#ch: kevin im
tothemaxie · 6 months
Someone tell me how I've been obsessed with Kevin Ford for YEARS and somehow never considered him having internalised homophobia? Like??? That hc makes so much sense and hurts so bad and I love it?
Like don't get me wrong, Josh is incredibly hate-able. But the level of hate that Kevin has for Josh is kinda wild??? And if Kevin knew that - in theory - there was a chance that he could touch Josh... And he had a slight crush on him (which, like, Josh was supposed to be like super cute so makes sense)... But he was a dude??? Not allowed???
Idk but my mind is going places with this and those places are angsty
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stray-crow · 5 months
Week 15: Apr 15 - 21
226 words for unnamed aftg fic (tag story: whatever the fox says?)
edited in 157 words for Shaking Kevin, which i also deleted what felt like a lot so when i saw the word count had gone up i was like "...Okay" ajxhskdh;;
428 words brain dump for some old men being sickenely in gay love ٩( ᐛ )و i shall def revisit to weave a short oneshot of fluffs......
thursday through saturday i didnt write due to the Exhaustion
472 words for that unnamed rehab!au wip. somehow (Neil Fucking Josten) it got a Plotting plot and im shaking Neil cause we can't have a normal day i guess??
April's Goal: 4203/6000
April's Progress: 70.1%
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anominous-user · 2 years
I sure do hope that flame-chasers anime includes Dystopia and Griseo's parents, and perhaps some Emile content as well
oh yeah I'm also kinda hoping for that as well.. though considering the anime's set in the Golden Courtyard AU apparently (same as Summer Survival Rhapsody A+B) i'm not sure if they'll make in-person appearances. though i wouldn't be surprised if they appeared in flashbacks, just for that good dose of angst
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inutaffy · 1 year
put a 2 on the board of amount ofboys that have kissed archie
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purplepanda123 · 8 months
Hello all my friend :D
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This is my oc!
Name: zert
My Moon: Jose
Age: 14
Live in: i move back to Malaysia🇲🇾!
Country: im half uk 🇬🇧 and half Malaysian 🇲🇾
Religion: Muslim☪️ (i respect all religion)
Birthday: 10th june
Friend: yes. I have many of them
Idol: @dokidobe @ticklessolarballs @netuniark
Reason they become my idol: I LOVE THEIR ART SOOOO MUCH :D!!
Favorite fandom: equestria girl, mlp,solarballs
Will i accept you if you want to be my friend: OFC!! I like having New friend
i will sometime didn't post because have some school work to do :( but i will check dokidobe, epichoccymilk and anniek tumblr account everyday because i want to see their New post :D
Also for mlp or equestria girl tickle fic you guys can request background character too! Example: ler Lyra lee vinyl.... And also.... Please don't request lee! Rainbow dash, lee! pinkie,lee! Applejack, lee!/ler! Chs/canterlot high school sci-twi.... It make Me feel So uncomfortable....and please.... Only request the fandom im in...
Fandom im in:
Equestria girl
Dasi gantung
The amazing digital circus
Fundamental paper education
Murder Drones (lee! Uzi fic only since N the one who always get tickle)
Lackadaisy (lee! Ivy only!!)
Indigo park
Hetalia (Any of the ASEAN only!)
And for fic im doing all the fandom im in.... (I cant draw human or ponies)
And for art i only do solarballs, appballs and countryball (i will make oc too!)
For equestria girl, mlp,fundamental paper education,the amazing digital circus,Murder drones and dasi gantung i cant do your oc because it was weird
For fundamental paper education i don't accept lee! Any of the teacher or lee! Oliver, Edward, robby and kevin
For indigo Park i don't Accept lee! Lyold
i'm a multishipper!
For my fic i accept any ship expect for proshipper
My beloved favorite character:
Solarballs: callisto, titania and dione
Appballs: X/twitter
Fpe: Lizzy, Claire and Alice
Mlp: Twilight, trixie and Sunburst
Equestria girls: Crystal prep sci-twi, sunny flare, lemon Zest and Timber
Dasi gantung: vany and ratara
Countryball: no favorite! I love many country
Workerboi: Disney and netflix
The amazing digital Circus: pomni, zooble and gummigoo
Spaceball: Sun and Pluto
Murder Drones: uzi and v
Lackadaisy: ivy! (SHE'S SO CUTE SJDBDIK)
Indigo Park: mollie
Hetalia: Malaysia and singapore
Warning: please call me zert because the only people that can call me zim is someone who is close to me like alther, aktani,doki, annie, Justin and much more people who is my friend/buddy because im very UNCOMFORTABLE TO GET CALL ZIM BY SOME PEOPLE
Somethings... Something not right...... What is it?..... I don't know either.....
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ch 35 part 3 ramblings
yes im catching up on the story...
also umm some things aren't in order bc i just tossed all of my screencaps haphazardly in a file 🥹
the dream/collective unconscious stuff was much more understandable than all da physics which is kinda funny coming from a former engineering student. but also i eat that jungian psychology shit up.....
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phenomenal entry. is there anything better than girlbeef
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i saw this dialogue ages ago and it still hits so hard. nothing else at stake here nope!!
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from a jungian perspective i just think these texts were neat. hos is someone who puts on an egotistical mask/bravado but is actually very sensible about her power and place in the world, seeing how she knew very well that she couldn't defeat kevin head on, and is still afflicted by the "traces of fu hua" to this day and therefore lacks a true sense of self
the latter thing really bugs her, so much so that i personally think she Was considering "ego death" to get a fresh start and ultimately free herself from memories that never belonged to her. but at the same time she is the most fucked up paradoxical character who also wouldn't want that for herself... do you understand me (no
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here is an example of such paradoxical traits ("childish" and destructive but also very smart and likes to hold back her power/not show her trump cards). but also mhy keeps doing this thing where they show hos being immature googoo gaga and then later they remind the audience like "she's not ACTUALLY childish she can hack your mind hehe...." like i get it. i mean 90% of the fanbase still doesn't but like please find a middle ground...
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this description was sexy though.
overall the hos segment of this was REALLY good and i loved all of the cool poses/expressions/one-ups she had. it was kinda smooth sailing from here until the fuckin ai-chan shit which broke up the tension and pacing of everything and i feel it'd be much better if she was cut out completely... although this did give me a stroke
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i must say i pogged at the whole spaceship fight sequence....
i don't have anything to say about the ending cg other than it was the thing that pissed me off so much that i had to take a hiatus from this game. i'll cap it off with this though
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this PART gets a 7/10 and was significantly better than the previous parts and chapters (everybody say thank you hos for the carry and also this captain
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elegyofthemoon · 4 months
slight honkai ramble since im currently playing through ch 20
idk why i'm actually kinda fond of this scene where kiana's the one whose being distrusting because it really contrasts what you'd expect out of the persona she put up at the beginning of the game, and then have bronya be the one to remind kiana to believe in the good of others - bronya, the one who had yearned so much to be treated like another human being and found it during her time in the orphanage and then at st freya. its a small conversation but its sO good
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you have no idea how excited i am though to learn more about the flamechasers. i have a few memories already unlocked in elysian realm because i'm impatient and i love running through them but getting to see more about them via fu hua's memories + the divine key manga is soooo painful. i hope we get to know more about fu hua's captain and even the relationship between the captain and kevin.
also kevin killing the captain though. idk why that through me back to one of kiana's flashbacks about himeko telling the girls on their first mission that if she turns into a zombie to kill her off. so i'm mostly just waiting around to see a more vivid flashback about the captain than her death scene being displayed all the time.
i was also thinking too. hua trying to argue with kevin that the captain did not become a herrscher reminds me so much of chen tianwu and ana schariac's story where tianwu really believed ana can be saved from being a herrscher only to turn herrscher himself and both of them dying as a result. i wonder then if tianwu and ana's story was meant to mean anything in relation to hua's feelings here, outside of being a parallel to mei's downfall as well. HMMM...
and one last thing
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kiana arguing about why is fu hua doing things on her own (i mean: fu hua forgot a lot of her memories but--). thats almost ironic given kiana was so ready to shoulder the world and fight for good on her OWN AND THATS WHY MEI IS IN THE POSITION SHE IS NOW ORZ
these girls and trying to do things alone. GUYS YOU ALL LOVE EACH OTHER PLEASE --
but man, i sure am enjoying myself: more flamechaser stuff and more fu hua !! so im really excited to see how the rest of this story goes.
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joaofelixsgf · 1 year
un solo mensaje q no?…
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An American girl ch.1
Aynarilla was different from the others, often closed but not afraid to stand up for herself. She had no friends in middle school up to high school but no matter what….. everyone respected her, her presence was praised.
She used it to get her grades up and entered Victoria’s Secret at age 22 she is named the youngest Victorias secret model.That was barely a year ago.
She was born in Spain to Mexican parents and raised in Guadalajara and caught attention for her surprising beautiful looks, at age 13 she became a professional model and continued on after that, in her career she’s learned that men are skunks.
A year ago she was signed to Victoria’s Secret and another big agency, she moved to Los Angeles, she was  nervous but excited to expand her career, despite not having friends most of her life she made a few since in her agency she met a lot of girls like her,but one caught her attention, izabel.
Izabel was from Brazil and had a similar experience in the community like aynarilla,it’s been her only friend for the past year, aynarillas parents liked the idea because they hadn’t seen aynarilla have a friend in years.
I was reading a magazine when my parents called me, my eyes could’ve teared up by my excitement, “ama!”, “hola hija!, (mija!)” i can hear my fathers raspy voice in the back, I giggle and respond “los extraño bastante…” I sigh holding my phone back as thoughts rush in to my mind.
Before I say anything my mother speaks “y cómo está todo, bien? O q, no me digas q encontrasteis novio!!??(que???!” My mother teases me and I hear my father shout.
After we talked for 10 minutes “bueno ama te tengo que dejar, buenas noches ama y apá que suenan con los angelitos” i mua at the phone and hear small little kisses “buenas noches hijita”, she hangs up and I start to get ready to sleep.
I scroll through instagram, I decide to post a cute little picture I had tooken earlier “cómo están mis amorcitos?…” the moment I post i already have 400,00 views and someone has liked. I giggle when I notice Neymar and Kevin Alvarez have. I think to myself “me cagan los hombres pero enserio estos guapones!!!” I bite my lip and kick my legs up and down.
@ch14_ has started following you
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who is this?, I wonder. I click onto his profile wondering when I notice it’s Chicharito,I wasn’t the biggest football fan growing up but my father was a #1 chivas fan considering the fact that we are from Guadalajara, I screenshot and send it to my father.
something inside of me kept on going, I started to stalk his profile and found out he was playing for l.a. he could possibly be my neighbor, who am I kidding! It’s just surprising knowing he could be 2 minutes away from me, I think to myself and I bite my lip, he’s damn fine HELL!
I’ve never been the type to touch myself to a man. Always been just allergic to them, I guess that became my personality after some time, but I couldn’t help it when I saw him.
I Didnt realize I had been full on touching myself until I let out a loud moan, thankfully I live alone. I’ve never done that, I think to myself. One second im stalking him the next touching myself to him, oh god what was I doing??
Feeling mesmerized over him, I dmed him “hola.”
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bcstworkouts · 5 months
Week 37 - May 8 - Senior Prep
400 – sw/k/dr/sw @7:30
8x50 k/sw desc 1-4 @:50
75- 25 drill /50 build to finish @1:20
25 – 5 sec wall k to 15!/10scull @:45
50 - 15!/35 drill @1:05
50 - build@1
50 - 200P @:55
100 ch. prep
Kevin Invitational - in yesterday’s TEAMS
2 people from ea. TEAM in an event
must swim at least 2 events
200 FR
100 BK
100 BR
150 FL
50 FR
100 FR
200 BK
150 BR
100 FL
 200 IM
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ahsokatanoe · 4 years
in this essay i will explain 1. why sabine wren, fenn rau, and din djarin would make the ultimate Mando Trio, 2. why sabine and din meeting/interacting would be so interesting (because they are on the opposite ends of the mandalorian spectrum) and also how sabine can teach him how to wield the darksaber, and 3. why fenn & din would be besties and how fenn would make a great confidant to din while he is in the possession of the darksaber
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ourravenboys · 4 years
the fact that like some of the best exy players are SO SHORT is really funny to me like it’s lowkey unrealistic that these professional athletes are 5′2 (but also it is a fake sport so)....like pls these r the shortest players skjsfjknsf
andrew and aaron-5′0
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tothemaxie · 4 months
Peach PRC releasing You're So Lucky You're Gorgeous as a personal gift to me so that I could tell you all that that is how Kevin Ford feels about Josh Foley's dumb blonde ass
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stray-crow · 10 months
today's word count: 277
December's Goal: 1473/7502
WIP(s): Shaking Kevin in a Bottle
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dnawield--a · 4 years
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Black Mamba
For the most part, you are totally shy and don't go looking for any trouble, but when someone confronts you, it is game on. When someone makes you mad, you don't stop until that person is destroyed entirely. Just like the Black Mamba, when you bite back, it is pretty much always fatal for your opponent.
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aquickstart · 5 years
no straight person would EVER tattoo a chess queen on their cheek, regardless of glorious revenge over horrible abusers. kevin day is THAT BISEXUAL bitch who thrives on people screaming “QUEEN” everywhere he goes
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maraariana01 · 6 years
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