#celeste noddy
poppybros-jr · 4 months
Dazor:Hey, Cosmo. I was wondering how you feel about your siblings? Uh- Good luck in the tournament.
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…I mean, sure. I’m more than happy to talk about my siblings. I’m not sure why I started talking like that, to be honest. I’m very sorry, it won’t happen again. Just… get comfy, ‘cause I’m the fourth of five siblings so this might take a while!
WARNING! This ask is a very long one, and it also delves into more serious territory than usual, so it goes under a cut. Content warning for mentions of divorce, parental emotional abuse/estrangement and childhood trauma resulting from the disappearance of a sibling.
Also tagging this as propaganda because we’re getting into backstory. @kirbyoctournament
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Firstly, Stella! My twin sister! She hatched half an hour before I did, and we joke that it’s so she could be there to help me out of my shell. Because that’s what she still does even to this day!
We used to perform together under Stella’s name, using our identical looks to pull off a ‘teleportation’ trick. We were only kids at the time, so that was the only trick we did in the whole show. It got boring pretty quick, and I didn’t like that I didn’t get to have my name on the posters, but I was scared to say anything. Stella wasn’t, though! A couple of years ago she said she wanted us to be a proper double act, and that if I didn’t get recognition for my skills she simply wouldn’t perform. It worked! I actually figured out I was a boy not long after that, so I’m really glad we don’t have to be perfectly identical anymore. She’s trying to encourage me to perform solo, too, but I don’t have the same charisma she does, so I don’t know if I can do it as well as she does.
I’m really glad she’s my big sister. She’s the most supportive, kindest sister ever. And the most fun! She can be a little annoying sometimes with how excitable and silly she is, and sometimes her energy wears me out, but I’d never want her to change. She’s the best. Like a ray of sunshine!
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Celeste is the baby of the family. She’s very shy.
She was only little when Marx ran away, and our parents apparently decided to use her as a… do-over, I guess? Our mum especially wanted her to be everything Marx wasn’t and put a lot of pressure on her to fit her expectations. But Celeste really didn’t like performing, so she got more and more quiet… We’re staying with our aunts at the moment because of our parents divorcing, though, and she’s starting to feel much better. She’s trying out different things to find something she likes. She seems very interested in the production side of the circus, like music and lighting. I think that no matter what she does when she grows up, she’ll do amazing. She’s really smart! Much smarter than I was at her age!
She hardly ever talks, but she’s an absolute sweetheart, and if anyone tries to hurt her I will DESTROY THEIR LIFE. :)
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Since we live with our aunts now, our cousins the Poppy Bros are like our honorary siblings!
Poppy Bros Sr (Pop for short) and Poppy Bros Jr (Poppy for short) are the owners of the circus! Well, Pop is. Poppy will co-own it when they’re an adult. Poppy is also part of the Star Allies and helped out with that whole mess with the weird shadowy heart things a few years back! I want to join someday too so I can help protect Popstar!
Pop is a great boss. When I was a little kid I thought he was intimidating, but he’s really just a big softy! He’s always asking me how I’m doing and listens to all my ideas. He’s very understanding if I’m not feeling well enough to perform or get stage fright, and he never pressures me. I don’t know him that well, though, since he’s a lot older than me.
As for Poppy? I like them! After Marx ran away, they stepped in to be our older sibling since he couldn’t do it anymore. They still look out for us even now! They stand up for us whenever we need backup and they always have time to hang out with us. They were best friends with Marx before he left, so it must have been very hard on them at the time, but they always put on a brave face. I respect them a lot! They’re still a massive nerd who’s obsessed with bombs, though. They specialise in confetti firework bombs that look really pretty! If I count Pop and Poppy as my siblings too, that makes me sixth out of seven instead of fourth out of five.
Did I remember everyone? I feel like I’m forgetting someone… Oh, right! This jerk.
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I’m gonna put this out here right now, okay? I do NOT condone the crimes Marx committed. He did some really bad things! That is not okay. That said, I’m talking specifically about my own relationship with my big brother, okay? Okay. Here we go.
I think Marx is a great brother. He’s not much older than me and Stella, so we were very close growing up and we still are even now. Some people are surprised to hear that I’m close to Marx, ‘cause most of the time we spend together, we’re either insulting each other or daring each other to do gross or dangerous things. I think those people have never had brothers.
It hurt a lot when he ran away. Stella and I both knew he wasn’t happy. He got into fights with our parents a lot and was always causing trouble. But we tried very hard to help him feel better. We played with him all the time. After he left, we thought it was our fault for not trying hard enough, but after he came back to Popstar he told us it wasn’t. I still feel bad about it sometimes, though. He doesn’t live with us anymore because he doesn’t want to be around our parents, but our aunts take us to visit him as much as possible.
Sometimes I still have bad dreams that he ran away again and died, or turned into a monster, or other bad stuff. It’s scary. I usually call him when that happens so I can talk to him. He doesn’t care if I call him in the middle of the night. He doesn’t sleep much anyway. And then the next time I visit he gets me donuts. The kind with the blueberry jam filling that I like.
He’s definitely not perfect. Not even close. Sometimes his insults get too mean. Or he’ll play a prank on me that upsets me. But he always says sorry and tries to make it up to me once he realises he hurt me. That’s more than what some people will do. I’m scared of a lot of people, but I’m never scared of him.
I do think he’s a stinky loser with a face like a Scarfy that got stuck halfway, though. :)
… Okay, that was definitely everyone! All of us are accounted for! Thanks for the question, Dazor, and I’m sorry I kept you so long. Here, take an ice lolly with you! You get first choice!
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I thought if I could touch this place or feel it. This brokenness inside me might start healing. Out here it's like I'm someone else, I thought that maybe I could find myself.
So I was fixing the tags on this from the app and it deleted the whole fic. Sorry, it wasn’t just a sappy-ass title. :( I hope someone likes the fic as much as this sad-ass Miranda Lambert song. 
Celeste was in the clinic, back in the sluice room. She had just finished with a patient. Her last for the day. Julian was out on rounds, so it was quiet. Generally, at the end of the day, they would sit together and work charts, talk about patients, and get ready for tomorrow, dividing up tasks.
But, Julian was decidedly late. Generally, she could chalk that up to a chatty patient or something that needed a bit more time or attention. If it was a truly emergent situation, he would have her sent for. No, this was just...late.
As soon as she had completed the thought, the front door banged open. "Lovely, Sweetheart, Angel, Light of My Life!" Julian called out, sounding somewhat harried.
Celeste looked over her shoulder, fighting a smile. He was obnoxious, and she loved him for it. And he was laying it on thick. "Everything okay, Doc?" She called back.
"Uh...I don't think so." He said, sweeping into the sluice. He looked a bit disheveled. Celeste blinked, taking in the measure of him.
"What happened?" she asked, shaking the suds from her hands and turning away from the sink.
"Not sure. There was quite a commotion in the square. It was nearly a stampede. I got caught up." He was trying to straighten himself up. His shirt sleeve was torn, and the shirt itself was untucked. His hair was quite tousled, which was saying something.
"What do you mean, 'commotion'?" she said, striding past him, moving quickly to the front of the building, looking through the windows. Sure enough, the streets were slam packed, people pushing, shoulder to shoulder. Her eyes went wide. She yanked open the door and leaned out, looking out.
A royal guard was pushing up the street, against the fray, followed by her husband. Muriel, looking equal parts distressed and furious. The guard was calling out to her, but she couldn't hear him above the din of the crowd. Muriel caught her eyes, and she could see the panic.
When they had fought their way to her, Muriel kept moving up the street. He shouted, booming, that he was going to get the girls. They were in classes. She nodded, but she could feel her heart pounding. The guard pushed into the clinic.
"Forgive me, Mistress, but you are required at the palace, immediately." the man said, trying to catch his breath.
Julian was behind her, his hand on her shoulder. "What's happening?"
"The former Count has returned to the palace. He has demanded an audience." the man spoke plainly.
Celeste deflated a bit, and Julian stood close behind her, steadying her.
Everyone had been apprised of the situation, regarding Lucio and Celeste's shared heritage. In a compromise, she had agreed not to seek him out, but instead, wrote him a letter that detailed the nature of their relationship, and made her feelings abundantly clear. It had been an act of catharsis, and it helped keep their distance.
Apparently, age hadn't tempered Lucio's boundary issues.
Her mind raced. Muriel would have the girls. But, Asra was at the palace already. Helping entertain traveling diplomats at Nadia's request.
Seeing the panic on Celeste's face, the guard softened a bit. "I assure you, Mistress, that he is quite...subdued. Comparatively speaking."
They were ushered through back alleys, avoiding the throngs of people that clogged the main arteries of the city. Portia met them at the front gates. Everyone appeared to be unscathed, but there was certainly a panic on. Guards barricading people at the bottom of the path.
Portia simply looked annoyed.
"What happened, Pasha?" Julian asked, following after her.
"Apparently he swanned around town for a while. Word spread fast," she said, her voice edgy.
"I thought you had him monitored? How did he get into the city? Did he hurt people?" Celeste asked, concerned. It was one thing for Lucio to be somewhere out in the ether, someone else's problem, but the fact that he was back...
"It's been a long time, Cela. He's really not a threat...we thought we could get away with less frequent checks. He took the lapse in supervision as permission to come home." she replied. Her wife was somewhere in the palace, holed up with her ex-husband. It would be trying under ideal circumstances. But, with Lucio, circumstances were rarely ideal.
When the palace doors, Nadia stood stalk straight at the top of the stairs overlooking the foyer, flanked by Lucio. Waiting.
They descended as the trio crossed the foyer. Nadia joined Portia, looking on. Portia looked nervous, but Nadia was all composure. Nerves of steel.
To say that time had been kind to Lucio was an understatement. How old would he be, now? Much older than he appeared. There was rather more white in his golden hair than there had been when last they had seen him, but it blended in beautifully. His appearance was more natural. He was not opulently adorned, his clothing more like the old portraits of a roguish young Mercenary, not the Count of Vesuvia. His alchemical arm still glittered, reflecting the light.
Apparently, his banishment had not quite been as hellish as Celeste had imagined. He was elegant. Regal. Composed. But, it did not temper her fear. It was still Lucio.
Lucio stood, towering over Celeste, appraising her. She waited for the blow. A sharp word. Something. Anything. His eyes still stained red, were rimmed by fine lines. He seemed softer.
He smiled at her. He smiled. A kind, genuine smile.
Celeste took a step back, searching his face. She couldn't trust what her eyes were seeing.
Julian looked equally shocked. "Lucio?" he implored, his eyes raking over his former employer's face, his body.
"It's good to see you too, Jules," Lucio said, his voice coy. He knew he had everyone on edge. And he reveled in it, a bit.
It was good to see them. All of them. Something he never thought he would admit, even to himself. He had loved Vesuvia. Truly, truly loved Vesuvia. He loved everyone here, in his way. These years of separation had pained him. Sobered him.
He had spent so much time being bitter. Scheming, planning. Plans that never came to fruition. And, even in his exile, his sweet Noddy had indulged him. Making sure he was well supplied. It was more than he deserved, but he had grown to truly appreciate her giving spirit with time and distance.
And he had built a life of his own. Made friends. Real friends. He had taken lovers. He was finally a man. Not a child. Truly beloved and embraced by his friends.
After years of being so embraced, it was hard to see these faces. This fear. He understood it. He could live with it. He would try to fix it if he could.
He sighed and produced a letter, extending it to Celeste between sharp fingertips. "Is it true?" he implored, gentle.
She didn't know what to make of that tone. Celeste stiffened, but nodded, making a noise of confirmation.
"So, you're Verner's daughter," he said, more statement than a question. "I don't see it, but...it makes sense." He stopped, contemplating what to say. "Verner was a good man. What I remember of him, anyway."
Celeste's eyes went wide. Did he remember her father? She hadn't considered that to be a possibility.
"Aedan looked like Verner. Aric. I... didn't see it, then. I was...preoccupied. To say the least." He said. He sounded genuinely contrite about it. "Aedan was a friend. You were always a flighty little pain in the ass. Had Valdemar in my business all the time, complaining about you. But...Aedan always got me. He always put up with me."
Asra appeared at the top of the stairs, taking them two at a time. He strode past Nadia and Lucio, wrapping his arm around Celeste's waist. His jaw was set and his eyes were hard. Magic and protection radiating off of him.
Lucio blinked, and a wicked grin spread across his features. "Oh, Jules. I thought she was your girl, the way you came in together. Unless you're sharing with Asra, here." He winked. "Linnea, maybe we are closer family than I thought. It seems like something I'd pull, too."
Asra made to speak, but Celeste nudged him, shaking her head. Not quite willing to open that can of worms and indulge him.
They stood in tense silence, unsure of what to do next.
Celeste sighed. "You didn't know, did you? That we were family? I mean...I have seen what you have done to your own blood. I can't imagine we would have been permitted to stay or...live. If you'd known."
Lucio shook his head. "Maybe I did. Aedan was pretty transparent about some things. The gifts he'd give. The stories he'd tell. When we were together it felt like...home." He appraised her. "I don't think I ever would have got it from you. You avoided me like the pl--... " he stopped, considering his verbiage. "You generally sent Julian in your place if you were summoned."
Julian made a noise. He didn't remember, either, but that did amuse him, somewhat. She was pushing him around for years, apparently. No wonder she was so good at it.
"It was Morga. She sent us to watch out for you," she said. That was a point of anger for her. Morga, who had put her and Muriel through such hell the first time she recalled meeting her, had been pulling the strings the whole time. She had respected Morga. Grieved her. She couldn't reconcile this information.
"Yeah, mom was about as subtle as a brick to the face. So, I guess...she did a good job with this one. Either that or she just knew I wasn't paying close enough attention to catch on." He considered for a moment. "Probably the latter."
Asra pulled a face. Was he really, truly owning up to his stupidity? Knock him over with a feather. What the hell was happening, here?
Nadia cleared her throat. "We're lingering in the foyer. Let us take refuge in the great hall. The servants will have dinner prepared. Some of us have traveled far to be in attendance today."
Asra scoffed. "You'll excuse me if I decline to eat with Lucio." he bit out. "We have a bad track record with his dinner parties if you'll recall."
Julian coughed, fighting back a laugh.
Lucio narrowed his eyes but didn't respond.
Nadia didn't bat an eyelash. She simply sighed. "All the same, you are all guests here. Come, sit. Drink."
Everyone knew better than to truly decline her hospitality. Awkward as the prospect may be.
They came to the banquet hall and took seats. Serving staff stood in the periphery, all looking rather nervous. Celeste imagined this was quite an event. The fallen Count, the source of so many stories, in their midst once more.
Asra leaned over to her and spoke, low. "Did Muriel get to the girls?" She nodded. At least, as far as she knew, he had. It made sense that Asra would have had guards collect him and send him to the children as a precaution. Why he wasn't there, now. Keeping them as far away from the palace as possible. Lucio was generally considered a loose cannon.
But, he didn't seem like a threat. He seemed...normal. That was information she wasn't sure how to process. The last months had been full of little revelations like this. It was an onslaught of new emotions. Building a narrative out of nothingness. Gaining a new context for every aspect of her life.
She reached out to grab the wine glass. She considered it for a moment and set it back down. Asra's words reverberating through her mind. As much as she'd like to be drunk for this...they truly did have a poor history with Lucio and dinner parties. Julian seemed equally reluctant to partake, eyes darting around the room.
Lucio had no such compunction. "Gods, Noddy. I think things have only gotten better. It's true. Distance does make the heart grow fonder."
It was the first time they had seen Nadia's veneer crack a bit. She closed her eyes and breathed a sigh. Her eyelids fluttered a bit, and she seemed to be struggling. Unsure of what to say.
Portia chimed in, reaching out to grab Nadia's hand, running her thumb over her knuckles reassuringly. "Nothing but the best, here. As you will remember."
Lucio eyed them and gave a nod of approval. "And good for you two. Congrats," he said, raising his glass. "I always knew you had it in you, Noddy. Glad to know the legacy of taking the help to bed didn't die with me."
Portia and Julian were both on their feet, spluttering, furious. Nadia's hand was on her forehead. Pained. Lucio laughed, putting his hands up in resignation. "Good to know that you're all as humorless as ever," he said, grinning from ear to ear. "I am serious. I'm happy for you. You look happy. Cheers."
The redheads settled, still tense. Julian's jaw was set. Portia's eyes fixed on him. They were both flushed scarlet.
Celeste and Asra gave silent, sympathetic glances. Asra had her hand under the table, squeezing it firmly.
"We would have taken a letter, Lucio. You didn't need to come." Celeste said, watching him.
"Oh, I wanted to come. I wanted to see you for myself," he replied, eyes fixed on hers. "I almost didn't believe it. But...I see it. You have my mother written all over your face." His gaze turned to Asra. "Do her eyes do that thing when she's pissed? Go gold?"
Asra tensed, but he nodded. He turned to Celeste. "You want to pull out the party trick? I think he'll probably appreciate it even less than Muriel."
She furrowed her brow, wondering if Asra was serious. He was. She drew a deep breath, and closed her eyes, turning her face back to Lucio. When her eyes opened, they were that same gold. Her face was hard. She spoke in Morga's voice. "If you wish to make up for your many shortcomings, you'd better start now."
Lucio's eyes went wide and he flailed a bit. "Oh, fuck." he spat, color draining from his face.
She made a noise in her throat. She felt as if Morga had given her strength. She settled back into herself, but her eyebrow was lifted, challenging Lucio.
He smoothed his hand over his chest, trying to catch his breath, steady his breathing. And of course, she'd pick that ominous statement. His shortcomings.
He took a deep breath, bearing up against the fear that she had stricken him with. Trying to find words. "You are...correct. My shortcomings are...numerous." he started. His eyes fell. He deflated a bit. "I don't expect forgiveness. I don't know that I can earn that. But...I'm not who I was."
His eyes went to Nadia. "You granted me grace. You gave me a home and an opportunity to start over. And I fought it for years. I wanted to take Vesuvia back. I wanted to overthrow you but...I couldn't. I didn't have anyone. Nobody was coming for me. I was defeated. I had to learn how to behave. How to work with people. How to fend for myself. I couldn't turn to Mercenary's work. The patrols you had on me made me learn how to live with myself. I had to seek people out and...treat them well. And they listened to me. They were kind to me. I...didn't know what to do with that. I still don't." he stopped. "But I'm learning. I am better, now. I promise you that."
Asra softened a bit, but he was still skeptical. "And what do you expect us to do with that information? Lucio...we all know you. You're a murderer. You enslaved people. You separated children from their parents. You were a literal vessel for the Devil." he said, rapid-fire. "What do you hope to gain, coming here? Do you want your power back? Do you want to try again with the Arcana? What can you do here that couldn't have been accomplished with a simple letter?"
Lucio shook his head. He tensed a bit, but, his words were patient, accepting Asra's frustration and anger. "I needed to see her. I needed to see Aedan's sister. I needed to know if there was a chance to have..." he stopped himself and took a deep breath. Unsure if he wanted to admit it out loud. "...another opportunity. Another chance at family."
He bit his lip, and his eyes welled a bit. Everyone else was a bit taken back by the show of emotion. Unsure of what to make of it. It seemed genuine.
Lucio continued. "I have singlehandedly destroyed or lost everyone who ever cared for me. I know where the blame falls. I can take responsibility for that, now. But, when I understood what I had done to you, Linnea. That you had died. And that you came back. And I...I stole your body from you. You, my last living relative. I destroyed our family. I killed you. I killed our Aedan." Tears did fall. He swallowed hard, trying to compose himself. "And you're here. And you...sent that letter. You gave me another chance. I can't thank you enough for that."
Celeste softened, and she felt her face go hot, and knew that tears were not far behind. The rest of the attending dinner guests stared on, disbelieving.
"När djävulen växer gammal blir han religiös ." Montag said, his voice soft. When the devil grows old, he becomes religious.
Celeste's eyes went wide, something snapping into place. "Bättre sent än aldrig." She said, not sure where the words were coming from. Her head swam.
Better late than never.
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