fl3shm4id3n · 1 year
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tarjapearce · 11 months
Mi Dulce Cereza (Pt. 7)
Ranchero! Miguel O'Hara x Reader
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WARNINGS: Telenovela coded drama, emotional distress, Strained Relationships, unexpected visits, mild angst, relationship building, fluff towards the end, Miguel being a softie for his wife.
Summary: Even in darkest times, love shines through.
A/N: Hope you like it :') .
"It's your fault." Rosaura's venomous tone didn't go unnoticed by her husband.
"My fault?! I did nothing but raise her well in the Lord's path. I didn't spoil her. If anyone here is at fault is you."
William's voice was ever serene, but his words were vitriolic.
"Me?! How dare you say such things!"
Once back home with empty hands there was nothing but more chaos. Blame turned into a hot potato game of who was the culprit of your apparent rebellious phase. Neither of them wanted to assume that none other than unrealistic and absurd expectations from them towards you had been the spark that started your emancipation fire.
A fire that was shining too brightly for their likings, consuming everything they had known and had taught you. Appearances were unable to be kept any further as your mother was confronted by her friends. Asking her if the rumors of you eloping with the farmer boy were true. It would be always a:
"That wicked man manipulated my daughter. We are trying to get her back, but his lies are convincing enough to keep her by his side."
or a "I'm sure he has her against her will, my little dove would never run away like that. I know her!"
But never a truthful He got her pregnant, claims to love her and now they live in their own home away from this mess trying to live honestly.
The rumors of you getting pregnant had made them another mirror to the single youngsters in town . Rosaura could hear the people talking ill about you and them. How they didn't work hard enough to keep you on check, how they never were firmer and stricter in your upbringing, and how they had been too stupid to actually let the devil in their own home and corrupt you.
It was enough shame to convince her husband and start looking for you. She had been embarrassed enough thanks to your naive games of love. And Miguel.
Her mouth scowled in disgust, heart heavy with resent. He would definitely pay. How dared he to lay his sinful eyes on you? How dared he to lay with you? Even worse, How dared he to take you for himself, impregnated you and call you his wife?
Bold and stupid.
Miguel had ruined her plan of getting you married off to a rich and wonderful man named Sergei Kravinoff. One of the best foreign clients the estate had. He was an avid hunter and collector, that upon seeing your picture was delighted and charmed.
But how was she to explain to him that her only daughter had ran off with the farmer boy? And was now pregnant with his child?
"If you wouldn't pester her with so many dating prospects maybe this... whole mess would have been avoided and she'd be under our roof. Following our rules!"
"Would you shut up?! You let that lowlife to intimidate you. I don't care if he's build like a tree. I want him down, chopped off from the root from her life."
"He's clearly done something to her. Did you see her yelling at us? I'd never seen her like that."
"Hormones make you stupid. And pregnancy hormones make it even worse"
"Just like you when you were pregnant of her. At least he will suffer a little more with that. Once she reaches the second trimester-"
"No no. that's where you're wrong. I won't let her to ruin her life. Sergei wants her!"
"I will have to stop you there, Rosaura. A child life is sacred. Innocent."
"Oh, the wretched child you're always complaining about is now an innocent life?"
"Don't tempt my ire, woman. I know you despise the man. And as much as this situation angers us, that's going too far. That's her punishment for giving in temptation. Let her bear with it."
"You're such an hypocrite. Do you know who Sergei is?"
"I do. Nor care. All I want is my daughter back. There are other ways to break them apart."
"What are you thinking?"
"Confronting them only brings them closer. I fell for her lie of loving him for a minute, but I know it's fear speaking for her. We'll let them be for now."
"And just when they think they are safe, it will be the time for us to step in. Let them have a little sense of security. I'll allow them to finish the place."
"You are waiting too long!"
"Rosaura. Enough. I know what I am doing. I know you hate waiting. But it will be worth it. I know so. Can't let the man that embarrassed me and my family, and tarnished my reputation to go unscathed with my daughter."
"You better keep your promises, William. I hate being lied to."
Miguel could barely get a glimpse of sleep during the night. Just when he thought his body would actually give in to the somnolence, he'd startle and remain awake. Pushing the sleepyness away as his mind raced with the many insidious thoughts about last night.
How had your parents found you? With their influence he was sure that they've got the address, they were known through the whole county by their horses business mainly, church was a secondary feat.
His hand ran through his messy hair. You had been put to sleep by Victoria, something he was thankful for. He was no baby expert but it was a commonly known fact that too much stress led up to bad things, and the least he wanted was something else happening. Specially to you or his child.
What had he gotten himself into, this time? He knew your parents were difficult, but this was something completely different from what he expected. He was not only dealing with them, but their direct threats as well.
Not that he wasn't regretting everything that had happened between you two. Had he been too rushed into marrying you? Of course not. He also didn't marry you because you'd be the future mother of his child. He had snatched you away for himself because he loved you. He loved you to bits and pieces and as a whole.
You were too much of a woman to be married to someone else that would treat you badly and wouldn't take his time to actually get to know you. You were too much for the rest of men that never made a step further in their conquer and we're satisfied with little, such as little glances or smiles from you.
He was ambitious, and had wanted it all. He went through so much to get you, still was. But knowing you loved him and even stood your ground against your parents, one of the reasons of his ongoing headache, made it all worth it.
He couldn't quite explain it. At first it was mere lust his body was filled with upon meeting you. The need to corrupt you had proven extremely difficult for him to keep himself at bay. That's why he was always so tempting, so forbidden, so inviting to give in around you.
But you were too sweet and pure. Always being concerned about him, ever attentive and gentle. A stark contrast with his demeanor. He had taken the job since his place needed renovations once and for all. He owed that to himself. He owed that to his old man. Vicky's late husband.
And then he had met you, for real. At first he thought of you another gorgeous spoiled, and dumb city girl if he was honest, but as time kept on passing, he was proven wrong in so many ways he felt the need to apologize to you as soon as you'd wake up later.
You were smart, not a genius but smart enough to be a fast learner and help your father with the finances, heavenly cooking skills and so eager to be more than a bimbo wife, a life most of your old friends had settled for. You had gone to college, just like him. You cared for those around you even if that meant to face your mother, just like him. You both were so alike in so many ways it'd be foolish to let you go.
What got him grovelling at your feet was your innocence and your will to make something out of your life even if your parents sabotaged you. The strength in you, the perseverance and hard work you had shown him even to this very day was the deal maker. And soon enough you'd make him a father.
You weren't only making his most precious dream come true, but were in tandem helping in making your love nest.
Investing all of your energies in building your forever home. Your own sanctuary and safe place with him.
And now it was his time to protect you, to stood his ground like you had done for him.
The room was filled with a warm and golden orange and yellow hues, basking the place in a gentle light, as if the universe was telling him 'Everything will be fine'. A hopeful thought to his already rattled mind. He was exhausted.
Exhausted of hiding and running away only to be harassed later. But that wouldn't stop him from working, no. There was still so much left to do around the hacienda.
With a deep breath he looked your way. A small tug on his heart sent a painful stab kn his chest at your expression. Frowning brows, hands clutched to the sheets and pillows, probably pretending it was him and puffy eyes that served as proof of your cries last night.
Your rage was something else. It made his tired smile to soften into a more admiring one. He hoped to never face it, cause he was sure he'd be on his knees, asking for forgiveness if you wished, even if it was over something so silly and irrelevant.
With a soft croak, you stirred and he embraced you gently. You were scared and asking for him last night, something he regretted to not have fulfilled sooner. But you and his child's safety was the main priority.
He'd have to talk to Joseph and Paco about new rounds done through the day. He couldn't install the safety cameras yet cause his area would take a lot to cover and it wasn't finished yet. If only he'd have some sort of superpower to make everything faster.
But the only power he had right now was to provide comfort to your heart and head. He'd die before something happening to you.
A mental slap came to his mind upon such though. If he died there was none else to look after you.
Even his mind needed a break. Birds chirped merrily, announcing the six am. But his body felt heavier and more sluggish than usual, his mind unclear as a fog came over his thoughts. He wasn't used to pull all-nighters. You turned on your side and curled in his chest, finally taking a hold of him. Eyes fluttered open, relief etched to your features.
Your arms embraced him so desperate it quickly had your eyes all glossy and teary again.
"Hey..." He mumbled with a lip tight smile.
You sobbed in his cradling arms.
"I'm so sorry, Miguel."
A gentle shhh came from him. His calloused fingers ventured through the strands of your hair, caressing with such care he'd thought you'd break.
"Why are you apologizing, cariño?"
"For everything that happened last night. You don't deserve this."
"Last night wasn't good for anyone, you specially, mi amor. But you are safe here. "
"It's not about that... I'm... scared. My father knows where we live now. And he could-"
"Cerecita, mi reina. Look." He sat on the bed and took a hold of your hand, to then kiss softly at the back of your palm, "Your father can make all the threats he wants, hell... He can even tear this place down if he wants to, but he won't take me away from you."
Your hand trembled in between his. You wanted to sit, but he laid back again, draping the sheets closer to you, making sure you were warm. Like a cocoon in his arms.
"It's not about that. You don't understand Miguel. My father is a man of word-."
"So am I." His fingers grazed your cheek softly, "I promised you that we'd be happy. And we will. I don't know how and I know it's scary for us, but as long as we are together, we will."
"I don't want you to get hurt. I... I couldn't stand something happening to you just cause my parents are too petty to acknowledge I married you."
"The only thing that would kill me? Is you leaving through that door and never come back. "
The sheer thoughts brought tears to your eyes. Hormones had also woken up to make a riot on your mind.
"Don't say that, please."
He kissed the top of your head and stared down at you.
"I know this is far from over, and trouble might keep coming. The only thing I am asking from you, is to stay strong. Can you do that for me, preciosa?"
"I can try"
"Good. That's all I'm asking, really. If you're strong, I'm strong."
You gave another silent sob while he peppered your face in gentle kisses. Soothing your worries away.
But he was scared too. Not a childish sort of fear, but something deeper. He knew that your parents were dense, if not denser than water itself. And would try things to keep you on edge, or worse try and mess with his estate.
Fear tactics won't make him lower his head and coward. Not when his pregnant wife was next to him crying, stressing and feeling guilty. Your fingers however traced his face gently, his tired lids drooped, as his eyes stared at you, curious yet fearful.
"Did you get some sleep?"
He chuckled bashfully, "I look that rundown?"
"No. But you do look tired. You're not used to stay up past twelve."
A tired and airy chuckle flared out his nose, his fingers took yours to then kiss the knuckles.
"I know."
Sleepiness had weighed him down completely, body made out of lead and muscles sore. Begging him to catch a break and sleep.
"You'll get grumpy" your hand slipped away from his and went to his face again, caressing and holding onto him. Grounding his wandering thoughts towards you. Anchoring himself in your loving and preocuppied stare.
"You need sleep. I'm sure Vicky will understand. Please?"
"Can't say no to you."
Doting arms embraced his neck, pulling him closer to your chest, it was your turn to protect him. He was always making sure you had everything, that you were alright. A giver by nature.
Just like you. This time you assured he'd cuddle in your chest, sharp cheeks rested on your mounds, ear pressed against you; allowing the steady beats of your heart lull him to sleep while you played with his hair.
Vicky didn't knock the door to awake you.
You both awoke around 11 am, past breakfast. Vicky had instructed the construction workers where to keep building, guiding them in Miguel's absence. Victoria knew the plans her son had, so it was relatively easy to give orders. Some days more and the barn would be completely ready to then move to fencing properly the land.
It was a bit more money, but after much thought, a vynil fencing would be perfect. It not only offered privacy, but the chances of someone sneaking in would be less than 0, unless you knew the property like the back of one's hand.
To your dismay you had only seen the first part of it. If Miguel wished, he could start selling his own produce in the farmer's market. But right now, the soil was covered in weeds, and other invasive plants and thickets. It would be the final part of the renovations.
Vicky knocked the door, Miguel opened to reveal his mother with trays of food and some tea for you. She had heard the retching from the outside door. Stress was making your morning sickness worse and having an empty stomach didn't help either.
"Got you some things that will help you, and you too."
Vicky beckoned Miguel to help her, The little coffee table inside the room was used as support, brunch was served.
"Thank you Vicky" She patted your shoulder gently, as she served some flowery smelling tea.
"Don't you worry about it. You're making me a grandma soon."
The sweet smell and taste of the steamy liquid made your stomach settle gradually. Then you started eating with ferocious appetite. Miguel had his big cup of coffee, and ate as well, but his appetite was little.
Vicky smacked the back of his shoulder softly.
"Deja de preocuparte y come." (Stop over thinking and eat.)
Your hand slid into his and squeezed.
"I'm scared too. But I also know that having us demoralized and afraid won't do good for us."
He pulled you closer and kissed your head for the umpteenth time, comfort and love were words you could use if you'd get asked what his hugs felt like. Despite his rough and cold demeanor he was one of the sweetest and gentle man you had ever encounter, even if his actions spoke volumes for him.
His head remained out of his hat, the piece had suffocated him enough through a good chunk of the previous night.
"That's exactly what those cabrones want. No offense, dear"
You chuckled and shook your head.
"Vicky is right. Whatever comes, we will face it together. As a family."
His eyes softened as you placed his hand on your belly.
"One day I'm sure this will be one of those stories you'll tell your kids when they get older and wanna know about family drama"
Miguel couldn't help but snort at Vicky's insinuation. But deep down he felt grateful. Thankful enough that two of the most important people in his life were reassuring him. His devoted and short tempered mother, a crucial part of his heart and now you and his growing child. All around him, promising they'd all be fine.
He needed to believe it. This wasn't one of the moments he was allowed to flank. He needed himself strong, steady with his head high. Ever vigilant and ready to face everything that came his way. He was an O'Hara. And O'Hara's endured.
That was his own mantra, bestowed and honored by previous generations.
The brunch and Victoria's presence had helped you both to ease the rising nerves and the subtle anxiety that undermined your head with unhealthy and raucous thoughts. Instead, even if a temporary distraction, work in the estate kept going. After all, it would take so much more than just a threat to break your spirits.
Miguel had tended to the barn and foresaw the fencing advance. Construction materials would be brought over the weekend to immediately start making his private property even more secluded, away from prying eyes and anyone stupid enough that tried to venture within the hacienda.
And after yesterday's fiasco, Miguel had come up with a new plan about security rounds until the fencing started. Just as he was about to explain, Joseph called him, a bit concern etched into his face.
"What now?"
"It's not the people from yesterday, but they claim to know your wife, Boss."
"How many of them are there?"
"Just three. Two women and a man."
He nodded and put his hand on his neck, trying to ease the tension that refused to leave his body despite the many attempts of cheering his spirits up.
"Where's my Cerecita?"
"Uh, with Vicky in the orchard."
"Right. Stay here in case there's trouble."
Joseph nodded and stood his ground, as he watched Miguel leaving.
Who would be this time? He wasn't armed this time, so whoever that had ill intentions with him would have to face the might of his fists.
But the silent threat remained as nothing but that. The only noises around were him, the gravel crunching underneath his boots, the subtle wind that played tag between the trees, little birds here and there and finally, the voices of people he knew, but didn't remember their names or faces .
A cool gust of wind threatened his hat to be blown off his head, but he secured it with a hand. Upon arriving, his surprise couldn't be hidden.
The two ladies were the one that helped you pack and were deeply saddened at your leaving. He always saw them around you, laughing and sharing whenever your mother wasn't around to shoo them away from you. And the man, one of the helpers back at your parent's barn.
"Mr. O'Hara? Im really sorry to bother, and showing up like this after what happened."
One of the women spoke. Miguel was cautious, and so far his intentions of opening the door didn't ring a bell on him. For all he knew your parents could have sent them to spy you.
"We quit. That Rosaura lady slapped my sister and it was enough for us. We were planning on leaving the estate even before the Miss left with ya."
But that definitely sounded something his beloved mother in law would do.
"I know you have zero reasons to believe us, but trust us. None back at the estate really liked the missus's parents either. We could only hold up for so long before everything came down. But we needed the jobs."
"I understand." With a sigh, Miguel opened the door and allowed them in.
A little rounds of thank yous echoed behind him before he guided them back at the main estate.
"Will you let us stay? Just for the night of course. "
"You'll have to talk to La Patrona." (The boss)
He chuckled upon you coming to his mind, "My wife I mean."
A little of hushed yet excited whispers trailed him along some 'I told you!' 'She did it!'.
The reunion was loud as he had expected. Loaded of hugs, heartfelt congratulations and of course them rubbing your belly.
Mary, the big sister was two years older than you, she had been one of the few that approached you with genuine friendship back at home, her sister, Susan was your age, even though she was on the quieter side, she was disciplined enough to keep herself busy and out of trouble. Always doing something. However her eyes kept wandering to Joseph.
They had asked your permission to stay overnight before returning to their hometown the next day. Of course you agreed.
They helped you to prepare everything, letting Vicky to rest for a bit. Even though they had spark, Vicky observed them with hard eyes, trying to decipher their true intentions. And so far she had found nothing. Not even in the man that quickly established a conversation between Paco and Joseph.
And soon all of you sat down at the table that seemed smaller.
"Like I was telling Mr. O'Hara, you mother was livid after you left."
"She was like a child throwing a tantrum, telling Pastor William to do something"
"Yeah, that's sounds like mom" An awkward smile came to your face as they spoke.
"But after last night, it was enough for us. She slapped Susan in the face when she got her the wrong dress."
Vicky couldn't hold back her gasp and contempt
"Dios mío, esa mujer ha enloquecido" (My God, that woman has gone mad)
"I'm really sorry it had to come to this point."
"Ya can't blame yourself, darlin" Mary spoke, letting her southern accent shine through for a second, "Ever since ya left people have been leaving, only to be replaced within some days."
"No wonder why they came in so pissed" You mumbled with a little giggle.
"How's... Agustín?"
Their faces fell and the man, his old helper James spoke.
"Pastor sold him to a guy. Joaquín is kinda sick and Luis, is the only one they actually pay attention to. You know, Joaquín is old so..."
Miguel could only nod with a saddened yet expected smile. It was a matter of time for Agustín to be sold.
"Do you know by chance who he got sold off to?"
"Some russian named Kravi- Uh... Kravinoff?"
"I see." Miguel’s shoulder slumped for a moment. At least he wasn't sent off to the meat market, "Hopefully that man knows how to treat him."
"He seems into animals a bit too much, sir. A bit eccentric with his fur coats. But apparently the man is a collector and the missus's parents best client."
Of course. Agustín was a purebred friesian stallion after all. His worth was over 20k.
You slid a hand on Miguel's thigh comfortingly. His subtle blue mood contagious. A lot of details you both were missing were spilled in the table.
Even though Miguel wasn't one for gossips, hearing your parents struggling to keep the appearances had definitely put a smile on his face. It served them right after all the unhinged things they had done. But he didn't let go that easy the fact that from all the horses remaining, Luis was the only one that was being properly taken care of.
Your horse.
A little hope shone in his darkened by fears heart. He didn't care if he was called a dreamer, but sometimes he pondered how would be his relationship with your parents would've been if they had a completely reaction to him.
Would they tolerate him? Would they be excited for being grandparents? Would they be happy for you instead of being petty and spiteful about it? He didn't know.
And he was tired of thinking over and over. Vicky's words remained closer to his heart.
If isn't your stubbornness, it's your love that will convince them.
But that was a very distant and utopian thought. All that mattered in his present was you and his new growing family.
The guest cabin was taken by the ladies and James joined Paco and Joseph.
Vicky drew you a warm bath to ease the remaining tension off your body. Miguel had been watching you. The changes in your body suited beautifully. Plump breasts, hips and thighs, gorgeous sudsy skin that had some flower petals adhered to it, enhancing it's beauty. You were the purest form of art before his eyes. The mother of his children. His wife.
He marvelled at the way you smiled upon rubbing your belly. The illusion of being a mother surely took you by surprise, but with Miguel's reassurance, you were excited even to meet your child. The ultimate physical form of love between you two.
Puppy and rusty brown eyes fixed on you as you let your hair down, letting the strands to cover your back to wash them next.
He stepped in. With a kiss on your temple and a bashful smile he sat behind you.
"Mira nomás qué chulada." (Look at that, so beautiful)
He pried gently the shampoo bottle off your hands and poured some on his hands to then lather your scalp with it. The lovely smell of cherries wafted in the air as foam appeared in your head while he massaged your scalp adoringly.
You hummed in approval at the careful and soft movements of his fingers. Inducing a relaxed state over you.
"Yes, Cerecita?" His voice matching his fingers.
"I don't ever regret marrying you."
His fingers faltered for a moment before resuming his washing. It was as if the doubts on his heart had secretly found a way to your ears and you were now reassuring him.
"You've the best thing that has shown up into that old house. Still are."
"Gotta be thankful to your parents for creating you, preciosa. Unbearable as they are"
The both of you chuckled, ignoring the looming dark skies that blended within the night's mantle.
"I'll take in Mary and Susan. I'm sure they'd be wonderful help around here."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes. I will pay them of my own money I've saved. So don't worry"
"No, no, let me take them in."
"Miguel, all of these renovations are coming off your pocket. We are a team now, I know somehow it will work out. Let me help you."
He accepted his defeat with a little slump in his shoulders and lazy smile.
"Alright, as you wish, mi corazón."
"What do you love the most about me?"
His hands took the bathtub's head shower and rinsed your hair. Water splashing on his skin, like the sudden question.
"Your bravery, empathy towards others and loyalty. And you're drop dead gorgeous too."
Your cheeks warmed up with a little flush on them as he spoke.
"What about you, Cerecita? What does my wife loves about me?"
"Since you snatched the words off my mouth, I'd say loyalty, honesty and resilience." You took his hands in yours, weaving your fingers between his and smiled, "Many would've given up on me at this point because of my parents but..."
Another kiss, "Hearing you calling me your wife makes me all happy and the good kind of dumb. I know we won't have good days, or that we will be far from perfect but, You've taught me so much about myself is wonderful. "
His hands secured yours as another kiss on your temple was given.
"Thanks for not giving up on me, Miguel."
"Thanks for being my wife, Cerecita."
Your smile disarmed him. And that night your wish of being asleep in his arms came true. There was no horrors that lurked in the shadows.
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vencedor1514pueblo · 2 months
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Cereza 🍒 pequeñita
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nekojpng · 6 months
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⠀ ᬀ⃨݃ perdido ⠀ en ⠀ tus ⠀ labios ⠀ de ⠀ cereza. 🍒☥
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beresimsdreamworld · 2 months
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She's my new unicorn... 🦄
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suckaysuamigos200 · 3 months
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para el día 3 de Chibijuly hoy le toca a rojo
para este día decidí dibujar a dos de mis personajes de confort favoritos de color rojo en versión chibi encima de dos cerezas, y son Juan Carlos bodoque y flain 🐇🐦🔥🍒.
ᘝ 𝆹 ํ (🍮 ) ׅ ᳝ ぴぽぴぽ、♡ ˚✶۪ ᮫ׄ𝆬⃝🎀🥄 𝅄ׄ ᗁ ぴぽぴぽ、エレクトリックサウンド🐱🎒
for day 3 of Chibijuly today it's red's turn
For this day I decided to draw two of my favorite red comfort characters in a chibi version on top of two cherries, and they are Juan Carlos Bodoque and Flain 🐇🐦🔥🍒..
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al-ch3rries · 4 months
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🍒🌙; Cereza & Piano, her deepest fear.
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tripletortadebilletes · 4 months
"Randy Orton fue capaz de mirarme a los ojos... y sabe que voy a venir. Es sólo cuestión de cuándo".
Cody fue un loquito por esto.
y la reacción de Booker T es la cereza 🍒 del 🍰
original: "Randy Orton was able to look in my eyes— and he knows that I'm coming. It's just a matter of when."
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usagimen · 2 days
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   #𝑈𝑆𝐴𝐺𝐼𝑀𝐸𝑁:  She  was  not  a  weak  or  foolish  girl,  of  course  not,  she  was  a  Queen.  From  the  depths  of  Gion,  Kyoto,  emerged  a  figure  unlike  any  other.  A  peculiar  girl,  a  dead  girl,  a  nameless  girl,  one  who  lived  between  the  Heavens  &&  clawed  her  way  into  divinity.  The  altar  was  not  hers  but  the  throne,  thus,  she  proclaimed  herself  ruler  of  holy  judgment,  iron  that  was  bestowed  in  her  touch.  All  that  is  balance,  all  that  is  harmony,  it  aches  within  her  palms  -  chaos  &&  harmony  bound  together.
         A independent Jujutsu Kaisen Original Character; heavily reliant on mythology && folktales. canon-divergent in story, none fandom affiliated, heavily involved in multiple verses ranging from BG3 to ASOIF / HoTD. summoned from the ashes by, cereza(25+/ she / they / them). promo credit(🍒🍒🍒).
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fl3shm4id3n · 11 months
Look at those eyes, not a single thought behind them.
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It giving
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55 notes · View notes
tarjapearce · 5 months
Ranchero Man 🍒🐎
So happy and proud to have improved from This
To this :'D
Let the hatred for the Andertons be real, lol.
Still need to improve alot ✨😊
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Extra with stubble jskjs:
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vencedor1514pueblo · 2 months
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Cereza 🍒 pequeñita
0 notes
inspiredwriter · 2 months
*Una Tarde en la pasteleria*
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Mayhem Mikey :*mirá los postre del monstrado*Wow😲😃✨ concha hay muchos deliciosos postres quisiera probalos todos 🤩😋🍰🧁🍩
Mayhem Leo :*toca a Mikey del onbro* sí, Stefany y Anastasia hace los mejores postres del mundo 😉😁🥧🍪🍨
Mayhem Donnie : bien chicos creo que vamos a ordenar 😄😋📱*escriba un mensaje a April*" Espero que vengas a pastelería pediré tu postre favorito cuando llegues" 😏😉🧁💓💗💞
Mayhem Raph :*pone sus manos detrás de la cabeza* sí tengo tanta hambre que me comería un caballo de jengibre 🙄😄🐎🍪
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Mayhem Stefany and Mayhem Anastasia :*sale de la cocina y se acerca los chicos* hola muchachos qué van a pedir su orden~ 😉😘💞💘❣️🩷
Mayhem Leo : Stefany, quiero un pastel de chocolate con concho menta y un cóctel de morazul 😏😘🥧🍫🍹🫐💘💗💖
Mayhem Stefany :*mueve sus orejas*claro mi tortuguita es un excedente elección 🥰☺️💘💓💕❣️*besa a Leo en la mejilla* Muah~😚💋💞🩷💝
Mayhem Mikey : Oh Anastasia, y yo quiero rollos de canela y brownies de mantequilla de maní y una malteada de oreo 😁😉🥯🍫🧋💓🩷❣️💞
Mayhem Anastasia : buena elección mi príncipe hermoso 🥰😄💘💕💝💓*besa a Mikey en la frente* muah~😚💋💖💞💘¿ alguien más quiere ordenar chicos? 😁😊
Mayhem Donnie : yo pediré una rosquillas de vainilla y un pastel de arándano y dos batidos de chocolate caliente con malvavisco 😃☺️🍩🍰🍇🧋🧋
Mayhem Raph : bueno tráigame lo de siempre uno helado frutal y un cóctel de cereza explosiva 😁😊🍨🍹🍒
Mayhem Anastasia : es una buena decisión😀☺️pero Raph no te vamos a traer tu pedido 🙄😄🥨🍹
Mayhem Raph : Pero Por qué no van a traerlo acaso me están haciéndome una broma 😕😡💢
Mayhem Stefany : No, no Raph no es una broma 😌😅*guiña a Raph*es que tenemos una nueva compañera que te va traer tu pedido de inmediato que siempre te gusta 😏😉💕💗
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mayhem Candy :*sale de la cosina y se acerca a Raph* Hola Raphfi, Te traje tu postre favorito Esto va por la casa 🥰😘🍨🍹💖💞💝💘❣️
Mayhem Raph: Wow, Candys, you look gorgeous like a sweet chocolate rabbit!😃😍🐰🍫💗💘💞
Mayhem Candy: Ah, ah, thank you, Raphi☺🤭💖💗💕 *Whispers to Raph in ear* Let's go up to the top floor a little later and make love there😘😈💓💖❣️💞
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Mayhem Raph: *Blushes* Yeah, sure, my love😳😈💖💝❣️💕 *Unbeknownst to his brothers, pinches Candy's tail* Sit next to us, beauty, let's eat dessert together🥰😏🍨🍹🍒💗🩷💕
Mayhem Candy: *Adjusts her skirt and sits next to Raph, leaning on his shoulder* Okay, mister, if you insist~🥰😈💓💘🩷💞 *Pinches Raph's knee under the table*
Mayhem April: *Enters the candy store* Hello guys, sorry for the delay, I was at the fitness center😃😅🤾‍♀️🚴‍♀️🤼‍♀️ *Sits next to Donnie and leans on his shoulder* But now I'm ready to eat a lot of sweets😌🥰💗💘💕
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Mayhem Donnie: Haha, I already ordered sweets for us from Stefany and Anastasia and they will bring them to us soon, baby🤓🥰🍩🍰🍇🧋🧋
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Mayhem Anastasia: *Places a tray of sweets in front of April and Donnie* Your order is ready, guys😄😊 *Sits next to Mikey and places a tray of sweets next to him* Your order is ready too, honey😉🥰🥯🍫🧋💖❣️💞 *Kisses Mikey on the cheek* Mmmuah~😚💋💗💘❤💕
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Mayhem Stefany: *Sits down next to Leo and puts a tray of sweets next to him* It's so wonderful that you and your brothers came to us today, Leo🤗🥰🥧🍫🍹🫐💖💕❣️ *Kisses Leo on the forehead* Mmmuah~😚💋💗💘💝💕
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muiitoloko · 3 months
Hello, I am the Spanish girl asking you about your English and now I feel embarrassed to have you make confess 😓 I thought you would tell us you were studying English for years providing some advice 😂 Your voc and the amount of Phrasal Verb you use are so impressive I didn’t know you could get it with Google translate. I certainly don’t use it the right way because I never get Phrasal verbs and idioms like you 😅Really sorry if you felt under pressure to confess or if I appeared mean, not my intention at all, I swear. By the way, no matter how you write it, your stories are the cherry on my cake 🍒
Hey there! No need to feel embarrassed at all! 😊 I’ve actually never kept it a secret. If you take a peek at some of my older posts, you’ll see that plenty of people have asked about this, and I’ve always been open about my trusty sidekick, Google Translate. So, no pressure here! Your kind words mean a lot to me, and I’m just happy to know my stories add a little cherry on top of your day! 🍒 Thanks for the support!
¡Hola! No hay necesidad de sentirse avergonzada en absoluto! 😊 En realidad, nunca lo he mantenido en secreto. Si echas un vistazo a algunas de mis publicaciones anteriores, verás que muchas personas han preguntado sobre esto, y siempre he sido abierta sobre mi fiel compañero, Google Translate. Así que, no hay presión aquí! Tus amables palabras significan mucho para mí, y estoy feliz de saber que mis historias añaden una pequeña cereza en la cima de tu día! 🍒 ¡Gracias por el apoyo!
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bajo-la-tormenta · 4 months
Yo soy la cereza de su pastel, por eso me tira quiere volver, soy la fruta que el no puede morder.🍰🍒🫰🏻
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dannynatsumi · 2 months
Se me ocurrió la idea de unir a nuestros ocs chibis unidos con gorritos de cerezas ya que a ambos ocs (Mateo y Yue) nos característizan las cerezas 🍒,el primer oc es de Mateo Bleu (en Facebook)
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