#ceren's surprise shindig
itsceren · 1 year
ceren couldn't believe the time and effort that logan had put in just to throw her a party. she was in awe at how blessed she was to have them and her other friends in her life. she was receiving the grand tour of the party, her eyes scanning the photos sprawling the walls filled with memories.
"i remember this one! this was in monaco when a few of us were invited over for the grand prix"
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"Can you pass the tequila, please?"
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p-as-in--phoebe · 1 year
"Oh New York... No one does parties quite like you do."
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rose--haven · 1 year
               See. This is much better than a beach party. No sand, no seagulls. Ceren’s beautiful face everywhere. What’s not to love?
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isabella-oftheball · 1 year
“Look at this photo though--,” Bella said, pointing again for full, dramatic, emphasis. “Ugh, she is so iconic. Unlike some, obviously.” @tfrstarters​
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juliettevanderbilt · 1 year
Juliette was still trying, these parties still made her uneasy especially after Sam decided to ruin the last one, trying to move back it and enjoy herself around her friends. She couldn’t lie she had mostly accepted because it came from Logan, she knew she had some people to still make up with. A few drinks were what she needed to calm her nerves before she showed up at her party. 
“This will be fun. Right?”
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a-lexvandervort · 1 year
Releasing a sigh, Alex stabbed her fork into the mess of party food in front of her. She had managed to procure one of the many serving trays and had proceeded to pile any and all food that she could find on to it. It was a mess. There were mini beef tourtieres falling into the fruit cocktail. There was cheese sticking to the vegan tartlets. It was heaven. “There is absolutely no other reason to be coming to these parties.” Alex lied as she forced the forkful into her mouth. No one needed to know that she had been attempting to maybe consider telling the father of her unborn child that they had done this to her, but always chickened out at the last minute at every one of these events. “Do you know who the caterer is?” 
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spenceking · 1 year
“... I’m starting to think that I am under dressed for this thing.” @tfrstarters​
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archibaldgoldenboy · 1 year
"... Sorry, I wasn't-- What did you say, again?" @tfrstarters
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notsolovely-lili · 1 year
“I-- Yeah, that was me. From the video, yup. Technically, it was the feds that took him down but I did knock him on his ass. I- Look, I don’t really want to talk about this and I don’t do Tik Tok so move it along-,” Lili grumbled as she was accosted by some friend-of-a-friend about the infamous Howard Archibald arrest at the Fairchild Ball. When would it end? With a sigh, she watched them scram before turning to the nearest person-  “Hey-- do you know where Ceren is?” @tfrstarters​
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logantheluscious · 1 year
“And let’s drink to her beautiful soul as well!” Logan announced as they poured another round of shots for the group listening to them wax poetic about Ceren. So far, this surprise shindig had been a real hit! There was never a bad time to celebrate your beautiful besties and Logan Hunter was doing just that. With another one done, they smiled-- “Can I get you anything else?” @tfrstarters​
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kellyxuking · 1 year
The uninvited visitor
Kelly hadn't been at one of these parties for a while, she was busy after all and even now her eyes glided to her pager as if it would go off any second and she could leave - well not before the woman of the hour was greeted, she still had some decency.
It was then when her phone buzzed. Gossip girl? She nervously read what the woman or man depending on what kind of persona was behind that screen - of non-binary its going on with the times after all.
"Ah, gossip girl really is missing out on a good party." She muttered. Shaking her head in dismay.
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"Oh, shit. Sorry-- I didn't realise there was anyone else in here. Um, cool to crash or no?" @tfrstarters
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It's time for you to put down your drinks, Upper East Siders, I have something to share with the group. Now that you've all had time to reflect on my return and you, Jesse Walker, have had time to reflect on your mistakes... It's time to spin the wheel again. Guess who's up? No Sam Watts, it's not you-- not yet. Today I want to talk about Jake Hunter. You were putty in bestie Jesse's hands, how could you say no to helping him out, right? We all make mistakes. Did you make a mistake when you never truly confessed your feelings for Sophia Vandervort-- sorry, Sophia Walker now? Then again, it might not have been the smartest move for your crush on Sophia to almost kiss her sister, Scarlett Vandervort, back during #SinglesDay. If that wasn't a smart move, hooking up with her other sister, Sapphire Vandervort definitely wasn't. The Fairchild Ball sure was an eventful one for us all. So many Vandervorts so little time, hm? Just because you wanted to have your cakes and eat them too doesn't mean that you deserved what Nilay Levent did to you though. Remember when you were dating her? And she broke up with you, gently? Yeah, that wasn't actually her. Latife Levent might have played the 'super smart twin' card to play around with you for a while. When Latife (playing the part of Nilay) ghosted, the real Nilay couldn't have that on her reputation card. Hence, the sweet and kind break up. Yikes. I'll leave you there for now, Jake. The note I want to end on circles back to our hero, Jesse Walker, and our resident villain... William Hunztberger. Remember when you were trying to take me down? Planning, scheming, doing your little dance with me-- well, I told William that he better find a way to stop it. And next thing we knew, Jesse Walker had been hit with a car. A love tap, really since he was knocked out of the way but you know... Points for effort. Well anyway, enjoy your little party. My love to Ceren. XOXO ---Gossip Girl
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ry-ry-rylea · 1 year
                  How she managed to continuously be on the invite list for these events was such a mystery to Rylea, sure she was friends with Logan, but she still didn’t belong here. Even so, here she was again, standing in Logan Hunters beautiful home staring at an absolutely stunning photo of Ceren Çelik-Montgomery and trying to keep her jaw off the floor.
“I’m too gay for this.” @tfrstarters​
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itsyaboy-jase · 1 year
                     Jason sometimes genuinely wondered why he kept coming to these Upper East Side parties. Sure, it was a chance to see people like Nick and Carter, and perhaps a certain Vandervort sister, but he found himself enjoying them less and less these days. At least the Hunters kept good scotch, he mused, swirling the amber liquid and ice in his glass as he looked at one of the large photos of Ceren displayed around the space. @tfrstarters
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