdling there and help your mother pick." Oh, his mother. Then Lars gestured. "That one." Rhen gawked. He was pointing at her. She was going to be sold. She was going to have a decent roof to live under again. She was going to live as a slave. She was going to have a chance to escape. Lars' mother came over her, and dread washed over Rhen. The woman yanked hard on Rhen's chains and the girl fell on her face. "She's skinny," the woman said. "She's lean," corrected Lars. "See the muscles on her arms? I bet she used to do manual labor." "We don't just make the slave do manual labor, Lars! We give orders to slaves!" "She has sharp ears and keen eyes. She'll be clever enough to understand." "Oh, Lars, but you have to choose someone who'll be trustworthy!" "Of course, Mother. I'll take responsibility for her. I'm a budding sorcerer, remember? And, not to mention, you told me I need to learn how to lead and command as a noble coming of age. Please, Mother? I won't let you down." Rhen couldn't believe herself, but she was rooting for the boy, at this very instant. She did not like the idea of being a slave, but she did not want to stay here any longer. "...we're taking her." Rhen heaved herself up, and the boy and his mother led her away to haggle with the trader. Suddenly, realization hit Rhen. Never once the boy spoke to her - or about her - and her liar sense tingled. Now that he was talking to his mother, Rhen could hear the poison in his every word. She told herself she shouldn't look too deep into that. --- Rhen lived a horrible life. At 15, she was a slave, and she was working for the Tenobors of the State of Ghalarah. It was one of the states comprising the Eastern Empire, and Lars was more than proud to announce these facts to her. At 15, Rhen was a slave to the ruling family of the State of Ghalarah, and with the father absent from the picture, the mother keen on preserving their image, and the heir busy with upholding his position, Rhen felt a little regret at having momentarily cheered for the boy. She lived in their basement and was practically non-existent to the Tenobors, except when they needed her to do chores or to hurt her. Lars' mother, Mistress Rona, only left her checklists of tasks. If Rhen did them well, Mistress Rona never said a thing. If Rhen made a mistake - which was often, because nobody told her about Empireal culture, nobody told her about the layout of the city, nobody told her anything except the nice dressmakers! - if Rhen made a mistake, they would punish her. Mistress Rona favored locking her up in the basement or making her go to bed hungry, and Lars-- Lars, who said he'd take responsibility, he humiliated her often. Did he lie about that? She suffered his friends' pranks, branded a name not of her own, and suddenly, Peter and the boys' rough play seemed harmless compared to the nobles' incessant jeering. Her faith in him vanished. She could never bring up the incident with the slave trader. Her liar sense was useless when she was in constant agony every single minute of the day. At the least, even if she went to bed hungry, sometimes she woke up in the middle of the night to find some water and a cold lunch box of food in her room. Sometimes she finds it just outside the room when she dared to open the door that was previously locked. It wasn't of much consolation; it was more like torture, but beggars really had little to choose from. Then came another fateful day. It was one of those times she had to tell Lars to go home, again, because unlike her, he was free to go wherever, as long as he adhered to the curfew. And there he was, hanging out with the equally obnoxious beasts he called friends, definitely intending to stay out until their own mothers called them back for dinner.
Rhen had barely asked him to come home, again, when Lars, again, brushed her off and told her to leave him alone. She insisted against it and grabbed his hand, intent on dragging him back even if she had to haul him halfway across Ghalarah. Because Lars was a boy, and a boy who had enough food and sleep, he was stronger, and he slapped her hand away.
Who was she to do that, she imagined him thinking, but she also thought, who was he to forget his so-called, in his own words, "responsibility"?
Then, Lars' friends dared him to use his magic on her to demand her obedience. Something flickered in his eyes, and she trembled. Was he going to burn her? She held her strong, defiant gaze despite the fear. There was no use in going down without a fight. Faint forces drew around, focusing on Lars. Magic flowed into his hands in a ball of bright light-- and it zapped against Rhen--
And she opened her eyes, realized she was still alive. Alive, lying on the ground, wrists aching.
One of the nobles spoke, and without much thinking, Rhen took it as a cue to get on her feet and punch Lars.
A scuffle broke out, and as expected, passersby "disciplined" Rhen for her disobedience. When she regained all her senses, the dressmakers were negotiating peace, and Lars was wearing a confident, smug smile again. Dread crept up Rhen's heart, and the chills ran when she realized she was not getting any dinner tonight. Was an apprenticeship to the dressmakers still an option?
The dressmakers shooed the crowd away, until only Lars and Rhen were left. The adults chaperoned them to the Tenobor Estate, and soon Rhen and her charge were face-to-face with his mother.
The woman worried over her son's bruised face. She threatened his attacker, swore on their most honorable name, promised sweet offerings to the Empress, and second by second Rhen's mental grave dug deeper and deeper and deeper--
Then a tingle of a lie shot through her mind and brought her back on the ground.
"I was practicing some sorcery," came the nonchalant words from Lars' mouth. "It'll heal."
"But this horrid slave-trash--"
"Helped me out. My theory didn't work... partially." Lars' eyes met Rhen's briefly. "She was a wonderful participant in my little experiment."
The fake smile widened. Rona Tenobor promised more things to her son, said more sweet words, but Lars brushed it off. Because, really, both Rhen and Lars were similarly bruised, and they were in the middle of the scuffle earlier. There was no way that Rona Tenobor couldn't tell.
Either that, or Lars was just a really, really convincing liar.
Rhen watched the woman eventually fall to silence and end the grand fuss to remind her son to come home on time (again). Rona Tenobor shot Rhen a dirty glance, just the same as usual, then said, "What are you standing there for, slave? Get dinner ready."
Rhen stammered out her reply, and ran to the kitchen. She pushed all the questions away from her head by focusing on dinner.
She froze. Of course. Why was she so stupid? There was a price to having her come and save her headstrong butt! She just hoped that his asking price didn't include indecent affairs or dirty, bloody jobs. (Like some of the other slaves subject themselves to, but Rhen promised to be tight-lipped about that. Each to their own when it came to survival.)
The familiar sound shook her from her thoughts, and her eyes widened as she finally realized that the slave cuffs she once wore were gone from her wrists; now it lay before her, upon the table. Did... did that mean she was free? Or was this another trick?
Lars heaved himself onto the empty counter next to her. He seemed rather pleased. Rhen's fist ached to connect with that mouth. Jerk.
"Aren't you supposed to be happy?"
In the mix of emotions, there was a teensy bit of happiness, yes, but it was more of a mixed emotion than anything. "What do you want?"
"Straight to the point, aren't we?" Lars rolled his eyes. "You don't trust me, so it'll be useless even if I say it."
Rhen cursed the limits of her hidden ability. Why didn't her liar sense tell her when someone was hiding something?
"But, to get to the point, there's something fishy about you." Lars then dropped familiar pieces of silver before her, and she gasped. "These. You're the only slave who wears these."
"And oh, did you say you were from the Western Isle? That's weird, because you look more... Thaian. A resident of Thais."
"Okay, you're not making sense." Rhen stirred the soup. "And I really need to finish making dinner. Your mother--" "Is busy. I don't care."
"If she comes in, or Oracle forbid, visitors--"
"I think I am quite capable of handling situations like this. Now, shall I tell you my theory, or are we going to spend some precious, limited time arguing about this?"
"You could be lying." Except he wasn't, of course, even if Rhen wanted him to lie, anything.
Lars got off the counter and strode towards the door.
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monsterbisexual · 2 years
HATE when i google a celebrity n it doesnt immediately tell me how tall they are cuz rhen i have to withstand the humbling shame of typing "(persons name) height" n i just feel like im bein a creep somehow ahdhdkj
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minheeskitten · 7 months
do you think you could share some writing advice? recently, it feels like i have to force myself to write or like i might be in a slump. i'm struggling with motivation. i think part of what hurts is that even if i do write something and post it, it gets minimal to no interaction. writing is usually fun, and i can live with having no audience but...
what's a good way to fight a slump? how can i build an audience for my fic, or how can i seperate feelings of inadequacy from the lack of audience?
sorry it's a little heavy of an ask, but as a writer i admire, i thought you might have tips :(
Oh anonie i feel so sad to hear you've been in a slump!
If you're struggling with motivation, write what appeals to you, or just take a break! I take long breaks between writing sometimes and thats simply because im not motivated!
If it hurts to not get interaction then do remember, thats only in the short term, keep bringing those works up! Eventually someday, someone will adore those pieces you've made enough to spam you about them!
I actually engage with my anons here like friends because it makes me happy to have continuous engagement. Keeps me motivated to write, and they read what they want to!
If you think you might be feeling inadequate because of that lack of interaction, try sending a piece through here? I know my anonies and moots can prove that it's not inadequate at all!
If you base your worth on engagement from others, rhen of course you'll feel inadequate. I say, try to read your fics yourself, and be proud of what you've made.
I know that is very difficult to do, trust me i always doubt my works up until ab a month or two after and then i go 'wait *i* wrote that? Its so good!'
I have about five to six people who hang out n chat w me ab what i write. Two are my anons here, most of the rest are my moots, my friends.
I write for myself, and occasionally for the friends who i talk about fics with. If you shift from 'aww i only got x amount of engagement' to 'hoky shit someone other than me liked this!' then suddenly you'll realize its a lot better.
Shifting from a negative mindset is hard, amd the fast fashion-esque culture that people have built about fandom ruins the fun.
Remember, writing is a hobby, you should find it fun and enjoyable as you write and after it's posted. Even if you don't actually get engagement.
Write for yourself. Write for your close friends. And if someone outside of those circles enjoys it? Celebrate!
I welcome every single anon i get, amd i think that helps a lot. They come and chat with me about writing, and sometimes they share their own! You can always come ask for more advice!
Feel free to take an anon symbol as well! You'd be most welcome here!
(also the line 'as a writer i admire' just. MY HEART ANONIE I LOVE YOU SO MUCH FOR THAT AINSJSBS)
Keep writing anonie, i am so proud of you for being brave enough to ask, i hope you're brave enough to continue to return, and become a regular like dear 🩷 and ☕ anons <3
Feel free to come back and chat, and don't hesitate to share lines you're particularly proud of here! I do adore seeing my anonies share their own works!
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pure-vanilla-lilies · 7 months
If Matcha gets kicked out of the COD rhen I'm going to fucking celebrate
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daforged · 2 years
im gonna fuckin bawl i’ve been fighting with my uni since september over a $5,000 scholarship i earned & they literally sent to my student awards account but that they didn’t want to give me because i apparently didn’t meet the credit hours requirement . and so i gave up on it last fall because they just Would Not Budge but a couple weeks ago the status on it updated to actually apply the amount to my tuition account & i went through the process of asking them to refund it to my bank account since im graduating & it cant get used for future tuition fees & i just now FINALLY got an email on the details of how to receive that money into my chequing account. im going to fucking cry im actually going to be able to afford stuff now im literally. oh my god.
#i didnt meet the credit hours requirement because u have to take the equivalent of 8 courses across fall-winter semesters#& im only doing 6 because like. thats what i need to graduate. why would i take more.#so for MONTHS last year im trying to explain this to them and it just kept getting escalated and run around to different depts#over and over and back and forth transferred from student aid & awards to the registrar’s office to my home faculty to the accounting dept#back to student aid etc etc#& it was so frustrating to be given this FIVE THOUSAND DOLLAR BOON FOR LIKE. MY GOOD PERFORMANCE.#and then have it snatched away immediately ??? like why didnt u check my credit hours BEFORE giving it to me if its such a big deal#& then i was fiddling w my student records account the other day and saw that huuuge credit sitting in my like. tuition fees.#and i was like holy shit holy shit holy shit and i checked the student awards tab and it had updated to say released on march 22nd or w/e#so rhen im like. hhhhhhhh Please refund it to my bank please please i will not celebrate until its actually Mine#and just now. the email with instructions on how to deposit it. ough.#anyway. rollercoaster emotions today lmao blessed be 420#but like seriously $5k is life changing a bit for me. especially since im abt to graduate#man oh my god guys i could go to a restaurant. i could get take out. i could go to a movie#I COULD BUY NEW CLOTHESSSS AAAAAAA#also the boring stuff like i guess i could put it towards fixing our a/c since thats broken as hell and summer’s gonna be hot as balls#but like. ofnvjdkvjsjcjsjckxj ok ok ok ok o io i o oookokokokok#oh my god i could have the luxury of eating food i didn’t have to make myself. bro do u know how long it’s been since i had takeout.#freewheeling bitextual#‘Cs get degrees’ ok well As get A FIVE THOUSAND DOLLAR SCHOLARSHIP BITCHESSSSS ITS ALL PAYING OFF NOW BAYBEEEEE WOOOOO SCREAMING CRYING THR#OWING UP /POS YEEEAHAHAHSHAHAHHHHHH#im running on 2 hrs of sleep and soul crushing levels of stress caffeine and anticipation for the Finish Line
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strawbnetwork · 3 years
WOOO MY SHINING LITTLE STAR icb he won two awards 🥺🥺 PROUD OF HIM🌟
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queenrhenpendragon · 3 years
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Aveyontober 22 - Ball
!!!! I!!!! DID IT!!!!!! THE END!!!!!! WOOHOOO!!!!! Of course I had to end with my sweet children. When Rhen is queen she can declare an evening of celebration whenever she wants and dance the night away with her love and tbh I wish I was her right now, that's the Life. I am so bad at buildings so I was especially proud of the castle. Also I made the texture brushes for the lights and leaves!! Yay. The pose is referenced from a Cinderella screencap, the ballroom scene in that movie is Gorgeous and I've always wanted to try to replicate the feel so Yay for bucket lists.
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neverhada-cluee · 3 years
Ok im going to rant here because i’ve had a realisation and need to share it.
So for a loooooooong time i’ve felt like shit because of my philtrum. Thats just the bit between ur nose and top lip. i’ve always wanted to kill myself because of how long and deep it is and it’s been an insecurity for so long so i love wearing masks outside yada yada.
It all started because like two years ago i saw one of those korean videos abt facial symmetry and rhen saw rhat every single pretty rich famous beautiful celebrity or even rando in the street has a short one 💀 anyways.
I have realised that obsessing over it is SO fucking stupid . Seeing people on reddit and forums spamming how to shorten their philtrum is honestly the cringiest thing i have ever seen because theyre OBSESSED 😭 its taken over their lives and its not only pathetic but tbh quite depressing.
Seeing it from a different pov helped me so much because i used to do shit like that. ‘Waaaa how do i get a lip lift if i’m under 18 i need one desperately or i’ll commit suicide’ bloody posting that shite every day .. BEGGING my auntie to take me to a clinic or i’ll attempt to do the surgery myself because I was so desperate. Moving on
Idk how to say it in a poetic life changing way. But its stupid to obsess over it because literally ANYBODY can be attractive and i’m proof of that with my spamming ugly moids crying about never getting to shag them. also theres lots of nice girls with long ones its just nobody even sees them because its a rare feature. Its really not that bad it could be worse i could have been born with no nose or a ten ton eyeball or something 😭
Horton hears a who is in FASHION BABY!!! really roo its not a curse and nobody gives a fuck until you point it out. Sure you look like the ugly guy from the Yes band but he probably had groupies so whatever. Peace and love
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rhenuvee · 2 years
just wanna say i apologize if this ends up being absolutely HORRENDOUS ,, this is my first time writing for these omfg 😭
male pref plzz !! (romantic matchup)
i think i'm like roughly 5'6-5'7 , so just below average height for a male ( how sad i'm considered a short man .. ) , and i'm a gemini though that probably won't make a difference. key things i know about myself is that once i've indulged in something i like i'll end up rambling about it excessively any chance i get , and i sometimes struggle to shut up about it. my hobbies are drawing !! not too good though , and collecting neat little things from plushies to cool crystals , as well as occasionally reading stuff. i consider myself somehow both witty and sensitive at the same time ?? i tease others though sometimes it's difficult to tell when they're saying something as a joke or if they're genuinely insulting me ; though i'll stop teasing them if they show discomfort ( and feel absolutely horrible about making them upset ). i cling and depend A LOT on other people too. but other than that i'm mostly quite lighthearted , yet awkward and shy before getting to know them further , and usually know how to make small talk and start conversations ( spoiler: i'll keep mentioning random things until i can make a fluent conversation out of it ).
love language is physical touch though i REALLY like buying gifts for other people too. i also prefer quieter spaces bcz crowds + areas with a lot of people and things happening can be very overwhelming for me ; i usually do small events with less people since it's generally easier to communicate that way anyways ^_^
No worries, you're good!
⊱ ━━━━ Matchup! Genshin Impact ━━━━ ⊰
You're matched up with...
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It's totally okay that you ramble sometimes, he's interested in listening to you talk, especially if it's about something he's never heard of before
I think it’d be super cute whenever you guys go adventuring and find treasure (not cabbages iykyk)
He’d have a whole celebration: hugging you while smiling, and hopefully there will be some trinkets that you like to collect <3 
Bennett enjoys your company a lot, so you don’t have to worry about being clingy. He’s grateful you’re a part of his adventure team.
He usually goes adventuring alone or just with Razor, so you won’t be with a lot of people very often
With your love languages, Bennett LOVES receiving gifts- he is in awe with each one and has a personal treasure chest in his room for valuables he holds close
⊱ ━━━━━━━━ ⊰
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unladylikc · 2 years
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「 @dis--parity​​​ 」 — writes:
"You know... I recently found out that the genus of this flower is called the clitoria. And- and now that I'm looking at one..." There's a silly smile on her face as the little handful of flowers is passed to her girlfriend - the particular features nestled in its petals becoming more obvious on closer observation.
Whatever she might or might not have been suggesting, she'll soon pull back to reveal her true gifts for the day - there's a box set of a vintage shonen manga she picked up, likely having immediately thought of her - sat next to a big plushie of a yellow bear. And, on the table, a real feast of food that rivalled even her contribution to Chinese New Year. "I- I wanted to make this special... 'cause, really, surviving another year on this planet really is something to be celebrated, isn't it? And-... and you were so nice to me on my birthday, I- I just had to return the favour. I hope it's enough, and... I hope I can continue to be enough for you, too."
It doesn't take long after she finishes her little monologue to invite Vivian for a hug - as much as she knows she's definitely eager to dig into some food herself. "Happy birthday, Vivian. And- as you probably know a hundred times over by now... I love you to the edge of the universe and back!"
still accepting → birthday asks !!
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      Of course, had she been drinking coffee at that paricular moment, Vivian would definitely have spat it out; instead, she’ll simply splutter aloud her next words while fumbling with the flower that was suddenly hoisted onto her hands. “W-Wait! Are you saying this perverted looking flower reminds you of me?” The whole entire time, her voice would remain comically scandalized and rife with disbelief, but seconds later, she finally manages to steady her fingers around the stem when Alex steps aside, revealing her gifts.
     In the end, it doesn’t take long for her gaze to widen, for there was just so much stuff stacked before them, she could hardly believe it. This was... all for her? Sure enough, Vivian would edge closer, peering into the box, only to release a loud gasp upon discovering it was filled to the brim with vintage shonen manga. By that point, her coal black eyes would rhen practically sparkle. How in the world did Alex even procure this much? Before she could ask her, however, Alex’s voice ends up disrupting her train of thought, and little by little, Vivian finds herself turning to regard her over her shoulder.
     “Oh, Lexy... you really shouldn’t have,” she then sighs with drooping brows and a wry smile gradually twisting itself upwards along her lips. “You know, having you at my side and spending time with you is already enough for me... but still, thanks a lot for making this the best damn birthday ever. You, along with Judy-puff, make life worth living, so if nothing else, I’m glad I never gave up on myself and kept going.”
     Sure enough, she brings herslef to saunter back towards Alex, before pulling her into a warm, lingering hug.
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     “Yup, I’m perfectly aware! Why, to tell you the truth, I don’t think you would let me forget that for even a second. I will say, however, that I love you more!”
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