#xmen comics
beans-ha · 3 days
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Drew Charles Xavier inspired by one of my favorite artists J.C. Leyendecker a month or so ago.
Absolutely loved playing with the shading and colors and I think that the style suits him.
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bamfkeeper · 3 days
Um please look I wanted to share 💙 kinda suggestive?? idk
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source: Immortal X-Men #7 (2022)
Frothing at the mouth at these 😩 I love Kurt in every depiction, but something about him with a goatee is *SCREAMS*
Also screw you Proteus 😭
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goat-bones · 2 days
I took two of the practices I made the other day and colored them and Jesus Christ I have never wanted a fictional man more
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My oc agrees
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sexyheroes · 14 hours
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Savage Rogue by Joe Pimentel
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burningfudge · 2 days
NYX #1 is so weird. It's very Kamala-focused, which I'm glad about, but the issue sort of sums up the reason why I didn't want her to become a mutant. Like yeah, being a mutant sucks, and maybe Kamala doesn't have as much experience with that as the others, but why are they preaching as if she doesn't know what it feels like to be discriminated against? My girl is literally brown and Muslim.
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I like Sophie, but the rich white girl telling the bi black guy that he's a diversity hire is CRAZY, especially when he’s very pro-Krakoa. White girlboss feminism vibes. I hope this is the start of a deeper conversation, but the way this was written is just bizarre.
Also why did David get a new boyfriend? What was wrong with Tommy?
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Laura was written so badly in this, ohmygod. Are we really going to start the "Avengers Don't Help the X-Men" tirade AGAIN? After Uncanny Avengers? After we literally just finished an entire Iron Man run where he took down an anti-mutant organization and teamed up with Emma Frost? And I don't like how Laura's acting as if Kamala isn't an experienced superhero at this point. Kamala's been on the Avengers and then led her own superhero team. She knows what she's doing.
Kelly & Lanzing have never been my favorite writers— their recent Guardians run was outright trash, and their Captain America and Thunderbolts runs put me to sleep, so I didn't have high expectations, but it's amazing how they manage to disappoint me every single time. Get Kamala out of the X-Office and put her back on the Avengers, please. I did, however, like that she went back to her normal Ms Marvel costume because I was not a fan of the X-Men Ms Marvel costume.
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demigoddessqueens · 4 months
Save me men with slutty waists, save me
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the holy trinity of Xmen 97 glowups
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lieutenantlashfaz · 1 month
Me when the pookies drop lore and think they don't have to elaborate
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raevenswritingdesk · 2 months
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Morph having to reel Logan in and calling him Wolvie is living in my head rent free
(X-men ‘97 issue #3)
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incorrect-x-quotes · 3 months
Nightcrawler: Wait… you believe me? Wolverine: Bub, you’re one of the few decent people in the world. I’d believe you if you said cartoon birds brushed your hair this morning.
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He proceeded to escalate
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beans-ha · 24 hours
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Some cherik sketches!
The old men should kiss!!!
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supercap2319 · 4 months
Cyclops fucks your throat with your head hanging off the edge of the bed while Gambit fucks your hole hard. They both act like you're not even there, because all Cyclops does is scold Gambit for being careless in fights. Gambit just tells him to shut the fuck up.
"You were so wreckless out there, Gambit. Jean–the others could have been hurt by your carelessness." Scott said, drilling his cock inside Y/N's warm mouth. He was bare except for his visor, scolding the Cajun mutant across from him.
"How bout you get off Gambit's back, Mon ami?" Gambit asked, drilling his cock in and out of Y/N's tight hole. This was a regular thing for everyone. Y/N wasn't a slut, but he was treated like one, which explains why Gambit and Cyclops were acting like he wasn't even in the room, spitroasting him.
Cyclops let's out a frustrated grunt as he fucks harder, slamming into Y/N's throat, choking him on the edge of the bed. "You need to follow orders. My orders. Professor Xavier left me in charge."
"True, but you ain't no Charles Xavier, eh?" Gambit picks up the pace and really slams into Y/N, making the younger male arched his back. "Ain't that right, Chéri?" Gambit looks down at him.
"Just knock it off, Rémy." Cyclops growls.
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Mention X-Men and I will start info-dumping faster than you can blink
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burningfudge · 4 months
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This is so cute 😭🥹
Marvel’s Voices: Pride (2021)
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ravensliterature · 3 months
If you are taking more requests could you make more Magneto (Erik) x men 97 x reader with fluff?
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A/N: Of course! Some Magneto (Erik) fluffy times coming right up!
pairing: Magneto (Erik) x Human!GN!Reader
warnings: NA
w/c: 784
Prompt: Magneto is having a nightmare, and the reader decides to provide their partner comfort.
He was tossing, turning, sweat dripping down his brow as they furrowed in distress. Erik has many demons that he fought through his lifetime and you had done your best to help him fight each one. He had seen the worst humanity had to offer - Yet you gave him hope. Hope that humanity could be and do better. You were better than any human he had seen before.
You slept soundly next to him, until a cry erupted in the night. Your eyes fluttered open alert. A cry in the X-Mansion could be caused by any number of things. An enemy, intruder, protestors, Nightcrawler stubbing his toes again. You lifted yourself abruptly to a sitting position to see your paramore to your left gripping his chest with a silk sheet in hand. Erik’s breathing was heavy and his head shifted from side-to-side, clearly having a nightmare.
You placed a hand on his chest, gently calling out to him, “Erik…”
He continued to toss around causing you to say his name a little louder, waking him from slumber.
As Erik's eyes snapped open, they were wide with panic, still clouded by the remnants of his nightmare. The room around him seemed to flicker in and out of focus as he struggled to orient himself in the present moment. His chest rose and fell rapidly, his breaths shallow and ragged, as if he were still trapped in the depths of whatever haunted his dreams.
You could see the tension etched into every line of his face, the strain of years of struggle and conflict manifesting in the furrow of his brow and the tightness of his jaw. The moonlight streaming through the window cast long shadows across the room, painting his features in a haunting chiaroscuro.
Without hesitation, you leaned closer, your hand still resting gently on his chest, feeling the rapid thud of his heart beneath your palm. "Erik," you repeated softly, your voice a soothing melody cutting through the darkness. "It's okay, you're safe. You're here with me."
Slowly, as if emerging from the depths of a turbulent sea, Erik's breathing began to steady, the frantic rhythm gradually giving way to a more measured cadence. His eyes met yours, still clouded with remnants of fear but slowly clearing as he focused on your presence beside him.
"Y/N," he murmured, his voice rough with emotion. "I… I'm sorry."
You shook your head gently, a small smile playing at the corners of your lips. "There's nothing to apologize for, Erik. Nightmares happen. You're not alone."
His gaze softened, a flicker of gratitude shining in his eyes as he reached out to grasp your hand, anchoring himself to the comforting reality of your touch. In that moment, amidst the chaos of his inner demons and the uncertainty of the world outside, there was solace in the simple act of connection, in the knowledge that you were there to weather the storm by his side.
As the tension slowly ebbed from Erik's body, he let out a long, shaky breath, his fingers intertwining with yours in a silent plea for reassurance. The echoes of his nightmare lingered like ghostly whispers in the air, but with each passing moment, they faded into the background, overshadowed by the warmth of your presence.
Gently, you brushed a stray lock of hair from his forehead, your touch light and comforting against his skin. "Do you want to talk about it?" you asked softly, your voice a tender invitation to share the burden of his fears.
Erik hesitated for a moment, his gaze drifting to the window where the moon hung like a silver coin in the night sky. Memories, both distant and recent, tugged at the edges of his consciousness, fragments of a past that refused to stay buried.
"It was… a memory," he finally admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "Of a time when I… failed. When I couldn't protect those I cared about."
You squeezed his hand gently, offering silent encouragement as he struggled to put words to the ghosts that haunted him. In the dim light of the room, the shadows seemed to dance around him, mirroring the turmoil of his thoughts.
"I know the feeling," you replied softly, your own memories of loss and pain echoing in the quiet space between you. "But you're not alone anymore, Erik. You have people who care about you, who stand by you no matter what."
For a moment, there was a fragile silence, as if the weight of the world hung suspended in the air. But then, slowly, Erik's features softened, the lines of tension smoothing away as he turned to face you fully, his eyes searching yours for some semblance of solace.
"You're right," he murmured, a faint glimmer of hope stirring in his gaze. "Thank you, Y/N. For being here."
Without a word, you leaned forward, pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead, a silent promise of solidarity and support. In that moment, amidst the echoes of the past and the uncertainties of the future, there was only the simple truth of your connection, a beacon of light guiding them through the darkness.
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