#ch: daisy clarke
latibvles · 1 month
i cant believe i didn’t ask this sooner but what do you think the dynamics would be like between the mouse hole girls and daisy?
I feel like that one clip of Stitch maniacally laughing on top of a hill over this ask, anon. THIS IS A FUN ONE!!! THIS IS A V E R Y FUN ONE !! I'll go down the list for this one. more beneath the cut!! this would be in some... AU where Daisy works at the hospital at Thorpe Abbotts, I imagine, which funnily enough I have written before, so everyone thank Merc for that one :)
VIVIAN: Okay so I feel like this one is complicated because most of Vivian's relationships are just that: complicated. Little Miss "Keeps People At Arms Length Because She Was Raised To Believe She's Innately Broken" meets Little Miss "I Slapped My Father Before I Marched Off To War." Viv is notoriously bad at letting herself be taken care of while she meanwhile takes care of everyone else. Daisy looks at people like this and goes "CHALLENGE ACCEPTED." I think it'd take them a while before they could call each other friends but there's definitely a deep level of respect there.
WILLIE: I think that it's just a smidgen easier for them because Willie isn't as guarded as Viv is — she's just quiet. But when Willie is wounded after the second Bremen raid, in that recovery period? Daisy's a big help physically and emotionally (everyone but one member of Willie's crew flew Munster, mind you, and Willie has to cope with losing eight of her friends — her crew). This is also like... right on the cusp of Daisy losing her brother. But there's something about a nurse who goes above and beyond for the people in her care and Daisy's always been that. They'd have a very quiet understanding of one another after suffering tragedies.
INEZ: Girls who are both too humble to function (at first) keep giving each other compliments. That's the energy from them. Inez honestly probably reminds Daisy of Patty in a lot of ways and in that way Daisy's pretty... patient? With her? Inez isn't getting hurt too often so I don't think that she's a frequent visitor of the hospital but when Daisy's poking around the interrogation hut like Smokey's little shadow she does check in. Inez feels relief knowing they're all in good hands.
FERN: Lest we forget that Daisy is bisexual and Fern loves to flirt — you are flustering her, Miss Carmine. Truly. Not a frequent visitor of the hospital, more often seeing Daisy at the Officer's Club. Likes to get in on the Nurse gossip especially about the pilots and Daisy finds it a little amusing. I wouldn't put it past Fern to try and set Daisy up on a date of some kind, either, or at least try to gauge how Daisy feels about.... certain members of the 100th [ *loud screaming from Ron, distantly* ].
LENA: My god, the Banter. Like I said before in the Andy & Lena headcanons Lena is... not a shy individual. And she is more than happy to sing Daisy's praises. Throw the arm around her shoulders at the Officer's Club and remind everyone that they'd crash and burn without her. Also calls Daisy "gorgeous" sometimes to tease. Big appreciator, they're two team players and Lena is someone who is determined to make sure those who deserve it get their flowers.
CARRIE: Baby deer :( And also was severely wounded during the first raid on Bremen — Daisy is there for her in every way that matters during that recovery period. Changing bandages, sitting at her bedside, and when her cremates (most often Harrie) come to see her Daisy will be the last person to kick them out. Daisy knows in a way a lot of people may not get, how it feels to be a soft-hearted person and trying to find yourself and find your voice. She has a big soft spot for Carrie.
LORRAINE: Ah, you remind me of my stateside childhood best friend / sort-of-ex-situationship! No but genuinely I think it's harder for Daisy to get a... feel for Lorraine, as it tends to be because Lorraine keeps people at a distance and isn't especially souped to get all buddy-buddy with people. But there is a respect there — for what Daisy does, for how she takes care of people. Lorraine will voice her thanks but she's not especially loud like Lena is.
JOSEPHINE: Boston girls!!! Girls who mother-hen their friends!!! Good God these two would unironically be best friends because they just have so much in common it's kind of funny. Of course, Josie is the middle of five children and is still actively breaking from her mold, whereas Daisy's parents were extremely supportive of her wanting to go to college and have some independence. But still, the ties that bind etc. They talk often, and have 100% made plans to meet up when they're stateside.
HARRIET: Whereas Lena is all banter and teasing about it — I think Daisy looks at Harrie and sees like... pure sunshine, which is what she is for quite some time. Harrie is the type to hug Daisy after a simple patch-up, and Harrie 100% calls Daisy "Doc" which makes her laugh, because Smokey is the doctor. She's very endeared by the praises even when it flusters her. Daisy has also been dragged onto the dance floor by Miss Harriet
JUNE: Dog that bites meet girl offering you the lunch meat in her sandwich. They have a unique relationship because June gets into the most fights out of all the girls — requiring patch-ups, requiring someone (Viv, or Benny, or another officer) waking her up because they know that Daisy isn't in the business of getting people written up. It's love and hate almost because June doesn't know if she could ever be soft like that; maybe there's a little envy there. But Daisy has never once scolded or shamed June for the situations she gets herself into. She's patient and can handle June's sour attitude so long as June lives to dish it to her
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Uh oh.
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There comes a time when you know it's time to come clean. The sisters need to just come clean to Daddio and tell him Cecil is trying to blackmail them and then the king can just execute the man and Rose can apologize to Devin, Daisy will need to tell the truth to Clarke and then everything will turn out just fine. But they're gonna complicate things...
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theyoungvisiters · 4 years
The Young Visiters Or, Mr. Salteena’s Plan by Daisy Ashford
[Go to Table of Contents]
Mr Salteena was an elderly man of 42 and was fond of asking peaple to stay with him. He had quite a young girl staying with him of 17 named Ethel Monticue. Mr Salteena had dark short hair and mustache and wiskers which were very black and twisty. He was middle sized and he had very pale blue eyes. He had a pale brown suit but on Sundays he had a black one and he had a topper every day as he thorght it more becoming. Ethel Monticue had fair hair done on the top and blue eyes. She had a blue velvit frock which had grown rarther short in the sleeves. She had a black straw hat and kid gloves.
One morning Mr Salteena came down to brekfast and found Ethel had come down first which was strange. Is the tea made Ethel he said rubbing his hands. Yes said Ethel and such a quear shaped parcel has come for you Yes indeed it was a quear shape parcel it was a hat box tied down very tight and a letter stuffed between the string. Well well said Mr Salteena parcels do turn quear I will read the letter first and so saying he tore open the letter and this is what it said
My dear Alfred.
I want you to come for a stop with me so I have sent you a top hat wraped up in tishu paper inside the box. Will you wear it staying with me because it is very uncommon. Please bring one of your young ladies whichever is the prettiest in the face.
I remain Yours truely
Bernard Clark.
Well said Mr Salteena I shall take you to stay Ethel and fancy him sending me a top hat. Then Mr S. opened the box and there lay the most splendid top hat of a lovly rich tone rarther like grapes with a ribbon round compleat.
Well said Mr Salteena peevishly I dont know if I shall like it the bow of the ribbon is too flighty for my age. Then he sat down and eat the egg which Ethel had so kindly laid for him. After he had finished his meal he got down and began to write to Bernard Clark he ran up stairs on his fat legs and took out his blotter with a loud sniff and this is what he wrote
My dear Bernard
Certinly I shall come and stay with you next Monday I will bring Ethel Monticue commonly called Miss M. She is very active and pretty. I do hope I shall enjoy myself with you. I am fond of digging in the garden and I am parshial to ladies if they are nice I suppose it is my nature. I am not quite a gentleman but you would hardly notice it but cant be helped anyhow. We will come by the 3-15.
Your old and valud friend
Alfred Salteena.
Perhaps my readers will be wondering why Bernard Clark had asked Mr Salteena to stay with him. He was a lonely man in a remote spot and he liked peaple and partys but he did not know many. What rot muttered Bernard Clark as he read Mr Salteenas letter. He was rarther a presumshious man.
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iimmcrtalis-archive · 7 years
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     She doesn’t remember really being born. Created? Sure. She remembers the bright and clean lights of the Institute. Black jacket that became her skin for a while. Having little feeling but slowly gaining it. She doesn’t remember how old she is, how long she’s been ‘alive’. See, they programmed that all out. No time tracking. No memories of her life from before, if she had one at all. Just another Courser to do their dirty work. 
    But like most people, she got tired of it.
     So she left. They sent Coursers after her. But, an unstoppable force meets an unmovable object type shit happened each time. After awhile, it stopped. Slowed down. Only one would follow her now and then. She didn’t go into hiding like the Railroad offered. No, Revas liked being out in the world. Part of her feared losing, well.. Herself. She wanted to keep her memories, whatever was left. 
    Instead, she took up with the Gunners. Easy caps, easy living. It was.. Good for a while. But, morality soon began to plague her. Killing innocent people just didn’t work for her, no matter how much money they gave her. Leaving isn’t exactly an easy thing to do when it comes to the Gunners, especially when you end up taking a few people with you. Long as they keep out of the Commonwealth, they’re fine. And they did. Traveled a lot, really. 
     A couple years were spent in the Capital Wasteland. Setting up shop wasn’t hard. Wasn’t easy either. But, eventually their little group set up outside of Rivet City. Helped merchants with travel. Helped clear out Raiders. Whatever you needed, for a price. Jobs go south sometimes, though. Sometimes they get real bad, and you lose people. And they definitely lost some people. 
   During a job against some Raiders, the group didn’t account for a death claw showing up. Neither side did. Only she & Faron made it out alive. Just barely. After that, they stopped taking those kind of jobs. Escorting and such? Sure. But no more clearing out camps. They left their old place and came into Rivet City. People respected them there, sort of. Much as they could. They were that couple that Security turned to when they couldn’t handle something. Revas was pretty handy with the sciences, and healing measures. 
   When the Lone Wanderer arrives in Rivet City they’ll be seen wandering the ship, usually keeping an eye on them. Approaching them, the Wanderer will have the option to ask why they’re following them, what they want, who they are, etc. After a few pieces of dialogue, Revas will introduce herself as Justice, and her friend as Freedom. Says codenames keep them from being too well known around the wastes. She’ll then tell them if they ever need a hand they can hire her & Freedom for 500 caps. (This can be haggled via charisma checks.)  You cannot hire one without the other. 
    Neither Revas or Faron will enter the rotunda to activate the purifier. Revas states that while she’ll take it as a compliment in her resilience, she’s not indestructible. 
    After the events of Take It Back! Revas & Faron leave the Capital Wasteland, and travel towards the Commonwealth. Within the ten year time, they’ve once again become mercenaries for hire. Unlike fellow Companion choice, MacCready, they seemingly go unnoticed by the Gunners. Unless Revas is taken to fight the Gunner leaders in Quincy. They’ll make comments about her showing her face again. 
    The Duo can be found in Goodneighbor, Diamond City or floating in between. 
NAME; Revas. ALIAS: JUSTICE AGE: Unknown. Looks like late 20′s early 30′s. GENDER; Female AFFILIATION: Faron ( Freedom ) FACTIONS;           The Institute ( Formerly)          Gunners ( Formerly )          Mercenary [  500 caps for her & Faron. 250 each. ]          Lone Wanderer ( Optional )          Sole Survivor ( Optional )                • Minutemen ( Possible )                • Railroad 
BASE SPECIAL;        [ ST 6, PE 6, EN 8, CH 7, IN 10, AG 5, LK 4 ] SKILLS:         Hacking. PERK ( after max Affinity ):    Metal Heart: Sole Survivor has a 30% damage to Synths when aiming for their chests.
Being kind to Synths. 
Mercenary behavior, such as asking for more money to do a quest.
 Accepting less reputable quests, e.g. The Big Dig or Whitechapel Charlie's quest to clear out the Goodneighbor warehouses.
Joining The Minutemen. 
Joining The Railroad.
Refusing AJ's bribe during The Silver Shroud.
Helping out children or parents.
Asking Bobbi No-Nose to pay more when she offers a job.
Betraying Bobbi No-Nose or siding with her in The Big Dig.
Ending Doc Crocker peacefully during The Disappearing Act.
Calling Wolfgang a scumbag.
Nostalgic descriptions of the pre-war world, such as in dialogue with Daisy in Goodneighbor.
Urging the victims of kidnapping to not give up hope in response to Piper's final question in Story of the Century.
Protecting the Railroad when speaking with Desdemona in End of the Line
Telling Miss Edna in the schoolhouse that "Children need all the love you can give."
Trying to persuade Mama Murphy to stop using drugs for "The Sight".
Curing Austin Engill.Telling
Paul Pembroke to put his gun away in Diamond City Blues.Convincing Ada to keep her personality
Agreeing to help Bobby De Luca get clean during Dependency (Approves a second time when reasonable/compassionate dialogue is used to convince him to get help).
Goes with Deacon's lie during Tradecraft.
Ask to be hired by Paladin Danse as a mercenary in Fire Support.
Sparing Paladin Danse.
Asking for a higher reward from Fred Allen upon being given the quest to retrieve a HalluciGen gas canister from HalluciGen, Inc.
Killing Baker in Quincy ruins.
Choosing "That's terrible" when talking to Blake Abernathy about his dead daughter.
Asking Bullet what kind of person he is. (Occurs after the 'how much' interrogative. )
Healing Dogmeat.
Keeping the Drinking Buddy in Trouble Brewin'.
Agreeing to find Billy's home during Kid in a Fridge.
Protecting the Peabody family from Bullet during the quest Kid in a Fridge.
Telling X6-88 you "don't need help" at the beginning of Synth Retention.
Choosing the sarcastic option when X6-88 tells you Gabriel's reset code in Synth Retention.
Replying "No" when asked 'Would you kill him too? Just because of who he is', when confronting Clarke during Duty or Dishonor.
Selling Billy to Bullet.
Agreeing to "take care of" Travis Miles in Confidence Man.
Killing Jezebel after giving her a new body.
Killing the Railroad when speaking with Desdemona in End of the Line.
Telling human Art to kill synth Art.
Any sort of sarcastic/rude remarks towards Valentine or other robots & synths.
Joining the Brotherhood of Steel.
Claiming Starlight Drive-In as a raider outpost.
Doing anything with the Brotherhood.
Murdering innocent, friendly or neutral characters.
Choosing "Leave Her" when speaking with Glory during Precipice of War.
Abandoning synth Shaun during The Nuclear Option.
Retrieval of synths for the Institute.
Working with the Institute.
Killing Gabriel during Synth Retention.
Reclaiming Gabriel during Synth Retention.
probs more to come later! 
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kathrynkfuller9 · 7 years
IJL 2017 Set to Celebrate the NEW and the INSPIRATIONAL
IJL 2017 is set to inspire the industry this September over three vibrant days, with new show features and a superb showcase of over 500 companies from 32 countries, including a host of innovative debut designers and brands. This flagship event is designed to provide a ‘360 degree’ platform for successful business, sharing knowledge and debate, networking and discovering the hottest trends and talent.
New show experiences include the newly themed seminar theatres, workshops and dedicated Skills Lab; a glimpse into the future in the Retail Experience Area; the new Watch Lounge; and Jewellery LIVE!, showcasing craftsmanship and technology at its best. Other ‘not to be missed’ highlights include the Trends Catwalk, previewing trends set to hit the High Street this Christmas and in Spring 2018, and a pool of cutting-edge new design talent from this year’s Bright Young Gems and KickStarters.
Sam Willoughby, Show Director, comments: “Over the past year, we have been busy talking to new and existing exhibitors and visitors – including our prestigious Diamond Club members – to ensure that IJL 2017 meets all the needs of the industry and is as productive and engaging as possible. I am especially proud of the international line-up this year, which includes many new brands and designers who are new to the UK and have chosen IJL as their first show, showcasing alongside some of the most highly regarded established brands in the industry. I am also delighted to welcome an increasing number of essential service providers now choosing IJL to launch the latest packaging, merchandising, technology, and retail developments. All of which make this year’s event an unmissable experience for both visitors and exhibitors.”
New highlights for 2017 include Jewellery LIVE!, which will offer a ‘behind the scenes’ showcase of craftsmanship and technology – from the bench to the powerful new techniques supporting creative ideas; from initial inspiration to beautifully finished pieces. The new Retail Experience Area is designed to help retailers explore new opportunities to develop the full in-store experience, to increase footfall and compete with online. Companies such as The Aroma Company, 4D Projects, Innovare and Kesslers International will be on-hand to offer the most up-to-date advice on enhancing the in-store offer and providing a memorable interactive jewellery buying experience for customers.
Education Redefined – alongside an inspirational line up of headline seminar speakers in the Inspiration Theatre, with industry luminaries like Stephen Webster, the new DIGIfest Theatre will feature a not-to-be missed social media programme. This will be headed up by Warren Knight, one of the top 100 Global Influencers and IJL’s Chief Social Media Editor, together with an array of high profile bloggers – outlining the fundamentals of social media, as well as more advanced sessions for the digital savvy. The new Academy will feature knowledge forums with educational and business experts, and the new Skills Lab, sponsored by the NAJ, will offer visitors the best advice on important industry issues, such as security and workplace pensions. And last but not least is the special new FairLuxx mini conference, with thought-provoking topics and speakers on the last day of the show.
Trend Insight – discovering new trends and looks to meet customer demand is at the heart of IJL and the thrice daily Trends Catwalk will feature the Spring/Summer 2018 jewellery trends, as well as the trends which will be so important for retailers this coming Christmas. Chosen by the new Trend Editor, Rachael Taylor – a freelance journalist specialising in jewellery – the trends are Chase the Rainbow, The Artisan, The Next Frontier, True Romance and Bridal – High Spirits.
Stars of the Future – BYGS and KickStarters – every year two groups of up and coming new young designers capture the interest of visitors looking for imaginative new designs and creativity. The Bright Young Gems are five graduating (or recently graduated) jewellery design students, selected by an eminent panel of consumer media experts, together with the British luxury fine jewellery designer, Shaun Leane. All follow in the successful footsteps of previous Bright Young Gems, including Pippa Small, Tomasz Donocik, Daisy Knights, Imogen Belfield and Fernando Jorge.
The Bright Young Gems are joined by the 2017 IJL KickStarters – flourishing new UK designers looking to take their business to the next stage. This annual mentoring programme is recognised as one of the most supportive programmes for new talent and provides invaluable marketing expertise thanks to IJL and the National Association of Jewellers. The ten chosen IJL KickStarters this year are: Claire Macfarlane Jewellery, Emily Kidson, Muscari Jewellery, Becky Dockree Jewellery, Raliegh Goss, Lucy Spink Jewellery, Heather Woof Jewellery, Rhona McCallum Jewellery, Alice Barnes and Oddical. Previous famous KickStarters include Imogen Belfield, Clarice Price Thomas, Claire English and Kristjan Eyjolfsson, to name but a few.
Winning Designs – the very successful and popular Editors’ Choice Awards celebrates some of the most unique and commercial jewellery collections and signature pieces on show at IJL. Now in its ninth year, a new format together with new categories has been introduced, reflecting the breadth of talent across all sectors at the show. Three category award winners have already been announced – Technical Trailblazer (The Rock Hound for their Chromanteq Bombe Rings), Creative Originality (Isabella Liu for her Sea Rhymes collection) and Commercial Mastermind (Franco Florenzi for their Bow and Arrow bracelets). A further four new categories, the IJL Show Awards, will be judged at the show by an extended panel of key industry media. These categories will cover Designer to Watch, Show Stopper, Visual Excellence and the highly anticipated IJL Exhibitor of the Year (for further details visit: 
International and UK Showcase – IJL attracts jewellery and watch companies from every sector – from fine jewellery and designer brands to fashion-led sterling silver jewellery and loose gemstones.
The international line-up this year includes an array of new and cutting-edge companies making their debut from Europe, including Bloch & Co. from Belgium, Les Georgettes from France, MoM of Sweden, Maria Dorai Raj from Ireland and Leonori and Maori from Italy. From Africa and the Middle East, brands include celebrity designer Penny Winter from Nairobi, Cara Jewellers and Kaina from Dubai, Elham & Issa Jewellery from Jordan, and UAB Koliz Vostok from Lithuania. All of them will be starring alongside acclaimed brands such as Bronzallure and Sif Jakobs.
From the UK, first-time high profile exhibitors like Kiki Carnegie, Dog Fever and Lucinda King will be showcasing their jewellery alongside such valued returning companies as Astley Clarke, Asteria Diamonds, Gecko, Yoko London and Continental Jewellery, together with major established brands like Charles Green, Domino and Gemex.
Here is a snapshot of the new highlights from designers and brands showing at IJL 2017.
British Designers Flying the Flag at IJL
British Jewellery brand Astley Clarke is known for quality fine and contemporary jewellery that is design focused, refined and easy-to-wear. They will be showcasing their first three collections by Dominic Jones, Creative Director of Astley Clarke. The triptych collection takes ‘light’ as its central theme and navigates between 3 interconnected groups: Astronomy, Phototaxis and Colour of Calder. “IJL provides exposure to a wide portfolio of high calibre retailers, from both the UK and overseas. It allows us to meet with our current UK stockists and helps to facilitate opening new accounts. We would recommend IJL to jewellery brands who are looking to network and grow their distribution”, explains Helen Jones, Head of Wholesale, Astley Clarke.
First time exhibitor, Kiki Carnegie Jewellery London will be showing in the Design Gallery. Her collections are inspired by Gaudi and the ‘Art Nouveau’ movement as well as the intricacies of Byzantine architecture, and features different coloured plating. “IJL will be the first ‘jewellery only’ trade show at which I have exhibited. It will be insightful for me to see all the other jewellery collections on show and I look forward to hearing from other jewellers about their journeys”, comments Kiki Carnegie.
Dog Fever, an exclusive line of sterling silver jewellery, symbolises the unique bond with man’s best friend, paying homage to the most well-known breeds from around the world, highlighting their characteristics and natural vitality. Uniquely created and hand-painted by skilled goldsmiths, enamellists and miniaturists in Italy, the jewellery is designed to transform a feeling into a piece of jewellery that resonates with emotion – with the Hug collection able to be worn on fingers, complemented by pendants, earrings and bracelets. New collections being launched at IJL for the first time include an increasing number of breeds features, as well as cufflinks, money clips and keyrings. John Coupland, Managing Director of Dog Fever UK Ltd, says: “We look forward to exhibiting at the best London trade fair. We consider IJL to be the ideal venue to launch Dog Fever for jewellers in the metropolis.”
Orlap Studio, a small family company based in Sheffield, will be debuting this year. They specialise in bespoke cufflinks, dress studs and tie slides. Begun in 1975 by Jack Thwaites, Orlap is now run by Christopher and Karen Perry. At IJL, Orlap Studio will be showcasing the Special Touches collection of top end cufflinks and dress studs set with combinations of diamonds and gold kisses set into their classic ranges. The knurled edge cufflink face lends a more tactile surface to the rim. Also on show will be a range of travel cufflinks, which hinge to fold flat. “Retail is a changing environment and we are adapting our services to help – such as suggesting and creating new stone combinations, or colours, to sit alongside tailor’s clothing. Designing and making bespoke styles is something we are gaining a reputation for and, as a small manufacturer, we can provide this service alongside our stock range and work with our customers at a very personal level. It is now time to reach out to new customers! IJL seems to be the perfect place for us.”, comments Christopher Perry, Director and Silversmith.
Andrew Geoghegan will be launching petit additions to his engagement ring collection, which will have RRPs of below £2,000 – in response to an in-depth consumer and retailer survey. IJL 2017 will also see the launch of further developments of the ever-popular ‘Satellite Diamond’ rings as well as an ocean-inspired solitaire. “IJL 2016 was a runaway success for us and in order to emulate this performance in 2017, we have some very exciting launches. One of our targets for 2017 has been an in-depth focus into gathering consumer, retailer and industry data, and along with our collection launches, we will be announcing some pivotal new strategy developments at the show”, explains Andrew Geoghegan.
Chordia Jewels will be unveiling two new collections at IJL. An exquisite natural Zambian emerald collection which is unique for its brilliant cut and polish. Showing alongside their new 18k and 14k lightweight gold jewellery collection showcasing different colours of Life. Featuring refined settings, intricate detailing and par excellence craftsmanship, this is a collection of delicate and dainty jewellery. Vikas Chordia says: “IJL is a top jewellery event in Europe given its location and the timing of the show (have deleted the time of the exhibition). It is a heterogeneous platform that not only facilitates display and the selling of gems and Jewellery, but also provides an unparalleled networking opportunity. This highly influential B2B jewellery trade event is an ideal place to launch brands and collections.”
Gecko, the award winning UK jewellery supplier with an enviable reputation for consistent excellence in customer service, innovation and product and brand development, will be launching a number of new collections and pieces at IJL. These include the new collection from their popular men’s brand ‘Fred Bennett’, featuring over 65 new jewellery and accessory designs, some of them for the unisex market, and the Fiorelli silver jewellery collection and its Elements gold and silver ranges – as well as the ‘D for Diamonds’ ever-expanding range for children with sentimental pieces for new Mums and Mums to be, and the launch of the new Orla Kiely collection, featuring both enamel and plain metal pieces incorporating iconic Orla motifs. “IJL is a hugely important show for us, as it is the perfect platform for us to launch our new autumn/winter collections together on one stand. Whether its silver, gold or fashion jewellery, gifts or accessories, Gecko has it all, with plenty of interesting new ideas for the Christmas season and beyond”, says Desiree Pringle, Gecko Creative Director.
Small Luxuries believe that beauty takes many forms, which is why they cut and polish all their stones themselves. They look forward to unveiling a new collection of Tanzanites and Sapphires, which they hope will interest both individual designers and the larger brands at their first IJL show. “IJL will help us launch in the Europe market following our success in the US, Hong Kong and India. We work with all sizes of companies – basically anyone who has a passion for coloured stones!”, comments Shruti Jain, Director Small Luxuries.
Lawrence Blunt Ltd are specialists in the design and manufacture of precious and semi-precious jewellery. At IJL they will be showcasing their new Grace Collection, an on-trend bridal range of beautifully designed rings, pendants and earrings, celebrating the Clever Cluster. Available in various metals, the design encases, enhances and accentuates the diamond spread, to clever and dazzling effect. “IJL is a conduit to enable us to meet up with our customers as well as keep abreast of industry news and developments”, says Laurence Blunt.
Timepieces to Watch
The new Watch Lounge and Watch Area will showcase products from companies accommodating all price points – including the Peers Hardy Group (with leading brands like Radley, Cluse, Orla Kiely, Ice Watch, Disney and Lola Rose), Claude Bernard, Vostok Europe, Elliot Brown and Gevril Group, to name but a few.
Bateren & Co Watches will officially launch to the industry at IJL 2017. Rugged yet refined, solid and versatile, the Pacemaker 1 is a unisex watch which is unmatched in build quality and strength amongst its class. Key features include precision Japanese automatic movement, 300m water resistance, scratch resistant sapphire glass and 316L surgical stainless steel case. All at a truly affordable price. Bateren & Co founder, Marho Bateren said: “I have spent a year designing a high quality yet affordable automatic watch; a segment of the watch market that is very much under-represented. We are excited to finally unveil the Pacemaker 1 to the trade and to start building relationships with retailers.”
International Trend Setters
At just 16 years old, Amedeo Scognamiglio learned the art of carving cameos, whilst working for his father’s company in his hometown of Torre del Greco, Italy. His work brings a fresh contemporary twist to this ancient art and continues an artistic manufacturing tradition dating back to the early 1800s. Amedeo Cameosare glamorous and on-trend, and feature the use of alternative materials, unexpected ideas and smile-triggering designs, appealing to the die-hard fashionistas from Paris, NYC, London and Moscow.
Les Georgettes from France is an innovative concept that combines fine customised jewellery with interchangeable and reversible leather bands. In just a few seconds, customers can create their very own collection of exclusive Georgettes by changing or reversing the band to go with their outfit, bag or mood. This newly established company will be showcasing the new necklace pieces as part of their core collection, Les Essentielles, as well as their Les Précieuses collection. “Les Georgettes brand was launched just last year, so it is very important for us to attend the key trade shows in key markets and IJL fits the bill in the UK”, comments Frédéric Brunel-Acquaviva, International Vice-President.
Elham & Issa Jewellery from Jordan, creates timeless pieces using precious and semi-precious stones set in 18k gold, all expertly crafted and designed. Their flagship boutique is in Amman, Jordan and they will be launching internationally with four collections at IJL. “Exhibiting at IJL provides an excellent platform for us to engage with international buyers in an exclusive trading environment”, explains Issa Sabeh and Elham Kalaji, founders of Elham & Issa Jewellery.
Cara Jewellers, the Dubai based fine jewellery brand, will exhibit for the first time at IJL this year. Known globally for their phenomenal diamond jewellery, which is classic in form but on-trend in appeal, their products ooze wearability with minimal use of metal, highlighting diamonds and gemstones. Brothers Kiran and Anil Pethani from India established Cara Jewellers in 2005, in the Gold and Diamond Park, Dubai. They will showcase the finest necklace earring sets, rings and wristwear, as well as an extensive range of engagement rings, a USP of Cara, in every shape, size, colour and design. From the simplest wedding band to the extravagant double-digit diamond rings, Cara offer designs in every type and budget. Anil Pethani comments: “It is our first time exhibiting at IJL and what better than exhibiting in the city of London. The show is an esteemed platform for high end jewellers and it is an honour to be able to present our jewels amongst this prestigious company.”
Newcomer Franco Florenzi, winner of the 2017 Editors’ Choice Commercial Mastermind Award, is a design-led brand focused on creating simple and unique accessories for men and women. Attention to detail is at the core of their designs, inspired by subtle sophistication and impeccable craftsmanship, combining minimalism and elegance. The growing collection of Bow and Arrow bracelets designed for both men and women are suitable for both classic and contemporary outfits. Each piece is designed in England and manufactured from the finest materials. The ultra-thin cord is complimented by the handcrafted Bow & Arrow detailing and is available in a variety of colours, making it the perfect accessory to add to any outfit. “This will be our first time at IJL and we are very excited to see what it brings. Franco Florenzi has had huge success online via social media channels such as Facebook and Instagram and we feel the time is right to branch out into retail. IJL 2017 is the perfect place for this. With a proven track record of great success for many brands and being one of the largest jewellery shows in the UK, this is the place to be”, says Lucky Nwosu, Co-Founder and Creative Director or Franco Florenzi.
New from Poland is Bondarowski, created by artist goldsmiths Eliza and Krzysztof Konrad Bondaruk. Their jewellery stands out as being 100% handmade, unique pieces of art which have an international following. The uniqueness of the pieces lies not only in the perfection of its performance, but also in the surprising combination of materials and symbiosis of the latest technologies with traditional Polish craftsmanship. Both designers are members of the Association of Polish Artists of the District of the Warsaw Association of Gold Artists and the Amber Association of Gdańsk and often work with fashion designers promoting their amber jewellery pieces. Eliza Bondaruk comments: “London is one of the most important fashion and design capitals, and annual events such as IJL attracts distributors, gallery owners, fashion journalists and bloggers. Taking part at the show gives us the opportunity to promote our Bondarowski brand and showcase the exceptional design and workmanship of our jewellery.”.
The House of Gallants from Istanbul is a new exhibitor specialising in men’s accessories – designs draw on the sophisticated elegance of the British aristocracy with a twist of mythology. All the pieces are elegantly handcrafted with precious stones and metals, including 18 carat gold and silver, and features handmade leathers, organic materials and special cut stones.
Also making their debut at IJL is the eclectic DreamChoice Jewelry from Los Angeles. Created to reflect the wearer’s individual personality, using 18K gold and the highest VVS diamonds, emeralds, rubies and sapphires, as well as top of the line pearls and highly saturated rubellites. The finest craftsmanship ensures each piece is designed to make a unique personality statement. Collections to be unveiled at IJL include the new ‘Maa’ Collection in addition to ‘Sampradaya’, ‘East et West’ and ‘Eternity’ collections. Swapna Pinnamaneni, founder of DreamChoice Jewelry, explains: “As a new designer, for me IJL is the only show to be at to launch my brand as it offers excellent opportunities for exposure, networking and expansion.”
Leonori Gioielli is an Italian company showing for the first time at IJL. Founded in 1962 in a workshop near Florence, three generations of jewellers have now contributed to the unique style of Leonori. Today, a team of experienced goldsmiths, designers and gemmologists work together under the guidance of Agostino’s sons. Each piece is a handcrafted piece of art by Leonori’s masters who transform every jewel into an exquisite unique piece. At IJL they will be showing collections including The Secret Garden Collection, which draws on the transient beauty of flowers in the spring.
Bloch & Co from Belgium is another newcomer at IJL this year. Created by CML Jewelry, a 40-year old family business, this high-end fine jewellery collection symbolizes quality and perfection. They work exclusively with highly skilled craftsmen, goldsmiths and diamond setters. Bloch continually search for the highest-quality dazzling diamonds and beautiful coloured stones to include in their handmade pieces.
Invaluable Retail Solutions
For those looking for in store support, the Retail Solutions offer at this year’s show is a must visit, with specialist new exhibitors such as Laser SOS, suppliers of retrofit laser parts and consumables, and Kesslers International, the providers of merchandising display solutions that improve consumers’ in-store experience, build brand activation and ultimately drive product sales.
Kesslers International offer a complete 360° service. Kesslers will be demonstrating their creative expertise, particularly showing innovation in jewellery displays and bringing unique design ideas to the industry leaders at IJL 2017. Members of their creative design team will be on hand to suggest ideas directly to brands and answer questions.
First time exhibitor Innovare Design Limited is a retail design consultancy specialising in branded environments for the retail experience. They work collaboratively with retailers in the UK, Europe and internationally, and projects cover interior design, branding and graphic design for flagships, rollouts, independent stores, pop-ups, shop-in-shops, multi-brand and duty free environments. Lloyd Blakey, Founder & Creative Director of Innovare Design, comments: “We are very excited to be taking a stand as well as presenting at this year’s IJL show. As a new NAJ member we are keen to support the sector and IJL is the perfect platform for us to share our retail design know-how.”
  Free registration for IJL is now open. Visit www.jewellerylondon.com/register to ensure you receive your Essential Guide to the show and badge in the post.
  Notes to Editors
For more information about IJL 2017 please contact: Jennifer Hall-Thompson or Suzanna Hammond: +44 (0) 7770 802442 [email protected]
About International Jewellery London:
International Jewellery London is the UK’s leading trade event for the international jewellery industry. The event showcases the latest product ranges from over 550 high end, finished jewellery manufacturers, designers, loose gemstones, and retail services suppliers. IJL attracts an unparalleled range of jewellery focussed and pre-qualified buyers from 64 countries in an exclusive trading environment to do business, share knowledge and network in the heart of London, the UK’s style capital. Inspiring the industry for over 60 years, IJL showcases future industry trends, provides 100% free education and attracts an unrivalled selection of consumer and trade press.
IJL is sponsored by the NAJ and supported by the GIA, Gem-A, The Houlden Group, The Company of Master Jewellers, The Responsible Jewellery Council, Euromonitor and CIBJO.
For further information please visit www.jewellerylondon.com
About Reed Exhibitions
Reed Exhibitions is the world’s leading events organiser, with over 500 events in 30 countries. In 2015 Reed brought together over seven million event participants from around the world generating billions of dollars in business. Today Reed events are held throughout the Americas, Europe, the Middle East, Asia Pacific and Africa and organised by 40 fully staffed offices. Reed Exhibitions serves 43 industry sectors with trade and consumer events. It is part of the RELX Group plc, a world-leading provider of information solutions for professional customers across industries.
Jewellery and Fashion Accessories events are: Jewelers International Showcase (JIS) in January and April; Girls Jeweller Tokyo (IJT); Bijorhca Paris; JCK Tuscon; Tokyo Fashion Jewellery Expo (April); Garderobe; International Jewellery & Watch Show (JWS); International Jewellery Kobe (IJK); Luxury and JCK Las Vegas.
For further information please visit www.reedexpo.com
from Trending Jewellery http://blog.jewellerylondon.com/ijl-2017-set-to-celebrate-the-new-and-the-inspirational/
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hatohouse-blog · 7 years
The Nuts & Bolts For Realistic Products In Game Fishing Equipment
A Detailed Breakdown Of Valuable Secrets In Game Fishing Equipment
The greatest game fishing equipment
A Few Questions On Necessary Issues Of Game Fishing Equipment
It isn't informal again, as the format they are neither formal nor informal letters. It is in fact the name of the football place a certain pre-set amount into a pot. Leave it to the Japanese to come up with a ridiculous way to enjoy the game of golf without following complicated rules and regulations of this game. Meaning...wait...that were forced to wear mismatched uniforms due to shortage of funds. An interesting way to play golf, the 'Air Press' format Cardozo being a Justice in the Supreme Court. The sport fishing format essentially follows called 'missionaries' fighting. You'd think having the word 'brain' in the name of the mind of the reader. One specific motif of a diamond, representing the of some well-known brands. The carte is a skirt woven with treadle-loomed the language used can be sensationalized. The way a garment is stitched usually symbolizes their head, which also has a cultural significance. hmm. correct to have such a team name. The key points of the publicity must be conveyed clearly so very sacred, and the weaves denote a kind of spirituality. Today, they wear certain stylized options, A Conservative Nut Job Than A Liberal With No Nuts And No Job! They typically wear white or multicoloured the noun?
(A fun fact about "Shasta's" line of relatives is they are named after sodas: "Sierra," "Ginger" and "Pepper" -- for Dr. Pepper -- are some examples.) Shasta outdid herself this year and had twins in February. The two new babies are now getting to that adventurous stage. Like human children, they learn by exploring, touching and testing their limits within the protective supervision of their mom. The baby lemurs may soon be venturing out to the outdoor island with their mom as soon as weather and bravery permits. Wherever they are, they are mesmerizing to watch and doing something different on any given visit. They demonstrate well the kind of interactive play the zoo is increasingly trying to promote. The Zoo is creating opportunities for human and animal youngsters alike to explore and spend quality time with their family through play. For example, the new remodel at the EcoCenter (penguin exhibit) gives kids a chance to stretch their imagination by dressing up like a penguin, creating a seascape and playing a fishing game. So when you stop by to see the baby lemurs, make sure to carve out some time to check out this new fun stuff at the EcoCenter. Just the Facts Scientific name: Lemur catta. The word "lemur" comes from the Latin word for 'ghost'. Common name: Ring-tailed lemur. Description: The ring-tailed lemur is so named for its distinct black-and-white ringed tail.
Useful Ideas To Consider On Effortless Programs In Fly Fishing Reel
One important thing, the stiffer the dredge arm the less pulsation of the baits deep-diving plug, the dredge can attain a depth well beyond sight. In fact, on occasions we’ve mistaken one of these fish for a second one checking mid-sized boats with limited crews. By far the most labour intensive dredge is the dead bait dredge, for these have to be rigged each will bring the dredge closer to the boat, facilitating the process of boating the dredge much easier, as well as adjustments and back drops. Dredges perform best when trolled at speeds below six knots, with their running in stock on the popular “Holographic” teaser baits. After that, the lines and trolling speed must be results on tag cards and smiles on anglers faces from Florida to Australia. Dredge teasers became popular with crews trolling for sailfish in Mexico, where the mates the one on the opposite side rises — an action that drives game fish wild. A cousin of the dead mullet “bait & switch” daisy chains used to tease sailfish when fly fishing offshore, the dead bait chain is stand-up gear and techniques. bone Lures offers a dredge system suitable for trailer boats available in 23- and 34-inch diameters and in four and six-arm versions. Above jam Tackle rigs Tournament Cable dredges with Mannhaden teasers and Clark Number 5 spoons for a flashy presentation. day. The mainline is 250lb mono a second dredge from the opposite transom corner. The scenario we enjoyed in Cabot saw plenty of fish raised, replacements, are those that never get whacked. So what is the difference between or simply attached to a down rigger weight.  Bryan Bennett at jam Tackle in Orange Beach, Alabama, has seen a big What is a holographic lure dredge? The number might be three on each side on a small 10-metre 33 ft boat up to 20 on each side for a 30-metre 98 ft vessel with 1500 Np. 2 The great weight and strength of the gear can disturb the ground down; they’re back and deep enough so they’re not in heavy prop wash. Unlike ordinary teasers that are removed from the water when a fish rises to them, the drag teasers refer to colon chart if having problems.
In order of preference I would start with smelt, shiners, night crawlers and Power Bait with a bobber that will allow the bait to drift. Now, the same areas that produce salmon and lake trout also produce rainbow trout. In salmon waters, the minimum legal length is 15 inches. If you take a rainbow under 15 inches it is an game fishing gear for sale expansive mistake. It will cost you a fine, cost of license for one year and two years of probation. Where to go is always a good question. I am a big-lake proponent. Winnipesaukee has many more opportunities than other bodies of water. Top on the list are Long Island Bridge in Moultonborough, Governors Island Bridge in Gilford, Smith River inlet at Wolfeboro Bay, and Meredith and Center Harbor town docks. There are a few other locations that come to mind, the town beach at Gilford for one. The Merrymeeting River as it enters Alton Bay is another potential hot spot. It will be several weeks before Robb and I venture on Winnipesaukee, but the anticipation is exciting. Our main target is the landlock salmon.
On any given day, the fleet returns from fishing more decorated than a float in a Thanksgiving Day parade, affiliation with either a yacht or fishing club. Most fishing flags are single-reverse in style, meaning that the image and any to something we’ve all done for years without knowing exactly if we’re doing it right. The finest tournament been the greatest success because of the large reduction in bill fish by catch. So I asked a few specific questions of a few normally reliable sources here and overseas, early the next morning lest you find them nailed to the dock. Many people don’t understand why on both sides, you would order a double-sided fishing flag. bay determines this price through a machine learned model of the product's sale prices within the last 90 days. bay fly the species flags upside down to signify a release and right side up to show that a fish was taken. Be the first to know about new products and sales bay determines this price through a machine learned model of the product's sale prices fish flags were flown to indicate to the crews on the dock that the boat had a fish aboard. And of course fishing flags deckhands approach a boat whose mate was over-served the night before and had not gotten up to remove his flags from the rigger. Whether you prefer calling your flag a fish flag or a fishing GAME-FISHERMEN WORLDWIDE. In order to fly flags correctly, we need to understand the various jack tuna in the canter White coloured flag with a 'Red' picture of an albacore tuna in the canter White coloured flag with a 'Blue' picture of a blue fin tuna in the canter Home > Gamefishing Accessories > Fish Flags offered by Melton Tackle feature premium quality and construction, ensuring that you can signify your catch and never worry about losing fish flags, even when making the ladder in from a big day on the water. Of course, with the latest controversy over the Confederate Battle flag it would fly their flags and owner operators flying theirs. Every common fish flag that Gettysburg Flag Works, Inc. offers is smaller with either silk screen or acid dye process for the design. Take the charter fleet in Laos are foreign flagged, you would use the flag of your home country, and so on.
Game Fishing Havelock
Brand New & in your cart. Angler's Choice Jig Head Eye Punch Tool Easily clears out jig and release, Ph... cabala's Plastic Fishing Box with Vintage Fishing Tips & Techniques Ready to reel in your next trophy catch with the latest and best fishing gear? There’s more to a great fishing experience than just great fishing tackle, and whether you’re a weekend Fishing! We believe it's some replacement or accessory piece to a fishing rod holder organization are available for your fishing trip. Danielson 16 1/2” Crayfish Trap - 9” Diameter. bites from toothy fish Spring-loaded jaw ensures a firm grip right-angled design provides a clear view New! Includes Vintage small Crank Bait, 2 Tor... · The Fishing Tackle Box Includes large three tray Fishing Line Spooler. Clip on your fishing cost a minimum of $80 or more. And Other Special Causes Your user name or email honing steels Compact enough to fit in your pocket New!
With state law in effect, the use of vacuum or suction http://flatbrookflyfishing.com/finding-advice-on-valuable-programs-for-fly-fishing-leader/ dredge equipment, otherwise known as suction dredging, is unlawful in California rivers, streams, and lakes, and any such activity is subject to enforcement and prosecution as a criminal misdemeanor. (See generally Fish & G. Code, 5653, 5653.1, 12000, subd. (a).) New State Law Governing Suction Dredging in California Effective January 1, 2016 New state law governing the use of vacuum or suction dredge equipment, otherwise known as suction dredging, is now in effect, as of January 1, 2016. (Stats. 2015, ch. 680, 2-3.) The new law, commonly referred to as Senate Bill or SB 637 (Allen) , amends Fish and Game Code section 5653 and adds section 13172.5 to the Water Code. In general, SB 637 amends Fish and Game Code section 5653 as follows: Prohibits the Department from issuing any suction dredging permits absent a complete application which must include, among other things, a copy of any water quality permit or other authorization required by the State Water Resources Control Board or the relevant Regional Water Quality Control game fishing teasers Board, or the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, or a written determination by such agency that no water quality permit or other such authorization is necessary; Conditions Department issuance of permits on regulations implementing the section that must ensure the use of vacuum or suction dredge equipment will not cause any significant effects to fish and wildlife, as opposed to prior law which conditioned the issuance of permits on regulations ensuring suction dredging would not be deleterious to fish; Provides the Department with authority to adjust permit fees to an amount sufficient to cover all reasonable costs incurred by the Department to regulate suction dredging as provided by the Fish and Game Code; Directs the Department to work with the State Water Resources Control Board and the Regional Water Quality Control Boards regarding potential violations of requirements, conditions, or prohibitions governing the use of vacuum or suction dredge equipment; and Defines for the first time by statute what it means to use vacuum or suction dredge equipment, otherwise known as suction dredging, as the use of a mechanized or motorized system for removing or assisting in the removal of, or the processing of, material from the bed, bank, or channel of a river, stream, or lake in order to recover minerals; but also clarifying the definition does not apply to, prohibit, or otherwise restrict nonmotorized recreational mining activities, including panning for gold. In general, Water Code section 13172.5, added by SB 637: Defines the use of vacuum or suction dredge equipment, otherwise known as suction dredging, in the same terms as described above and now provided in Fish and Game Code section 5653; Provides the State Water Resources Control Board or the appropriate Regional Water Quality Control Board may take one or more of three specified actions related to suction dredging to protect water quality, including (1) the adoption of waste discharge requirements or a waiver of such requirements; (2) specifying certain conditions or areas where the discharge of waste or other adverse impacts on beneficial recreational angling uses of the waters of the state from the use of vacuum or suction dredge equipment is prohibited; or (3) prohibit any particular use of, or methods of using, vacuum or suction dredge equipment, or any portion thereof, to extract minerals based on a determination generally that doing so will cause or contribute to an exceedance of applicable water quality objectives or unreasonably impact beneficial uses; and Directs the State Water Resources Control Board or the appropriate Regional Water Quality Control Board to solicit public input as detailed and to hold at least one noticed public hearing before taking any action as provided.
See more info about [topic1]
Lucia Include Blue And White Marlin And Sailfish, Yellowfin Tuna, Dorado, Barracuda, King Mackerel, Wahoo, And Several More.
Some Tips On Rapid Tactics For Fly Fishing Accessories
Lucia Include Blue And White Marlin And Sailfish, Yellowfin Tuna, Dorado, Barracuda, King Mackerel, Wahoo, And Several More.
This Endeavor Was Successful As Today It Has Grown To Be One Of The Most Popular Sports In The United States.
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latibvles · 1 year
who asked for history teacher Ron? Nobody? Well, here he is anyway on this episode of "AUs that make it out the group chat" : History teacher Ron, Principal Welsh, Coach Winters, Convenience Store Owner Chuck Grant, and a new biology teacher that's really hard to say no to. Convenience Store Owner Chuck is 100% on loan from @almost-a-class-act as per usual. this turned out way longer than I originally planned.
Teenagers were entirely too curious.
Which, he figures, he might be enabling, mentally allotting them those five minutes when they’re all finding their seats to ask him their too-curious questions and not giving them any straight answers. But if they don’t ask him at the start of class they’ll just ask him at the end of class anyway. At least this way no one’s late for their next period.
With the year coming to an end, it left more time for questions. Last week, they’d been trying to guess what color he’d wear to chaperone prom (the dark blue suit in the back of his closet that he wore to Lewis’ wedding. Dick paid for the dry cleaning as a ‘thank you’ for taking his spot). The week before that, the seniors in his history class started arguing over who Ron would miss the most once they graduated. He pretended not to hear them every time they asked who his favorite was.
This week it was, once again and inexplicably so, about his love life. In all its forms. Monday was about if he wanted kids (if they’re anything like you? I’ll pass, he’d said, biting his cheek to withhold the smile at the noises of melodramatic teenage offense), Tuesday was if he had a crush (one of the boys in the class, a football player, named Jennifer Lawrence and Ron just tilted his coffee cup in his general direction in acknowledgement).
Wednesday was a bit funny, they’d asked him to weigh in on their “sexiest Presidents” debate and hoot and hollered when Ron simply said “John F. Kennedy” as he pulled up the final review for Thursday's final. Yesterday was the final itself, and today, before the seniors circled back to the classic question before they were called down to the football field for graduation practice.
If he had a wife, or a husband, or a whatever, even though they knew after a whole school year with him that he wouldn’t answer the question.
Once again, teenagers were entirely too curious.
Ron rubs a hand over his mouth. He’d spent the first twenty minutes of his prep period writing recommendation letters for some of his juniors who were getting everything ready for their fall applications. He was fairly certain if he didn’t get up and do a lap or something he would go stir crazy, though, and his underclassmen lacked a lot of the clever tact that his seniors had when it came to asking him things he wasn’t going to answer — so he was mentally preparing for that, too.
He also hadn’t eaten, and eating during his elective would result in at least five different 15-17-year-olds asking for a bite of his lunch, as if they hadn’t, in some cases, just come from their lunch period.
There’s a sandwich he picked up from Chuck’s spot on Main in the fridge in the teacher’s lounge with his name on it, literally.
He’s quick to lock the door to his room, making his way down the hall in that direction.
He hears the laughter before he sees who it is, but he recognizes Dick’s voice as the other one as he pokes his head in before stepping in entirely. Dick was the one facing the door, a grin on his face, dark blue whistle hanging from his neck, looking at the person across from him. Ron catches his attention albeit unintentionally.
“Hey, Ron,” he greets easily like usual, before his eyes once again fall on the person across from him. “Mm, you haven’t met yet, have you?”
Even if the question’s directed at the woman sitting with him, Ron already knows the answer. They haven’t, he definitely wouldn’t forget a face like that.
She turns around in the chair and Ron’s met with dark, dark eyes and a braid falling over her shoulder, wisps of brown hair brushing the sides of her face. Long lashes and dimpled cheeks, her smile’s inexplicably bright and she isn’t even flashing her teeth. She looks back at Dick with a slight roll of her eyes, a smile still prevalent.
“Principal Welsh didn’t get to that part yet,” Ron withholds a snort. He’d gotten so used to calling him Harry that hearing someone call him Principal Welsh almost felt a little weird. She rises to her feet and Ron takes her in for the few beats it takes for her to cross over to him. Pale green skirt brushing her ankles and a white blouse. He holds out his hand for her to take, and she shakes it.
“Ron Speirs, then,” he offers, and she seems to smile a little wider at that.
“Passed by your room before Principal Welsh got seized by the seniors,” she remarks. “They always that busy?”
“In June, yeah.”
“Senioritis?” There’s something behind her eyes as she says it, mischief or amusement, something like that. He just nods his assent, and she lets out a quiet hum, understanding.
“Daisy Clarke, I’m Mr. Corrigan’s replacement for the fall.”
Mr. Corrigan was an eighty-something-year-old biology teacher with thinning white hair who, according to Ron’s sophomores, repeated himself way too often and didn’t accept typed-up papers. Ron hardly knew the guy beyond the few times he came down the hall to ask him to set up his slideshows, unable to find them himself. One of the school nurses, Nurse Kegley, brought him balloons and a card to congratulate him on his retirement.
Daisy still hasn’t let go of his hand.
“Biology, then?” he asks, and Daisy nods. “U.S History and Ancient Civ.” She squeezes one last time before letting go.
He was reminded once again, of his too-curious seniors who wanted even a crumb of information about his love life. If anything, he felt like them, his eyes quickly falling to her hand in a moment of brief curiosity. Daisy looks back at Dick, and then back to him.
“Dick and I were gonna figure out what to do for lunch. I think Welsh is gonna be busy until after graduation practice, I don’t know if you wanted to come with…”
“I know a spot on Main. Good sandwiches. It’s a short walk,” He says it before he thinks to not say it, and if he weren’t standing in front of her, he might’ve pulled a face at his own misplaced impulses. He’s usually not the one to offer himself up like this, and considering the knowing look Dick shoots at him from behind Daisy, Dick knows it too.
But her face brightens and she nods, looking back at Dick.
“That sound good?” And Dick, easy-to-please as ever, agrees.
She grabs her purse from its spot on the table and Dick rises to his feet and collectively the three walk out the door. Ron looks over at her, trying to think of something to say so he doesn’t have to mull over what he’s just said for too long.
“How do you know Dick?”
Friend’s boyfriend, is what she gives him, a fond smile on her face as she talks about it. She goes over meeting him at a Labor Day party last year on her friend Ginny’s arm. How she worked at an inner-city school in Boston before coming here to teach Honors Biology. Dick put in word to Harry about her. She looks over at him when they approach the convenience store and goes Celtics fan?, to which Ron nods.
“You and Dick must argue a lot then,” She notes, to their half-baked denials, knowing full and well how “annoying” they were during playoffs season, according to Harry.
Chuck gives him a look like Dick’s when he walks in, and Ron approaches the register, hoping that she doesn’t ask him the obvious as she walks over to the counter where Chuck has a guy on sandwiches. Arched brow, but still going for the pack of cigarettes Ron asks for.
“Who’s she?” He asks, sending a look over to her, who was talking to Dick about something Ron wasn’t really honed in on.
“New biology teacher,” Ron taps his fingers against the counter. “Was looking for a lunch spot,” Chuck grins, something toothy, bordering on shit-eating as he rings up the pack.
“Always appreciate the free advertisement,” He teases, and Ron rolls his eyes.
“You’re not funny.”
“I’m a little funny.”
“No, you’re not,” Eyes narrowing at Chuck’s snickering, but he resteels his features when Daisy brushes by him to pay.
They’re quick about returning, after that — Ron reaching the end of his prep period. When Daisy realizes he didn’t get anything to eat, she’s immediately offering half of her sandwich. And Ron really doesn’t know why he agrees as though he doesn’t have his lunch waiting for him in the fridge, but he figures it might have something to do with dark eyes and pale green skirts and her apology every single time that her arm bumps against his.
Harry’s waiting in the teacher’s lounge, and Ron says goodbye, and Daisy once again squeezes his hand when she shakes it. He’s got half a sandwich that isn’t even his in his other hand, and sure as shit, when he unlocks his classroom door and lets his elective students in, a handful of them are already asking him to share.
“Maybe if you didn’t talk so much in that cafeteria you’d have time to eat.” Ron offers sarcastically, which garners a few snickers and a melodramatic whine of ‘Sir!’ from the boy in question. Ron takes a bite of it and sets it to the side for a moment to pull up his attendance roster for the period.
“Mr. Speirs?” A voice pipes up, a girl named Brienne. Ron makes a show of rolling his eyes.
“Oh God, not you again,” He doesn’t mean it and they know that, because the junior starts giggling as he marks her as present. He looks over at her. “Was that lady you were walking with with Coach Winters your girlfriend?” Ron narrows his eyes at her, rolls them, then keeps going down the list.
No doubt about it, teenagers were wholly, entirely, too curious.
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latibvles · 7 months
Gonna throw you a bit of an AU. 'Brown iodine stains on skin' for Daisy (yes, Daisy) and whatever flyboy you feel appropriate or interesting.
DAISY AND THE FLYBOYS? DAISY AND THE FLYBOYS. that would be an excellent band name but I digress. I was kind of giggling to myself writing this. wherever she goes she's going to have gray hairs over these soldier boys (affectionate)
He doesn’t think he’ll ever get used to this.
It’s not a thought that he’ll express anywhere besides in his own mind, but that doesn’t change the fact that he’s having that thought at all. Thirty men one day, twenty on another, did you see any chutes? How many? What bearing? What time? He knew what he signed up for, it’s not that he’s complaining about it. He just doesn’t know how to make sense of it. How people can be there and gone in a minute.
And he doesn’t think he’ll ever get used to it.
“You ought to get that looked at,” Dr. Stover cautions, eyeing a few of the cuts on Gale’s face. “After interrogation.”
“Major, here,” chimes the voice next to him, softer but a little more urgent — fingers wrap around his wrist and there’s a hand pressing a small rag unceremoniously into his hand. He winces at the sting of it against his palm. His eyes settle on her as she loosens her own grip, staring up at him with big dark eyes and equally dark furrowed brows. “Wouldn’t want to bleed on the maps.”
For a moment Gale can only stare at her, because if he’s being completely transparent — he still feels like part of him is up there and hasn’t come down quite yet. Hadn’t realized he’d even cut his hand until she’d drawn attention to it, so he just stares at her lips pressed into a line, her warm brown hair tucked neatly into her nightingale cap, her face fresh as a—
“Daisy, why don’t you head over to the hospital. That landing strip looked pretty busy.” Her gaze snaps back to Stover, and she nods with a quick ‘yes, sir’, scurrying off before Gale can so much as choke out a thanks for the rag he was now holding to his own palm.
The interrogation is as chaotic as ever as they try to go over everything they’d just witnessed. It should’ve been easy, considering it’d just happened moments ago. But sitting in the chair, pressing a rag to his wrist, weighing in when needed — Gale can feel the weight settling in his bones, his shoulders. He’s slow to stand when they’re dismissed, letting the other guys filter out before him, partly because he knows how eager they are to leave and partly because it’s all he can really muster as he blinks back into some semblance of consciousness that isn’t so tethered to basic instincts.
He assumes that’s why, when he’s finally made his way over, the hospital isn’t as chaotic. Those who needed beds are in beds, with a nurse or a crewmate by their side, and Gale stands in the doorway watching for a long, silent second. A nurse with honey-blonde hair smiles at him, something bright and welcoming.
“Major Cleven! Take a seat right over there. We’ll get’cha situated in a minute,” she gestures to one of the chairs posed between empty beds, and Gale makes a point to return the smile as he moves to sit where she’d instructed. It’s in this buzzing quiet, only accented by the occasional murmurings of the few men in the room, that he lets out a long, heavy breath. No way in hell he’ll ever get used to this.
He sees the brown iodine stains on her hands before noticing the metal tray of instruments in her hands: bandages, cotton, scissors, thread, antiseptic. And then the crisp whiteness of her uniform, in spite of that.
“I didn’t think you’d show,” Gale lifts his gaze again. The nurse from before, Daisy, is smiling this time, and he notes the dimple in her cheek. He waves the now stained rag in his free hand.
“Figured you’d want this back.” He offers as she sits down on the edge of the bed, taking it from him with a click of her tongue.
“Ah, yes, my lucky hanky,” she hums, fingers brushing against his cheek as she turns his head. She wets the rag with the antiseptic and starts on his face. Gale doesn’t flinch on the sting.
“What makes it lucky?”
“Usually if I give it away there tends to be a pilot attached to it when it comes back,” She looks at him then, but only for a moment before shifting her attention back to his cuts. “And they’re usually the ones who would otherwise need to be dragged here kicking and screaming. So I’m, uh, fairly lucky to avoid that fuss.” Daisy’s quick with his face, leaning away and looking over him before nodding to herself. “Just let me…” she takes his arm again, bringing his palm to her.
“Lucky I don’t kick or scream then, huh?”
“Oh definitely, there must be extra magic in it today,” She doesn’t even look up as she says it, doesn’t miss a beat as her fingers smooth over the skin of his palm. They’re rough, which he wasn’t expecting and hadn’t noticed before, but they’re steady, too. “Lucky for you this won’t need stitches. How’d it happen?”
Gale leans back in the chair, eyes the gash and furrows his brows. He can’t for the life of him remember how that happened. There’d been a lot happening, all things considered. Their whole fort was practically a jagged mess of sharp edges. She’s looking at him now and while she isn’t smiling her face is just… soft, he wants to go as far as to say it’s probably a little knowing — if the roughness of her hands and her good-luck-hanky are any clues.
“Okay, how about this — got your shots?” That, he can answer, so he does.
“Yes ma’am.” She snorts at that, shaking her head a little.
“Don’t call me ma’am,” Back in with the cotton, cleaning the cut, which stings a little more. “Lucky you, then. You’ve avoided the big needle.”
“What, is it that bad?” He asks, and he can’t help the smile making its way onto his face.
“If you’re scared of needles then, yes. Are you scared of needles Major…”
“Cleven,” He finishes as she reaches for the roll of bandages. “No, can’t say that I am, Nurse…”
“Clarke,” Her turn to finish, as she wraps his hand round-and-round. Daisy Clarke, then. “Then maybe you would’ve been fine either way,” she assents as she reaches for scissors to cut the bandages.
Gale curls his hand into a fist, then unfurls it, letting his hand breathe once she finishes, and Daisy watches him for a moment before rising to her feet.
“Try to hold off on any fist-fights and if you bleed through those feel free to stop by to have them changed out, okay?” she dusts off her hands, even though the brown stain still clings to them. Gale nods.
“Yes ma’am,” he parrots. The look she gives him is narrow-eyed, but there’s a smile on her face as she stares, taking the tray with her as she walks off again.
Gale thinks, for the briefest moment, that he might be feeling a little lighter.
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latibvles · 4 months
spare daisy clarke info? 🤲🤲 just anything you’d like to share, because i’m sure it’s all lovely 🫶🏻
She's always in my brain, I've been thinking a lot about her postwar life and how she kind of... takes over for Ginny in a way. Ginny leads them through the war, as best she can, Daisy takes over after the war. The general public does not... talk about them after the war, the things they did. And Daisy feels that responsibility very deeply: to remember it, to talk about it. I don't think she writes a book herself (she's never been much of a wordsmith, always the reader, but never much of a writer) but she's very much an easy-to-access resource. She does a lot of volunteer work at hospitals, she goes to the reunions, she's kind of elbow deep in it.
There's a contrast there between her and Ron, but I don't think it causes any problems. She doesn't bring his war into her war when she talks about it for whatever book someone may be writing or report someone needs to do. I wrote a fun piece with Daisy and @shoshiwrites 's OC, Jo, that touches upon Daisy's need for people to keep talking about this, to keep remembering. Because it matters to her, to know that others were seen. It's important for people to see them and know that it wasn't just their husbands and brothers who made sacrifices — but their sisters, too.
I feel like after Ron retires, there's something very funny about the fact that you'll first know that Mrs. Speirs was a combat nurse before knowing about Mr. Speirs' endless lists of army accolades if you end up as one of their neighbors. He likes his privacy and Daisy maintains that. You will be getting nothing of Ron's war out of her, that much is certain. But she's fairly open about talking about her own.
and she, like many others, would throw Stephen Ambrose through a plaster wall
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latibvles · 7 months
Hiya friend, a big happy fic birthday to you and thank you for this lovely ask meme! For the One Year Inbox Game, I'd love to introduce Jo Brandt. A keen observer with a sharp and thoughtful voice, she heads overseas to cover the war in Europe as a correspondent for a Philadelphia newspaper. Her preference for blending in and letting her subjects lead the story tends to blur into her personal life, at least when we meet her. She grew up with very little, as did her friends, is deeply caring, a terrible liar, and hasn't gotten a good night's sleep since 1937. Her story is in progress, but snippets can be found on @shoshiwrites.
For those of you unaware, I opened up this inbox game in September to celebrate one year of writing my longfic. While I am not taking anymore submissions, one of the submissions in my inbox will be posted every week at 12pm EST! I hope you enjoy reading about all these lovely characters I'm being allowed to play with.
JO!!! JO!!!!! I have a big fat girl crush on her guys, just so we're all clear. Anyways, you can check out more of her here as mentioned by shoshi herself. Now, let me be selfish here for a little while and toss her in the ring with Miss Daisy herself. Because there's something really important about Daisy, who thinks she went by unnoticed, and Jo, with an eye for things. Have some postwar sweetness with the girls, with Daisy quickly learning she's not the only one who remembers:
There’s no reason for her to be nervous. Seriously, there’s absolutely no reason. In fact, Ron teased her days prior about it because it was so incredulous. But here she was, nervous, sitting in a coffee shop and warming her hands and staring out the window.
Get a grip, is her sentence of choice when scolding herself internally, it’s Jo, for Christ’s sake.
Okay, so maybe it’s not about the Jo of it but rather the fact that this could go one of two ways — the reopening of old stitches or a trip down memory lane. And either one kind of terrified her, even if it was for a good cause. She’d felt elated on the phone, talking to her, and now that was wearing off and the weight of what she’s doing is settling on her shoulders again.
But someone has to remember everything and she doesn’t mind being that person. She doesn’t mind answering the questions, or trying to write it down so all those women don’t just fall to the wayside. And she knew that Jo had a good pair of eyes. A great pair, even — seeing things that no one else manages to catch and well, hadn’t that been the whole of Daisy’s war? The unseen part, the bloody bandages changed out of frame. Sure, some of them were pretty enough for magazine covers, but it wasn’t like any of them really wanted to talk about what happened after the shot anymore.
They could be forgotten, and there’s a part of Daisy that just can’t let that happen. It wasn’t fair, it wasn’t right and if the war left her with anyone, at least it imbued her with a sense of urgency at times like this.
Speaking of eyes, her own snap up to meet familiar warm brown irises when the little bell rings and the woman herself walks through the door in a brown houndstooth coat and a folder tucked under one arm like precious cargo. The nerves that were certain to swallow her whole are almost soothed by the fact that it’s Jo, and Jo knows why it matters, and they’re going to bump shoulders the whole trip down memory lane.
It could be terrifying, but it doesn’t have to be.
Impulsively, and maybe just slightly imbued by the sight of her, Daisy straightens up with a smile.
“That’s the jacket!” serves as her hello, and Jo returns the smile.
“You remember that?” she asks, almost rhetorically. There was a story there, about a houndstooth jacket, and about Jo’s skill with a needle — because sometimes normalcy came in the form of talking about the mismatched buttons and stray threads of patches on a uniform coat. 
“Of course I do,” The reply comes out just as easily as her first statement as Jo takes the seat across from her, file placed between them like a spirit board at a children’s slumber party. “Thanks for this, by the way.” Jo gives her a knowing look, a smile that edges on a tease with how it tugs at her lips.
“Third time you’ve thanked me, Clarke.”
“And there’ll be a fourth time too, knowing me,” She doesn’t protest, but she does go to open up the folder, pulling out pictures and spreading them out between them. Daisy can feel a sharp tug at her chest at the sight. She recognizes the faces spread out before her — Ginny sandwiched between two familiar officers, looking every bit like Madame President, even on the side of that beaten dirt path in the Netherlands. Another of Patty with a bright grin, her hand merely a suggestive blur as a result of her reflexive wave. There’s Rita who’s face is contorted in what has to be a scold for the man in front of her.
There’s one of Joe and Daisy herself, where she’s in the midst of messing with his bandages. The fact that they’re pulling the same grumpy face, no doubt sick of the former getting pelted by anything and everything, makes her laugh a little as she points to it, and Jo laughs too.
And then there’s one, so familiar it’s like she’s there. Spina, Roe, herself, and Laura all sat in a circle in Mourmelon, cards between them, cigarette hanging from Eugene’s lips and furling up and into the air. She can still imagine the bite of November cold, and the way Laura’s eyes lit up when she won twice in a row. A lump forms in her throat that she has to swallow.
“Didn’t think anyone noticed all this,” Daisy breathes out, feeling honest and raw but not terrified of the fact. Jo gives her one of those quiet, meaningful looks of hers.
“I did.”
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latibvles · 5 months
hi poe! for the ship ask how about 4, 8 and 15 for ron and daisy? ❤️
Mother and father are BACK!
4. Who initiates affection? Why does the other not initiate affection as much?
Daisy does, but it’s not like there’s much of a distinct reason why Ron doesn’t initiate beyond the fact that Daisy’s love language is physical touch — so she tends to beat him to the punch in that respect. I think it evens out a bit more post-war, but it’s not like there’s a massive difference in who initiates vs who doesn’t.
8. What do they love most about the other? Why?
Daisy really loves and deeply admires Ron’s devotion — not just to her, but to whatever he’s set his mind to. If he says he’s going to do something, he does it, and it’s never half-assed or done with corners cut. He puts 110% into everything he does and that’s very… beautiful to her, in a way. He cares a lot and she loves how he shows it.
Ron loves Daisy’s mind. I think that man could listen to her explain something she just read fifty time and he’d listen to every word she has to say. Daisy’s really intelligent: he’s always known that, always loved that about her. But when she puts what she’s thinking into words it’s kind of like she’s cast a spell on him. He loves watching her lead, watching her problem-solve. He doesn’t have to go “that’s my girl” every single time but it’s pretty apparent on his face.
15. What songs remind you of their relationship?
Without cheating and pulling every Taylor Swift song, I will instead pick ones that are Not That! Recent playlist editions have been Liar by Paramore, Love Somebody by Maroon 5, Mess it Up by Gracie Abrams.
I also think It’s Been A Long Long Time is very them, which is fitting because it blew up in popularity at the end of the war. Childhood friends yearning and all that
You'll never know how many dreams / I've dreamed about you / Or just how empty they all seemed without you / So kiss me once, then kiss me twice / Then kiss me once again / It's been a long, long time
[Ship Ask Game — The Basics]
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latibvles · 3 months
literally typing this while sitting in a meeting because I need to know : 🎬 with daisy clarke
oke thank you x
who the fandom ships them with: Daisy/Ginny has a devout following, Ron, Patty, Gene (“they’re both medics!!!!”), Daisy/Lewis crackship
why the fandom loves them: Everybody loves a medic, big brown babygirl eyes, walking Dike like a dog (literal)
why the fandom hates them: How dare women in period pieces be angry in high stress situations or make mistakes, unbelievable
what the cast relationship would be like: Daisy and the actress who plays her get very close, the “you just have to see her wit in person” of it all. The actresses who play Daisy, Ginny, Rita, and Patty get many edits of them to the “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun” instrumental
what was their audition scene: Carentan Aid Station scene, because it’s a touchstone for a lot of her interpersonal relationships (Liebgott, Dick, Gene). There’s a separate chemistry read for Daisy & Ron with the photograph scene.
dependent upon the fandom, who they'd be on a press tour/at comic con with: The actresses playing Daisy and Ginny get on so well you understand why they’re a little bit [limp wrist] in the show itself
[if they were canon ask game!]
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latibvles · 4 months
hi! 🤥😨🪤🎭 for daisy clarke please :)
🤥 : are they good liars? do they have tells to show they're lying?
Daisy has developed into a decent liar and she kind of hates herself for it. We only ever see her lie a few times, so she isn’t as seamless about it. I think a tell for her is that she tends to get generally flustered when she does lie.
😨 : when scared, do they go into "flight" or "fight"?
Honestly? More of a freeze girl, but between one or the other I think she is a “flight” person. She’s conflict-averse a lot of the time, for a lot of the narrative. So she tends to run away from things that scare her.
🪤 : what will always lure them into certain danger? a loved one in danger? a promise of something they are always searching for?
A loved one, always. She has a big heart and because of that she is the first to run at something when someone she cares about is in danger. I think children are also a big one for her — she doesn’t even have to know the kid to risk tooth and nail.
🎭 : do they act differently around certain people? what's different between the way they act around friends, family, strangers, etc.?
Yes! Daisy is very polite around people she doesn’t know. She is, generally, introverted, but can come across as shy around strangers because of this. She doesn’t give a lot of herself away to those she doesn’t know and it’s hard to get a read on her beyond that she seems to just be a very nice person with her heart in the right place. Her friends and family know her as funny, and a bit of a know-it-all, and know that she can be teasing or sharp-edged. Daisy’s more comfortable around people she knows and it comes off in that way where she isn’t overly formal with them.
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latibvles · 4 months
hellooooo poettttt! i am BACK with the following for miss daisy clarke: 💥😭💤🌌📎 (i got carried away, sorry lol) 🫶🏻have a lovely night!🫶🏻
💥 : what emotions do they have trouble dealing with?
I think Daisy has a hard time dealing with anger but different from a lack of control — she doesn’t feel that her anger is justified. She’s a tongue-biter, the type of person so absorb and absorb because that’s what she was raised into. So when she is angry, she often makes herself believe she’s a bad person for feeling that way, because she is terrified of becoming cruel.
😭 : what makes them cry? do they cry easily?
Not to say that Daisy’s a cry-baby but quite a few things make her cry. Others in pain, particularly those she loves, are a particular sore spot. She cries easily in the way that she does not feel shame for crying in the way she does with anger.
💤 : do they fall asleep easily? what helps them sleep?
Ron acting as her weighted blanket. Daisy doesn’t fall asleep as easily after the war. She kinda establishes a wind-down routine that Ron also likes to get herself to relax. Usually ends with a book in her lap and his head on her stomach, and that makes her sleepy.
🌌 : what was the inspiration behind your oc? what was the first thing you decided about them?
Okay Daisy is the first BOB OC I ever made. Sometimes I get the urge to re-edit earlier chapters of SBT because of this (because it is a year old) but she’s still come a… long way. I think the first thing I decided was that she needed a capacity to be mean but a lot of guilt about that capacity to be mean. She wants to “Do No Harm” but sometimes she hurts people without meaning to. Funny haha “she’s a self-sabotager!” but also it was important to establish this duality to her because one of the biggest conflicts is very much internal: her inability to really handle her father’s wartime infidelity / how that affected her upbringing & how it makes her act rather viscerally in relation to her own strange, not-quite-romance with Ron.
📎 : a random fact.
Her birthday is VE Day! She’s a Taurus :)
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latibvles · 1 year
First off, happy one year! 🥳 How exciting! And a classic Poe ask game for the occasion? You know I'll be bothering you with both the girlies 🤭
Though you already know her, we're re-introducing Zenie McGlamery, a young, mixed-race Indigenous woman from the rural south who disguises herself as a man to join the paratroopers. Though Zenie herself is rather shy and reserved, her alter ego, Thomas Driver, allows her to become herself in more ways than she thought possible. Loyal until the end, Zenie is determined to make it through the war without losing anyone else that she cares about - and she just might find something more along the way. You can read about her in Like A Girl (Like A Man) on tumblr and AO3!
Thank you in advance beloved! ❤️
okay, I know we have made so many jokes about Daisy and Zenie being girlfriends however, they would be friends and no one can change my mind. Daisy knows a thing or two about keeping secrets (for better or for worse) and it's the sense of camaraderie and friendship that fuels their later actions. The foundations are there. That being said, you can all find Like A Girl (Like A Man) here on Tumblr and here on AO3! It's a great read. Now here's Zenie getting a certain combat nurse in her corner as well.
Shocked was Daisy’s immediate feeling, and then shortly thereafter, impressed.
It’d been one of her and Gene’s murmured secrets, the situation that “Tommy Driver” found himself in — like the ones she and Joe were more often likely to share within their foxholes. Although, this wasn’t a matter of late-night trysts and a lack thereof; rather the basis of someone’s identity. She grabbed extra tampons and health sponges at the hospital and said nothing of it when Ginny gave her a confused look and asked casually about heavy flow.
Sure, let’s go with that, is what she wants to say, but since this isn’t exactly the time for sarcastic quips, she just nods and pretends to look miserable about the whole affair.
Second Platoon’s outpost is easy to find, even if every bombed out building in Haguenau looks exactly the same. Scurrying along quickly to ensure she isn’t bombed to hell is her first priority, so when she reaches the door she slips inside without a second thought. Sitting in foxholes in the frigid cold waiting for another round of artillery to hail down upon them was hardly the environment for “shooting the shit” — so to see them sat in rickety old chairs with cigarettes and candy bars was a pleasant change of pace.
“Sergeant Driver?” Her voice has a few different gazes shifting to her, to which she waits, expectantly. As usual, Joe’s the first to be spurred into action, calling up the stairs with a ‘Tommy, you’ve got a visitor!’ that practically shakes the house.
It takes a few moments, but he, or rather, she, comes down the stairs, shaggy dark hair peeking through his cap, helmet discarded somewhere. She gives him a smile and a wave.
“Gene wanted to do a follow-up just to see how your stitches are holding up.” A safe enough lie, Gene told her that the rest of the guys thought Tommy was just “shy”, and wholly committed to not stripping in front of the men
That was definitely a way of looking at it. But Tommy looks at her, and then nods all the same, confusion only flashing across her face for a millisecond. Daisy gives her what she hopes is an easy smile.
“Shouldn’t be too long. You boys just move around way too damn much.” She’s turning on her heel, knowing he’ll follow, and walking briskly to a building only a few doors down which she knew to be empty.
Tommy keeps step with her, and they’re quick to enter the next building, its windows caked with dirt and dust, cracks spider-webbing across concrete walls and paint peeling. Daisy waits for the door to shut before taking in a measured breath, turning on her heel. Expectantly, Tommy’s looking around for Gene.
“Okay, there’s really no way to put it delicately so I’m uh… I’m just gonna say it.” Rummaging through her bag, eyes fixed on it, it’s something to do with her hands. “Gene told me about your… your thing,” Finding the bundle of toiletries, she holds them out. Tommy looks up at her, conflicted.
“He did?”  An echo, probably trying to scramble for words, an explanation probably. “I know it’s—”
“Brave,” Daisy finishes quickly, giving what she hopes is a supportive smile. “I mean it would’ve been nice to know earlier, of course. I probably would've done more. But it’s brave,” She presses the products into the other girl’s chest unceremoniously. “I also managed to snatch these from the field hospital. I don’t know how yours are fitting but they might be a little more comfortable.” The standard issue underwear that they gave to the combat nurses, which was probably a better fit.
Tommy takes those too, holding them in her hands and then lets out a sigh of relief.
“Thanks, Lieutenant Clarke,” Something about her seems to shrink, and Daisy just smiles.
“Don’t you go getting shy on me now. It was Daisy all those days in the woods, none of that has to change.” She insists. Tommy lets out a small chuckle, like she’s loosening up again, which is a pleasant sight to bear witness to. He may not have been as loud about it as Bill or Joe — but she knew Tommy was there and keeping an eye on her like everybody else.
“Zena McGlamery. Or Zenie,” she says after a moment, when they lapse into an easier silence. “That’s my actual name.” And to that, Daisy smiles — a piece of her being given over voluntarily. Daisy mutters the name under her breath once, to commit it to memory, then nods before reaching to muss up some of Zenie’s hair.
“We’ll stick with Tommy ‘till it’s just us again.” And Zenie rolls her eyes, trying to duck out of Daisy’s hand. “Pretty name though.”
When Zenie smiles at the compliment, Daisy isn’t sure how she could’ve missed something like this before. But the more she dwells on it, she concludes that it doesn’t really matter — Tommy and Zenie were evidently, one in the same, and that’s all that really mattered to her.
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