#ch: ochaco uraraka
everypaneloftenya · 1 month
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Chapter 85 - Nothing but Fools
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everypanelofizuku · 1 month
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Chapter 85 - Nothing but Fools
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blackdagger456 · 1 year
Let’s Talk About: MHA CH 394
This chapter was amazing.
There’s no other word to describe it but that.
This chapter was the absolute culmination of Uravity and Himiko Togas Arcs throughout this Final War as a whole and I love it. I knew they were going to be foils be god damn seeing them come to a satisfying conclusion like this is beautiful.
Something that I have seen people complaining about over the days leading up to the official chapter release is that this is Queer Baiting or that Uraraka doesn’t deserve this moment. I’m here to deny thos accusations.
While Ochacos development could have started long before the war officially began there have been hints of it throughout MHA. None of it more so than when she confronted Toga after Twice was killed and what we saw of her during the cleanup. A frequent problem I see when it comes to people looking at Ochaco is that they only look at the surface level, they read too quickly and miss the subtly of her character growth in later chapters.
Her expressions.
Her actions
Her words
Her eyes.
Especially her eyes. It’s something I’ve noted Horikoshi doing when it comes to their characters finding their way or coming to a positive turning part. The amount of detail and life in their eyes are stunning and impossible not to notice.
To date the ones I’ve really documented were Deku, Tsuyu, Ochaco and our resident dead boy Bakugou.
At one point I counted Himiko among that number but since Jins death there hasn’t BEEN any light in her eyes. There’s just been anger, just been hate and her reaching out to both Ochaco and Izuku for answers only deepened that. With the latter not understanding her meaning until the last moment before he had to leave and the former coming to understand what Himiko was going through. She tells Himiko that despite the side she’s on she hasn’t been privileged. She got i to this to make money for her family, so they could have more food in the table and her parents burden can be lifted.
Something that’s highlighted by her screaming at Himiko to let all of her emotions out and the next panel doing just that.
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We see Himikos past as she goes to stab Ochaco, we see how her parents reacted to her and how her counselor failed her. (Seriously fuck that woman holy shit that is not what you say to a fucking child good lord)
We see her go through the peoples she’s lost. Jin, Mag and most recently Dabi. We see her remember all of this and go to stab Ochaco---before stopping.
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She lets the words flow, allowing herself to fully open to Ochaco once again. Telling her of her past and how she views the world. Telling her how she loves and how she felt despair at how everyone told her how to smile---when all she wanted to do was be herself.
And Ochaco understands.
And Ochacos LISTENS.
She does not condone all her actions but she UNDERSTANDS and she LISTENS.
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She understands that the League were the only true family Himiko ever had. The only people that she could fully open up too and be herself without any repercussion. Without rebuttal. Without rejection.
And Ochaco knows that she can never replace that in Himikos heart---but as Jins blood and quirk fade, as Himiko lets go of the hate that failed to allow her to truly become Jin. As she lets the love that fueled not only her quirk but her motivation, a motivation that drives the Heroine in front of her as well, back into her soul Ochaco finds she wants a place in it all the same.
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And damn—
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Aint that a beautiful thing.
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cultherent · 1 year
An Accidental Email [Ch.6]
TW: Toxicity, Pegging degradation not in a sex way (rude asf way)
Chapter 6:
“Hey, Y/N. Are you doing alright? You’ve seemed pretty down the past few days.” Todoroki glanced at you, your eyebrows furrowed as your pen pressed against your lip. You both were in the recording studio, working on a project together. 
You sighed, “Do you mind me getting personal?”
“Go ahead.”
“There’s this guy I’m seeing, and he’s been really distant. I’ve tried to talk with him, but he’s been ignoring me. I don’t know what to do or what to think.”
“I see,” he hummed, his finger going to his chin. “If you don’t mind me intruding… Is it Bakugo?”
Your eyes widened, “Is it that easy to tell?”
“I’ve just noticed the lack of arguing. While others would be relieved, I knew something had to be going on between the two of you.”
You sighed, moving a strand of hair out of your face. “I just don’t understand what happened. We talk about seeing each other more, but it’s been radio silence on his end. Like, what happened?”
Last Saturday Night
“It’s nothing, Uraraka.” Katsuki closed the door behind him, not wanting the neighbors to hear the commotion. It was after midnight, and he didn’t want another noise complaint. 
“Did you hurt yourself?” Uraraka stepped forward, her hand reaching for his forearm.
“No, no. I didn’t hurt myself.”
She removed her hand and folded her arms. The space between her eyebrows wrinkled, and her eyes darkened. “Did someone do that to you?”
“That’s not important right now,” he walked towards the kitchen. “Why are you here?” She invited herself over many times before, even though he told her repeatedly not to do so. 
She followed behind him and tugged at his shirt, stopping him from getting closer to the kitchen. They stood underneath the door frame that separated the living room from the hallway. 
“Don’t be silly, babe. I’m always here.” 
Katsuki rolled his eyes. He internally cringed at the pet name. He turned to continue down the hall. 
“Anyways,” she continued, “I know you love me, so why don’t you trust me enough to tell me these things?”
“Ochaco, please. Let’s not do this right now; I’m tired.” There were bags under his eyes, and after getting himself annihilated by you, he just wanted to grab something to eat and knock out.
“No. Who did that to you? Do I know her?”
“No, relax,” his back still faced her. 
“Am I going to have problems with someone now?” 
Aggravated, he turned around as they reached the kitchen, “No. You’re not gonna have problems with my coworker-” 
Time stilled. His eyes widened internally from his slip-up.
Uraraka’s head tilted to the side, “Ohhh… That’s who she is… Is she pretty?”
“Ochaco, please.”
Her head proceeded to wobble, “No, no. Is she prettier? Is she the better fuck?”
“You’re getting out of line.”
“What? You can’t tell me if she’s the better fuck?”
“No, Uraraka. Stop,” he lied through his teeth.
“Stop? Are you kidding me? I’m right here, but instead you went out and got some dirty convenient pussy.”
“Uraraka, enough!” Bakugo’s fist tightened, and he stepped back from her. “You cannot talk about her like that.” 
She stepped back, her mind processing what he just said. “Oh,” her shoulders lowered. “My bad, I went too far. How about we just enjoy the dinner I prepared for us? I’ll go warm it up.” She smiled and tightened her hand that held his forearm. Her fingernails soon dug into her palms.
. . . 
“I’m gonna take a shower.” Uraraka watched as Katsuki grabbed his towel and entered his own suite. Once the door shut, she waited a couple of minutes to make sure he didn’t leave anything. 
When the time passed, she grabbed Katsuki’s phone, which was on the charger. She pressed the button on the side, then typed in the password she'd seen him put in many times. 
She clicked on the messages app and started going down the list; she stopped when she got to your contact. Opening it, the screen was littered with sexts you both had been sending each other. She bit down on her cheek and opened a social media app. You both followed each other, and she concluded you were his work friend. 
She went through his work calendar, remembering there was an event his work was having—a dinner of sorts. More of a drink, eat at high tables, dance, and talk. She didn’t care what it was about, she just wanted several words with you. 
A Week Later - Friday - Dinner Party
“Did you see that he brought someone?” Your eyes were glued on Katsuki and his plus one.
“You mean the girl in the bright red dress and matching makeup? Yes, yes, I did,” Shoto glanced.
“She had her arm wrapped around Katsuki's, and she had a big smile on.”
“My thing is, how are we going to have this whole arrangement and not tell me you have a girlfriend or are in a relationship?”
“Well, if we’re talking about the whole blackma-”  
Your hand darted to Todoroki’s mouth. “Shhh!” You rolled your eyes as he chuckled.
“Let me get you a drink to calm down. I’ll be fast.”
You nodded, then looked around the room. The lobby of the building was decked out with balloons, assorted colored lights, tables, and a bar. You leaned on the table, eyeing the girl Katsuki was with. You had tried to ask him to be your date for this event, but he only avoided you. You rubbed your forehead, trying not to recount the many embarrassing moments you had been sharing. 
“Don’t do that so much; it’ll stay that way.” Todoroki handed you a drink. 
“Thanks, Shoto…”
“Oh, come on. Keep your head up.”
“Easy for you to say. The girls you want don’t play with you like Bakugo is doing to me.”
He chuckled, “You’re joking, right?”
One of your eyebrows relaxed, the other raised. 
“You see that girl over there,” he discreetly pointed out. “Momo confessed that she liked me, but she’s been avoiding me nonstop since her confession. I’ve been trying to get with her, but none of my approaches have worked.”
The both of you ponder on your shared dwindling love life as you take sips from your glasses. 
“Y’know what?” You put your drink down. “Let’s make them jealous.”
Todoroki smiles, “I like the sound of that.”
“Find me on the dance floor.” You winked as you walked over to the DJ. Not many people were dancing, but you pulled out a playlist that would send everyone running. After giving the DJ the song suggestions, he gave you a thumbs up, and you walked to the dance floor.
Shoto was there, shimmying to the music, patiently waiting for you. Once the song came on, you both put on your game faces. You grabbed your dress, which had a slit and danced with Todo. You held onto his white tux, smirking as you got closer to each other. It was a bit sultry, but not too much. Your eyes would look toward Bakugo's, and you knew he was looking. 
You watched as his eyes couldn’t stay away, but his lover noticed. She turned his head with her hand and kissed him, her eyes not closed but on yours. Your eyes squinted, and you grinned. "Oh, that’s how we’re playing.”
You weren’t going to get mad at the girl. You had no idea of the preconceived relationship they had. What you did know was that you wanted to cause a bit of havoc. 
Shoto glanced at you with an idea. He brought you close to his chest and placed his lips right next to your ear. Katsuki could only get angry internally, but you could see it in his shift in demeanor. 
“I’ll grab Bakugo, and you grab Momo.”
“Smart idea.”
As soon as those words left your mouth, you danced towards the girl who stood before the dance floor. Her eyes longingly saw herself in the pit of beautiful bodies. 
“Come on, let’s dance.” 
You grabbed her hands, and she didn’t hesitate. You pulled her in and spun her around. Conveniently, you pressed your back against Todoroki and switched partners. Your hands were gripped by Bakugo's, which were slightly clammy. You moved around, following the beat of the music. He was tense at first, but he found the rhythm with you. 
“Loosen up, Katsu. It’s only me.”
He chose to stay silent, and you accepted that. You were happy that he was this close to you after all the separation. 
Your bodies grew closer, and the temperature increased. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders. Your mouth was slowly opening until the music cut out. Bakugo smiled, nodded his head, and then let go of your hands. You watched as he walked away.
Seeing Shoto dancing with the woman he liked, you went to find an empty table after getting a drink. Placing your arms on the surface, you took out your phone and bobbed to the music.
“Oh hey!” You peered up from your phone, your vision engulfed by Bakugo’s plus one. You turned off your device and gave her your attention. “You’re Y/N, right? Bakugo has told me so much about you!” She smiled.
“Oh, really?”
“Yes. I saw you were a little busy, but I wanted to talk to you, Y/N.”
“Uraraka, what are you doing?” Katsuki walked into view, internally filled with dread.
“Oh nothing, sweetie. Just having a chat. Go get some drinks or food. I’ll be with you soon.” Katsuki’s lips quivered slightly, but he turned and walked away. “Boys, y’know how they get.”
Your stature shifted, and you relaxed more while the girl stood straight, “Sorry. Do I know you?”
“Oh, no! But you will,” her smile remained. “I’m Katsuki’s girlfriend.”
There was something about her. You expected wrath to come from her. You exhaled from your nose, disguised like you were breathing, “Weird, ‘cause he’s never mentioned you.” You took a sip from your drink.
“That’s because I told him I wanted our relationship to be private. He listens so well.”
“Bless your heart,” you muttered. 
“I like your outfit, by the way.”
“Same to you.”
“Thank you. Mine is designer!”
“Really?” You could tell from the seams of the dress that it was a lie. “Mine is thrifted.”
“Yeah… I can tell. It suits you, though.” Your eyes widened, and you chuckled internally. You knew how she was going to play this petty game, and you knew how to combat it. “Personally, I could never let that touch me. But that’s just because I like better things on me.”
You took another sip of your drink.
“Can I be honest? Real girl talk?”
“Go ahead, sweetie,” you copied her from before. You watched her facade crack a little.
“I saw the little gift you left on Bakugo’s neck, and as his girlfriend, I don’t really appreciate that. I think you need to give him space and respect our relationship.”
Your eyes go from this Uraraka girl to Todoroki, who passed by and greeted you both. 
“Oh… Oh. I get it, him too?”
You chuckled, remaining silent, and took another swig, purposely dragging it out.
“Damn, you’re good. I totally respect that. I could never; I respect myself too much. I guess it's that easy for you. You’ve got to spill; how many more office bodies have you caught?” 
Your mannerisms stayed the same. It made her irritated. 
“Not telling? I get it. After that many, I wouldn’t say either.” Her face stayed as innocent as before, and her lips curled as if she hadn’t said the most darndest thing.
Ready to break your silence, “Listen-” 
“Anyways! He’s been coming home rather stressed recently. I’m starting to see why…” She looked you up and down, smirking.
“Pfft, I’m looking at the real reason right now. Thinking I’m the reason he’s stressed is so far off, I’m not surprised you didn’t understand.” What you said caught her off guard, so you leaned forward. “Love, he’s less stressed moaning my name and saying how much he loves my strap in his ass. That’s how he’s able to come home to you in the first place.” 
You walked to the side of her, your hand patting her shoulder. “Not that you’d know what I’m talking about.” You walked away, not hearing a single word come out of her mouth. 
You made a B-line to the bathroom, but before you entered, your arm was grabbed, and you turned to find it was Katsuki. “What the fuck do you want?” Your eyebrows furrowed, and you so badly wanted to push the bathroom door open.
“What happened between the two of you?” His expression was scared and timid. 
“Why does it matter? You should’ve told me you were in a relationship. I want nothing to do with you.” You pushed the bathroom door open, only for him to follow you inside. It was a one-person bathroom, and you stood with your arms folded.
“Firstly, I’m sorry for whatever she said to you. And secondly, we are far from an exclusive relationship.” 
Your weight shifted between your legs, and your head tilted. You were interested in what he had to say.
The blonde sighed and sat on the closed toilet, “We’re just fuck buddies. We’ve discussed before that we can see other people, but I don’t know what happened. She got obsessive, started calling me pet names, and whenever I asked about her other partners the way she responded shifted.”
“You don’t have to air out all her drama. But, you’re telling me that you’re just seeing each other? No girlfriend-boyfriend situation? Exclusive?”
“We are just seeing each other.”
“And what about you ignoring me for the past few weeks?”
“I’m really sorry about that. She’s been coming to my apartment every night. I didn’t want anything to happen to invoke a response.”
You took a deep breath in and placed your hand on the bathroom door. “Katsu, please get your shit together with this girl. I can see something happening between us, but I’m not dealing with some toxic bitch.” Before walking out, “Have a good night.”
. . .
Taking his shoes off, Bakugo could not shake off the uneasiness he felt about the looming Ochaco. He watched as she disappeared to the bathroom and returned in normal attire. Her face didn’t help either; on it only laid a smile, and he knew that didn’t mean anything good.
“Bakugo. Let’s have a talk.”
“What do you want to talk about?”
She stared at him, her smile dropping. “What the fuck have you been doing with that girl.”
“Ochaco, we’ve discussed that we’re in an open relationship. Whatever I’ve done with Y/N shouldn’t matter to you.”
“Are you gay now or something?”
“Excuse me?”
“No, be honest with me. That has to be the only reason you like her. Because you get fucked in the ass like a gay man.”
“Uraraka, what the actual fuck is wrong with you!?”
“Y’know what. You’re a dirty fucking man whore who can’t get hard when he sees a sexy girl in front of him.” Her eyebrows furrowed, and her arms folded. “I’ve tried to sleep with you countless times. Every time, you couldn’t get it up. Just because you want to be fucked in the ass? You’re sick. Disgusting.”
“You’re far from holy either, Uraraka. Spreading your legs for the whole block, but for some reason being obsessed with me? Be fucking real. Tell your pastor who’s the real whore, you fake Christian bastard.” Katsuki walked to the bathroom and grabbed her things. He threw her clothes out the door and held it open, “Get the fuck out of my apartment.” 
Ochaco’s mouth gaped open, not realizing how badly she had messed things up. Her eyes began to water, snot soon coming after, “I’m sorry, Baku, I didn’t mean it. It was an outburst. You know how I get. Please forgive me. I know you love me.”
“The only person that loves you is yourself.” He went into her pocket and grabbed the key that he’d been meaning to get back from her. “Never come back.”
The room was filled with the slamming of the door and then silence. Katsuki walked to his room, which was far away from his apartment door entrance. He curled himself into a ball and started crying. No one had ever made him feel bad about his sexual preferences. Even though his liking for her was fading, he still thought of her as a friend. They had known each other for so long, and for those words to come out of her mouth, it ruined him a little. 
. . .
“Oh my God, Katsu, are you crying?”
“Can I come over?”
“Of course.”
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caitlinchom · 3 months
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Himiko Toga, Ochaco Uraraka
[My Hero Academia Ch. 393]
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epickiya722 · 2 years
I don't know how much this connected, )probably nothing) but
A while ago there were some jp fans (men side) that were starting to question if iz///ch would even have content at all, since for a long time Katsuki was the one fitting into the tropes Ochaco was supposed to be fit for. Some even wished Katsuki was a girl, so they'd be more comfortable shipping him with Izuku.
And now, more and more of the anime focuses on those very minimal, but mood changing alterations between Izuku and Ochaco. And what that other person in one of your posts said, they might be trying to make Heroaca appear more comfortable for a close minded audience, by making it look stereotypical in some aspects.
This is just me putting on my tinfoil hat, those are probably not even big enough but just a studio's mild biasis lmao
I feel you on that, Anon.
It sucks that some fans would feel comfortable shipping BkDk if Bakugou was a girl. I imagine a couple of things that could come out that.
Bakugou would probably be far more liked had he been a girl because boobs
Or far more hated for several reasons: mean girl/ochaco is a better choice, flawed girl characters aren't allowed to be flawed
Be reduced to being the love interest, despite while having some traits of one, people won't see Bakugou for being Bakugou just as some people don't see Uraraka for her personality traits
And yeah, Anon, I feel like that's the case, too. Truth be told, it wasn't until this season I did being to notice that the anime tends to give more IzuOcha significance.
Mostly because while I read the manga, I don't pay attention to differences until later, and I just don't look for any shipping crumbs on the first watch.
Thinking about it, it's almost as if the studio is throwing in more Ochaco/IzuOcha crumbs to give her some more popularity. Which while, some shippers may like it, it just doesn't work with how it's being done. I can see the studio adding more scenes of her, giving more merchandise and whatnot to up her popularity. But to do that while erasing the other characters' importance?
In a way it's almost like she cannot stand on her own. She can't have the spotlight when it's her time, but given the spotlight when that spotlight should have gone to that other character.
Also, it's like some people would not care for her unless she was Izuku's love interest, or at least displays traits as one.
Which sucks for her because all it does is put her in the stereotypical role of "the main girl is the male protagonist's love interest and that's all she's good for".
Even with Bakugou's character having more of the "love interest traits", there are others who still see his relationship as "brotherly" (😶), at best platonic.
All in all, it's homophobia and misogyny coming from all kinds of ends.
Uraraka can't be important unless somehow Izuku is involved in a romantic sense and Bakugou and Midoriya could never be romantic because it makes people uncomfortable.
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azzo0 · 1 year
The following chapter is a snippet from Always
Summary: Bakugo loses to the new girl with a quirk like his own.
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Yoshiko followed the girls outside the ground beta after they changed into their hero costumes. Yoshiko looked around her in awe. U.A. had so much more to offer compared to Isamu. She felt foolish to let herself fail last year. Not that it mattered anymore. She was here now.
"Hey, Akimitsu, what is that sunglasses thingy for?" Mina asked, walking beside her. Yoshiko snapped out of her awe-struck daze and looked at the pink girl.
"It's to protect my eyes from my explosions and smoke. I like to call it protective glasses...." Yoshiko explained. Her glasses were lifted to her head right now. She put it on when she was using her quirk.
"I like your costume!" Ochaco exclaimed.
"Thanks." Yoshiko smiled at the brunette. "I like all of your costumes too."
"It's nice to have another girl in the class," Yaoyorozu said. The girls hummed in agreement. Yoshiko looked at her costume. This girl was bold. There was no way Yoshiko could walk around with her boobs almost spilling out. But considering Momo's quirk, it had to be that way.
"That's ground Beta," Mina said as they stood outside the shut gates where the boys were already standing. Ground Beta was like a replica of a small city. Shops, tall buildings, houses, malls.
"That's fuckin' huge." Yoshiko gasped.
"It is," Mina replied. "Did you have similar training grounds in Isamu?"
"We had a lot of training grounds, but nothing this realistic," Yoshiko replied.
Yoshiko ran her eyes over the class again, recalling their names as she did. Her eyes locked with a pair of heterochromatic eyes for a second before they shifted to the angry ash-blonde who was busy shouting at Kaminari Denki. She felt bad for the poor boy who seemed to always be in the wrath of the Pomeranians yelling. She smiled and waved at Shinsou, who rolled his eyes at her. Finally, Aizawa walked in front of the class, clearing his throat to gain the attention of his students.
"This is like most of your regular heroes' versus villains training," Aizawa said, pushing his hair out of his face. "But with a twist. If you manage to tie this ribbon on your opponent, the person you tied it on can't move until their teammate comes and takes it off them. If you manage to put the ribbon on both of your opponents, you win. Simple."
"It's like freeze tag!" Kirishima exclaimed. Yoshiko had to force herself to look away from his costume.
"Sort off," Aizawa said. "We'll be drawing lots to determine the teams."
The teams were decided. Yoshiko was in team C, the villain team with Jirou Kyouka. The plum hair stood with Yoshiko, giving her a fist bump, which Yoshiko happily returned. Lots were drawn again to see which team would go against which. Team C was against Team F.
"Who's in team F?" Yoshiko asked Jirou.
"Bakugo and Shinsou," Jirou said. Yoshiko rejoiced because she got to go against her best friend, and they hadn't sparred in ages. Her second reason to rejoice was because she could beat the shit out of Bakugo for a valid reason. Yoshiko skipped over to Shinsou and grinned at the purple head.
"We finally get to go against each other."
"Dont expect me to go easy on you just because we're friends." Shinsou rubbed his eyes sleepily.
"I know, sleepy head," Yoshiko said sarcastically. Shinsou swung an arm around her shoulders and gave her a noogie, which the class watched with amusement.
"I'm going to beat the shit out of you, bitch." She heard a familiar voice from behind her. She turned around to see Bakugo scowling, burning holes into her with fierce crimson eyes.
"I'd love to see you try." Yoshiko made a face of disgust and walked back to Jirou.
The first match was team A against team I, which was Midoriya and Iida against Sato and Shoji. The rest of the class stood in the monitor room, watching the match. Yoshiko's jaw dropped when she saw Midoriya in action. He was unbeatable with all his quirks. The blush on Uraraka's cheeks didnt go unnoticed by Yoshiko. She noticed how close the two were when they played with Bear last night. She assumed they were a couple. They did look sweet together. Like two teddy bears.
Yoshiko saw Shinsou and Bakugo strategizing. A scowl was set on Bakugo's face, which Yoshiko assumed was permanent. Her best friend just listened to him, adding something of his own, which Yoshiko couldn't hear.
"Hey, Jirou," Yoshiko said, gaining Jirou's attention from the screen. "Our match is after this one. We should strategize too."
"Yeah, we should." Jirou nodded. The two girls walked outside the monitor room and sat on the steps.
"You have seen Shinsou in action, right?" Yoshiko asked the plum-haired girl.
"Yeah, a few times. But I've never gone against him."
"Okay. We'll have to be careful when we communicate." Yoshiko said, playing with the shite capture ribbon. "Because of the new support item, he uses. He can mimic anyone's voice."
"Well then, we should capture him first," Jirou said, twirling her earphone jacks around her finger.
"Yes. Your quirk helps you listen to sound and vibrations from far off, right?" Jirou nodded. "Okay, cool. We'll use your quirk to search for them and attack first. Then we capture Shinsou, which is going to be difficult because he might capture us before we get him. He's been training with Aizawa sensei."
"What about Bakugo?" Jirou asked. "His quirk is troublesome too."
"I can handle explosions." Yoshiko grinned.
"The thing is... knowing Bakugo, he'll want to attack first, too."
"Then it's just a race to see who attacks first. And we'll find them first because of your search abilities."
"Sounds good." Jirou gave Yoshiko a smile.
Jirou handed Yoshiko a noise-cancelling headset. "So you dont go deaf when I use my quirk."
Yoshiko took two grenades from her utility belt and gave them to Jirou, which she took with a confused look.
"They have my light inside," Yoshiko explained. "They explode on impact."
"Oh. It is similar to Bakugo's grenades. He stores his sweat inside."
"He uses them too?!" Yoshiko yelled.
Yoshiko clicked her tongue and looked away. Everything about Bakugo seemed to annoy the fuck out of her.
。��。˚ ʚïɞ ˚。⋆。
The girls stood outside the gates, waiting for the gates to open so they could go inside. Yoshiko let her protective glasses drop to her eyes.
"Team C VS. Team F." Said a robot in the commentary. "Start!"
Yoshiko and Jirou ran inside and came to a skidding halt as Jirou inserted her headphone jacks into the ground and listened, closing her eyes. "They are straight ahead of us and are approaching fast!"
"Let's hide in one of these buildings!" Yoshiko exclaimed. "This way, we can attack them when they're looking for us."
Yoshiko and Jirou entered one of the buildings and remained there as Jirou listened for sounds, crouching down. Yoshiko kept glancing outside the window.
"They're here!" Jirou exclaimed in a hushed tone. Yoshiko looked outside the window again to find the two boys looking around. Shinsou had his hands around his wrapping cloth, and little explosions popped from Bakugo's palms as he looked around with a frown.
The girls ran out of the building. The boys still had their backs to them. Jirou plugged her earphone jacks into the sound amplifier in her forearms and sent out a powerful sound attack aimed at Shinsou. Shinsou covered his ears and winced. Bakugo flew to the sky with his explosions and went after Yoshiko.
"Sorry big boy, I'm saving you for last!" Yoshiko exclaimed and dodged Bakugo's explosion.
"Fight me with your explosions!" Bakugo yelled. So Shinsou told him about my quirk? Well, they are in a team, so it was expected.
Shinsou had captured Jirou in his wrapping cloth and was in the middle of pulling her towards him. With Bakugo in the tail, Yoshiko flew to Jirou and threw an explosion at Shinsou, making him loosen the wrapping cloth. He wrapped it around Yoshiko's waist. Yoshiko tugged on it and pulled Shinsou towards her. In that instant, Bakugo grabbed Jirou and tied the capture ribbon on her forearm.
"Jirou!" Yoshiko yelled. Jirou mouthed a sorry. Bakugo flew off with Jirou and put her on top of a building so Yoshiko couldn't easily get to her. Yoshiko returned her attention to Shinsou and growled. She grabbed his face and punched his gut, followed by an explosion that sent Shinsou flying into a wall.
"Yoshiko!" Jirou exclaimed. Yoshiko was going to reply when she stopped. Jirou and Yoshiko wasn't on first-name bases. It was Shinsou's trick. Nice try, Toshi.
Bakugo threw an explosion at her, which she dodged with ease. "Fight me!" He roared. Yoshiko ignored him and flew to Shinsou, throwing another explosion at him. Shinsou remained on the ground, panting heavily. Shinsou's hands went to the wrapping cloth on his neck again, but she caught his wrists and heated her palms, making him wince in pain. She skillfully tied the ribbon around his leg.
"No use struggling, Toshi." She said.
Bakugo sent an explosion towards her, and she dodged, rolling away with Shinsou. With a grunt, she threw her tall purple friend over her shoulder.
"You're so short." Shinsou snorted. "Your legs might break."
"Oh, shut it. You lost to this short person." Bakugo came after her again, and she flew off far away. Shinso gripped her back to keep himself from falling. She broke the glass of a window and set a tired-of-life Shinsou down.
"Beat his ass, I guess," Shinsou said. "I'll go to sleep."
Yoshiko looked out of the window. She spotted Bakugo flying with the help of his explosions, looking for her. She wanted to remove the ribbon from Jirou first, so she could move too. But If Yoshiko flew to Jirou, she'd make noise with her explosions, which would gain Bakugo's attention. Yoshiko took the elevator to the ground floor and ran to the building where Bakugo had put Jirou. She stopped to take a breather and ran again when she heard Bakugo yell in the distance. Yoshiko took the elevator to the last floor and found Jirou looking down with a pout.
"Hey, Jirou!" Yoshiko exclaimed, running over to her.
"Akimitsu! What are you doing here? Did you capture Shinsou?!" Jirou asked as Yoshiko removed the ribbon from her arm.
"I did," Yoshiko replied. "We're after Bakugo now."
"You could beat him without me," Jirou mumbled.
"Nope. We're winning this together." Yoshiko grinned wide.
"I'm not good against that powerhouse, though." Jirou groaned.
"Oh yes, you are. I'll take on Bakugo. You come in for a surprise attack when I ask you to. Is that okay?"
"Sounds good. I'll be hiding somewhere near you guys." Jirou said and took the elevator. Yoshiko jumped off the building and flew to the ash blonde, who was standing on the road with a scowl, still looking for her. She landed next to him.
"Finally decided to stop running away?" Bakugo growled, sporting a smirk.
"Sorry, Bakugo, I tend to save the best bit for the last," Yoshiko replied.
Yoshiko attacked first, throwing a powerful explosion at him. Bakugo cancelled out the effect with his own explosions. He charged at her with a roar, but she dodged by flying behind him. Yoshiko formed a gun with her hand and shot out fast beams of explosions around Bakugo, making it look like gunshots. This was one of her ultimate moves, minigun. If she actually hit Bakugo with it, he could die, so she just destroyed the road around him, trapping him in a circle.
"Lame ass move!" Bakugo yelled. He flew to the sky and hit her with his own ultimate move. AP shot auto canon, a move in which he concentrated all his explosions to one point. Yoshiko skillfully dodged his attacks, scowling. Bakugo seemed to already have another version of each of Yoshiko's moves.
"I thought you were going to be some hot shit with your explosions." Bakugo landed in front of her. "But you're trash! I'm ending this."
Bakugo propelled himself in a circular motion with his explosions, getting ready to hit Yoshiko with his ultimate move, howitzer impact. Yoshiko, however, had other plans. She had been throwing her grenades around in random places while fighting him. Yoshiko kneeled down and put one hand behind her and one hand in front of her. With the front hand, she created extremely big and powerful explosions, an ultimate move she called a supernova. The explosion triggered her grenades, which also exploded, creating an intense blast wave immense amount of heat and light. With the hand behind her, she kept making small explosions, so that she could avoid the recoil of her own explosion. Yoshiko's muscles ached, but she was sure to win with this finishing blow.
The road broke to pieces and flew along with the wave of the explosion. She was a villain right now. She didnt care about the damage. That was Bakugo's and Shinsou's compartment to worry about, and Bakugo didn't seem to care about damage to the surroundings. Shinsou was locked up far away.
Once the smoke cleared, Yoshiko found Bakugo's back smashed into a wall, his mouth and nose bleeding. She spun the ribbon in her hand and walked to Bakugo with big strides.
"Is that hot shit?" Yoshiko smirked. "Or is your definition of hot shit something else?"
"I'm gonna fucking murder you!" Bakugo yelled in a hoarse voice. His face was covered in dust. He looked up at her with dangerous crimson eyes that matched the colour of his blood.
"Now, now, you're supposed to be playing the hero." Yoshiko wrapped the ribbon around his arm. She was going to tie it when Bakugo punched her glasses with full force. The glass broke and stabbed her cheek, causing her to wince in pain. She was lucky it didn't stab her eyes instead. In a second, he was straddling her. He took out a white ribbon from his pocket and almost tied it around her wrist.
"Jirou now!" Yoshiko screamed. Jirou came running from a corner and came to a skidding halt. She attacked the arena with a powerful sound blast. Bakugo rolled off Yoshiko and covered his bleeding ears, gritting his teeth. Yoshiko jumped up and tied the ribbon around Bakugo's neck, tying a perfect ribbon.
"Villain team C has passed the test," Aizawa said in the commentary.
。⋆。˚ ʚïɞ ˚。⋆。
Bakugo lay there with his ears aching and ringing. He couldn't move a muscle when she tied the ribbon around his neck with a sadistic smirk. He didnt have any power left to move. That blast from earlier had probably shattered his back. Anger bubbled inside of him.
He just lost a person with a quirk like his own.
。⋆。˚ ʚïɞ ˚。⋆。
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starsaver94 · 8 months
Taming the Beast Within Ch.10
After the situation with the ball toss, the Quirk Apprehension test continued with sit-ups, followed by the seated toe-touch, and then finished with the long-distance run.
“All right,” Aizawa addressed the crowd of exhausted students “it’s time to give you your results.”
Kyoko gulped. She was sure that she was in dead last and was the one that was guaranteed to be sent home.
“I’ve ranked you all from best to worst. You all should probably have a good idea of where your standing already so I’ll just pull up the full list.”
Why is he just delaying the inevitable…?
Just send me home and get it over with already.
Aizawa presses a button on the device that he was holding, which causes a light blue holographic screen to be projected with the names of every student in 1-A listed based on their score.
1. Momo Yaoyorozu
2. Shoto Todoroki
3. Katsuki Bakugou
4. Tenya Iida
5. Fumikage Tokoyami
6. Mezo Shoji
7. Mashiro Ojiro
8. Eijiro Kirishima
9. Mina Ashido
10. Ochaco Uraraka
11. Koji Koda
12. Rikido Sato
13. Tsuyu Asui
14. Yuga Aoyama
15. Hanta Sero
16. Denki Kaminari
17. Kyoka Jiro
18. Toru Hagakure
19. Minoru Mineta
20. Izuku Midoriya
21. Kyoko Nozomi
Last place…
Kyoko could feel tears beginning to brim in her eyes as she attempted to try and hold it together. At least until she got out of range of her soon-to-be former classmates.
“And I lied, no one’s going home.” Aizawa nonchalantly reveals to the group of students who were stunned into shocked silence.
I’m not going home?
“That was just a deception to make sure that you gave it your all during the tests.”
An overwhelming sense of relief and joy causes a small smile to grow on Kyoko’s face. She gets to stay. She gets to continue training alongside other hopeful students.
“I’m surprised that the rest of you didn’t figure that out. I’m sorry, I should have said something before.” A tall girl with a large ponytail awkwardly states.
“Well that’s it. We’re done for today. Pick up a syllabus in the classroom and read it over before tomorrow morning.” Aizawa announces before walking away.
However, he soon stops in front of Midoriya and hands him a sheet of paper before continuing his exit.
Kyoko lets out a long sigh as she walks down the entrance path of the school. It felt as if all of the air in the area was being let out of her lungs all at once.
“I’m sure glad that’s over.” She mutters to herself.
She soon lets out a yelp after hitting something. Something sturdy and tall. Kyoko looks up to see both Iida and Midoriya looking down at her.
“S-sorry about that Iida. I should’ve paid more attention to where I was going.” She stutters out while getting herself off of the ground.
“It’s no problem at all, Nozomi. But please, be more aware of your surroundings next time.”
I already know that…
Kyoko lets out a sigh while running a hand through her hair “Man, I wasn’t expecting the first day to be so nerve-wracking.”
Midoriya lets out a sigh of his own “Tell me about it…”
Kyoko soon notices that Midoriya’s pointer finger was completely wrapped in a white bandage.
“Y-Your finger…”
Midoriya’s eyes widen “Don’t worry, Recovery Girl took care of it and I feel just fine now.”
“Ok. If you say so…”
Kyoko joins the two as they continue walking down the entrance path in order to leave the school.
“I was concerned by Mr. Aizawa’s approach to class, but I trust the school’s judgement.” Iida states, seemingly thinking aloud.
Kyoko raises a brow at this remark “Really? Seems a bit extreme to me…”
Iida turns his head towards her “Of course! U.A is the top program. Although, I must admit it was downright immoral for Mr. Aizawa to lie to the class.”
“I thought he was scary at first, but that’s not it. He’s just really serious about school.” Midoriya comments.
“You thought Aizawa was scary? If anyone was scary, it’s definitely Bakugou. Then again, maybe it’s just because of my up-close encounter with him.”
Kyoko’s eyebrows furrowed at the recent memory. Bakugou’s piercing red eyes staring straight into hers, seeing every ounce of rage that was aimed right at her in that moment. And being shown later during the test what he could potentially do to her if she wasn’t careful made a shudder run down her spine.
She would have to make sure to try to stay out of his way. Even if that means avoiding him all together.
Despite the spark of intrigue that he ignited in her earlier.
“By the way, sorry about what happened with Kacchan. I should’ve been quicker to warn you.” Midoriya sheepishly apologizes.
“Don’t worry, it was mostly my fault anyways. I shouldn’t have been so quick to approach him like that.”
But still…
The way he acted when Midoriya showed his quirk…
“Hey!” A cheerful voice calls out from behind the three classmates “Wait up you three! Are you going to the station? I’ll join you guys!”
It was the brown-haired girl. The one that could make things float just by touching them.
“Hi! I’m Ochaco Uraraka.” She says with a happy grin on her face “And let’s see, you’re Tenya Iida. You’re Kyoko Nozomi. And your name is… Deku, right? Midoriya?”
“Yeah, isn’t that what Bakugou called you?” Uraraka asks, the cheerful smile never leaving her face.
Midoriya fiddles with his fingers nervously, his cheeks holding a light pink tint “Well. My name’s actually Izuku. Deku is just what Kacchan calls me to make fun of me.”
Deku…? Kacchan…?
Where on Earth do you pick up nicknames like that?!
“Oh, I didn’t realize that! Sorry.” Uraraka admits while rubbing the back of her head.
“But you know what? I like Deku. It would make a great hero name! Plus, I think it sounds kind of cute.”
Midoriya’s face is now completely red. The same shade as a ripe strawberry.
“Deku it is!”
“Just like that?” Iida and Kyoko both question in unison.
“Weren’t you just saying that it was an insult?” Iida asks further.
“Yeah! I mean, why are you suddenly ok with it now?!” Kyoko adds.
Midoriya hides his flushed face in his hands “Paradigm shift! My whole world is flipped upside down!”
The four new friends continued down the path on their way to the train station. Each one making small talk with the others in order to help pass the time. Sharing laughs, and embarrassed blushes in Midoriya’s case, along the way.
Little did Kyoko realize…
A certain spark…
Would soon be getting stronger…
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crows-and-cookies · 2 years
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Uhhhhhh I love this Mic moment from chapter 4, reblog if you also wanted to be patted on the head by Present Mic
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aashi-heartfilia · 3 years
All chapter 324 spoilers so far!!
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how the FUCK is no one talking about how freaking adorable uraraka is???
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one-cherry · 4 years
Ochaco vs. Toga
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blackdagger456 · 3 years
Lets Talk About: MHA CH 324
We start this chapter immeadetly where we left off with Ochacos speech, the crowd stunned into temporary silence as they finally LOOK at Deku. They see him worn down and ragged, his costume in rags and covered in grime and dirt, his face scruffed up and his eyes devoid of light.
They see this.
The Chumera mutant we saw Deku save a couple of chapters ago then speaks up, saying how he had been working hard and about how he saved her.
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But some don’t exactly want to see that, still too afraid or just plain angry one bystander disregards what they’re saying and attempts to twist it around.
Something that Ochacho isn’t having.
She points out that it is the heroes out there covered in filth protecting them still. The heroes that they are still belittling and blaming and being angry towards are out there covered in blood and grime and tears to defend them. She days that it is their job to do this not theirs and that they meed to give Izuku who has been doing all of this ALONE just a chance to rest.
In laymans terms she’s telling the dude to shut up because they’re the ones out there in the blood and sweat and they need to let them rest too. Something that shocks her fellow friends.
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Tenya then talks to Izuku as Ochacho continues her speech, his words helping Uraraks words hit home as the light in his eyes slowly comes back. She days that she wishes she could tell them everything is going to be fine but she can’t, she tells them all that they may be heroes but they’re still human.
That they’re scared just as much as they are.
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She tells them all that Izuku has been trying to take on all the responsibility but that he has so much to learn because he’s at his core still a highschool kid and she’s right. At the end of the day they all are and that realization makes Izuku burst into tears. He starts to remember his past with his first friend in ten years.
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From the moment they met Ochacho has been helping him and the shock of everything happening causes him to fall to his knees and let out a cry as Ochacho yells that this is His Hero Academia too.
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The chapter ends with Kota and the chimera girl rushing towards the crying boy, the former remembering Izuku saving him from Muscular and the trip to the store to buy shoes exactly like his as he rushes to comfort his hero.
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sahsaa · 4 years
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new chapter fucked me up #2
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chiptheartist · 3 years
I love concerned Uraraka
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petri808 · 5 years
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Mmmhmmm lol not like that 😏
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