It's time for you to put down your drinks, Upper East Siders, I have something to share with the group. Now that you've all had time to reflect on my return and you, Jesse Walker, have had time to reflect on your mistakes... It's time to spin the wheel again. Guess who's up? No Sam Watts, it's not you-- not yet. Today I want to talk about Jake Hunter. You were putty in bestie Jesse's hands, how could you say no to helping him out, right? We all make mistakes. Did you make a mistake when you never truly confessed your feelings for Sophia Vandervort-- sorry, Sophia Walker now? Then again, it might not have been the smartest move for your crush on Sophia to almost kiss her sister, Scarlett Vandervort, back during #SinglesDay. If that wasn't a smart move, hooking up with her other sister, Sapphire Vandervort definitely wasn't. The Fairchild Ball sure was an eventful one for us all. So many Vandervorts so little time, hm? Just because you wanted to have your cakes and eat them too doesn't mean that you deserved what Nilay Levent did to you though. Remember when you were dating her? And she broke up with you, gently? Yeah, that wasn't actually her. Latife Levent might have played the 'super smart twin' card to play around with you for a while. When Latife (playing the part of Nilay) ghosted, the real Nilay couldn't have that on her reputation card. Hence, the sweet and kind break up. Yikes. I'll leave you there for now, Jake. The note I want to end on circles back to our hero, Jesse Walker, and our resident villain... William Hunztberger. Remember when you were trying to take me down? Planning, scheming, doing your little dance with me-- well, I told William that he better find a way to stop it. And next thing we knew, Jesse Walker had been hit with a car. A love tap, really since he was knocked out of the way but you know... Points for effort. Well anyway, enjoy your little party. My love to Ceren. XOXO ---Gossip Girl
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What's this about Dean staying with the Vandervort trio?
What indeed. You heard it straight from the horse’s mouth, didn’t you? Dean Dawson confirmed he’s been leaving his socks all over the Vandervort home. Whether that’s generally or in Sophia, Scarlett or Sapphire’s rooms… Well, that’s purely speculation. It seems our former lovedstruck Romeo has bounced from one bed to the next and in record time. Rose Haven did choose him though and he’s, well, gotten himself a refund on that.
No take-backs, Rosie.
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itsyaboy-jase · 7 years
                  Archibald senior had just been dragged out by the scruff of the neck. But Jason didn’t really care and hadn’t paid a jot of attention to the whole thing. Gossip Girl would undoubtedly fill him in later. Right now his attention was on one Benji Howell, and the fact that his arm was draped around the waist of Scarlett Vandervort as they made --what he was sure would be exceedingly polite--  conversation with Ms Fitzherbert.
It mildly disgusted him, watching them laugh and smile together. His scowl deepened as he drained the last of his third scotch and placed the glass on the tray of a passing waiter. He was definitely drunk now, and it still wasn’t enough for him to forget about her presence, or the fact that some no name neanderthal had his arm around her waist.
Fuck it, he was way too sober for this. He needed another drink.
He’d just started moving through the crowd towards the bar when he saw Howells hand, slipping downwards and definitely into ass territory and pulling Scarlett to him as they walked away from Ms Fitzherbert, and then he leaned in and kissed her.  It was all a bit of a blur after that, his drunk brain thoroughly over ruling any part of him that was even slightly sober.
His hand hurt, and Benji Howell was sprawled on the marble floor, holding his now bleeding nose with a bewildered look on his stupid face. His pulse thundered in his ears, but he slowly became aware of the people watching him, again.
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withoutxfaith · 6 years
😜 💋 🔥
😜 …someone who makes my muse laugh.
Addie. Generally without even trying, this is the angelic best friend��that Faith could never be mad at and will always have a sweet spot for. 
💋 …someone my muse used to date.
Freddie. She realized after Freddie that she doesn’t need someone anything like her and deserves so much more than what she’s previously gotten: emotionally, mentally, physically- just in every aspect. She doesn’t regret their relationship, though, she just questions it.
🔥…someone my muse would die for.
Scarlett. No questions asked. 
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Oh my god, Gossip Girl! Can you believe Jesse and Sophia got married though!?
Oh my god, I know, right? Just when you think you've seen it all, Vanderwalker seal the deal in secret. I'm sure I'm not the only one who was terribly shocked to have not received an invite!
Then again, with Sapphire MIA and Scarlett living in Scarlett-Vandervort-Land, it's no wonder they weren't there. If Jesse and Jason were close before, I'm sure my little revelation re: Daddy Walker has thrown a spanner in the works.
To their nearest and dearest, I'm sure you'll be sent the photos soon enough.
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Okay, I think you’ve all had quite enough time to settle with the idea of my return. But what’s a comeback without a little splash? A little flourish. You know I’d never leave you disappointed and I think you, Jesse Walker, know I wouldn’t leave our story unfinished.
Since you were so keen to say goodbye to me, it’s only fitting I’m so keen to say goodbye to you. Let’s start with this: who was spotted on the Upper East Side after years absentee, begging to come back into your life, a changed man? Ding ding ding! It was your father. That’s right gossipers, the elusive Mr Walker came back into town with a changed heart and a promise to do better this time. All he wanted was to reconnect with his sons- hey, Jason- and former love of his life (hi Mama Walker). And who did he give this speech to? You, Jesse Walker. And what did you do? You turned him away. And didn’t tell anyone. Oopsie.
And I can’t bring up Jesse without also bringing up the new Mrs Walker. You’ve been a busy gal too, haven’t you, Sophia Walker neé Vandervort? While the man who ruined your family’s lives respectively- Scarlett, Sapphire, mommy- played happy days with the new fiancé, you decided to take the high road. The higher than thou road. What would your darling sisters think if they found out you’ve been spending your time with New Mommy-To-Be behind their backs? Secret little lunches, shopping trips, swapping secrets and giggling over pastries. A real pair! Too bad you didn’t tell anyone about that either. Anyone.
That should give you something to talk about. And if I haven’t said it already, congratulations on the nuptials. I wish I could have been there.
XOXO ---Gossip Girl
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Is something going on between Jason and Scarlett? I swear the air gets colder when they're in the same room.
Is something going on between Jason and Scarlett? How about you ask Benji Howell’s face about that. I mean, bam! He went down. I don’t know how Jason’s hand is still holding it together after it last clashed with Dean Dawson’s face (do we know what that was about yet or…?). Of course we all saw those drinks he was throwing back, looking surly as ever even with his mother in the room.
But come on boys, fisticuffs at dawn over a fair maiden? I thought we were only going to see one brawl tonight and my money was on Emmeline and her mother.
Of course all this still doesn’t answer the question. What happened under the cover of darkness with Jason and Scarlett? Are Walkers just designed to fall for Vandervorts? Is Scarlett supposed to be impressed? Was that one kiss with Benji really that good?
Right now I have more questions than answers, Upper East Siders. I’m not a fan of that. Please, start digging already. And get that man some ice.
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Anyone else notice that Scarlett disappeared early into the party? Last I saw of her, she was leading Jason to her bedroom after he knocked out Dean.
My, my from one Upper East Side hottie to the next. Saying that, I’m sure Logan Hunter’s time will be more than occupied now so it’s a good thing Scarlett’s moved on. She is, after all, a very smart girl. There must have been something in the air that night, right? Sophia drinking, Scarlett hooking up (allegedly but isn’t everything? No smoke without fire.) and Sapphire was… What was Sapphire doing?
Jason Walker was always hot for teacher though, wasn’t he? Scarlett is a Vandervort after all and we all know how those Walker boys feel about them…
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“Oh--- Oh my god,” a smile couldn’t help creeping onto her face as Sapphire scrolled through Gossip Girl’s overly wordy comments, an indulgence she’d picked up from Effy. She probably shouldn’t have, there was still an uncomfortable feeling in her chest over seeing how upset Sophia had been. Sapphire just wanted to find it funny, frivolous. Not... What it had been, before. With her dad. With their dad. Prudence McPrudeness and Logan Hunter on the other hand? That was enough to perk her up. It was a sister thing, right? Wanting to push their buttons. Or maybe just a Sapphire thing. Either way when Scarlett appeared she couldn’t help waggling her phone in front of her.
“Hey there, Judgey Pants. I always figured you’d get over yourself eventually but Logan Hunter. ---Congrats, sis.”
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logantheluscious · 9 years
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@sincere-scarlett requested: A Logan and Scarlett Moodboard
“Okay, what’s the catch here? Why are you being… normal? I half expected you to kick up a fuss about why I’m not “having fun” or “smiling” or “half-naked”.”
“Excuse you, I am not normal. I am on a level all my own. The Logan Level. Copyright. Whoa jeez. That was a pretty on point dude bro voice you’ve got there. Very fraternity of you. Scar, please. I’ve known you for how long? I know you don’t smile, have fun or scamper around half naked. Psh. I may be dressed as his unholiness but I’m not actually Satan.”
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Having said that the dirt I dish is entirely down to you, here’s a little something from me to you anyway. Call it a sign of good faith, call it whatever you want but I can hear wedding bells.
That’s right. Now, we all remember when the father of Scarlett, Sapphire and Sophia Vandervort got caught with his little mistress and ran off to live with her in an act of madness or mid-life crisis, who really knows. But surprise, surprise because the secret girlfriend is about to become the not-so-secret wife.
Freshly announced and it’s official. The Vandervorts are getting themselves a new mommy. Sort of.
I guess this gives hope to dirty mistresses everywhere. Sometimes you do get the guy. Let’s just hope she doesn’t kill him in his sleep, make it look like an accident and claim the life insurance.
You know you love me,
XOXO -- Gossip Girl
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