#ch: [redacted]
jfkonfucius · 2 months
To the 5 Clone High reboot superfans listening, here's my plan to get a renewal: maybe if we go to Twitter and overplay how much of a Tumblr Sexy-man Scudworth is we'll catch the attention of [REDACTED PIECE OF MEDIA] fans and the Clone High Reboot will blow up. Someone give him a top hat or something I don't fucking know!
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Have another messy doodle of a tarot card, paired with the last one cause I like how they look together lol
Rook as The Magician, Beck as The Lovers, not sure who I'll do next
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hvllowheart · 8 months
cheeseburger anon. if still ure still taking prompts from that list!!! i have one…
“ the first time i met you, i had no idea you'd mean this much” with atlas perhaps?? pretty please
"I didn't think it would come to this, you know," Atlas says, tone soft. As soft as the hand they have cupped around your cheek. To hold. To soothe. A little bit of both you suppose, as you feel your thoughts scatter across the floor like debris of a blown apart building. You feel a little like one. Blown to bits, barely able to stand if it weren't for Atlas holding you up.
You swallow, hide a wince as blood dribbles out the side of your mouth. It joins the rest of it by your jaw. Down your chest.
Breathing hurts. As does everything else. The slight breeze on your bared flesh. Your clothes, torn to shreds and sticking to your skin all at once. The hold Atlas has on you despite them wanting to make it gentle. Gentleness was never their forte though. The thought almost cracks you up, but the pain lacing through your chest stops you before it can.
It's better that way. Easier. To take the moment for what it is. An end. A beginning. Something in between that's really just you saying goodbye in the worst possible way Atlas could have imagined. An end and a beginning for you and them.
"The first time I met you--," they begin, tone watery. As wet as their eyes as they look at you. "I remember your look, you know. You were hell-bent on not trusting me."
They run a thumb over your cheek. The drying blood. Your tears mixing with it.
"Maybe you were right in the end." Their thumb stops. Comes to rest on your lips. To feel how air slowly leaves your lungs. How every breath turns slower. Fainter.
"I had no idea you'd mean this much," they confess. Eyes slow to return to yours. When they do, they allow their tears to slip. To hover on the sharp edge of their jaw before they wipe them away, motion rough. To spare you. Or them. From more pain. From something they did to you.
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campbyler · 9 months
i’ve decided that the worst possible punishment for the loser of the bet is confessing his feelings for the winner. imagine the humiliation for either of them of not only losing the counselor competition but also being the first one to admit that they don’t absolutely despise the other and may even L word them. (hint: the L word here is not loser)
the winner would be so absolutely smug it would be insufferable hilarious and adorable all wrapped into one. that’s all :3
the l word in question is actually LOATHE. jk jk but you’re so right wayli that would be TERRIBLE! i hope it doesn’t play out that way!
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annimator · 4 months
Fucked up that I’m gonna miss whatever Fitpac has planned for today because of FUCKING ENGLISH CLASS-
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every-orochimaru · 9 months
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What are the ROs MBTI if you dont mind me asking, along with other characters ☺️
that emoji is so menacing, it's like you're pointing a gun to my head fr 💀
ronan bennett: INFP // the healer. cinnamon roll. pure and simple. most of the things that keep him up at night is thinking about how he can find a way to rehome every orphaned animal in the world. he will definitely cry if he comes across an injured baby animal and while they get necessary treatments in the veterinary clinic (which he drove to at 2 in the morning), he will be sniffling outside and overthinking everything. i would go as far as to say ronan is the waymond wang of the TCS universe, honestly.
célia dupont: ENTJ // the commander. she is definitely not the kind of person you'd wanna cross. besides the fact that she has been brought up all her life to fill the role of the CEO for her family's company, she is a natural leader and tolerates no nonsense. one of the only exceptions to her criticality and cool wrath is the MC who rarely ever faces her ire. célia is scary to almost everyone who works under her, which also doesn't help as she loathes those who bow and lick someone's shoes to get up the high charts. think blair waldorf or jude duarte but a lot less bloodthirsty.
s bakkoush: ENTP // the debater. was this even a surprise? cocky. smart. charismatic. they tick all the boxes for the aforementioned personality. they love engaging in banter with almost anyone when it comes to random things that neither of them would even remember the next day. S is also very competitive, never backing down from a challenge and always aiming to win. this attitude of theirs had greatly helped them in their career but hasn't made them too popular among their competition. but honestly? they do not care about that a smidge 💀 their personality is reminiscent of nick wilde and hange zoë.
i tachibana: ISTP // the virtuoso. their personality is largely individualistic and pragmatic. this all stems from the fact that they has spent most, if not all, their life fending for themselves. it was a ‘survival of the fittest’ kind of world for them and it didn't do their reserved and short-tempered nature any favour. tachibana is also very distrusting, and once their hard-earned loyalty is lost, it is lost forever. while the MC just chips away at the walls they have built, you can tell that they've complicated feelings about it along the story. levi ackerman and katniss everdeen would pretty much come close to summing up their personality.
as for the other characters, these might be a bit skewed cause i had to scratch my brain for them a bit:
james whelan: ENFP // the campaigner.
nebetah: INTP // the logician.
phaidros: ISFJ // the defender.
[redacted]: ISFP // the adventurer.
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wayward-sherlock · 1 month
mutuals sorry for the barrage of 60s music polls but that’s like. my favorite thjng
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deus-ex-mona · 3 months
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i hope they fight (can’t read past this point)
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christopherwilde · 1 year
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part-time soulmate, full-time problem
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coredrill · 4 months
thursday of braaaaaaaaaavern!!!
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albatris · 5 months
I need to subject someone to chapters 6 and 7 when I've finished them bc I'm worried they might be extreeeeemely boring hahahahaha
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burning-academia-if · 1 month
I love Chapter 2's bad ending so much, I hope some of you make obvious bad decisions to get it
Does Lars snap and kill MC?
Chapter 2 bad end: Lars kills you and you spend the rest of the game haunting his ass
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mrs-bluemarine · 17 days
Not done talking about him btw
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campbyler · 5 months
probably late to the party on this question, but the post just found me so I will ask. Why didn’t Jane like Derek? 🤔
there isn’t really any concrete reason or something derek did prior to the break up that made el say Fuck This Guy, it’s just that will is her adoptive brother and she’s naturally going to be a bit protective of him. i think she just felt the vibes were a bit off — will is obviously going to be blinded by the First Bf Effect, but el has the benefit of objectivity that will doesn’t. it’s not that derek treats will badly at all; he could just be doing Better on some fronts, and el knows will deserves Better. duh. 💗
also, we’ve only mentioned this once, but el’s name legally is eleven in acswy! so she wouldn’t go by jane at all :’)
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annimator · 5 months
Literally the worst part about high school is that I’m missing morning crew’s streams like I WANNA WATCH TUBBO THIRDWHEEL FITPAC IS THAT A SIMPLE FUCKING ASK?????
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