#ch: hannah na
Is there any songs in particular that satoru likes to hear Hannah sing ?
Also how did the students mostly view Hannah ?
I'm so glad you asked.
Satoru likes everything Hannah sings.😆
But seriously, Hannah likes singing traditional/folk songs from her native England. The poor girl is usually unaware she's singing them half the time. The song she sings in the bath from Ch. 6 is called “Oran Na Maighdeann-Mhara,” which is actually a Scottish song. Other songs she loves singing are “Scarborough Fair” “Full Fathom Five” “Simple Gifts” “Be Thou My Vision” “I Dreamt I Dwelt In Marble Halls” “Make Me a Channel of Your Peace” “How Can I Keep From Singing” Stuff that sounds good accapella...alone...(in the bath)
Her voice sounds similar (not quite the same, but very similar) to a young Méav Ní Mhaolchatha (Irish singer).
Simply put, all the students adore Hannah. Hannah is the person you go to when you need something from Satoru, but are too nervous to ask (because let's face it, she can persuade him much better than you can). The students trust her implicitly. If you have a secret you're too afraid to share, want someone you can vent to, or want to openly cry without feeling judged, Hannah is your "go to" person. The lady knows how to keep things confidential. "What happens between us, stays between us." You'll also see Hannah become a more motherly-type figure for the sorcerer family students, particularly towards Maki, Noritoshi, Megumi, and Tsumiki. I plan to write one-shots for each of them, but that won't come till later. There are other things in store for Hannah that I want to show first.
Thank you so much for these questions. I loved answering them.
Take care.❤️
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pinkfey · 2 years
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@arklay @morvaris and @cultistbase tagged me to make some ocs in this classic picrew; thank u so much my beloveds mmmmwah 💕💕💕
tagging: @sanguinettii @calenhads @solasan @shadowglens @narshadda @trvelyans @rosebarsoap @lvllns @steelport @sylkana @swordcoasts @druidgroves @aartyom @ianeiras and you!! i don’t recall who has already been tagged so apologies if u have <3
honeymoon ♡ miss ♡ lara velvet ♡ vayle ♡ neo hannah ♡ ursula ♡ vera
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Get to know me better tag!
@anti-solidcoffee tagged me ❤
name: Hannah
relationship status: no 😭😔
favorite color: purple or teal
pets: one super cute and absolutely untrained 15 year old rescue dog named Tesla
favorite food: I could really go for a Popsicle right now
coke or pepsi: no :)
day or night: yes!
chapstick or lipstick: lipstick! Bright purple today 💜
text or call: calling is overwhelming but I prefer it for longer conversations. Text is perfect for including images, emojis, and gifs
last song I listened to:  Make A Move by Icon For Hire
favorite band/artist/group: In This Moment/ Taylor Swift
any hobbies: reading, Stardew Valley, art, crochet, embroidery, etc.
I’m tagging: @godcursedme @pandapantslovesyou @just-another-lovely-illusion @solar-king and anyone else who would like to participate!
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na-na-namine · 6 years
Operation: Confirm Amanda’s Love! Ch. 1
Series: Little Witch Academia
Characters: Akko/Amanda, Lotte, Sucy, Hannah, Chariot, Croix
Words: 1,540
Genres: Romance, Comedy
A/N: My super late LWA Secret Santa gift for https://twitter.com/r59k6
I’m sorry this took so long.The holiday season was rough and filled with stress and busywork. I’ll try to get chapter 2 finished as soon as I’m able, but this writer’s block isn’t making things easy.
Regardless, Happy New Year and I hope you enjoy this ^^;
Twas the day before Christmas, when all through Luna Nova,
Not a single witch was shopping, not even a for cola.
The candles were lit down the hallways since noon,
In hopes of presents that would arrive soon.
The witches were busy with handmade gifts,
As per tradition of the Academy's scripts.
And Akko in her coat and a red Santa hat,
Is dashing down the halls with a skip in her...
...uh, boots. That look like a... hat...
"Lotte! Sucy! Merry Christmas!"
Akko barges into their living quarters, startling both of her roommates. The sing-songy girl is carrying an armful of holiday-themed gift bags. Lotte places her book down to return the greeting.
"Merry Christmas to you too, Akko!"
"Pasko na naman, puta," Sucy mutters wearily in Tagalog.
"Sucy! Language."
"It's Christmas again, bi-"
Before Sucy could finish, Akko shoves a bag into her hands and then Lotte's.
"Aw, c'mon Sucy! It's the season of giving! How's about you not be a humbug for once?"
While the poison witch inspects the gift incredulously, Lotte opens her own. Inside were a bunch of sugar cookies, sprinkled with what appeared to be red and green stars.
"Wow! Akko, did you make these yourself?"
"Yep! Those baking lessons with Diana really paid off, huh?"
"I'll say," Lotte beams as she plops a cookie into her mouth. A delightful squeal escapes her lips as she savours the flavour. "Oh-my-stars, these are so~ good!"
"Eh. Six-outta-ten, too much milk," Sucy mumbles between bites.
Akko shoots her a dubious look.
"I should fill yours with raw plums next time."
Sucy's only response was a beleaguered shrug. Lotte shakes her head before smiling back to the brunette.
"Thank you so much, Akko! I wish I could give you your present now, but it's not done yet..."
"Ah, don't sweat it, Lotte. I still gotta deliver the rest of these, so you've got plenty of time to finish up!"
Lotte quickly looks over the gift bags in Akko's arms, noticing that someone was off.
"Where is Amanda's?"
Akko perks up from hearing her girlfriend's name.
"Oh, that? I'm not giving it to her yet."
Lotte and Sucy both share a confused glance.
"...Did you two break up again?" questions the latter.
"What? No!" Akko puffs out her cheeks in offense. "And what do you mean 'again'?"
"I'm just sayin- mmph!"
Lotte stuffs a half-eaten cookie into Sucy's mouth before jumping in.
"Did something happen between you two?"
Akko shakes her head before a massive grin stretches across her face.
"Nope! I'm just going to wait until Amanda gives me her present first."
"Um, why's that?"
"It's all part of 'Operation Confirm Amanda's Love on Christmas'!"
Lotte, at a clear loss of words, turns to her other roommate. Still chewing on Lotte's cookie, Sucy merely shrugs her shoulders.
"And, that is...?"
"It's self-explanatory," Akko answers with a fist-pump.
Sucy rolls her eyes. "Riiiiight..."
"Look, I friggin' love Amanda, almost as much as I love you guys! But she can be a bit of a jerk sometimes, y'know?"
"Understatement of the century- mmrph?!"
Lotte cuts off Sucy again with another cookie, her attention not leaving Akko.
"So this time," Akko continues, "I want her to be the one to find me first! That way I can be like, 'Wow, she really does loves me!' and stuff!"
Lotte shuffles on her chair anxiously. "I dunno about this, Akko. That seems like an unhealthy expectation. I mean, what if she's too busy or something?"
"Busy with what? Hitting on other girls?" Akko pouts. "Nah, it'll be fine! She'll pull through, you'll see!"
Sucy, having swallowed the cookies at last, rebuttals with deadpan disbelief.
"Or the two of you of break up agaaaaaannd she's gone."
Both she and Lotte looks on as their roommate dashes off, most likely to deliver the rest of her cookies.
"Gosh, I hope she's right," Lotte mutters with worry.
"Hrm. Knowing Amanda, there's no way she prepared anything."
Sucy gets up from her bed to walk over to Lotte's side. Her toothy grin makes the latter slightly uncomfortable.
"Um, Sucy...?"
"Anyway, I'll be getting my payback now for those cookies earlier."
Sucy wastes no time pinning the now flustered girl onto Akko's bed.
"H-huh? Wait, here? N-now?"
"Consider this your early Christmas gift."
"S-Sucy, maybe we can talk this over- mmph!"
Any objections Lotte might've had are smothered out by Sucy's lips on her own.
Amanda, being the self-proclaimed Ladies' Woman that she is, naturally expects a few girls to shower her with gifts. Tis' the season of giving and all that junk, she'd think. So if she isn't already surprised by that not happening, right now the fiery witch is receiving a gift from the last person she'd ever expect.
"The heck? Hannah England?"
The ginger witch in question has her hands extended out with a quaint present, wrapped neatly in a box. Her expression is cheerful, in contrast to her sarcastic demeanor.
"Here. For you."
Amanda begrudgingly accepts the gift, although she takes a moment to inspect it.
"You didn't rig this thing, did ya?"
Hannah's expression sours. "Merry Christmas to you too, jerkwad."
"Ha! Seeing your frowny face is enough reassurance," Amanda snarks as she tosses the gift up and down. Turning her back, she flicks her fingers in goodbye. "Smell ya later, carrot-head!"
However, she barely manages to strut three steps before Hannah speaks up again.
"You didn't prepare anything for Akko, did you?"
Amanda immediately halts in her tracks, turning her head to meet her accuser's gaze.
"Huh? Of course not."
Hannah stares and blinks vapidly for a few moments, before her lips curl into a sly smirk.
"Ooohhh~?" she hums. "I see, I see. Poor Akko..."
"Wait, what?"
"Knowing that girl, she'll be so sad that you didn't make her anything."
Amanda clicks her tongue in irritation. "Why am I the one who has to get her something?"
"You..." Hannah trails off, her eyes now glaring daggers into Amanda's soul. "...You really don't get it, do you?"
"Hmph," Amanda crosses her arms and prepares to walk away. "I don't wanna hear that from you."
"Then you'll hear it from Professor Ursula," Hannah remarks bitterly. It gets the reaction she expected, with Amanda stiffening in apparent fear.
Finally, she thinks to herself. Time to twist the knife.
"I can see it now! Akko running in tears to her precious Professor," the ginger exclaims in overdramatized acting.
"Now wait just a seco-!"
"Oh, poor Akko," Hannah says in her best Ursula impression. "Was it her? Was it Amanda that made you cry?"
Unfortunately for Amanda, those very words paint an image of a furious Shiny Chariot in her head. The same Chariot she once saw punch a massive dragon with her bare hands. These thoughts send a shiver down her spine.
"Who knows what'll happen if you piss off the professor like that," Hannah sneers, "and it'll only be a matter of time before everyone else finds out."
Against her better judgement, Amanda allows Hannah's words to sink in.
Ugh, this is why Christmas sucks. But, Akko might really be waiting for me, so...
"I can probably stop by the town square or something..."
Hannah shakes her head. "Handmade gifts only, remember?"
"Shit, stupid rules." Amanda pulls out her wand with a new idea. "Maybe I can-"
"You sure it's a good idea to cut corners like that?"
Amanda bites her lip, the frustration of wracking her brain getting to her. Then what the hell is magic good for?
Hannah can't help but sigh pitifully. "Something like cookies would work, right? Akko's were really good, y'know?"
All of a sudden, Amanda perks up. "Cookies?"
Wait, wasn't it Diana who taught Akko how to bake?
With a new plan in mind, Amanda sets off past Hannah for real this time.
"Good luck!" Hannah cheers in near-feigned enthusiasm. "Better hope you're not too late, hun."
Chariot sneezes into her elbow, making sure not to sully the cookies she just received from Akko.
"Wow, that was quite the blast, Chariot," chuckles a voice off to the side.
"It's 'bless you', Croix."
Said ex-professor pays the advice no heed, simply content in enjoying her own Akko-made cookies.
"I gotta say," Croix speaks through bites, "these cookies aren't half bad."
Chariot nods. "Right? Also, don't talk with your mouth ful-"
"But do you know what's better?"
"Croix, no."
Reaching behind her, Croix grabs an unopened cup of instant ramen and presents it Chariot with a grin.
"Cookie ramen."
Chariot frowns disapprovingly.
"Croix, please."
The older woman merely shrugs as she leaves her seat, most likely to fetch some hot water for her ramen. Chariot rolls her eyes, her attention now on the sunset beyond the windowsill.
"I'm still worried about Akko and Ms. O'Neill's relationship..."
"Oh, those two?" Croix remarks across the room. "I'm surprised they're still together after their third breakup."
"I've had my broombas keep tabs. Say, where do you keep the eggnog?"
The only response she got is a thrown book to her skull.
"You're a terrible person, you know that?" Chariot deadpans.
"Sheesh," Croix groans while rubbing her head. "No eggnog for you, then."
To be continued...
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nekonekochan · 4 years
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Pero sinabi ng Panginoon kay Samuel, “Huwag mong tingnan ang tangkad at ang kakisigan niya dahil hindi siya ang pinili ko. Hindi ako tumitingin na gaya ng pagtingin ng tao. Ang taoʼy tumitingin sa panlabas na kaanyuan, ngunit ang tinitingnan koʼy ang puso.”
1 Samuel 16:7 ASND
Samuel, whose name means “heard by God,” was Israel’s last judge as well as a priest and prophet. Samuel was born during the time of the judges at a turning point in Israel’s history. The son of Hannah and Elkanah, Samuel was dedicated to the Lord by his mother. As a little boy, Samuel went to live in the “house of the Lord at Shiloh,” the tabernacle (see 1 Samuel 1:24–28). There he was trained under the guidance of the priest Eli, and there he received a special calling from God (3:1–21). Samuel anointed the first king, Saul (chs. 9–10); and in today’s passage we see him preparing to anoint David, Saul’s replacement (16:1–13).
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dyenree · 6 years
you probably don't know me na hahahahah! former classmate mo ko sa CHS. ang cute mo yung hinarana mo si Mrs. Gonzalez para papasukin ka kasi late ka na. anyare sa inyo ni Hannah? anyare na sa banda mo? galing nyo sa talent show rakrakan kung rakrakan eh. youre still great painting stuff. been your secret fan ever since nkita ko kung gaano ka katalented
tangna who you? seryoso haha.. wala akong maaalalng pilipina classmate ko ky Mrs. Gonzalez. And about ky Hannah? lets just say Im happy knowing I ddnt end up with a bitch. about sa Save our new salvation nmn, we decided to follow our own paths, were still friends tho.. and we’re really planning to reunite and do a gig. after all, S.O.N.S. is the only band I’ve been into :)
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veselymrucoun · 6 years
co mě vede k tomu
že čas od času neodolám
a přečtu si detektivku
když  v í mže tento žánr nepreferuji
nechápu a vždycky jsme z něj zklamaná
jedinou vyjímkou jsou pro mnedetektivky podle abecedySue Grawtonové ale jak říkámnejsem žádný odborník(spíš podvodník) :-)
Hercule Poirot
je opět náhodou a mimoděk přiveden
k případus kterým nemá co do činění
a jehož vyšetřováním je pověřen
"kolega" ze Scotlandyardu"pan Catchpool
záhada je ta
že se ve významném hotelu
objeví jednoho poklidného večera
tři mrtví
temná minulost sahá
z jednohou venkovského hřbitůvku
až do Londýna
ach jo
Hercule Poirot je sice
jako živý
a pohybuje se svižně
se svou hůlčičkou a ostrovtipem
ale na to
aby to člověka zaujalo celé
je to příliš rozvláčné
a podrobné
kromě tohoho vymyslela
Agatha Ch.
HANNAH, Sophie
Vraždy s monogramem. Z angl. orig. přel. Edda Němcová.
Praha, Knižní klub 2014. 338 s.
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pinkfey · 3 years
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tagged by @druidgroves to make some ocs in this picrew!! tysm rae <33 tagging @mrs-theirin @shadowglens @solasan @mendev @bllvkbird @maykr​ and you!!
thea & august (fable) maggie (original) june (tow) hannah (original) cath (fo3)
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osborgs · 3 years
5 livros de romances que começaram com relacionamentos falsos
1º de abril! O famoso Dia Internacional da Mentira é amado por muita gente, mas irrita outras pessoas também. Por isso, a CH resolveu separar algumas mentirinhas fictícias que acabaram em histórias de amor épicas. Afinal, quem não gosta do bom e velho plot de relacionamento falso? Aquele em que os personagens fingem namorar com algum objetivo em comum, mas acabam se apaixonando no processo. Confira 5 livros incríveis com a temática!
EntretenimentoClube do Livro CH: 4 livros indicados por Gabie Fernandes11 jun 2020 – 13h06
Entretenimento10 livros para quem quer começar a ler em inglês12 mar 2021 – 18h03
Comportamento8 livros para conhecer a fundo o movimento feminista e suas vertentes8 mar 2021 – 14h03
1. O Duque e Eu (Os Bridgertons), Julia Quinn
A famosa produção da Netflix foi inspirada na série de livros de Julia Quinn e o primeiro voluma conta a história de Simon e Daphne. Confira mais detalhes do relacionamento dos dois, que começou com um namoro falso! Compre aqui.
Sinopse: Simon Basset, o irresistível duque de Hastings, acaba de retornar a Londres depois de seis anos viajando pelo mundo. Rico, bonito e solteiro, ele é um prato cheio para as mães da alta sociedade, que só pensam em arrumar um bom partido para suas filhas. Simon, porém, tem o firme propósito de nunca se casar. Assim, para se livrar das garras dessas mulheres, precisa de um plano infalível. É quando entra em cena Daphne Bridgerton, a irmã mais nova de seu melhor amigo. Apesar de espirituosa e dona de uma personalidade marcante, todos os homens que se interessam por ela são velhos demais, pouco inteligentes ou destituídos de qualquer tipo de charme. E os que têm potencial para ser bons maridos só a veem como uma boa amiga. A ideia de Simon é fingir que a corteja. Dessa forma, de uma tacada só, ele conseguirá afastar as jovens obcecadas por um marido e atrairá vários pretendentes para Daphne. Afinal, se um duque está interessado nela, a jovem deve ter mais atrativos do que aparenta.
Mas, à medida que a farsa dos dois se desenrola, o sorriso malicioso e os olhos cheios de desejo de Simon tornam cada vez mais difícil para Daphne lembrar que tudo não passa de fingimento. Agora, ela precisa fazer o impossível para não se apaixonar por esse conquistador inveterado que tem aversão a tudo o que ela mais quer na vida.
2. O Acordo, Elle Kennedy
O romance young adult é o primeiro da série Amores Improváveis, de Elle Kennedy, e narra a história de um grupo de amigos que jogam no time de hockey de uma famosa universidade dos Estados Unidos e como suas vidas foram completamente mudadas pelo amor. Em O Acordo você tem um pouquinho de tudo! Namoro falso, inimigos que viram amigos e se apaixonam, um combo completo! Compre aqui.
Sinopse: Hannah Wells finalmente encontrou alguém que a interessasse. Embora seja autoconfiante em vários outros aspectos da vida, carrega nas costas uma bagagem e tanto quando o assunto é sexo e sedução. Não vai ter jeito: ela vai ter que sair da zona de conforto… Mesmo que isso signifique dar aulas particulares para o infantil, irritante e convencido capitão do time de hóquei, em troca de um encontro de mentirinha. Tudo o que Garrett Graham quer é se formar para poder jogar hóquei profissional. Mas suas notas cada vez mais baixas estão ameaçando arruinar tudo aquilo pelo que tanto se dedicou. Se ajudar uma garota linda e sarcástica a fazer ciúmes em outro cara puder garantir sua vaga no time, ele topa. Mas o que era apenas uma troca de favores entre dois opostos acaba se tornando uma amizade inesperada. Até que um beijo faz que Hannah e Garret precisem repensar os termos de seu acordo.
Continua após a publicidade
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O Acordo, Para Todos os Garotos Que Já Amei, O Duque e Eu (Os Bridgertons)Amazon/Reprodução
3. Para Todos os Garotos Que Já Amei, Jenny Han
Já conhecida por bastante gente, a trilogia apaixonante de Jenny Han foi adaptada pela Netflix e os três filmes já estão disponíveis na plataforma. Se você amou acompanhar a trajetória de Peter K. e Lara Jean, vem descobrir um pouco mais sobre o casal nos livros! Compre aqui.
Sinopse: Lara Jean Song é uma menina descendente de coreanos que guarda suas cartas de amor em uma caixa de chapéu que ganhou da mãe. Mas não são cartas escritas para ela, e sim por ela. Uma para cada garoto que Lara Jean já amou – cinco ao todo. Escrevendo, a filha do meio da família Song — uma garota inteligente, planejada e responsável, que tem a receita do cookie perfeito — consegue abrir o coração e colocar em palavras tudo aquilo que não é capaz de dizer em voz alta. São palavras, afinal, que jamais serão lidas por ninguém. Quando, porém, essas cartas secretas são enviadas aos destinatários, a vida de Lara Jean sai do papel e se transforma em algo que ela não pode mais controlar. Algo, talvez, muito mais emocionante.
4. Namorado de Aluguel, Kasie West
Gia não imagina que sua vida vai mudar tanto quando conhece um estranho e pede que ele a ajude em uma situação de desespero. A garota pede que ele finja ser namorado dela por apenas 2 horas, mas as coisas podem ficar bem mais complicadas do que ela imagina. Compre aqui.
Sinopse: Quando Bradley, o namorado de Gia Montgomery, termina com ela no estacionamento do baile de formatura, ela precisa pensar rápido. Afinal, ela vem falando dele para suas amigas há meses. Esta era para ser a noite em que ela provaria que ele não é uma invenção de sua cabeça. Então, quando vê um garoto esperando pela irmã no estacionamento do baile, Gia o recruta para ajudá-la. A tarefa é simples: passar por namorado dela ― apenas duas horas, nenhum compromisso, algumas mentirinhas. Depois disso, ela pode tentar reconquistar o verdadeiro Bradley. O problema é que, alguns dias depois do baile, não é em Bradley que Gia está pensando, mas no substituto. Aquele cujo nome ela nem sabe. Mas localizá-lo não significa que o relacionamento de mentira deles acabou. Gia deve um favor a esse cara, e a irmã dele tem a solução perfeita: a festa de formatura da ex-namorada dele ― apenas três horas, nenhum compromisso, algumas mentirinhas. E, justamente quando Gia começa a se perguntar se pode transformar seu namorado falso em real, Bradley reaparece, expondo sua farsa e ameaçando destruir suas amizades e seu novo relacionamento.
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Namorado de Aluguel e Aliança de CasamentoAmazon/Reprodução
5. Aliança de Casamento, Jasmine Guillory
Sabe aquela história clichê (que amamos) de convidar alguém para fingir seu acompanhante em um casamento? É isso que acontece em Aliança de Casamento, da Jasmine Guillory. Como sempre, o casal acaba se divertindo mais do que o esperado e um sentimento começa a surgir! Compre aqui.
Sinopse: Concordar em ir a um casamento com um cara que ela mal conhece é algo que Alexa Monroe normalmente não faria. Mas há algo em Drew Nichols que torna o convite impossível de resistir. Na véspera da festa de casamento de sua ex-namorada, Drew está sem uma acompanhante. Até que uma queda de energia o deixa preso no elevador com a candidata perfeita para se passar por sua namorada. Alexa e Drew acabam se divertindo mais do que previam, mas Drew precisa voltar para Los Angeles, onde trabalha como cirurgião pediátrico, e Alexa precisam voltar para Berkeley, onde é a chefe de gabinete do prefeito. Mas eles não conseguem parar de pensar um no outro… Será que a química eletrizante entre eles sobreviverá à distância?
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