ofevies-blog · 6 years
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[JEON SOYEON, CISFEMALE, SHE/HER] — i wouldn’t be surprised if you’ve seen [SONG YEEUN] around century records, though most people tend to call them [EVIE]. perhaps you’ve noticed the [TWENTY] year old with the rest of CHERRY KISS as a [RAPPER], but if you want to get official they’re technically the [MAIN RAPPER] of the group. on stage people always say they’re [JOCULAR] & [SELF-RELIANT], but off the stage you might notice they’re also [UNPERTURBED] & [OBNOXIOUS]. — [m, 21, she/her, gmt]
overly-glossed lips, high-waisted fishnets, addicting variety appearances, designer labels all over — and overflowing charisma ? that’s evie, main rapper of cherry kiss. if u wanna plot tap the heart or im me ! and check her pinterest out : x !
tw : slight mentions of sexual harassment 
these are gonna be real rough points until i finish all of her pages and flesh her out fully ! i have some driving to do today so i can’t be on my laptop for much longer ... so these might be all over the place ?
so the first thing you have to know ( and the first thing the public sees ) is that evie has a magnetic personality ... call her a siren, a femme fatale, an it-girl ... all of the labels fit her just right ... even without trying, she has charisma that naturally flows out of her ... 
think of lee mijoo’s posing outside of music shows ? those dramatic modelling poses she does ? ( here, here, here, ) that’s literally what i envision evie being like ... 
i also imagine her being as popular for variety shows as jennie and jooe ( from momoland ) are ... she’s loud and charismatic and isn’t afraid to act a fool ! i can really see her having viral moments and fancams just due to how she oozes charismas and charm ... very very into fanservice and in general just has so much confidence that nothing phases her ? doesn’t care if her skirts or shorts are too short like she’d dance her heart out anyway and oWN it
anyway so she was born in busan but her parents moved to canada ( quebec specifically ) when she was about two ? so she wasn’t in sk for that long
though she did visit in the summer and her parents did speak to her in korean so she is pretty on par with her korean, but she does struggle w it sometimes bc she was in a french/english speaking country for 14 yrs so she can get rough
her mom actually is a professor and has been dedicating her career to teaching korean to students all over the world and also teaching cultural studies so evie is very well-cultured and well-educated uwu
her dad is a lawyer
anyway growing up in canada left her very well-educated because she was exposed to a much more open and liberal country, so she is verykeen on feminism and sociopolitical issues and girl power - to the point century sometimes has to tell her to shut up about it to avoid scandals, but that.. badass female in charge persona is just something she exudes well, so cherry kiss was a perfect fit for her to ... show it without ... losing fans or pissing off too many people !!
but that being said she has a high potential to get into a scandal bc of it ... she’s very loud and opinionated and it’s hard for her to keep her mouth shut
she actually experienced some sexual harassment by male students and teachers at her school - not long-term abuse or an assault, just some really gross objectifying comments and unwanted touches. experiencing that for so long, she got very passionate about women’s rights so she puts her foot down whenever she’s asked to do shit she’s not ok with !! and she will always protect other idols who are asked to do the same kinda objectifying shit
and also she is so ... so persistent on OWNING her own body and her own sexuality so she does fanservice and acts sexy on her own time in her own way, she isnt afraid to be very sexual 
also is a hoe
very much a hoe
plot hoe shit with her
so she can be... a handful for century, a scandal waiting to happen fr but she is so damn talented it’s hard to let go of her
she is also super rebellious and breaks the rules a lot heh
she actually attended a professional dance and music training school in montreal from 4 and a half to 16, per her mother’s love of dance and the arts, so she is an extremely good dancer as well as an amazing rapper / vocalist. just very well-trained ?
that being said because of her Training and her education she can be very judgmental and nitpicky about ... everything. she won’t hesistate to comment on your lines and form, on your technique, your use of your head voice and resonance ... 
again just so fucking opinionated shut her up PLS
so yeah she can sometimes have a very obnoxious, know it all... better than u attitude heh ... 
she’s just very proud of herself shemeans well
also a cheerleader at the high school she attended outside the music school uwu ... veryflexible
very much an it girl all her lifeee
anyway she ended up finishing her music and dance training earlier at 16 due to her education and her talents, and her parents had always planned to bring her back to korea once she’d finished the school
so she came back to korea in the summer of 2014 and has been brushing up on her korean ever since, but she’s doing quite well due to her parents actively speaking to her. she finished her last years of school in busan upon returning
immediately upon coming to busan, she participated in a dance cover group and posted rap covers online ( having actively been watching them and the kpop scene in canada ) she was scouted off the videos, really, due to her talents and charisma
while she absolutely loves being an idol and adores the chance to dance and rap to her hearts’ content, she is constantly torn up about ... being in such an antagonizing, sexist, homophobic industry ? so she is constantly battling with that ... always kind of feeling like shes letting her mom, who is soooooo active in women’s rights, down - as well as other women
and yEA i need to flesh her out more but thats the basics heh
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daeunisms-blog · 6 years
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LEE DABIN (YEONWOO), CISFEMALE, SHE/HER — i wouldn’t be surprised if you’ve seen KIM DAEUN around century records, considering they’ve been working here for ONE YEAR. according to their file, they’re a TWENTY year old STYLIST who you can often find working with SELECT X. on a good day you might notice that they’re IMMACULATE, CHARISMATIC, CULTURED, & INNOVATIVE, but if you catch them on a bad one they can also be RECKLESS, PEDANT, TROUBLED, & ILL-TEMPERED. FORMER AMERICAN MODEL AND PAGEANT QUEEN, her favorite brands to style with are MGSM, GUCCI, VETEMENTS, VERSACE, MOSCHINO, ETRO, DSQUARED, & OFF-WHITE, and her zodiac signs are LIBRA SUN, GEMINI MOON, & VIRGO RISING. pinterest ( x ), stats ( x ), plots ( x ). 
trigger warning: body image issues, depression, drugs, anxiety, emotional abuse and neglect. pinterest contains images of pills, cigarettes, and slight nsfw images.
born in busan to affluent parents ; daeun’s mother formerly held the title of “miss korea” while her father was a famous actor
surrounded by fame and beauty since she first came into the world, daeun learned from a young age that beauty and money equal power. her mother first introduced daeun to the pageant world at the tender age of three ; a nervous and quiet child simply tagging along while her mother judged a pageant, too young to be aware of the toxic industry her mother was grooming her to take part in
she was first introduced to make-up when she was four ; she begun modelling and preparing for pageantry shortly afterwards. she was no longer a wondrous and nervous child ; instead daeun was groomed into a miniature replica of her mother, stripped of all identity, only recognized and praised for her looks
eager for daeun to one day take home the title of miss korea ( and her father being eager to break into the american entertainment industry ), their family made the move to new york in 2002 when daeun was four and began entering her in all eligible child beauty pageants and signing her with an american modelling agency
this grooming took a toll on daeun ; who struggled in elementary and junior high to be her own person, to be comfortable in her own skin. she was rather robotic as a child, giving calculated answers on the playground as if the sandbox was a pageant stage. her struggle with her identity led to major depression and anxiety, while the pressure to win the competitions and to land more photoshoots led to daeun developing self-esteem issues. not only was her inner critic attacking her, but her mother was constantly monitoring daeun’s weight, counting the calories daeun ate, and pressuring her to diet
the constant pressure to always be beautiful, to weigh a certain weight caused daeun to begin using a multitude of drugs as a “crash diet”, recommended to her by a former pageant winner who she met backstage 
she’d just been crowned as a 2nd runner-up in the “all-american girl” beauty pageant, and she was vulnerable ; her mother began assaulting her verbally after she’d lost the crown, and her inner saboteur was poisoning her mind with self-depreciating thoughts. this vulnerability, this depression was all daeun needed to accept the offer of this “crash diet”
she won her next pageant, but ended up fainting later that night at an “after-party” her mother had thrown ( mainly for herself )
her doctor ordered her to no longer participate in modelling or pageants, an order they made sure pageant directors were aware of ; much to the disappointment of her mother
so, daeun began to follow her own path ; she couldn’t deny the interest in fashion and beauty, after being around the industry for all these years but she sought a new path ; one as a stylist, as a designer. desperate to find a way to express her own identity, her own image, she decided to enroll in the high school of fashion industries in new york before leaving america to return to korea for the fashion institute of technology at suny korea 
she left new york to escape her mother and has barely spoken to her mother since ; her mother can’t get past daeun’s drug use, though daeun is sure it’s not so much about her health as it is losing her chance at a longer pageant and modelling career
she’s now a stylist for select x. while she has weened herself off of the “crash diet” drugs, she finds herself sometimes going back to them or other drugs when she feels insecure or down on herself
always seeks out new trends ; new ways of styling, tends to change her personal style and select x’s style up, doesn’t like her styling to be predictable or to stay the same
for her personal style, she tries to stray far away from prim and proper styling, like how her mother would style her
she is an extreme perfectionist and control freak ; very anxiety-ridden, can become easily stressed and because of this, she has a very short temper. she almost immediately calms down and apologises for her outbursts
known for her judgmental tongue when it comes to fashion ; she often pops in to see what the other stylists are doing, and usually has something to criticize 
she can be harsh and judgmental, very opinionated but she means well ... it’s a habit she unfortunately picked up from her mother
very troubled when it comes to relationships due to her strained relationship with her mother and how her father allowed her mother to treat her that way ; tends to be very cynical towards love, as the love that was supposed to be unconditional failed her. so GIVE ME ANGSTY PLOTS 
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chrrymimi · 6 years
HEY willow again,, i play minghui from timeless and now here’s my baby mimi from cherry kiss !!
[KIM HYUNJUNG (SEOLA), FEMALE, SHE/HER] — i wouldn’t be surprised if you’ve seen [KANG MIRAN] around century records, though most people tend to call them [MIMI]. perhaps you’ve noticed the [TWENTY TWO] year old with the rest of [CHERRY KISS] as a [RAPPER], but if you want to get official they’re technically the [MAIN DANCER] of the group. on stage people always say they’re [DYNAMIC] & [RESOURCEFUL], but off the stage you might notice they’re also [RECKLESS] & [PROVOCATIVE]. — [willow, 23, they, cst]
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personality time!
mimi is intelligent, hard working, and will live and die for dancing
she's very stubborn and believes that even when she's wrong, she's right in some way or another and she will fight you until you agree that she’s right
she's fiercely protective of her group and friends, who she'll more than willingly fight for, whether they're in the right or not
she’s incredibly ambitious, often existing in a state of total ego, and if misused or hurt, she can nurse the wound and seethe for decades
she's outgoing, friendly, and occasionally affectionate w her closest friends ( mostly women )
but she's also very bossy and domineering and ABSOLUTELY is a drama queen
she has a very sharp temper and her mom always had to tell her that she needs to learn to direct her anger towards more needful causes bc she’s always angered or upset by very minuscule things
so! mimi grew up with her mom as the only parental figure in her life, because her dad was: an asshole and was a super big ceo that cheated on his wife with mimi's mom, his secretary, and fired her when he found out she was pregnant ( even tho mimi doesn't know any of that )
they weren’t too well off, but her mom found multiple jobs to make sure her and mimi had food on the table and a place to live. it wasn’t like that forever tho, bc after some time they were doing Much Better suddenly out of nowhere and all mimi’s mother told her was that she got a really, really nice job and they have better income now !
in reality: her mom was kindasorta blackmailing her dad into sending them money bc she had gotten fired from one of her jobs for being late all of the time bc she had to take mimi to school
but yeah. all mimi knew was that her dad had abandoned them? and after hearing stories of how her mother fell in love with a married man and he tossed her aside after impregnating her, she formed an outlook on men when she was a teenager that never changed
mimi realized she wanted to do music after seeing a group of buskers performing in a street when she was around six, and she thought it was mesmerizing and she thought to herself that she wanted to make an impact on ppl just from dancing/singing/etc like the way they did with her
when she was around eleven, her mom surprised her for christmas with her own dance studio attachment to the house!! originally she thought they were adding a guest bedroom, but then she was surprised with the reveal on christmas with her name on one wall reflected by the opposite that was a row of mirrors. her mom believed in her dream so much!!! and she rly owes everything to her mom. ( and fuck her dad except his money is what did it..but whatev)
she was very sought after by boys in school bc she’s so beautiful? but she never paid them any attention and she was kinda seen as a heartbreaker after time bc every guy that shot his shot to her was turned down jksldf she was too busy dancing and focusing on her dream ok.
when she was sixteen she was scouted to century records!! she didn’t apply anywhere because she believed that,, the right opportunity would come to her doorstep and it did. but she’s really way too confident for her own good, like someone needs to take her down a peg tbh. but they scouted her from her busking in the streets, with her speaker playing the hottest new boy group song and her dancing the dance better than the original group tbh.
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ludiguo-blog · 6 years
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hey hi hello! i'm still lost in these different tmz, but i’ll get over it. sorry in advance ( also for my eng, since is not my first language...  god ). anyway ! i’m bo ( 21, he/him, gmt+9! ) and the red haired dude is ludi ( actually, mark tuan but u got...7 =D ...no it ) ! i still don’t have a plot page, although i do have some plots in mind. also, i think that’s a too long intro but yeah... lmfao. [ who listen to hyukoh ? i like to imagine that ludi plays their song, uh uhum ]. soo, let’s plot !! make the heart red and i’ll slide into your DMs ! or you slide into mine first, idk.  ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
facts known to fans 
stage name: ludi  // full name: guo ludi // debuted in: 2015, as a solo // birthday: november 24, 1995 // height: 178 cm // weight: 65 kg // blood type: a+ // birthplace: taiwan // family: dad, mom, little sister // hobbies: watch movies and random youtube videos; dance
1. he was born in taiwan, but moved to usa when he was 9 // 2. he is a mixed child - korean mom and taiwanese dad // 3. he used to be a part of k-pop cover groups // 4. he once said that he has a crush on mariah carey. well...  // 5. ludi loves to dance and still practicing although he doesn’t need to  // 6. red is his favourite color and hamburguer his favourite food // 8. he made a special appearance in two korean dramas // 9. loves to listen to and gets super inspired with rkcb // 10. definitely, not a fan of gym that’s why he practices kickboxing - oh! he is alergic to fur but still has a hamster named after a kickboxing brazilian athlete, guto // 11. he plays some strings and percussion instrument ( still wanting to learn flute and sax, tho ) and produces his songs - and is willing to write or produce for other artists
 a quick about this dude 
  as long as he could be dancing since he loved it at least, he didn’t care about being in a boygroup even tho they don’t sing the type of song he usually listen to. luckly, this was not necessary and ludi debuted as a solo - i mean, he has a backup band but imagine something like jung joon young or even shawn mendes, you know? he is the singer that plays the guitar or piano or whatever and there’s those guys that plays the other instruments but we don’t actually know about them or care at all ( that’s harsh...... sorry ). so yeah, he is a solo that sings/plays some indie rock ( imagine something like hyukoh, if you don’t know them... you need to!!!  ) and alternative rock with a lot of skin showing when not wearing oversized button up flannel shirts or leather jackets. actually, still too much skin showing even with the button up bc he still doesn’t button all the buttons.   
 you see... he is not a typical korean idol ( he is not even korean, so... ). that made things for him a little bit controversal. i mean, people loves him for all the easy going attitudes, alternative ( and too skin ) looks and some open minded behavior and says that’s ok bc he’s an american, but others bashes him for all that. nowadays, this is nothing at all tho - ludi is a stable artist now, with fandom that just grows!, but it was really hard when he started and he really thought he wouldn’t, couldn’t make it. oh, talking about fandom: they are, mostly, young adults and adults.
  last but not least, his grandmother still leaving in seoul. and in order to help her ( and, of course, invest ) he opened a cafe ( called toguo ) with her. he misses his family, but is okay with the distance. ludi was never a “family person” ( he believes he belongs nowhere ) but doesn’t matter how far away, his loves and the way he treats them never change.
how his head works? well... 
they tend to be [INSOUCIANT] & [CREATIVE], but off the stage you might notice they’re also [STUBBORN] & [BLUNT]
  ludi has the easiest smile, but at first his seems like a closed and quiet person. want to make something crazy? can count with him. call him and ask him for some stupid and crazy idea and he will give you - and even ask if you want him to go together. and i can assure you: he won’t betray you, even tho he doesn’t know you. because if he says “i’m with you” then he really is, even if only for one night. warning: don’t wake up at the other day thinking that this makes you his friend or something, things don’t work like this, ok? you’re not - friend is something that takes a little longer. he really is someone you can trust, but he himself don’t trust others that easy. ludi is the worst when it comes to get attached, but sometimes it hits him so hard that he falls without realising - and dude, he gives his all. and i’m not talking only about romantic stuff, ok? platonic too. when he loves, he really does. anyway, he is also the worst expressing himself whitout a song, that’s why he would rather be shut and keep as an observer. but if he doesn’t like something or someone, he’ll say it and probably will be too straightfoward or, maybe, too harsh.
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ayamanaying-blog · 6 years
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[LALISA MANOBAN, FEMALE, SHE/HER] — i wouldn’t be surprised if you’ve seen [AREEYA “AYA” MANAYING] around century records, though most people tend to call them [AYA]. perhaps you’ve noticed the [TWENTY ONE] year old with the rest of [SUPERNOVA] as a [RAPPER], but if you want to get official they’re technically the [SCORPIO (MAIN RAP)] of the group. on stage people always say they’re [LOYAL] & [STYLISH], but off the stage you might notice they’re also [GRATING] & [FLAKY].
hey everyone! i’m j, and i’m joining you with my darling aya! i’ve been traveling for the majority of the day and am wrecked, so my first replies and starters will come tomorrow, but in the meantime i’ll be dm’ing all of you lovelies who leave a LIKE on this! in keeping with me having been away this weekend, the only page aya has up right now is her profile, but brainstorming plots is more fun anyways!
aya was a trainee for five years before she debuted with supernova’s second sub-unit, eclipse! probably an absolute nuisance around the dorms         so messy, never cleans, never cooks, the worst for borrowing other people’s clothes without asking. basically the roommate from hell.
gossip central? exaggerates everything and her definition of not telling anyone is telling her 10 closest friends outright and dropping hints about it to everyone else she encounters for the next 48 hours. 
a flake. if better plans came up while she was hanging out with you, she’d ditch you in an instant. will never understand why that might be a big deal to some people.
holds grudges for 500 years and kind of a crybaby too.
loyal to a fault. if she likes you, and you say you hate someone, she hates them too.
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songxminho-blog · 6 years
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— He comes from a wealthy family, both his parents are famous lawyers; — Minho was bon on December 19, 1996 which makes him a Sagittarius with an Ascendant on Taurus; — Personality wise, he's friendly, loyal, and very energetic but can also be moody (especially when he doesn't get enough hours of sleep), stubborn, and impulsive ; — Likes skinship a lot. Cuddling, holding hands, piggyback rides. If you’re friends with him or one of his group members, you can expect him to do at least one of those things with you at some point, if he feels that you wouldn’t mind of course; —When Asterism debuted, he was only sixteen and struggled to adapt to their busy schedules and harsh training. He used to get sick a lot around that time from the amount of strain put on his body but he thought it was worth it since he was following his dream; —Has a few songs that he wrote but never really got the courage to show anyone else because he doesn't feel they're good enough; And that's everything I have so far, gonna go reply to some starters now!
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prdjaebm-blog · 6 years
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[MALE, HE/HIM] — i wouldn’t be surprised if you’ve seen KWON JAEBUM around century records, considering they’ve been working here for SIX YEARS. according to their file, they’re a TWENTY FOUR year old PRODUCER who you can often find working with [N/A]. on a good day you might notice that they’re ANIMATED & DEDICATED, but if you catch them on a bad one they can also be INDOLENT & OVERBEARING.
↱ wuddup everyone! my name is ella (18,she/her,gmt) and i’m super excited to be apart of this group! i’ll be playing my weirdo idiot jaebum, and if you’d like to know more about him just click down below. if anyone wants my discord just hmu! can’t wait to start threading with everyone. ♥(ˆ⌣ˆԅ) 
born in seoul, south korea, but grew up in california, usa due to his father being relocated because of his job and the high demand of fishermen in the west. 
raised with loving and supportive parents who didn’t disapprove of his dream in becoming a musician. 
was very active in school, played many sports, received great grades, and soon began developing his love for composing/writing lyrics. 
at a young age he’d play around with random music programs and would pass out mixtapes at school (he was that kid lmao). 
ended up taking the california high school exit exam to test out, earning his diploma at 15. all this to be able to move back to seoul to build up his career. 
he did audition for three different companies, but only got accepted into two, one of them being century records.
started out as a trainee and was promised to debut as a leader/rapper in the future, but after he turned 18, the company decided they’d like to keep him as a lyricists/composer. 
jaebum was irritated by this decision, but soon learned he worked better in his own space.
the ceo also allowed him to start posting on his soundcloud again, and gradually, jaebum started to receive positive feedback from his solo tracks.
the lyrics he’d write and the songs he’d compose (for the company) were being critically acclaimed by the public, and attention was beginning to be drawn to his name.
a big name record producer decided to take him under his wing and taught jaebum the ropes of producing music --- that along with majoring in music theory, the company decided to promote him to producer once he turned 22.
jaebum is very laid-back and doesn’t like rushing into anything until he’s set on completing it. however, he can be a little too laid-back and is sometimes lazy. he only becomes bossy if he hasn’t had enough sleep, but he generally tries his best to set up a comfortable environment when he works with anyone from the label. 
he may look mean and grouchy but really he’s just a big ole softy! (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و
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beaumygod-blog · 6 years
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howdy everyone! i’m a, and this is my first time tumblr roleplaying in over a year. i hope i still remember how to do it lol. im 21, est, she/her pronouns. i’m going to make a page for beau but this is what i have for him:
[WONG YUKHEI, CIS MALE, HE/HIM ] — I wouldn’t be surprised if you’ve seen [LIU YI BO] around Century records, though most people tend to call them [BEAU]. Perhaps you’ve noticed the [TWENTY] year old with the rest of [SELECT X] as a [RAPPER], but if you want to get official they’re technically the [MAIN DANCER] of the group. On stage people always say they’re [CHARMING] & [CHARISMATIC], but off the stage you might notice they’re also [EXPEDIENT] & [HEDONISTIC]. — [[ a, 21, she/her, est]]
he was heavy into martial arts as a kid, he would go to tournaments and etc under pressure from his parents
when he was 16 he quit to become an idol because dancing was his true passion
he’s a scorpio
he’s very entertaining to watch on variety shows he’s always acting a fool on and off stage
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yoon-minji-blog · 6 years
profile - yoon minji
name: yoon minji
faceclaim: lim nayoung of pristin
age: nineteen
birthday: august 6, 1999
gender: cis fem
nicknames: tba
sexual orientation: pansexual
languages: korean (first language), chinese (fluent), japanese (some? it’s a bit broken), english (little to none)
birthplace: seoul, south korea
current place of residence: Seoul, South Korea
occupation: leader/rapper of supernova
company: century records
favorite color: purple
favorite drink: bubble tea (of most any flavor)
favorite food: she’s not picky. as long as it tastes alright, she’ll eat it.
alignment: neutral good
really, really likes: music, friends, sweet things, sleep, reading, rain
a couple of traits: creative, determined, hard working, intelligent, v anxious most days, too selfless to the point where her wellbeing is rarely her first concern, very prideful, rarely speaks her own opinions,
minji was born in seoul, sk to a chinese mother and a korean father. she was raised in korea.
she spent a majority of her childhood chasing music—she started learning violin when she was six and did a bit of vocal training when she was seven (which she promptly dropped a year later), and right before she turned ten, her dad invited an old friend over for dinner.
said old friend was a rap coach and started teaching minji to rap. he kept coming over, and minji kept learning between study sessions and dinner and violin practice until eventually her dad kind of accepted the fact that minji was genuinely interested in rap and thus, minji became an official student under her dad’s old friend.
when she was fourteen, minji auditioned for century records, and in a novel worthy twist, she was accepted.
and the rest—the rest lies in the future.
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luxciien · 6 years
My baby! lmao hi !! im jeanine, 20 and my timezone is gmt+8!!! i havent rped on tumblr for a while so im kinda rusty, pls bear w me. so anyway, here’s lucien !
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wu liuxian was born in a pretty luxurious household. his parents own a very successful business, so he has basically kind of been sheltered his whole life. he’s definitely richer than average.
he definitely doesn’t let it to his head. he likes to think he’s still a pretty decent guy and likes helping his friends, even to the point of giving out money if they need some.
his parents weren’t fully supportive of his sudden decision to get into being a idol, but they knew that he was quite the stubborn individual. his twin sister, on the other hand, was with him through and through.
he doesn’t like talking about his wealth or his background, and wants to only be known for his hard working attitude. to the point where he keeps his family life, his public life and his private life all separate, trying his best not letting the three intersect.
he also tends to be kind of the mood maker in the group, always joking and trying his best to keep the energy up. he talks a lot and is a very smiley individual. 
but behind the cameras, he's really quiet. tends to get lost in his own world and locks himself up in his room. it’s a real 180 shift from his character on stage, but he defends it by saying he needs the energy to do it again
overall, lucien is just a normal, everyday guy with an extra little cash to spare, and cares a lot about his members and his friends. 
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gccnchansuu-blog · 6 years
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Hey babes, my name is mariam and down below you will find out about my muse chansu and shit.. So don’t forget to hit that like button so we can plot, i’m so excited y'all !
was raised in seoul by her grandmother.
Her Father had a history of abusing her, her little brother, and their mother. At this moment in time she is currently being held at a psychiatric ward while the father’s whereabouts are unknown.
she still visits her mother .
name means chance in Japanese.
got a job as a personal assistant because who doesn’t love the money ? and she needs to support her family and not to mention all the idols she get to interact with or fan over.
speaks her mind with no shame.
as a personal assistant she’s obedient and gets her job done but she does do a little bit of goofing around here and then. I mean it’s just been a month. still a rookie.
thrift store shopping.
has a pet bunny and snake.
15 is her favorite number.
owns a motorcycle.
short attention span.. she will really fall asleep if she’s feeling any type of boredom striking over her.  
loves people so doesn’t really know what personal space is.
puts milk before cereal and microwaves it.
Marvel Or Dc ? She’s a marvel gal.
Apple juice is her fave.
owns a pair of glasses.
bumps/trips into objects on the daily.
really loves smiling and spreading happiness.
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ellictshq-blog · 6 years
i’m starting to suspect god doesn’t want me to be great yeeeet !  why hello there all you lovely peoples, i’m nana ; babysitter by day, meme by night. i��m 18 *pops party popper*, i live in central timezone, and i fucking suck at writing. *cue oprah winfrey’s fake laugh* i’m a poc bringing you another poc, mr. im, AKA that one producer that stays late at night polishing tracks while downing huge bottles of wine water. sadly, i don’t have anything for him TYGYHBJN, mainly because i’m babysitting as i type.  i’ll be finishing his stats later on but until then he’s a mystery card to all of you TFVYHBJNK. so if you ever wanna find out some information him then ...  well, good luck charlie.
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anyeong-jiny-blog · 6 years
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[Ahn Hee-yeon(hani), cis female, she/her] — I wouldn’t be surprised if you’ve seen [Kim Sujin "Jiny" ] around Century records, considering they’ve been working here for [One year].  According to their file, they’re a/an [TWENTY FIVE] year old [MAKEUP ARTIST] who you can often find working with [ETHEREAL). On a good day you might notice that they’re [bubbly] & [kind], but if you catch them on a bad one they can also be [childish] & [stubborn].
Here’s my cute gay baby love heeer she’s a sweetie.
jiny is a young soul that loves to see beauty in everyone.
She truly believes that if someone is beautiful inside, she can make them look look gorgeous outside. 
She grew up in really conservative family in daegu, korea with two older sisters and her two parents. 
From a young age, she was well-known from her cute and sweet style. If you thought of jiny you thought of sparkles, skirts and girly things. She was always cute and giggly and had a lot of guys swooning over her. 
So when she came out to her parents, they were shook.
They could never see it coming, specially because they were really close minded and didn’t see any difference between her and her sisters. 
For a long time, jiny tried to hide who she was, mostly because she was scared of her parents kicking her out or being dissapointed in her but everything changed when she met HER.
She was a college student, jiny was in her senior year in high school and they met through a mutual friend. She was the most gorgeous human in jiny’s eyes and they started dating in secret. 
After a few months, jiny decided to come clean with her parents and that’s when things got complicated.
Her parents kicked her out and told her that if she wanted to live such scandalous life, she could forget about them.
jiny dropped off high school and moved in with her, but things weren’t easy either. 
after a while, she decided to break up with jiny, leaving her on her own with no one to rely on. 
That’s when jiny began to look for options for her. She had always loved makeup so she asked for jobs in small salons.
She was a natural and with time she actually earned enough money to enroll herself in beauty school.
Now she’s hear and she couldn’t be more thankful. 
She doesn’t speak often about her sexuality because she doesn’t want problems anymore, but she doesn’t hide it either.
jiny is always ready to give a helping hand and her main goal is to see all this young people to be confident and kind with themselves and with others.
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ycchyeri · 6 years
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pls don’t mind me bc i’m absolute trash and i’ll be leaving this here before i ATTEMPT work on hyeri’s bio. but hello,, this is my bb hyeri. hopefully you can all love her down as much as i do. feel free to like this if you’d like to plot.
she was born in seoul, south korea and has lived there her whole life
she comes from a broken home, her dad left her and her family when she was little and her mother had to try and make money for them to just survive
she always had an interest in the idol path, but her mother could never sign her up for lessons so she is self taught on everything she knows.
only knows what thirty minute naps are; total night owl most of the time.
when she isn’t working, she will have earbuds in to keep herself at least a little sane for that time being.
probably in the studio or on a roof
doesn’t like to follow what people say and will do whatever she desires. even though she’s aware of the consequences.
very honest to the point of sometimes being brutal without realizing. though, she doesn’t mean any harm. she’s extremely soft
she can sometimes come off as someone who doesn’t make the best decisions, so she’s a rap genius and not a street genius.
sometimes she just wants to be around people and sometimes she wont want to touch someone with a pole. all in all, she wants to be everyones friend tho
her humor is all around terrible.
she’s a little sad,, if she’s in one of her moods she’ll tend to push people away or pull them closer
depending on the topic she’ll easily get bored of long conversations and will change the subject almost instantly. though if she is interested in the subject she’ll talk for hours upon end.
in all, she should be hired to star in the office.
but yes please plot with this smol bean. she’s rlly sweet i promise
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siwne-blog · 6 years
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alright hello everybody! i’m signe or siggy if you prefer ( 21 , gmt+2 ) and this is my little kid moon siwon also known as one of asterism. i’ve never been in an industry krp before so please teach me the ways as i try my best to wrap my head around how precious everyone but the demons behind century records are. anyway, being the youngest in his group, siwon really looks up to his other members?? and is definitely one of those evil maknaes --- but he loves star gazers very much, like sure they annoying, but ❤ he loves his fans. i look forward to threading with everyone! i’ll go through the starter tag in a bit, just lmk if you want me to reply to anything specific or not!!
[ kwon hyunbin , male , he / him ] --- i wouldn’t be surprised if you’ve seen moon siwon around century records, though most people tend to call them one. perhaps you’ve noticed the twenty year old with the rest of asterism as a rapper, but if you want to get official they’re technically the lead rapper and maknae of the group. on stage people always say they’re versatile & reserved, but off the stage you might notice they’re also clingy & pessimistic.
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booyerin · 6 years
Hello ~ it’s I, vivi again being trash. I decided to bring back my angel from century 1.0, the lovely little princess, Miss Boo,  beneath the cut you’ll find out more about her!
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So little Yeji was born and mostly raised in Jeju, she’s the baby of quadruplets. (Her mother had fertility issues and when they took fertility supplements she was graced with two sets of twins at once. ) So she’s quite used to being the baby.
When she was 10, her parents moved to Seoul in order to better operate their business in the city.
Yeji had been fascinated with music from a young age, even before she had said her firs word, if she was teething and fussing, all her parents had to do was play music and she would calm down.
Growing up she really wanted to be the best princess possible and still says that she was a princess in her past life
Her parents enrolled her in dance classes when they moved to Seoul and surprisingly to them, she took it very seriously.
As a reward for doing well in school, they allowed her to audition for Century at 12.
She was accepted based on “star potential” and a decent skill each all categories.
She began training with the members of Ethereal at 13 and debuted at fifteen with their single ice cream cake as a sub vocal.
During this time she had made friends with a few of the trainees despite their exhaustive  schedule.
One of them, was originally going to debut with Ethereal as their maknae, but a split second decision was made to throw Yeji in, instead.
They weren’t very kind to Yeji either, they pushed her around, lied to her, manipulated her and did their best to keep her down
This ‘friend’ tried to do anything and everything to sabotage Yeji’s career,
including spreading false rumors to news reports that she ‘slept’ around with other trainees and was a bully.
Century did their best to sort out where the rumors were coming from and they effectively suppressed it all before it got out too far,
While the friend hadn’t ruined Yeji’s career and was eventually let go from century, Yejin never really got over it
while she’s overtly friendly, bubbly and happy deeper relationships make her nervous.
But other that hat she’s kind to everyone and wants everyone to live their best life
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