wilmaslittleflower · 5 months
cg!wilma with pink !
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notes; hi! So I wanted to make another Wilma moodboard bc I haven’t made one in a bit, and also pink is like- I love pink. And she looks good with it so! Enjoy!
paci credits; I don’t know but once I do, I will credit them !
taglist; @koithelittle @littlesoot @littlesakura-anon @sillylittlekibbie @burgundy-baby @tinysharkzz (wanna be added? Send me an ask or dm!)
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littlesoot · 5 months
cg!softball!wilma headcanons
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tagging @wilmaslittleflower for obvious reasons <3
❥ she’ll always, always, always bring you to her games and practices! she can’t bear to leave you alone while she’s off having fun
❥ lets you play with her hair during her time on the bench, mess with her gloves, apply eye black to her face, or gives you a ball to toss in your hands
❥ she’ll always keep an extra snack in her softball bag just for you <3
❥ she loves making blanket forts with you!! she’ll even do fake tea parties with your stuffed animals
❥ speaking of stuffed animals.. she memorizes their names! she loves the smile on your face when she says the correct name
❥ tries to get you to at least play a little softball with her, but if you’re not up for it, she’ll but you some stuff from the gas station
❥ one of the most understanding people you’ll ever meet!! you’re non verbal? it’s okay, she’ll figure out a way to communicate with you! don’t wanna go out that day? perfect! movie night!
❥ loves hearing you sing along to her music when she takes you on late night drives
❥ she’ll rub the bridge of your nose to help you fall asleep <3
❥ of course, she calls you her lucky charm
❥ she’ll buy softball themed things for you; cups, socks, shirts, anything you can think of!
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koithelittle · 7 months
cg!wilma moodboard (+some hcs)
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day 2; a character you hc as a caregiver
wilma soot (sorry boys - we became painters)
note; i’ve only recently started writing for her but she’s so fun and lovely that i couldn’t help it chcjdj— she’d just be such a cool and fun cg!
paci credits; thepaciproject on ig
other moodboards
challenge list (creds; @buttercupagere )
(hcs under the cut!)
loves setting out outfits and pjs for you when you’re little (or not), she just finds it so fun to gather little cute outfits and help you dress up!
big big fan of arts and crafts time with you! finger painting, coloring, christmas decor making !! she always has a craft box in each room (living and bedroom) and there’s always an easel or craft set up in the dining room!
morning cuddles with you is a must, holds you as she wakes you up with quiet coos and soft kisses on your face!
bathtime is one of her favorite times! she just loves getting to watch you play and make sure you’re alright and having fun. your giggles and babbling is her favorite sound and she loves to see what kind of things you’ll draw on the tub ! (she joins in on the drawing sometimes!)
you love to stick stickers on her face, whether it’s adhesive gemstones or just colorful stickers—you like to make her a ‘masterpiece’ as she says! she adores it and loves to tell you how much she loves your art!
she loves to match with you, so whether it be matching hats or socks or bows in your hair, it has to be matching bc you’re just a mini wilma!
her favorite things to be called are usually mama/mommy but she also loves wilm/birdie!
she loves to call you her little artist, sweet baby, honeybun, etc! just super sweet n cute names
she wouldn’t admit it but she loves giving you strawberry milk when you ask for it!
she’s a bit more light on rules but she does make sure her little is well cared for and protected. so safety scissors, supervised bath times, outside playtimes with her in close radius with you, etc. she also makes sure you don’t get sick on sugar! but will treat you if you’re extra good!
naptimes mean being rocked by her as she hums a silly song and kisses your forehead!
she melts when you ask for a bedtime story! she’ll give you options; “do you want a book story or a mama story?”
if you chose book, she’ll pick out a few and have you pick the one you want!
if it’s mama story, she’ll take a second to pretend to think before settling on making up a new story about the queen and her little love !
overall a very sweet and loving cg and will devote herself to caring for you<3
taglist; @jjtheresidentbaby
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lillylvjy · 5 months
Ok so- after everything that happened earlier!
I’m posting some fics on my agere acc! So go follow that for some cg!wil and Wilma content
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amostexcellentblog · 3 years
If I Ran Hanna-Barbera...
AKA if Warner Bros. actually knew what to do with all the iconic IPs currently collecting dust in their vaults:
Scooby-Doo: Honestly they’re pretty good with Scooby, but you can never have too much Mystery Inc! So in addition to the animated shows and direct-to-video movies I’d greenlight a darker live action teen drama series because I do think there’s a market for older-skewing Scooby media. Also, they should try again with an animated theatrical film. Just keep the focus on Mystery Inc this time.
Jonny Quest: Live action series closely following the original, only Jonny and his friends are aged up a few years to about 18. The usual adventure plots are balanced against domestic storylines dealing with Jonny’s home life, including coping with his mom’s death, tensions with his protective father, etc.
Flintstones: A theatrical CG animated film focusing on Pebbles and Bam Bam running away from home to find Bam Bam’s birth parents while Fred, Wilma, Barney, and Betty chase after them. Introduce the franchise to younger viewers by focusing on the younger characters.
Wacky Races: Another animated movie. Use the full roster of racers from the original show (unlike the 2017 reboot series) but focus on Penelope Pitstop, incorporate elements from the Perils spinoff. Hire someone who can do a Paul Lynde impersonation and make the Hooded Claw the bad guy along with Dastardly. The claw needs to stop Penelope from winning so he can get her fortune somehow, Dastardly helps him and in exchange he will help him win. It could be a fun action comedy.
Jetsons: So this would be the most faithful reboot because I think the original show’s formula, combining a futuristic utopia with typical sitcom plots could really work today. It simultaneously presents us with an optimistic vision of the future but humanizes the utopia by giving its inhabitants relatable problems.
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Stuffie of the day #12 Everyone meet Wilma! I’m sorry the pictures are a little weird looking it’s just hard to fit her all in one picture! Wilma is a giant caterpillar! She’s about 7ft long from nose to tail, and was birthday gift from my CG last year 💖 she’s a gentle giant who loves snuggles and reading! Her favorite time of year is winter, cause it’s the best time to snuggle up under a blanket together!
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the-rumbless · 7 years
I am so very anxious about Amethyst, you have no idea. I wanted to make a rant about how the CG’s don’t even do anything for earth and “protecting” but then I see Amethyst in the ring. That was her thing.
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Purple Puma was so much more than low self-esteem, she got that alter ego out whenever she got the chance. Alter Ego’s fit her so well with also morphing into other stuff the whole time for gags. So very Amethyst. And I thought the conclusion to Tiger Philanthropist was that Amy liked to rough house, but with humans was just a bit....sad. That she realized this. Some sort of self-respect and also something compassionate to humans. Like um Army is also into buff tough nonsense so I thought- Well, at this point, since that ep, I am super duper worried to have lost Amethyst for good. I need to see Purple Puma and I need to see her shift for gags. Also girl still dressed like Wilma from the Flintstones.
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myphamcaocap-blog1 · 7 years
Những khoáng chất và vitamin tự nhiên giúp giảm rụng tóc
Tóc thưa mỏng hay tóc rụng chỉ là hai trong nhiều vấn đề về tóc mà cả các chàng và các nàng phải đối mặt mỗi ngày. Nhưng bạn có biết rằng bên cạnh các sản phẩm chăm sóc tóc còn có vô số phương pháp tự nhiên khác để bảo vệ mái tóc hay không?
Trong số đó, bổ sung dinh d��ỡng là cách giúp bạn nuôi dưỡng tóc từ gốc. Với chế độ ăn uống khoa học, bạn sẽ dễ dàng hạn chế tình trạng tóc thưa, tóc mỏng và sở hữu mái tóc chắc khỏe, dày mượt giúp tôn vinh thêm vẻ bề ngoài và tăng thêm sự tự tin. Cùng đọc để tìm hiểu về bốn chất dinh dưỡng thiết yếu cho mái tóc của bạn nhé.
1. Vitamin D²
Vitamin D đóng vai trò quan trọng trong việc duy trì nang tóc ở trạng thái khỏe mạnh để giảm tình trạng tóc thưa. Vitamin D đồng thời giúp tăng cường khả năng của hệ miễn dịch, giảm quá trình viêm và điều hòa sự phát triển của tế bào. Cơ thể có thể hấp thụ vitamin D một cách tự nhiên khi da bạn tiếp xúc với ánh nắng mặt trời. Ngoài ra, có thể bổ sung vitamin D bằng nhiều loại thực phẩm như cá, dầu gan cá, nấm và các loại hạt.
2. Sắt¹
Rụng tóc, một trong những nguyên nhân gây ra tình trạng tóc thưa, do thiếu hụt sắt đã được kiểm chứng trong nhiều nghiên cứu khác nhau. Đối với nhóm phụ nữ trong độ tuổi sinh sản, nguyên nhân phổ biến nhất dẫn đến thiếu sắt thường diễn ra trong kỳ kinh nguyệt hoặc khi mang thai. Ở nam giới và phụ nữ sau mãn kinh, nguyên nhân lại liên quan đến vấn đề tiêu hóa, khả năng hấp thu sắt kém.
Việc bổ sung sắt là cần thiết, nhất là thông qua chế độ ăn uống với các nhóm thực phẩm như: lòng đỏ trứng gà, nghêu, thịt bò, rau xanh.
3. Vitamin nhóm B⁴
Nghiên cứu của đại học Harvard cho thấy vitamin nhóm B là nhóm chất dinh dưỡng quan trọng bảo vệ sự chắc khỏe của sợi tóc. Bạn có thể tìm thấy nguồn vitamin B tổng hợp từ các thực phẩm như trái bơ, các loại đậu, trứng và ngũ cốc nguyên cám.
4. Kẽm³
Kẽm có vai trò giữ cân bằng lượng hormone trong cơ thể, chính vì thế nên chúng được coi là một thành phần quan trọng để ngăn ngừa sự rụng tóc. Cơ thể bị thiếu hụt kẽm có thể dẫn tới sự suy yếu của các nang tóc và từ đó làm cho tóc rụng nhiều và tóc thưa mỏng đi.
Để cải thiện tình trạng thiếu kẽm thì bạn nên ăn nhiều các thực phẩm như gà tây, hạt bí, thịt cừu và chocolate.
Việc bổ sung các vitamin và chất dinh dưỡng kể trên kết hợp với việc áp dụng phương pháp chăm sóc tóc tại nhà sẽ giúp da đầu khỏe mạnh, thúc đẩy sự tái tạo tóc mới thay thế cho mái tóc đã bị hư tổn và giảm tình trạng tóc thưa. Đồng thời, bạn hãy chú ý tránh xa các tác nhân gây hại như nắng nóng, làm đẹp bằng nhiệt và hóa chất để mái tóc bạn luôn dày khỏe và óng mượt.
Tinh chất ngăn rụng tóc CG 210 làm dày tóc, giảm tình trạng rụng tóc và phát triển mái tóc chắc khỏe với chiết xuất từ các thành phần tự nhiên từ thực vật gồm Allium Cepa (Onion), Citrus Limon, Theobroma Cacao (Cocoa) và Paullinia Cupana.
Lưu ý: Bài viết chỉ mang tính cung cấp thông tin và không nên xem là một chỉ định y tế. Hãy tìm đến chuyên gia để nhận được những chẩn đoán và lời khuyên điều trị rụng tóc hiệu quả nhất.
[1] The diagnosis and treatment of iron deficiency and its potential relationship to hair loss. Leonid Benjamin Trost, M.D., Wilma Fowler Bergfeld, M.D., and Ellen Calogeras, R.D., L.D., MPH.
[2] Successful Treatment of Alopecia Areata with Topical Calcipotriol. Dong Ha Kim, M.D., Jin Woong Lee, M.D., In Su Kim, M.D., Sun Young Choi, M.D., Yun Young Lim, Ph.D., Hyeong Mi Kim, M.S., Beom Joon Kim, M.D., Ph.D., and Myeung Nam Kim, M.D., Ph.D.
[3] Analysis of Serum Zinc and Copper Concentrations in Hair Loss. Min Seong Kil, Chul Woo Kim, and Sang Seok Kim
[4] http://www.hairscientists.org/human-hair/nutrition-and-hair-health ��Yq��
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wilmaslittleflower · 6 months
snuggles and snow.
notes; hello! First agere fic on here, who’s excited?? I’m working on more but I really enjoyed writing this and hope you enjoy reading it!
warnings; reader thinking wilms mad at them, reader has a brother, use of darling, pretty, baby, ect. think that’s it but if I missed anything, please tell me.
edited; yes.
wc; 1.8k
who; Wilma soot x reader (cg!wilm and little! reader)
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“Mama! wook!” you exclaimed to the barely conscious women in the bed next to you as you shoot out of the bed. Running up to the window, pulling open the curtains and squealing in excitement at the white fluff on the ground. Wilma groaned at the added light in the early morning.
“Baby, please close them?” she asks as she placed a pillow over her head.
“buht mama, wou din wook!” You whined as you went back to the bed and tried to pat at the pillow, signaling to her to take it away. “pease wook.” You said as she took the pillow off her face to see you with a slight pout adorning your features.
Wilma took a moment to look at you. She loved you so much. Big or little. Tired or hyper. Sad or happy. She would always love you, no matter what.
Placing a hand on your cheek and rubbing, she smiles at you and nods. “You’re right hun, I’m sorry. Show me what’s going on,” she said as she sat up from her lying position, quickly being dragged by you over to the window. Her eyes widening as she looked at how much there was of-
“Snow!” You exclaimed as you jumped up and down. You quickly let go of Wilma’s hand to press your face up against the glass, giggling at the cold touch of the object. “tan we go ouwsid?” You asks as you wrapped your arms around her and gave her a small pout, trying to make your ask possible.
Wilma smiled down at you as she ran her hand through your hair and kissed your forehead. “Maybe, depends on how cold it is.” And how high the snow is. She’d have to talk to Wil about that and how to get out of here if needed. The snow kept falling and nothing was going to help the driveway from being clear. “Let’s go downstairs and see if Aidan and Wil are awake yeah? If so we can talk to them about it, yeah?”
“Yeah!” You exclaimed as you squirmed out of her embrace and ran to the bedroom door, swinging it open and getting ready to run down the hall and steps, to be stopped by Wilma picking you up and carrying down stairs. “Mommy!” You whined as you hide your face in her neck.
“Baby the last time you did that, you ended up falling down the stairs and hurting yourself. No more ok? We don’t run down steps. Especially in fuzzy socks.” She told you as you nodded into her neck, now suddenly embarrassed at the memory and anxious she was mad.
As she walked down to the living room, the house was eerily quiet which meant they were the only ones awake for the time being. Wilma took you over to the couch and gently sat down with you on her lap.
“Hey, pretty darling, can I see you?” She asked as you snuggled deeper into her neck. “Please, just for a little? Then I can make some breakfast while you watch some tv with your stuffies yeah?” You slowly lifted your head as you looked up at her with furrowed brows and your bottom lip between your teeth. “There’s my pretty baby. I’m not mad ok? I’m just cautious. I don’t want you to get hurt again. I love you.” Wilma said as she kisses your cheek, jaw, forehead, nose, anywhere she could as she held you closer and tighter to her. She poured as much love and affection as she could to each kiss and hug she could, not wanting you to feel like this anymore than you had you.
“I wuv wou too mama. Won do iht again. pwomise!” You told her as you looked at her with a smile.
She smiled back as she held out her pinky, raising a brow at you. “Pinky promise?”
You giggled as you excitedly linked pinkies with her. “Pinky!” Wilma quickly grabbed you , pulled you into her lap and tickled you.
“Ahaha! Mama nooo!” You squirmed as you laughed and squealed as her fingers lightly dug into your sides and tickled.
After some time, Wilma let you go and smiled back at you. “I’m going to start breakfast as we wait for Aidan and Wil ok? Wanna stay here and watch shows or come with me?”
“Ummmm…. tan I say hewe n cowow?” You asked as you played with the blanket that was on the couch.
Wilma nodded as she got up, going over to the bin that was placed by the tv and pulled out a coloring book and some crayons. “Yes you may, darling. What would you want to watch?”
You furrowed your eyes as you thought, yet Wilma knew it was going to be the same answer every time.
“Tangled!” Wilma laughed as you exclaimed with a giggle. She quickly put the movie on as you started coloring, leaving you to your own devices as she went to the kitchen and got started on some pancakes.
Not long after, Wilma heard soft groaning and hushed whispers as she turned around and say Wil carrying a sleepy Aidan into the room.
“They’re in the living room watching tangled if you want to go in there bubs.” Wilma spoke to the boy in her brothers arms, softly smiling as he nodded and nuzzled back into Wil’s neck.
After placing him down on the couch and leaving the two little ones in eye sight, Wil quickly grabbed two sippy’s and filled them.
“Rough night? Or is it too early?” Wilma asked with a small smile as Wil screwed the lids on and placed the juice back in the fridge.
“Couldn’t fall asleep last night sadly, but he’ll be ok. He can take a nap while he waits for breakfast.” Wil said as he walks to the living room again, giving the two their sippy’s and making sure Aidan was ok with where he was.
Wilma smiled at the interaction as she buttered the pancakes and whisked some eggs, knowing that Wil would definitely eat them and whoever else wanted them.
“So, have you seen outside?” Wil asked quietly, making sure not to alarms the two in the other room.
“Yeah, think we’ll be going anywhere today?” Wilma asked as she side eyed him with a curious glance.
Wil scoffed as he shook his head and got to hand made mugs out, one made by you for Wilm and one made by Aidan for Wil thanks to Wilma’s help, and poured some coffee into both. “Absolutely not! I’m not shoveling that drive way and I know you won’t either. Plus the roads are probably impossible to drive through, so I think it’s a stay in and stay warm type day.” He finished as he put cream and sugar into both mugs, the way they both liked it, and gave it to his other half.
“Yeah, kind of happy about it. I get to relax and watch over you three-“
“Haha, so funny.” Wil said sarcastically as he moved over to grab plates and utensils for the food.
“No but seriously though, no work and stuck inside, bingo!” Wilma said as she brought he mug up to her mouth.
“Yeah you say that until those two want to go out in that and have fun and we can’t say no.” Wil said as he looked at the two watching the tv and paying no mind to the siblings.
“I mean we could say no-“
“But we won’t, they need this. You know that juts as much as I do.” Wil said truthfully to the other.
“We need it to.” Wilma said as a response, leaning against the counter and playing with her mug. They both had a rough childhood as well growing up, but they both needed to take care of someone, to prove that they were more than their parents. And they luckily got the best people to help and look after, as well as the little ones helping them.
Wilma got knocked out of her thoughts when she felt a tug on her pant leg, looking down and smiling at you as she leant down to pick you up. Setting you on the counter in front of her, she tucked falling hair behind your ears, making room to see your pretty face.
“What’s wrong love?” Wilma asked softly as she rubbed your hands softly. Even with her rough hands you still loved when she did.
“tan we pway ouwsid n da snow?” You whispered to her, afraid she’d be mad at you for asking again.
Wilma sighed softly as she looked at Wil, who shrugged and gave her the “that’s up to you, I’m fine with it” look. She looked at the floor quickly, trying to make up her mind.
She wanted you to have fun outside but she also didn’t want you sick. But she could prevent that with layers and hot cocoa afterwards.
“Ok, yes you guys can but! after breakfast.” Wilma quickly added as she saw your eyes widen and Aidan pop up from the couch and come running over.
“tan i go toos?” Aidan asked Wil, voice hush but full of energy.
“Yes you may, darling. But like mama said, after breakfast.” Wilbur said to the boy as he quickly nodded and silently asked Wil to pick him up.
“Tan we eats now den? Wan go n pway!” You asked excitedly, squirming on the counter and in Wilm’s arms.
Wilma laughed as she quickly nodded, picking you up and sitting you down at the table. “If you stay here patiently and not rush to eat your food, then yes. And you have to wait for everyone. Ok?” Wilma said as she caressed your cheek with her thumb.
“Otay mama!” You said with a smile as Wil sat Aidan down beside you and told him the same while he helped Wilma dish plates up.
Wil quickly helped his twin as she started plating the fluffy pancakes down as he put some of the bacon on plated who favored it. “This’ll be fun.” He quietly added as he looked over at the two littles, talking to each other about something.
“That’s a given. Maybe we should join?” Wilma smiled softly at the two as she picked up your and her plates and set them down at the table.
“Um, yeah!” Wil said enthusiastically as he did the same for him and Aidan, quickly grabbing both of your sippy’s over and placing hem down in front of you both. The two thanking him in their own ways as Wilm cut up both your and Aidan’s food.
This will be fun.
taglist; @koithelittle @littlesakura-anon @littlerosiesoot @sillylittlekibbie (wanna be added? Send an ask or dm!)
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wilmaslittleflower · 6 months
moodboards !
cg! wilbur ;
wilbur and the grinch.
wilbur and purple.
wilbur with pink.
wilbur and bambi.
wilbur and maroon.
wilbur and red.
wilbur and green.
sb!christmas wilbur
wilbur and grey/white
wilbur and tinkle bell loving reader (w/hc’s)
cg! wilma ;
wilma with pink
cg! tommy ;
little! tommy ;
little!c!tommy (w/hc’s)
cg!james ;
james marriott
cg!duo ;
wilbur and james
cg! others ;
spencer Reid.
niki nihachu.
lana del ray.
taylor swift
little others;
sage green.
pink and cats.
white bunny and purple
hello kitty
request are open!!
taglist; @koithelittle @littlerosiesoot @littlesakura-anon @sillylittlekibbie @littlesoot @zuuriell @wilburstamagotchi (wanna be added? send me an ask or dm!)
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wilmaslittleflower · 6 months
wat you fink mama wilma does when little is non,verbal? i cant bwing myself to talk sometimes wen little an probaly fwustwating:((
So in my hc list-
If you know sign language, she uses it. She uses sign language to communicate when you can’t use your voice.
If you don’t know sign language she asks yes or no questions and she holds out her hands for you to tap. Right is yes. Left is no. And so it’s easy for you and her to understand what the situation is at hand and how she can help.
Or she has you write things down to help her understand when the yes or no questions aren’t enough for her. Informational wise!
Also it’s never frustrating to her. Ever! She finds ways around it and knows it’s hard on you. And it’s a lesson for her as well.
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koithelittle · 6 months
cg!goddess wilma moodboard + hc’s!!
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note; so a few of these hc's are @wilmaslittleflower 's hc's! but she's my sister so- I asked her for them- also these could work for Wilma in general but I wanted to share my thoughts on goddess wilma bc she's amazing :3 also here is the source post for info on her over on my main blog (not always child friendly so be careful :3)
other moodboards (requests are open :3)
taglist; @jjtheresidentbaby @lillylvjy @wilmaslittleflower @whos-nicooo @littlerosiesoot (ask or dm to be added!)
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- she's very artsy, just like any of her variants, but her artsiness sort of seeps into her caring!
- a lot of her activities she comes up with are often art or craft related. you love them either way, since they're always fun!
- any drawing you give her gets a frame, and she hangs them up everywhere in her home!
- in the kitchen, the ballroom, her office, her art room, etc etc! if it's made by you, she has it hanging where she can see it every day.
- she teaches you to come up with a special signature, it's really just a squiggly circle but she adores it and you put it on every one of your drawings!
- if you're feeling extra fidgety, she likes to tape long pieces of paper to the ballroom floor and give you paints and crayons and markers so you can just move around and draw! she'll join in too, after watching you have fun for a bit!
- out of her brother and her, she's the better and more experienced cook. granted, wil can cook and does cook, wilma is just better at it!
- she'll make you anything and everything you ask for, as always, within reason.
- she has a list on her fridge of foods you like when little/safe foods. there's a few newer foods in between that way she can sort of encourage you to try newer foods, doesn't always work, but it's worth a try.
- she prefers wearing flowier clothes, mostly dresses.
- she'll match with you! whether it's matching hair bows or matching necklaces or outfits, it's matching!
- she sews and makes most of her clothes, including some of yours so they always have a special touch usually in the form of something special embroidered on!
- loves to carry you!
- piggy back rides, or carrying you on her shoulders or on her hip!! or maybe with you on her chest and wrapped around her!
- she likes to kiss your cheeks and then your nose before saying I love you. it's her little ritual.
- she likes to hold you to her chest when you're sleepy, like petting your hair and kissing your face
- she likes to do your hair, regardless of its length, but when it's long she likes to braid it and put it into cute styles and put bows and hair clips in it!
- she picks flowers from her garden and puts them in vases all around her home. some flowers she puts in your hair or pins to your clothes. tells you that as long as you have a flower with you, your mama is there :3
- she likes calling her little by any pet name but her favorites are flower, baby, hun, petal, sweetie and little one!
- you call her mama or mommy, and any little she sits for or takes care of in addition to (often helping with wilbur's little), calls her mum-mum or mama!
- she's not too picky :3
- she gives you the room next to hers to be set up as your playroom!
- even if she tucks you in, sometimes you'll still sneak into her room and cuddle in her bed instead!
- she has beautiful lace curtains in every room, and yours are held back with butterfly pins
- she painted a mural that connects on your walls, of flowers and hills and creatures alike!
- she likes to hold you in her lap while you play, interacting with you and asking you questions
- 'what color is this, baby?' 'ooo, what are you building little one?'
- she's just super sweet and soft and beautiful and loving
- she lets you draw and paint on her all the time but sometimes you'll sit in her lap and she'll paint on your face and arms!!
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koithelittle · 4 months
cg!wilma cozy bear moodboard!
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note; wilma. (also inspired by my dr with my sister bc Wilma in havenplace is awesome and I love her <3)
paci creds; thelittlewitchshoppe on ig!!
other moodboards (requests open!!)
taglist; @jjtheresidentbaby @lillylvjy @wilmaslittleflower @littlesakura-anon @littlesoot @wilburstamagotchi (ask or dm to be added!!)
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koithelittle · 5 months
purple themed wilma mood board?
purple cg!wilma moodboard!!
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note; fun fact purple is my favorite color ever (it's Lilly's too) so this was super super super fun gaaaah anyways!! love my mama sm!!
other moodboards (requests are open!!)
taglist; @jjtheresidentbaby @lillylvjy @wilmaslittleflower @whos-nicooo @littlerosiesoot (ask or dm to be added!!)
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koithelittle · 7 months
little book pages!
i just made this post but it failed to post so i lost it gaaaaah anyways! i thought i’d share some of my favorite pages from my little book to help with ideas for other littles! for context on two things; wil and wilma are mine and my sisters partners/cgs in our drs not here i mean obviously but just saying i’m not that delusional okay that’s all! i think ummmmm anyways enjoyyyyyy! also wilma is my secondary cg and wil is lills secondary cg- okay now that’s all (i haave separation anxiety w lilly n wil so-)
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koithelittle · 7 months
hi hi!
Can I have a mood board of cg!wilma? Or like the colors brown? please?
ok I’m done, love youuuuu
- @wilmaslittleflower
cg!wilma moodboard !!
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note; had woooots of fun makin dis but did hav twoubwe gettin da paci bhut ihts done!! otay das iht, cept dat mama is pwetty :3 wuv heh!
paci creds; thelittleswitchshoppe on ig!
other moodboards
taglist; @jjtheresidentbaby @lillylvjy @wilmaslittleflower @whos-nicooo (ask or dm to be added!)
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