#celestine is her mommy !!!!!
theres-a-bea · 2 years
So we were right besties guoguo rlly is celestine's
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f1uckinghell · 1 year
I’m already obsessed with Celestine too! The prettiest pup ever with beautiful long thick hair with Charles’s eyes. Her being a super girly girl like Luna and them bonding over that. She definitely is mommy’s little princess. Maybe she takes after her maman and does modeling, but like seriously as a career when she gets older.
Calestine being the missing link between Evie and Luna too?? She's girly and loves stuff that Luna loves (also looks up to her) but she is also her mama's daughter, so she has a lot of temperament and is quite bold and courageous sometimes which helps her and Evie bond. She has a lot of attitude but is also incredibly cute and charming <3
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starblazekirara · 2 years
The Violet Star and the Owlet
Something I wrote a while back, when my OC Nova first meets Octavia and Stolas
A small crowd was talking in the back garden of the palace of Prince Stolas of the Ars Goetia. His wife Stella took the chance to host a tea party of sorts while he was away at the Hell counsel that day. A small 5 year old owlet with pink eyes stood near the back staying out of the way of the adults, their child Octavia stood around bored, even though her mother has to watch her for that day. Octavia didn't have any toys around her to try and play with, she went up to her mother.
“Can you play with me some mommy?” asked Octavia as she tugged on her mother's dress. Stella annoyed turned down to the little girl.
“Can't you see I'm busy child! I can't be bothered to play with you, go bother someone else.” Stella answered dryly with annoyance. The child thought she was just that, a pest to her mother, even thought she just wanted to play with her like more children do.
“Daddy would play with me.” Octavia said to herself. Her mother scoffed as she heard her.
“Well your father is at an important meeting, and won't be back till later, so, just play out of our way.” Stella shooed her daughter away from her and her guests. Octavia went back to her little spot in the garden and gave a little pout, she was going to bored at one of her mother's parties, again. But a green and black butterfly caught the little owlet's eye, it fluttered around her, Octavia giggled as she tried to catch it and started to follow it, but the insect slipped out between the bars of the back gate, Octavia was small enough to slip through the bars as well while her mother's back was turned and wandered away from the palace.
Meanwhile one other Goetia was out in the city this one was much older about 15, her name was Nova Celestine, her father held a presidential rank within the Goetia family, she didn't mind being low on the caste scale. But Nova had always been a bit different than other members in looks, she possessed the traditional white face as any other bird demons, hers was like new fallen snow, this delicate face was framed with ashen gray feathers that cascaded down her back, shades of lavender would grace ones eye when the light touched her hair just right. And unlike most members of the Goetia she also possessed a growing expanse of feathers from her knees downward, dark as rain clouds yet glimmered with lavender stars, each step she took the clouds soften them making her near silent as she walked.
Nova looked a slip of paper at an address that was written on it, she looked around but couldn't find it. She scratched her head out of confusion,
“Where is that place? Did I get the directions wrong?” Nova asked herself, she was about to ask someone when she heard it, the sound every demon fears, the sound of tornado like sirens. Nova looked at her flip phone only to see an alert that would make anyone's stomach drop.
'Alert! ALERT! EXTERMINATION NOW STARTING!! Seek shelter IMMEDIATELY!!' Demons, imps and sinners of all kinds scrambled to get into a nearby stable shelter.
“But it wasn't suppose to happen till tomorrow! Crap! There's got to be a-” Nova told herself, somehow she over the screaming and shouting, she heard crying, the crying of child, she followed it till she found a owlet in the middle of the street, crying. Nova could see she was a pink starry dress, and had pink eyes Octavia had gotten lost and was only seen by the one with lavender eyes.
“Is that a kid?! Why is she alone when it's about to become a bloodbath down here?!” Nova asked herself, she looked between a safe building and back to the child, any other heartless being would leave the child to save their own skin, but this wasn't her, she couldn't let an innocent die in this sick version of a purge.
“I-I can't leave her!” said Nova as she dashed out into the street and scooped up a crying Octavia, the child looked up at who had just saved her.
“Hey don't be scared, you'll be safe with me, where are your parents?” Nova asked in a frantic state.
“I wandered away from home, and-and now I'm lost!” Octavia cried.
“Listen you know what those sirens mean right?” Nova asked her. Octavia was trying to find her voice in all the chaos that was happening around her, she then remembered what her father had told her about if she ever heard those sirens.
“My daddy told me they meant something bad was to happen, but it only happened once a year.” young Octavia answered her rescuer. Nova was relieved that the little girl knew about them.
“Right, we need to wait this out somewhere safe, no one will let us in right now, but we'll find a place.” Nova told the child as they got out of the open, the older girl ducked between ally-ways and shadows while keeping the child close to her, shielding her from any carnage they came across.
“I-I-I want to go home......I.....I want daddy and mommy...” Octavia whimpered as she buried her face in Nova's feathers, the teen brought her face up to her own.
“Oh, I know you do sweetheart, but as soon as this is over with we'll go find them.” said Nova. Octavia rubbed away some tears from her eyes.
“Y-you promise?” asked Octavia. Nova smiled warmly at her.
“Of course, but what's your name?” Nova replied.
“Octavia, and you're older than me.” said Octavia.
“Yeah, but I'm Nova, and we're friends now that we know each other's names.” Nova told her. Octavia smiled she at least wasn't alone in a scary place anymore. She couldn't wait to tell her father about her new friend. Nova looked around.
“But right now we need some shelter to wait this out otherwise-” screaming cut off what she was about to say next.
“That's going to be us, no place will let us in right now! Where can we-” Nova told the child as they ran, but screaming and shouting was anywhere they went, but rounding a corner she was met with tall figures with angel wings and white glowing weapons standing over a pile of dead demons.
“Oh no, Exterminators!” Nova explained. One of them heard her and turned. Nova kept a tight hold of Octavia and shielded her from what was before them. 'They spotted us!' thought Nova. Both Exterminators turned to them, fear rose in the older girls throat, she pressed the owlet close to her and looked down at her.
“Listen sweetheart, close your eyes and keep them shut, we're going to be okay.” Nova told her, Octavia did what she was told and buried her face in Nova's top, using her free hand a spark of starry violet fire lit up in her hand.
'I swore I'd never use this, but I have very little choice, I promised to get her home.' thought Nova. A spear was raised to them when a large shadow darted between them, the blade being cut in half clattering to the ground.
“Don't even think it!” the figure growled, Nova looked up and saw a very imposing female Hellhound between her and the Exterminators. Her fur was a dark gray with black markings on her face and legs along with her wrists, her tail had a gold chain around it and as a belt on her torn up Capri's. Nordic runes were tattooed on her right arm in red, shoulder length light navy hair stood out second only to her green eyes, a lot of hounds had red eyes but green was something else.
“I am Arnora Helblod, direct descent of Finrir. That child is a member of the Ars Goetia, her father is a very powerful prince, and what do you dumb-asses think will happen when he finds out you killed her? You want an all out war?!” the hound shouted, the Exterminators looked between each other.
'Wait, this child is a member of the Goetia like me? But her father is.....is a prince?!” thought Nova as she looked down at Octavia, her eyes still shut tightly. The Exterminators looked between each other and spoke between themselves. Nova couldn't understand what they were saying.
'That hound is way too strong for us, and she's right, Goetia members are off limits, we don't want a war to start over this.' one of them said.
'If we kill the child of a powerful prince you're right, we're done here anyways, lets go to the next area.' the second one said, both Exterminators left. The fires in Nova's hand died down as Arnora turned to them.
“Arnora was your name? Thank you.” said Nova.
“If you don't want to be here when they come back, follow me.” Arnora told her Nova started to follow the hound, doing her best tot keep up with her while carrying a little owlet.
“What's your name?” Arnora asked as they ran.
“Nova.” she answered. They came upon a what looked like a shelter that was hardly used let alone known about, at the door was another Hellhound that looked no older than Octavia, her fur was the same as Arnora's and the hair was a lighter blue than her own, one eye of hers was green the other blue, the pup waved to them.
“Mom!” called the pup, taking Nova's hand the two ran for the door.
“Lyssa! Get ready to shut that door, we got guests!” Arnora shouted, Lyssa was the pup's name, once inside the door slammed shut and with a few twists of the handle was locked, the two caught their breath as a light was turned on, there wasn't much, a few blankets and a radio to keep a listen for things outside, but nothing would be able to get in.
“You guys can wait the day out here, not a chance anything will get in.” Arnora told them. Nova sat on a nearby bench, catching her breath, Octavia looked around when she saw they had stopped running.
“I can't even start to thank-” Nova was interrupted when Octavia saw the hound and knew her right away.
“Auntie Arnora?” Octavia whimpered. Arnora's eye's widened when she saw the owlet Nova was holding in her arms, her heart almost stopped when she saw how scared she looked.
“What the?! Octavia?! What in the name of Odin are you doing out here?!” Arnora exclaimed as she knelt down to the child, checking her over, relieved she was unharmed.
“You know her?!” said Nova.
“Her father is my best friend, prince Stolas, I am Octavia's godmother.” Arnora answered. Nova gulped when she learned that Octavia's father was the rank of a prince.
'Oh crap! I just saved the daughter of a high ranking member!' Nova's thoughts screamed out. Arnora snarled as her claws dug into the ground, trying to stay happy and calm for the child's sake.
“Octavia, where is your mother?” Arnora asked trying to stay calm.
“At the palace.....I.....I wandered off, I just wanted to play.....and got lost...” Octavia answered. Arnora took a deep breath and stood up, she looked like she was going to kill the next thing she laid her eyes on, her hands balled up into fists.
“Of course she was having a party and didn't pay attention, oh Stolas is going to love this.” Arnora told herself, before she pulled out her phone.
“I have to call him, can you keep an eye on her until I get back?” Arnora asked Nova , the teen nodded as she still held the owlet.
The owl prince paced the floor of one of the spare rooms of the counsel halls, on the phone with his wife yelling at her, his feathers and temper rose each time he spoke with her.
“What do you mean you can't find her Stella?! Our daughter is out there and there's an Extermination happening right outside our home! You were suppose to watch her but you HAD TO HAVE A PARTY!!!! IF ANYTHING happens to our little girl, consider divorce papers in my hand when I get back!” Stolas shouted into the phone. He heard incoherent screaming on the other end, so loud Stolas held the phone away from his head, once the volume went down he brought it back up to his head.
“Oh I wish I was joking woman! I-” A second phone rang in the office, Stolas looked at the ID and saw who it was, he groaned as he rolled his eyes.
“Uhggg, I need to take this call, we'll talk about this when I get back!” Stolas exclaimed as he slammed the phone back onto the receiver. He tried to calm his thoughts, his little owlet is outside the palace walls on one of the worst days of the year, but talking to his best friend might help, even help find her. He picked up the second phone.
“Arnora now is really not the time for-” Stolas was cut off by the hounds voice.
“Stolas shut your beak for 5 seconds! I have Via! She's in my bunker with myself and Lyssa along with-” The second the owl prince is daughter was safe, his face lit up, the worst thoughts left his mind, Arnora would never be this cruel as a joke to him.
“Via's with you?! She's safe?!” the prince exclaimed, he felt himself about to collapse onto the floor with relief, he held on to a chair to keep from falling, his heart was racing.
“Yes, and we'll chew your hag wife out when this is over with and-.” Arnora could hear her friend about to have a form of panic attack.
“Oh thank the cosmos she's safe, Stella told me she couldn't find her I just.....” Stolas could feel his mind racing is Arnora had told him other wise. She could hear the relief in his voice, but also the shear fear in it as well, the hound had never heard her friend with this much fear in him.
“I know, but she's safe right now, with her new friend and us.” Arnora assured him.
“Wait, new friend?” asked Stolas as he sat up a bit.
“Yeah, she found Via when I caught to up with them, just in time too.” Arnora told him. Stolas gulps and felt himself about to break down in that office space, he needed to hear his daughter's voice, to know he's was still slightly sane.
“I want to talk to them, please Arnora.” Stolas almost begged her.
“Alright Stol, just give me a few minutes, Nova is trying to help calm Via down.” Arnora told him as she peaked over her shoulder looked back at her daughter Lyssa hugging the smaller child, while Nova held Octavia in a blanket as she sat on the floor. It was the first time Stolas had heard this young woman's name. “Nova?” he asked.
“That's the girl's name, looks very much like a Goetia, she must be low rank cause I've never seen her before, she looks 15 maybe, just a teen, But this girl is a spitfire, she was about to fight an Exterminator to keep Via safe.” Arnora told him.
“If you didn't show up....please, let me talk to them.” said Stolas. Arnora smiled as she turned back to the rest of the group. “Alright, hang on.” She told her friend.
“There, feel a little better honey?” Nova asked Octavia as wrapped the child up in the blanket. Octavia looked like she wanted to cry.
“Sort of, I just want to go home, I want my daddy...” Octavia sniffled as she wiped some tears away from her eyes. Nova couldn't help but feel her soul crack seeing this child cry, scared and wanting her family. Nova held her close and wiped away some more tears.
“I know sweetheart, and you'll be back with before you know it, it's just not safe right now.” Nova told the child. Arnora came over an knelt down to them, holding the same phone, the owlet looked at her hound godmother.
“Octavia, I have your dad on the phone, you can at least talk to him, until you can get home. And he wants to talk to you as well.” Arnora told the child then looked to the young lady, Nova felt herself turn bright red and didn't know how to respond to this, she had never spoken to such a high ranking member of the Goetia before in her life.
“M-me?! Her father is a prince, I'm just the daughter of a president, lowest rank there is. Why would he even-” Arnora placed a hand on Nova's shoulder and smiled at her.
“Trust me on this, he doesn't give a crap about rank.” Arnora told her. Nova still needed some time to build up nerve, she looked down at Octavia then back to Arnora.
“Let, let Octavia talk to him first.” Nova told her.
“Stol, here she is.” Arnora told her friend before giving the phone to the small owlet, she brought it up to her face. Stolas was waiting with baited breath before he heard the voice that was always music to him. “Daddy?!” Octavia spoke into the phone, his heart jumped into his throat the second he heard his child's voice.
“Octavia! It's me Octavia dear! Oh thank the stars you're safe, you had me so worried.” Stolas told his daughter, trying his best not to cry from happiness.
“I-I just wanted to play daddy and I wandered away from the palace, are.....are you mad at me? Am I in trouble?” Octavia asked him in a scared voice. He had never heard her this scared before and he wasn't there to comfort her, to make her feel better like before.
“No, no no no dearest, I'm not mad, I'm just happy you're somewhere safe.” assured Stolas. Octavia let a few sobs escape before she tired to speak again. Stolas could feel his heart breaking at the sound of his daughter's crying and him not being there was tearing at him.
“I-I-I want to come home daddy, I'm....I'm really scared.” Octavia sobbed. If he could he would have reached through the phone to hold her, hug her, tell her everything was going to be alright if he was there with her.
“I know my starfire I know you do, but it isn't safe for Arnora to bring you back just yet, but you get to have a sleep-over with Lyssa, you always have fun at them, just like when she stays over at our home, but listen, I know this is very scary, but, I know you are my brave little starfire, everything will be alright, you will be okay, remember my song?” Stolas did his best as always to comfort his daughter, all while trying to keep from crying as he talked with her.
“Yes...” Octavia told him softly, he forced a smile over the phone.
“That's my brave owlet, now, can I speak with the young lady who found you?” Stolas asked her.
“You mean big sister Nova?” replied Octavia. The prince gave a slight chuckle, she barely knew her savior and was already calling her a big sister.
“Already have a second big sister now? Hm, I see nothing wrong with that, but let me talk to her though.” said Stolas. “Alright.” Octavia replied.
“And Octavia?” Stolas asked her. “Yes?” Octavia answered back to him.
“I'll call you back tonight, to sing you that lullaby, and I promise, I will be there at the palace entrance waiting for you when this is all over with.” said Stolas.
“Really?” Octavia asked him sounding hopeful.
“Yes, really, just be good for auntie Arnora, and.....let me talk with big sister Nova.” Stolas answered her. Octavia nodded and passed the phone to Nova.
“Daddy wants to talk to you.” Octavia told her sister figure as she handed her the phone. Nervously Nova took it from the child's hand.
'Oh great, I have to talk to a prince. Just breath, you did nothing wrong.' Nova thought to herself as she placed the phone near hear face.
“H-he-hello? Your highness?” Nova spoke with a shaken manner in her tone.
“Are you lady Nova?” asked Stolas. The older girl gulped, she still had some fears about answering to one of the higher ranks, but she knew how to talk to nobility, and he did sound kind, just worried for his daughter more than his own life.
“I-I am, your highness-” Nova answered him.
“Oh! You have no idea how thankful I am for what you've done! You saved my daughter, I am forever grateful to you! If there's anything you want from me, clothes, jewelry, rare books, magic lessons anything you want and I will make sure you have it.” Stolas told her.
Nova was surprised at the generosity of the prince, all these items for her because his child was safe? She must mean so much to him, but she didn't want anything, she couldn't take anything from him just out of the goodness that was a rare thing in the 7 rings.
“Y-your highness, I-I don't want anything like that, just knowing that your daughter is safe and back with you is more than enough for me.” Nova told him. Stolas was shocked, this young lady didn't want a fancy dress or jewels like most girls her age would have asked for in a heartbeat. He had never heard this kind of thing before in his life.
“Such modesty for a young lady like yourself, my daughter could learn a thing or two from you, and you don't have to keep calling me your highness, no need for such formalities among friends, please call me Stolas.” He spoke to her again. Nova gave a small smile.
“If.....if you want me to, but I do promise, I will protect Octavia.” Nova said to him, but what he told her next was a surprise.
“I fully trust you with my daughter, better than I trust my wife right about now.” replied Stolas, Nova gave a nervous chuckle before she gulped.
“You don't even know me that well yet, and you'd still trust me with your little girl?” Nova asked him. Stolas smiled on the other end of the phone.
“I can tell from your from your voice, and Arnora told me you risked your life to save her, not many would have done what you just did, I look forward to meeting you in person when you bring my daughter back, please take good care of her.” Stolas answered.
“S-she is safe with me, I promise.” Nova vowed to the prince. Stolas smiled as a few hidden tears fell from his face. “Thank you.” said Stolas before he hung up the phone and just broke down in the chair he was sitting in.
Outside the carnage still raged outside, the fate of those not in a shelter was sealed. Those in the hidden bunker did their best to block out the sounds they were hearing. Arnora stood up to look outside, it had already become dark, the half way mark of this event. Once chimes rang out at midnight, it would all be over. She came back over to her friends.
“Well, it's nightfall, just make it till morning and this will be all over with.” Arnora told them. Nova got up to stretch some from all the siting she had been doing.
“Dose this just get longer every year mom? It feels like it.” Lyssa asked her mother. Arnora sat next to her and held her closer.
“Feels like it, I'll turn on the radio in the morning to hear when it's over, then we can head to Stolas's palace.” Arnora told them. Nova looked back over at Octavia, who hadn't moved from her spot and was just trying her best to not start crying again. The teen silently walked over to this child. “Daddy...” Octavia whimpered, Nova sat next to the frightened child, putting an arm around her.
“You really miss your dad, huh?” asked Nova. Octavia sniffled as she rubbed her eyes.
“Mommy's never around, she's always having these parties, she tell me to leave when I want to play, she never wants to play with me or be at her parties.” Octavia answered..
“You mother doesn't sound very nice.” Nova told her.
“I've met her, and trust me, she is a real piece of work.” Arnora told Nova, Octavia curled up closer to Nova, the teen guessed the warmth reminded the child of her father and just wanted that form of comfort at the time.
“Is she that bad?” Nova asked.
“If a black mamba could that would be her.” scoffed Arnora.
'Okay there's an image.' thought Nova. A vibration sound from Arnora's phone caught her ear. She picked it up and saw who it was on the caller ID.
“Via, it's your dad again.” Arnora called over. Octavia darted over to her godmother.
“He kept his promise!” Octavia exclaimed with happiness, Arnora smiled at her as she messed with a little bit of her hair.
“Has he ever broken one to you yet, my sweet little raven.” said Arnora, she flipped opened her phone and hit the answer button before turning it over to Octavia.
“Daddy!” Octavia spoke with such happiness. Stolas could feel himself trying not to cry once again when he heard his daughter's voice.
“Via! Oh my owlet you have no idea how good it is to hear your voice, even if it's over a phone, are you about ready to go to sleep?” Stolas asked her.
“I know you'll be waiting for me at home when I wake up right? And you can tell me stories at bedtime like always?” Octavia asked him. The prince choked back some tears upon hearing his daughter's request, he always did his best to tell his daughter a bedtime story every night.
“As many stories as you want my starfire, as many as your little heart desires.” Stolas answered. He then heard whimpering and he could feel his heart start to break once more hearing her about to cry.
“Are you still a little scared my dear? That I'm not there, and all the sounds outside?” Stolas asked his daughter. Octavia started to cry once again, Stolas could hear her over the phone once more.
“Y-yes.....I'm.....I'm trying to be brave and.....not cry but-” Octavia broke down crying. Oh how desperately Stolas wanted to reach through the phone and hug his daughter tightly, to tell her how things were going to be okay.
“Via dear shhhh shhh it's alright, even the bravest of us get scared, I-I'm actually scared right now.” Stolas did his best to comfort her over the phone.
“Really? But I've never seen you scared.” said Octavia.
“I am now, because I thought I was going to lose you, and I always have to be brave for you, that's how you know everything will be okay, and if it's not okay, then it's not the end, you just have to be brave for tonight, alright?” Stolas said to his daughter.
“I-I'll try.” Octavia told him before he heard a tiny yawn on the other end of the line.
“Sounds like someone is sleepy, ready for that lullaby I promised you?” asked Stolas. Octavia rubbed her eyes as she tired to stay awake “Yes.” Octavia answered sleepily.
“Good, now make yourself comfortable, and pretend you're back home in your bed, safe and sound.” Stolas started to speaking softly. Then a soft melody came through the phone putting almost everyone to sleep, Lyssa curled up under a blanket near her mother, while Octavia used part of Nova's dress as a pillow as she too was fast asleep under the covers. Nova could barely stay awake herself. Arnora slipped the phone back from a sleeping owlet.
“She's asleep Stol.” Arnora told her friend.
“Arnora, thank you so much for this.” Stolas replied.
“What are best friends for, you'd know I'd do anything to make sure my god-daughter is safe, because god's help the one who hurts her.” Arnora nearly snarled. Stolas gave a nervous laugh before he gulped, he knew this hounds temper all too well.
“I have not forgotten your temper, not in the least, and Stella sure hasn't.” replied Stolas. The hound smirked at the name of his wife.
“Chew that bitch out yet?” Arnora asked.
“We had a nice little chat, she's no longer allowed to host parties on days she has to keep an eye on Via, at least until she's older, and the garden's gates leading outside to t he city are going to be locked whenever she's out there.” answered Stolas. Arnora gave a light laugh.
“Really stepping up your game, Stolas you're a great dad, don't let Stella tell you other-wise, she doesn't know you like I do.” Arnora told him, the prince gave a smile.
“Thank you Arnora, I'll see all of you tomorrow.” Stolas told her.
“See you then.” said Arnora before they both hung up their phones, Arnora placed the phone within reach just to be safe before she too covered herself with a blanket and started to fall asleep. In the middle of the night, Nova was stirred awake by soft crying, she looked down in her lap and saw it was Octavia crying.
'Poor thing must be having a nightmare.' thought Nova, she placed her hand on the child's head and started to softly sing to her, just like her father had done.
“You're okay, you're alright, I'll never ever leave your side, I will stay, I will fight, for you.” Nova sang the melody then hummed it as she saw Octavia starting to calm back down. The teen smiled down at the child before falling back asleep herself. What sounded like fireworks woke up Arnora, she looked around and saw the others were still dead asleep, carefully she stood up so as not to wake her daughter. She found a pocket radio she kept on hand in the shelter, she turned it on with a click and heard the Radio Demon, Alastor's voice.
“And it's over now folks, we've gone through yet another Extermination, to those who are alive, well done you, just hope you can survive through to next year and-” Arnora turned it off, all she wanted to hear was that it was at last done with.
“Good we can take her home now, rise and shine everyone, we lived.” Arnora turned to her friends.
“It's really over?” Nova asked as Octavia yawned and rubbed her eyes trying to wake up, Lyssa stretched out a little. The larger hound nodded, if she wasn't already sitting down Nova would have fainted back onto the floor.
“Now to get you home Octavia, your dad has probably pulled out half of his feathers with stress worrying about you.” Arnora told the owlet, before standing up, Octavia hugged Nova's waist.
“Thank you for staying with me Nova.” Octavia told her. Nova couldn't help but hug the little girl back. Arnora unlocked the door and motioned for her two companions to follow her. Lyssa stepped out ahead of them and waited in an apartment stairwell.
“Bye bye Lys!” Octavia called out to her friend and waved.
“See ya later Via!” Lyssa shouted towards her friend as they left.
Arnora guided them through the city, avoiding where the turf wars were being raged, and punched away creeps or showed her teeth to them. When Octavia felt herself becoming tired she asked Nova to carry her. The hound was surprised how well the two were getting along, almost like they were sisters, the same way her pup got along with the owlet, there was something about this young lady. The sight of purple starry colored walls came into view, Arnora knew those walls.
“I can see the walls of the Palace, almost there.” Arnora told them.
“You should meet daddy big sister Nova, he might like you.” Octavia told her new sister figure.
“Um, I-I don't know if might like me Via honey, I-I'm pretty shy when meeting others.” Nova explained. Arnora chuckled at what she heard.
“Well he isn't shy at all, his wife on the other hand....I feel like I need to keep a spray bottle of holy water on hand for that witch.” said Arnora. There must be some bad blood between these two women to go at each others throats like this.
“You really hate her that much?” Nova asked the hound, they arrived at the gate. “Hate doesn't being to cover it.” answered Arnora as the gate opened up. At the foot of the steps was a tall owl man, looking so worried to the point where he might give out, his red eyes wide.
“Pacing at the steps, just like I thought.” Arnora told herself.
“Is that?” Nova started to ask.
“Yep, Prince Stolas, Via's dad.” answered Arnora. Octavia caught sight of the taller owl pacing in front of the palace, she felt her heart light up at the sight of her father, just as he promised, he was waiting for all of them, waiting for her.
“Daddy!” Octavia called out. Stolas stopped pacing, wondering if he was hearing things, it was his daughter's voice, it wasn't over a phone this time. “Octavia?!” Stolas called out, when he turned, he saw his Hellhound friend and another young lady, and in her arms was his daughter, safe. Nova placed Octavia on the ground. Stolas ran out as he saw his daughter running to him.
“Oh Octavia! You're safe!” Stolas cried out as he scooped his daughter into his arms and held her tightly, scared she was going to vanish, he kissed the top of her head as tears of joy fell from his eyes.
“I-I'm sorry daddy.....I didn't mean to leave the garden and-and...” Octavia started to cry on his shoulder. This time he was actually here for her, Stolas pulled her off his shoulder and used a finger to wipe away her stray tears.
“It's alright Via, I have my starfire back safe in my arms again, that's all I care about, I thought I'd lost you forever, because of your mother.” Stolas comforted his daughter all while trying not to cry himself as he held her tightly, he felt a hand on his shoulder.
“Stol, she's alive, that's what matters, deal with Stel later.” Arnora told her friend. Stolas took a few deep breaths. Then looked at his daughter.
“You're right, I am taking the day off from meetings and whatever needs to be done, and spending the day with my daughter.” Stolas said.
“Really?” Octavia asked. He nodded.
“Anything you want to do today Via, we'll do it, go to the park, get ice cream, go stargazing, whatever you want to do.” answered Stolas as he hugged her again.
“But you need to meet big sister Nova first.” said Octavia. The prince had almost forgotten about his daughter's savior, he could see the teen trying not to be noticed, she looked away from him as he approached her. Nova gulped, she was far too nervous.
“You must be Nova.” said Stolas. She quickly bow to him.
“I-I am sire.” Nova answered, she dare not look up at and closed her eyes to be sure she didn't look at him, but he spoke with a kind voice to her.
“Your eyes, may I see them?” Stolas asked her.
“Really?” Nova replied to him. Stolas smiled at her.
“I can tell a lot about someone by looking into their eyes, and your voice sounds just as beautiful as it did over the phone.” answered Stolas. Trembling from the nervousness she felt, Nova raised her head and opened her eyes, the prince was taken back, he had never seen such eyes like these before.
“Eyes like amethysts, such a rare color, you have such beautiful eyes dear.” Stolas told her. Nova felt her heart racing when she saw the owl prince this close, but to say she had beauty was something she had never heard before.
“I-I-I have to leave, I'm glad Octavia's safe with you again, goodbye!” exclaimed Nova before she ran for the palace gate. “Wait I-” Stolas tried to follow her but by the time he reach the gate she had rounded the corner and was gone.
“I haven't thanked you properly.” Stolas added. Octavia looked up her father before looked back onto the street.
“Where did she go daddy?” asked Octavia.
“She might have had to go home dear.” Stolas answered her as he hugged her again and Octavia hugged her father back.
“Will I see her again? I really liked her.” Octavia told him, Stolas smiled.
“Maybe, you might find her again or she might find us, the world works in mysterious ways, and the stars might a line for us to see her again, someday when you're older.” Stolas told her. Octavia giggle as she felt her father's forehead against her own.
“But let's get you back inside, you've been through enough the last two days.” added Stolas as they returned into the palace walls. Nova peaked out from the wall she hid behind to get one last look at the kind owl prince, she had never felt her heart race before until she saw him.
'A prince, and I just ran off! He said I have beautiful eyes and voice, no one has ever told me that.....' thought Nova. She placed her hand over her chest, she felt a tiny smile upon her face and her face starting to feel warmth from the blushing.
'I want to see him again, one day.' Nova thought to herself one more time before she started the way home.
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adolin-is-best-boy · 2 years
HERE THEY ARE!!! this is only the first 5, and there are like over 20 so far, but ill be sure to post the other more important ones soon! 
(9/10 edit: changed some small details of the images!)
this is the picrew i used to make these images: https://picrew.me/image_maker/197705
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Malakai (AKA Kai) (he/they)
- MAIN protag 
- fairly easygoing and calm, but can have extreme determination 
- no innate magic, nor can he cast spells
- best friends with Atlas, will stand beside her always
- reliable, very caring and extremely loyal, can also lead well when needed
- really tall !!
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Atlas (he/she)
- main protag/deuteragonist
- loud, excitable, loves to joke/mess around, often comes across childish
- the prophesied Final Angel, very powerful and chaotic magic
- best friends with Malakai
- very protective, extremely reckless
- good emotional support for those he knows very well
- bottles up her emotions frequently
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Thorne Undergrove (she/they)
- protag
- serious, cynical, cold, can come across as stuck-up
- defensive magic that she uses offensively 
- Tarot’s twin
- extremely protective over Tarot
- cautious and competent !!! 
- hates Atlas (not in a cute enemies to lovers thing, she genuinely hates his guts)
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Tarot Undergrove (AKA Ro, Cards) (he/him)
- protag
- shy, sweet, smart
- can read the future with his cards, one of the few prophets
- Thorne’s twin, loves her very much
- can be suprisingly brave and reckless, also a bit rebellious
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Celestin Cross (he/him)
- antagonist (later becomes a protag/redemtion arc :D)
- a bit uptight and somewhat cold yet honorable
- prefers using spells over his innate magic
- heir to the Cross family’s company
- trying very hard to stop being self-centered
- very emotional under his calm mask, thinks he’s more calculating than he actually is
- slow to trust, trusts (almost?) no one
- daddy AND mommy issues
- short
please ask me questions about them /nf
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401kgoldira · 3 years
Best Place To Get An IRA
What Is A Gold IRA This network marketing business has been granted the TRUSTe Personal privacy Certification eco-friendly seal for demonstrating as well as preserving personal privacy policies that fulfill or surpass program standards. In the 1960s American soul and also rock music prevailed, as well as in 1971 the "Heart to Spirit" celebration assisted link the globes of American black music and also of highlife, hence returning the preeminence to guitar-based bands: Nana Kwame Ampadu's African Brothers International Band, that reduced Ebi Connect Ye (1967 ), Okukuseku, Noble Kings, Ashanti Brothers, Nana Ampadu, City Boys, Hi-Life International. In Nigeria, one of the most influential highlife bands included: Rex Lawson's Mayors Dance Band, Celestine Ukwu's Philosophers National, Osita Osadere's Soundmakers International, Asian Brothers International Band, Orlando Owoh's Omimah Band, Oliver Akanite de Coque's Exposition '76 Ogene Super Sounds. The most effective thing to do is do your research study. Offering your gold can be a simple, wonderful method to make quick money, yet may turn into a negative experience if you manage the incorrect company. Looking a business up on the Bbb internet site is a start. Search for recent complaints and also overall complete satisfaction. Additionally consider the firm's web site to see to it that you recognize what you are mosting likely to be obtaining for your gold. Business should make it extremely easy for you to recognize precisely how much you will obtain for your gold and also stroll you through the process. If needed during any part of the procedure, you must additionally make sure that you have accessibility to a real gold professional or business representative that can assist. Equity Trust Firm is the nation's leading supplier of self-directed Individual retirement accounts and also 401( k) s, with more than 130,000 clients in all 50 states and also close to $11 billion dollars of retirement properties under management. The business relies on self-directed pension as ideal vehicles for generating long-lasting riches, as they enable financiers the freedom to spend funds as they identify. At Equity Trust fund Company, grievances about limiting standard retired life programs are frequently heard, and also the firm replies to these issues by offering information regarding the alternatives readily available with self-directed programs. To the placement of Chief Financial Officer at Arizona Gold and also Onyx Mining Co., Richard Johnson brings a wide range of experience at the senior exec levels in the areas of Business Money, Company Planning & Operations, R&D as well as Administration. His considerable strengths in the areas of Financing as well as Corporate Administration will considerably assist the Business as it advances in the direction of production at Mayer. Best Gold IRA Rollover Golden IRA One specific type of silver requirement is the silver exchange, entailing business whose products (exchange-traded notes, exchange-traded funds, and also mutual funds) are based upon the rate of silver Several of these products are backed by physical silver assets, others are not. As the price of silver can rise and fall significantly (specifically in its relation to gold), silver exchange products can be based on furthermore volatility. Frying Pan American Silver is one of the largest silver-focused miners in the world, generating 25.9 million ounces of silver in 2019. Expert Lawson Winder states Pan American's 85% revenue direct exposure to silver as well as gold, in addition to its strong annual report, its varied profile, as well as its focus on resources returns, make it a leading play in the silver space. In addition to the rising cost of living trade, there is a much higher need for commercial silver than gold, making Frying pan American a prospective financial healing profession also. Bank of America has a "purchase" score and also $53 cost target for PAAS stock. Ruby companies began to appear in Colorado, Montana and also Wyoming As Well As the Kelsey Lake diamond mine opened up on the boundary south of Laramie - yet quickly closed as a result of legal issues. Other firms got other homes in the same area and located enough diamonds for industrial manufacturing In between 2004 to 2006, the Wyoming Geological Study was decimated by a sociopath who is still free. For moral and a reasons, I made a decision to take layoff as well as run US expedition for DiamonEx Ltd, an Australian Mining Company with interests in Botswana. And I had a fantastic time until the marketplace crash of 2008, which put several small mining firms bankrupt. Henry was born upon July 1, 1837 to Pauline as well as Jared Rathbone in Albany, New York City. His daddy was a well-off businessman and mayor of Albany from 1838 till his resignation in 1841. After his dad's fatality, his mommy wed Supreme Court Justice Individual Retirement Account Harris. It was right here where he fulfilled his stepsister Clara Harris who in time will become his love rate of interest, despite the fact that they were related by marital relationship. IRA Providers Harpending was one of California's leading sponsors, and a close, intimate buddy of Arnold as well as Slack. Harpending, a southern gent from Hopkinsville, Kentucky, had numerous mining interests, although Harpending had been linked in some plots potentially related to salting of some gold residential or commercial properties in California. Went up to the Wild Am last weekend. We stayed at Twin Rivers camping area and had a blast! The people at the camping area were amazing as well as I highly recomend staying there. We did some digging satisfied a few other people prospecting who were really frendly and valuable. It was my first time out as well as with the help of individuals I satisfied as well as an individual that let me obtain a tiny sluice box I discovered some gold! Very little but it was something. In 3rd century BC, Kautilya, in his publication Arthashastra, discussed a strange high thickness greasy liquid as a source of gold. This liquid ore was acquired from holes as well as fractures of the range of mountains. According to this book, one part of that liquid enabled the conversion of 100 components of copper or silver into gold which obtained deposited on the surface of the less cathodic steels like silver and also copper. BO's are in its simplicity projections of share, money, commodity or index price adjustments over a provided period. BO's are a straightforward, online type of investment in which the results are shown promptly contrasted to typical commerce. It is necessary to recognize that the Binary financier will certainly never possess anything, yet try to only predict price modifications. Genuine price of commodities there's no little consequence, since the objective is just to predict the increase or loss price. BO's have just 2 feasible end results. The revelation is either incorrect or real, relying on the investment in the rate modifications ahead of time agreed amount of time. Otherwise, acquiring real estate within an IRA account can end up being costly. Some custodians charge costs for composing checks, moving titles and even a portion for managing an un-invested cash money equilibrium. If you acquire numerous residences, as an example, you might always have a cash balance in the account. Actually, you need one. Every one of the costs related to acquiring and also keeping a building has to come out of the account. Seminoe Mountains area. The Seminoe Hills lie near the main component of the state northeast of the town of Rawlins and also north of Sinclair. On Bradley Height, at the western end of the range, a tiny group of mines were dug on slim quartz veins. Numerous specimen-grade samples of gold-bearing quartz were found on the mine discards by Teacher Hausel in 1981 which cause a gold rush. For several weeks, every motel space in Saratoga as well as Rawlins was occupied from geologist from around the globe trying to obtain the first claims around. Deweese Creek, which drains pipes the Penn mines, reveals really little evidence of placer mining. Yet based upon the number of examples found with visible gold on the mine unloads, this creek possibly has some gold. Somers is rather the entrepreneur. She markets wellness as well as appeal items, and also her business has actually sold greater than 10 million ThighMasters. "I've done a great deal of things in my job," she claimed, "but I believe I'm constantly mosting likely to be best-known for the ThighMaster." This is probably true. ThighMaster sales have actually exceeded $100 million. Unlike the California Gold Rush, the modern-day Gold Thrill is different in many methods. For beginners, those hurrying to purchase gold or Gold Individual Retirement Account are affluent individuals, old as well as young. Nonetheless, just as it was at that time during the Gold Thrill, false information regarding purchasing gold Individual Retirement Account are plentiful, as well as the task of looking for information on the web can be frustrating and also intimidating for some folks. Let's take into consideration several of the standard details you need to understand prior to you beginning seeking a gold IRA dealership to invest your tough made money into a gold IRA. Since you check out superb methods that specialists have made use of in order to be successful at buying and selling gold, do you feel confident to proceed right into this market? All it takes is a bit of education like you obtained right here and any person can do well. Utilize these approaches as well as examine them till you feel confident to spend your hard-earned money in the gold market. Top steels customer China depends on South America for a big percentage of its copper and zinc concentrate imports. State-run Chinese companies have actually also obtained risks in mines in Peru and Ecuador to support supply. Zijin's production losses in Buritica might moisten market interest for Colombia, as it looks for financial investment in untapped down payments of gold, copper and various other minerals. Gold IRA Custodians
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drabblesbydobi · 3 years
"Please welcome, Mr. and Mrs. Kanemoto!" the host exclaimed and the couple went down the stairs as the guests looked up at them while clapping loudly.
They sat down at the couch in front of and they saw their friends at the front tables cheering for them. Yoshi looked at Cassie while she was busy looking around while laughing. She's teary eyed and she looks so happy which made his heart ache because of too much delight. He finally married the love of his life. The beautiful lady he saw at Junkyu's wedding.
The host called Yoshi's mother and Cassie's father to dance with them. He kissed Cassie's hand before giving her to her father and walked towards his mom.
"My Yoshi" His mom held his face while they're dancing. She was about to cry so he took out his handkerchief and wiped her tears. "I didn't expect that you will get married" His mom said while laughing at him.
"Hindi ko rin naman inexpect ma kaso dumating yung maarteng babaeng yun eh" Yoshi said at lumingon pa kay Cassie who is also looking at him right now. She smiled at him and he mouthed "I love you" to her before looking back to his mom. His mom just giggled when she saw what just happened.
"Okay! Thank you so much, mommy and daddy! Let's now hear the newly wed couple's message for each other!"
The emcee gave the mic first to Cassie. She stood up and walked a bit farther from Yoshi and looked at him.
"Yosh" She sighed before talking. She's kinda nervous since she's worried that she will cry while talking. "I don't know what to say. I am not good with words and I'm not used with this kind of stuff. You're my first love and first boyfriend, you know that, right?" She said and Yoshi just nodded while smiling sweetly at her.
"But I just wanna thank you. Yosh, you changed me. For the better. I know some people said that if someone really loves you, they will accept you for who you are and you did. You accepted my flaws wholeheartedly. You treated me like a princess. But I loved how you also teach me things that every normal people should know. You thought me how I should be more mindful of my surroundings and be independent. Hon, thank you so much" Cassie's voice cracked as her tears started falling so Yosh immediately stood up to hug her.
"I love you" He whispered to her ear while carresing her back to calm her down. He also wiped his tears but he saw his friends laughing at him. Junkyu even pointed at him.
"Okay! Its the groom's turn to give his speech!"
Yoshi guided Cassie first before taking the mic from the emcee. He looked at his friends first and saw them nodding at him as if they're encouraging him. Celestine even gave him a thumbs up. He smiled and sighed before talking.
"Cass" He just started but Cassie's already wiping her tears which made him chuckle. "Ikaw kanina sabi mo hindi mo alam sasabihin mo. Ako naman marami akong gustong sabihin pero hindi ko alam pano ko sisimulan" He said and he heard Jihoon shouted "SANA ALL!" which made everyone laugh.
He shook his head before talking again. "Cassie. Well, alam mo naman na dahil nakwento na nila Junkyu sayo. Alam mo naman na hindi ako nagseseryoso sa relasyon nung college. Hanggang nung magtrabaho but I noticed how I suddenly lost interest with girls after Junkyu's wedding. The day I met you. Hindi ko malimutan yung maarteng babae na ayaw ako tigilan kakatanong kung maayos ba yung make up niya" Yoshi said na ikinatawa na naman ng lahat. Cassie can't control her tears anymore and she doesn't care if her make up is already ruined. Everything's too overwhelming for her right now.
"Cass alam ng mga kaibigan ko kung gano ako katamad mag-drive. Minsan nagsisinungaling pa sa mga yan na sira kotse ko para lang sunduin nila ko dahil ayaw ko talagang mag-drive pero nung pinasundo ka sakin ni Junkyu sa airport. Kakasabi palang niya na sunduin ka eh inistart ko na agad kotse ko"
Everyone laughed again. Hindi nila malaman kung seryoso ba si Yoshi o nagpapatawa lang. Yoshi lifted up his hand and asked them to keep quiet.
"I never imagined na ikakasal ako lalo na sa pinsan ni Junkyu. Guys, nasa tamang Kim na ko. Si Ria nalang talaga malas ngayon" Yoshi told the guests kaya sinigawan siya ni Junkyu ng "GAGO".
"Joke lang" He chuckled and looked at Cassie again who's now smiling so sweetly at him.
"Cass, I know I always tease you at pikon na pikon kana sakin minsan but you know I only do that to make you laugh, right?" He asked and Cassie nodded. "My goal is to make you happy for the rest of our lives. I'm not perfect but I'm very much willing to do everything for you. I will be your husband and your bestfriend at the same time." He seriously said while staring right into her eyes.
"Oh english yon, hon. Sana proud ka" Yoshi followed up and Cassie just shook her head. She thought that he isn't Yoshinori if he's serious for more than a minute.
Everyone can't stop laughing because of Yoshi's funny remarks but they can feel how much he loves Cassie. Tin and Ria are now teary eyed while looking at the couple who's currently looking at each other lovingly. Yoshi cannot continue his speech since he's trying to control his tears.
Yosh started crying which made everyone tear up. He's known as the funny guy who doesn't like serious moments but here he is now-- crying in front of everyone because he finally married the love of his life. Cassie really made him show his vulnerability.
"Thank you for bringing color into my life"
Cassie couldn't take it anymore and ran towards Yoshi to hug him while he lifted her up and spun around.
"I love you" He whispered on her ears while Cassie is still crying in his arms.
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thisisbogracsgulyas · 4 years
daughter: mommy, why did auntie name her daughter rose?
me: because your auntie loves roses, dear.
daughter: then why is my name-
me: enough with the questions, arabella celestine idris jezelia, it's time for bed.
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When we are children we seldom think of the future. This innocence leaves us free to enjoy ourselves as few adults can. The day we fret about the future is the day we leave our childhood behind. Patrick Rothfuss, The Name of the Wind (The Kingkiller Chronicle, #1) Everybody say hello to celestine. A collaboration with one of my favourite artist @kdkre8s .The picture above is her daughter's portrait. She is so beautiful. Head over to her account to see how her mommy drew her 😀💗 (at Art Journaling)
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sweetangelortega · 4 years
Catherine Cruz Gonzaga, also well known as "Alex Gonzaga" a Filipina television actress, host, comedian, vlogger, singer and entrepreneur. She was born on 16th on January 1988 in Taytay Rizal to Cisanta Gonzaga also known as "Mommy Pinty" and vice mayor Carlito "bonoy" Gonzaga. She has also a sister named Celestine Cruz Gonzaga professionally known as Toni Gonzaga was then also a actress, host, singer, vlogger and an entrepreneur. Alex Gonzaga was a graduate of Bachelor of Science in Child Development and Education from the University of Asia and the Pacific. She started her career in ABS-CBN's camp on 2006. She became a known personality as she joined different TV series and Movies such as "Your song", "pangarap na bituin" and more.
Alex Gonzaga transferred/signed to TV5 and became one of the main host of the known talk show in the network. On 2013, she returned to ABS-CBN, given the opportunity for being a guest host of the fifth season of the reality TV series BIG BRoTHeR. However, Alex Gonzaga was welcomed back to the "outside world" after being in the Pinoy Big Brother house for almost three months. She then went on to become one of the host and social media correspondent of the reality television singing competition "The Voice". She became even more famous because of her successive projects. In 2015, she made her first ever concert, she kept the laughs coming in her first-ever big show entitled AG from the East: The UNEXpected Concert and many celebrities attended to her concert Julia Barreto, Julia Montes and many more.
She then started making videos, edit and posted it on youtube and one of the famous youtuber/vlogger, her videos make people laugh because of her funny videos on youtube, she awarded as the fastest growing youtube in the Philippines. She made many videos, one that was she made a hiphop song titled "Chambe" that streamed and reached over 30 million views and counting that made to the top trending in the Philippines and was hit to the netizen to do the dance craze. Her youtube channel gained over 9 million subscribers with a total of 734 million views due to her consistency in making videos including her appearance on Television. Alex Gonzaga on January 16, 2020 was announced that she and Michael "Mikee" Morada are fervently engaged. Alex Gonzaga remained a Vlogger, actress, singer and host as her journey continues.
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zakwebbmefan · 4 years
What is Evil Eye?
The Evil Eye has been around given that the start of time. It just suggests sending out a person an idea that seems intrusive or intrusive or has the power to injure him or her. The bad lot of money that results is taken into consideration to have been triggered by envy. The evil eye is not always taken into consideration to be willful or connected with witchcraft or sorcery. Oddly sufficient, this idea type might actually be free in nature. The beginnings of the Wickedness Eye are Middle-Eastern and also Mediterranean. The idea was presented right into the Americas, South Pacific Islands, Asia, Africa as well as Australia by European explorers. Sending out someone the evil eye comes from the idea that we all have a Pineal eye, situated in the facility of our forehead. Blinding, misting or covering the pineal eye is frequently the intent of the power's sender. Most of us have actually experienced the unusual power of the phenomenon. All it takes is a stare that seems to be unfriendly, indifferent or empty and appears to a couple of seconds also long. We think about it for a few minutes after that or possibly a photo of the person staring at us busies our ideas occasionally for the remainder of the day. Maybe that is why the British as well as Scottish term for the "wicked eye" is "overlooking." It implies that a gaze has actually continued to be too long upon the coveted object, individual or pet. The bad eye is also known as the jealous or invidious eye. In Italian it is called the malocchio and in Spanish the malojo (freely converted as the negative eye) The bad eye is referred to as ayin horeh in Hebrew; ayin harsha in Arabic, droch shuil in Scotland, mauvais oeil in France, bösen Blick in Germany, as well as was known as oculus malus among the classic Romans. The initial belief is that anybody can harm your children, livestock, fruit trees or any other evidence of success simply by checking out the spoils of all your goodwill as well as hard work with envy. Actually, the curse of the evil eye is thought to be prompted by unacceptable display screens of spiritual pride or excessive charm. There is a concept that really popular people and celebrities suffer more personal tragedy than others simply due to the fact that they are subjected to more "ignoring" as well as envy than others. This superstition may have some grounding in evolutionary psychology as usually one pet is believed to control or be aggressive to one more simply by staring at it for as well long. Emotionally talking, gazing or blazing at someone is officially taken into consideration an intrusion into your affairs. Apparently, there is a fine line in between casting a look to casting a spell. In these blog post Celestine Prophecy times, this type of gaze might be contrasted to a type of etheric laser beam of light or amoebic arm that rips open your aura. Others would certainly explain the infliction of the evil eye as the forecast of a picture (such as the image of the individual you have actually upset or hurt) so that you see only that to the exclusion of all other view. Simply put, you see that person wherever you go or really feel that your life's events are constantly colored by your taking care of that individual. Another symptom is the inability to proceed with normal, day-to-day occasions without feeling somehow compelled to make points ri! ght with the person you have actually typically unconsciously offended with your grandiosity. It is common folklore that the evil eye has a drying out effect on its target. It is thought to cause vomiting, diarrhea, the drying up of the milk of nursing mommies and animals, issues with the blood, sight absence of rainfall, the running out of wells, the withering of fruit and also impotence in men. Clumsiness, stomachaches, dry coughs, looseness of the bowels, itching, loss of hair, completely dry skin are all believed to be physical signs and symptoms of an evil eye assault e. On the astral level it is believed to cause the running out of prana, chi, vital force and the very easy flow of success in life. Part of this photo may stem from the suggestion also, of sloppy, murky or poisoned vision that is in some way connected to the victim's third eye. Nearly anywhere that the wicked eye idea exists, it is stated to be triggered mistakenly by envy or appreciation. Therefore the expression "Satisfaction Goeth Before a Loss" In particular Mediterranean and also eastern cultures, one bewares not to applaud a child too much, lest it invite the subconscious harmonizing effect of the wicked eye. A timeless circumstance would be the barren female that praises the newborn of a brand-new child. Such praise would certainly be thought about inappropriate as well as thought to bring the bad youngster. One of the solutions for this would certainly be for the mom to spit, to symbolically "rehydrate" the situation. Likewise, she may speak ill of the kid OT counteract the impacts of the praise, which could have fatal results on the child later. The belief that individuals have the power to cast the bad eye purposefully is extra idiosyncratic to Sicily as well as Southern Italy, although the idea has definitely spread out in other places-- to the Southern USA and also the Latin Americas. Such people are called jettatore (projectors). They are not always taken into consideration evil or envious, just birthed with an unfavorable unpleasant talent that creates others to prevent them. In old societies, if you were thought to be the holder of an evil eye, you were frequently negated by the rest of society and went unrecognized on the street without conference anyone's eyes. Possibly among the most familiar preventative procedures against the wicked eye is the hand motion. The Mano Cornufo or "Horned Hand" involves prolonging the initial and also index fingers from a clenched fist. The Mano Fico or "Fig hand" includes placing the thumb in between very first and second fingers. Historically there have been lots of remedies for the evil eye: In Italy, the wicked eye is detected by leaking olive oil right into a vessel filled with water. If the oil conglomerates into the shape of an eye than the sufferer is taken into consideration formally cursed. Prayers are stated till the droplets of oil no longer create an eye form. In Eastern Europe charcoal, coal or scorched match heads are gone down into a frying pan of water/. If the items float after that the person is taken into consideration to be the victim of a curse. In the Ukraine, a kind of ceromancy or candle reading is used to diagnose the curse. Melted wax is leaked from a candle light right into a frying pan of water. If the wax spits, splatters, or stays with the side of the dish after that the "client" is considered to be under the influence of the malefic eye. Usually the patient is cleansed with Divine Water. He or she is noticable treated when the trickled wax sinks the bottom of the bowl in a rounded ball. In Greece Mexico and also other locations, the official cure is to welcome the perpetrator in charge of the bad eye to spew in a vessel of the divine water that is consumed by the target. In Mexico, rolling a raw egg over the body of the victim is the antidote. Afterwards, it is split open and also if the metaphysician or healer divines the form of an eye in the yolks after that the person is thought about to be cursed. A number of eggs may be consistently surrendered the person's body until an egg without an eye if discovered. Occasionally the egg is put underneath the individual's bed over night as well as broken open in the early morning. In China the remedy for the wicked eye is the Kua mirror, a six-sided mirror that is hung on the front door or positioned in the front home window to reverse poor energy back to the sender. A few of these mirrors are convex to show back the bad "toxin darts" or "arrows" of multiple sick wishers and also some are concave to mirror energy in a guaranteed direction back at, for instance, an intrusive neighbor, whose look may have stuck around on your yard of tulips for as well lengthy. In Feng Shui, mirrors are typically made use of as a remedy all to show negative power back at all examples-- people, bad design, web traffic, next-door neighbors, physical obstructions such as trees or rocks or anything else that may taken into consideration to be a conductor of Har Shui (unfavorable resonances). In India the matching rear of the bad eye takes the form of little mirrors that are attached, braided or crocheted right into garments. This mirroring rear of negative power is also acquainted to experts of Wicca and also Lukumi or Santeria. In India, the human eye is also considered to be a mirror of the spirit. Indian ladies use kohl or hefty black make-up to highlight their eyes not just to shield themselves from bad eye yet additionally to avoid themselves from inadvertently inflicting it on others. In India cords strung with blue grains are placed on newborn babies. When the cord breaks and also the beads are shed the youngster is considered to have a solid sufficient aura to safeguard him or herself from the wicked eye. Red cords used upon the wrist or neck are believed to have a powerful result against eye malevolence. A silver beauty called Eye of Buddha which references the Gautama Buddha is also put on versus astral attack. In Italy, gold, silver or treasures sculpted or cast right into the shape of the Mano Fica or Mano Cornufa are used to fend off the wickedness. One of the most sought after ones are constructed from red coral, however lots of versions exist today constructed from gemstones as well as plastic. They are used by males to protect against the withering of the genital areas thought to be triggered by the poor eye. Also Italian in origin is the Corno or horn or devil's horn amulet that is thought to shield versus the very same dysfunction. The women's version is made from a twig of red coral reefs. In Arab societies, superstitious types put on an eye in the kind of a rock cast in the facility of a hand shaped bone or metal appeal A typical Egyptian appeal is the Clasp of Isis which represents the menstruation pad of the Siren Isis who was the Mother of all living points. Packing a little prayer or spell inside a locket that is spent time the neck is the typical European custom-made for protecting oneself against deadly gazes. A light worker such as myself could recommend you to shield on your own in the following contemporary methods: Constantly maintain the belief that no one has the power to harm you with an appearance. This by itself is a very effective idea kind. Prior to you go out, imagine that your third eye is actually covered by something that resembles a little pocket mirror. If you are a psychic or a therapist then merely close your pineal eye as well as don't open it unless you wish to look. If you are really feeling haunted or upset as the outcome of a "look", push your thumb hard into the center of your forehead as well as visualize your pineal eye swiftly flipping. Flick the energy away with your thumb and also snap your fingers. Constantly remember that what you resist often persists. The expression "Oh, so what!" is among one of the most powerful chemicals in deep space that you can use to dissolve negative energy.
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modesto69a20-blog · 7 years
The best Girls On the planet. You Will certainly Never Think About It Until You Watch.
For mentoring my baseball team, opening me airborne as our team strolled down the road and also for the vacations gathered on a shoestring budget. On the contrary, there are information likewise that appeared that he is not the genuine daddy from the gal as well as this was verified because of DNA test, and also this was actually Tyler Barker who was 14 years of ages then. Yding Skovhøj in Horsens district, Jutland is among Denmark's Bronze Age burial mounds improved the leading from the hill. I cherish your thoughtful reviews, and becoming aware of your very own relationship along with your papa. In 1935, Father Celestine Kapsner, a member as well as gardener from an abbey in Minneapolis, found this. Opu's papa as well as mommy had prejudice, which will determine Hoimonti enormously. Unfortunately, a father who is unaware of the guilt that is actually stimulating him, usuallies blame his spouse for certainly not knowing. Because his educator was actually the wonderful theorist Aristotle, could assist to detail such attributes nevertheless.
This's an excellent United States tale and I presume this reveals the entrepreneurial sense, that the business opportunity in United States lives and also effectively. His social online reputation for reverence throughout this period caused a youthful mourning mother whose little one had simply passed away to deliver that in wish to Daddy Nectou. This have to be actually really hard for a father like you, but you must allow that this activity will definitely transpire. In an effort to find the best songs, HuffPost Weddings surveyed leading wedding DJs to find out which tracks they encourage. Through the maternity and also my son's initial year. his daddy was actually wonderful, every little thing a wonderful papa must be. A great daddy enjoys his kids, however he does not allow them get away with homicide. Staff at Great Ormond Road Medical facility (GOSH), where Charlie is on lifestyle help, have received fatality hazards as well as abuse, something put down due to the parents and the court. Aspect of Papa Ted's undying excellence is that this does use one thing indisputably aspect of our national identity. Entertaining both as well as their attendees could be just gotten to with the recommendations delivered above concerning father from the bride speech. When I think about my little girl, I commonly presume that while there's no logical main reason for that, she usually tells me of my father along with her stoicism as well as substantially much less profuse sentimentalism than I possess. She was one enjoyed jakosiebiedbac.info through her father however he made her indication an oath to state that his marital relationship to her mom was certainly never valid. As Dad Ramolla is currently the only instructor left at the seminary, there are no genuine lessons, although Papa from time to time gives courses to the two seminarians in offering In a similar way significant as well as mass factors that priests need to recognize a little about. Each of guide conclusions in Anderson's guide read to calculate which of the books were explained through stating a dad as the only moms and dad in the tale or a mama as the only moms and dad in the account, and which from these father-only or mother-only books feature a daddy or even mother as a famous rather than a peripheral character.
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nancyknight54-blog · 7 years
ANTIQUE CLOCK Relevant Contents.
Although free of cost support for solitary working moms and dads might seem sposobnaurode2016.pl to be hard to come through, there are actually a variety of sources to check into if you need to have childcare support. Nonetheless in performing additional from just what mommies have actually generally carried out, some guys are beginning to ask yourself if there is actually any distinct job for a daddy that may be valued. Allow's certainly not ignore the compelling attribute of the choices in engageded in this form of papa son partnership.
With Congregation consent the instance was written up through Dad Carl Vogl, a German cleric that was actually not present at the exorcism. He isn't really even awaiting up our transgressions, due to the fact that Jesus cared for all transgressions of the flesh through having the consequence for our company, validating us to the Dad. My father was actually an operating class guy with no legal choices and also it is actually not his way to justify themselves. Considering that from his genuine devotion in the area to the anatomy which is a vital part of morphological research, p.jayaraman ought to have to be Daddy of Indian Vegetation Makeup. In 1935, Daddy Celestine Kapsner, a participant as well as landscaper of an abbey in Minneapolis, found this. Mastura said she was heavily touched by track, which had actually ended up being an on the web hit. Attack Girl was taught by her daddy, Large Dad, to carry out one point; vindicate the murder of her mama. Rates of interest struck 2.15%, down 29 basis lead to begin the year, and also electricals again allow champions. Once more, what they need to have is actually a dad who shows them ways to cultivate their strengths as well as come to be all they can be - not one who places all of them in a method of continuous taking". After decade from bring up three kids on my own, I have actually created a listing of some of the benefits and drawbacks from being actually a singular papa This is why the new bride's father speech is actually likewise the most hard however heartwarming pep talk you could hear in a wedding event. One objective from today research is actually to evolve the service father making use of a wealthier, even more complicated, and also in-depth explanation from papa presence past its earlier domestic definition. If Dad likes to play with huge child toys at that point you need to let him delight in some 4x4ing all over the Berakah Trail in Limpopo. That was the only time my papa ever whipped me but, when sufficed ... I did certainly not forget! There is a Father which yearns to like and also secure you - already as a grown-up - even now as you could be a mom or even father yourself. The DRE web internet site will certainly specify which broker the opinion consumer has their certificate enrolled at when they are actually not a broker. The DRE will certainly provide at least a service address. But at the very least I was actually said to ... My papa left it to my mom to tell my youngest bro ... I do not under any sort of conditions think this proves out.
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Parental Estrangement Syndrome.
. Listed below I offer six business with high profits on capital, hardly any financial debt, and also boatloads from money. I possessed no idea my daddy was such an outstanding, smart, and also remarkable man till I comprised my mind that I was actually going to follow the commandment as well as begin honoring my daddy. Maturing inadequate, when I got up, my mommy was actually up. When I went to sleep, my mom was actually up. And also my father brown was a dark leader as well as protestor and advocacy doesn't included a salary.
. For that reason, when making use of the Internet to locate resume instances, you need to make sure that you are actually taking a look at existing examples from resumes that are actually considered legit and appropriate today. When a papa or a mom imitates a friend to their kids, share each other's emotions and notions perpetuities, that kid would certainly ourwayofhealth.info think a 1000 times just before performing glitch. My daddy is actually right now long gone, however the memories continue to be, golden radiances in the improving night of time that compiles behind our company in our journey through life. In many cases, this might result in reconciliation and reuniting with the private daddy. In 1935, Daddy Celestine Kapsner, a participant and landscaper of a friary in Minneapolis, located this. Mastura claimed she was profoundly touched by the tune, which had actually ended up being an internet favorite. Reach Gal was educated through her papa, Significant Daddy, to accomplish one thing; avenge the murder of her mama. If you are actually seeking to take your label off the title, you need to perform a quitclaim record accepted by your condition and sign it over to your father. The label Daddy from Silicon Valley" is likewise sometimes shared through William Shockley, that concerned Stanford in 1963 to teach power engineering. Adam was actually the daddy from all the living on the Planet, he was actually generated by God to deal with the Planet as well as to offer the globe with others like him. Throughout my life I was actually regularly capable to conquer challenges other than when my daddy passed away. He clearly couldn't have shopping list, however he could tell them a great deal of points, featuring that the United States armed forces understood for a fact that Father Christmas time was actual. I wound up signing up with the army, as well as one of the big points to accomplish was actually to lift body weights, especially when I was in Iraq. As internet specialists, we at times anticipate clients to understand every thing that takes place as if by magic. When her daddy candidly updates her that there's no funds for her to go to the universities she got into, she discovers an additional technique to escape: Falling in love with Jason, a boy she met online which discusses her enthusiasm for poetry. After taking out of two warm-up matched previously in the full week because of ongoing hip concerns, he assured fans that he will certainly be actually great to participate in" in the large celebration. The initial last name in Spanish is actually the title of the father (for instance: Garcia).
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drabblesbydobi · 3 years
"BILIS SAKAY NA!" Bailey shouted as he opened the window of his car. Sinusundo niya ngayon si Kazue sa condo nito dahil tinatamad daw to mag-drive.
"Bat ba nagmamadali ka????" Iritang tanong nito pagkapasok ng kotse.
Bailey and Kazue almost grew up together at dahil magkaedad sila naging magkasundo sila.
"Malamang birthday kaya ni mama ayaw kong ma-late magtatampo sakin yun" Bailey explained. He's excited to see his parents especially his mom after 2 weeks of not going home dahil naging busy siya sa exams.
"Pupunta rin ba sila Ate Jackie?" Kazue asked him since hindi sila gaano nakapag-usap usap sa group chat.
Almost all of them are studying in Manila while their parents chose to live in Tagaytay since they want to raise each of them in a peaceful place. Meanwhile Junkyu/Ria and Yoshi/Cassie moved to Batangas because of the resort.
"Oo raw sabi ni Chanel" Bailey answered simply. Kaela is Yoshi and Cassie's oldest daughter who's 2 years younger than the both of them.
"Nakakachat mo si Chanel?" Nagtatakang tanong ni Kazue dito.
"Minsan lang"
"Ah. Nakita mo post ni Ate Astrid kagabi? Gumaganda lalo si ate ah"
"Oo nga eh halatang masaya siya dun"
"HAHA move on na" Kazue laughed at Bailey dahil halatang bitter pa ito.
Bailey and Astrid became a thing almost a year ago and their parents never new about it since they won't to cause any conflict once na hindi mag-work ang relasyon nila. The two dated secretly for a year and they get along very well despite Astrid being older for almost 3 years but not until she graduated and got accepted into UCLA school of medicine.
Astrid wanted to continue their relationship but Bailey thought he cannot handle a long distance relationship and got scared of the problems they might encounter so he broke up with her. But few months after she left, he realized that he cannot move on from her. He realized how dumb he is for letting her go but he don't want to bother her anymore since he might distract her from studying.
"Nakita ko pala si Kaela at Amiel sa Eastwood nung isang araw" Kwento ni Bailey kaso napansin niyang walang nasagot sakanya at nakitang tulog pala ang kasama niya.
"HOY GAGO DITO NA TAYO!" Sigaw niya dito sabay hampas kaya nagising to bigla.
"Pucha napakalayo pa!!" Kazue punched his arm nang makitang malayo pa naman sila.
"Tangina wag mo kasi akong tulugan para kang gago eh"
Bailey parked his car in front of their house and the two of them went inside.
"Ang mga pogi kong baby!" Their Aunt Chelsea shouted as soon as she saw them so they went up to her and kiss her on the cheeks. "Missed you tita!" They told her.
Nag-mano sila sa mga tito at tita nila. Kumpleto na pala halos lahat at sila nalang hinihintay. Kazue walked towards to his mom to kiss her.
"Mama kong maganda!" Bailey said loudly when he saw his mom coming down from the stairs and opened his arms while waiting for her to hug him.
"Kakarating mo lang ang ingay mo na agad" Deina told him before hugging him and kiss him on the cheek.
"Miss youuuuu" He said while hugging his mom tightly.
"Oh pogi! andito kana pala" He heard his dad from the back so he turned around to hug him too.
"LET'S EAT NA!!" Chanel announced from the kitchen. She's the one in charge of cooking since she's a culinary student and she's really a good cook.
They all went outside the porch to set up the tables there.
"Hoy damihan mo kain mo ha" Chanel told him while sitting beside him.
"Oh bat kami di mo sinasabihan niyan?" Amiel teased her and Chanel just rolled her eyes at him which made them and their parents laugh.
"Nako pre mukang magiging magkumpare tayo ah" Jihoon teased Yoshi at nakisapaw pa ang iba kaya silang dalawa ang naging topic habang nakain.
"Jackie, text ka ng text diyan. Eat first, baby" Ria pointed out her daughter.
"Wait, mommy. I'm talking to Astrid po. She will call daw po later to greet Tita Dei" Jackie explained and smiled at her parents habang nagpapacute.
"Sabihin mo miss na miss ko na siya" Deina told Jackie.
"Yes tita. Wait lang po. Someone called." Jackie excused herself and went inside the house.
"So mabalik nga tayo, Chanel and Bailey?" Chelsea asked since if ever, this will be the "first time" that there will be a couple from their kids despite growing up together.
"Kuya Kaz tawa ka ng tawa" Kaela, Chi and Jae's first born pointed out Kazue na pigil na pigil ang tawa kaya tinadyakan to ni Bailey galing sa ilalim ng lamesa.
"Aray, kuya!!!" Ashelle shouted.
"Ay sorry ikaw pala yan HAHAHAHA" Jihoon laughed at his sister dahil eto pala nasipa niya.
"Hoy Anton Bailey sasagot ka o ibubuhol kita sa tatay mo?" Yoshi said.
"Hon!" Cass slapped his arm while laughing.
"Hey! Don't pressure the kids! Aamin naman yan if they want to noh" Celestine told them.
"Thanks, tita!" Chanel said.
"You're welcome, dear! Pero ano ngang meron between you two?" Tin asked kaya napatawa na naman lahat. What did they even expect? Out of all the Titas, Celestine is the most chismosa.
Napalingon silang lahat when someone suddenly shouted from the entrance of the porcha and its no other than Astrid.
"OH MY GOSH MY BABY!!!!" Celestine ran towards her daughter na sinundan agad ni Hyunsuk dahil baka madapa ito.
"Mommy!" Astrid hugged her mom tightly.
"Bakit di mo sinabing uuwi ka???" Hyunsuk asked before snatching Astrid from Tin's arms and embraced his daughter tightly.
"Eh dad I want to surprise all of you. Only Jackie knew na uuwi ako" Astrid explained before going straightly to Deina to hug her. "Happy birthday, ninangggg" Astrid greeted her favorite ninang and kissed her on the cheeks.
"Oh kain na muna. We know you missed Filipino foods. Luto ni Chanel yan!" Naomi told Astrid after she kissed all of her Titos and Titas. She's the first baby of the squad kaya almost all of them are fond of her.
"You cooked all of these, Chanel??? Wow!" She was amazed and quickly took a piece of liempo to taste it.
"OMG ANG SARAP! Namiss ko to grabe!" She exclaimed.
"Thanks, ate!!!" Chanel smiled at Astrid.
"Oh Bailey kaya ligawan mo na si Chanel!" Jaehyuk teased Bailey kaya sinuntok na to ni Yoshi sa braso at nagtawanan na naman ang lahat.
Jackie simply held Astrid's hand under the table when she saw her stopped from eating. Kazue and Jackie are the one who knows about Astrid and Bailey's past relationship dahil.
"Chanel and Bailey?" Astrid asked in a low voice while looking at Bailey. He looked back at her and saw how her eyes changed emotions.
"Going there palang daw" Ria answered her na sinundan na naman ng tawanan at pang-aasar ng iba sa dalawa.
"Ahhh bagay po sila haha" Astrid said and smiled.
Bailey tried to catch her eyes but she just looked down and continued eating.
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