#certified business accountant
asgardian--angels · 1 year
keeping honeybee hives as a way to ‘save the bees’ is the equivalent of claiming factory farmed chickens are somehow stopping greater prairie chickens from going extinct lmao
#wanna know one of the worst takes I've seen by beekeepers lobbying the government?#putting honeybee hives in national parks#to help bee populations#anyway no offense to beekeepers out there who do what they do as a small business etc etc#but the beekeeping industry actively works to shift focus away from wild pollinator conservation onto honeybees#they have a lot of weight and money to throw around and they use it to influence federal and state policy#the relationship between native pollinator biologists and beekeepers is like that of wildlife biologists and hunters#we should be working together to address common issues that affect all these species. and occasionally we do. some of us are both#but way more frequently than necessary we have to walk on eggshells around you because if we upset you you'll rain hell upon us#i speak from experience as both a pollinator ecologist and a wildlife biologist and lemme tell you it's a drag#as long as you have government subsidy on your side you're invincible#remember kids we only rely on honeybees for so much pollination because we destroyed the habitat of native pollinators on farmland#despite this native pollinators account for a not insignificant portion of pollination but it's not widely publicized#it's estimated that if we provide native habitat free from pesticides then we can reduce reliance on honeybees significantly#enough that for some crops we wouldn't need them at all#galaxy brained athena take here: the next big thing will be 'wild pollinator certified' foods
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financesevaloan · 2 years
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CMA Data
CMA data is known as Credit Monitoring Arrangement. It is the financial report that shows the projected and past performance of business in the terms of finance. Many banks and financial bodies ask the borrower to make a credit monitoring arrangement to recognize the funds of application and the flow in the business. It consists of all the metrics and needed financial ratio to aid financial analysts.  
The Reserve Bank of India has commanded all the lenders to make certified management accountant report for lending to the applicant. Therefore, Credit Monitoring Arrangement (CMA) is necessary for working capital limits, term loan, and project loan.
Statements that are included in CMA report: -
Fund flow statement: - It shows the position of funds of an applicant in order to MPBF (Maximum Permissible Bank Finance) and balance sheet of project.
Balance sheet: - It is a statement of business that includes capital, assets, and liabilities.
Ratio analysis: - It analyzes two items in the financial statement of the cma data.
Cash flow statement: - The main objective of the cash flow statement is to acquire the action of the fund for the given duration.
Documents required for CMA report
Repayment schedule for term loan
Recent sanction letter for renewal
Audited financials for the last 2 years.
Provisional financial letter for the existing year.
Information on proposed enhancement with terms and conditions.
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hotspotcitynet · 2 days
Tax Services In SCV SFV And LA - CPA Howard Dagley
For Reliable Tax Services In SCV SFV And LA, Call Howard Dagley CPA Today! Give Howard a call today at 1-661-255-8627 for help getting organized for the upcoming tax year! Just because tax season is over, doesn’t mean you should consider them a thing of the past. The months are flying by fast this year. Don’t put your taxes on the back burner until the last minute. Get help filing quarterly…
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fstaccount123 · 1 month
Navigating the intricate landscape of financial management in the UAE presents
Navigating the intricate landscape of financial management in the UAE presents a unique set of challenges and opportunities for businesses of all sizes. From startups finding their footing to established multinational enterprises, grasping the significance of robust accounting practices, tax obligations, and VAT regulations is paramount.
Corporate Tax and VAT Dynamics in the UAE
Renowned for its tax-friendly environment, the UAE stands out for its absence of corporate and personal income taxes for most entities and individuals. However, nuanced tax regulations apply to specific industries and activities. Typically, businesses face a 20% corporate tax rate on taxable profits, while a 5% VAT is standard for most goods and services unless exemptions or zero-rated categories apply.
Exemplary VAT Consulting Support in the UAE
Navigating the intricacies of VAT compliance and optimization demands specialized expertise. FST Accounting emerges as a beacon of proficiency in Financial Consulting in the UAE. Leveraging a profound understanding of UAE tax frameworks and extensive hands-on experience, FST Accounting delivers tailor-made VAT consulting solutions, ensuring compliance and strategic tax maneuvering.
VAT Accounting Precision in the UAE
Accurate VAT accounting stands as a cornerstone for businesses operating in the UAE. VAT-registered entities must meticulously record transactions, apply the appropriate VAT rates, and diligently submit VAT returns to the Federal Tax Authority (FTA). FST Accounting steps in with comprehensive VAT accounting services, safeguarding compliance and fortifying tax positions.
UAE Corporate Tax Landscape Unveiled
While the UAE predominantly refrains from corporate income tax imposition, specific sectors like oil and gas entities and branches of foreign banks face corporate tax obligations. It's imperative for businesses within these realms to grasp their tax responsibilities and engage professional counsel for seamless implementation.
Diving into VAT Varieties
Within the UAE, VAT treatments primarily fall into two categories: standard-rated and zero-rated supplies. Standard-rated supplies incur a 5% VAT, while zero-rated supplies enjoy a 0% VAT rate. Examples of zero-rated supplies encompass select exports, international transportation, and healthcare services.
Embracing Excellence in Financial Management
For dependable accounting services, adept financial consulting, and meticulous tax preparation in the UAE, enterprises entrust FST Accounting. Serving as a conduit for success and compliance, FST Accounting emerges as the partner of choice in navigating the intricate realm of UAE financial regulations.
Tagged: Accounting services in UAE, Financial consulting in UAE, Tax preparation in UAE
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dont-percieve-me-thnx · 4 months
Any real life accountants out there wanna help a dude out? I'm struggling with getting things to even out on my direct and indirect cash flows. This is my first time doing accounting work, and I was given a template to fill out and no other directions. Someone let me email you the file and tell me how wrong I'm doing everything? And give some examples on how to correctly do things? I'm begging 😩🥲
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kresscooper1 · 7 months
Unwrapping the Excellence of Kress Cooper's Accounting Mastery
#In the dynamic economic landscape of the United Arab Emirates (UAE)#the search for an exceptional accounting firm can be the key to unlocking your business's true potential. Look no further than Kress Cooper#setting the standard for audit and accounting services in the UAE.#About Kress Cooper: Nurturing Financial Success#Kress Cooper is not just an accounting firm; it's a trusted partner dedicated to fostering financial success. Renowned for its impeccable t#Kress Cooper stands out in the UAE's financial scene#offering unparalleled services that go beyond traditional accounting norms.#Our Specializations: Crafting Financial Excellence#Audit Mastery: As one of the UAE's leading audit firms#Kress Cooper's seasoned auditors go beyond mere compliance#providing a comprehensive analysis of your financial records while ensuring regulatory standards are met.#Tailored Accounting Solutions: Crowned as the best accounting company in the UAE#Kress Cooper customizes its accounting services to suit each client's unique needs. From meticulous bookkeeping to transparent financial re#we ensure accuracy at every step.#Strategic Consultancy: Our experts transcend the typical accountant's role#becoming your financial growth partners. Offering strategic insights and consultancy services#Kress Cooper guides you in making informed decisions for your business's prosperity.#Proven Track Record: Years of industry experience have solidified Kress Cooper's reputation for reliability and excellence. Our success sto#Expert Team: A team of highly skilled and certified professionals ensures that your financial matters are handled by experts dedicated to y#Tailored Approach: Recognizing the uniqueness of every business#our client-centric approach ensures our services align perfectly with your specific needs. Your goals become ours#and we collaborate to achieve them.#Tech-Driven Solutions: Embracing innovation#Kress Cooper integrates cutting-edge technology for efficient#accurate#and secure handling of your financial data.#In the competitive business landscape#a reliable partner for audit and accounting services is indispensable. Kress Cooper emerges as that trusted ally#offering a spectrum of services designed to elevate your financial standing and drive your business towards unparalleled success.#Connect with Kress Cooper Today:
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Do you need a statement of account translation?
At Delsh Business Consultancy, our certified translators are experienced in translating all kinds of financial statements. Whether you're dealing with international business contracts, gathering information for due diligence, or subcontracting a new department, we can help ensure accuracy and understanding.
Contact us today for a free quote: [email protected] Click now to learn more about our services: https://www.delshlanguageconsultancy.com
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hotspotcitynet · 16 days
Start Your Business With Confidence - Howard Dagley CPA SoCal
Start Your Business With Confidence This June! If you’ve been procrastinating starting your business, Howard Dagley can help you launch your dream startup with his personalized consultation services. Get help with sorting out the financial side of your business so you don’t go in feeling lost. Howard can help you get all of the information you need to succeed with your new business in 2024! Give…
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fstaccount123 · 1 month
Navigating Tax/Vat Preparation and Bookkeeping Solutions in the UAE
At FST Accounting, we understand that tax preparation and bookkeeping aren't just checkboxes on your business to-do list. They're vital cogs in the wheel of your financial health and longevity. Our mission? To equip you with the savvy and strategies needed to not just comply with regulations, but to thrive financially, propelling your company toward growth and efficiency.
Let's Break It Down:
Tax Services: Picture us as your tax whisperers, guiding you through the maze of regulations with finesse. From nailing VAT compliance to crafting smart tax plans and filing spot-on returns, we've got your back.
Bookkeeping Solutions: Think of bookkeeping as the heartbeat of your financial operations. It's all about methodically logging and organizing your financial transactions. This clarity not only aids in decision-making but also keeps the regulators happy.
The Nuts and Bolts of Bookkeeping:
Step 1: We start by meticulously recording every transaction using top-notch accounting software tailored for the UAE market. Sales, purchases, expenses, payroll—you name it, we track it.
Step 2: Next, we sort and classify these records to whip up financial statements like balance sheets, profit and loss statements, and cash flow reports. It's like painting a clear picture of your financial landscape.
Payroll Management in the UAE:
Navigating UAE's labor laws can be a bit like tiptoeing through a minefield. That's where our payroll management services swoop in. We ensure your employees get paid accurately and on time, while also staying on the right side of the law.
Tax Accounting vs. Bookkeeping:
Bookkeeping lays the groundwork, recording every financial move. Tax accounting takes it a step further, handling the nitty-gritty of tax returns and compliance. Think of bookkeeping as the canvas and tax accounting as the masterpiece painted upon it.
Tax Accounting Methods:
In the UAE, we've got options. Accrual accounting vs. cash basis accounting—each with its own perks. Accrual accounting recognizes revenue and expenses as they're earned or incurred, while cash basis accounting sticks to cold, hard cash exchanges.
Small Business Accounting in the UAE:
Small businesses, rejoice! Our tailored accounting services are here to lighten your load. Say goodbye to financial headaches and hello to streamlined operations and growth opportunities.
When you partner with seasoned pros like us, you're not just getting accurate financial records. You're gaining peace of mind, knowing your financial ship is sailing smoothly toward success.
Ready to take the plunge? Let's chat about how we can steer your business toward financial prosperity.
Tagged: Bookkeeping solutions in UAE, Payroll management in UAE, Small business accounting in UAE
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fundtecservicesllp · 10 months
Outsourced bookkeeping services have emerged as a powerful tool for streamlining CPA practices, enabling professionals to focus on what truly matters: delivering exceptional financial advisory and consulting services. As the accounting landscape continues to evolve, embracing the advantages of outsourced bookkeeping can position CPA firms at the forefront of success.
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srprofcorp · 10 months
Accounting & Bookkeeping Services Calgary: Simplifying Your Financial Management
As a small business owner in Calgary, managing your finances effectively is crucial for the growth and success of your company. While you may have excellent products or services to offer, it is equally important to maintain accurate financial records and ensure compliance with tax regulations. This is where professional accounting and bookkeeping services come into play. In this article, we will explore the benefits of hiring accounting and bookkeeping services in Calgary, discuss the importance of professional bookkeeping for small businesses, and shed light on the cost considerations involved.
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itsmejeynna · 11 months
Overview of the Bachelor of Science in Accountancy program
Welcome to our comprehensive guide on the Bachelor of Science in Accountancy program. If you have a knack for numbers, a keen eye for detail, and a strong interest in the world of finance and business, pursuing a degree in Accountancy could be an excellent choice for your academic and professional aspirations. In this article, we will delve into the various aspects of this program, including its curriculum, career opportunities, professional certifications, internship experiences, success stories from alumni, and valuable advice for prospective students. Whether you are just starting your educational journey or considering a career change, join us as we explore the exciting path of Accountancy and discover how this program can open doors to a rewarding and dynamic professional future.
1. Overview of the Bachelor of Science in Accountancy program
1.1 Program duration and degree requirements
So, you're thinking about diving into the world of numbers and spreadsheets? Well, a Bachelor of Science in Accountancy might just be the ticket! This program typically lasts for four years, during which you'll learn all the nitty-gritty details of financial reporting, taxation, auditing, and more. By the time you walk across that graduation stage, you'll be equipped with the knowledge and skills to navigate the complex world of accounting.
1.2 Admission criteria and prerequisites
Before you start dreaming about becoming the next financial whiz, let's talk about the admission criteria and prerequisites for this program. Generally, you'll need a high school diploma or equivalent, along with a strong foundation in math and business-related subjects. Some universities may require you to pass an entrance exam or submit additional documents, so be sure to check the specific requirements of the institution you're interested in.
1.3 Program highlights and benefits
Now, let's highlight some of the perks of pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Accountancy. First off, accountants are always in demand. Businesses of all sizes need professionals who can keep their financial affairs in order. Plus, with this degree under your belt, you'll have a wide range of career opportunities to explore, from public accounting firms to corporate organizations. Not to mention, a solid understanding of accounting principles can also come in handy in your personal life when managing your own finances and taxes.
2. Core courses and curriculum requirements
2.1 Overview of foundational accounting courses
Ready to crunch some numbers? In your Bachelor of Science in Accountancy program, you'll delve into foundational accounting courses that lay the groundwork for your future career. Get ready to tackle topics like financial accounting, cost accounting, managerial accounting, and auditing. These courses will equip you with the necessary knowledge and skills to analyze financial data, prepare financial statements, and ensure compliance with regulations and standards.
2.2 Elective courses and specialization options
While mastering the fundamentals of accounting is essential, you'll also have the opportunity to explore your interests and specialize in specific areas. Some programs offer elective courses that allow you to dive deeper into taxation, forensic accounting, or even international accounting. By choosing electives that align with your career goals, you can carve out a niche for yourself in the vast accounting landscape.
2.3 Integration of business and finance courses
Accounting doesn't exist in a vacuum, so your curriculum will likely include courses that integrate business and finance principles. You'll gain a broader understanding of how accounting fits into the larger business landscape, learning about topics like business law, economics, finance, and even information systems. These courses will help you connect the dots and become a well-rounded professional who understands the intricacies of not just accounting, but also the business world as a whole.
3. Importance of accounting and its role in business
3.1 Understanding the fundamental principles of accounting
Ah, the fundamental principles of accounting. They might not be the most riveting cocktail party topic, but they're crucial for understanding the language of business. Accounting provides a structured way to record, analyze, and communicate financial information. By grasping these principles, you'll be able to make sense of financial statements, track expenses, and assess the financial health of a company.
3.2 The role of accounting in financial decision making
When it comes to making sound financial decisions, accountants are like navigators guiding the ship. By analyzing financial data, accountants provide key insights that help businesses make informed choices. They can assist with budgeting, forecasting, and identifying areas for cost-saving or revenue generation. Without accounting, businesses would be sailing blindfolded, potentially veering off course without even realizing it.
3.3 Impact of accounting on organizational performance
Accounting isn't just about keeping score – it directly impacts the overall performance of an organization. Accurate financial records and reports are vital for attracting investors, securing loans, and complying with legal and regulatory requirements. Plus, accounting provides a basis for evaluating the profitability and efficiency of business operations. Simply put, good accounting practices can make or break a company's success.
4. Career opportunities and job prospects for accountancy graduates
4.1 Overview of potential career paths
Alright, let's get down to business – the career possibilities for accountancy graduates. With a Bachelor of Science in Accountancy, you open doors to a wide range of career paths. You could become an auditor, tax consultant, financial analyst, or even work in forensic accounting, investigating financial crimes. Whether you're driven by numbers, compliance, or problem-solving, there's something for everyone in the field of accounting.
4.2 Opportunities in public accounting firms
Public accounting firms, like the ones you've probably seen in movies with people frantically crunching numbers in cubicles, are a popular destination for accountancy graduates. These firms provide services such as auditing, tax consulting, and advisory services to clients. Working in a public accounting firm allows you to gain diverse experience, work with different industries, and develop a strong foundation in the world of finance.
4.3 Accounting roles in corporate organizations
If you prefer to be part of an in-house team, many corporate organizations also have accounting departments that handle their financial matters. As an accountant in a corporate setting, you could be responsible for financial reporting, budgeting, or even analyzing the financial impact of business decisions. This route allows you to immerse yourself in a specific industry, be it technology, healthcare, or any other field that sparks your interest.
4.4 Government and nonprofit accounting careers
Remember, it's not all about the money. Accountancy graduates can also find fulfilling careers in government agencies and nonprofit organizations. These sectors have unique accounting needs, ranging from managing public funds to ensuring compliance with grant regulations. So if you're interested in making a difference by using your accounting skills for the greater good, exploring these avenues might be the way to go.
So there you have it – a glimpse into the world of a Bachelor of Science in Accountancy. Whether you're captivated by numbers or you simply enjoy the thought of being in high demand, this program offers an exciting and rewarding path. So grab those calculators, sharpen your pencils (or open that spreadsheet software), and get ready to make your mark in the realm of numbers.
5. Professional certifications and licensure in the field of accounting
5.1 Overview of major accounting certifications
When it comes to a career in accountancy, professional certifications can open doors and boost your credentials. Some of the major accounting certifications include the Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Certified Management Accountant (CMA), and Certified Internal Auditor (CIA). These certifications are recognized worldwide and demonstrate your expertise in specific areas of accounting.
5.2 Benefits and requirements of becoming a Certified Public Accountant (CPA)
Becoming a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) is often considered the gold standard in the field of accounting. The benefits of this prestigious certification are numerous. A CPA credential not only increases your job prospects but also opens doors to higher salaries and leadership opportunities. To become a CPA, you typically need to meet certain educational requirements, pass a rigorous exam, and fulfill specific work experience criteria.
5.3 Other specialized certifications for accountancy professionals
While the CPA certification is widely recognized, there are also other specialized certifications for aspiring accountancy professionals. These include the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) certification for those interested in investment and financial analysis, the Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) certification for those interested in forensic accounting, and the Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) certification for those interested in auditing information systems. These certifications allow you to specialize in specific areas of accounting and enhance your career prospects in those fields.
6. Internship and experiential learning opportunities for students
6.1 Importance of internships in gaining practical experience
In the world of accounting, practical experience is highly valuable. That's why internships are a crucial part of a Bachelor of Science in Accountancy program. Internships provide students with real-world exposure to accounting practices, allowing them to apply what they've learned in the classroom and gain practical skills. It's an opportunity to work alongside experienced professionals, understand the day-to-day workings of the industry, and build a network of contacts that can be valuable for future career prospects.
6.2 Available internship programs and industry partnerships
Many universities offering a Bachelor of Science in Accountancy have established strong partnerships with organizations in the accounting industry. These partnerships often lead to exciting internship programs for students. Through these programs, students can secure internships at prestigious accounting firms, government agencies, or corporate finance departments. These opportunities not only provide invaluable hands-on experience but can also serve as stepping stones to full-time employment after graduation.
6.3 Testimonials from students about their internship experiences
Don't just take our word for it - hear what students have to say about their internship experiences! Many students who have completed internships as part of their Bachelor of Science in Accountancy have shared positive feedback. They highlight how internships allowed them to apply their theoretical knowledge, gain confidence in their abilities, and discover their passion within the field of accounting. Internships also provided them with mentors and professional connections that have continued to support their career growth even beyond graduation.
7. Success stories and testimonials from alumni of the program
7.1 Career achievements of notable alumni
The success stories of alumni from the Bachelor of Science in Accountancy program are a testament to its quality and effectiveness. Many alumni have achieved remarkable career milestones, such as becoming partners at prestigious accounting firms, holding executive positions in corporations, or establishing their own thriving accounting businesses. These achievements showcase the program's ability to equip graduates with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in the competitive world of accounting.
7.2 Impact of the program on alumni's professional growth
The Bachelor of Science in Accountancy program has had a profound impact on the professional growth of its alumni. The rigorous curriculum, experienced faculty, and practical learning opportunities have prepared graduates to navigate the challenges of the accounting profession with confidence. Alumni credit the program for instilling in them the technical expertise, analytical thinking, and ethical values needed to succeed in their careers. The program has not only shaped their professional trajectories but also fostered a lifelong love for the field of accounting.
7.3 Alumni testimonials on the program's effectiveness
Don't just take our word for it - hear what alumni have to say about the program! Countless alumni have shared glowing testimonials about the effectiveness of the Bachelor of Science in Accountancy program. They express gratitude for the program's comprehensive curriculum, which covered a wide range of accounting principles and practices. Alumni also highlight the supportive and knowledgeable faculty who were always available to provide guidance and mentorship. These testimonials serve as a testament to the program's ability to prepare students for successful careers in the accounting industry.
8. Advice for prospective students considering a Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
Considering a Bachelor of Science in Accountancy? Here's some advice to help you make an informed decision. First and foremost, make sure you have a genuine interest in numbers, problem-solving, and financial analysis. A strong foundation in mathematics and analytical thinking is beneficial. Research the curriculum of the program you're considering to ensure it covers the necessary technical areas of accounting. Additionally, look for programs that offer internships or co-op opportunities, as these will greatly enhance your learning experience and job prospects. Finally, don't forget to connect with current students and alumni to get their insights and perspectives on the program you're considering. Their firsthand experiences can provide valuable insights that will guide you in making the right choice for your future in the field of accountancy.
Overview of the Bachelor of Science in Accountancy program
As we conclude our exploration of the Bachelor of Science in Accountancy program, we hope this article has provided you with valuable insights into the world of accounting education and its numerous benefits. From the foundational courses to the diverse career opportunities, this program equips students with the necessary knowledge and skills to thrive in the field. By pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Accountancy, you are embarking on a path that opens doors to a wide range of industries and positions, ensuring a promising and rewarding professional journey. Whether you aspire to become a CPA, work in corporate finance, or contribute to the financial success of organizations, this program will serve as an excellent foundation for your future endeavors. Good luck as you embark on this exciting educational and professional journey!
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
1. What is the duration of the Bachelor of Science in Accountancy program?
The duration of the program may vary depending on the institution and the specific curriculum. Typically, the Bachelor of Science in Accountancy program spans four years of full-time study.
2. Are there any prerequisites or admission criteria for this program?
Admission criteria and prerequisites can vary between institutions. Generally, applicants are required to have a high school diploma or equivalent, meet minimum GPA requirements, and submit standardized test scores such as the SAT or ACT. Some programs may also require prerequisite coursework in mathematics or business-related subjects.
3. What career opportunities are available for graduates of the Bachelor of Science in Accountancy program?
Graduates of the Bachelor of Science in Accountancy program have a wide range of career opportunities. They can pursue roles as auditors, tax consultants, financial analysts, management accountants, or work in public accounting firms, corporate finance departments, government agencies, or nonprofit organizations. The demand for accountants remains strong across industries, ensuring a multitude of job prospects.
4. Is it necessary to obtain professional certifications in the field of accounting?
While it is not mandatory to obtain professional certifications, such as becoming a Certified Public Accountant (CPA), it can significantly enhance your career prospects and earning potential. Professional certifications demonstrate your expertise and commitment to the field, opening doors to advanced positions, promotions, and opportunities for specialization. It is advisable to research the specific certification requirements and eligibility criteria to determine the best path for your career goals.
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hotspotcitynet · 3 months
April 15 Tax Deadline Is Around The Corner
The April 15 Tax Deadline Is Around The Corner! Don’t wait until the last minute to file your taxes this year. Have your taxes prepared and filed by Howard Dagley, your #1 reliable CPA serving the SCV and SFV areas. Howard Dagley, CPA can help you sort out your taxes before the deadline is here. Need more time to file? Call Howard Dagley, CPA to get help filing an IRS extension before the…
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fstaccount123 · 1 month
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pabsusa · 1 year
How to Go From Being a Bookkeeper to an Accounting Business Advisor
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As you look at the books of some of your clients, you no doubt see ways they can improve their processes, but you may not have the time needed to, first, restructure your role and then invest your energies in sitting down and advising clients.
Read more on How to Go From Being a Bookkeeper to an Accounting Business Advisor
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zerobooks0 · 1 year
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