#cell 22.1
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I thought the 15 year prediction was basically dead after Jack left Brockton Bay alive? It was either that if someone managed to kill him, or "probably 2 years but as much as maybe 8" if he escaped, or something like that. Still probably two years regardless though.
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wormbloggign · 4 months
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omg he was
clockblocker where is your gaydar? this bi lesbian doesnt have time for your bullshit
actually i guess she does?
i doubt she has anywhere she wants to go in a rush rn
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oh wow, this guy really just wants to be as big of a p.o.s as possible, i guess it harmless but it would be nice to see him get undermined by his subordinates in the future
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she's a little out of sync with polite society huh
(while police brutality is very much a real thing and prisoners get abused to alarming amounts especially by their guards and wardens, from what i've gleamed of wildbows personal philosophy, i doubt any of that is going to happen here)
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that's a solid quip tho, taylors getting better at the more traditional elements of a superpowered persona
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(while in the prison, she is functionally able to do cutaway gags)
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theyve been stepping around the idea that taylors pregnant a weird amount in this chapter, i hope its just a weird beat and not anything more.
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no she can't :)
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thats just vindictive man, dont be a dick
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an interesting thing to bring up, now that we know more. we can assume that her trigger event at least resonated with the idea that her passenger/guide/consort represents and 2 other events (that i remember) which both involve taylor (notably as herself, not skitter) taking action against people who have been unreasonably vindictive and cruel to her, one could probably argue that her boosting concept is flat Justice, but i doubt that because of the bug motif, specifically the fact it first flared up in a way that wouldnt punish emma but instead, comfort taylor when she needed to ground herself, we also run with her theme of necessity (almost definitely not her boosting concept either) where she goes out of her way to make sure the things that NEED doing are done, far more concerned with what good she can do with power and wealth than wanting it for selfish reasons. at times i feel like she's a well placed bit of oil, lubricating the machine of society (bad metaphor but you get the picture).
with all that i think vindication might be the closest i could get to guessing but that'd still be wrong
i can say though, it doesnt amplify when she feels trapped, it amplifies when she works to escape.
(note, i may have just said nothing with all that, disregard)
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i love taylors bug references, 10/10 every time
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good for her, its nice to hear she's healing
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oooohhhh 98% timeline it is, that's reassuring to hear
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aw, you're gonna make her blush
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(it seems she's lucid and has agency, i am proud of her recovery and also her sass)
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COMMON (clap emoji) DINAH (clap emoji) W
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i think i might hate this guy more than armsmaster, at least he had the excuse that he was trying to do the right thing (sometimes), tagg seemingly just hates capes in all forms and enjoys making people suffer when he can make them, genuinely sickening, shouldn't be allowed near children
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taylor was riling up to defend the girl who sentenced her to probably the birdcage, sad that it showed her hand.
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that's what i said!
(also, boss move announcing her prescence throughout the building, theyve been fully compromised.)
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not mind control, just good, old fashioned lesbianism
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funniest counter-argument
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L bozo, wrong again
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taylors up to her favourite pastime again, SPOT CHECKING GOVERNING BODIES!!
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robjackson616-blog · 4 days
Electronic Vehicle Market Growth Now and Beyond
According to HTF Market Intelligence, theGlobal Electronic Vehicle market to witness a CAGR of 22.1% during forecast period of 2024-2030. Global Electronic Vehicle Market Breakdown by Component (Battery Cells & Packs, On-Board Charge, Motor, Reducer, Fuel Stack, Others) by Vehicle Type (Passenger Cars, Commercial Vehicles, Two-Wheelers, E-Scooters & Bikes, Light Commercial Vehicles, Others) by Propulsion Type (Hybrid Vehicles, Battery Electric Vehicles, Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles) and by Geography (North America, South America, Europe, Asia Pacific, MEA). The Electronic Vehicle market size is estimated to increase by USD      Billion at a CAGR of 22.1% from 2024 to 2030.. Currently, market value is pegged at USD 438.7 Billion.
Get Detailed TOC and Overview of Report @
An electronic car, commonly known as an electric car or EV (Electric Vehicle), is a type of automobile that uses electric motors for propulsion, relying on energy stored in rechargeable batteries or another energy storage device. Unlike traditional internal combustion engine vehicles, electronic cars produce zero tailpipe emissions.
Some of the key players profiled in the study are Tesla (United States), BYD (China), BMW (Germany), Volkswagen (Germany), Nissan (Japan), Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellchaft (Germany), Daimler AG (Germany), Energica Motor Company S.p.A. (Italy), Ford Motor Company (United States), General Motor Company (United States)..    
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HTF Market Intelligence is a leading market research company providing end-to-end syndicated and custom market reports, consulting services, and insightful information across the globe. HTF MI integrates History, Trends, and Forecasts to identify the highest value opportunities, cope with the most critical business challenges and transform the businesses. Analysts at HTF MI focuses on comprehending the unique needs of each client to deliver insights that are most suited to his particular requirements.
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Craig Francis (PR & Marketing Manager) HTF Market Intelligence Consulting Private Limited Phone: +15075562445 [email protected]
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yes-bernie-stuff · 2 months
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Notre Pâque 25/03/2024
La fête des pains sans levain, appelée la Pâque, approchait. Luc 22.1
Neuf plaies divines ont déjà frappé l’Égypte qui tient le peuple d’Israël en esclavage ! En frappant tous les premiers-nés du pays, Dieu apportera par ce dixième fléau la délivrance des Israélites.
Il demande à chaque famille des captifs de sacrifier la veille au soir un agneau et de recueillir son sang pour en badigeonner les montants de la porte d’entrée. L’ange de Dieu frappera le pays dans la nuit, mais quand il verra ce signe sur une maison, il passera au-dessus (passa’h) pour épargner¹ les fils aînés réfugiés à l’intérieur.
Dieu prescrivit de manger l’agneau rôti au feu en étant debout, prêts à partir, le bâton à la main, les sandales aux pieds. Il commanda que les pains préparés pour ce dernier repas soient cuits à la hâte sans attendre que la pâte ait levé².
C’est pourquoi la célébration de la libération du peuple d’Israël sous la conduite de Moïse, se nomme la fête des pains sans levain ou celle de la Pâque, de l’hébreu Pessa’h ¹.
Or, lors de cette commémoration à Jérusalem, la veille au soir de sa crucifixion, Christ annonce à ses disciples son sacrifice pour sauver tous ceux qui croiraient en Lui. Jésus se présente comme l’Agneau de Dieu qui délivre de l’esclavage du péché ! Son sang sur la croix marque l’accomplissement³ de notre délivrance, notre Pâque.
Dominique Moreau
¹ Pessa’h : épargner, passer outre ² voir la lecture proposée ³ Luc 22.15-16
__________________ Lecture proposée : Livre de l’Exode, chapitre 12, versets 1 à 14.
1 L'Éternel dit à Moïse et à Aaron dans le pays d'Égypte:
2 Ce mois-ci sera pour vous le premier des mois; il sera pour vous le premier des mois de l'année.
3 Parlez à toute l'assemblée d'Israël, et dites: Le dixième jour de ce mois, on prendra un agneau pour chaque famille, un agneau pour chaque maison.
4 Si la maison est trop peu nombreuse pour un agneau, on le prendra avec son plus proche voisin, selon le nombre des personnes; vous compterez pour cet agneau d'après ce que chacun peut manger.
5 Ce sera un agneau sans défaut, mâle, âgé d'un an; vous pourrez prendre un agneau ou un chevreau.
6 Vous le garderez jusqu'au quatorzième jour de ce mois; et toute l'assemblée d'Israël l'immolera entre les deux soirs.
7 On prendra de son sang, et on en mettra sur les deux poteaux et sur le linteau de la porte des maisons où on le mangera.
8 Cette même nuit, on en mangera la chair, rôtie au feu; on la mangera avec des pains sans levain et des herbes amères.
9 Vous ne le mangerez point à demi cuit et bouilli dans l'eau; mais il sera rôti au feu, avec la tête, les jambes et l'intérieur.
10 Vous n'en laisserez rien jusqu'au matin; et, s'il en reste quelque chose le matin, vous le brûlerez au feu.
11 Quand vous le mangerez, vous aurez vos reins ceints, vos souliers aux pieds, et votre bâton à la main; et vous le mangerez à la hâte. C'est la Pâque de l'Éternel.
12 Cette nuit-là, je passerai dans le pays d'Égypte, et je frapperai tous les premiers-nés du pays d'Égypte, depuis les hommes jusqu'aux animaux, et j'exercerai des jugements contre tous les dieux de l'Égypte. Je suis l'Éternel.
13 Le sang vous servira de signe sur les maisons où vous serez; je verrai le sang, et je passerai par-dessus vous, et il n'y aura point de plaie qui vous détruise, quand je frapperai le pays d'Égypte.
14 Vous conserverez le souvenir de ce jour, et vous le célébrerez par une fête en l'honneur de l'Éternel; vous le célébrerez comme une loi perpétuelle pour vos descendants.
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delvenservices · 11 months
Single-use Bioreactors Market Growth Opportunities & key Player: 2028
Single-use Bioreactors Market by Product (System, 2D, 3D Media Bag, Filtration Assemblies), Molecule (mAbs, Vaccine), Cell type (Mammalian, Bacteria), Application (R&D, Process Development), End User (Biopharma, CROs & CMOs) and region (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Middle East and Africa and South America)
The global single-use bioreactors market is projected to reach USD 3.4 billion in 2021, at a CAGR of 22.1% during the forecast period, 2021-2028.
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Single-use bioreactors is self-contained and preassembled plastic fluid pathways made from a mix of standard components that are generally gamma-irradiated for sterility and ready-to-use. single-use assemblies can be customized to fit specific applications and unit activities.
Increasing adoption of SUBs among small companies and start-ups, reduced automation complexity, ease in the cultivation of marine organisms, reduced energy and water consumption, the growing biologics market, technological advancements in SUBs, and increasing Biopharmaceutical R&D are some of the factors that have supported long-term expansion for Single-use Bioreactors Market.
The COVID-19 pandemic is causing widespread concern and economic hardship for consumers, businesses, and communities across the globe. Manufacturers are facing sudden challenges caused by the crisis.
Request For Free Sample Report: https://www.delvens.com/get-free-sample/single-use-bioreactors-market-trends-forecast-till-2028
Regional Analysis
North America accounted for the largest share of the single-use bioreactors market, followed by Europe. The large share of the North American regional segment can be attributed to the presence of established biopharmaceutical industry and the presence of major players operating in the single-use bioreactors market in North America.
Key Players
Sartorius AG
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Danaher Corporation
Merck KGaA
Avantor Inc
GE Healthcare
Parker Hannifin Corporation
Recent Developments
In 2020, Sartorius Stedim Biotech (France) launched BIOSTAT STR Generation 3 Single-Use Bioreactor
In 2019, Pall Corporation (US) entered into a partnership with Freeline (UK) to implement its iCELLis bioreactor system in the Freeline’s adeno-associated virus (AAV) manufacturing platform. This partnership aims to achieve commercial scale and quality production of AAV gene therapy vectors.
Make an Inquiry Before the Purchase: https://www.delvens.com/Inquire-before-buying/single-use-bioreactors-market-trends-forecast-till-2028
Reasons to Acquire
Increase your understanding of the market for identifying the best and suitable strategies and decisions on the basis of sales or revenue fluctuations in terms of volume and value, distribution chain analysis, market trends and factors
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Purchase this Report at: https://www.delvens.com/checkout/single-use-bioreactors-market-trends-forecast-till-2028
Report Scope
Single-use Bioreactors Market is segmented into product, type, type of cell, molecule type, application, end user and region.
On the basis of Product
Single use bioreactor systems
Single use media bags
Single use filtration assemblies
On the basis of Type
Stirred-tank SUBs
Wave-induced SUBs
Bubble-column SUBs
Other SUBs (Hybrid bioreactors and SUBs with vertically perforated discs)
On the basis of type of Cell
Mammalian Cells
Bacterial Cells
Yeast Cells
Other Cells (Insect and plant cells)
On the basis of Molecule Type
Monoclonal Antibodies
Gene-modified cells
Stem Cells
Other Molecules (Recombinant proteins including growth factors & interferons, antisense, RNA interference and others)
 On the basis of Application
Research and Development (R&D)
Process Development
On the basis of End-User
Pharmaceutical & Biopharmaceutical Companies
Academic & Research Institutes
On the basis of Region
Asia Pacific
North America
South America
Middle East & Africa
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automotiveera · 2 years
Indian Electric Vehicle Component Market To Witness 22.1% Boom during 2020–2030
The Indian electric vehicle component market is growing on account of the declining prices of the components and increasing adoption of EVs, driven by the rising environmental concerns and strong government support. Subsequently, the industry, which was worth $536.1 million in 2019, is projected to expand at a robust 22.1% CAGR during 2020–2030 (forecast period). Battery cells and packs, battery management systems (BMS), electric motors, thermal management systems, DC–DC converters, and charging kits are just some of the components that go into an EV.
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The Indian electric vehicle component market for passenger cars is categorized into motor, battery pack, electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE), controller, thermal management system, high-voltage cable, vehicle interface control module (VCIM), power distribution module (PDM), and DC–DC converter. Throughout the forecast period, the industry would be dominated by the battery pack category, as it is the most expensive electric car component. With the battery pack cost predicted to reduce to $160 per kilowatt-hour (kWh) by 2030 from $230 per kWh in 2019, the sales of battery packs would rise.
The most significant driver for the Indian electric vehicle component market is the rising adoption of EVs. In 2019, 2,000 electric passenger cars, 32.4 thousand electric two-wheelers, and 447.7 thousand electric three-wheelers were sold in the country, thus creating a high demand for original equipment manufacturer (OEM) and aftermarket components. As the transportation industry is responsible for around 40% of India’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, the government is offering subsidies, tax rebates, and other incentives to those producing and purchasing EVs.
Similarly, the declining prices of the components are also leading to the increasing demand for them in the nation. For instance, the cost of the battery is projected to decrease by up to 30% between 2018 and 2025, and with batteries being the reason EVs are costly, their declining prices would make such automobiles affordable for the masses. In the same vein, during the said period, controllers, motors, thermal management systems, EVSE, VCIMs, PDMs, DC–DC converters, and high-voltage cables would become 23%, 24%, 9%, 60%, 8.6%, 6.5%, 21%, and 8.5% cheaper, respectively.
Therefore, with the increasing production and sale of EVs, the demand for OEM and aftermarket components, respectively, will continue increasing in India.
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Encryption Software Market Innovations, Technology Growth and Research -2026
According to a research report "Encryption Software Market Forecast with COVID-19 Impact Analysis, by Component, Application (Disk Encryption, File/Folder Encryption, Communication Encryption, & Cloud Encryption), Deployment Mode, Organization Size, Vertical & Region - Global Forecast to 2026" published by MarketsandMarkets, the global Encryption software market size is expected to grow from USD 10.9 billion in 2021 to USD 22.1 billion by 2026, at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 15.2% from 2021 to 2026.
An increase in the adoption of Encryption software solutions in IT and Telecommunications companies are expected to boost the growth of the Encryption software market. Additionally, Encryption software market is expected to witness rapid growth worldwide due to various factors such as Stringent regulatory standards and data privacy compliances, Rising concerns pertaining to loss of critical data and Exponential increase in adopting cloud and virtualization technologies.
By deployment mode, on premises segment to hold the largest market size during the forecast period
Due to criticality, confidentiality, risk, or trust issues, technology leaders host encryption solutions on-premises. The emergence of APTs, phishing, malware, and zero-day exploits has heralded enterprises and industries to nurture in-house IT skills and build on-premises technologies and platforms. The overall cost of an in-house IT team is more than cloud-based encryption software.
Data security tops the list of concerns that hold companies back from cloud adoption. Enterprises are migrating to the cloud to stay competitive, but not all are comfortable with moving sensitive data – and opt to keep their personal and regulated data on-premises. The on-premises deployment mode is majorly used by critical information industries due to the high security associated with managing sensitive data in-house. Organizations that manage large volumes of sensitive data, especially government agencies, financial companies, and healthcare, still rely on-premises solutions - due to concerns around data security and privacy. Data protection regulations and standards, such as the GDPR, HIPAA, and PCI-DSS, significantly impact how organizations can handle personal information.
In vertical, IT and Telecommunications to grow at the highest CAGR during the forecast period
The telecommunications vertical is a key target for hackers due to the vast amount of personal data being managed on cell phones, satellites, and the Internet. IT deals with computers and networking devices to produce, process, preserve and protect various forms of electronic data. It has created security issues and regulatory compliances that affect the working of the companies in the vertical. Thus, communication service providers have adopted encryption technologies to provide services to their customers without any hindrances.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, cell phone and internet usage have significantly increased worldwide. The increasing use of mobile has enabled users to access their emails and other files through their devices from anywhere. It has also increased the threat of cyberattacks. IT companies deploy many services through web and mobile applications. Online financial transactions in the vertical have significantly increased and become lucrative targets for cybercriminals. The companies in the vertical are adopting encryption solutions to provide their customers with risk-free services. Moreover, they are delivering encrypted services to their customers using mobile and cloud technologies. The use of encryption software has enabled users to save their important information on their mobile devices and use it through the cloud without any risk. The encryption solutions help telecommunication companies enhance their services and provide secure information to customers while also assisting in complying with regulations, such as AES, PCI DSS, and GDPR.
In region, APAC to grow at the highest CAGR during the forecast period
Across the Asia Pacific, there are a number of prosperous economies with well-developed cyber ecosystems. The economies include India, China, Australia, and New Zealand. The region has been one of the fastest-growing markets in terms of mobile workforce expansion and is witnessing the rising adoption of mobile devices. The Asia Pacific is expected to invest more in security due to the increasing threat of spear phishing, malware, ransomware, and BEC attacks. Alarming statistics uncovered by FireEye revealed that the Asia Pacific countries are more susceptible to advanced cyberattacks than the world. According to the Malwarebytes Threat Intelligence report released in April 2020, APT groups that use COVID-19-themed mails as a lure have grown significantly. The Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) have also identified a rise in APT attacks against healthcare institutions and medical research facilities including vaccine development centers amid COVID-19. The large enterprises and SMEs in this region recognize the significance of data security. Organizations in this region are also increasingly focusing on building long-term relationships with their users by providing security to their sensitive data and delivering customized experiences. They are now more receptive toward adopting dedicated encryption solutions to protect their critical and sensitive business data from commercial espionage, cyber threats, and computer hackers.
The increasing advancements in mobility and cloud solutions, coupled with mandatory compliance to government regulations, have compelled companies in the region to adopt encryption solutions. Moreover, with the rising intensity and complexity of cyberattacks, the data security concerns of the businesses in the region have further heightened. Various eminent security vendors, such as Trend Micro, IBM, and Thales, are expanding their presence in the region to capitalize on the enormous demand for security software.
Major vendors in the global Encryption software market include IBM (US), Microsoft (US), Broadcom (US), Sophos (UK), Thales (France), McAfee (US), Trend Micro (Japan), Dell (US), Check Point (Israel), Micro Focus (UK), PKWare (US), ESET (Slovakia), Boxcryptor (Germany), WinMagic (US), Cryptomathic (Denmark), Bitdefender (Romania), Stormshield (France), Cisco (US), HPE (US), Bitglass (US), Baffle (US), Fortanix (US), Enveil (US), Nord Security (Panama), PreVeil (US).
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surajmarathedb1 · 2 years
Market Analysis and Growth of Asia-Pacific A2 Milk Market
Data Bridge Market Research analyses that the A2 milk market  is expected to reach USD 6,262.54 million by 2029, at a CAGR of 22.1% during the forecast period. The A2 milk market report also comprehensively covers pricing, patent and technological advancements.
Asia-Pacific A2 Milk Market Study and Proportions
A2 milk aids in the development of immunity, stimulates metabolism and provides Omega 3 fatty acids. A2 dairy is gaining significant growth due to rising consumer awareness of their health and high nutrition content in A2 milk than in regular milk. It is available in various forms and is easily available in the market. However, high prices of A2 milk and its products are expected to restrain the market growth of A2 milk during the forecasted period. The inclination of consumers over sustainable production of A2 milk may lead to further growth in the market. In contrast, growing trends of veganism may serve as a major challenge for developing the Asia-Pacific A2 milk market.
Request for sample- https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/request-a-sample/?dbmr=asia-pacific-a2-milk-market
Market Definition
A2 milk is a type of cow's milk that lacks the A1 form of casein proteins and mostly contains the A2 form. The A2 beta-casein protein in A2 milk quickly breaks down into amino acids for quick digestion, improving our overall health and increasing cows' milk's nutritional value. A2 cow milk contains minerals such as calcium, potassium and phosphorus required for strong bones and teeth, better muscle function, blood pressure regulation, tissue and cell growth, enhancing good cholesterol (HDL) and maintaining overall nourishment and well-being of the body.    
Asia-Pacific A2 Milk Market Changing aspects
This section deals with understanding the market drivers, advantages, opportunities, restraints and challenges. All of this is discussed in detail below:
Growth in awareness about health among consumers
The growing awareness about health, food intake and diets among consumers are the major driving force for the Asia-Pacific A2 milk market. Over time, consumers know the pros and cons of the food they eat daily. A2 milk is highly nutritious and positively impacts a person's body due to the presence of A2 beta-casein protein. This A2 protein prevents various heart diseases, diabetes and autism. With this, people are consuming A2 milk and prefer it for regular consumption. This change in the preference and development of awareness towards health is expected to boost the market growth of the Asia-Pacific A2 milk market.
Inclination of consumers over sustainable production of A2 milk
Sustainability protects the environment's health and bio capacity. Individual and community well-being is aided by sustainability. Sustainability promotes a better economy with less pollution and waste, fewer emissions, more employment and equitable wealth distribution. A sustainable approach to A2 milk production reduces the environmental impact of dairy farming while increasing the dairy sector's animal welfare and social endorsement.
Access full report- https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/reports/asia-pacific-a2-milk-market
Competitive Landscape and A2 Milk Market Stake Study
The A2 milk market competitive landscape provides details about a competitor. Components included are company overview, company financials, revenue generated, market potential, investment in research and development, new market initiatives, Asia-Pacific presence, production sites and facilities, production capacities, company strengths and weaknesses, product launch and product width and breadth, application dominance. The above data points are only related to the companies focus on the A2 milk market.
Some of the major players operating in the A2 milk market are
Erden Cremery Private LTd
Provilac Dairy Farms Pvt. Ltd
Ripley Farms LLC
Taw River Dairy
The A2 Milk Company
Urban Farms Milk
Veedaz Organics Pvt Ltd
Avtaran A2 Milk and Organics
DOFE, Captain's Farm
Ayuda Organics
Veco Zuivel B.V.
Chapter One: Introduction
Chapter Two: Market Segmentation
Chapter Three: Market Overview
Chapter Four: Executive Summary
Chapter Five: Premium Insights
Chapter Six: Asia-Pacific A2 Milk Market by Product & Procedure type
Get TOC of the report- https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/toc/?dbmr=asia-pacific-a2-milk-market
Browse related reports
Global A2 Milk Market
North America A2 Milk Market         
Europe A2 Milk Market
Middle East and Africa A2 Milk Market
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Data Bridge Market Research set forth itself as an unconventional and neoteric Market research and consulting firm with unparalleled level of resilience and integrated approaches. We are determined to unearth the best market opportunities and foster efficient information for your business to thrive in the market
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I posted 6,107 times in 2021
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#i would love to talk about it with you please feel free to message me on here or leave long rambling comments on ao3
My Top Posts in 2021
I'm just imagining now everyone else who had found out the doctor was in space jail... And had elaborate break out plans (clara. River) and find out that jack broke her out. They're going to have words.
About a week after the Doctor gets broken out, I’m just imagining River and Clara smashing their way into her cell like “SURPRI- WHERE THE HELL IS SHE?” and scaring the living daylights out of the poor alien who’s been assigned it. (Like it wasn’t weird enough with all the tally marks on the walls.)
158 notes • Posted 2021-01-03 20:18:15 GMT
Look, I just want a West Wing meets The Thick of It type Doctor Who spinoff featuring the exasperated civil servants of the UK trying to cope with the copious amounts of alien-related shit the government keeps encountering (World War Three, Harry Saxon, Doomsday, The Stolen Earth, the Moon’s an egg, In The Forest of the Night, the Zygon uprising/assimilation, the Monks, Praxeus, the 456, Miracle Day, etc.), featuring them having weekly office whip-rounds and bake sales to try and raise money for Torchwood and UNIT after they get defunded following Brexit, because nobody else seems to have a clue what’s going on and they’re sick of having to fill out forms.
192 notes • Posted 2021-02-15 23:18:49 GMT
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Michael Sheen is an absolute mood.
224 notes • Posted 2021-01-05 19:53:57 GMT
Does the Translation Circuit still work if the Doctor is millions of light years away from the TARDIS or was the Doctor just walking around Judoon maximum security speaking Gallifreyan, confusing the hell out of everyone?
284 notes • Posted 2021-01-03 13:06:04 GMT
Doctor Who Showrunners be like: *slaps the Doctor’s shoulder* this bad boy can fit so much emotional trauma and repressed PTSD
736 notes • Posted 2021-01-03 20:28:27 GMT
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n0manisan · 5 years
I just bought the Incredi-files, and while most of the info isn't new, it does provide interesting little details like: 
 Dynaguy was sued for $1 million in emotional distress because he didn't save a kid's teddy bear while rescuing her and her family from a fire. He did replace the teddy bear though
The Parr's previous addresses are difficult to decipher because they’re crossed out (thus anything i can't read is replaced with a blank) but to the best of my ability they are:
1107 Madison Avenue, _____ Hill, CA, _____
310 Mackenze Street, _____, CA, _4556
 __67 Avery Way, _afay _____, CA, _454_
Helen runs a carpool, along with Beth Giles and Dovie Ramsey to pick up Dash, Jacob, Jordyn, Kai, Taidan, Lucy, Devin, Ben, Madison, and Mackenzie. Helen drives on Mondays. Assuming they are the same person, Ben is one of Violet's classmates 
As Elastigirl, Helen wrote a newspaper article about shopping tips
The Happy Platter serves cheesy buffalo wings
Dash ran at 475 mph when he placed the tack on Bernie's chair, and was running at least 85 mph on water. Evelyn estimates that his top speed will increase as he gets older, and may be able to break the sound barrier
Evelyn has suggested putting a surveillance team on Dash's track coach because he's getting suspicious about Dash's constant second place finishes. Bernie is also under surveillance 
Jack Jack has acute hearing, taste, and has super intellect (supposedly, but not confirmed)
Devtech has a childcare center and Winston wants to use Jack Jack to market a utility belt meant to hold baby supplies
Lucius has a clothing line and a career in the music industry
Lucius also wishes he had a car like the Incredibile
Before the deaths of Thunderhead, Metaman, Splashdown, Dynaguy, and Stratogale capes were considered standard issue
People without powers are called non-super individuals (NSIs)
Ironically, the charge Mr. Incredible was brought to court for was endangering the life of a despondent citizen
The fabric Edna uses is called haluminum vibronic dacralor polymesh
Edna is said to have abandoned capes, meaning that she has designed them in the past, and she is the first to pioneer capeless designs
Edna's studio is located in her basement
Most villains began pursuing legitimate lines of work after the Super ban 
 Mirage is not Mirage's real name (though her real name is unknown) 
 Due to Mirage's surveillance equipment, we know that Mirage spotted Bob and Lucius at 11:46 pm 
 The Incredibile's top speed is 300mph, while the Elasticycle's top speed is 200mph
The Elasticycle runs on two solar-hydrogen hybrid fuel cells
Fewer commuters rely on the monorail because of how many incidents there have been involving them
The mind wiping device that Rick uses is called the MW-086 Decerebralator, and there are only two in existance. Rick intends to repurpose or dismantle it when the Superhero Relocation Act is repealed 
Evelyn's hypo-goggles can project holograms, augmented reality, and virtual reality. Also Winston doesn't like how they look
Jack Jack's baby monitor tracks the supply of cookies and diapers and automatically places an order when the supply runs too low
Kari is under surveillance by the NSA
Jack Jack weighs 22.1 lbs
The book is not written by Brad Bird (it is instead written by John Edwards) so this information is debatable canon, but I’m just putting it out here so you can decide for yourselves.
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Well, Dinah certainly is taking no shit from anyone these days. Good to see her confident, and it looks like she's trying to do what's best for the world as a whole over the long term, if that "I'm working for everyone" comment is accurate.
And for the good of the world 2+ years out, Skitter has to get into PRT custody by some method, though it doesn't matter how, and she has to cause some damage to the Protectorate as an organization, and more damage is better... and Dinah confirms there's an Endbringer coming, but won't say when, where, or which one. Great.
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So I got 5 more exams this month, begin with general and inorganic chemistry in 2 days (4.1.’19). Then I got organic chemistry 7.1. I’m very stressed and anxious of these two exams cause I am not chemistry person hehe, but from organic chem labs I got 92% and this result is coming with me to the exam so I hope it will help me as much as it can. Next exam 15.1. It is zoology. They say this is the hardest exam and it has 8 credits. For me as a future biologist it’s very important to know zoology. Otherwise I don’t wanna be general biologist and I plan to do my master degree in genetics lab and my phd too😂 but these plans are so far away yet. Etology on 22.1. Should be the easiest exam they say. And the last one 31.1. Is cell biology . I would be really gratefull if u’ll keep your fingers crossed for me cause I’m in the first year of my study at the uni and I’m really stressed 🤭
Thank you
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reportstore · 2 years
Nicaragua telecoms and pay-TV has growth potential
Regardless of being perhaps the littlest market in the Americas, the Nicaragua telecoms Services Market and pay-TV market holds incredible development potential especially in the portable and fixed information sections.
Nicaragua telecoms
GlobalData figures that the absolute telecom and pay-TV income in the nation will increment at an accumulate yearly development rate (CAGR) of 3.5%, in nearby money terms, somewhere in the range of 2018 and 2023, for the most part determined by the developing interest for versatile and fixed information services, as well as the rising reception of conventional compensation TV services.
The portable information section, which represented 20.4% of the absolute telecoms income in 2018, will be the quickest developing fragment, extending at a CAGR of 14.1%, in nearby money terms, over the 2018-2023 period.
Development will be upheld by the rising reception of portable information services, especially over cell phones and the extension of 4G services with higher normal income per client levels.
The fixed broadband and pay-TV fragments will likewise see their income commitment increment during this period, from a consolidated 18.5% in 2018 to 22.1% in 2023, essentially determined by the developing reception of fixed broadband associations in the private section and administrator's interest in FTTx foundation.
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yes-bernie-stuff · 8 months
Dieu Nous Invite À La Noce
Jésus leur dit : « Voici à quoi ressemble le royaume des cieux : Un roi organisa une fête pour le mariage de son fils. Il envoya ses serviteurs appeler les invités à ce mariage. » Matthieu 22.1-2
Il y a quelques mois, des amis nous ont invités au mariage de leur fille. Quelle joie de voir ces jeunes gens s’unir devant Dieu et les hommes ! Quel privilège de s’attabler avec les amis des mariés et apprécier les mets préparés pour ce repas de mariage !
Un mariage est une fête, une fête d’amour. Selon Jésus, l’ambiance dans le royaume des cieux ressemble à celle d’une fête de mariage. Dieu n’est pas un triste sire, il veut mettre de la joie dans nos cœurs. Il nous invite à nous unir à son Fils par un lien d’amour¹, et à nous réunir autour de son Fils pour former un joyeux royaume. La vraie religion n’est pas triste, sinon elle n’est qu’une sombre imitation des intentions de Dieu. Dieu nous invite au mariage de son fils, et c’est à nous de répondre à cette invitation.
Dans la parabole de Jésus, les premiers invités refusent de venir. Ils ont d’autres priorités. Leurs champs, leur bétail, et leurs affaires urgent plus. Étrange mentalité ! Et cependant beaucoup répondent de cette façon à l’invitation de Dieu à nous joindre à l’union de son Fils.
Honorons l’invitation divine, allons à la noce du Fils de Dieu afin que la fête s’installe dans nos vies.²
Alain Monclair
¹ Jean 3.16 ² Luc 15.24
__________________ Lecture proposée : Évangile selon Matthieu, chapitre 22, versets 1 à 14.
Parabole des noces 1 Et Jésus prenant la parole, leur parla de nouveau en paraboles, disant : 2 Le royaume de Dieu est semblable à un roi qui fit des noces pour son fils. 3 Et il envoya ses serviteurs appeler ceux qui avaient été invités aux noces ; mais ils ne voulurent pas venir. 4 Il envoya encore d’autres serviteurs, en disant : Dites à ceux qui ont été invités : Voici, j’ai préparé mon festin : mes taureaux et mes bêtes grasses sont tués, et tout est prêt ; venez aux noces. 5 Mais eux, n’en tenant compte, s’en allèrent, l’un à son champ et l’autre à son trafic ; 6 et les autres, ayant saisi ses serviteurs, les outragèrent et les tuèrent. 7 Mais le roi se mit en colère, et ayant envoyé ses armées, il fit périr ces meurtriers, et brûla leur ville. 8 Alors il dit à ses serviteurs : Les noces sont prêtes, mais ceux qui étaient invités n’en étaient pas dignes. 9 Allez donc dans les carrefours des chemins, et invitez aux noces tous ceux que vous trouverez. 10 Et ces serviteurs s’en étant allés dans les chemins, rassemblèrent tous ceux qu’ils trouvèrent, tant méchants que bons, et la salle des noces fut remplie de convives. 11 Et le roi, étant entré pour regarder ceux qui étaient à table, vit un homme qui n’était pas revêtu d’un habit de noces ; 12 et il lui dit : Ami, comment es-tu entré ici sans avoir un habit de noces ? Et il eut la bouche fermée. 13 Alors le roi dit aux serviteurs : Liez-le pieds et mains, et jetez-le dans les ténèbres de dehors ; là seront les pleurs et les grincements de dents. 14 Car il y a beaucoup d’appelés, mais peu d’élus.
Commentaire biblique de Matthieu 22.12
Comme tous ces invités avaient été rassemblés dans les carrefours et que la plupart devaient être très pauvres, le roi ne pouvait pas s’attendre à ce qu’ils eussent tous un habit de noces digne de paraître à sa cour.
Aussi un grand nombre d’interprètes recourent-ils, pour expliquer ce trait, à l’usage oriental d’offrir aux invités un manteau de fête (kaftan) avec lequel ils pouvaient se présenter convenablement à la cour d’un prince. Ce vêtement serait ainsi un don gratuit et celui qui l’aurait méprisé serait sans excuse.
Sur le mot ami, comparez Matthieu 20.13, note.
Il n’eut rien à répondre à la question du roi. Il vient un temps où le pécheur ne trouvera plus d’excuses.
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mbimphblog · 3 years
Thelohanellus mrigalae Tripathi, 1952 is the important myxosporean parasites causing hemorrhagic thelohanellosis disease in Cirrhinus mrigala, a fresh water teleost. Infected fishes show profound swelling, formation of pus, cyst on gill filament and infiltration of pathogen into connective tissue. About 238 live specimens of Cirrhinus mrigala were examined and myxozoan parasite T. mrigalae were identified which implicates host specificity. Any significant infection was not observed in the sampling period of March-July, whereas prevalence of T. mrigalae was much higher in the period of November to February which is post-monsoon period in West Bengal. During monsoon, moderate infection was observed as rain water is the main factor for spreading spore. The plasmodia of T. mrigalae were located in the intrafilamental epithelial site of gill. The plasmodia were cylindrical and creamy-white patch and contained ellipsoidal spores as valvular shape. The spores were 20.4 – 22.1 (±6.34) μm in length and 8.5 – 10.2 (±0.87) μm in width. An oblong, irregularly shaped mass of protoplasm was observed between the polar capsule and spore capsule. The polar capsule was 10.2 – 13.5 (±0.05) μm in length and 3.4 – 4.25 (±0.5) μm in width containing a polar filament coiled perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the spore body. Histology of gill filaments showed a series of nodules of various sizes distorting the normal architecture of the gill cartilage. Distention of the gill filament was pronounced and lamellae adjacent to the cyst were no longer present. Necrotic lesions and hyperplasia were extensively observed in the gill filaments. Infected fish had lower RBC counts, higher WBC counts and more fragile erythrocytes than control fish. Haemorrhaging was distinctly visible. The increase in number of mucous goblet cells on the gill lamellae of infected fish enhance the diffusion distance between water and blood haemoglobin and rapidly impair Oxygen (O2) and Carbon dioxide (CO2) exchange. Please see the link :- https://mbimph.com/index.php/UPJOZ/article/view/2110
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