#ceo gojo satory
thehighpriestess1 · 2 years
August : 4
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Summary: Gojo Satoru reminisces about the sacrifices he had made and how they had brought him nothing but misery, while Utahime gets ready for her first day at the office. In between the two of them y/n finds out that even the most suppressed emotion can find its way to surface.
Pairing : Gojo x y/n, Gojo x utahime
Genre : angst
Warning: yandere themes, 18+ only, mdni.
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Previous : Masterlist
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Gojo Satoru Wakes up every morning with an ache in his heart, tired eyes and buzzing mind. But this morning was different. Not in a good way. Not in a way that makes one look forward to the rest of the day. He had a pit in his stomach and his gut told him that he was forgetting something. Regardless, he dragged himself to the bathroom and started his day earlier than his fiance. He stared at the man in the mirror, he looked defeated, this was not the image Gojo had envisioned for himself. But here he was, still thinking about the same things he thinks of every morning, tallying his regrets and what-ifs.
The warm water trickling down his spine woke him up. He was suddenly awake enough to remember that today was the day, the day you'd start working with Utahime. Gojo immediately stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around his waist. He needs to do something. He stared once again at the man in the mirror, but he was different now. He looked like he was ready for a battle. But where should he start? What should he do first....
"You can always start with flowers". You had told him once when he didn't know how to apologise for missing a date. That was ages ago... But flowers seemed like a good place to start ... Right?
Utahime stood in front of the full length mirror, in her Chanel millennial pink two piece suit, as she inspected each aspect of her outfit. Today was her first day and she wanted to have a good impression on everyone. She had to make it up to Gojo and she was determined to not disappoint him. She sprayed her signature presume and walked to the other end of the wardrobe to decide on which bag to take. Utahime had never worked a day in her life and had no idea what one carries to the office. Laptop? Sure. Phone? Obviously. Diary? Do people even use diaries anymore? Questions and possible answers flooded her mind. She was tempted to ask Gojo for help but was not going to let him know about her cluelessness. “Satoru..which bag would go with my outfit?”. She asked into thin air, knowing Gojo could hear her from his side of the walk-in wardrobe. 
Gojo walked out of his wardrobe in a navy blue bespoke Brioni suit, adjusting his tie.For some reason,today, he couldn't get his tie to sit properly for the life of him. “Take whatever you want”. He said, as he passed by her not sparing a glance. Utahime quickly grabbed a navy blue Birkin to match his suit and followed him out of the walk-in. “Do you need help with that?”.She asked wide-eyed, pointing at his tie. Gojo paused in his actions, seeming to give her offer a thought, making her hopeful. But he shook his head and left the bedroom without another word. 
“Utahime..”. Gojo spoke, eyes fixed on his semi empty breakfast plate. Utahime’s head snapped up, it was not often that Gojo initiated a conversation. “Yes Satoru?”. Gojo looked at her with a stare so cold and harsh, it would put the winds outside to shame. “Be good. I gave you what you wanted but I won’t give you any special treatment”. Gojo didn’t wait for her reply and left for work, taking a separate car. Utahime was left sitting at the table, food half finished and coffee turning cold. She chuckled to herself. How stupid of her to expect anything else from Gojo. She pulled out the moon pendant from her wallet and held it in her hand. She was going to get what she wanted. Utahim Iori never loses. 
The sunny weekend was soon replaced by the cold harsh winds. Hiro had left for office early, leaving you to sit alone in the bus. Today was going to be your first day working for her and needless to say, you were dreading it. You had your goal set in your mind, fade in the background, be invisible, get the work done, get out and above all…stay away from Gojo Satoru. But you knew some things are just not in your control and after the weekend fiasco you did not know what to expect from Utahime, so you stared hard at the resignation letter in your hand..just in case…if things don’t go well… 
Do you believe in fate? Some say that fate is cruel, it is harsh in its judgement. But I believe fate is only cruel to those you run away from the truth. For truth is a bitter pill to swallow and sooner or later everyone ends up taking the dose. For Y/n L/n who sits by the window opposite to me in navy blue cardigan with her hair tied neatly, has her truth hidden behind her driving licence in her black wallet. A grayscale photo booth picture of her and a man she loves, though she would never accept it considering he is engaged to someone else. I don’t speak to her and yet I can feel the ache in her heart, I can see the longing in her eyes as she takes the photo out and runs her thumb across it before hiding it once again…
You stand in front of the elevator behind a group of other employees talking about their weekend..fishing..bowling..clubbing..oh someone saw the same movie as you did..”Y/n!”. You heard your name called out and you turned around to see Miwa jogging in her heels towards you.
“Slow down Miwa. We won’t be getting into the elevator in this round anyway”. You chuckled at the gasping blue haired girl in front of you.
“Oh I know! I..She …is here!”. You frowned, what was she talking about? “Who's here?”. You asked, handing Miwa your bottle of water. Miwa took a huge sip and nudged her head towards the main entrance. Just in cue, Utahime walked in with an army of bodyguards around her. “Oh no…”. You said and immediately turned back towards the elevator, hoping to escape her sight. Miwa joined the suite as she too was trying to escape Utahime. Miwas was a simple girl who followed her heart and was always cheerful, she believed in seeing the best in people no matter how hard it was, Hiro once described her as a human Golden Retriever. Fitting. But for some reason even the loving Miwa could not ignore the chill that ran down her spine when she was near Utahime. 
You and Miwa pushed yourselves into the crowd and luckily managed to get in the elevator. Squished at the back of the elevator you looked at eachother and burst into a fit of giggles. “I can’t believe you have to work with her”. You hummed and pouted. “Maybe she is not that bad”. There was a silence following your optimistic opinion and was soon washed away by another burst of giggles. “I’ll miss working with you though”. Miwa said, pouting. “I know. I’ll miss working with you too. But let’s meet for lunch! I’ll ask Hiro to join us”. Miwa smiled and nodded in agreement. 
You walked towards your new office. One of Utahime’s staff had informed you of your new cabin. You had always shared a cabin with Miwa and was expecting to share this one too but to your surprise the person waiting inside was not your new co-worker.  There was a single wooden table in the centre with a chair behind it, the window behind the chair offered a pretty view of the cityscape. While most people would find this view aesthetically pleasing, even motivating, it only filled your heart with dread. Having worked in this office for years you only related the view with misery. Leaning against the said wooden table was a man in a blue Brioni Suit.  
“Good Morning, Mr.Gojo”. You said, still standing at the entrance, holding the door with one arm. Almost ready to escape him.
“Good Morning, y/n. Come in, this is your cabin after all”. His voice had a stillness behind it. But you know still water runs deep. You stepped in just enough to let the door close behind you. The five feet distance between the two of you was five feet less than what you wanted and five feet more than what Gojo desired. 
“How may I help you?”. You asked, the mask of professionalism back on your face. Your eyes drifted to his tie for a split second before returning back on his face. It was unusual of Gojo Satoru, who took pride in his appearance to have a misplaced knot.
“I just wanted to wish you luck”. He said, almost making you laugh in his face. 
“Am I going to need it?”. You retorted with a new found confidence. You had nothing to lose. Gojo chuckled and for some reason it made you smile. He always had a beautiful laugh. 
“No. Not really. I uh…I got you these”. Gojo stood up and pointed to a bouquet of buttercups and peonies, your favourite flowers. The bouquet was beautiful and sat perfectly in a glass vase at the corner of your desk. 
The truth always shows its colours, and in this moment it was the colour of blush on your cheeks. “Thank You. They are beautiful”. You wanted to hate them, you wanted to throw them out or throw them at his face but you couldn’t. You loved them. You loved that he still remembered your favourite flowers. You loved how they added colour to the almost grayscale office. You loved that he gave them to you. But you cannot let him know all of this. 
Gojo saw the blush adorn your cheeks and it took every fibre of his body to stand where he was and not cross the five feet gap and cup your cheeks in his hands and kiss you..kiss you to show you what those flowers really meant. But he couldn’t let you know all of this. So he smiled. “I should leave now”. 
You should have let him leave. You should have stepped aside and maintained the five feet distance between the two of you.
“Your tie..”. You spoke out. Gojo halted in his steps and touched the knot unknowingly. “It’s..crooked”. 
Gojo let out a laugh. “yeah..I can’t get it right”. 
You should have let it be. You should have let him leave with the crooked tie. He is not your concern anymore. 
“I can .. fix it .. I think”. You said hesitantly. 
Gojo walked over to you and stood right in front of you. The distance between the two of you was in mere inches now. “Okay, fix it”. He said in a tone so low you almost didn’t hear it. You didn’t need him to be this close to fix the knot, heck you didn’t even need him, you just needed the tie. But Gojo needed this. He needed this proximity to feel the heat off of your body, it was the only fuel to his soul. You reached your hand up to loosen the knot as Gojo stood still. His mind was going places it shouldn’t go, not when he is engaged, not when both of you are in office. 
As you got immersed in the task at hand, Gojo stared at your face, a smile ghosting his lips. His eyes travelled from the two frown lines on your forehead to your slightly crinkled nose to the way you bit your bottom lip as you tied the knot again to your neck that looked so delectable to him. He had to close his eyes to regain his composure. His hands were hurting from holding back. You tipped toe to reach a better angle and Gojo’s instinct took over. His hand found its way to your lower back as he gently pressed you into himself. “It’s done”. You whispered, gulping at the proximity. Your breath sent shivers down his spine, blood rushing straight to his head and other places that were oh so in-appropriate.
Gojo’s eyes didn’t leave yours, his hand didn’t leave your back, instead he brought his other hand back up and gently tucked away a strand of hair behind your ear. Your mind went blank as his hand made contact with your skin. It was warm, familiar, and addicting. Gojo leaned in a little and maybe you did too. “Y/n..”. He whispered against your skin, your nose almost touching..”Sato-” 
“Y/n! Are you there?”. The voice snapped you out of trance and you pushed yourself away. “I’m sorry..I…”.You said frantically. Gojo gritted his teeth, anger rushing through his veins. He didn’t know what to do. He wanted to break the intruder's neck in half. 
“Y/n?”. Hiro’s voice called out again from the other side of the door. 
“Yeah..Come in”. 
Hiro entered with a bouquet of flowers and almost let out a gasp looking at you and Gojo standing awkwardly. “Good Morning, Mr.Gojo. Y/n, I got you your regular coffee”. Hiro greeted, with a sly smile as he walked over and pecked your cheeks.
“Morning”. Gojo replied and immediately walked out of your cabin. As soon as Gojo was out you almost collapsed against the wall. “Whoa! What happened there? The sexual tension in this room is killing me”. Hiro asked, winking at you. 
“I am..screwed”. You said, staring at the flowers on your desk.
You got settled in the cabin, re-arranging files to your comfort. It was getting close to lunch and Utahime hadn’t called for you yet. Did she forget? Was she busy with Gojo? A wave of jealousy washed over your body thinking about her spending time with him. You shouldn’t be feeling jealous, because A) she was engaged to him, B) he broke your heart and left you for her and C) You already apparently had a boyfriend. Yet you couldn’t stop thinking about the big WHY. Why was he still bothered by you if he was so happy? Why did he bring you your favourite flowers? Why did he let you be so close to him when he knew his fiance was right around the corner? Why..why..why..
You were snapped out of your thoughts when you heard a knock on the door. “Come in”. Utahime opened the door with a smile and you immediately got up from your chair. “Good Morning”. You greeted her. 
“Have you settled in?”. She asked, looking around. Her eyes fixed on a particular bouquet.
“Yeah. I was wondering why you hadn’t called for me yet”. Utahime sat across from you and you followed suit. “Yeah, I want to use today just for settling in and getting familiar with everyone”. 
You bit your lip and nodded. “Let me know if you need any help”.
“It would be of huge help if you could tell me where my husband is”. Utahime spoke obliviously which took you by surprise. Was this a trap? Does she already know? Was she testing you? You pressed your lips into a smile and thought it was best to play along. “I saw Mr.Gojo this morning. But we didn’t talk much”. It was true. You didn’t talk much..in words.
“I see”. Utahime looked like a lost puppy in this corporate world and you felt bad for her. Afterall she wasn’t the villain. 
“We have a meeting with Mr.Gojo at 3:00 PM though”. 
Utahime’s eyes widened. Meeting? With Gojo? “Do we? Regarding what? I didn’t know that!”. 
You turned your laptop towards her and showed her the email Gojo sent in the morning. “It is regarding the proposal for the new apparel chain” You added. 
“I didn’t see this…”. Her eyes were still glued to your screen. You frowned as you were sure she was in that email chain. You clicked the recipient list and showed her that her email appeared right on top. Utahime was fuming inside. She was angry. Not at you, Not at Gojo, But, at herself. How could she be so stupid to not check her emails.
“Yeah I can see that..it just slipped my mind”. You knew it was an excuse and in reality she had no idea about it.
“So do you have the proposal ready?”. You asked, praying that she did and that you don’t lose your job because of her. Utahime was panicking now, she had underestimated Gojo.
“I have … some ideas but I don’t have anything ..on paper”. Utahime said, bleakly. 
“It’s alright. We have close to four hours to come up with something”. Utahime looked at you and nodded. 
You and Utahime sat alone in her cabin surrounded by files. Truth be told, you were stressed too because Utahime’s proposal for an apparel chain was just that she wanted to start a new apparel chain. You had worked through lunch and were getting hungry now but you could only focus on the clock in front of you.There was just over an hour remaining for the meeting. But things were starting to look up once you found some old proposals about similar ideas. You were busy typing the proposal on your laptop and Utahime was going through the old proposals to come up with something to say. 
“Do you think he would be angry with me?”. She asked, chewing the inside of her cheek. You looked up at her and shrugged. “Mr.Gojo is a perfectionist when it comes to his business. He has a keen eye for potential and you can never know which fault he might spot or what he ,ight ask”. 
“You seem to know him pretty well”. Utahime asked once you turned to typing again. 
“Yeah, you can say that. I have worked with him for years now and I have seen him in board meetings. He didn’t get where he is by being kind to people”. Your mind was split between answering her and making sure there were no mistakes in the document. Had you not been so engrossed in work, you would have noticed the scorn on Utahime’s face.
“I am sure he is kind to you”. She said, averting her gaze back to the script in front of her. 
“Yeah”. You didn’t even know what you had agreed to as you reached the end of the document. It was almost done. Utahime gritted her teeth at your shamelessness. She thought of herself to be a fool to trust you. She was sure you were purposely messing up the proposal to make her look bad. 
“I think we are done. Just go through this once and let me know if you have any questions”. You turned your laptop towards her and took off your glasses. Utahime pulled the laptop towards herself and began reading the proposal. It was actually good. 
“This is good work y/n”. She said scrolling down. 
“Yeah but I can assure you it is not up to his standards”.You said, looking at your phone. Utahime smiled and got up from the table to reach for her bag. 
“Here. I think this is yours”. Utahime said, standing next to your chair.
You looked up to see your pendant dangling from her hand. Your eyes shifted from the pendant to her smiling face. “I..um..”. You were at a loss of words. 
“It’s alright. Satoru told me everything. These things happen”. She said in a licorice sweet voice that made bile churn inside. You took the pendant from her and thanked her. “I’ll be back”, You said, pushing your chair back and standing up immediately.
“It’s alright. You can meet me in his cabin at 3:30”. 
“Okay. I’ll meet you there. You have the documents right?”. 
“Mmhmm I do”. Utahime smiled to herself as she watched you walk out. Hook Line. Sinker. 
No this was not possible. You cannot believe he told her when you specifically asked him no to. God you felt stupid for even allowing yourself be close to him. What was his plan? Why was he doing this? Was he still aiming to have it all? To have a fiance his upper class circle would accept while at the same time have you for…for fun? You felt like throwing up. You knew you shouldn’t have trusted him but you did and he let you down. You looked up at your reflection in the mirror, you looked pathetic. It was fitting. You were pathetic for falling for his ways. You looked at your watch, it was time to go. Time to pretend like your heart wasn’t hurting. Time to play a fool. You put that pendant around your neck, over your shirt so that he would know that you knew he broke your trust. Again.
Gojo Satoru plays the long game. He didn't care about winning petty fights when he knew he was going to win the battle. He didn’t care much when Utahime asked to work with him. He didn’t care that she went behind his back. For now she was in his playground and he had just begun to play. He knew she did not have half an idea about how the business works so he decided to put her in her place. He knew if he met her she would ask him about work so he filled his day with meetings and calls. He knew she would not check her email so he sent out an email about the meeting instead of calling her directly. He knew she would keep you busy throughout the lunch to help her and that way you won’t be there when Hiro looks for you at lunch. If Hiro can ruin his moment with you, it was only fair that he returned the favour.
Throughout the meetings and calls, his hand kept going to touch the silk knot over his white shirt. He could feel the warmth of your hand over it. He dazed out in between meetings thinking of how you didn’t pull back, how you too leaned into his touch. How you let him hold you. Could it be possible that you still had feelings for him? Even if there was a one in a million chance that you had feelings for him, Gojo Satoru was going to take it. There were just a few unfavourable factors stacked against him, but nothing he can’t handle to get to you. It was all just a matter of time.
At around 3:25 Utahime walked through the door, alone. “There you are! I can’t believe I have to wait the whole day to see my own fiance”. She chirped as she sat in front of him. 
Gojo sighed, “You may get settled on the conference table. I’ll be right there”. He pointed to the 12 seater conference table on the right side of the room. Utahime nodded and got up to walk towards the table. 
“Where is Y/n?”. Gojo asked, walking behind her and passing her by to take his seat at the head of the table. 
“On her way. I must say, she is really efficient”. 
“I know”. Gojo couldn’t help but smile. A genuine smile that Utahime was quick to pick up on. “But I hope you go easy on me. It’s my first time presenting a business proposal and I am nervous”. Utahime said, sitting on his right hand side. 
“I’ll try”.
“Good Afternoon”. You greeted cheerfully as you made your way towards the conference table. You were well aware of where Gojo sat during proposal meetings.  You were about to walk over and sit next to Utahime but Gojo pulled the chair to his left. “Sit”. He commanded. You looked at Utahime, who nodded. Giving you permission to sit next to her fiance.
“Thank You”. You settled in your seat and suddenly realised what was wrong. Utahime did not have the laptop or the documents you had given her, and you mentally cursed yourself for thinking she would bring it. 
“Please excuse me, I’ll be-”. You were about to get up when Gojo shut his laptop and glared at you. “Sit down y/n”. You knew he knew. You gulped and sat down hesitantly. 
Utahime chuckled, “Are you alright y/n? Didn’t you just get back from the restroom?”. If only she wasn’t so focused on making fun of you she would have realised her mistake. Gojo chuckled, making Utahime giggle, thinking she had succeeded. 
“Iori..”. He called out to her with a smile on his face. To a commoner that smile would seem pleasant,even inviting. But, you know Gojo Satoru does not just smile at someone in a meeting.
“Yes, ‘toru?”. She asked, reciprocating the smile.
“Where is your proposal document?”. He asked in tone one uses to ask children where they keep their toy. He was mocking her. Utahime’s smile dropped. She turned to you and you shook your head. 
“Y/n was supposed to get it”. She threw you under the bus. You chewed your bottom lip and tried to come up with something. “I am sorry..I’ll get it right away”. Gojo still had his gaze fixed on Utahime. “Sit down y/n. Don’t make me repeat myself”. 
“Satoru..I..I asked her to-”. Utahime fumbled with her words. “Iori, Is this your proposal or is this y/n’s proposal?”. Gojo asked, spinning his chair towards her. He stretched and crossed his long legs and cocked his head to the side as he gently tapped the table with his pen.
“It’s..it’s mine Sato-”.
“It’s Mr.Gojo”. He cut her off. His demeanour made chill run down your spine. The air was getting thick and you felt bad for Utahime. Why was Gojo doing this to his fiance, the woman he loves?
Utahime was fighting hard to control the tears from spilling out. “It’s my proposal Mr.Gojo”. 
“Good then you must remember the numbers right?”. He raised an eyebrow at her. Utahime sat dumbfounded with her hands clasped on her lap.
“Here is what you can do Iori, you can either go and get the documents or you can start the presentation without them. What is it going to be?”.  Gojo pressed the end of his pen on lips and smirked. You didn’t particularly like Utahime but god did you feel bad for her at this moment. 
“I’ll…I’ll go get the documents”. Utahime whimpered and got up. She took one last look at Gojo, hoping that he would stop her but he swiveled in his chair and smiled at her, she then looked at you and you could only offer her a sympathetic gaze, without saying another word she stormed out of the office. 
You sat in silence not wanting to initiate a conversation with the blue eyed devil. You were going crazy thinking why did he treat her that way? It was cruel in every way. If he loved her enough to tell her about your meeting then why? Why this?
“Penny for your thoughts y/n?”. Gojo said, turning his chair as he opened his laptop. 
“I’m fine Mr.Gojo”. Gojo nodded and opened another important email to reply to in the meantime but something far more important caught his eye. 
“Where did you get that necklace from?”. 
You gritted your teeth, “It’s mine”.
“I know. You dropped it in my car and-”.
“Mrs.Gojo returned it to me”. That’s it you thought. That should tell him that you knew he had told her. It was Gojo’s turn to be at a loss of words now. 
“Don’t call her that!”. Gojo warned. 
“That’s what she is to me”. You kept your gaze fixed on the table. 
“I didn’t mean to tell her. She thought-”. You cut him off as you turned towards him with a plastered smile. “It’s fine. She had every right to know and it was wrong of me to ask you to not tell her. I’m sorry”. 
Gojo held your hand over the table and turned you towards him. “Listen to me now. It is not what you think it is. Okay?”. You tried to pull your hand back but Gojo only gripped it tighter. 
“Did you or did you not tell her?”. You asked, your hand going limp in his’.
“Y/n..it’s not that simple”. Gojo’s eyes drifted towards your quivering lips and he felt helpless once again.
"Right, it's never simple with you". You scoffed.
“Yes or No?”.
“She thought I was cheating on you”.
“So you told her?”. You frowned and turned towards him once again.
“I had to”
"Without thinking for once how it might affect my relations with her". You turned away from and took a deep breath. You didn't want to engage with him in this conversation but that's what he did to you. He always brought to surface every emotion inside you.
Gojo's heart dropped. Did Utahime did something to you. His first instinct was to scan your hands and face for any sign of hurt. "Did she do anything to you? Did she say anything to hurt-"
“No she didn't! and It doesn’t matter now!". You snapped. You were not going to give into his fake concern. "What happened that night, what happened at the movie, what happened this morning..none of it matters”. 
“It does. All of it matters to me. You matter to me”. Gojo held your hand as he rested his elbows on his knees and leaned towards you.
"Yeah right. I don't want to talk about this anymore"
He turned your chair to face his’ and grabbed your other hand with his free one. “There are things I cannot control. But I am trying..I am really trying to fix everything and I promise I'll make it better for ...us”. 
No. You were not going to fall for his charms again. Not again. “Mr.Gojo let me simplify it for you”. You began as you pulled your hands back. “You and I had a past and you made it clear that I was not good enough for you. Utahime is. She is the kind of woman who belongs by your side. Someone you’re not embarrassed of. Someone you can go out with..You let me go. You don’t get to play with my heart anymore. I have learnt the hard way to trust you”. 
Gojo straightened in his seat. He witnessed the hurt on your face, the tears in your eyes, the hatred in your voice. He knew he deserved it. “Fine then. This time I'll show you what I can do. Now don’t you dare look away”. 
Utahime walked in with a pile of documents and laptop in her arm and placed it on the table. “I’m sorry I’m late. It took some time to find some documents”.
“It’s alright. I kept y/n company”.
Utahime looked at you, “Y/n would you like to start?”. 
“No. Utahime will do the entire presentation. It is your idea after all, right Iori?”. Gojo interjected. 
Gojo leaned in his seat towards her feigning concern. “Why not? Isn’t this what you told my dad when you asked him to let you work with me?”. Utahime gasped lightly. She looked at you and knew that Gojo was doing all this to let you know that this was all her plan. 
“Mr.Gojo, it’s her first day. I don’t mind starting the presentation”. You spoke, letting Utahime know that you had her back. 
“Fine. If you say so y/n”. 
You began the presentation and Gojo’s eyes didn’t leave yours for a second. It seemed like he didn’t even blink. While Utahime occasionally looked at him, it didn’t distract him from you. He stopped you twice to ask you questions which you promptly answered, even offering additional explanation and resources.  Utahime made a mental note to follow your template for her turn. Gojo raised his hand which was a cue for to stop and Utahime to take over. She was hesitant but then remembered that she was going to show Gojo that she was here to stay. In this company and in his life. Utahime picked up from where you had left but was still rough around the edges. Generally this is not an issue with Gojo as he is willing to listen to anyone with a good idea regardless of their presentation skills, he refused to look at Utahime once which only sparked her insecurity. 
Gojo did look at her when he purposely asked her questions which he knew she didn’t have answers to. He asked for figures which were unrelated to the proposal and smirked when Utahime fumbled to look for them. In his defence, she should know which figures are needed and which are not and should tell him on his face when he asks for something unrelated. The whole ordeal was painful to watch. You looked at the blue eyed devil and wondered, is this what he meant? 
“Well I’ll be honest with you girls that this was the worst presentation I have ever seen. Utahime?”.
“Yes, Mr.Gojo?”.
“If you want to stay  in this company then you need to do better than that”.
“Yes. Mr.Gojo”. Uthaime’s demeanour had completely changed since morning. She was tamed. She was embarrassed. All the pompousness surrounding her had evaporated into a cloud of reality. Outside the four walls of Gojo’s cabin she was the future Mrs.Gojo, people respected her out of fear. But inside these walls…she was just another employee to him.
As you sheepishly walked back to your cabin you wondered, was this Gojo’s way of giving you a glimpse into his world? Where he was a doting fiancé outside the confines of his personal space, but on the inside Utahime was just another woman to him? Nothing special? As you sat in your chair and stared at the bouquet of flowers in the corner you could not help but ask yourself the same question…why? Why is he doing all this? Why is being so..close to you? Why did he ever agree to marry her if he didn’t want to?
“So..you’re telling me that you and him were about to kiss?!”. Hiro nearly screamed when you finished telling him about your morning. You walked over and put the lasagna on the table and sat opposite to him, taking a sip from your wine. “I don’t know. Maybe..Maybe not”. 
“And he got you those flowers?”.
“Yes. Apparently to wish me luck”.
“Wish you luck my ass! Those flowers mean something!”. You gave him a confused look as you took a bite. “Aren’t they just flowers? I mean yeah they are my favorite flowers but they are just flowers”. 
Hiro looked at you like you just asked him ‘why can’t we just print more money’. “My dear darling y/n, Peonies are for good fortune and romance”.
“So he was wishing me luck?”. 
“-AND…buttercups are for charm and attraction. He is clearly attracted to you!”. You rolled your eyes at him. It was Hiro’s nature to weave stories out of random acts so paying attention to his theories was a waste. You continued telling him about the altercation during the business proposal and his face showed the same confusion you had been harboring the whole day.
“It does not make sense. I fucking hate him”. You said, aggressively poking your lasagna with the fork.
“Maybe it does”. You looked up at him and shrugged. 
“Maybe he is trying to show you that she is not special to him. I know..I know about the whole necklace situation but other than that we haven’t really seen him around her that much. Maybe we should just observe them before coming to any conclusions”. 
“YOU need to observe them. I am done. I just feel bad for Utahime. How he treated her was cruel, if my fiance ever did that I’d call it off with him. But then again Gojo Satoru is cruel”. 
“Maybe Utahime isn’t as innocent as we think she is”. You rolled your eyes at him, making him chuckle. “Why do you always have to counter me?”.
“Cause I love annoying you. My girlfriend”...
Utahime paced furiously in her bedroom. Her silk night gown trailing behind her, as she walked over to the cabinet and took out her hidden bottle of Vodka. Her anger was bitter than the shot that trickled down her throat. This was not how she expected her first day to be. She had expected flowers and cordial reception, perhaps a nice lunch with Gojo. But all she got was his cruelty. 
She sat on the carpeted floor with her back resting against the bed. She thought about you. She had expected you to be cold and harsh but you weren’t. You helped her, even stood up for her. But was all that an act or were you really that plain minded? She stood up and walked over to the full size mirror and looked at herself, running her hands through her long hair. She was pretty, not the prettiest but prettier than you. She had almost the same figure as you did. So what did Gojo even see in you? You were just…simple. Everything about you was just average. So why did Gojo fall for you? 
She ran her hands over her body to admire the perfection, Should she get implants? Would Gojo like that? Is that what he is into? Does he not find her attractive because she was too proper? Maybe she should start dressing like you…right..that’s what she needed to do. Dress like you. Act like you. Smell like you. Maybe then Gojo would notice her..
With wobbling steps Utahime stepped inside her closet. She needed to dress like you. She went through shelves after shelves, picking out clothes and discarding them on the floor when they didn’t meet her expectations. She just had to find the most boring clothes she could find. Within minutes the entire walk in closet looked like it had been hit by a tornado. Utahime sat on an armchair in the corner with a pile of clothes in front of her. She called out for help, “Shiela! Shiela!”.
A woman in her mid thirties rushed in and stopped near the door of the closet. Her eyes widened at the scene in front of her. “Yes ..ma’am”.
“This!”. She pointed to a pile of clothes. “Take these and get them ironed”. Utahime got up with the bottle in her hand and walked towards the woman. “-and clean the rest of the closet”. She chuckled as she spoke the last words and walked past her.
“Ma’am…it’s…it’s almost 1 AM”. Sheila spoke in a shaky voice. 
“And? Is that a problem?”. Utahime spoke without looking back and walked away to the bedroom without waiting for a reply.
Gojo swirled his glass of whiskey as he let out a groan. His best friend sat opposite to him smiling, clearly amused at his friend’s dillema. The mahogany table separating them was littered with files, papers and images. “So you’re telling me there is no other way?”. Gojo asked once again as he put down the crystal glass on top of a polaroid of a dead man. 
“At this moment? No”. Suguru Geto, an infamous leader of an infamous criminal group, responded with the same answer. 
The system in this city was rigged and controlled by certain clans which hid themselves behind multinational corporations. Gojo Group, a front and side business for the Gojo clan that  covered or more likely ruled the entirety of Tokyo, Nagoya, Nara and Yokohama. The Zenin clan that ruled over Fukuoka, Kobe and Nagasaki, were ancient rivals of the Gojo clan. Though both the clans now operated in their respective areas, because of an age-old agreement, there were always small clashes when it came down to areas outside the jurisdiction of both the clans, areas like Kyoto. 
Utahime Iori, though not from a powerful clan, came from a powerful family. Her grandfather had set up a series of business fronts in Osaka and Kyoto, the perfect boundary between the two rival clans. Her family was well aware of the power they held in the playground of the underworld. Utahime being the only daughter became their key to power. So when the time came for her marriage, her father sent an informal invitation to both the powerful clans. Naoya Zenin, was well aware of Gojo Satoru’s relationship and knew that there was no way Gojo would ever agree to this marriage.  It was his chance to claim the no man’s land and gain an edge over the Gojo group. But how badly he had underestimated Gojo’s ambition…
Years ago, Gojo wanted the world. He wanted to rule over everything there was to rule. He was ambitious and driven and knew he had the potential to take the Gojo group to new heights. His ambition was his true love. You..you were just a distraction. Gojo did love you but his love was shrouded in a veil of power. When the prospect of getting engaged to Utahime Iori was put forward by his father, Gojo didn’t hesitate. He agreed, knowing that there was no way it would ever materialise into anything as he would take over kyoto and osaka before that. But soon the weeks turned into months and his heart grew cold. He could see that both the families were pushing the engagement and that he could not stall them anymore. But what about you? Gojo decided that his dreams were bigger than you, they were more important than anyone. In his foolishness he committed a heinous crime, he broke your heart. 
Gojo thought that he could live without you, that he didn’t need you and he was most definitely not in love with you. It was just an affair right? Meaningless ‘I love you’, meaningless date, meaningless relationship. But the moment he slipped the ring in Utahime’s finger he knew…he knew he had made a grave mistake. 
“If only I would have met her that day”. Gojo’ voice shook as he spoke into existence, his biggest regret. Suguru, who usually offers words of comfort, sat silently, knowing that some wounds just don’t heal. 
The day Gojo was reminiscing about, with a bitter taste in his mouth, was the day he got engaged. You had told him that the day he put a ring on her you’d walk out of his life. On the day of engagement Gojo got a text from you.. 
y/n : Hi
Gojo : Where are you?
Y/n : Are you getting engaged today?
Gojo : I need to talk to you
y/n : I told you that I would wait for you until you were engaged to her, and I will. But I need to see you now!
Gojo : There are people here and I can’t just leave. Please be rational.
Y/n : Satoru I have been patient and rational for months now! I can't do this anymore. I love you but I need to know if you do.
Gojo : It’s complicated. I can’t explain everything like this. Let’s meet tomorrow and I promise I will tell you everything
y/n : No. No more tomorrows. Either you meet me today or we’re over.
Gojo : y/n please.. I can’t see you right now. I wish I could but I can’t. It’s not simple.
y/n : It’s not that complicated either. If you love me then show up at Gyoen park. I will meet you by the lake.. If you love her then stay there.
Gojo paced around in his suite in his black Zegna suit. He was furious at you for being so irrational.He cannot just leave everything and follow you, he had responsibilities and commitments and…and ambitions! It was not that easy…but it should have been right? If he loved you then it should have been an easy choice. He did love you but love was not enough for him, he needed more from life. There was more to his life than love. The knock on the door broke his chain of thoughts and he knew he hardly had minutes to decide now. 
You stood by the lake, eyes fixed on the glistening water as the sun had begun to set. In your heart you knew that he wouldn't show up but you just had to give him one last chance. You made a choice that day. You could have left for Kyoto and started a new life at a new company in just a few days or you could stay in this park and wait for Gojo Satoru. You checked your watch, the train, whose ticket lay crumpled in your bag, must have left by now. You took a deep breath. It had been hours since you last texted Gojo and there was no reply from him. You sat on the soft grass and wiped the tears rolling down your cheeks. You knew that he was not coming and soon the silent tears turned into sobs and sobs turned into breakdown and breakdown turned into hiccups and hiccups turned into numbness..but you waited and waited and waited.. The harsh sun melted into golden hour and golden hour turned into lilac sky with stars beginning to take their assigned places above you..and you waited and waited for the stars to align to bless you just this one time. You prayed for the impossible and negotiated with fate to give you just this one thing..this person and you’d forgive fate for all the bitterness in your life..But fate had long gone to sleep under the navy sky.
Eventually you pulled out your phone and checked the social media for any update…they had officially announced the engagement..Gojo Satoru was gone from your life. There was nothing you could do now. You looked at the press photo, them standing side by side, smiling, his hand on her back and her hand showing off the large rock. You laughed at yourself, at how pathetic you were. You gave up on a new life for the man who started his’. 
Y/n : Congratulations.
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@hiqhkey @chemtrails-club @simplyrosesxr @foggyperfectiondragon @sofi786 @vesta-ro @kimvmarvel @mykyoon @shintin @attackonsimpp @pyschopotatomeme @lilith412426 @shuxjodie @sagejin @cloudsinthecosmos @hecateria @froggylust @lightblueexorcist @watyousayin @creolequeen11210 @s13nnnna
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jotatetsuken · 2 years
Shyna's 100 Follower Event: Made with Love
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Thank you so much for the number of followers and I can only hope it'll grow <33 In honor of y'all's support and of my family who've set high bars for me in terms of cooking, I've decided to come up with a domestic-type event here! (PS: Thank you Sil, @burnthoneymint and Icarus @cuz-like-why-not for brainstorming this event and giving me feedback ♥️)
This will go on for a week and a half (April 7,2022) or until I get all the requests. Basically, all of the write-ups from this event will be based on the domestic AU setup.
Edited: Extending till the 11th of April, 2022 🤍
Event Status : CLOSED
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If I don't get these done in time, I'd appreciate it if I'm not asked about it over and over? This is because I might have other WIPs or prior commitments I'm working on and I want to make sure I finish those.
There will be fluff, there will be angst, there may even be suggestive stuff. I may have to write dark content if it were to come to it. But there will be no smut for this event. So, please don't send in those requests.
Followers can send one entry and moots can send two entries :) However, you'd have to follow me to participate. I can accept anon requests too.
I'll mostly be writing for afab!reader and gn!reader. However, I can do 2nd person POV's
Oh, and for simplicity purposes, a character can't be asked for multiple times, and you can see my character rules.
Tropes can be chosen multiple times. :D
Limiting the fandoms to AOT, Marvel/DC, MHA, Black Clover, JJK, JJBA, Demon Slayer, KNB & Tokyo Revengers (anime only)
If you're requesting Haikyuu, preferably for writeups, please choose among the following, if possible: Hajime Iwaizumi, Asahi Azumane, Keiji Akaashi, Shinsuke Kita, Osamu Miya, Kiyoomi Sakusa
So here's how it's going to go -
What I need from you:
Your pronouns, your MBTI, a picrew of yours with 2 facts about yourself (for matchups only), and the options that you're choosing from the list below: Eg: she/her, ENFJ, Dessert, Eggs, Sugar, Cinnamon, and Tetsuro Kuroo (if you're not choosing matchups)
she/her, ENFJ, Drinks, Picrew, 2 Fun Facts about yourself and Haikyuu (if you're choosing matchups)
Choose the type of meal you're ordering: (Type of writing)
Entrée: Headcanons (10/10) (Suguru Geto - Icarus, Tooru Oikawa - Rei @quirrrky , Tobio Kageyama - Theo @miikoos ,Toge Inumaki - Ella, Satoru Gojo - Ares @oyasumiares , Rindou Haitani - Twyla @cynolover , Yuuji Itadori - Soph @izu-fi , Daichi Sawamura - Lydz @ceo-of-daichi , Manjiro “Mikey” Sano - Anne @cocoaevening , Ran Haitani - anon)
Main: Oneshot (7/7) (Levi Ackerman - Gen @arcanestage , Tengen Uzui - Dae @burntbuttermm , Atsumu Miya - Ro @beware-of-the-rogue , Nozel Silva - @chocoberries-keisuke , Ushijima Wakatoshi - Martina @miyamartina , Jean Kirstein - Lucy, Shoyo Hinata - Rexy @rexy26 )
Dessert: Drabble (8/8) (Satori Tendou - Dice @sweetsbysatori , Izana Kurokawa - Alyssa @noekoi , Tetsuro Kuroo AND Kei Tsukishima - Kurisu @hyeque , Noriaki Kakyoin - anon, Kenma Kozume - Ella @mrskenmakozume , Erwin Smith - Lija @ffsg0jo , Kotaro Bokuto - Lexi @suckerforsugawara , Fuegoleon Vermillion - Laura )
Drinks: Appearance Matchups (10/10) (Dice, Lucy @cirigiri , Emily @sanmiya , Laura @thoughtfullyrainynightmare , Vicky @saltyvanilla , Maya#1 @miwaizumi , Claire @chronic-claire-universe , Maya#2 @yanderedreaming , Gen, Joy @joyfulenthusiastwitch ) + additional one for Ro 'cause it was her birthday yesterday
Choose the main ingredient to work with on the meal: (Tropes) (not applicable if you're choosing drinks)
Rice: Friends to Lovers
Eggs: Fake relationship
Milk: Enemies to Lovers
Flour: Love triangle (you can choose two characters here btw)
Butter: Marriage of Convenience
Choose the seasoning to add onto the meal (Prompts, selected from @sleepyprompts , they're so beautiful btw) (you can choose a max of 2) (not applicable if you're choosing drinks)
Salt: "If you don't put the kitchen utensils where they go, then you're not allowed to complain about it later."
Pepper: "You can sleep in my bed but I'm not sleeping on the couch."
Cumin: "Well, this is not what I expected to happen."
Sugar: "I don't know how to fix a broken heart, but we could learn together."
Paprika: "I swear I came here to photograph the scenery, it's just that you're way more beautiful."
Cinnamon: “You said you needed me - the feeling’s mutual. You make me believe in the beautiful. You said I held your heart together, made you better. You made me fall, every day, and I’d do it all the same.”
Rosemary: “I may or may not be secretly leaving teddy bears outside your house so I can see your delighted face in the mornings.”
Oregano: “We couldn’t have picked a day when rain wasn’t predicted?”
Choose your secret ingredient from the following: (Character from anyone of the fandoms)
Haikyuu, Jujutsu Kaisen, Attack on Titan, My Hero Academia, Demon Slayer, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Kuroko No Basket, Black Clover, Marvel/DC, Tokyo Revengers
Tagging some of my moots for this: @novaresque @megumischubbycheeks @sluttyzucchini @simpingforthisonedeer @tiddieluvr @festive @kiiraes and others whomever I've missed :D
Thank you all who’ve been there for me. As I say whenever anyone hits a milestone, here’s to many more! ♥️
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mrskodzuken · 2 years
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Moodboard Masterlist
*in order of sending
♡ Okkotsu Yuta (req: @/mitsuyaya)
♡ Hanma Shuji (req: @/sakusins)
♡ Asmodeus (req: @/anon)
♡ Suna Rintarou (req: @/sunarent)
♡ Hinata Shoyo (req: @/katsulovee)
♡ Sawamura Daichi + Meian Shugo (req: @/ceo-of-daichi)
♡ Iwaizumi Hajime (req: @/atsuminthe)
♡ Fushiguro Megumi (req: @/mirakeul)
♡ Kindaichi Yuutaro + Kunimi Akira (req: @/hero-fucking-101)
♡ Leviathan (req: @/coxmii)
♡ Fushiguro Megumi (req: @/maixxnee)
♡ Matsukawa Issei (req: @/rinesei)
♡ Tendou Satori (req: @/kit-ken)
♡ Komori Motoya (req: @/ejprincess)
♡ Oikawa Tooru (req: @/ushisrever)
♡ Akaashi Keiji (req: @/ara-mitsue)
♡ Beelzebub (req: @/thesimphouse)
♡ Fushiguro Megumi (req: @/anon)
♡ Matsukawa Issei (req: @/chickentendieboi)
♡ Iwaizumi Hajime (req: @/spikershoyo)
♡ Itadori Yuuji (req: @/kireirengoku) - +1
♡ Ushijima Wakatoshi (req: @/ushiwakasrey)
♡ Ryuuguji Ken (req: @/rae-naka-hara)
♡ Mitsuya Takashi (req: @/yuichi-ro)
♡ Iwaizumi Hajime + Oikawa Tooru (req: @/evanescentlight)
♡ Chifuyu Matsuno (req: @/chibishae34)
♡ Gojo Satoru (req: @/dora-the-grownup)
♡ Semi Eita (req: @/osanoya)
♡ Gojo Satoru (req: @/anon)
♡ Semi Eita (req: @/semieitasmuse)
♡ Iwaizumi Hajime (req: @/aiiwa)
♡ Tendou Satori (req: @/animated-moon)
♡ Ushijima Wakatoshi, Ryuuguji Ken (req: @/rosesandtoshi)
♡ Sakusa Kiyoomi (req: @/amarinthe)
♡ Hirugami Sachirou (req: @/laineeey00-ontherun)
♡ Sugawara Koushi (req: @/henry-espionage)
♡ Iwaizumi Hajime (req: @/hoesoflamentation) - +1
♡ Tsukishima Kei (req: @/xdkale)
♡ Beelzebub (req: @/anon)
♡ Bokuto Koutarou (req: @/ninjamomo)
♡ Ushijima Wakatoshi (req: @/anon)
♡ Mammon (req: @/milkteeboba)
♡ Haitani Ran (req: @/sugusshi)
♡ Mitsuya Takashi (req: @/justanawolf)
♡ Miya Atsumu (req: @/brazil-hinata)
♡ Ryuuguji Ken (req: @/bokuroskitten) - +2
♡ Sugawara Koushi (req: @/heauxzenji)
♡ Iwaizumi Hajime (req: @/quanxui)
♡ Kuroo Tetsurou (req: @/quirrrky)
♡ Suna Rintarou (req: @/shinsoups)
♡ Sano Manjiro (req: @/paradise-creator)
♡ Wakasa Imaushi (req: @/anon)
♡ Bokuto Koutarou (req: @/martellprincess-writes)
♡ Matsukawa Issei (req: @/anon)
♡ Hanamaki Takahiro (req: @/elsfay)
♡ Sakusa Kiyoomi (req: @/kyoutxni)
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Thank you for participating! ♥️
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thehighpriestess1 · 2 years
August : 6
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Summary : Y/n has a feeling that Hiro might be gone for good but she is not going to sit and let it happen. A familiar stranger offers help.
Pairing : Gojo x y/n
Warning : Curse words, major yandere themes. drugging, Minors do not interact, 18+ only, word count : 9k+
Ask Box
Previous : Masterlist
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Honeymoon period of a relationship is the period when two people have just started dating or going out. It is the period when a person sees all the hidden colors of the world, they smile at strangers, feel the breeze in their hair, wake up with a smile, the food seems tastier and somehow life seems better. But I hate the honeymoon period. It sets a person up for some unrealistic expectations of what is to come and once this period ends the greyscale life begins. Now the same person walks with a resting bitch face and rolls their eyes at a crying toddler in the cafe. You see dear reader, while the honeymoon period shows you all the good your partner has to offer, it also hides their dark side. If it was up to me I would do it all in reverse. See the downs first and then the ups, wouldn’t that be more exciting? more rewarding? 
That’s what Utahime thought to herself as she stared at her reflection in the mirror, so what if her relationship started off rocky? Things are going well now.. This was not the first date she had had with Gojo but something felt different. The black Viviene Westwood dress hugged her curves perfectly, what made the dress even more special was that it was sent by Gojo. This was probably the first gift he had ever given her, well second if she counted the diamond earrings he sent along with the dress, and third if she counted the red roses. She ran her hands down her sides and bit her lip. He had good taste. She blushed thinking how well he knew her measurements even though he had never touched her. She was beyond impressed but she knew better. Her smile faded thinking about all the failed dates of the past, the lunches where he ignored her if he showed up at all, the movie where they bumped into you, the dinner four days ago where he stood her up..again. Though she hadn’t seen much of Gojo this week, the invitation to a private dinner was a nice surprise. Utahime loved surprises.
As she walked towards the private seating area of the most high end restaurant in the city she decided to put the past where the past belonged and focus on the date. Water under the bridge. The doors opened to reveal Gojo, in a black velvet suit standing by the table, smiling at her. She let out a shaky breath. The room was dimly lit, a walkway made of rose petals led her to the table under the chandelier where her fiance stood. She hesitantly walked towards him, her diamond earring formed kaleidoscope shapes on his cheeks, blood rushed to her cheeks when she reached the end of the path and finally got a good look at Gojo. She didn’t think it was possible for any human to look this good. It should be really a sin to look this perfect. His hair that usually fell on his forehead was neatly set aside. His features looked sharp enough to cut her but what a bliss it would be to bleed that way. 
“You look beautiful”. Utahime was snapped out of her trance. “Thank You. You..you look good too”. Gojo smiled and pulled her chair back. 
“I’m glad the dress fits”. Gojo spoke as he settled down in his chair across from her. 
“You have good taste”. She said looking down. She was happy. Too happy, and it scared her.
“Do you like it?”. Gojo asked, reaching for her hand. He felt how she shivered under his touch and it satisfied him greatly.
“I do”. Utahime was set on not letting out more than intended. As advised, she was keeping her replies short. She had every right to be upset with him but the way he was holding her hand made her heart skip a beat.
“I’m sorry Iori”. Sweet words in a sweet voice paired with a sweet smile had Utahime flinching in her seat. “For…for what?”. She stuttered.
“For everything. I know I wasn’t..kind to you. I should have been but I was not. I lived in the past and blamed you for everything when you were just trying to help me. But now I realise how wrong I was. You are my present and my future and I am willing to make it up to you if you give me another chance”.
Utahime was at a loss for words. This was beyond what she had imagined. Was this another one of his elaborate plans? Was he toying with her?
“I know it is hard for you to trust me and I deserve it. But I promise you I will earn your trust back”. Gojo brought her hand to his lips and gently pecked her knuckles. This one gesture brought tears in her eyes. “Do you…do you really mean it?”. She asked in a shaky voice.
“I do”. Gojo nodded and let go of her hand. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a velvet box. “I know we are officially engaged but I never really got to propose to you”. 
Gojo opened the box and pulled out the ring. “Utahime Iori, would you do me the honour of marrying me and making me the happiest man?”. 
This had to be a dream. Utahime bit the inside of her cheeks to come to her senses. Was Gojo proposing to her? Did her plan work? She looked at the shiny rock and drew in a sharp breath. It was no ordinary ring, it was the Gojo family ring. The one she was supposed to get on their wedding, instead it was right in front of her.
“I know this might seem unnatural. But after last week I have finally realised what really matters, and it’s you. It’s us. Our family that we have now and the one we will have in future..I understand if you are not ready-”.
“Yes!”. Utahime exclaimed just as Gojo was about to pull back. Gojo smiled to himself as he pulled her old ring out and slid in the new one. “It fits”. She said, smiling with teary eyes. 
“Of course it does. It was meant for you Iori”. Gojo leaned over and wiped the tear off of her cheeks and pressed a soft kiss on her forehead. Utahime thought this must be a dream. It was too good to be true. But it was happening. Her plan had worked perfectly. 
Over the five course meal and a bottle of Cabernet Utahime fell for Gojo all over again. They laughed and talked. He flirted and she blushed. He held her hand and she played with his fingers. He lent her his jacket and she basked in his scent. He kissed her lips and she knew there was nothing she wanted more.
Utahime woke up in the middle of the night and sighed. This had become a routine, each night when she was sure Gojo was fast asleep she would sneak out to conspire. She rubbed her temple thinking whether all of it was a dream? She brought her other hand up and stared at the new ring and smiled to herself. It was not a dream. It really happened. If the glistening rock wasn’t enough, the heavy hand that rested over her waist confirmed the reality. She placed a chaste kiss on her fiance’s lips before slipping out of bed.
Grabbing her phone from the nightstand she made her way towards the ensuite. Turning behind to confirm that Gojo was indeed asleep she stepped inside the bathroom and locked the door behind her.
Utahime : The plan worked!
N : What? It’s too soon.
Utahime : But it did! He proposed! Again! I said yes! He even  apologised for everything and it was perfect!
N : Are you sure this is not one of his ticks?
Utahime : I am. That wretched woman is finally out of his life! I should have done this long ago.
N : Is she? Has he fired her? 
Utahime : I would ask him later. He said he wants to earn my trust so I am sure she would do it. Guess he finally realised that she had nothing to offer him and now that he thinks she is with another man and carrying his child there is no way he wants her now.
N : Hmm. Maybe. But be careful. Meet me tomorrow evening. Same place same time
Utahime felt guilty. Something about talking to another man while her fiance slept felt wrong..it felt sinful. But she justified it by thinking about the times he left her alone. But this was bigger than that. She wasn’t just talking to any man. She let out a sigh and stood up to wash her face. She had wished for this for the longest time and now that she had it, she didn’t know what to do. As soon as she opened the door she found her fiance standing on the other side of the door. “Are you okay?”. Gojo asked with concern.
Utahime : OK.
Utahime : Can we just get rid of her? I fucking hate her! She pretends to be oh so innocent but I know she's a fucking snake!
N : Calm down. All in good time. We need to be patient.
“Yeah. What are you doing?”.
“I didn’t find you in bed so I got worried”.
“I’m fine, let's go to bed”. 
Utahime Iori was in such a rush to hide her phone as she made way around Gojo,getting in the bed that she failed to notice that his phone screen lit up too.As Utahime closed her eyes in the arms of the one she loved she smiled to herself. His warm embrace took her to a dreamland she had never visited before. With her back pressed against his chest she fell asleep with a smile on her face and she didn’t notice the haunted expression on his face. She didn’t see the anger in his eyes. She felt the warmth of his body but failed to feel the tension it held. While she buried the hatchet, Gojo sharpened his’. 
Gojo saw you in the office the next day and almost smiled but he remembered your conversation on the rooftop and held himself back. Though it was never easy for him to resist reaching out to you, now that he knew everything it was only getting harder for him. So he decided to stay in his office all day..He was plagued by the truth and disgusted by the lies he had to tell to protect you. But as long as it was for you, he would do it all with a smile on his face. 
Hiro’s confession gave spark to an unfamiliar rage. Gojo wanted to play fair. Play clean. But now that the other side had involved you, purposely, he was not afraid to get his hands dirty. 
“Hi”. The door opened and Utahime walked in. 
“To what do I owe the pleasure of seeing you?”. Gojo asked with a sweet smile on his face.
“I was thinking about the new resort inauguration in Bali…do you think you could take a week off and maybe we can have a little get away?”. Utahime asked, making her way around the table and carefully sitting in his lap. 
“Hmm…that’s an interesting proposition. But maybe we can work something out”. Gojo winked, making Utahime shriek in happiness. 
“How about we go out tonight? We can start shopping and then dinner maybe?”. Gojo asked, studying her face. Making sure to press the knife deeper into her heart.
Utahime stiffened and got up immediately. “Oh. I forgot to tell you, how silly of me. I have to meet an old friend today. She lives in the states and is visiting for a day so I thought I should catch up. I’ll be leaving office early today”. 
“You can call her over for dinner. I would love to meet your friend”. Gojo asked, relishing in her embarrassment.
“No no. She is..very reserved so I am not sure. Maybe later?”.
“Sure. Just be back home soon and let me know if you need anything else”.
“Thanks”. Utahime hurriedly pecked his lips and walked out. 
Your anxiety was growing with each passing second. You had tried to focus on work but your mind kept rushing back to the same thought. Where was Hiro? Until two days ago your messages were getting delivered but not anymore. You had tried calling but his phone was turned off. You had tried reaching out to his friends but none of them had heard from him. Making a police complaint did cross your mind but then you realised that he had taken a leave and you can’t file a complaint based on your intuition. You thought of asking Geto but for that you will have to ask Gojo and after your last conversation with him you weren’t sure how to approach him.
“Hi y/n”. Utahiem chirped as she entered your office.Can she hear your thoughts about Gojo? You stood up immediately to greet her. 
“Oh please relax. I just came to chat. How are you doing today? You seem stressed”.
“Yeah. Nothing serious. I’m feeling a bit under the weather today”.
“Oh then I came right on time”. She flashed a pearly white smile which made your stomach churn.
“Is there anything you need?”.
“No. I am getting off work early so you can go early too”. 
“Oh okay. Thank you. I will just finish up this report then”.
“Sure darling take your time”. She said and walked out. You did notice the new ring on her finger. Did they renew their vows? You shook your head and focused on the task at hand.
You were about to walk out of your office when your phone rang. You walked back to your desk and decided to attend it. 
“Hi Y/n. Mr.Gojo would like to see you in his office”. It was Miwa on the other line and your heart skipped a beat at the request.
“Is it urgent?”. You asked, hoping to get out of it.
“Okay. I’ll be there”.
You made your way to the other end of the floor and debated whether you should ask Gojo for help. 
“May I come in?”. You asked knocking on the door. 
You entered the cold room and saw Gojo standing behind his desk,littered with papers, with papers in his hand. His hair was slightly dishevelled, white sleeves rolled up to his elbow, tie hanging loosely around his neck. It looked like he was in the middle of something important and this only piqued your curiosity.
“You wanted to see me?”.
“Yes. I need your help with an upcoming trip to Bali”. 
“Utahime didn’t tell me anything about it”.
“That’s because it’s a surprise for her. I want to take her to Bali for important work and I need help from you to arrange everything for her. Can you do that?”. He wasn’t looking at you, instead shifting his gaze from one paper to another. It hurt but this is what you asked from him. 
“I’ll try. What do I need to do?”.
“For starters, you need to get your travelling documents in order because I need you to travel with us”.
“I can’t do that”. You replied immediately. 
Gojo finally looked up at you. He studied your face for a few seconds before turning his attention back to his papers. “Don’t worry all costs will be covered and you'll get overtime pay”.
It was offensive the way he was treating you. But that’s how he would have treated any other employee and this is what you asked for. Maybe you should have been careful of what you ask for, as you might just get it. A part of you wanted him to sympathise with you but you knew he was under no obligation to do so.
“It’s not that..I can’t. I just can’t”.
“You are mandated by your contract to fulfil your work obligations and this is your work obligation so I don’t see a reason why you can’t come with us.But given the circumstances I am still leaving it up to you. Think about it”.
You mentally cursed yourself. You had used up all your leaves for this quarter and can’t back out of it now. But if he was so insistent on bringing you along then maybe just  maybe you can call a favour too.
“Is there anything else?”.
“I have emailed you the list of other things so you can take a look at it. Oh and”. He looked up at you with his mouth agape. “Don’t tell Iori about this. It’s a surprise”. He ended the request with a smile and you found yourself reciprocating it. But yours was laced with jealousy and hatred.
“You can go now and let me know your decision by tomorrow morning”. Gojo said. Keeping down the stack of papers and pulling out another file. You stood there searching for words, fidgeting with your hands and Gojo noticed it. “Is there anything you want?”. He asked, corking and eyebrow. 
“I…I need…I need..”.
“What do you need y/n? I don’t have all day”.
“I need Detective Geto’s number”. You blurted out. 
Gojo stared at your concerned face for a second and then let out a chuckle. “And why do you need that?’.
“I think..I think Hiro has gone missing and I need his help”. 
Gojo bit his bottom lip and drew in a deep breath. He knew he had to be careful with his words. “Hasn’t he taken an extended leave for personal reasons?”. Gojo asked, leaning back in his chair. He studied your face and it angered him how much you cared about that scum.
“I know. But I have tried reaching out to him but his phone has been off for days and I even contacted his friends to know his whereabouts but they haven’t seen him at all! I have a feeling that something has happened to him. Something bad!”. 
“You really care about him don’t you?”. Gojo asked, eyes focused on your teary ones. 
“Yes Mr.Gojo. He is my…only… friend. I wouldn’t be asking this if I wasn’t sure. I’ll do anything …I’ll come on the trip and I’ll do a perfect job but I really need Geto’s help!”. You sounded desperate. You knew you sounded desperate but you didn’t care. Not when your gut was telling you your best friend was in danger. Gojo’s skin was burning with anger but his heart skipped a beat looking at how much you cared about people close to you. He let out a sigh and nodded his head. 
“Fine then. I’ll ask him to contact you”.
“Thank you. Thank you so much!”. You meant it. You were relieved and almost on the verge of tears. As you were about  to leave, Gojo spoke up. “Don’t forget. You owe me one now”. Your mouth hung open. Was he really going to use your helplessness as a way of getting something? Of course he was. He is Gojo Satoru. 
“I know”. You replied with a nod. 
Before you could walk out of the office the door opened to reveal the man of interest standing. Looking from you to Gojo and flashing a smile to his best friend. 
“I hope I’m not interrupting something. Hello Y/n”. Geto said as he made his way to where you were standing. 
“Hello Geto”. You replied and looked at Gojo. Geto took his place on the chair and stared at his friend who was still staring at you. “What’s happening?”. He asked. Before you could reply, Gojo straightened in his chair and cleared his throat. 
“Y/n wants to talk to you”. He said, giving a pressed smile.
Geto frowned and pointed his index finger at himself and looked at you. “Me?”. 
You pressed your lips together and nodded. “Go ahead y/n. Tell him what you told me”. Gojo said, giving you a green signal. You walked over to where Geto was sitting and stood in front of him with your arms clasped in front of you.
“It's about my friend. His name is Kato Hiro and I think he has gone missing”. 
Geto opened his mouth to say something but closed it and turned his head towards his friend on the other side of the table. Gojo nodded his head but kept his eyes focused on the report in front of him. Geto maintained his pleasant expression, trying hard to not smile. 
“Why do you think that he is missing?”. Geto asked, smiling at you.
“I ..he has taken an extended leave so that’s why he hasn’t shown up for work. But we are neighbours, you see, so I know him really well!  He hasn’t replied to any of my messages or calls and two days ago my messages stopped delivering. I even called his friends back home but they haven’t heard from him or seen him”. 
“When was the last time you saw him?”.
“About ten days ago. He texted me that he was leaving from work early and..wait let me show you”. You reached into your bag and pulled out your phone. “This was the last text he sent me”. You opened the chat and handed your phone to Geto. Gojo too craned his neck to get a peek at your chats with the scum. He scoffed when he saw that you had saved his contact with a heart next to his name. He pouted a little wondering how you saved his contact, if you had saved it at all. 
Hiro : Hey luv leaving work early got some work to do. See you tomorrow <3.
“And you didn’t hear from him after this message?”. 
“No. Things got a little busy and I had to take a leave from work. But it seems that he took a leave the next day. Which is strange”.
“Why is it strange?”.
“Because he didn’t tell me. If he was going somewhere he would have visited me before leaving or dropped a text”.
“Why would he tell you about his plans? What was your relation with him?”. Geto smiled to himself. He was only asking this question to poke his best friend. 
“I..we were..we are really good friends..he would never just disappear on me”. 
“Are you sure about that?”.
“Yes. Hiro would never not tell me about where he was going”.
“Well apparently he did. But anyway I will ask around and let you know if I find something and in the meanwhile if you hear from him then you let me know okay?”. Geto offered you a smile along with his card and you politely took it.  
“Thank You”. You offered both men a courteous smile and walked out of the room. 
“What was that about?”. Geto asked, smirking at Gojo.
“She is being paranoid. That scum deserved what he got”.
“Aww. Are you jealous ,Satoru?”.
“Are you here to mock me or help me?”. 
“Both?”. Geto joked, earning an eye roll from Gojo. “What has he revealed so far? Did you ask him about the child”.Geto asked, lighting a cigarette. 
“He passed out soon after but my men are working on it and no I didn’t ask him about…the child”.
“Why not?”.
“Didn’t want to”.
“Or you couldn’t??”.
“I said, I don’t want to”. Gojo was dead serious and Geto dropped the topic…for now.
Gojo opened his second laptop and walked over to sit next to Geto on the visitor’s couch in his office, he opened the tracking window and entered his password. “Do you think she is going to meet him?”. Gojo asked.
“Based on her chats it seems so”. 
The two men focused on the red dot moving across the map of the city. Thanks to Geto, Gojo had installed a tracker in Utahime’s ring. As if that wasn’t enough he had even installed it in her other jewelleries. But above all he had spyware installed in her brooch and could now hear and record every conversation as long as she had her phone. 
The dot stopped moving near a farmhouse and Geto zoomed in to see the address. Unsurprisingly it was not in friendly territory.
“Turn on the speaker!”. Gojo spoke, not removing his eyes from the screen. Geto nodded and with a click of a few buttons they were able to hear every sound in the room. Gojo knew Utahime had the habit of wearing her favourite red bow brooch whenever she was happy and Gojo made sure she was happy today, and this worked well in his favour as they could now see and hear everything.
“He is waiting for you”. Some man in black uniform spoke and was now leading Utahime through a corridor. The man opened the door and Utahime walked inside. 
“Hello beautiful”. Another man spoke and seemed to offer her a hug. Geto and Gojo looked at each other and smiled. The man came into view of the camera and they knew exactly who he was. 
Any other man on this planet would have been furious to have found his fiance sneaking and meeting another man but not Gojo. Gojo was happy. Gojo got all the proof he needed. Gojo was going to ruin everyone. 
“You know the rules, Iori. Keep your phone out. We can’t talk with your phone in your hand”.
“Do you not trust me?”. Utahime asked. 
“Oh I trust you alright. It’s your fiance I don’t trust”.
Utahime let out a groan and handed her bag and phone to the man who led her here. 
“I must tell you, you were right. The plan worked perfectly”. Utahime said, sitting down. The man sat opposite to her on a plush black leather couch.
“I told you it would. But this does not mean that Gojo is all yours now. You still have a long way to go”.
“I know. But I am sure you will handle the rest. Right?”.
“For you I would”.
“But tell me..what do you gain from helping me get Gojo?”. Utahime asked. Gojoe and Geto sat silently waiting for the answer. 
“You are a smart woman, Utahime Iori. How about this, You get Gojo Satoru and all the four industries that are currently under your name be transferred to an offshore company? Small price to pay for love right?”.
“You want me to transfer the rights of my shipping company to you?”.
“I can’t believe she can’t see his plan”. Gojo spoke under his breath. Geto chuckled. “That’s why he is using her. But I must say Satoru, you are quite a commodity”. Gojo glared at his friend and Geto only chuckled. 
“-and of course I get Y/n L/n”. The man spoke. Gojo and Geto froze. Suddenly it seemed like the man was talking directly to them. Geto could feel the tension in Gojo’s body and it scared him. “Hey, he won’t hurt her”. Geto said reassuringly.
“I won’t let him”. Gojo spoke, eyes still focused on the scene in front of him.
“Why do you want her?”. Utahime asked.
“Let’s just say, she interests me and of course she is pretty and has a sharp tongue. Just my type right?”. N laughed.
“Wait, have you met her?”. Utahime leaned forward in her seat and so did Geto and Gojo. Gojo was getting worried now. There is no way in hell he could have met you, he wouldn’t go that far to involve you. Right? Geto seemed to have read his mind.
“Oi Satoru. Don’t worry. My men will keep an eye on her. He won’t dare go near her”.
“He better not-”. Before Gojo could finish his warning the man spoke. “I have. I might meet her again”. He winked at Utahime. Gojo’s eyes widened, his jaw clenched and he was one step away from burning the whole place down. “I want round the clock surveillance on y/n. He cannot go near her. He cannot talk to her”. Geto nodded and patted his shoulder.
Utahime scoffed and turned her head away to look at the painting on the wall. “I don’t get what men see in her”.
“Don’t worry love, you are the only woman I care about”.
“I am engaged”. Utahime spoke, raising her left hand to show off the brand new ring.
“Wedding or it didn’t happen baby”. N said, laughing at her innocence. Utahime rolled her eyes and scoffed. It pinched her that the only man who was giving her all the attention she deserved was also interested in you. But as long as she got Gojo she didn’t care what happened to you.
You stood under the shower, eyes closed, feeling the water wash over all the events of the day. You were relieved that you got to talk to Geto but still a part of you was worried. You have been checking up on his apartment everyday for the past ten days, hoping that someday he opens the door. A voice in your head said that he was gone for good. But you didn’t want to accept it. You couldn’t imagine losing someone again. You were not sure if this time you’ll be able to bear it at all.
You looked around the kitchen, thinking what to make. You were tired and decided to head to the local ramen booth instead. Grabbing your jacket and purse you stepped out of your house and rang Hiro’s doorbell. You counted to twenty hoping that he would open the door but he didn’t. You sighed and walked out of the building with your head hung low and earphones in. The air was cold outside the apartment building and you shoved your hands in the pocket of your black wool jacket. Sleep on the floor by The Lumineers played in your ear and you looked around to see people smiling with their partners, friends, family…and you had none of those.
Being alone had it’s perks you thought, you can disappear and no one would or come looking for you, your mishaps won’t affect anyone other than you, and if you were to die no one would mourn you. But that was not going to happen to Hiro, you were not going to let it happen to Hiro. Even if he didn’t want to be found, you were at least going to make sure he was safe. As you walked to the booth you wondered if Geto was really working on your request. He had no reason to since you were nothing to him anymore. Asking Gojo for a favour took a bite out of your pride but it didn’t matter now. It was done. 
You greeted the head chef and made your way to the corner most seats.The booth was small with Chef standing on one side of the counter with kitchen entrance behind him and close to ten chairs kept in a semi circle on the other side of the wooden counter.Multiple water jugs,tissue boxes and stacks of paper cups were placed on the counter to be used by the customer.The atmosphere inside was warmer and happier. Like a purgatory in this cold harsh world. You raised two fingers at the chef and he understood that you wanted set number 2. You opened your phone to check if there was any reply from Geto but there was none. You had texted him your address and home number just in case he needed to see you or Hiro’s apartment. But now you were starting to doubt if he was even going to look into it. Why would he? He was Gojo’s best friend. He was going to be his best man at his wedding so why would he help a paranoid ex girlfriend? You chuckled at your stupidity for even asking him. 
“What are the odds of us meeting again?”. You heard a familiar voice and turned to your side to see N.
“If you are stalking me then I must say the odds are very high”. You replied keeping your phone in your pocket.
“Why do you look sad? Is everything okay?”. N asked, placing his order.
“I am fine. What are you doing here? I doubt this is your kind of place”. 
N chuckled. “Oh this is just my kind of place. The food is good and occasionally I bump into a beautiful woman”.
“And what do you do when you bump into her?”.
“I ask her why she looks sad?”. N winked. There was a split second silence before you laughed along with him. He was certainly an odd man but it felt good to laugh. 
“Hey, can I ask you something?”. N asked. The chef placed two bowls of ramen and both you and N offered him a curt smile.
“Sure”. You said, taking chopsticks out of the stand.
“Do you happen to know Kato Hiro? He lived in an apartment nearby”. N asked, slurping the ramen.
It felt like the world stopped revolving around its axis. “How..how do you know him?”. You asked. Your hands shook and sweat trickled down your frowned forehead. 
“He is an old friend of mine. I have been trying to reach him for quite some time but I can’t get through. So you do know him?”.
“Yes! He is a really close friend of mine. I’m sorry but I haven’t heard him mention you at all”.
N laughed and shook his head. “Yeah. That’s my fault. You see, I moved to Tokyo just last month. Hiro and I have been friends for ten years,if you count the last five years where I got so busy in my life that we drifted apart”.
“Oh. I haven’t heard from Hiro either and I don’t know where he is”. Your face dropped in disappointment. 
“I was supposed to meet him a week ago but he didn’t show up. I thought he must be angry with me so I tried calling him multiple times but I lost contact with him after that”.
‘Wait! He was supposed to meet you ten days ago?!”. You asked, almost jumping in your seat
“Yes. Why?”. N replied, nonchalantly.
“That’s the day I think he went missing! This can help us!”. You could see a sliver of hope now. 
“You think he is missing?”. N asked. His brows furrowed and lips pressed together.
“Yes! I mean think about it, he told me he had some work that day and I guess he was on his way to meet you. But he didn’t show up and suddenly he took a leave and now he is out of reach. Doesn’t this seem fishy to you?!”. You asked. N could see that you were clearly very concerned for your friend. Your long forgotten, half empty ramen bowl turned cold.
“I see where you are getting at. But what do we do now? I mean how do we prove that he is missing?”. N asked.
“I have spoken to a detective. Would you be okay with talking to him? He can really help us!”.
N nodded his head and pretended to think about it. “Yeah. I mean, I would do anything to make sure Hiro is safe”. 
You let out a sigh of relief and wiped your face with your hands. “Thank you so much! I have the detective's number. Would you be okay with talking to him? We can go over to my place and you can explain everything to him”. You spoke in a rushed tone. You knew the dangers of taking a stranger to your apartment but somewhere it didn’t compare to danger Hiro might be in.
“Yeah sure. Let me pay for the meal”.
“No, wait”.You reached into your purse and took out your wallet to pay for the meal. “This is the least I could do for you”. You said as you kept enough cash on the counter for the two meals. N looked at you with his mouth hung open. This was the first time anyone, especially a woman, had paid for him. It messed with his head and for a moment he didn’t see you as just a pawn in his game. But he shook it off. This wasn’t the time to get soft.
“Let’s go”. You spoke standing up and grabbing your jacket. He was still frozen and looked at you in disbelief. “You…you paid for me?”.
You looked at him with a tilted head. “I told you it’s the least I could do. I didn’t mean to offend you. I have just been so worried about Hiro and I really believe that you can help me find him. I know it might sound crazy but I have a feeling that he is not in a good place”.
N looked at you and smiled. He kept his wallet back in his pocket and nodded. “You really care about him, don’t you?”.
“As sad as it might sound, he is my only friend..oh and my name is not Rika, it’s y/n”. 
N shouldn’t have felt guilty as he followed you out of the ramen booth but he did. He had never felt guilty for any of his actions then why now? He took a deep breath, convincing himself that he felt sorry for you..not guilty.
You were walking back to your apartment with N when you heard someone call out your name. “Y/n!”. Both you and N turned around to see detective Geto walking towards you. While you smiled at him, Geto was not pleased to see you in such company. “Geto! I was just about to call you”. You looked at your friend,” N this is detective Geto, the one I told you about”. 
Geto squinted his eyes and looked at your friend. “You…told this man about me?”.
“Yes. He is a friend of Hiro’s. He can help us!”.
“Is he now?”. Geto asked, not moving his eyes from N. Geto’s tall form towered over N’s as he moved in between the two of you but he N didn’t seem to care. “Yes I am. We were just about to head over to y/n’s place and call you”. N smiled.
Geto gritted his teeth and looked over at you. You with your doe eyed innocence were just about to  invite the devil into your house. He couldnt believe you could be this stupid.  “We don’t need to go to her place. We can talk right here”. Geto said, offering you a sweet smile.
“In the middle of the road?”. You asked, looking around.
“I meant the park y/n”.
“It’s too cold for the park…detective”. N said.
“I’m in a rush. So why don’t we talk right here. How do you know him y/n?”. Geto turned towards you. 
“I..we met a few days ago at a local pub and we bumped into each other at the ramen booth today”.
“And you told him about Hiro?”. Geto asked, raising an eyebrow. 
“No..I mean yeah I did. But he asked me first. He is Hiro’s friend and he is looking for him too. Right?”. You asked, looking at N. “Yeah”. N replied, lighting a cigarette.
“And how do you know Hiro?”. Geto asked condescendingly. N scoffed, “We are old friends but you see we lost contact with each other”.
“If you lost contact then why are you looking for him?”.
“I moved to tokyo last month and wanted to reconnect with him and-”.
“They were supposed to meet the day Hiro disappeared”. You interrupted and both men looked at you. “Is that so?”. Geto asked and N smiled. “Yes”.
“Y/n, I’ll drop you home and you..I will have to call you in to take an official statement”. Geto grabbed your wrist and tugged it. 
“I can drop her home detective”. N said, crushing the cigarette butt between the asphalt and his leather shoes. “Do as you’re told. This is not your place”. Geto warned in a hushed tone and pulled you towards him. “I’ll be fine N. Thank you so much for your help”. You said and smiled at him.
“I’ll see you around y/n. Goodnight detective”. N said and walked away. Geto watched him walking away while still holding your wrist. “Ge..Geto?”. You spoke, trying to break him away from the trance-like state. “Hmm?”. He hummed, still looking at the disappearing figure. “You..you didn’t ask his name”. You spoke hesitantly, still trying to figure out what he was thinking. “Oh I know his name”. 
Geto slammed the door of his car. He groaned out in frustration and hit the steering wheel. This was bad. Really bad. He just prevented something catastrophic from happening but what if he had been a little late? Just by a couple of minutes? He didn’t want to imagine that. But the situation was no better. Gojo was not going to like this but he needed to know. 
“Hello?”. Gojo answered on the third ring.
“I saw y/n with him”. Geto spoke huffing in frustration.
“With whom?”. Gojo asked. Geto didn’t know how to explain what just happened. “Suguru?”.
“...with Naoya Zenin”.
“...with Naoya Zenin”. Suguru spoke on the other end of the line. Gojo froze in his step. His heart was beating out of his chest and his skin crawled in fear.Everything that Hiro had told him seemed to be making sense now. He looked up to see his fiance walking in with a smile on her face and shopping bags in her hand. “Ok. I got to go now”. Gojo said and cut the call.
“You had fun?”. Gojo asked, walking over to Utahime with a sugary sweet smile and enveloping her in a hug.
“Yes. We talked so much and even went shopping. I bought some new outfits for the trip and a surprise for you so I hope you’re excited!”. Utahime replied, wrapping her arms around his torso.
“Surprise for me?”.
“Darling you can’t surprise me”. Gojo said, pulling himself out of the embrace and walking towards the kitchen. Utahime gleefully followed him.
“Oh I can”. 
“Well I have a surprise for you too”. Gojo smiled as he walked behind the counter and started assembling the ingredients.
“What is it?!”. Utahime asked with a smile on her face.
“I’m making us some brownies. So I hope you are hungry for dessert”. Gojo held up the cocoa powder box and winked at her.
“Oh Satoru it’s so sweet of you but I don’t think I can”.
“Not even if I make it?”. Gojo asked, leaning against the counter and giving Utahime a pout “Not even if I make it with love?”.. She laughed and pulled his cheeks. “Fine! But only cause you’re making it! Let me help you”.
“Oh no no no I am sure you had a tiring day. So why don’t you go and freshen up and I’ll bring the brownies to …. The bedroom?”.
Utahime bit her bottom lip and nodded her head. “Alright then”.
As soon as Utahime was out of sight Gojo got busy. You see, brownies were one of Gojo’s favourite desserts. They were easy to make, perfect for late night snacks, left little room for error, and above all they hid the taste of pills really well. The rich flavour of cocoa dominated the flavour of Gojo’s favourite pills..
Utahime opened her eyes but didn’t feel a single muscle in her body. “Sa…toru”. Gojo walked out of the ensuite and immediately went to her side. “Hey, you’re up. How are you feeling?”. He asked, leaning down towards her and moving strands of hair out of her face.
“What happened? I don’t..remember”.
“You don’t..remember anything?”. Gojo asked, straightening up. Utahime felt guilt take over her. “No..what happened? I feel weak”. She tried to get up but her body just felt too heavy for her.
“You passed out in the bathroom Iori. I called the doctor to check up on you and he told me that it's because of exhaustion and stress. I was really worried". Gojo said, helping Utahime to sit up in bed.
“I don’t know how it happened. I don’t remember anything. I remember going into the bathroom and …coming out and…that’s all”. She frowned at him.
“It’s alright darling. I am right here. Do you want me to call your family?”. Gojo asked, walking over to the wooden cabinet in front of the bed and picking up his phone.
“No! It’s nothing serious so let’s not bother them. I’ll be fine. I..I guess I overdid it yesterday”.
“Hey hey, it’s okay. How about this? Let’s go to my country house? We can relax there. We need a change of scenery, don’t you think?”. Gojo leaned against the wooden cabinet and smiled at her. Utahime smiled in return and nodded her head. “But what about your meeting in Bali?”. Utahime asked, frowning.
“I’ll send someone else. I need to be here with you”.
“No Satoru. You must go. It’s a really important project. I can’t have you miss it because of me, what will your father think of me?”.
“Who cares what my dad thinks?”.
“Iori, nothing is more important than you. I’ll send someone else and we leave for our little vacation tonight”. Gojo said in a serious tone and turned to walk out of the door but Utahime stopped him. “Satoru!”. Gojo smiled to himself. Bingo. “Yes darling?”. Gojo aske turning back to look at Utahime. “How about you go to Bali and close the deal and meet me at the country house to celebrate?”.
“Iori..I can’t leave you alone-”.
“Satoru I’ll be fine! Go! I’ll wait for you”. Utahime chuckled. It swelled her heart to see how much Gojo cared about her. Gojo walked over to the bed and knelt on the floor beside her. He gently held her hand with both of his’. “Are you sure?”. He asked.
“Yes I am sure”.
“Do you promise to take care of yourself while I am away?”. Gojo asked, holding up his pinky finger. Utahime giggled and intertwined her pinky finger with his’. “I promise”.
“Fine then. You wish for my command. But..There will be a doctor present with you all the time and you are to obey him at all times. Okay?”.
“Okay. I will. Now go!”. Utahime spoke, smiling at him.
Gojo walked out of the bedroom and saw the doctor and nurses he had appointed standing in a line. He smiled at them, “Please make sure you do your work well. Okay?”.
“Yes sir”. The doctor replied, smiling at Gojo.
You got out of the elevator to see Miwa standing right in front of you. “Good Morning!”. You smiled at her but she looked nervous. “What happened?”. You asked, stepping out and turning towards her. “He wants to see you in his office”.
“Mr.Gojo. He wants to see you in his office now. He asked me to wait here and ask you to see him immediately. He looks angry”.
You were confused but you followed her. You wondered what you did now? Did Geto tell him about last night? But he had no reason to be angry because of that. “All the best y/n. Miwa said as she came to stop in front of the door. You took a deep breath, “Thanks”.
“You asked to see me?”. You spoke, walking confidently towards where Gojo was sitting. “Yes”.
“What is it about?”. You asked, stopping to stand in front of his desk. “We need to leave tonight so take half a day off and meet me at the airport at 5:30 PM. My driver will pick you up from your place at 4:00 PM. Carry only essentials and pack light”. Gojo spoke without stopping to gauge your response. You opened your mouth to say something and then closed it again. “Tonight?”
“Yes y/n. Tonight?”.
You were confused beyond measure. “But I..I haven’t completed the work for the new project that you asked me to”.
“It’s not needed. Things have happened and we need to start moving if we are to get that contract. The plan stays the same. Don’t tell Utahime. She has taken the day off so it shouldn’t be an issue for you”.
“I..it’s too soon”.
“What does that mean?”. Gojo asked, shaking his head.
“I mean..I don’t know if I am supposed to tell you this but I ran into Geto last night and we might have a lead on Hiro. So I am not sure if this is the right time to leave”. You swallowed hard not knowing how Gojo would respond.
“Do I need to remind you that the only reason you even have a lead on Hiro is because I asked Geto for a favour? Besides, going away for two days won’t hurt the case and Geto can always contact you over the phone and if anything happens I assure you I will be happy to fly you back”.
Gojo was right and you hated to admit it. “Alright then. I will wrap up quickly and get going. Do I need to call the doctor? To make sure Utahime is good to travel? Or arrange for a doctor to travel with us?”. 
Gojo kept the file aside and looked up at you with squinted eyes. “Why does Utahime need a doctor’s permission?”. Wondering if Utahie had told you about her condition.
“Because she is…pregnant?”. You were confused, did he forget that his fiance was pregnant?.
“Who is pregnant?”. Gojo gasped loudly.
“Uta..Utahime?”. You answered. 
“Right….Utahime is pregnant…with my child?”. Gojo asked, dragging each word as if to confirm he was saying the right thing.
“Yes..she is..?”. You replied, wondering if he had overworked himself into insanity.
“The tests were for…her?”. He asked and you didn’t know what to say. 
“Utahime told you that she is pregnant with my child?”.
“I..yeah. She told me you knew. I’m sorry I didn’t mean to overstep or anything…I just..She told me you knew!”.
“Oh yeah right…umm..hmm…right right. So why did you take the week off?”.
“Because..I…I just…felt..I didn’t feel..I was not feeling well”. You were fumbling with your words. How could you tell him that you took a week off because you couldn’t bear to see him with her. Gojo chuckled and soon his chuckled turned to laughter.
“Are you okay? Do I need to call a doctor for you?”. You were concerned, Gojo seemed to be having a breakdown.Gojo just shook his head and laughed. You kept your bag and coat on the chair and went around the table to check up on him. ‘“Do you have a fever?”. You asked as you pressed your palm flat against his forehead.Both you and Gojo fell silent the moment your hand touched his skin.He didn’t have a fever and you soon realised what you had done and you withdrew your hand instantly. “You..seem fine…I think you should get some rest before the flight”. You shook your head and grabbed your bag and coat. “Have a good day Mr.Gojo”. You spoke and immediately rushed out of his office.
“Cute”. Gojo muttered under his breath. “I underestimated you Utahime…I won’t make that mistake again”.
Gojo : Y/n is not pregnant with his child.
Ghetto : Did Hiro tell you that?
Gojo : No.
Geto : Is it yours then?
Gojo : Fuck off. Utahime lied. We don’t need to hold back anymore.
Geto : We still need to keep him alive
Gojo : Do we?
Geto : Yes we do. You need to keep y/n away. 
Gojo : I’m leaving with her tonight.
Geto : Be good
Gojo : Yes dad.
Like he had said, there was a knock on your door at exactly 4.00 PM. You  opened to see a butler with two bodyguards standing at your door. “Hi”. You said, unsure about why they were at your door instead of waiting near your building.
“We are here to pick you up for the airport. Mr.Gojo has sent us”. 
“All of you?”. You asked, looking at the group.
“Yes ma’am”.
“Okay, I’ll be right there”. 
“Let me help you. The butler smiled and stepped inside to take the bag from your hand. You stepped out and locked your door. The bodyguards took their place behind you. You stopped in front of Hiro’s door and slid in the note through the gap between the door and the floor. “We should get going ma’am”, The guards warned. “Yeah. Let’s go”.
Gojo was getting impatient waiting inside the flight. This was risky and there was a good chance that you might not forgive him ever, but he had to do this for your safety.  He hadn’t slept since Geto told him about you and Naoya. He wondered what Naoya told you and how he could get it out of you. He had made sure that Utahime had reached his country house and had it wired with hidden cameras. You weren’t even going to Bali but you didn’t have  to know that. It’s better if you didn’t know the destination until you had reached there. 
You walked inside the flight with your purse and coat in hand. You had decided to dress comfortably in navy blue jumper and Navy blue pants. Your eyes immediately scanned the inside of the black jet and landed on the white haired man standing in the middle. “Hi”. You said, smiling at him. “Hi”. Gojo said as he let out a breath of relief. “Where is..Utahime?”. 
Gojo cleared his throat  and sat down in a plush leather seat. “She is on the way.  Why don’t you settle down..you can sit wherever you like”. 
You nodded and decided it would be best to sit diagonally opposite to him. 
Gojo looked at your bouncy leg and smirked, “Are you nervous?”. He asked, taking a sip of his drink. 
“yeah..I have never really travelled in an aeroplane before”. Gojo hummed and gestured to the stewardess  to attend to you. 
“Have it, you’ll feel  better. Sugar eases nervousness”. Gojo said, pointing at the plate of brownies the stewardess had placed on the table between you. “No thanks I’m good”. You replied and took the water bottle instead. “Have it y/n”. Gojo said again and you realised that this was not a request but an order. So you picked up the square piece and took a bite..
You woke up with a gasp and realised that you were lying down in someone’s lap. Your eyes flickered trying to adjust to the dim lighting of your surroundings.It took you a while to recollect where you were. You straightened up in the seat and saw a blanket had been placed over you. Your head was spinning and your vision was still blurry. “What..happened?”.
“Hey hey…you’re up”. A familiar voice greeted you and you blinked your eyes rapidly to focus on the man speaking to you. “Satoru..?”. You realised you were sitting next to him and his arms were wrapped around your shoulder. 
“Yes love?”. Gojo replied, helping you adjust in the seat.
You shrugged his hands off and rubbed your eyes. “What happened?” You looked around hoping to see Utahime but it was just you and him in the jet. “Where is Utahime?”. You asked, panicking.
“She is not here”. Gojo said in a soothing voice, his one hand was rubbing the back of your head while the other held a glass of water for you. “Drink this”.
You stared at the glass and then back at him. He had a gentle smile on his face. 
“Why?...Why… Why is she not here?”. Gojo sushed you and pulled you in his arms. His hands rubbed your back trying to calm you down but his actions only scared you. “It’s alright. It’s all good now”.
“Gojo what’s going on?”. You asked,gently pushing yourself away. “Where is Utahime?”
“Utahime is not coming”.
“Is she…is she going to meet us in Bali?”. You asked, gulping hard.Somewhere in your heart you knew the answer .Gojo smiled and shook his head. “No love”. Gojo said calmly, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. That nickname, why was he using that nickname?
“Are we..are we going to Bali?”.
“No Love. We are going somewhere where it would be just you and me”. 
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