#celsius networks
techfeeddata · 2 years
Clients of cryptolender Celsius face a long wait for the fate of their funds
Clients of cryptolender Celsius face a long wait for the fate of their funds
Customers of crypto lender Celsius are facing a long and anxious wait to know how, when and if they will ever get their money back after the company filed for bankruptcy and became one of the biggest victims of the collapse in crypto markets this year. Citing extreme market conditions, Celsius froze withdrawals in June, which reverberated across the crypto world and beyond, sparking a $300…
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coinatory · 8 months
Celsius Network's Creditors Approve $2 Billion Crypto Refund
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Most of the lenders to Celsius Network have given their approval for a plan to reimburse $2 billion worth of Bitcoin and Ethereum. As part of the Celsius bankruptcy proceedings creditors voted in favor of receiving their funds and also obtaining shares in a new company. According to a report released by the bankruptcy agency, Stretto on September 25 than 98% of the creditor groups have accepted the proposed plan. However final confirmation from the US Bankruptcy Court in New Yorks Southern District is still pending with a hearing scheduled for October 2. Based on documents disclosed on August 17 the proposed plan outlines the distribution of $2 billion worth of Bitcoin (valued at $26,345) and Ethereum (valued at $1,592) among Celsius Networks creditors. Additionally it suggests allocating shares in an established entity
Read more on Celsius Network's Creditors Approve $2 Billion Crypto Refund
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reportwire · 2 years
Crypto Astrologer Maren Altman Faces Backlash For Celsius Posts
Crypto Astrologer Maren Altman Faces Backlash For Celsius Posts
Astrologers are already saying it makes sense that Maren Altman was recently attacked online — as Mercury retrograde began at eight degrees Libra in early September. The Washington Post I Getty ImagesMaren Altman in apartment in May 2021. If you don’t know what that means, don’t worry. (That 8th degree is about “exposing the ugly truth,” according to the astrologer.) Altman is an influencer who…
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zrypto · 2 years
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bunedycom · 2 years
Kripto para şirketinden şok suçlama
Kripto para şirketinden şok suçlama
İflasını isteyen Celsius Network LLC, eski yatırım yöneticisini şirketten on milyonlarca dolar çalmakla suçladı. Celsius, eski yatırım yöneticisi Jason Stone ve şirketi KeyFi Inc içn Manhattan İflas Mahkemesi’nde şikayet dilekçesi verdi. Celsius şikayetinde Stone’nin aldığı kararlar ile on milyonlarca dolar zarara yol açtığını da savundu.  KeyFi, Celsius’a karşı “saadet zinciri” yürütmek, müşteri…
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jjbizconsult · 2 years
Is Celsius a 'Ponzi scheme' - Crypto Lender Celsius has been accused of running a 'Ponzi scheme'
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adsvibeonline · 2 years
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nftdailynews · 2 years
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Full video is here: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/q2qXqEYUM6Y
Help me get to 1 million youtube subs so I can quit my job.
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crypto-shrypto · 2 years
Celsius CEO attempts to leave for Israel after halting all crypto operations: Report
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Celsius Network CEO Alex Mashinsky attempted to flee the nation last week, from Morristown Airport in the U.S. with an intention to leave for Israel, according to cryptocurrency analyst and investor Mike Alfred, who tweeted on 27th June.
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techfeeddata · 2 years
Weekly Crypto Roundup: attention seeking, job cuts and sideways momentum
Weekly Crypto Roundup: attention seeking, job cuts and sideways momentum
Bitcoin and Ether prices don’t move quickly, but the crypto and NFT sector certainly does Attention seeking Cryptocurrency advocates have been fighting for years to make their emerging technology mainstream. Now, the crypto sector is in the spotlight for all the wrong reasons. Controversial cryptocurrency lending company Celsius Network, which froze all user transfers and withdrawals, filed for…
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empresa-journal · 2 years
Is Celsius (CEL) Collapsing?
Is Celsius (CEL) Collapsing?
The crypto lending and DeFi markets could be collapsing. Reuters reports the Celsius Network (CEL) froze withdrawals and transfers because of extreme conditions on 13 June 2022. To explain lenders, such as Celsius (CEL) freeze withdrawals and transfers when they run out of money. Celsius lends money and rewards investors with interest bearing products. Reuters provided few details on Celsius’s…
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robertreich · 2 years
Is Crypto Really Going To Crash? (Yes)
Crypto is going to crash and could take your savings with it.
In June 2022, Bitcoin dropped over 30 percent to its lowest values since December 2020, and Ethereum, the second-most valuable cryptocurrency, fell about 35 percent. TerraUSD, a so-called “stablecoin,” also collapsed when its underlying cryptocurrency LUNA lost 97 percent of its value in just 24 hours, apparently destroying some investors’ life savings. The implosion helped trigger a crypto meltdown that erased $300 billion in value across the market.
As cryptocurrency prices plummeted, Celsius Network — an experimental cryptocurrency lender — announced it was freezing withdrawals “due to extreme market conditions.”
These crypto crashes and freezes have fueled worries that the complex crypto banking and lending system is on the brink of ruin.
But this crash shouldn’t surprise anyone familiar with the industry – or anyone who remembers the financial crashes of 1929 and 2008.
Let me explain.
In the murky world of crypto decentralized finance, known as DeFi, it’s hard to understand who provides money for loans, where the money flows, or how easy it is to trigger currency meltdowns. 
There are no standards for issues of custody, risk management, or capital reserves. There are no transparency requirements. Investors often don’t know how their money is being handled. Deposits are not insured.
It’s a Ponzi scheme. Like all Ponzi schemes, getting rich depends on how many other investors follow you into it – until somebody’s left holding the worthless crypto coin.
Why isn’t this market regulated? Follow the money.
The crypto industry is pouring huge amounts into political campaigns. It has hired scores of former government officials and regulators to lobby on its behalf — including three former chairs of the Securities and Exchange Commission, three former chairs of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, three former U.S. senators, and even former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers.
In the past, cryptocurrencies kept rising by attracting new investors and big Wall Street money, along with celebrity endorsements. But all Ponzi schemes topple eventually – just like the Wild West finances of the 1920s did.
Back then, Americans had been getting rich by speculating on shares of stock, as other investors followed them into these risky assets — pushing their values ever upwards. When the toppling occurred in 1929, it plunged the nation and the world into the Great Depression.
That crash resulted in the Glass-Steagall Act, signed into law by Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1933. Glass-Steagall separated commercial banking from investment banking, putting an end to the giant Ponzi scheme that had overtaken the American economy and led to the Great Crash of 1929.
It took a full generation to forget that crash and allow the forces that caused it to repeat their havoc.
By the mid-1980s, as the stock market soared, speculators noticed they could make even more money if they gambled with other people’s money, as speculators did in the 1920s. They pushed Congress to deregulate Wall Street, arguing that the United States financial sector would otherwise lose its competitive standing internationally.
The final blow was in 1999, when the Clinton administration succumbed to intensive lobbying and ditched what remained of Glass-Steagall. With its repeal, American finance once again became a betting parlor.
Inevitably, Wall Street suffered another near-death experience when its Ponzi schemes began toppling in 2008, just as they had in 1929. While the U.S. government bailed out the biggest banks and financial institutions, millions of Americans lost their jobs, their savings, and their homes – but only a single banking executive went to jail. In the wake of the 2008 financial crisis, a new but watered-down version of Glass-Steagall was enacted — the Dodd-Frank Act.
Which brings us — nearly a century after Glass-Steagall — to today’s crypto crash.
If we should have learned anything from the crashes of 1929 and 2008, it’s that regulation of financial markets is essential. Otherwise they turn into Ponzi schemes — leaving small investors with nothing and endangering the entire economy.
It’s time for the Biden administration and Congress to end the crypto Ponzi scheme. In the meantime, share this video so your friends and family don’t fall for it.
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kaktus-tajam · 4 months
Cara Terbaik Membalas Jasa Guru
Assalamualaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh dr. Detty.. apa kabar dok? semoga dalam keadaan sehat dokter & keluarga🙏🏻
Terima kasih banyak inspirasi dokter selama ini, terutama percakapan dengan dokter di Melbourne saat 2019. Mungkin dokter lupa namun bagi saya sangat berkesan, sebagai murid yang saat itu sedang exchange namun berkesempatan berdialog bahkan jalan-jalan dengan dokter Detty.. belajar banyaak hal saat itu.
Saya hendak memberi kabar baik dokter, insyaAllah saya akan melanjutkan studi S2. Alhamdulillah saat ini sudah diterima di Harvard Medical School dengan beasiswa LPDP. Mohon doa restu dan nasehat dokter..
Setelah beberapa hari lalu mendapat letter of acceptance dari Harvard, aku mengabari beberapa guru dan dosen. Salah satu dosenku yang kuhubungi adalah dr. Detty Siti Nurdiati, MPH, PhD, SpOG(K).
Beberapa jam kemudian, ada pesan masuk.
Ternyata beliau sedang berada di tanah para Nabi, bumi yang diberkahi Allah. Tanah Syams: Palestina.
“MasyaAllah Tabarakallah. Saya merinding membacanya. Doa terbaik saya untuk dr. Habibah dari tanah para nabi yg diberkahi Allah, Palestina”
Beliau kemudian menambahkan:
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Aku yang jadi merinding.
Kilas balik ke 2019 ketika dirizqikan berjumpa beliau di Melbourne tanpa sengaja. Allah memang pembuat skenario terbaik. Saat jauh di negeri seberang justru bisa bertemu secara eksklusif, karena di kampus kami terpisah oleh kesibukan. Hanya dapat mengagumi Director of Cochrane Indonesia ini di kelas, saat lecture-lecture beliau.
"Dulu saya bela-belain menjadi asisten dosen untuk 3 departemen, demi menghidupi diri saat kuliah."
Sore itu, sambil menysuri St. Hilda Beach diiringi angin kencang, Allah mengajarkanku tentang kegigihan.
Kegigihan dr. Detty meniti pendidikan. Dengan latar belakang keluarga beliau yang kurang mampu, dokter Obgyn ini harus berjuang dengan beasiswa sejak bangku sekolah.. hingga S3.
Jadi asdos satu departemen aja berat, ini tiga. Batinku.
Setelah lulus menjadi dokter, beliau mendapat beasiswa dari Dikti untuk studi S2 di Swedia. Maka setelah menyelesaikan program wajib kerja 5 tahun sebagai obsgyn, beliau berangkat. Ternyata, setelah lulus.. beliau ditawarkan melanjutkan S3 oleh pemerintah Swedia.
Wah semangat sekali ya beliau sekolah terus.. MasyaAllah..
Awalnya beliau enggan karena harus meninggalkan anak-anak di Indonesia untuk periode waktu yang panjang. Namun berbekal ridha suami, beliau akhirnya mengambil tawaran tersebut.
Suami saya justru yang memotivasi saya. Kata suami saya: kesempatan tidak datang dua kali.
Alhamdulillah selama perkuliahan beliau diizinkan untuk pulang ke Indonesia dan menemui keluarga. Tidak hanya sekali, dua kali: 4x! dan itu semua dibiayai.
Beliau tersenyum sambil berkata,
Mungkin jarang yaa saat itu, ada seorang wanita, berjilbab pula, yang mau sekolah jauh-jauh (di tempat yang musim dinginnya -44 derajat Celsius).
Maka saya disekolahkan, tanpa harus ada tanggung jawab moral dan syarat mengabdi ke pemerintahan Swedia. Alhamdulillah.
Ternyata dengan niat yang baik, Allah mudahkan beliau mengikuti banyak courses di kota lain di Eropa (Geneva, London, dll.) secara cuma-cuma, selama studi S3 tersebut.
Kami terus mengobrol bahkan ketika di atas tram (kereta listrik di Melbourne). Aku sungkan dan canggung. Maklum, ini kali pertama aku belajar networking. Hehe. Apalagi dengan prestasi dr. Detty yang luar biasa. Minder sekali.
Namun.. beliau adalah dokter yang keibuan, rendah hati dan bersahaja. Terbukti dari hangatnya beliau menyimak cerita-cerita recehku tentang exchange hehe..
Wah, alhamdulillah ya dek masih muda sudah bisa dapat banyak pengalaman di luar negeri. Saya jadi ingat, pertama kali saya berangkat ke luar negeri. Saat itu saya kuliah semester 3. Saya diminta mewakili Indonesia untuk konferensi di Bangkok. Saat berangkat di bandara Adisucipto, saya diiringi seakan saya hendak berangkat haji.
dr. Detty tertawa mengenang ramainya keluarga dan dosen (dosen-dosen legendarisnya FK UGM) yang melepas kepergian beliau saat itu ke bandara. Memang di era tersebut, masih sedikit sekali orang Indonesia yang dapat berangkat ke luar negeri. Apalagi dengan ekonomi keluarganya saat itu.
Pertemuan itu membekas sekali. Aku terharu, juga tertampar. Ya Allah, banyak hal yang perlu kusyukuri. Banyak privilege yang Allah berikan padaku. Hari itu aku membatin, ingin mensyukuri nikmat ini dengan terus menuntut ilmu. Dengan terus mencari ladang amal yang bermanfaat untuk ummat. Hari itu terbersit di hati (dari Allah): semoga bisa bersekolah lagi, jika memang studi tinggi dapat meluaskan kebermanfaatan diriku.
Beliau satu dari sekian banyak guru-guru yang berjasa dalam hidupku.
Seorang kakak dulu mengingatkanku: jasa guru dan dosen tidak akan dapat terbayar,
Maka cara terbaik membalas jasanya adalah dengan mengamalkan ilmu yang diberikannya. Cara terbaik membalas jasanya adalah dengan mendoakannya. Doa agar Allah melipatgandakan kebaikan untuknya dan keluarganya.
Maka jika sekarang aku berdiri di titik ini, tidak lain dan bukan adalah akumulasi dari jasa banyak sekali manusia. Hanya Allah-lah yang dapat membalas kebaikan mereka, keikhlasan mereka.
Selamat terus bertumbuh, merely standing on the shoulders of giants.
Saya tidak pintar, namun saya dibiasakan dan dimudahkan mengamalkan satu amalan ketika saya belajar. Dari kecil, saya selalu belajar dalam keadaan berwudhu.
-dr. Detty Siti Nurdiati, MPH, PhD, SpOG(K)
Mohon doa untuk guru-guru kami..
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octuscle · 1 year
Oh thank goodness! Just made it to baggage claim at DEL to grab my bag… hope none of the leather is damaged.
Good news, everything is in perfect condition. You even feel like everything is freshly polished when you open the case. It smells even more intensely of leather than when you packed the case. The bellboy who helps you unpack the suitcase is amazed. You can be sure that in fifteen minutes the entire hotel will know about your special luggage. But you don't care about that. You've already sat at the hotel bar in a full leather outfit in completely different hotels.
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Whereby I must show you my respect. To go outside in this humidity and at over 30 degrees Celsius in a full outfit already proves that you are serious about leather, mate! Unfortunately, Delhi has now not so the gay nightlife. And a leather scene is also not necessarily there. But you don't need long to find like-mates in the relevant social networks. There are enough expats in the city. And private parties are obviously the place to be. A pretty horny looking fellow invites you to his boss's party. He sends you a limousine tonight to take you to the party. It all sounds pretty exclusive.
After a few days in the hotel, hardly anyone reacts to your appearance in shiny creaky leather in the lobby. The doorman holds the door open for you and opens the door to the back of the impressive limousine. The driver lowers the divider to you and tells you that you can help yourself to the bar. You may also help yourself to the cigars. According to his knowledge, it should be your favorite brand. And the window whirs back up. That the chauffeur has presented his muscular tits naked, you are no longer surprised. You light a cigar and start to massage your cock in anticipation of a horny party.
It becomes more and more bizarre. The car passes a guarded gate and drives through an illuminated park for what feels like a quarter of an hour. Then the car stops and a completely naked bodybuilder opens the car door for you. Everywhere, people who look like clones of the bodybuilder stand around and hand out drinks and snacks. Or walk around with a tray full of poppers. And in between there are horny fellows. In suits, in latex, in all kinds of gear. Only leather is actually quite rare. Finally you see the guy with whom you had an appointment. He asks you if you want to dance. Not really your thing. But you do him the favor. Mate, it's really hot. You feel like you're sweating through the leather. And you're actually sweating through the leather. The leather gets thinner and thinner. And mischievous with your skin getting darker. The only thing left on your chest is a harness of chain links and leather. No idea where it came from. But it feels better. Nevertheless, beads of sweat glisten on your chest hair. Fuck, you had shaved your chest especially for the party. And why is your dance partner suddenly as tall as you? A moment ago you were a good head taller… No matter, the music gets into your head, the poppers too, you just let yourself go…
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The next morning you wake up. This is not your hotel room. It looks more like a darkroom. With a bed covered with leather. And a bathroom next to it, the one with the black light illumination and the pee trough also in a leather club. There's a knock at the door. Your dancing partner from yesterday enters. Your host or rather your new master would like to meet you now. Welcome to Delhi!
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