wormbloggign · 3 months
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taylors training theo... i dont know why but this feels like a bad sign
i dont know if its a good idea that they mix...
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oh yeah, i kinda shunted that they were americans out of my head, i was thinking of brockton bay as like a part of sydney
(call me 4kids the way i localise)
“When you were dealing with the Slaughterhouse Nine back in Brockton Bay, you fought Jack Slash, right?”
don't expect much help there theo, we havent yet gotten even a summary on how his powers work, only the idea that he can go long range with a knife. theres almost definitely an unexpected twist around his capabilities, not to mention the swarm of baddies (swarmterhouse 9?) bonesaw was cooking up
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thats not the first time stardust came up in that manner, plot relevance? maybe. interest? nah.
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yeah sure taylor, not threatening at all
The Simurgh, her silhouette barely visible in the midst of the clouds.
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ah, theres some of her plan, "civilians, do you see how destructive and powerful these capes are?"
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and heres another, "capes, you cant do anything, youre worthless (riling them up)"
it's funny to know that her area of influence was never restricted to those who heard her song, tragic, but funny
“If the Simurgh wanted to deliver a hit to morale, this would be a way to do it,” Mrs. Yamada said. “After New Delhi, a lot of capes were hoping to make a difference, to be heroes. Her choice of venue, the short battle, the narrow focus, it denied everyone the chance. Not just you.”
that's what i said! (not really, her interpretation feels stronger but let me have this)
“Maybe,” I answered her. “But I hate feeling helpless.”
real, you shouldve seen the last person who didnt leave her an out
(2 dead, many injured)
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teared the fjuk up real quick
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wormbloggign · 3 months
i have JUST now remembered the existence of a worm fanfiction (technically, worm/witcher crossover fanfiction, but it can be read with no knowledge of the witcher) that places a fair amount of importance on medieval textiles and their role in society. (They're instrumental to at least one plot beat.) It's unfinished, and idk how correct the textile info is since I know little about textiles myself, but it's really good, especially if you enjoy fantasy - and it's a great exploration of Taylor's early-series psyche. Wolfspider by Sengachi on AO3. If that appeals to you, I'd very much recommend it for after you finish Worm :D
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wormbloggign · 3 months
where the FUCK is the textile tinker
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wormbloggign · 3 months
“I think you’re off target,” I said. “You’re talking about Foil, I get it, and Parian, and now the Chicago Wards and Glenn. But all of the decisions they made were when I wasn’t anywhere near them. Unless you’re implying I have some sort of mind control.”
yeah taylor, about that,, your category of control is attributed to insects but it also includes crustaceans, cephalopods, arachnids, not to mention the microscopic parasites and WORMS. it seems your category of control is a lot more open than you think, possibly even able to expand.
all im saying is mind control isnt that far off.
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i dont think taylors ever snap decided someone to be bad just because of how they interpret and summarise her actions, i wonder whats different here
We won, I thought.  We beat him, and you’re quibbling over details.
ah, she doesnt consider her actions here wrong.
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that's how canary gets out? i had ideas but none of them were endbringer fodder
We won, you bastards.  I clenched my fists beneath the table.
this is really getting to her, fuck.
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how arent they noticing this? bugs dont go this ignored, especially if someone in the room is a bug master, am i going crazy?
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she's been caught from the start, damn.
…He won’t have our assistance, I thought. I heard the words, and my bugs spoke them.  Every bug, within the building, repeated him, verbatim.  The good, the bad, the details that damned me.  It wasn’t a question of finding the right person, or saying the right thing.  It was everyone, saying everything.
whent things go bad, taylor spot checks, when things get worse SHE SPOT CHECKS HARDER
“It’s exactly what Chevalier wanted,” I said. My eyes dropped to the table. I didn’t meet his gaze, didn’t try to engage the visitors. “Open, honest. Exposing the rot at the center.”
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what does the chief director mean by that... taylors right, they were opposed from the get go.
if chief west was on her side, that would mean very disturbing things for the PRT (cauldron compliant)
“You want me to make a move. Powerful enough to shake them, break the status quo, not powerful or blatant enough to break my probation or give them an excuse to drop the book on me.”
given that she was always going to do the first half, (this is taylor after all) glenns basically just asking her to hold back and be careful
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ugly crying.
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uglier crying.
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okay im back
“This space was for vehicles, but Stardust graduated three years ago, died a year after joining the Protectorate. We’ve been using it for storing paperwork, and your moving in was a good excuse to get some things sorted out. Your workshop.”
yesssss textile manufacturingg :):):)
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maybe?? taylor MAYBE????
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oh it was hazing, i was really worried about the direction of the story for a bit there
“Don’t sue me for sexual harassment,” Annex told me. I smiled a little.  “I’m not going to sue.  I’ve been around people who did worse.”
taylors the kind of person who people apologise to after she talks about stuff shes gone through
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i want to like these guys, i really do.
lets hope they get more development and become more distinct
(i've already forgotten who has what powers)
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wormbloggign · 3 months
So, that Behemoth fight, huh?
rest in uh... Rest.
big points i want to address
its very funny one of weavers first actions as a superhero is to forget to turn her body cam off
pretender is a silly little guy who has big high heeled boots to fill
they keep on trying to make armsfondler sympathetic and i ... no
we finally got confirmation that taylors passenger/shadow/consort/guide/worm(noones called them worms yet but i have my suspicions) is significantly more powerful than anyone elses
its lovely to know golem is thriving outside of his families influence
cody from zach and cody really needs to uh, stop.
rest in peace, Alec. may 10,000 snarky angels carry you to whatever afterlife is most applicable (i hope its a kind one)
it sucks that lisa has to work around so many pseudo-cognito-hazards (if people know that you know, youre doomed), i hope she finds someone willing to spill the beans one day.
most powerful guy in the worlds words really did come through, bit worried about the retaliation where the simurgh and leviathan double team the most populated area at once
glenn s tier (no i do not have an actual tier list nor do i have any intention of constructing a tier list. i will only mention the tier list if the character enters the S tier)
(the S stands for SOUP because i would like to talk to them over some SOUP)
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wormbloggign · 3 months
we're getting airborne with this one
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wormbloggign · 3 months
“I’m so sorry I’m late. I never do this,” Mrs. Yamada said. She entered the office, a raincoat, boots and a messenger bag in her arms, her hair a touch damp, clearly flustered. “What a way to start us off. I’m so embarrassed.”
Therapy episode!!! long time coming, hopefully not too late
“About me. This could be a long session,” I said.
yeah its about 1.6 million words, sit down and get comfy
“How you seized the idea that it’s bureaucracy that would be holding me back,” she said.  “Or your facial expression when I said I want to approach this meeting with respect.  But there’s other points I think we should cover first.  We’ll get back to that, if you’re interested.”
Yamada has got this on lock-down, she knows what up
“But the sum total is worse.  It’s like, if you go back to the very fundamentals of right and wrong, you have to ask, ‘if most people acted the same way I’m acting right now, would society be better off?'”
wait thats the fundamentals of right and wrong? ive been doing all this incorrectly :(
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Mrs Yamada is the GOAT, S tier
“When I was new at being a villain I took on established heroes and robbed a bank, walking away with a small fortune.”
please pick that up, her bank heist very much wasn't her first outing, her first outing was as a hero, where she took down Lung.
fuck, wait. that incident doesnt credit her because of armstraders interference. dang.
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yea lets drop the supervillain in a middle-school, no problem :)
(funniest possible situation, good job Mrs Yamada)
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great save, you just know the kids'd try something
“No, let’s be fair,” I said. “Being a villain’s an option.”
i like this approach, she's giving them a question to mull over, 'do i want to be a good guy or a bad guy?' getting that question, especially when you're a kid is usually going to result in them wanting to be a good guy, because good guys do good things. the question is flawed, asserting a choice where there isnt always one, but in the hypothetical, they very much do have a choice, and that will lead them into deciding better actions in the long term.
good shit
“Oh shit,” Ned said, “You conned us into playing dungeons and dragons!”
it's a thought experiment all the way down babeyyyy
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im gonna cry im gonna piss im gonna kill someone
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wormbloggign · 3 months
Glenn Chambers wore plaid pants with red and green, and a pink dress shirt, His belt bore a buckle with the PRT logo on it. His hair had changed too, parted neatly into what I assumed was ‘geek chic’, and the glasses had changed as well, with thick, round frames. An ID card hung around his neck. He didn’t fit any of those particular archetypes.
i love how shit his fits are. this man CANNOT dress. let him micromanage every aspect of your persona.
“Go, and hurry,” Glenn said.  “Tell them to fix it and cast another prototype before the run starts.  These are toys, they’ll be in the hands of children and collectors both.  The people who are buying these are fans.  What’s it going to say if their most immediate association with Esoteric is the broken toy sitting on a shelf?  It’s going to convey that he’s flimsy.”
ok thats just poor organisation, you'd have the base construction and elements of the doll figured out WELL before you start working on its visage. glenn has dropped in my opinion of him
“I asked to speak to you because I wanted you to know about the damage that’s being done.” “Ah, this is about the butterflies.” “It’s about a lot more than butterflies.  It’s the whole mindset.  The attitude of the heroes.  I’d talk to Chevalier, but he’s too busy.  I’d talk to Rime, but she’s recovering from being shot three times.  You’re the only other person I’ve met so far who really seems to be in a position to know what I’m talking about.  Besides, as far as I can figure, image and PR seem to be at the heart of the problem.”
she's back to her favourite pastime. (i genuinely love everytime she does this)
“The focus isn’t on lethal or nonlethal,” Glenn said. “It’s on whether we can trust you to keep on the path you’re walking. If you start taking shortcuts now, what happens a year down the line? If we decide you can go all-out in one specific situation, does that open the door for another?”
genuinely good point, good to see glenn is trying hard to properly vett new capes
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taylor goes so hard as a monster i really do love it
“Until I turn eighteen,” I said, feeling a little hollow.
that's less than a year, you can handle that.
Chevalier approached.  “You murdered two people.  Three, going by your admission while in custody.  Two PRT directors, one major hero.  When Dragon and Defiant suggested we bring you on board, we were divided.  It was Glenn who offered the compromise that we ultimately agreed to.  This compromise.” I glanced at Glenn, who shrugged. Glenn?
glenn wanted an excuse to integrate hexagon tiling into NEW PRT advertising didnt he
“That’s why you’re waiting two years?  You think that it’ll take that long to vet me, before you can give me actual responsibility?”
two years? didnt she turn 17 around the time coil did his big bombing run? did she just forget?
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that's genuinely horrifying, thanks
Mail from all around the United states.  From strangers, from fans. Words of support.  Criticism.  Death threats.
this is functionally the first time the general public has had the chance to communicate directly to her. yeah i expected as much
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hes bumbling 🥺🥺🥺
aishas doing great actually
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lisa is lisa-ing
Atlas died.  I wanted to let you know.  Tattletale had him, but he wouldn’t eat or move.  We asked for him, and we found a place for him.  The guys say they think they know a good way to make a mold.  They’re covering him in brass. A way of saying you’re still with us.  Take care of yourself. -Char
MY BOY ;-;
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silly goofy, rachels going through it.
overall, taylors polycule miss her and the others have their own thing
Withdrawing a notepad, I started sketching out the designs I was thinking of. Alterations to the costume, weapon ideas, tools and concepts.
!!!! !!!!
The costume Defiant and Dragon had given me was theirs, not mine.  The fighting style that had been dictated was Glenn’s and Chevalier’s. This, this would be me.
im gonna have to draw her new costume too when it get out arent i.
(we are pretending like im not incredibly excited about this development)
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wormbloggign · 3 months
His bare chest was muscular, waxed hairless, the belt and leggings of his costume slung low enough that I could see the lines of his lower stomach that pointed to his… yeah.  It was admittedly distracting.  It was meant to be distracting.
what the fucj is going on with the las vegas capes...
“And it’s required. Vegas is one of the worst cities for sheer number of villains,” Rime said. Her entire demeanor was rigid, which maybe fit in a way with her ice powers. “Vegas employs a group of unsponsored thinkers and tinkers to monitor the venues, much like the PRT does with the economy, ensuring that everything is above-board
why is everyone in worm so okay with surveillance states? is america just like this?
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sorry to say, taylor, but cops and robbers is probably more of a justification that implicitly justified your place in a system than an actual analysis on how society works
“Well, I didn’t expect you’d let me go. Do what you have to. I made a deal with the devil, you caught me, for better or worse,” Pretender said. In a quieter voice, he said, “About time I pay the price.”
(cauldron mention lets gooo)
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shes quipping! im so proud of her
“Sniper rifle,” I said, in the same instant the thought came together. “Wha?” Leister asked, incoherent and confused. Prefab’s head snapped my way.  “You sure?” “I’d point,” I said, “But he’d notice.  Our masks and helmets cover our faces, or I’d be worried about lip-reading.”
she's simply on top of her game. intel master.
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they are still living things taylor...
“Maybe ‘tenacious’ is the word you want,” Vantage offered.  “There aren’t a lot of people who get knocked out and still manage to win a fight.” “Are you all this pedantic?”  I asked. Vantage only laughed, though I saw Rime glancing at me, and she didn’t look pleased. “Alexandria was always hard on us,” Arbiter said.  Her voice had a strange tone to it, oddly melodic, “Getting us to focus on grades, extracurricular stuff, on top of what we did as a part of the team.”
subtle reminder for taylor that she killed their boss. they possibly blame her for the situation on the strip getting worse
“Weaver did what had to be done,” Rime said. “Not pretty, not kind, but sometimes you have to use a knife to cut out a cancer.”
they think of her as a knife... interesting...
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from the b names that come to mind, i am worried, from the powers they have, im confused (i dont know any that are grey and spinning..)
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? whos this.
We made our way out of the craft. Odd as it was, I felt a mixture of relief and… an emotion I couldn’t place, at the realization that I didn’t have to fight to convince my teammates that we had to help other people.
thats... yeah :)
“You were there for the Leviathan fight,” I spoke to Bambina.
aah. yeah okay, that tracks
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yeah that tracks, of course the villains have some kind of popularity contest
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damn, maybe taylor should defect too, i think she'd do great as a villain
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wormbloggign · 3 months
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my take on the weaver outfit, they would almost definitely give her boobplate
og sketch under the cut
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usually i dont include these but i think the sketch does the pose more justice
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wormbloggign · 4 months
interlude 22 hits man, the all of it has left me without words. good shit. good shit. good shit. good night
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wormbloggign · 4 months
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damn, rachel really has grown, that makes we wanna cry
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wormbloggign · 4 months
a quick anatomy practice on taylor worm herbert
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i dont know how accurate this is to her costume bc im trying to not spoil myself through checking how other people do it
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wormbloggign · 4 months
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i dont believe that for a second, she was planning on this. i just don't get why
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i assumed the body bag was fishy but all of it? damn, alexandria really was playing only mind games that night
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taylor still hasnt gotten her hobby (systematically spot checking and improving the prt) out of her system. down girl, down
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real, i had to take a breather before i read any further
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somethings wrong here, wheres the signal WHERES R CLOVER
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depending how you look at it, Alexandria is only taylors second or third body, she does not kill lightly
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my first impressions were off, somethings up with this man
i told myself i wouldnt fall to copaganda and distrust lawyers but this guy seems to be up to something
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there we go! itch : scratched
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taylor has extreme predjudice towards only 2 groups; flame/heat manipulators and tinkers. solid characterisation, love it.
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! the boy !
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oh. oh no.
rachels gonna kill her
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rachels gonna fucking kill her
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omg is she going to finally get her talk with taylor?
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taylor... that's an interesting choice of words there buddy,, wanna talk about it?
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wormbloggign · 4 months
ok so.
1 her dad knew, not that she was a cape, but that she was working with (assumedly under) villains
2 Alexandria is an evil woman, i understand that she probably did this entire thing intentionally for the greater good or whatever cauldrons end plan is, but there was almost definitely another way for her to do it that wasnt so cruel (seriously, why are all these adults okay with abusing, traumatising and killing kids?)
3 theres no way this evacuation is about taylor. either the endbringers are coming down, or the s9 is making a surprise appearance (maybe they fled through the portal, that's a possibility)
4 with how taylor has deduced it to be brian or rachel, im pretty certain that it is nether of them, or they are not actually dead
5 theyre bringing up the birdcage too frequently for it not to be a major plot point down the line, somethings going to happen (and regardless of what that is, i have some ideas, canary will get her free bird moment)
6 thinking on it, the fact she didnt mention regent or imp when she woke up suggests she's properly the only one left behind, even the villains got out. (simurgh? cauldron? has taylor been displaced?)
7 theyre really going hard with the gnostic myth rips huh
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wormbloggign · 4 months
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i am going to keep bringing these moments up, just because seeing taylor casually style on him never stops filling me with joy
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oh damn even he's getting in on the action of clowning on himself
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everyone gets a turn! (also this guys kinda hot)
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(that's what i said!)
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aw :( the little sociopath doesnt get to torture all the kids he wants :(
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yes!! drag his ass!!
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she probably would be a good director all things considered, good call taylor
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this man is lying through his teeth with that last bit. if she weren't that big of a fish, none of this wouldve happened and the worst she could be looking at is juvenile detention, even his prior statements contradict him here, dunkass
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oh! looks like my slaughterhouse 9 thinkpiece needs to wait a bit longer
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absolute scumbag behaviour
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wormbloggign · 4 months
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omg he was
clockblocker where is your gaydar? this bi lesbian doesnt have time for your bullshit
actually i guess she does?
i doubt she has anywhere she wants to go in a rush rn
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oh wow, this guy really just wants to be as big of a p.o.s as possible, i guess it harmless but it would be nice to see him get undermined by his subordinates in the future
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she's a little out of sync with polite society huh
(while police brutality is very much a real thing and prisoners get abused to alarming amounts especially by their guards and wardens, from what i've gleamed of wildbows personal philosophy, i doubt any of that is going to happen here)
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that's a solid quip tho, taylors getting better at the more traditional elements of a superpowered persona
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(while in the prison, she is functionally able to do cutaway gags)
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theyve been stepping around the idea that taylors pregnant a weird amount in this chapter, i hope its just a weird beat and not anything more.
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no she can't :)
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thats just vindictive man, dont be a dick
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an interesting thing to bring up, now that we know more. we can assume that her trigger event at least resonated with the idea that her passenger/guide/consort represents and 2 other events (that i remember) which both involve taylor (notably as herself, not skitter) taking action against people who have been unreasonably vindictive and cruel to her, one could probably argue that her boosting concept is flat Justice, but i doubt that because of the bug motif, specifically the fact it first flared up in a way that wouldnt punish emma but instead, comfort taylor when she needed to ground herself, we also run with her theme of necessity (almost definitely not her boosting concept either) where she goes out of her way to make sure the things that NEED doing are done, far more concerned with what good she can do with power and wealth than wanting it for selfish reasons. at times i feel like she's a well placed bit of oil, lubricating the machine of society (bad metaphor but you get the picture).
with all that i think vindication might be the closest i could get to guessing but that'd still be wrong
i can say though, it doesnt amplify when she feels trapped, it amplifies when she works to escape.
(note, i may have just said nothing with all that, disregard)
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i love taylors bug references, 10/10 every time
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good for her, its nice to hear she's healing
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oooohhhh 98% timeline it is, that's reassuring to hear
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aw, you're gonna make her blush
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(it seems she's lucid and has agency, i am proud of her recovery and also her sass)
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COMMON (clap emoji) DINAH (clap emoji) W
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i think i might hate this guy more than armsmaster, at least he had the excuse that he was trying to do the right thing (sometimes), tagg seemingly just hates capes in all forms and enjoys making people suffer when he can make them, genuinely sickening, shouldn't be allowed near children
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taylor was riling up to defend the girl who sentenced her to probably the birdcage, sad that it showed her hand.
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that's what i said!
(also, boss move announcing her prescence throughout the building, theyve been fully compromised.)
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not mind control, just good, old fashioned lesbianism
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funniest counter-argument
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L bozo, wrong again
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taylors up to her favourite pastime again, SPOT CHECKING GOVERNING BODIES!!
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