#cesare - il creatore che ha distrutto
theleviathanofhigh · 1 year
Cesare fandom
you still there? Literally logging in for the first time in years LOL. Would love to reminisce with other far-flung fans. 
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anghraine · 2 years
I was thinking about Rickrolling, which I don't think I've actually done in the pure, classic form apart from reblogging someone else's a few times. That said, I'm pretty sure one of my favorite fandom interactions was when someone asked something about how I see Miquel (Micheletto) de Corella's dynamic with Cesare Borgia, and I just replied, "this is my take on it."
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HI! I saw you posted about Cesare! About the musical! Have you seen it? It's my favorite thing in the world and can I talk about it with you? ehehe I just... really love it! Also, what do you think of Squadra Verde and Squadra Rossa?
Hi! I haven't seen the musical unfortunately, only the clips that have been posted on youtube. I don't speak Japanese so I would need subtitles to understand what's happening. I adore the manga though!
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fabrefactione · 24 days
You translated Cesare? Will you translate the musical?
I have no idea how long this has been sitting in my inbox but I did not do the translating only the typesetting and I don't work on manga anymore. Best bet may be to ask Project Vinland who became the translators for Cesare after a few chapters of me and the translator working on it.
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dailyborgia · 1 year
Meijiza has announced that preorders for the bluray of "Cesare: Il Creatore che ha distrutto" (the musical based on the manga) will open on May 15. There will be a preorder deadline. The bluray will likely be hard to find after that, but streams and further runs of performances are always possible (likely, even).
The bluray is ¥11,000 (about $90US) for one performance, and ¥22,000 for a set of recordings of both casts (so, two performances). Yes, they're expensive, which is why many international fans do "splits" (where a group of people buy one copy to share). The cast is mostly the same, only 5 roles were double-cast. If you have to choose one, I'd go for Squadra Verde.
Aside from being a wonderful adaptation of this great manga, it's also wonderful as a musical, and I highly recommend it. The website of the production is cesare-stage (dot) com, if anyone wants more information.
thanks for the info!
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elelandia · 1 year
Cesare - Il creatore che ha distrutto
Quando avevo circa vent’anni o poco più (quindi l’altro ieri) arrivò in fumetteria un Manga strano, dalla copertina completamente bianca. Il proprietario del negozio me lo consigliò, anche se erano usciti solo i primi due volumi all’epoca e io accettai con piacere. Il manga era Cesare – Il creatore che ha distrutto, e ci ho messo solo una decina d’anni a finirlo tutto. Più o meno lo stesso tempo…
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lettieriletti · 7 months
Maria Antonietta - La gioventù di una regina
Un pregevole volume unico firmato Fuyumi Soryo, dedicato a una delle figure più popolari della storia moderna: sua maestà Maria Antonietta. Con l’accuratezza filologica che contraddistingue i suoi lavori, come l’acclamato Cesare – Il creatore che ha distrutto, la maestra Soryo approfondisce uno spaccato inedito e poco raccontato della vita della più chiacchierata sovrana di Francia: l’infanzia e…
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withania-somnifera · 4 years
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cesare il creatore che ha distrutto - souryou fuyumi
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laurelin89 · 4 years
Ok, so I am a HUGE fan of the manga Cesare. It’s been my favorite for a long time and I have met a few people who are a part of the fandom and made at least one really good friend from it. However I can’t help but feel a sense of loneliness in this fandom. There are many factors for this, the fandom is small and (slightly dead for those who can only speak English) and content is sparse due to the lack of people in it. However you would think that I could probably be fine with the content given and communicate with the people who create it right? Well there is one more problem with that, Most of the content usually involves people shipping the characters and that’s not really my thing. Don’t get me wrong I think that the ships are perfectly valid and a lot of the art is really cute, I really wish I was that kind of fan. But what I tend to do is fall in love with a character and want them for myself. It’s the way I’ve always been, I see a character I like and eventually fall head over heals for them and write really crappy fanfiction between an shameless self-insert and the object of my affection that I never post because I really doubt anyone would want to read that. I also create some fan art of the characters I like, they’re not bad, but I have seen a lot better. I have met some people who are the same as me, but not many and usually it’s not to the same extent. Usually the people who develop crushes on characters tend to favor Miguel, which is perfectly understandable, but the one who I caught feelings for is Cesare. And when I say that I caught feelings for him, I mean that I basically became obsessed with him. I have done all of the things I have mentioned before and then some (including talking to my friends who haven’t read the manga and who I am pretty sure never want to hear me talk about Cesare or the manga ever again). This makes it awkward when I try to have conversations online with people because when I try to talk about my love for Cesare himself I come off as way too enthusiastic (and maybe cringey too) and if I try to blend in and pretend I am really into shipping I come off not really knowing what I am talking about (and definitely cringey because I actually found some of my messages on that and OH BOY OOFF.) 
Now I am not really asking for anyone to make content specifically for me. That would be absurd and douche thing to ask for. What I am really want is to know if there is anyone else out there who feels the same way that I do? Does anyone else love Cesare in the same way that I do or to the same extent? I just really want to talk to someone about these feelings that I have with someone, anyone who has read and enjoyed the manga really. I mean even if you feel this way about any of the other characters I would love to hear from you too. I just really hate feeling alone
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ghost-museum · 4 years
get u a man who looks at you like cesare borgia looks at michelotto laughing at his own stupid pengis joke i’m
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mydarkevil · 4 years
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OTPtober, day 1 "Confessions"
Otp: CesarexMiguel
Manga: Cesare il creatore che ha distrutto
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He looks like he came straight out of the manga!
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fabrefactione · 3 years
Hello! First of all I would like to thank you for resuming translation of Cesare into English, which I’ve just known of as recently. Cesare is one of my all times favorite manga, and I was really upset when the former scanlation team stopped their work, even more since the possibility of it ever being licensed has always been meager. But now I’ve just found out that Black Cat Scans has ceased activities, and I’m once again anxious that Cesare will be dropped. Do you intend to still work on it?
Hi :) Black Cat scans weren't the actual scanlators, it's been Project Vinland, the group I'm with. We just were partnered with BCS for a while since the leader of our group, Rill, liked their website more than Mangadex and Henry, a member of BCS could provide us raws. So Project Vinland isn't going anywhere, we're still working on Cesare and many other series. We will just upload to Mangadex again.
The best place to get info about Cesare is the Project Vinland discord server, not through me. https://discord.gg/NXCBYRwKPn
(I don't personally translate it btw, I just do the lettering and some proofreading.)
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virtu-e-fortuna · 5 years
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Cesare #12 - édition française 23/01/2020! Preview
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leah-chopin · 5 years
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iridania · 5 years
Cesare Vol. 12, data di uscita italiana: 25/03/2020
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