#cg elvis
earthbaby-angelboy · 4 months
pinky promises | little!reader x 70s!cg!elvis (wc: 1,435) - A/N: I know, it's been forever, but I didn't want to leave you guys high and dry. so, enjoy a sweet fic about E and his baby who absolutely does not want to sleep. btw this is defo not proofread so sorry in advance! <3
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It was 11:30 at night, and you knew damn well that you should've been sleeping some odd couple of hours ago. But lo and behold, your insomnia just wouldn't let you. The bigger problem wasn't necessarily that you couldn't sleep, it was that you had gotten into the habit of refusing to let yourself sleep.
Tonight was one of the nights where your brain just wouldn't stop going. All the lights in your room were on, there was a record spinning, and you were doodling random things on a spare piece of paper. You couldn't stop thinking of all the things going on in your personal life, with the main thought being that you weren't doing enough for the people around you. You were well aware that not sleeping wouldn't help the crappy emotions bubbling up, but at the same time, you felt like you didn't deserve to rest. As you laid on your bed and doodled mindless shapes, you couldn't help but wonder: "why does he keep me around?"
You'd lived with Elvis for a long while now, and it was a far cry from the life you came from. You grew up doing everything and then some. And now, you had people doing it all for you; there was always the maids running around the house, completing the housework and tasks that needed to be done. There was Mary, who was always cooking whatever you or E would request. And of course, there was the Mafia, who were always scrambling to complete whatever task their boss had requested of them. This left you with lots of free time. Most of it was spent with Elvis, galavanting on whatever adventure he had thought up, but quite a bit of it was spent in your own head. You felt guilty, like you were mooching off of the man you loved so dearly. Between those thoughts and the busyness of your life, you had pushed your regression to the back-burner of your brain; you already felt guilty that Elvis had to support yet another person in his life, nevermind a little with lots of emotionally demanding needs. No, you couldn't do that to him, but a small part of you knew it was (almost) inhumane to be doing this to yourself.
Your regression was something incredibly dear to you, and your boyfriend understood this fact very well. The last time you had genuinely regressed was months ago, and you denying yourself your biggest coping skill was killing you internally. Elvis had tried mentioning the subject once or twice, but was quickly shut down by you. You couldn't bear talking about it, knowing that it wouldn't get you any closer to being comforted. Tonight was one of those nights where your brain was screaming, pleading for you to help yourself and just give in. If not to regressing, then to sleep. But no, you were stubborn, you needed to stay awake.
Deciding that you were bored of doodling, you hopped off your bed. You stood up for a minute and swayed where you were standing, confident that you were okay to walk. Your vision began to blur and you could see stars, but you were determined to keep yourself up. Just as you went to take a step, your legs gave out from beneath you. You yelped the second your body hit the floor, more from shock than from pain. As soon as Elvis heard the thump from downstairs, he ran as quickly as he could from the table where all the guys were gathered, up to your bedroom. Halfway up the stairs, he had to take a pause and catch his breath. With adrenaline coursing through his veins, he shook the discomfort away and kept on going towards your room. Swinging the door open, his eyes darted around the room before landing on you, sprawled out on the floor, panting. As you locked eyes with him, he spoke, "nungen, what're you doin' on the floor?"
You looked around, as if trying to figure out where you were. "I…I don't really know. One minute I was fine, but just as I went to get up, my vision went all fuzzy. Now I'm here." You gestured around you with a dry laugh.
Elvis looked around your room; seeing the record spinning and realizing that your lights were on, he asked the obvious.
"You keepin' yourself up again?" Your eyes dropped to the floor, and a small sense of shame filled you as he caught you in the act.
"Elvis, I've told you. It's never enough."
He knew you'd been struggling recently, both with your sleeping patterns and your mental health. You had become increasingly more agitated with him, refusing to let anyone help you with even the most mundane tasks. You had pushed him away, both physically and emotionally. He had an inkling why, and although it hurt, he wasn't going to steer you into even more discomfort.
Disagreeing with your sentiment, he shook his head as he moved to help you stand. Putting his hands beneath your arms and lifting you up, you got a pang of comfort in your chest. For just a moment, you felt like his baby, the little girl you would always be to him. But as if it was planned, the feeling dissipated and was replaced with that same shame you had felt just moments ago. Once you got your footing, you craned your head up to look at your caregiver.
His hair was tousled, his eyes were soft, and his features held something that could only be described as an air of concern. As your eyes scanned his face, you hoped for something that would break the silence hanging heavy in the air. Elvis, who could read you like a book, pushed a strand of hair behind your ear. And softly, as if not to spook you, asked, "what's goin' on inside that yittle head of yours?"
And that was all it took for the floodgates of your brain to break as you fully regressed within a matter of seconds. Your eyes watered, and before you had the chance to respond to his question, your daddy was pulling you into his arms.
"Daddy," you cried into his chest. "Been needin' daddy, but couldn' ask," you sobbed.
With how you were feeling, this was about all that you could manage to say. But to Elvis, that was all it took for him to make sense of it. You had needed to regress, but didn't want to "burden" him, simple as that. He immediately wrapped his arms around you, and placed his chin on top of your head.
So this is what was getting you so worked up.
"Oh, my sweet girl," he whispered. He couldn't help but tear up as the realization hit him: you thought of yourself as a burden upon him. How could you, the little ray of sunshine that broke through all of the crass darkness in his life, be a burden? "My beautiful baby, how could lil' old you ever be a burden on daddy? You know that ain't true." His voice cracked slightly on the last sentence, making you cry harder.
As much as you believed Elvis' words, you couldn't help but feel a haunting sense of overwhelm; at the love you were receiving or the sudden release of emotions, you couldn't decipher, but it was an amalgamation of feelings that had been longing to escape your little heart.
"C'mon," he spoke, "look at me." He gently pulled away from the hug, and put his hand beneath your chin so as to direct your attention towards him. Seeing the look on your face broke his heart.
"Honey, you don't need to worry about doin' nothin' in this house. You're just a dolly, and dollies don't need to be worryin' about doin' chores or nothin' of the sort. You bein' your cute itty-bitty lil' self is all I need. Can you do that?" He finished off with a small smile. You sniffled, and nodded aimlessly as you went right back in for another hug.
"M' sorry daddy. Buntyn's feelin' real pitiful tonight," you mumbled into his chest. He stroked your hair as he adjusted his arms around you. "I know, yittle. C'mon. We're gon' have Mary fix you some angel milk, and then we'll get all cozy. How's that sound?" You peered up at him. "Satnin gon' cuddle wit' me?" You asked innocently. He gave a small laugh, and placed a kiss on your forehead.
"Satnin will always cuddle wit' his baby. I pinky promise."
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jhoneybees · 7 months
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Here's a cute little blurb, you lovelies 💕
Characters: Late 60s!Elvis X little! reader
Warnings/triggers: Little lifestyle, age regression
Sometimes when Elvis and you go to bed, it would be a bit of a challenge when you're little, especially when you're in a talkative mood which tonight's one of those nights.
“Alright, Comfortable?” Elvis asks as he sets your favourite stuffie beside you after making sure things are good for you, you nod “All good!” reaching your arms out from under the blanket, doing grabby hands making him chuckle.
“I'm comin’ I'm comin” he reassures, walking over to his side of the bed and climbing in under the covers, wrapping an arm under you to bring you closer to him earning a small giggle from you. “What's so funny?” tickling your side slightly.
Your small squeals erupt “ ‘m ticklish Daddy!” pushing your fists against his side in a weak attempt to make him stop, he chuckles and moves his hand. “Okay, Okay” Elvis replaces the tickling to rubbing your back and he smiles lovingly as he looks down at your pretty face.
“I love you, y’ know that?”
He hums as you respond by nuzzling your head against his chest. His hand brushes a strand of hair away from your face, being given the sight of that sweet, innocent, child-like spark in your eyes. His eyes soften “My beautiful sweet girl…” lifting both of his hands to cup your face just below the jaw, leaning in to pepper your face with his famous kisses, giving you the last one on your nose..
“Get your beauty sleep, Honey… ” he mumbles tiredly, you nod against his chest and you close your eyes.
. . .
“Daddy…” you whisper, earning a deep hum from Elvis. “Me and Jerry had a lot of fun today” he breathes out “Is that so?” with a grin on his face, you smile “Mhm! We…we drew really pretty pictures and- and had a tea party with all my friends and..” Elvis’ grin widens knowing that these friends of yours were the plushies that he would give you whenever he came back from tour.
“And we went out in the garden! I took Hoppie with me too but I dropped her in a muddy puddle” your eyes and voice trailing off before looking up at Elvis “She’s ok though, Jer said that giving her a wash in the washing machine wouldn’t hurt” making him crack another smile.
“Mhm, sounds like you did have fun today” letting a small yawn before bringing his hand up to stroke your hair “You must be tired, baby hm?”saying that in hopes that would get you to snuggle up and fall asleep, your head moves slightly against his chest “mmm, not yet- oh! We picked pretty flowers too! Roses and- and uhm hydran- hydran…”
Letting out another yawn, Elvis rubs his face with his free hand “Hydrangea?” beginning to lightly scratch your scalp “Hydrangea! Yeah so-” a quiet, tired chuckle fills your ears “Honey, let’s go to sleep hm? Daddy had a long day” combing his hand through his hair, Elvis lowers his eyes to your doll ones “But I didn’t tell you about-”
“Ya can tell me tomorrow baby” he says with a southern drawl. Rolling onto his side and bringing you in closer with his almost limb arms because of how tired he is “Goodnight darlin’” making sure to place a peck upon your head.
Sighing softly as his chin rests on top of your head, his eyes fluttering closed “I want milk”
“Oh Honey-”
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wanderingelvis · 9 months
Omggg cg!Elvis x littleF!reader who’s sick and keeps slipping into littlespace cuz of how sick she is so he takes care of her despite the possibility of him getting sick? 🥺
Thank you so much for the request!! I hope you like it <3
🧚 Masterlist 🧚
Word count: 2,135
Pairing: Early 70's CG!Elvis x Little F!Reader
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Oh Lord, you were trying so hard, so so hard to be a big girl.
You knew that Elvis had so much on his schedule, the Colonel was working him and you too by default. You'd been on the road with Elvis, helping out where you could like the good little girlfriend you were, but it had become all a bit too much and you had caught some sort of bug that was making you feel all kinds of miserable.
And when you were ill, well, that was the most sure fire way for you to slip into little space. You just weren't very good at being independent and coping with the overwhelming and horrible feelings you were having.
But you were trying, you really, really were. You didn't want to interfere with the schedule, Elvis had a lot on his mind and you'd be damned to cross paths with the Colonel when there was so much money to be made. Even when you were feeling your best, you still didn't like to even be in the same room as the Colonel.
All morning you'd felt achey, sore and tingly all over with a fever creeping in. Naturally, you'd been quieter than usual, trying to stop yourself from slipping but it was becoming inevitable.
Your body just wasn't strong enough and you felt exhausted and vulnerable as you sat in Elvis' dressing room as he did a run-through of his show tonight.
You'd found a spare blanket and you were curled up in the corner of the large couch as members of staff and the Memphis Mafia alike walked past you, a few giving concerned looks your way, in particular, Red, who watched as you rested your head on your arms and closed your eyes.
See, being in the state that you were in meant that you had absolutely no concept of time and when you were woken from the light slumber you were in, you had no idea how long you'd been asleep for.
"Baby?" That familiar deep, Southern voice hushed, laced with concern as your eyes sleepily opened, staring up at Elvis who was studying your state with worry on his face after Red had told him that you seemed unusually low today.
You blinked adorably up at him and if you weren't so apparently sick, Elvis would do the most unspeakable things to you.
Elvis sighed, realising how wiped and sick you were as he put the back of his coarse hand on your forehead to check your temperature, which was far too high for his liking.
You couldn't bring yourself to speak, you felt all achey and sore and your head was just so fuzzy that you were pretty much ready to let tears spill down your cheeks.
And Elvis could tell. He'd been with you for long enough now to know your little space 'tells'. You'd go non-verbal, your eyes would get all big and round and glossy, because even after all this time, you still got nervous about being little in front of Elvis - a fact that Elvis actually thought was very sweet and endearing. You'd start chewing on something too, whether it was your toy stuffy, your lip or your fingers, you'd chew on something as you tried to get all your thoughts in order. And there you were, chewing on your lip as you trembled from the fever.
"Oh little one, you ain't feelin' too good huh?" Elvis cooed, to which you shook your head ever so slightly. "Oh baby. Need me to look after you, princess?" Elvis asked as you pushed yourself up feebly, the blanket pooling by your waist as you nodded and rubbed your eyes sweetly.
Effortlessly, Elvis scooped you up in his big, strong arms and your head automatically went to rest on his shoulder as you began to chew on your fingers anxiously, wanting this horrible feeling to go away.
"Y/N is comin' down with somethin' nasty, I'm gon' take care of her, let everyone know they can go home, I ain't leavin' her today." Elvis said to Jerry before he carried you to his private elevator that took him right to the suite that the two of you shared at the top of the International.
As soon as the doors closed, Elvis began to rock you gently. "Gon' get you undressed baby, take off all yer clothes and get you in the tub, give you some medicine that's gon' make you feel all good n'better then we're gon' get you into bed to rest n' take it easy. How does that sound pretty girl?" Elvis soothed.
You nodded into his shoulder, feeling vulnerable and weak as he held you tightly, you couldn't help but let out a couple of sniffles too.
"Little one, d'ya think you can use your words f'me?" Elvis said. He knew you'd go non-verbal whenever you were feeling overwhelmed and little, and usually he wouldn't push you, but when you were feeling little and sick, he needed to know that you could still understand what he was saying and there wasn't anything more serious that was underlying.
"J-Just, don't feel good Daddy." You whimpered and oh if Elvis' heart hadn't broken in two when he first saw you on that couch, it certainly had now.
The name that you'd just called him was definitive confirmation that you were deep in little space and you needed to be treated as delicately as possible.
"I know baby, I know you don't, Daddy's gon' take care of you." Elvis promised, kissing the top of your head as you got out of the elevator into the suite.
Elvis wasted no time in taking you straight to the bathroom, sitting you atop the bathroom the counter as he rolled up the sleeves on his blue silk shirt, one that you'd actually picked out for him because you thought he would look "extra pretty" in it and began to run the bathtub full of warm water for you. He then went through the bathroom cabinet, through the one that held all of the medicines you may need for any particular reason, before he found the right one for your fever and chills.
"Now, you gotta be a brave girl f'me, I know this don't taste too good baby, but it's gon' help make you better, 'kay?" Elvis said as he poured the medicine onto a spoon, ready to feed you as you watched on, grimacing a bit, you hated having to take medicine.
"I don't wanna..." You practically whispered.
"Darlin', I know it ain't nice, but you gotta take it like a good girl, can you do that fr'me?" Elvis said, his tone becoming a little sterner than before, you taking your medicine is not something he was going to compromise on.
You nodded but not without small tears forming, making Elvis feel quietly guilty, he wished that it was him that was sick, he'd give anything to swap places with you. It really did pain him to see you in this state.
"Okay, open them pretty lips fr'me angel, just like that, good." Elvis encouraged as he fed you the spoon with the medicine.
He used his pointer finger on his other hand to poke just under your jaw ever so slightly to close your mouth around the spoon. "Good." He hissed, nodding in approval at how good you were being.
Slowly, he took the spoon out of your mouth as he studied your face, your eyes staring up at him as your nose scrunched up at the sour tasting medicine.
"Baby, that medicine ain't gon' do a damn thing stuck in your mouth like that." Elvis half-heartedly chuckled, knowing you were being a little too stubborn for your own good. "Swallow." He commanded gently.
And, like the good girl you were, you did just that - although with a grimace on your sweet little face the entire time.
"Good girl." Elvis praised softly, as he began to take off your clothes for your bath.
You watched as his coarse, ring-clad hands traced your skin, causing shivers to travel through your already sensitive skin. Elvis hushed you reassuringly, saying sweet nothings to reassure you that you were okay, that he was your Daddy and he was going to make you better, and you believed him.
After you were fully undressed and after Elvis checked the water temperature, Elvis helped you into the tub where you instantly loved the sensation of the hot water on your shivering skin.
"Does my little girl like that?" Elvis smiled warmly as he watched you smile for the first time today, even if it was only a small one.
You nodded as you brought your knees to your chest to rest your head on your knees, your head tilted so you could watch your Daddy.
Elvis grabbed a loofah and took to gently washing you, getting you all soapy and lathered up in the suds as he watched you practically preen in delight at his touch.
"Bein' such a good girl fr' Daddy, ain'tcha?" Elvis soothed.
"Yes Daddy." You said sweetly, your eyes closed in bliss as Elvis continued to wash you all over.
"That's right, that's my girl." Elvis praised as he held out one of your arms to wash it, as if you were some sort of a doll for him to move as he pleased. You were so malleable and so sweet and Elvis loved nothing more than to take care of you.
When Elvis was done washing you, he scooped you up out of the tub and wrapped you up in a fluffy towel, holding you tightly and peppering you in kisses, eliciting a few soft giggles from you.
He knew you were feeling little, you were so overwhelmed and he knew the last week had taken it's toll on you. You were a little people pleaser, so much so, that you'd taken on much more than sweet, little you could manage. You would comply to anyones request and you'd caused yourself to become burnt out and Elvis couldn't help but feel responsible for not stepping in sooner - even if he knew that if he had stepped in, you would've begged him to let you help out as much as possible because you were just a little angel sent from heaven. Elvis quickly got you dressed into your favourite pyjamas that you wore when you were feeling little. They had cartoon horses on them and you'd adorably named each one, one morning whilst Elvis was reading his paper and drinking his morning coffee.
He took special care as he dressed you, mindful that your body was still tender and sore.
As Elvis led you to your bed, you began to feel all drowsy and achey again, making you extra clingy and needy with Elvis, but he secretly didn't mind.
Elvis tucked you up in bed and placed your stuffed bunny in your little grasp, smoothing back your hair that had fallen in front of your face.
After placing a kiss atop of your head, Elvis began to make his way from the bedroom to let you sleep before he heard a whine come from your lips.
"Oh honey, what's the matter?" Elvis cooed, making his way back to the bed before you reached out your arms wide and made grabby hands at Elvis, making him chuckle ever so.
"Daddy, stay," You whimpered. You were not in any fit state to not be close to Elvis. "Don't go, need you." You mumbled cutely.
Elvis smirked as he began to remove his shoes and get atop the bed, next to you, placing one arm across the pillows where your head rested so that you were able to slot into his side and snuggle into him as you clasped onto your stuffed bunny too.
"I ain't goin' anywhere baby, now rest your eyes honey, you need to get your strength back little one." Elvis instructed, his fingers running through your hair, sending shivers through you as you let your eyes close.
Elvis continued to play with your hair as he reached over to his bed-side table with his other hand and grab the telephone.
"Jer? Yeah, Jer, tell the Colonel to tell whoever needs to know that the show ain't happenin' tonight, reschedule, cancel, I don't care. I gotta take care of Y/N, ain't no way I'm leavin' her tonight, not in the state she's in. Okay. Thanks Jer." Elvis said into the receiver before putting it down again.
You couldn't help but feel bad as you nestled into Elvis' side. "Daddy?" You said meekly.
"Yes baby?"
"You don't got to cancel your show Daddy." You said softly, your big eyes looking up at his blue ones.
"Little one, I ain't ever wanna do a show if you ain't in the crowd." Elvis said firmly and you knew he wasn't going to budge on the matter - and with that you drifted off in the arms of your Daddy.
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katiscrying · 19 days
I’ve been holding myself back but I keep reading cg!elvis x little!reader fics and I’m going insane from how CUTE THEY ARE ☹️🤍
So here’s my Drabble ⋆˚⟡˖ ࣪
Tw(s): Cursing, pet names (baby, lil’ one, honey), use of y/n, angsty?
•₊˚୨ৎ°⋆࿔*:・ੈ‧.'•₊˚୨ৎ°⋆࿔*:・ੈ‧.'•₊˚୨ৎ°⋆࿔*:・ੈ‧.'•₊˚୨ৎ°⋆࿔* •₊˚୨ৎ
It’s been a week of work hell for Elvis and with the work load and being in the studio for at least 10-12 hours straight meant that his sweet lil’ one wasn’t getting as much attention as they deserve and he feels awful for it but you seemed to understand.. right?
Well yes, you know daddy doesn’t do it on purpose but you don’t like it. One bit. Now, you’d never purposely aggravate Elvis when your little but being needy for attention is close to just doing anything for it.
You came up with a little harmless plan that you know damn well Elvis would turn his attention to you in an instant. He knows not to swear in front of you but when he does on accident or by protecting you when your little in fear you’ll repeat the words but you don’t.. at least didn’t. You’d always hear his voice go stern as he’d lower to your height and say; “now don’t you say none of that, y’too lil’” in which you had always nodded with a “i wont daddy”. This time you decided to oppose your own words.
Elvis got home from the studio earlier than expected and when your little headspace went head on with your big headspace after a little trigger name echoed through your ears.. ‘baby’. While you both lounged out on the couch, Elvis assuming that the work was slowly halting when the phone in his office began ringing. A sigh escapes his lips as he gets up. “Gotta take that, lil’. You behave ‘kay?” You cross your arms and don’t nod but instead with your little voice you sit up and confidently say “damnit.”
Elvis was already close to the frame of the door when he froze. You watched as he turned around. “Excuse me—?” He says confused but alerted. “Nuh-uh lil’ one. You are too little for them words” he says with a stern yet still stunned tone you’d said a big word.
You keep your arms crossed and a small pout forming in your lips as he focuses solely on you.. just letting that phone ring. This is far more important. He levels himself to your sight of vision and with that same voice you always dislike hearing:
“Now why’d y’go and say that word, y/n? You are way too lil’ to use those naughty words ‘specially ‘round daddy.”
He waited to see if you had a response but you didn’t. Not even a peep.
“well?” He says, his arms folded.
Your eyes cloud up with tears, looking up at him. “M’ sorry, daddy..” Your voice shaky and your bottom lip quivering as you softly murmur. This throws Elvis off a bit. Why were you crying so suddenly?
“Hey, hey, lil’ one, what’s the matter?” His voice goes soft as his hands rub your smaller ones. “Said a bad word.. n daddy’s mad at me” you sniffle, wiping your eyes with the sleeve of your cardigan.
“Hey, no— no. Daddy ain’t mad he’s just wonderin’ why yer swearin’ when you know you ain’t supposed to..” he says with a reassuring look on his face , his other hand reaching up to wipe your warm tears.
“Now, you wanna tell daddy why y’said that?” He asked again, softer and in a more coaxing manner. You sniffled before everything spilled out in word vomit. “Was just trying to get your attention, daddy.. didn’t wanna swear. You been busy all week n’ I know that.. but daddy don’t want his baby no more—”
His eyes go wide in shock as he listens before quickly shutting those thoughts down.
“Woah, woah, woah, honey— slow down..” he trails off, pulling you closer to him.
“None of that is true, honey. None. Daddy’s been busy and you’ve been such a good girl understanding that but you think I don’t want my baby no more?” You nod at his words, looking away from him but his fingers gently grasp your chin, making you look at him.
“Daddy always wants his baby.. even when he’s busy. Dontchu think anything different. Now let me wipe those tears.” The pads of his thumbs wipe the remains of those warm tear tracks on your cheeks before he picks you up. His arm supports your bottom as your smaller frame. “I think someone needs a nap m, lil’ one”
You nod your head that’s resting on his shoulder. “Mhm..”
“Alright, lil’ one.. you gon’ be okay now.. daddy ain’t gonna let you go. Gonna be right with you when y’wake up.”
•₊˚୨ৎ°⋆࿔*:・ੈ‧.'•₊˚୨ৎ°⋆࿔*:・ੈ‧.'•₊˚୨ৎ°⋆࿔*:・ੈ‧.'•₊˚୨ৎ°⋆࿔* •₊˚୨ৎ
We need more cg!elvis ☹️🤍
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mooodyblue · 1 year
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→ all fics contain sfw age regression/little space!
🍼 - personal favorites
main masterlist | little!elvis masterlist
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cg!elvis tag
elvis finding out you're an age regressor
“you’re too little to do that”
you refuse to sleep until elvis gets home cg!elvis&cg!jerry 🍼
elvis does your hair. 🍼
you’re left alone with jerry for a few hours and chaos erupts.
someone questions your ways of coping, causing elvis to put his friends in their place. 🍼🍼
elvis helps you regress after being moody towards him.
little!you follows elvis around work all day, but him not paying attention to you gets too much.
you get sad when elvis has to on stage, so he asks you to color him something pretty while he’s gone. 🍼🍼
when elvis is called out to the studio, jerry gets stuck taking care of a overwhelmed little!you.cg!jerry 🍼🍼
when elvis refuses to pay attention to you, you decide to take matters into your own hands and do something drastic to get his attention. 🍼
after waking up grumpy and spending the day finding ways to aggravate elvis, he puts you in time out. but you find a way to make it up to him.
you really just don’t want to sleep.
elvis shoots off one of his guns, causing you to slip in front of the mafia. 🍼
being terrified of needles and getting a shot was your worst nightmare, luckily elvis is there to save the day. 🍼
you come across something not exactly age appropriate on tv while little and elvis is too busy admiring how cute you are to notice.
after a bubble bath, elvis gets you ready for bed.
snow day with little!reader
crawling races with jerry and reader
you wake up little but elvis isn’t home
you have an accident in front of fans while elvis is talking to fans at the gates of graceland
elvis tends to you while the mafia is over one night
elvis reassuring his little that he’s okay after being hospitalized 🍼
time traveler!elvis and you watching lilo and stitch together
elvis comforts you through a bad thunderstorm
you struggle with being little and elvis helps you through it.
elvis comforting you after having to put you back in diapers.
reader accidentally breaks and glass and self punishes themselves
elvis cheers you up on a bad day
elvis protects you after a show
reader gets overwhelmed and elvis swoops in to help
reader suddenly goes little and nonverbal during a bad storm
reader has an asthma attack
reader accidentally puts a scary movie on
reader that likes halloween
reader has a nightmare while the mafia is over
reader sprains their ankle
reader hates change
reader insecure about weight
elvis gets too busy for little!reader
the colonel bullies little!reader while in elvis's dressing room
reader gets overwhelmed at a show
reader has a nightmare
reader with emetophobia
reader has fight with family
switching roles
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kiankiwi · 1 year
"Oranges" cg!e x little!reader
Just a sweet little fic about hanging out backstage with CG!E!
thank you to @mooodyblue for brainstorming this little cute idea with me based on the photo below! <3
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You Elvis and Memphis Mafia were all hanging out in the green room of the International Hotel while everyone was waiting for Elvis to go on stage.
You, while in headspace were sitting on Elvis's lap, laying your head on Elvis's shoulder. He was wearing a white fringe jumpsuit and you loved this jumpsuit on him. You especially loved playing with the fringe, twisting it around your finger and sometimes absentmindedly chewing on them.
Elvis often checked to make sure you weren't falling asleep on him as you laid in his lap. He stood up and paced the room with you, whispering sweet nothings to you, trying to keep you awake because the last thing he wanted was for you to fall asleep and then he'd have to wake you up and/or move you off of him once you were asleep just to go perform.
Jerry and him were still planning and going over his tour spots for the rest of the month as he paced with you in his arms. You spotted an orange on the snack table and pointed at it. "Snack daddy?" Even though the two men were having a bit of an important conversation, E stopped and grabbed it for you. If you needed something, he'd stop everything for you. "Of course lovie. Here, you want an orange?" you nodded excitedly. You loved oranges. "Daddy, help!" You whined again, wanting E to peel the orange for you.
Jerry reached for the orange, "Here, E I got it. Here, sweetie I'll get it for you." You held the orange close to you, not wanting to give it to your Uncle Jer. "No, dada do it." You specifically wanted Elvis to do it for you. You were a bit clingy tonight. Elvis chuckled. "Apparently the baby thinks you'll peel it wrong, here, give it here little." Elvis worked at the skin of the orange, giving you pieces of the fruit piece by piece. You were enjoying it so much. His fingers were going to be a bit sticky and smell of oranges now but he didn't care at all.
A stagehand came and knocked on Elvis's dressing room door and warned him, "You got 10 minutes, EP!" Jerry holds out his hands to you, silently asking if you'll come over to him. You whined, eating your last orange slice and locking your arms around E's neck. You didn't want him to leave him. "Don't go, daddy!" You whined, now a bit tired not wanting him to leave you.
"Here, sweetheart, you want to color daddy a really nice picture? Jerry will hang out with you for a bit and you can make a really pretty picture for daddy while I'm gone?" You nodded. It sounded fun to draw your daddy a picture as a present. "Y-yeah?" You nodded, nervous for him to leave. "It's okay sweetie, daddy will be back." Jerry said softly as he took you into his arms so Elvis could get ready.
"If she wants to go to sleep, just let her Jer, I think she's a bit tired already." Elvis told his friend, getting him ready to babysit you. You chose that minute to place your head on Jerry's shoulder, sighing sadly. "Can daddy get a kiss baby? A good-luck kiss?" You sat up only to give him a quick peck to the lips. "I love you little. Be good for Jerry, yeah?" You nodded sadly. Jerry whispered something in your ear and just then you repeated his words to your daddy. "Good 'uck dada! Love 'oo!" Elvis grinned so big. "I love you honey. I'll see you soon!" And just then he ran off to greet his fans.
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Letting Go
Author’s note: This is for @wanderingelvis, as it was inspired by their innocent!reader stories and the story about E slightly manipulating the reader to drop into littlespace so he can become their caregiver. I can’t wait to see more from you!
Tagging: @mooodyblue @kiankiwi
Warning: this does deal with bodily functions, though nothing too graphic. Don’t like don’t read and all of that.
You’d been with Elvis for some time now. He took care of your every need, especially when you were feeling a little confused or “fuzzy” as he put it. He’d become your protector, your everything. Even though you were a grown adult woman, you always needed him nearby, just like a father. You only felt truly safe when you were with him, and as a result, you’d become a lot more sensitive (even with as innocent and naive as you already were). You knew you could trust him to take care of you.
But this had caused another problem. You’d started wetting the bed.
You’d mentioned to Elvis that you’d had a bedwetting problem in the past (due to an underdeveloped bladder and other factors) and you had wet the bed until you were almost 10 years old, at which point it had stopped.
You couldn’t figure out what was causing it now. All you knew was, you’d have a nightmare about your past (or just being separated from Elvis), and the next thing you knew, he’d be shaking you awake, holding you as you cried in his arms and felt the familiar warm dampness between your legs. Once you calmed down, he had no problem giving you a bath and changing out the sheets. It was becoming rare that you woke up dry now. You were embarrassed, but you had no clue what else to do.
Then you started having accidents in the daytime too. At first, they were just little ones; when you were feeling floaty or fuzzy, you’d be playing or watching Sesame Street, then start to dribble a little in your panties before quickly realizing you needed to go and rushing to the potty. Elvis never minded this; he just tried to remind you to pay attention to your body and that he had no problems pausing whatever you were doing when you needed to go.
But then they’d gotten worse.
You remembered one particularly mortifying incident. It was one of the few times Elvis took you out of the house to go walk around, and it had gone about as well as one would expect; it didn’t take long for the fans and press to start mobbing you both. You’d gotten scared and clung onto Elvis’s arm, wanting him to take you back up to the house, and that’s when it happened.
You didn’t even feel it at first, but then suddenly people started laughing and pointing at you, and you looked down to see a little yellow puddle forming between your feet as your pee flooded your panties and trickled down your legs. You immediately burst into tears as Elvis roared at the journalists to back off, telling them he’d sue if anybody dared make fun of you for this.
As he carried you back up to the house, mess and all, he’d whispered in your ear “Oh, little, why didn’t you tell me you needed to go potty? I’d have found you a bathroom right away.”
You didn’t even respond, just shoved your thumb into your mouth and started sucking as you cried into his shoulder; you kept crying even as he cleaned you up and gave you a bath.
Unbeknownst to you, Elvis was actually secretly a little thrilled by this; he loved having you depend on him when you were little, and now he felt this was just another way he could keep you under his care.
A few days after the incident, Elvis came home from one of his meetings carrying a large bag in his hand, before sitting down in front of you.
“Little? I think we need to talk.”
You looked up at him, tears starting to form in your eyes. “What did I do?” You asked.
Immediately, Elvis began to comfort you, wiping your tears away.
“Shh, little. Don’t worry, you didn’t do anything. Daddy’s not mad at you. But…well, baby, you’ve been having more and more accidents lately. Now Daddy’s not mad at you for that; I know it ain’t your fault. But Daddy sees how upset you get whenever you wet the bed or when you’ve wet your panties.
So, honey…I think it might be best if we put you back in diapers for a little while.”
Diapers?! You were shocked. “But I’m not a baby!” You protested.
Elvis shook his head.
“No, little, Daddy knows you’re not a baby. But Daddy just thinks this’d be much easier for you. This way, we don’t have to change your clothes or the sheets whenever you have an accident, and you won’t be worried about embarrassing yourself when we go out. And don’t worry; if you do feel the need to go potty, I’ll still let you go to the bathroom normally. But if you don’t, and you do have an accident, Daddy will change you whenever you need it. There’s no shame in needing protection, little. Lots of people do.”
Well...when he put it that way, it did seem reasonable. After all, you didn’t want to embarrass either Elvis or yourself the few times you left the house. And it would be nice to not worry about wetting the bed or having an accident in your pants. So finally, you agreed.
Elvis smiled. “That’s a good girl, little. Now come on, lay down for Daddy.”
You obeyed, sniffling a little as Daddy removed your jeans and your panties. Much to your embarrassment, a little pee had already leaked into them without you knowing. You didn’t seem to be able to feel when you needed to go anymore when you were fuzzy like this.
Elvis then reached into the bag and pulled out a tub of baby wipes, before he gently began to wipe your bottom and crotch clean, making sure there were no traces of an accident there. He then took out a small bottle of baby powder and sprinkled some onto your crotch and rear (“to make sure you didn’t get any rashes”), before pulling a thick, white disposable diaper out of the package.
“Okay, little, can you lift your hips for me?” Elvis asked. Blushing, you obediently lifted your hips as he slid the disposable diaper under you, gently pushing you back down onto the fluffy garment once he did. He then carefully pulled the diaper up between your legs and securely fastened the tapes, tickling your tummy a little once he was done.
“There you go, little. All snug and padded up for Daddy. Now, who wants to watch a movie?”
You giggled. “I do, I do!” Smiling as Daddy lifted you up into his arms as he went to find something for you to watch. You laid your head against his shoulder, feeling more safe and comfortable than ever.
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Old Hollywood cg's
Breakfast/lunch/dinner with Elvis
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Meals??? What are those? Actual meals are rarely, if ever, eaten. Its all just snacking.
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emma181873 · 8 months
Thinking about bulges 😤
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bunnydexterloveselvis · 8 months
Hiiii and welcome ✨🔆 If you are accepting prompts can i request one please, would you write cuddly fluff and / or agere with a baby BDE? especially a sick fic with a cg reader! Thank you ✨✨✨
Oh my god!!!!!!!!!!!! You're the first one to request a prompt!!! Thank you sooo much!!! Of course I'll write it!! How could I pass up such an amazing request? So cute!!! I've never wrote sick fics before so I'll try my best!!
Sick little baby.. (Agere!Big Daddy Elvis x reader)
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summary: //elvis wakes up with a cold, is age regressed, and has you as his caregiver
type of fic: //age regression, tooth-rotting fluff, sickfic
warnings: //being sick?? the symptoms mentioned are sneezing, coughing, headache, mild fever, etc. no vomiting or anything like that. also it's pretty mild. he just sleeps it off, cuddling????? idk some people don't like being cuddled i guess, baby talk?? i don't think there's any serious warnings here besides being sick and age regression
word count: //675 (six-hundred and seventy-five) words
It was a fresh day, and you wake up in the morning, it’s around 8am. You look over at your sweet boy who is still sleeping. “What a cutie,” you thought to yourself. You chuckled and got out of bed to make breakfast. About 15 minutes later you come back, with Elvis still asleep in the bed. You smile warmly.
“Wake up, baby,” you whisper in his ear. He shuffles around a bit and lets out a whine. His eyes flutter open and he pouts. “Mamaaa- ’m sweepy!!!” He rolls onto his back. Oh. He woke up little! You almost giggle from how cute he is. He then sneezes three times and sniffles. “got da sneezies,” He mutters, with a short, reassuring giggle. Then he coughs a bunch. “Um, little one, are you okay??” You ask, caressing his shoulder. He looks up at you with sparkling eyes but very wet eyes. “M-mama I don’ feew so.. Good..” He wipes his forehead trickling with sweat, along with that, his soft chubby cheeks are red and his eyes are half-lidded.
He’s sick. But he has a concert today! “Awww.. What are we going to do?,” you thought. You’ll have to cancel it today. Can’t do a concert if you’re sick! So you make a call to explain that E is sick, and has to cancel the concert today. After that trouble, you run back to him. “Mamaaa…” he cries and makes grabby hands at you, implying he wants something. “What is it, E, baby??” you chuckle a bit from his overexpressed tone of voice. “Mmm.. t-tummy hurts..” he forces out while clenching his hands on his soft belly. “Awwww.. It’ll be okay. Mommy’s gonna help make your tummy feel better in no time!,” you tell him, sitting down next to him, massaging circles on his sore stomach. He looks up at you with the prettiest, sparkliest eyes ever. “Weawwy?” he asks softly. A small smile appears on his face. “Wiww mama make tummy free bettew?” “Of course honey, but you need to rest, I’ll be back with some stuff to keep you busy while I make you stuff to help you feel better! Sounds okay?” You murmur, making sure you don’t scare him. He gets scared when he hears loud noises, and you took note of that as soon as you found out. “Mhm!” he nods. You find his toybox and his paci and take it to him, pop the paci in his mouth while ruffling his hair very gently, remember he has a headache too.
So you give him all his gear, and as you walk away to go make him soup for his tummy, he cries out, “Mamaaa!! Don’ leave!!” You sigh. “E, baby, I have to make you soup so you’ll feel better. Do you wanna take the yucky red-coloured spoon medicine?” you threaten “No!! No yucky stuff!! Just wan’ mama..” he frowns and looks down. You slowly approach him and run your fingers through his hair, which usually calms him down. It did. He buries his face in your chest while hugging you tight. “I-I wuv you mama” he says into you. Making you smile sympathetically, you say, “Okay.. I’ll lie down and nap with you, but the first hurt noise I hear from you, I am getting the medicine,” half jokingly. He pouts as a joke, making you giggle. 
You pet his hair while trying not to get sick yourself. His eyes get half-lidded and sleepy. You pet his forehead in an attempt to calm his headache. It worked, weirdly, more like distracted him from his headache to your soothing touch. Elvis practically did something similar, he held you, his mama, close. Never letting go. Planting a kiss on his cheek, you whisper sweet nothings into his ear to lull him into a nap. Afterwards you make him some chicken noodle soup for when he wakes up in case he gets hungry.
You really hope he naps for a while, because you can’t seem to get this can of chicken soup open.
(i don't feel like this is good enough, i feel like it's too vague. let me know if you like it!! It was a teensy bit rushed and i wrote half of it when sleepy)
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earthbaby-angelboy · 11 months
i am FLOWING with scenarios and whatnot tonight so here’s another one!
if you grind your teeth when anxious, i think el would try to make you aware of it, hoping that you’d understand he didn’t want you to do it (in fear of you hurting your teeth or creating permanent damage!) if you didn’t become aware, he’d leave the room for a minute and come back with a paci for you!
he’d just wordlessly hand it to you with a small smile as to not make you self conscious. he does this every time you grind your teeth. he always has a pacifier on hand for whenever you need it, and it kinda becomes a comfort item.
(ok this next bit may or may not be self-indulgent because i’ve been grinding my teeth so bad in my sleep that i’ve actually started chipping teeth and now have to do this so bare with me)
if you grind your teeth in your sleep, even when you aren’t little, he’ll get a paci & a clip, attach one to your shirt and encourage you to use it. at first you’re iffy about it cause you don’t want to become dependent on it, but after a few nights of using it, you realize how much they help! :D
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jhoneybees · 1 month
The Dark.
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A little bedtime fic🥹
Characters: late!70s X little!reader
Warnings/triggers: Age regression, little!space, the dark, anxious scary thoughts, monsters
Ever since you told Elvis about your age regression, he hasn’t been anything but loving and caring towards you. He would give you so many gifts and toys and ask you so many questions about how he can help you feel comfortable in your headspace and you can't help but fall in love with him all over again.
He said that he wants to make sure you're feeling safe and happy at all times while you're little and to help that, he asked you about what things you like and don't like.
You told him everything, one of those things being you don't like the dark.
Everything about it just scares you, anywhere where everything is pitch black you would run away from. You just can’t stand the thought of not knowing what's in that darkness and whenever you're sleeping at night with Elvis, he would usually turn all the lights off in his bedroom including the bathroom which you would often feel nervous about but his arms around you, keeping you safe from the scary monsters takes a little bit of weight off that fear.
“Alright, we better get some beauty sleep now, baby.”
Looking up at Elvis from where you're laying, playing with your toy bunny, you hum quietly as he puts a bookmark in his bible and places it on his bedside.
“C’mere…” Elvis tells you, holding his arm out while he lays himself down. Playfully squeezing you tightly in his embrace with a chuckle, earning a soft giggle from you.
He kisses your forehead and then turns his body to turn the lamp off. You both snuggle closer when he wiggles to get comfortable and you bury your head in his chest wanting to feel as small as possible… then those scary thoughts come into your head and your heartbeat begins to quicken.
Curling your legs closer to your chest, you shuffle closer to Elvis. Holding your breath hoping you won’t annoy him, you squeeze your eyes shut and grip onto his pyjama shirt.
You try your best to stop thinking of those thoughts but it’s too difficult. Your mind just keeps drifting to your imagination of a scary creature looming over you with its claws out and big empty white eyes staring down at you.
You know Elvis wouldn’t let anything hurt you but you can’t help clinging yourself onto him out of fear.
“Honey?” A familiar warm voice calls out.
You feel Elvis’ hand drift down to your hip and pull his head away from on top of your head, you flutter your eyes open and look up to see his sleepy face, just barely.
The bed moves a little and you squint your eyes with a sigh of relief when a warm orange light floods into the room.
“Are you a’right?” Elvis asks in his southern drawl, gently cupping your cheek in his large hand darting his worried light blue eyes all over your face.
You gulp and shake your head, nuzzling your cheek into his hand. “S-scared of the dark, daddy…”
Elvis coos and nods, pulling you in for a comforting hug before giving you a smile, a smile that tells you he’s got something. “Jus’ wait ‘ere, ok?” he murmurs.
Sitting yourself up in the big fluffy lump of blankets, you blink watching Elvis walk in and out of the walk-in closet. Tilting your head seeing a little pretty pink ceramic house in his hands and you frown slightly as Elvis places it on the wooden dresser facing the foot of the bed bending over with a small grunt to put a plug in the wall.
He moves back towards you, grabbing his flashlight off his nightstand and switching his lamp off again, you hide your face a little behind the blanket.
Then a few moments later, that similar soft orange light lights up the room. Your eyes twinkle staring at the lit up ceramic house, shining beautifully in the darkness. He got you a night light.
“Ya like it, baby?”
You nod slowly. Lips parted in awe, you flick your gaze over to Elvis who's walking back to the bed putting his flashlight away with a proud smile on his face. “I love it.” You answer just above a whisper.
“I’m glad.” He gets back into bed, patting his chest with a loving “C’mere, angel.” guiding your head to rest on his collarbone.
You wrap your arm over his belly and swing your leg over his, eyes fluttering a little as he starts to stroke your hair, calmly staring at the night light. You smile slightly at his words. “The light will keep the monsters away.”
He pecks your forehead once more.
“If not…Daddy’s gonna beat ‘em up.” making you giggle.
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wanderingelvis · 1 year
Okay, just...imagine CG Elvis feeding his little while she sits on his lap or in a large highchair.
This is super cute! I'm gonna make it a headcanon:
🧚🏻 Masterlist 🧚🏻
Pairings: CG!Elvis x Little F!Reader
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Elvis loves to feed you, and you love being fed by your Daddy
Elvis always wants to make sure you're well fed, so mealtimes are the most certain thing in the day, despite Elvis' ever-changing, hectic schedule
He knows all he needs to do is pat his thigh and you'll come running, clambering up onto it so you can straddle it
You're usually always well-behaved, sitting on your Daddy's knee whilst he wraps a strong arm around your tummy, his large hand gripping your side to keep you in place
He'll use his other hand to feed you, passing you bits of fruit or spoon-feeding you your meal
You're soft natured and pliant, which Elvis loves, making meal times a tender and intimate moment for you two
That doesn't mean it can't get messy, oh boy, it can get messy
Sometimes you're just feeling too little, and you miss your mouth when trying to feed yourself, causing Elvis to intervene
"Hold still, will ya baby? Whatchu got? Ants in yer pants?" Elvis chuckles, teasing you as you giggle
He'll end up taking a damp cloth and wiping it across your face at the end of the meal as you giggle at the tickling feeling it gives you
Your set up of eating whilst sitting on your Daddy's lap never changes and you both love that
Even if there are guests
You'll be quieter than usual, naturally shy at a lot of attention directed in your direction, even if it is mostly at Elvis
But Elvis will rub soothing circles on your tummy, or have his thumb trace your sides, discreetly albeit comfortingly
He'll pass you your food or feed it to you, and you'll concentrate just on that, thinking about the grown-up conversation going on at the table would just be too much for little, sweet, you
Elvis knows when you're full, it's when your head is lolling on his shoulder, your whole body relaxed and melting into his
But that's usually before you've finished your vegetables, with them still scattered on your favourite, pink plate that has pictures of bunnies on it
"Just got ya vegetables left, sweetpea." Elvis reminds you gently
"Can't do it, Daddy, m'full," You mumble
"You can do it, Daddy knows you can, you gotta eat your greens." Elvis reminds you, with a slightly sterner tone, and you know that you're not going to win this battle, even if you don't like vegetables
"Now, open that pretty little mouth for Daddy and finish your plate, like a good girl."
You'll reluctantly yet obediently open your mouth, letting Elvis feed you the final vegetables, even if it does take ages, Elvis will wait it out to make sure you're being healthy
Elvis will whisper sweet praises in your ear, which he knows will make you just melt
Once you've swallowed the last bit of veg, Elvis will always kiss the top of your head
"What's for puddin', Daddy?" You'll ask sweetly, fiddling with his rings, distracted and feeling small
Elvis will chuckle at your delicate state, he loves meal times as much as you do, it's the time when he feels most like a caregiver to you
"Thought your tummy was all full, little girl?" Elvis says, raising an eyebrow at you
"Still got room in my tummy for puddin', Daddy." You giggle
And he always gets you pudding
taglist: @dandelionxbby @littleloveysworld @lana-4life @kxnnxy @mygreenlights @domaniquessidehoe @reddie-freddie @meetmeatyourworst @octobers-snow @slimerspengler @elvisbf @astralheart21 @fallinlovewithurlove @eliseinmemphis @gothicphantom @sassanoe @hollbunn @ellie-24 @elvispresleywife @waiting4brucewayne2adoptme @billhaderstan420 @wwebaby657 @wolywolymoley @ccab @librafilms @presleyenterprise @imaginationlast @vintagegirl2005 @prompted-wordsmith
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earthbabysbooks · 10 months
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-hello all you beautiful people!
-(you already know the drill) but my name is cicilia and i run a blog called @earthbaby-angelboy (previously bellanotchewrites!)
-i decided to make a lil place where i can repost my friend’s works, and give recommendations!
-most of these fics are angsty or about age regression, so dni if it’s not your cup of tea :]
-my messages are open / you can always tag me with fics you think i should repost.
-under the cut begins the masterlist; my personal favorites have a 🧸 next to them!
-thank you for reading, and i hope you find some comfort in these trying times. xx
Toby Kwimper general headcannons
Clint Reno general headcannons
Vince and Toby at the beach 
Night time routine with Dr. John
Helping his sick S/O
Comforting his S/O through the loss of a parent
Helping his depressed S/O
Standing up to his best friend’s abusive parents🧸
Helping his S/O enjoy their birthday
El's S/O is a bit too clumsy...
Dad!E picks up his daughter from school
Teenaged Elvis helping the new girl at Humes
Elvis receives a unique piece of fan mail
Buying his little a new plush
Little!reader colors a picture for Elvis
Protective CG!Elvis🧸
Defending his little from the Colonel during the 68’ Special
Helping out his nonverbal little
Defending his little in front of the Mafia🧸
Helping his little who is overwhelmed at his show
Comforting his little who doesn't like change
Helping his little who has PTSD🧸
Cuddling with his little one while in the hospital
BFF!Elvis helping his nonverbal + little best friend
Trying to stay big while on an important trip🧸
Regressing at the beach🧸
Defending his baby while on a movie set
Comforting his little after a nightmare
Helping his baby who is struggling to slip 
His very sleepy little, who absolutely will not go to sleep
Elvis spooking his little by firing a "warning shot"
“You’re too little for that”
A night time routine
Elvis gets his girl out of work
Helping his hypochondriac baby
Playing hide-and-seek before bedtime 
Irritating Elvis to get his attention
Elvis wins at hide and seek…
Gentle giant🧸
Little!E gets hurt on stage
CG!Jerry and Baby!E’s nighttime routine
Helping Little!E regress
Playing dress-up with Little E
His new teddy bear
Possible reasons behind Elvis’ use of baby talk🧸
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mooodyblue · 2 years
Would love some protective angry cg!Elvis!!! ❤️❤️❤️
i looved writing this one!!! i don't know why i always have to include jerry, i think i have a soft spot for him now don't worry u will all have more jerry content soon ty for the request 💓
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wc: 1k
warnings: cursing, gn!reader, 70s!elvis
elvis had always been protective of you, especially with all the girls around him constantly, but when you opened up to him about you regressing, he became slightly more protective over you. he always made sure he had an eye on you. if he wasn't able to keep an eye on you, he'd have jerry watch over you.
jerry was usually in charge of watching after you during shows. elvis was always afraid you'd slip while he wasn't there and jerry was the only one who knew what to do in those situations. he'd also bring you straight to the car right after a show as elvis shortly followed.
you'd slipped into your headspace right before it ended after dealing with a few of his fans having a word with you, thankfully jerry was there to push them away before things got worse. you sat in the car, waiting for elvis to come in as fans anxiously waited to get a peak at him as he got in. you kept eyeing the brown, teddy bear jerry had hidden away at his feet, unable to take it until they were on the road. "jer-"
"he'll be here soon, hon. hold on."
you sighed, messing with the hem of your dress instead. after a few more minutes, a breathless elvis jumped in along with a few more members of his entourage, switching seats with jerry as they all got in the seats in front of you as they caught their breath. elvis gave you a warm smile, pressing his lips against your cheek. "missed ya."
you tugged your arm under his, gripping and holding onto it as you rested your head on his shoulder. elvis put his glasses on and looked down at you, "feelin' little, baby?"
"mhm." you nuzzled into him as jerry handed you the bear, tucking it in your lap.
"thanks for watchin' 'em jerry, they been like this long?" he wrapped an arm around your shoulder as you toyed with one of the many gems on his suit.
"not long at all, just right before we got in." he nodded.
"'m tired, daddy." you muttered.
"i know, doll. we'll be at the hotel soon." he said in your ear.
elvis had told everyone about your regression and what to do and how to act around you if you had dropped, most were understanding and some were a tad bit weirded out. but they knew better than to speak of you in that way. red turned around, eyeing you. "why do they get like that?"
elvis raised a brow, "like what?"
"y'know, like a baby 'n all that."
you frowned, moving from elvis to look down at your lap.
"i already explained it to you, didn't i?" he questioned. you could tell in elvis's tone that he was getting annoyed. part of you began to feel slightly bad for suddenly getting into your headspace.
"but it doesn't make sense to me. aren't they a full grown adult? they shouldn't be actin' like that! they've got a teddy bear for christ's sake!" he pointed at the bear that was in your lap. you held it tighter, resisting the urge to cover its ears becuase really, what did the bear have to do with this?
he then reached over to grab at it, most likely to tease you with it. elvis grabbed ahold of his wrist before he could make contact with it, gripping on it tightly. "lamar, pull the car over." he said through his teeth. "now."
lamar wasn't one to argue and pulled right over, everyone turning to look at the commotion in the back. elvis still had a tight grip around his friends wrist, glaring at him angrily, a look you'd never seen before in your life. "elvis-" you panicked.
he ignored the call of his name, knowing you must have been trying to force yourself out of your comforting headspace. "you do not, and i mean, do not touch my baby nor do you touch their bear." he let go of his wrist, waving a finger in his face.
"i've 'bout had it with some of y'all judgin' them behind their back, i know damn well that's what you do when i'm not around." you gave a quick glance to jerry who was sitting on the other side of you, who only gave you a sad smile and a gentle pat on the knee. you liked jerry, he was always kind to you.
"they're not even hurtin' anyone! they're bein' themselves, making themselves more comfortable after a stressful situation! and who are y'all to judge? l-like y'all don't have your own lil' quirks and such."
the whole car was still silent. you sunk farther into the seat, as if trying to hide from the situation.
"if i ever hear any of ya speak ill of my baby or make fun of 'em in anyway, your ass is gettin' kicked to the curb. and i mean it." his voice heavy with anger. "now all of you are gonna keep your mouths shut, face the front and don't even think about sayin' some shit to 'em. i will kick someone's ass if i have to. now lamar, drive." he finished his rant, sitting back again and letting out a huff.
"'m sorry." you mumbled.
"oh baby, don't apologize. i'm sorry for cursin' 'round ya. don't be saying those words either, you're too little for 'em." he pulled you close and adjusted the bear in your lap. "think we should get you another friend soon, what do you think?" he asked, changing the conversation.
your eyes lit up, your brain already creating names for your next plushie friend. "oh daddy, really?"
"don't they have enough?" jerry joked.
elvis tsk'd at jerry, shaking his head. "can never have enough, c'mon jer, y'know this already."
"yeah, jerry!" you added, sticking your tongue at him. "wait-are you gonna fire jerry now?"
elvis thought for a minute, "i reckon we give him one more chance."
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kiankiwi · 2 months
cg!Aus little E: "You Need Tiny Time, Baby
Elvis came home from a clearly bad day so it was clear that he needed what him and Aus called "tiny time" or time down in headspace. Usually E was the caregiver in the relationship and Austin was the little. But occasionally, when Austin noticed El was exceptionally stressed, he offers to take care of him so he can relax too.
Today is one of those nights that Elvis needs "tiny time". Austin put his apron away and came up to Elvis who was grumbling angrily while tossing his shoes off and sitting at the kitchen table. "Hey baby, I made your favorite cookies..." Elvis just glared at him. Austin sighed and came over, putting his hands on his shoulders and leaned down to kiss his head. "Baby, if you need to go down, for tiny time, you can just ask. I don't mind taking care of you tonight if you need it."
"Don't need it!" Elvis grumbled, rubbing at his eyes. "Really baby? You said you had a hard day, I just think this would make you feel better?" Austin said, crouching down so he could get a little more on Elvis' level.
"Don't want to! Not a baby!" Elvis grumbled as he stamped his foot. Austin knew Evls was sometimes self conscious about his headspace. Sometimes he needed to push him into a little. Especially if being down would make him feel better.
"I know you're not a baby. But you don't need to be a baby just to relax. We can upstairs right now and get you in your favorite jammies, have a bottle with vanilla, a nice bath with your ducky... and watch a movie with daddy? Doesn't that sound nice?" A tear rolled down his face as Elvis rubbed his sleeve across his nose, a self explanatory sign he was already feeling a bit little. "Nilla baba and ducky...?" Elvis confirmed. Austin nodded. "And daddy has no problem taking care of you little one, I promise."
Hearing the confirmation that his partner would have no issue being the caregiver for the night, Elvis let out a relieved sob and fell into Austin's open arms for a cuddle.
"Oh lovie, I know. Some days are really hard, hm?" Elvis nodded against his shoulder as Austin rubbed his back. "It's completely alright to have a little cry okay? You're alright. Everything is fine." Elvis nodded and screamed a big sob into his caregivers shoulder, giving in to the smallness swirling around his brain. "Shhh, baby, I know... You're at home, you're safe with daddy and we don't have to do anything you don't want to okay?" Austin comforted. He felt Elvis cling onto him as Austin very expertly at this point picked him up and carried him on his hip to the master bathroom for his bath.
Elvis was settled and quiet only sniffling every few minutes now. Austin leaned down and started the faucet as Elvis clung to him and watched as his spa night was set up.
"You excited?" Austin asked. Elvis just yawned hugely and stuck his thumb in his mouth, exhausted from letting his feelings out. "Ah, you're just sleepy huh? Come on sweet boy." Austin took his boy into his hidden away nursery and into the closet. "Which jammies do want tonight baby?" "Ducky!" Austin chuckled. "You want to match with your rubber ducky? Good choice baby." "Now you gotta stay still okay?" Austin asked as he set Elvis on the changing table to change him out of his clothes he wore that day. Elvis nodded, he was too tired to wiggle and squirm anyway
Austin set the chosen pajamas in the crib and brought the baby into the bathroom and plopped him in the tub. He added a little bit of bubble bath and grabbed the fluffiest towel they had and set it aside while Elvis babbled to his rubber ducky about some sort of submarine adventure his boat toy was going on.
Austin smiled as he saw Elvis finally truly relax for the first time in days. Maybe weeks. Elvis visibly relaxed as his partner massaged the watermelon kids shampoo into his long hair. "There we go baby, does that feel better?" Elvis nodded sleepily, happy just to relax and spend time with his partner and caregiver.
Austin let the baby play for nearly an hour until he clearly felt cold in the bubbly water. Austin smiled as Elvis poked him and looked at him through his long lashes. "Ou' dada, ou', pease?" Austin nodded. "And straight to night night?" Austin joked. Elvis just pouted, completely serious. "Nooo, 'nilla baba and 'uddles first daddy!" Elvis locked his arms around his caregiver as Austin lifted him out of the tub and wrapped him in his duck towel with a hood. "Alright, alright, nilla and cuddles are coming but we gotta brush those teefies first and get in your jammies."
Elvis grumbled and made a face. "Hey, hey, no making faces, that won't get you out of it. Cmon bubby. It'll take two minutes." Elvis sighed but eventually nodded. Austin sat him on the bathroom counter and Austin poked his cheeks to get him to open his mouth so Austin could brush his teeth for him. "Go grrr, show me those teefies! Cmon!" Elvis made a silly face and bared his teeth. "There we go, good job!" Now all cozy in his duck jammies, Elvis sat on his butt and scooted down the steps, wanting to show daddy how he got down the stairs ''like a big boy".
"Alright, one vanilla and milk baba for one little Ellie." Austin said as he gave Elvis his sippy cup and sat next to him, putting a blanket over both of them. Austin opened his arms. "Cuddles lovie?" Elvis smiled around the spout of his sippy cup and settled his back against Austin's chest, pointing at the TV. "Movie, dada?" Austin nodded. "Sure which one?" Elvis smiled like his daddy was the silliest guy on the planet.
"KITTY MOVIE!" He screamed, raising both arms in the air. Austin knew the 'kitty movie' meant the Disney classic, Aristocats. His current favorite. Austin smiled. "Oh, of course, I should've known."
With his favorite movie on, some milk in his favorite cup and snuggles whit his favorite person, Elvis was finally relaxed and feeling good.
It might be plotless but I finally did another fic... I hope it was okay :)))
@mooodyblue @earthbaby-angelboy @elvispresleywife @sillybookmarks
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