#celina yugioh
bestygogirl · 5 months
Match 1
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please use this as an opportunity to say why you like a character, not why you don't.
Propaganda under the cut!
The epitome of "kitten dreams of nothing but murder all day" Ppl talk about wanting morally gray women, but can't handle a child soldier who doesn't immediately roll over for the first person who tells her to. But she isn't heartless and clearly cares about ppl, seeing her get to actually have fun in her duel against Yugo was the best, and now with her in Duel Links we can see that in a casual environment, she is also the funniest silly little guy She's awesome and kicks ass for 90% of the show. Lunalights are so cool and one of my absolute favorite archetypes. She is such a badass opposing the Fusion Dimension. She also deserved better and more screentime.
Yusei/Jack/Crow's adopted mother, also just a badass who takes no one's shit martha, martha, martha. yes, she's yusei, jack, and crow's adoptive mother. but have you ever like. considered martha as a person? considered the fact that she grew up in satellite before zero reverse, and took in the orphans of that event without a second thought? she opened her home in a time when money would have been tight and continued to take care of orphans even after the bridge was repaired. she's also the one who imparted to yusei, jack, and crow to not trust anything given for free - suggesting she gave out life advice to all those kids too. when a cop entered her home, she immediately put him to work and made him clean the bathroom. martha also teased yusei about his crush on aki, showing that she's willing to keep a sense of normalcy even under high stress points. she's such a cool character and she's not really given a lot of attention in the fandom at all. vote for martha, because she's actually a pretty interesting character.
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Dennis: Why do you look so tired?
Reiji: I have this headache that comes and goes-
Celina: *Throws open the door*
Reiji: And there it is again...
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kcuf-ad · 11 months
Arc V would've been better if it ended with Skip adopting the bracelet girls AND Shay. This dude is one of the few good dads in Yugioh and he absolutely would adopt them.
I can see everyone Being fine with it, especially Rin since she never had a dad and would be Nice to have one.
He even made sweaters for them with stuff like birds on them.
Only Celina doesn't care about it, but after she learned that he knitted a sweater all for her she changed her mind
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tharrb · 8 months
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yugiohspride · 10 months
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Bonus Sapphic Posts 2
Celina, Rin, Lulu: Sapphic
Okay to use, credit optional, no DNI, just don't be a dick
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cyberdragoninfinity · 4 months
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really really enjoying arc-v's cast
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zxal · 4 months
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3 extra people in your head = 4x the hairstyle opportunities
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starrylemon · 10 months
Arc V doodle board!
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shitpostingkats · 2 months
For anyone curious, Sora and Yuri were Obelisk Blues (high ranking soldiers and special ops), Dennis was Ra Yellow (intel and espionage), and Celina was Slifer Red (basic units and grunts). I know this because I made it up.
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lavenderr-starrs · 10 months
Encountered Crowler in ranked duels while taking my girl on a murder spree to level her up. Ya’ll have no clue how fast I ran to my editing apps
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serenadailyy · 1 month
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bestygogirl · 5 months
BEST YGO GIRL: Round 3, Group D
Match 1
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please use this as an opportunity to say why you like a character, not why you don't.
Propaganda under the cut!
The epitome of "kitten dreams of nothing but murder all day" Ppl talk about wanting morally gray women, but can't handle a child soldier who doesn't immediately roll over for the first person who tells her to. But she isn't heartless and clearly cares about ppl, seeing her get to actually have fun in her duel against Yugo was the best, and now with her in Duel Links we can see that in a casual environment, she is also the funniest silly little guy She's awesome and kicks ass for 90% of the show. Lunalights are so cool and one of my absolute favorite archetypes. She is such a badass opposing the Fusion Dimension. She also deserved better and more screentime.
Mai Kujaku
She basically walk so YGO can have bad bitches ultimate conwoman who can tell the difference between at least 40 different perfume smells. her first arc is learning how to connect to other people. like, when you think about, mai is literally similar to seto in the sense that she lost her parents when she was young and grew hardened to the world around her - except she didn't kill anyone (that we know of). battle city sees her lean into a damsel in distress, sure, but her oricalchos arc actually attempts to her trauma (something we don't get in the manga). she's literally a careless man's careful daughter idk what to tell y'all. vote for mai.
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Dennis: Let's settle this once and for all, Shay!
Dennis, turning to Yuya, Sylvio, Gong, and Celina: If Shay and I were drowning and you could only save one of us who would it be?
Yuya: Shay.
Sylvio: Shay, probably.
Gong: Shay.
Celina: My time and effort.
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kcuf-ad · 1 year
Honestly, I want to write Celina as a waitress for one reason.
Jaden: Oh, I gotta go. Bye!
Celina: Aren't you forgetting something?
Jaden: Oh yeah! *Walks towards her and kisses her* There, bye, I love you!
Celina: *blushing like a tomato* No, I meant the bill!
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gearchronocle · 1 year
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purpleleafsyt · 9 months
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Decided to do warmups of the bracelet girls :]
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