#cell x tien shinhan
sailfish-serum · 9 months
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Hello dragon ball community this is my resume please let me in
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joan-frias · 4 years
A Gohan x Videl Fanfiction
The people of the world had seen the interview of the Great Saiyaman. Each of them has their own reaction and opinion on what the new superhero said.
A family of four, consists of the parents and one boy and one girl children, are watching TV. They see the interview of the Great Saiyaman.
BOY: (to his father) Do you think the Great Saiyaman can defeat the zombies?
FATHER: I'm not sure, Son. But I think we should listen to what he said.
MOTHER: I agree. Let's stay here at home until the zombies has disappeared.
The mother hugs her daughter, which the young girl reciprocates.
The mother and son that the Great Saiyaman helped earlier are also watching TV, and they saw his interview as well.
BOY: Look, Mom! It was the man we met earlier.
WOMAN: Yes, that's him.
BOY: Do you think he was able to send Daddy back to heaven?
The woman smiles, then hugs the kid.
WOMAN: I know he did.
Some employees of a certain company are watching the interview through a computer.
GIRL STAFF #1: So that means we're stuck in the office?
BOY STAFF #1: Well, if you want to be gobbled up by zombies, you may go out now and try to go home.
BOY STAFF #2: Heh! Go home or go to hell?
GIRL STAFF #1: You two are impossible!
Some men on the gym are watching the news about the Great Saiyaman. A poster of Mr. Satan can be seen beside the wide flat screen television.
MAN #1: Heh! That Saiyaman seems like he's tough. I still believe Mr. Satan is the only one who could defeat the zombies.
MAN #2: But, Mr. Satan has never showed himself ever since the zombies appeared.
MAN #3: Of course, you idiot! Maybe he's thinking of some strategies on how to defeat those monsters.
MAN #1: Yah! Or maybe he's fighting but no one caught him on camera because he's too fast.
MAN #3: Exactly my thoughts, too.
The second guy seems unconvinced, though.
Telephones keep ringing on Mr. Hercule Satan's office adjacent to his room. The world champion is at a corner in his bedroom, under the sheets. Yes, he is hiding in the dark room watching the news about the zombies.
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MR. SATAN: Why do I have to be the one to save the earth on these times? Can't one event be enough for the world martial arts champion to prove that he is the strongest?
The news about the Great Saiyaman is shown on the TV.
MR. SATAN: Hmn? (watches the news) Who is that fool who thinks he is better than me? Addressing the public like he is the world champion?
Mr. Satan suddenly stands up.
MR. SATAN: I can't let that boy steal my reputation as the world's champion! For sure he is no match for the Great Mr. Satan. That's the reason why he's hiding his face on that ridiculous helmet and costume.
Mr. Satan goes out of his room and proceeds to his office. He picks up the receiver of the phone that is labeled PRIVATE.
MR. SATAN: Hey you!
WOMAN: (on the phone) Sir! Everyone is asking about you.
MR. SATAN: I am aware of that. That is why I am doing a press conference today. Gather all the media and tell them to come here at my house.
A press conference was then arranged on Mr. Satan's mansion. All of the media outlets have gathered to witness the world champion's address amidst the crisis that the world is now experiencing.
MR. SATAN: I am here today to address the situation about the zombies. I, Mr. Satan, has vowed to rescue this planet in any danger that comes in its way. That is why I am saying this to you now... I will kill all the zombies until the very last one!
Over at Capsule Corporation, Bulma, Trunks, and Bulma's parents Dr. Brief and Panchy are watching the live coverage on Mr. Satan's press conference.
BULMA: That clown! How can people still believe that he was the world's savior?
DR. BRIEF: Maybe because no one knows what really happened back there with Cell.
BULMA: I wonder what will happen if everyone finds out that the man behind the Great Saiyaman is the one who really defeated Cell?
TRUNKS: Mom, aren't they going to show Daddy fight the zombies, too?
BULMA: I don't think so. Your dad might appreciate being praised as the strongest, but at least he still has the decency to fight not because of fame but because he really just needs to protect us. And besides, those reporters are not interested in fighters other than that clown Mr. Satan.
Back to the press conference…
REPORTER: So, Mr. Satan, how are you planning to beat the zombies?
MR. SATAN: Well, I need to make a strategy first.
REPORTER: The Great Saiyaman said that we should not let the zombies hear or see us.
MR. SATAN: That is a very lame strategy! That punk sure is just showing off pretending he's strong. The way to fight those zombies is to attack them head on. But we need to know where those zombies come from. That is why before I attack, I will first find the source of this invasion so that I will finish these monsters from the source itself.
At the Capsule Corporation…
BULMA: (long sigh) I wonder how the others are doing.
All the Z Fighters are doing their part in defending the planet from the zombie invasion. Vegeta is at the city, and Piccolo is at some rural areas. Tien Shinhan and Chiaotzu are also there to help with the fight. Even Krillin and Master Roshi are in as well.
KRILLIN: (panting) How long do you think these zombies will last?
MASTER ROSHI: I have no idea. I'm just hoping Goku will be able to stop this before we lose all our strength to this fight.
KRILLIN: Leave it to Goku. For sure he is about to finish that Jamenba monster at the check-in station.
Goku is currently fighting the monster Janemba who caused all the chaos that's now happening on the land of the living. The two seems to be at par strength, giving Goku a difficult time in dealing with him.
JANEMBA: I must commend you, Goku. You are giving me a challenge here.
GOKU: Heh! I always try my best.
JANEMBA: But I'm sure your best is not as good as mine. I'll finish you now so that I could go to the land of the living and do my revenge.
GOKU: As if I'm letting you do that.
Goku transforms to Super Saiyan.
JANEMBA: That form again, huh? Well, however you transform yourself, you still will not be a match for me.
GOKU: We will see.
Goku powers up again, transforming himself to Super Saiyan 2.
JANEMBA: If that's the best that you can do, then really. You're no match for me.
GOKU: I am not done yet.
Goku powers up some more, until he is in Super Saiyan 3.
JANEMBA: What...
GOKU: I won't let you destroy the land of the living. I'll end this madness of yours. Now!
Goku charges to Janemba.
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Videl is with the police officers fighting the zombies. The police fire their guns at the zombies, but since they are not affected by bullets the zombies just continue to advance.
POLICE OFFICER #1: What are we going to do?
CAPTAIN: Let's just continue this.
POLICE OFFICER #1: But Sir, we're about to lose all the bullets we have.
The captain stares at the zombies worriedly.
VIDEL: Then we need to fight.
Videl attacks the zombies. She was able to knock down quite a few, but they still keep on coming back. She was starting to worry but continues to fight. Until she was completely overpowered.
POLICE OFFICER #1: We need to help Videl!
POLICE OFFICER #2: But if we fire, we might shoot her instead.
Suddenly, the Great Saiyaman arrives. He fights with Videl, tossing the zombies a few meters away.
GREAT SAIYAMAN: Are you okay?
VIDEL: Yes...
The Great Saiyaman looks at the zombies who are about to attack again. He's breathing deeply, and Videl noticed it.
VIDEL: I should be the one asking if you're okay. You seem tired.
GREAT SAIYAMAN: I'll be fine. I just need some time to rest a bit.
The Great Saiyaman extends his right arm to the zombies, blasting them off. That move causes quite a strain on him, as his breathing becomes more fatigued.
VIDEL: You seem to be doing a lot of fighting already.
GREAT SAIYAMAN: I can't stop if I know the Earth is in danger.
VIDEL: My father is already looking at the source of this thing.
VIDEL: Take it easy. I'm sure he will solve this problem in no time.
A group of zombies starts to advance again.
GREAT SAIYAMAN: I'm not quite sure.
The Great Saiyaman looks at the bunch of zombies.
GREAT SAIYAMAN: (on his mind) I've used a lot of energy already. These things are endless! If I don't take a rest even for a few minutes then I'll run out myself. But... what to do?
Knowing he's already about to run out of energy, the Great Saiyaman still prepares to blast off the zombies. When suddenly, they stopped advancing. Not only did they stop. It seems like they are troubled.
VIDEL: What is happening?
It seems like the zombies are being pulled back by some invisible force. The Great Saiyaman looks on and tries to analyze the situation.
GREAT SAIYAMAN: They are being pulled back.
VIDEL: But how?
GREAT SAIYAMAN: They are being pulled back to where they come from.
VIDEL: Dad... he made it! He found a solution to defeat the zombies.
The Great Saiyaman smiles.
GREAT SAIYAMAN: (on his mind) Dad... he finally did it.
Goku catches his breath as he watches Janemba turn back into the ogre Saike Demon.
GOKU: I guess... that does it...
He sits down, then lay on his back as he continues to catch his breath.
KING KAI: (voice over) Goku!
GOKU: Huh?
KING KAI: The zombies are being pulled back to the check-in station. Earth is safe again.
Goku smiles.
KING KAI: No casualty was reported. Just some damages on certain properties, but no living was harmed. Your friends have done a good job containing the zombies.
GOKU: Good job, guys. I'm so proud of you.
The zombies that the Great Saiyaman and Videl are watching out slowly faded away.
POLICE OFFICER #1: The zombies are disappearing!
POLICE OFFICER #2: Could it be that they're being defeated?
POLICE OFFICER #3: Mr. Satan has done it again!
The Great Saiyaman looks at the police. He smiles.
VIDEL: My father is still the defender of the world.
The Great Saiyaman looks at Videl.
VIDEL: You can try, Great Saiyaman, but nothing beats the champion.
GREAT SAIYAMAN: You talk about your father like you adore him very much.
VIDEL: Of course, I do! Not just because he's my father. He put his life on the line a lot of times for the sake of this world. Don't you think that's something to adore?
GREAT SAIYAMAN: (thinking about Goku) You're right about that.
The Great Saiyaman remembers Goku, his smiling face as he gives him a thumbs up. He is suddenly overwhelmed by emotions that he stays still for a while. Videl kind of felt like the superhero beside her is quiet.
VIDEL: Are you alright?
GREAT SAIYAMAN: Yeah… (looks at her)
VIDEL: You're quiet all of a sudden.
GREAT SAIYAMAN: Just remembered something… Well, thank the Great Mr. Satan for me. I have to go now.
VIDEL: Wait! You're leaving just like that?
GREAT SAIYAMAN: Well, what should I do then?
VIDEL: (blushes) Nothing... I just... I just thought you want to celebrate or something... You can praise my dad yourself.
GREAT SAIYAMAN: No, I think I'll pass. I need to make sure this situation is really over.
The Great Saiyaman flies up the sky.
He flies away.
Mr. Satan is once again doing a press conference on his mansion.
MR. SATAN: People of the earth, once again your peace was brought back by your greatest champion Mr. Satan. Fear no more. The zombies have returned to where they supposed to be.
REPORTER: Mr. Satan, how were you able to suppress all the zombies?
MR. SATAN: Easy. I meditated very hard. I reached the wavelength of the zombies' minds and I told them that if they don't go away, they will perish through the hands of the Great Mr. Satan. They were very scared that they immediately pulled back and they promised they will never come back again.
Bulma and her family is watching the news again.
BULMA: That jerk! The only beings that could connect with him through that shallow brain of him are the insects!
PANCHY: Honey, please take it easy with Mr. Satan.
BULMA: I'm sorry, Mom, but I can't help it. Vegeta and the others are fighting truthfully with their lives on the line and then there's this goofy guy who is taking all the credits. Urgh! So annoying.
Vegeta comes in.
TRUNKS: Dad! (runs to him)
BULMA: Vegeta! Are you alright?
VEGETA: Tch! Have you forgotten that I came from the elite warrior force Saiyan race? Those zombies are not match for me.
BULMA: Well, I'm glad you're okay. I hope the others are, too.
The Great Saiyaman is flying around looking for potential zombies around. The sun is already setting down at the sky and the day is about to end.
GREAT SAIYAMAN: It seems like they are really all gone. I better visit the Lookout and ask Dende for confirmation.
While traveling to the Lookout, the Great Saiyaman comes across Piccolo, who is also traveling to the same destination.
Piccolo stopped.
PICCOLO: I didn't know you transformed to the costume.
GREAT SAIYAMAN: Well, yeah. I figured I might meet a lot of people, so I put on my disguise.
PICCOLO: You can transform back now. The chaos has ended, and you deserve to take a break.
GREAT SAIYAMAN: I guess you're right.
The Great Saiyaman transforms back to his alter ego.
PICCOLO: Let's go. Dende has been waiting for us.
The two flies to the lookout.
Piccolo and Gohan arrive at the Lookout. Dende and Mr. Popo comes to them.
GOHAN: Dende! Mr. Popo!
DENDE: It's nice to see you again, Gohan. And congratulations on a job well done with the zombies.
GOHAN: Everyone did their part, so I had to do mine.
DENDE: The situation at the check-in station has been resolved. Goku was able to stop the monster Jamenba.
GOHAN: Dad...
DENDE: King Yenma and his subordinates were able to fix the flow of the souls and those that came back here on earth were pulled back to the check-in station.
PICCOLO: How about the soul cleansing machine?
DENDE: It was repaired and is now running again.
PICCOLO: That's good. At least we know that everything's back to normal.
GOHAN: I have to go back home now. Mom is sure worried about me.
DENDE: Okay. Take care, Gohan.
GOHAN: I will. Bye!
Gohan flies away.
Gohan is met by his mother and brother.
CHI-CHI: Oh Gohan! (hugs him) I'm glad you're safe.
GOHAN: Thanks, Mom. I'm glad you're safe as well.
GOTEN: Gohan! I saw you're interview on the TV. You were awesome! I want to be like you and be a superhero!
Gohan smiles at his brother's enthusiasm.
CHI-CHI: So, the zombies are really gone?
GOHAN: Yes, Mom. Dad has taken care of the source of the problem.
CHI-CHI: (smiles) Goku… Even at death, he still saves us.
GOHAN: That's right, Mom.
And so, the earth is back to its peaceful state once again. The zombies are gone. There are some damage, though. Work and classes were suspended for a week not only to have enough time to rehabilitate the society, but also to make sure that no zombies remain.
The check-in station is also back to business. After the soul cleansing machine was repaired, the souls are continued to be cleaned and reincarnated, restoring the order not only from the land of the dead, but also the land of the living.
After one week of class being suspended, everything is back to normal at the Orange Star High School. And since the students missed one another, they all share their experiences with each other as they wait for the class to start.
ERASA: Mr. Satan has done it again, Videl. He doesn't only have a strong body, but his mind is strong as well! Imagine reaching out to those zombies! They looked dimwitted to me, literally.
SHARPNER: I can't imagine the intense meditation that Mr. Satan undergoes during his training.
VIDEL: Yeah. No one is even allowed to see his training. Maybe that's because he doesn't want to be bothered while he's meditating.
ERASA: He really is the best.
Gohan comes in, walks directly to his seat beside Erasa.
ERASA: Gohan!
GOHAN! Hi everyone! It's nice to see you again.
ERASA: Nice to see you, too.
SHARPNER: How were your mother and brother?
GOHAN: They are good.
ERASA: Good thing they were not attacked by zombies.
GOHAN: Yeah, they were able to avoid them.
SHARPNER: Good thing you were able to go home immediately. At least they have someone to defend them.
GOHAN: (awkward laugh) Yeah…
VIDEL: You immediately went home?
GOHAN: Uh… Yeah! Need to check on my family.
ERASA: Isn't he sweet, Videl? He said no one is there to make sure his mother and little brother is safe. So he asked for permission to go home early.
SHARPNER: You know Gohan, I'm sure your father is proud of you, wherever he is. You being the man of the family is not easy.
GOHAN: (awkward laugh) Thanks.
Videl looks suspiciously at Gohan.
The teacher arrives, and the class started. Thirty minutes after, Videl's smartwatch beeps. Videl answers the call.
VIDEL: Videl here.
POLICE OFFICER: (voice over) Videl, the mayor is being held hostage here at the City Hall.
VIDEL: I'm on it!
Videl immediately excused herself.
ERASA: Why do people do such things?
SHARPNER: I heard that there's this big syndicate who was run over by the mayor. Maybe those were the ones who attacked the city hall.
GOHAN: (on his mind) A big syndicate? Videl might be in danger. I've got to help her.
Gohan looks at the teacher and raises his right hand.
GOHAN: Sir! Can I go to the restroom?
TEACHER: Oh no you don't! The last time you go you haven't return until we're about to end the class. You're not doing it this time, Gohan.
Gohan is embarrassed by what the teacher said. He looks down and does not continue asking to be excused. However, he really is concerned about Videl that it's making him agitated. His anxiety is making him stomp his foot on the floor.
Due to his unusual strength, the stomping of his feet is causing the floor to tremble. Some of his classmates have started feeling the ground shaking.
ERASA: Is this an earthquake?
Gohan realizes what is happening. Knowing that it's his feet that's making the ground tremble, he stomps it even harder, making the ground shake some more.
TEACHER: Quick! Dock on your desks! Don't panic!
Everyone docks down the tables, including the teacher himself.
GOHAN: (on his mind) Now's my chance!
Gohan takes that opportunity to go out of the classroom. He goes to the rooftop and transforms into the Great Saiyaman.
GREAT SAIYAMAN: Let's rescue Videl!
The Greats Saiyaman flies to where Videl is.
Videl arrives at the City Hall. The police have made a barricade not too far from the crime scene, anticipating the move the hostage takers will make.
VIDEL: Captain, what happened?
CAPTAIN: A group of men was about to kidnap the mayor. Someone saw them and they informed the police about that. However, because the hostage taker could not go out and escape, they then made the whole City Hall their hostage.
VIDEL: I see. I'm going in.
CAPTAIN: It's too dangerous.
VIDEL: Don't worry. Just be alert.
Videl goes into the City Hall building. Everything is quiet and no person could be seen on the main hall.
VIDEL: (shouts) This is Videl! I came to speak to you.
A man goes out from the left side of the room.
MAN #1: Oh! So it's the daughter of Mr. Satan. Should we request for him as well?
VIDEL: My dad's busy. He has no time to deal with crooks like you.
MAN #1: Ouch! That is quite offensive.
VIDEL: Release everyone and let's settle this within us.
MAN #1: You are too brave. I'm not sure you should be.
Two other men go out as well. They have guns pointed out to Videl.
MAN #2: You see, Missy. We're not jokes like the ones you fight everyday. Let's just say... we're more brutal than those zombies who attacked recently.
VIDEL: Then that means I can handle you easily.
MAN #3: (laughs) This girl doesn't know how to be scared.
MAN #2: Talk about being naive.
MAN #3: Naivete killed the cat.
VIDEL: Then, why don't you try me?
MAN #2: (sneers) With pleasure.
Man #2 puts down his gun and goes to Videl. They fight, and Videl knocks him down.
VIDEL: Are you still confident about defeating me?
The two men just sneer. After that, three men join them in the hall, also carrying some guns. Videl steps back, kind of a little worried about the situation she's in.
MAN #1: I'll tell you a secret. This is a planned kidnapping.
Man #1 points at a spot on the right. There on that spot was a man holding the mayor who is tied down and gagged on the mouth.
MAN #1: We came prepared for anyone like you.
VIDEL: Then why are you still here?
MAN #1: Because of the police.
VIDEL: You're scared.
MAN #1: We're not. We were just ordered to make sure that the mayor is safely taken to where we need to take him. It's the client who wants to kill him with his hands.
VIDEL: Release him and everyone else.
MAN #1: We wouldn't. We'll take you down instead. Boys!
All four men point their gun to Videl. They fire simultaneously, and Videl knows that even if she dodge, she can't avoid the bullets they fire. She still dodged, and fortunately, someone from the inside comes in through the window, knocking the men with guns.
The Great Saiyaman crushed a window on the left side of the building, landing perfectly on the crooks themselves. He kicks them away, making them fall and their guns point to other directions instead. Videl was saved, and the Great Saiyaman goes in front of her to cover her.
GREAT SAIYAMAN: (to Videl) Are you alright?
MAN #1: And you even asked your friend to come? I'm flattered, Mr. Saiyaman. We're humbled by your presence.
GREAT SAIYAMAN: Release the mayor and the others. I might give you a chance to escape.
MAN #1: That is a very tempting offer.
VIDEL: Are you serious? They're going to kill the mayor any chance they have. They can't escape.
MAN #1: Listen to your friend, Great Saiyaman. She's too assuming.
VIDEL: I'm not assuming anything! You're the one who said you need to get the mayor, and your client will kill him.
GREAT SAIYAMAN: Who is this client of yours?
MAN #1: If I were you, I would not waste my time knowing. Politics is messy, Mr. Saiyaman. Don't get your hands dirty with it.
The other men have now recovered from the attack the Great Saiyaman did to them.
MAN #2: Boss!
MAN #1: You fools! Taken down with just one sweep! Why did I even bother getting you?
Man #1 takes out a bomb from his pocket.
MAN #1: This should do it. Adios, Great Saiyaman! And you too, daughter of Mr. Satan. Hope you have a good trip to hell.
Man #1 is about to pull the pin off the bomb, but before doing that the bomb just disappeared. It turns out the Great Saiyaman took it from his hand.
The Great Saiyaman tosses the bomb to Videl, who catches it apprehensively.
VIDEL: Don't you ever do that again!
GREAT SAIYAMAN: (to Man #1) Now, it's your time to be tossed down the prison cell.
The Great Saiyaman beats all the hostage takers, sending them in a pile on one side. After knocking them all, he goes to the mayor.
GREAT SAIYAMAN: You're safe now, Sir.
MAYOR: Thank you so much. Please check on the others as well.
GREAT SAIYAMAN: I will. (to Videl) Take the mayor out. I will search for the other hostages.
Videl nods and follows his order.
All the hostages were taken out by the Great Saiyaman. He then searched the whole area for some potential victims that remained and not yet rescued.
GREAT SAIYAMAN: Feels like everything is good in here.
VIDEL: Everyone is safe now.
GREAT SAIYAMAN: Oh yeah? I didn't know you came back.
VIDEL: I wanted to make sure myself.
GREAT SAIYAMAN: Okay... I guess I better go now.
VIDEL: Wait!
VIDEL: There's something that I want to ask you. Can you be honest with me?
VIDEL: Are you the Golden Fighter?
GREAT SAIYAMAN: No I'm not. How can I be the Golden Fighter?
VIDEL: I just thought maybe, that could be the case.
GREAT SAIYAMAN: It's okay, but I'm not him.
VIDEL: Are you going back to school now?
GREAT SAIYAMAN: Yes. The teacher might get mad again to me if I don't come back soon.
VIDEL: Then tell him you're with me... Gohan.
The Great Saiyaman is shocked.
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duancocobay · 5 years
DRAGON BALL Z KAKAROT Walkthrough Gameplay Part 1 – INTRO (FULL GAME)
Dragon Ball Z Kakarot Walkthrough Gameplay Part 1 includes a Review, Opening, Campaign Mission 1 of the Dragon Ball Z Kakarot Single Player Story Campaign for PS4 Pro, Xbox One X and PC. This Dragon Ball Z Kakarot Story Campaign Walkthrough will include the Full Game. Dragon Ball Z Kakarot Walkthrough Part 1 will include a Review, Goku, Gohan, Raditz, All Bosses, Cinematics, Cut Scenes, OST, Story Missions, Main Missions, New Gameplay, DLC, all Single Player Campaign Missions and the Ending.
Membership: Subscribe: Twitter: Facebook:
Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot is an open world action role-playing game developed by CyberConnect2 and published by Bandai Namco Entertainment. Based on the Dragon Ball franchise, it will be released for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.Dragon Ball creator Akira Toriyama designed the new original character Bonyū for the game.
Playable characters include: Goku, Gohan, Vegeta, Piccolo, Future Trunks, Gotenks and Vegito.
Boss characters include: Raditz, Nappa, Vegeta (Base/Great Ape), Cui, Dodoria, Zarbon (Base/Monster Form), Ginyu Force (Guldo, Burter, Recoome, Jeice, and Captain Ginyu), Frieza (1st Form/2nd Form/3rd Form/Final Form/100% Full Power), Mecha Frieza, Cell (Imperfect/Semi-Perfect/Perfect/Super Perfect), Majin Buu, Evil Buu, Super Buu (Base/Absorbed Gotenks/Absorbed Gohan), Kid Buu and Mira
Support characters include: Android 18, Chiaotzu, Krillin, Tien Shinhan, Yamcha, Trunks, Goten
Other characters include: Android 8, Android 16, Babidi, Bulma, Chi-Chi, Cynthia, Launch, Dabura, Master Roshi, Nam, Supreme Kai, Videl, Yajirobe and Yuzukar.
Set in a semi open world areas of individual hubs with RPG elements, the game follows loosely the plot of the Dragon Ball Z anime series with the player assuming the role of protagonist Goku. Other characters such as Piccolo, Vegeta, Gohan (young, teenage, adult), Future Trunks, Vegito & Gotenks have been announced as playable characters.
The game is not considered open world with one massive sandbox but instead divided into individual hubs that will be locked until reaching a certain point in the story, only then will these areas be unlocked for exploration. These individual hubs are not small and the openness of these areas gives all the more reason to have flight as a mode of travel with both the verticality and area being impressive. Some areas are full of life and cities whilst others are more barren and devoid of life.
Flying will be a huge aspect of the game and the main form of travel to objectives and other parts of the map unless running at super speeds is preferred, the nimbus cloud will also be a mode of transport and for the Ultimate Edition the Tao Pai Pai Pillar will be available.
During general gameplay and flight the game handles like a typical third-person game, when fighting the perspective changes to an over-the shoulder fighting game. Fighting is a mix between typical punches, kicks, dodging and ki-blasts with special moves and combos involved.
Outside of combat you are free to explore the different locations, collect minerals with ki-blasts and fish. The emphasis on RPG progression sets this game apart from typical fighting games, Goku will not start with his most powerful moves with them only being unlocked through the skill tree and progression through the story. There are five different ways to power up; eating, battling, finding ki-orbs and creating communities. Linking characters to community leaders of different types can maximise experience gain. Orbs found in the world through exploration are the main currency for progressing the skill tree. Meals are important as foraging for fruit or crafting dishes at a cook can incur permanent stat increases. By fighting in battles experience points will be gained, choose your battles and make sure your character is at the adequate level before engaging. Nguồn:https://duancocobay.com/ Xem Thêm Bài Viết Khác:https://duancocobay.com/dau-tu
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kimduancocobay · 5 years
DRAGON BALL Z KAKAROT Walkthrough Gameplay Part 1 – INTRO (FULL GAME)
Dragon Ball Z Kakarot Walkthrough Gameplay Part 1 includes a Review, Opening, Campaign Mission 1 of the Dragon Ball Z Kakarot Single Player Story Campaign for PS4 Pro, Xbox One X and PC. This Dragon Ball Z Kakarot Story Campaign Walkthrough will include the Full Game. Dragon Ball Z Kakarot Walkthrough Part 1 will include a Review, Goku, Gohan, Raditz, All Bosses, Cinematics, Cut Scenes, OST, Story Missions, Main Missions, New Gameplay, DLC, all Single Player Campaign Missions and the Ending.
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Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot is an open world action role-playing game developed by CyberConnect2 and published by Bandai Namco Entertainment. Based on the Dragon Ball franchise, it will be released for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.Dragon Ball creator Akira Toriyama designed the new original character Bonyū for the game.
Playable characters include: Goku, Gohan, Vegeta, Piccolo, Future Trunks, Gotenks and Vegito.
Boss characters include: Raditz, Nappa, Vegeta (Base/Great Ape), Cui, Dodoria, Zarbon (Base/Monster Form), Ginyu Force (Guldo, Burter, Recoome, Jeice, and Captain Ginyu), Frieza (1st Form/2nd Form/3rd Form/Final Form/100% Full Power), Mecha Frieza, Cell (Imperfect/Semi-Perfect/Perfect/Super Perfect), Majin Buu, Evil Buu, Super Buu (Base/Absorbed Gotenks/Absorbed Gohan), Kid Buu and Mira
Support characters include: Android 18, Chiaotzu, Krillin, Tien Shinhan, Yamcha, Trunks, Goten
Other characters include: Android 8, Android 16, Babidi, Bulma, Chi-Chi, Cynthia, Launch, Dabura, Master Roshi, Nam, Supreme Kai, Videl, Yajirobe and Yuzukar.
Set in a semi open world areas of individual hubs with RPG elements, the game follows loosely the plot of the Dragon Ball Z anime series with the player assuming the role of protagonist Goku. Other characters such as Piccolo, Vegeta, Gohan (young, teenage, adult), Future Trunks, Vegito & Gotenks have been announced as playable characters.
The game is not considered open world with one massive sandbox but instead divided into individual hubs that will be locked until reaching a certain point in the story, only then will these areas be unlocked for exploration. These individual hubs are not small and the openness of these areas gives all the more reason to have flight as a mode of travel with both the verticality and area being impressive. Some areas are full of life and cities whilst others are more barren and devoid of life.
Flying will be a huge aspect of the game and the main form of travel to objectives and other parts of the map unless running at super speeds is preferred, the nimbus cloud will also be a mode of transport and for the Ultimate Edition the Tao Pai Pai Pillar will be available.
During general gameplay and flight the game handles like a typical third-person game, when fighting the perspective changes to an over-the shoulder fighting game. Fighting is a mix between typical punches, kicks, dodging and ki-blasts with special moves and combos involved.
Outside of combat you are free to explore the different locations, collect minerals with ki-blasts and fish. The emphasis on RPG progression sets this game apart from typical fighting games, Goku will not start with his most powerful moves with them only being unlocked through the skill tree and progression through the story. There are five different ways to power up; eating, battling, finding ki-orbs and creating communities. Linking characters to community leaders of different types can maximise experience gain. Orbs found in the world through exploration are the main currency for progressing the skill tree. Meals are important as foraging for fruit or crafting dishes at a cook can incur permanent stat increases. By fighting in battles experience points will be gained, choose your battles and make sure your character is at the adequate level before engaging. Nguồn:https://duancocobay.com/ Xem Thêm Bài Viết Khác:https://duancocobay.com/dau-tu
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