nccentineo · 5 years
{carlos penavega; male; heterosexual} look who arrive in cedar grove it’s carlos garcia . he is 23 years old and a canon character from big time rush. i heard that he can be spontaneous, but he can also be reckless. i hope he doesn’t cause too much trouble in this town.
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     If you’re interested in discussing a plot of any kind, go ahead &  give this a ❤ and  I’ll send you a message or an IM !! I am looking for friendships, enemies, allies or anything you want. I’m open to any plots whatsover !!  I’m basing Carlos of the canon found here !!
Carlos was born in Minnesota along with his best friends, James, Logan & Kendall.
Carlos is set 5 years after Big Time Dreams
I’m still working on more stats about my boy so this is a WIP
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{matthew daddario; cismale; pansexual} look who moved to cedar grove it’s griffin payne. he is 28 years old and works as warlock/architect. i heard that he can be patient, but he can also be ruthless. he is hoping that residence stay in this universe.
Griffin was born the youngest child in an unhappy family, his mother having abandoned him and his three sisters before he’d turned two.
His father was a warlock and his mother a witch, though only he and his eldest sister Lexi showed any signs of ability.  While his human siblings were jealous of them, he and Lexi wished they were normal more than anything as their father did nothing but force them to rigorously train and  strengthen their powers; often pitting them against each other.
It kept like that all through their childhood and teenage years, their father being caring and gentle with his normal children and hard and abusive with Griffin and Lexi.  Until everything changed when he was seventeen and his sister died when she over-extended herself when they were sparring. She died in his arms, his father already dismissive and claiming it was because she was weak. The young man didn’t speak for the next week, burying the only person who’d ever loved him before running away that night.  
He buried his past, working wherever he could get a job to save money for college and throw himself into a new life.  He did keep training his magic, determined to be powerful and skilled to honor Lexi.
Griffin didn’t find a place to stay till after he’d graduated, a coven taking him in and helping him grow until the opportunity to move to Cedar Grove came up. As an architect and with his abilities he would be able to help the place grow and stay beautiful, and it offered yet another place to start over and focus on anyone but himself.
Griffin is naturally curious and friendly, but does his best to keep that side of him curbed, having learned in life not to trust anyone.
He’s eager to learn, and Cedar Grove gives him opportunity for that.  He does look forward to interacting with people he’s only read about or seen in movies, though he hopes they can teach him some new tricks as well.
Get on his bad side though and Griffin has a mean streak.  The man is ruthless and swift with his vengeance, and will take life if necessary, but only if necessary. 
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macgyverphoenix · 5 years
{lucas till; male; heterosexual} look who arrive in cedar grove it’s angus macgyver. he is twenty-nine years old and a canon character from macgyver. i heard that he can be inventive, but he can also be naive. i hope he doesn’t cause too much trouble in this town.
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Hi, I’m Mike! I can’t wait to get started here, and looking forward to writing for Mac.
Here’s Mac’s wiki page if anyone is looking for more in depth information about him, otherwise here are a few notable things about him:
name: Angus Macgyver d.o.b.: March 23rd, 1990 born: Mission City, Los Angeles major skill: vast knowledge of sciences, everything from physics to chemistry; Mac can make just about anything from the most basic of everyday items
Angus “Mac” Macgyver was raised by his grandfather after losing his mother at the age of 5, and once his father abandoned him at 10 in Mission City, California. A prodigy when it came to science as well as building things, Mac graduated high school and attended MIT for a couple of years, eventually dropping out to join the US military as an explosive ordinance disposal expert.
After 3 years spent overseas in Iraq he was recruited to a top secret organization called DXS, a government agency tasked with world-saving operations. After a couple of years working for DXS a mission that Mac was on went awry in which the agency’s cover was blown, and one of the team members turned out to be a double agent.
Forced to scramble on the fly to prevent terrorists from gaining a biological weapon, Mac and a reorganized team now including Riley Davis stopped the catastrophe. As a result DXS was no more, rechristened the Phoenix Foundation by Mac himself when asked to come up with a new name. With the cover story of working for a Think Tank, the nature of Mac’s true career is as always kept a secret.
More to come...
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sliverinnocence · 5 years
{dove cameron; female; straight} look who arrive in cedar grove it’s katie knight. she is eighteen years old and a canon character from big time rush. i heard that she can be peppy, but she can also be sassy. i hope she doesn’t cause too much trouble in this town.
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tigger warnings : eating disorder ,anorexia
she was born in minnesota.
katie is set five years after big time dreams
katie is still the same sweet loveable mischievous scheming girl she always been
still helps logan,james,carlos and kendall from time to time
her full name is katherine alexa knight but she prefers to go by katie rather then katherine
no one calls her katherine anymore and prefers it stays that way
even when her father was around in her life he wasn’t around .
once she was one yeras old her father started to disappeared  randomly then reappear it turns out he was having a affair with another woman . once she hit two he disappeared  for good .
when katie was sixteen and the boys went on a long tour ,she had became depressed , kids were bullying her pretty badly calling her ugly,telling she needed to watch her weight ect and where saying lots of stuff that wasn’t true  but katie couldn’t help but believe them.   within the first month they were away she developed an eating disorder . it got so bad that she became about obsess about how much weight and what she eat . at one point she just stop eating Breakfast,Lunch and Dinner.three weeks later she ended up in the Hospital
when the guys came home she acted like normal so they weren’t worried about her , she never told them because she didn’t want them to think any differently about her
she has gotten somewhat better  but one wrong move and everything can go downhill 
because of her father katie developed trust issues . they are towards the male population.she only trust a few males beside her brother . she trusts  his best friends logan,james and carlos.
she always is afraid of of being in a relationship and can’t help but feel like history will repeat itself . sure she been on a few dates in the past but nothing more then that .
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songsandswords-blog · 5 years
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{chris hemsworth; male; heterosexual} look who has arrived in cedar grove it’s roggvir fair-mane. he is thirty years old and an oc from skyrim. i heard that he can be jovial, but he can also be stubborn. i hope he doesn’t cause too much trouble in this town.
Hi guys! I’m peanut! But y’all don’t care about that. So let met tell you about Roggvir
 He is a character based on one of my own from one of my million playthroughs of Skyrim,  just minus all the Dragonborn elements. He’s a Nord and a great warrior. He’s also a bard. 
So basically, he grew up in Whiterun listening to bards sing songs, and tell stories about great warriors. He wanted to be a warrior that bards would sing and tell stories about, but he also wanted to be a bard who would do the singing and storytelling himself; so he decided rather than pick, he would just do both. He left his home at sixteen to go on his first quest, and when he returned to Whiterun, he sang songs and told tales of his adventure, which the people seemed to love listening to. He’s done so ever since.
Roggvir is a fun loving, jovial spirit. He takes a true join in all of his adventures, and an even greater joy in telling stories about them. He’s also a True Nord, and as such, he’s extremely stubborn, and can  be quick to get angry. 
So yeah this description/intro isn’t great but I’m super tired so it’ll have to do. Come plot with my Nord beb
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{Billie Piper; cisfemale; bisexual} look who arrive in cedar grove it’s Rose Tyler. She is 22 years old and a canon character from Doctor Who. i heard that she can be charismatic, but she can also be envious. i hope she doesn’t cause too much trouble in this town.
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Okay so I’m incredibly excited to be here! Here you’ll find a few little bulletpoints for Rose, and I’ll be posting some for Amy asap. I have more decided about Rose than Amy tbh. 
So, if you’ve never seen Doctor Who it’s a little complicated but I’ll explain the best I can? Rose Tyler was the companion of the ninth and tenth doctors. She’s well traveled, and therefore is probably taking this better than most people would, although that’s not to say she's taking it greatly.
This would be the second time in her life that Rose was ripped out of her world and planted in another one. Needless to say she’s confused and willing to do anything to get back. 
Rose is a jealous person, you could almost say possesive over the people in her life. That being said she’s loyal to a fault and will go to the ends of the earth to protect those she loves, literally. 
This version of Rose was ripped out of her world and placed into this one at the end of the episode Journey’s end. 
She has no knowledge of any of The Doctor’s regeneration's after ten, and no knowledge of any companions that come after, either. For now. 
The last thing that happened to Rose in her own world was being dropped off in a parallel universe with the half-human, half-time lord regeneration of the doctor. 
Okay, so I’ll add more if I think of it, but for now this is what I feel is most important? Please, feel free to message me if you want to plot! My inbox will always be open!
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the-peter-kavinsky · 5 years
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(Can’t find his app, so this is Peter Kavinsky, 19, Student)
Grew up in a happy family, the oldest of two.  He loved his parents growing up, but when his father left the family he abandoned Peter too, leaving a hole and some bitterness in his life towards his father.
Has always been sweet, though tends to come across as more over-confident and arrogant.  
Started dating Genevive in high school and fell in love with her, despite knowing she was rather cruel at times.  He let her manipulate him for a couple years before Lara Jean and her letters showed up to shake his life around.  
Lara Jean was always someone he noticed, though through the course of their contract he fell for her hard.  His notes and gestures of affection were all genuine, even though it took her awhile to see it.  She was his one and only through the rest of high school, and his greatest fear was their relationship ending because of college.  
Unfortunately that is exactly what happened, The distance too much and they ended up breaking things off.  It was mutual, but Peter was heartbroken.  He didn’t have any serious relationships for the next year or so, just dating around and figuring out he liked guys too. 
Peter arrived in Cedar Grove finishing up his Sophomore year of college,  disoriented and confused, but he figured things out and is working as well as attending college here.  Might as well roll with whatever’s happening.  
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omegaethans-blog · 5 years
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{Charlie Carver; cismale; homosexual} look who arrive in cedar grove it’s Ethan. He is 21 years old and a canon character from Teen Wolf. i heard that he can be sweet, but he can also be stubborn. i hope he doesn’t cause too much trouble in this town. 
After moving to London and being with Jackson Ethan had pretty much the perfect life he had always wanted to.
Being in Cedar Grove is hard for him as he’s unsure if he’ll ever see Jackson again, and there is a glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe, he will see Aiden again.
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bloodylies-blog1 · 5 years
{ theo james; cismale; homosexual} look who arrive in cedar grove it’s zachariah rollins. he is 36 years old and a oc character from marvel. i heard that he can be quick-thinking, but he can also be abusive. i hope he doesn’t cause too much trouble in this town.
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Welcome Zachariah Rollins, he is a Marvel Oc from New York City. His power is that he can manipulate the weather and has super strength. He has two, due to his parents being powerful, and they passed both powers on to him. He has two younger siblings but they don’t talk much.
Zachariah is an asshole on most occasions but you have those moments where he can be nice. He is slowly on the road to recovery as well, having been a heavy drinker and drug user. 
We’ve plotted this out, but he will be Freddie Stark’s abusive ex-boyfriend who has been getting help. They’ve been broken up for a good few months in Zach’s time-line, so that should be fun.
He isn’t really related to any of the Marvel muses, just a random hoe with powers. 
He likes to party, have fun and he is gay so he will flirt with any guy he finds hot till he’s blue in the face. 
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secretcfthcstars · 5 years
*· ☆,.- {Tyler Blackburn ; cismale; heterosexual} look who arrive in cedar grove it’s Evan Rosier. he is 28 years old and a canon character from Harry Potter. I heard that he can be smooth but he can also be violent. I hope he doesn’t cause too much trouble in this town.
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Evan is a Slytherin pureblood through and through, and not hiding that he is proud of his heritage
while dealing with problems in violent ways in the past, he had grown into a smooth talker able to manipulate people to his will
however, Evan is still short-tempered sometimes, which does often result in him acting before he can think about any possible consquences of his actions
it was no question for Evan to join the ranks of the Death Eaters after shool was over for him
He still has this urge of showing the world he is worth, worth to be a pureblood, a heir in his family.... or, more, he wants those who disagree finally see that they have been in the wrong, and finally bow down and show respect towards him
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bewitchingsculs · 5 years
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{JENSEN ACKLES; CISMALE; BICURIOUS} look who arrive in cedar grove it’s DEAN WINCHESTER. he is 39 years old and a canon character from SUPERNATURAL. i heard that he can be COURAGEOUS, but he can also be STUBBORN. i hope he doesn’t cause too much trouble in this town.
dean is very stubborn as we all know, but hes courageous and very prideful when it comes to family. hes extremely protective of those he loves. i’ve decided to take dean from just before michael takes over his body, so before lucifer was killed. dean is bicurious but prefers his women, though he seems to have an eye on someone he shouldn’t have. lux.
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~ Alex Preston ~
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{Wilson Bethel; male; HOMOSEXUAL} look who arrived in cedar grove it’s alex preston. He is twenty four and a oc from The Originals. i heard that he can be loyal, but he can also be cruel. i hope he doesn’t cause too much trouble in this town. {Tony; 24; eest; he; self harm}
Alex was born In the 10th century A.D. He Is one of the first vampires created by the Mikaelson family. He grew up In a caring and loving family where he never missed anything. Always hunting with his father or helping his mother with the household. Until one day he lost them both from an attack of the cursed ones. Werewolves. Creatures he grew up to despise and hunt for revenge. But the blood he shed was never enough for the pain and loss he faced. After years of hunting these creatures he crossed paths with the first vampires ever created. To him they were something better, stronger ... deadlier. He saw an opportunity to become something greater. Something that would help him kill every single werewolf until they are extinct.
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hera-queen-of-all · 5 years
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{natalie dormer; cisfemale; pansexual} look who arrive in cedar grove it’s hera she is immortal and a canon character from percy jackson. i heard that she can be wise, but she can also be fickle. i hope she doesn’t cause too much trouble in this town
Daughter of the great Titan Cronus and his wife Rhea, she was eaten by her father as a baby but was later freed by her future husband Zeus.
After defeating the Titans, Hera settled into her role as the goddess of marriage, though unwed herself at first.  
when Zeus fell in love with her, she turned down his proposal, only for him later to trick her into being his wife.  At first the love was unrequited, but she eventually fell for her husband.
And of course, as soon as she did he was unfaithful, going to earth to sleep with every and any pretty thing that caught his eye.  Her rage was true and unbridled, his lovers and subsequently his bastard children as well suffering from it.  She killed those that she could, and others were just dogged with bad luck and tragedy all their lives.
Her existence has been much the same throughout all of history, with very few surprises along the way.  She’s flexed and changed along with Western Civilization, but has always remained constant, as has Zeus.
Suddenly appearing in Cedar grove enraged her at first, any of the couples living around her having their relationships nearly destroyed in the force of her rage but she calmed, the Queen of the gods always in control of herself despite her violent temper.  
She’s been in town a month or so now, and has set up a marriage consulting practice, continuing her duties in what ways she can, and somewhat relieved not to have met her love here.  It can be tiring, loving a man who will inevitably betray you again.
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out-of-the-void · 5 years
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dylan o'brien; cismale; pansexual} look who arrive in cedar grove it’s mieczyslaw “stiles” stilinski he is 20 years old and a canon character from teen wolf. i heard that he can be witty, but he can also be reckless. i hope he doesn’t cause too much trouble in this town.
(Not putting a huge amount of backstory here, but for anyone who watched the show. :) )
While he’s rather used to being in dangerous situations and having to figure out how not to die, Stiles was recently possessed by the Nogitsune, the vengeful spirit cruel and taking control of him and his actions.  
It’s been a few years, and while he had another problem fairly immediately after to focus on, and another, then another. The young man is still haunted by what he did as the Nogitsune, and even that feeling of his life slipping through his fingers in the days after they separated.  
Stiles being Stiles though, he has ignored his issues and feelings and pushed onward, telling everyone he’s fine despite his lack of sleep or eating.   
Magically showing up in Maine was oddly not that shocking to him, just another problem to solve.  And he’s actually rather excited by all the odd people and magic he seems to keep encountering.
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{alex høgh andersen; cismale; bisexual} look who arrive in cedar grove it’s tristane manntax adrales. he is twenty seven years old and a oc (playable) character from elder scrolls v: skyrim . i heard that he can be intelligent, but he can also be ambitious. i hope he doesn’t cause too much trouble in this town. {M the trash can here}
Skyrim Wiki for those who are unfamiliar with it
Name: Tristane Orionsson
Race: Breton
Occupation: none for now but will work on it.
Physical appearance: 6″0′ tall; brown hair, blue eyes
Scars: one on the bridge of his nose from battle and various burns and scars from dragons and bandits. 
Tristane was born on High Rock to his father Orion and an unknown mother.  Tristane was always a mage of adventure so when he was old enough he left to explore the places beyond High Rock.  He was falsely taken by the Imperials and was sentenced to beheading even though he wasn’t on the list.  He was saved when a dragon came and destroyed Helgen.  From there and absorbing a dragon soul at the western tower in Whiterun, he found out he was the dragonborn, a mortal who can kill a dragon for good by absorbing its soul.  Tristan is a peacemaker, instead of choosing between the Stormcloaks and the Imperials, he rather stay neutral and try what he can to get them at a standstill and appease both sides.  Regardless of this he is also a troublemaker, causing people mischief whenever he can.  He is a werewolf since he became part of the Circle.  He is also part of the Dark Brotherhood and part of the Thieves Guild.  He is also a Bard and can sing and play the flute and lute
Powers and Abilities:
Shouts: Like a dragon, he can shout to have an effect.  Sometimes he uses it to blast people away, other times he can use it to burn people and freeze people and other effects
Destruction spells: Can create flames, ice, lightning shocks.  He can even create fire, ice, and shock ruins to damage others 
Restoration spells: Can heal others with his healing hands and can heal himself quickly with fast healing
Conjuring spells: Can conjure fire atronachs, his spirit animal which is a wolf, and once a day he can conjure up his spectral assassin Lucien and he lasts until he’s killed
Alchemy:  He doesn’t create potions a lot but he can make healing potions and poisons
Archery/swordsmanship: Is a master swordsman and loves to do archery to hunt
Dragonskin: He can absorb magicka from an enemy
Enchanted Weapons
Ring of Hircine: given to him by Hircine (along with his hide) that is used to help control when he shifts
Dawnbreaker: given to him by Meridia that lets him know when enemies (from what I noticed Draugr) are near and sends out magic that lets them flee
Ebony Blade: given to him by Mephala and when attacking enemies he absorbs their life points 
Wabbajack: given to him by Shegorath that gives unpredictable effects when casted
Sanguine Rose: given to him by Sanguine and that creates Dremora to attack
Aetherium Staff: creates Dwemer guards to attack as well
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old-rcsplendere · 5 years
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{amanda arcuri; cis female; pansexual} look who arrive in cedar grove it’s allison “ally” phillips. she is 16 years old and an oc character from the vampire diaries/legacies. i heard that she can be talented, but she can also be quiet. i hope she doesn’t cause too much trouble in this town.
allison was born in england in a coven of witches similar to the gemini coven in america. 
she was born with a twin brother and someday the two would have to merge.
however when she was little her mom noticed she was a siphoner, and knew that those types of witches were looked down upon.
so her mom gave her up for adoption in america and lied to her coven saying that allsion was killed by a vampire while on vacation. 
allison was adopted by a witch and vampire couple. 
neither of her adoptive moms treated her differently because of her siphoner ability and her mom still taught her magic like a normal witch. 
however, when she turned sixteen her moms learned the truth about where she came from after doing some research.
and through their research allison’s coven found out about her, and went searching for her knowing that in six years she would need to merge.
her moms didn’t want to lose their daughter if she lost the merge, so her mom who was a vampire turned her. and when she turned her, it turned allison into a rare species called a heretic where she was a vampire who could do magic like a normal witch.
and she no longer needed to touch a magical object to use her magic.
they then heard about a school for supernatural kids called the salvatore boarding school and sent allison there so she could be around kids her own age.
however, they only told the school that she was a vampire since they knew heretics weren’t looked well upon. so allison had to keep the witch side of her hidden from everyone.
she is a very talented, creative, & intelligent person. but also very quiet, shy, & insecure about herself. 
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