#ch: warren worthington iii
xmenuniverse · 3 months
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Disco Dazzler Variant Covers
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roguestorm · 1 month
the thing about the o5 (as a jean stan) is that jean has distinct relationships with all four of the guys in a way that feels really good for her character.
she and hank have this relationship that you can see in xmso that seems to be about them looking forward to the future of the x men. they both can see different things in charles and obviously they’re not going to discuss those with scott (it’s impossible to talk to scott at this point) so they’re sort of considering the future in a way that neither warren nor bobby really is. and then there’s that time when hank and jean think they’re the only two survivors of the x men so it’s them and charles and that is SO tasty to me. and then there’s the open affection that they show each other in x factor and the nineties. and it reads to me like hank really respects jean’s intelligence even though it’s different from his own.
she and warren have a relationship that i think makes them both feel normal. this is why they’re dating in the silver age, and going back to xmso again, i love that moment when jean is like “your worst problem is that girls want you to take your clothes off on the first date” because obviously warren does have problems but jean helps keep them in perspective. they just like each other in a very innocent way, and that like relationship to normal is super interesting in the aftermath of dark phoenix and archangel because both of them end up witnessing the other during their worst days. and how do you move forward with a friendship based on normalcy when you’re both monsters?
and then her relationship with bobby is cute because i believe she does tell bobby things she doesn’t tell anyone else. bc bobby is easy emotionally in a way none of the others are. maybe it’s because he’s younger, maybe it’s because he’s gay and therefore not fighting for her affection, maybe it’s because bobby is just generally a pretty easy-going guy. and for bobby, she likes and respects him (him! for his personality!) and i think he’s pretty used to people seeing only the image he projects, and so for jean to see him is like nice. especially if he doesn’t have to have a conversation about it. then there’s also those x factor issues where bobby’s like “do you wanna help me with this problem” and jean’s like “absolutely get me away from all my problems” so i think they have fun together.
and obviously i could write whole essays about her relationship with scott lol
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xforcesource · 5 years
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Warren Worthington III in X-Factor Issue #2 (1986)
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jayaorgana · 4 years
I like to think that every member of the O5 is actually two inches shorter than they're listed as. This is because as teens Jean and Bobby realized that as long as whatever heights they gave people were exactly two inches apart people would buy it. So they started saying that Jean was 5'6" (she's 5'4") and that Bobby was 5'8" (he's 5'6"). Of course Hank knew for a fact that he was two inches taller than Bobby so he started to assume he was 5'10" (he's 5'8"). Warren and Scott followed now assuming they were 6'0 and 6'3 respectively (they're 5'10" and 6'1" respectively)
To sum it up, I think that Jean and Bobby are liars who lie about their heights and Hank, Warren, and Scot have not measured themselves in 10+ years
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actually-jeangrey · 6 years
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“So I’m a mutant. I’m an X-Man.”
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starslung · 5 years
[ 📲 • sms ] —— you text me after i upload a bomb selfie i see. ( from Warren )
[ SMS: angel eyes by abba ] ¯\_(ツ)_/¯[ SMS: angel eyes by abba ] im a simple man worthington what do u want me 2 say
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jinxfirebolt18902 · 4 years
Ohana Part 2 - (Ben Hardy!Warren Worthington III Serie)
Words: 1.824
Summary: Warren accidentally made a family of his own and he’s determined to do anything in his will to protect them, but maybe that won’t be enough and a little help may be needed.
A/N: I don’t like this that much but for now it will do, sorry. And sorry for the delay, Uni is killing me.
Part 1
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Hours turned to days, days turned to weeks, weeks turned to months and the only thing that had changed was the little family’s life expectations and health deteriorating. Every other mutant had catched up with the news. Not only Angel had been re-captured but also Mockingbird… and their brood. It had caused quite a reaction around the place. First of all, an offspring coming out of both of them was obviously unplanned, and revolutionary somehow. On the other hand, everyone knew humans were capable of committing terrible atrocities against mutants, no news there. But taking a child who had so far showed no abnormality at all into an illegal, unsanitary, fight club was beyond what every mutant could expect. It was clear a few workers felt uncomfortable with the situation as well but they only followed rules and got paid, so the best they could do was sneak Warren’s cage next to hers for a few minutes. Yet it was extremely risky and had only happened twice in over seventy days.
Their bodies had changed. Warren’s torso had now new scars striping his white skin. She was thinner and looked pretty sick. She always gave most of her food to Charlie to make sure he wasn’t hungry. The food quality alone was pretty bad. Dehydration and malnutrition were slowly but surely making their way within their organisms, not to mention the exposure to viruses and infections. The walls were rotten with moisture as well as the remaining wooden doors. The metal ones were rusty and the place had no heating except for the showroom. Clouds of cigarette smoke hung in the rooms as the ventilation wasn’t great either. There was no possible way of not getting sick, especially if you weren’t eating well, or if you had a four-year-old’s immune system.
Charlie’s spirits were of general concern. The other women in her room tried their best to cheer him up and keep him entertained. It wasn’t really difficult as he was so young and creative games easily got him focused. The problem was Mockingbird was losing her life, in every sense. The red-headed lady had warned her, she had to be strong for her son, but even if she tried her body was collapsing gradually. Her mind had tricked her as well. She’d convinced herself she wasn’t the strong lonely winged girl she was years ago. That rough girl had disappeared and the new Mockingbird couldn’t find the strength within herself to keep going. Everyday was a new battle against life, and each one that passed was making her wonder when she would finally lose. She had been put to fight mutants a few times and each had ended with her barely conscious, Charlie being forced to stay with a stranger in another cage and forbidden to look at her injured mother till the next day. The first time they took her a lot of shouting happened.
Two men came in the room unexpectedly, wasting no time in opening her cage. She couldn’t even understand what was going on until a third man ripped Charlie off her arms and handed him over the next cage, the other two grabbing her by one of her arms each. Her brain couldn’t process the fact they had taken her son away from her for the first time since they were there, a guttural scream stuck in her throat as her eyes explored everywhere around her in desperation. The female mutant known as Birdy held Charlie’s hand in concern as the little boy was terrified watching his mom being drawn through the door, tears falling down his pink cheeks and cries escaping his mouth.
As soon as she was being carried down the hall her voice suddenly screeched at the top of her lungs. Warren’s head, which was blankly staring at an invisible point on the floor, shot up at the recognition of the scream. He stood up at a speed he hadn’t thought he could and shouted back, trying to put his head between the bars in a failed attempt to catch a glimpse of something, anything. Apparently she heard him, managing to stop the men from walking further.
He called back but the men had already moved again, pulling her towards the big cage. Warren was beyond mad. He pushed so hard against the lock of the cage the motion sent it completely over itself. The commotion caused a crew to come check what Warren had done. As they began lifting his cage Warren grasped the collar of one of them pulling him against the bars, the nose of the guy bent against the cold material. He could feel Warren’s breath all over his face.
—Where the fuck are you taking her? —the question filled with menace. — Where is my son?! —this time he shouted it, spitting mini droplets onto his skin.
The other men helped the hostage and took a few feet away from Angel as they feared his unpredictable behaviour, taking his rapid breaths and visible neck veins as a warning. They told him. His expression became instantly one of worry. No… No, she can’t…
After twenty minutes of show, Mockingbird was being dragged back to her cage, a sight which, although Warren didn’t see, Edgar made sure to detail only to enjoy the frustration and helplessness in his eyes.
Charlie hadn’t stopped crying till one of the girls with vocal powers sang him a lullaby. When the door opened and they brought her in several gasps were heard. Though Birdy had the toddler asleep in her arms, she turned in case he would open his sterling grey eyes and see the decrepit state of his mom.
The other times she was recruited were pretty similar. Lots of shouting, crying and useless anger. Now it had been weeks since the last time she fought yet her body was no better. Bruises still lingered in her skin, which was grey not only due to the dirt but also to illness. Her mouth was dry with her lips all cracked and her eyes half open. She couldn’t say if her muscles didn’t hurt or if they hurt so bad that she could no longer tell the difference.
—Mommy…? —the little boy left the made up toys given by the red-headed lady and approached her, making himself comfortable on her lap. A sneeze interrupted his unstarted sentence. He’d been sneezing and coughing a lot the last three days. —I miss daddy. —her head barely moved to look at him. She couldn't contain her own tears. With a movement that took a tremendous energy out of her, she held her hand up to caress the boy’s hair. She grunted in pain as she kissed his forehead.
—I know baby… me too. —her voice was hoarse and low. Every breath was an exertion.
A few hours later things were silently getting worse. It was the coldest day they had spent there. A thick snow cape covered Germany’s streets and buildings. Tonight a big fight featuring Angel and a really fat mutant had the air filled with excitement. It was the red-headed mutant the one who noticed it. Firmly setting her sight on Mockingbird she noticed she was breathing shallowly. She sensed something was wrong.
—Hey! Chs... You! —her voice got the attention of some other mutants. —Mockingbird!
No response. Her eyes drifted to the baby boy shivering in his sleep. He was covered in sweat and snot fell from his little nose. He was probably running a fever. They had to do something. She sent a look at her partners and they secretly set to work in order to do what they had to do first: let Warren know what was going on.
—Holy shit… —a young boy muttered when he got the news. He didn’t want to be the one telling Angel his girlfriend was dying right then and there, a few rooms away with his son suffering from fever on her lap. He swallowed forcibly.
 —Uhm… A-Angel?
Warren slowly turned his head in his direction. When the boy faced those empty cold eyes he muted, taking a few seconds to gain his composure and carry on with his task. —Women say your-your g-she. Women say she—Warren furrowed his eyebrows and stood up at a low pace, grabbing the bars for help. Panicking the mutant didn’t know how to say it and only got himself tangled in an unintelligible utterance. —Spit it out at once!
—They say she’s dying! —the boy shouted, closing his eyes as if trying to hide himself. When he opened them tho, he saw the blonde falling in shock. No anger, no eruption like a volcano, no tears, no breaths, only a blink as his body collapsed against the bars once more, the freezing material embracing him.
—There 's more. Your son. He 's very sick. —another mutant added.
He didn’t respond. Instead he turned his head towards the door and started shouting non-stop at the top of his lungs.
A third of an hour later, men came to carry his cage to the show but left him in the corridor that led to the electrified gate, not inside yet.
—YOU MOTHER FUCKERS LET ME OUT! —Warren’s cheeks and ears were pink. The veins in his neck and forehead stood out. His hair couldn't be more tangled and greasy. His breathings were rapid and he was sweating all over. His throat was already burning from so much shouting. He had to save her. He had to save them.
—Well well well… It’s my champ number one, isn’t it? —Warren’s face contorted with rage at Edgar’s appearance on the other side of his cage.
—They are dying. Get them help right now... and you can keep me for the rest of my life. —his tone was firm but somewhat pleading at the same time.
Edgar’s face stretched with a sardonic smile. And Warren lost any hope he had, leaving a deep hollow in his soul. There was nothing left, he’d lose them, maybe not Charlie, but… Everything he had got to know about love, about having a family that cares for you, about life actually not being that bad… It wasn’t fair. Why couldn’t he be happy? Why couldn’t people live and let live? He and his little family hadn’t done anything to anyone…
Half an hour later the crowd was full. He heard noises, shouts, voices, but not words. The blinding white light fell on him on one side and on the other mutant opposite him.
—Ladies and gentlemen! Weeeeeelcome to this exciting night with our champion number one, Angeeeeeel!!!
The front side of his cage opened allowing him to step in. He had decided to hate life. From now on, not a heart would keep beating if they came in his way. His opponent was about to pay for all the damage Angel had gone through, and boy it wasn’t going to be pretty.
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daysavings · 5 years
character tags: viv && warren
「 ch : viv vision 」
「 abt : viv vision 」
「 aes : viv vision 」
「 hc : viv vision 」
「 pic : viv vision 」
「 mp : viv vision 」
「 ch : warren worthington iii 」
「 abt : warren worthington iii 」
「 aes : warren worthington iii 」
「 hc : warren worthington iii 」
「 pic : warren worthington iii 」
「 mp : warren worthington iii 」
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rebootrevolution · 8 years
X-Men Novelization (Ch. 24)
Chapter Twenty-Four
The night that the students returned to the Xavier Institute with Logan gave rise the largest and loudest argument in the halls of the mansion up to that point. Charles alone unleashed a torrent of emotions, the sight of each one of his students injured nearly breaking his heart. Hank stitched Scott up as soon as he returned, and Ororo was treated for a concussion shortly thereafter. The sight of Jean’s bruised neck did not make Charles feel any better, and the account of her fight with Victor only made it more apparent how much worse the events could have gone.
The students were nevertheless resolute that they did the right thing.They were proud of saving Logan and stopping the man who hunted him, and they were eager to do more good in the world. As Jean put it “We proved that everything the world tries to tell us about how we’re freaks and how we don’t fit in is wrong--and we want to prove it again and again.”
Charles could see the look of determination in his student’s eyes. He knew there was no stopping them from doing what they felt was right, and that he should feel proud of instilling them with such a formidable conscience. He knew it would not be long before they were 18 and he had no control over their decisions anyways, and that they would need both training and field experience to survive in the kind of world they sought a future in. He knew that he had the resources to provide for them, and that, by God, he would be so lucky to find more students just like them.
They reached an agreement. Logan would serve as their training instructor for their Danger Room sessions. Although he was not mentally stable enough to perform missions on his own, Jean learned to “pilot” him through the use of Cerebro, oftentimes including Cyclops and Storm in the same sessions so that the first hand experience of combat was gained without risk to the safety of the student’s lives. The missions and piloting programmed proved useful therapy for Logan over the course of the next two years, but they could not compare to the wellspring of optimism and hope in the school around him.
After contacting Warren Worthington III, the young mutant with angel wings whose father barred him from the Institute those years ago, Charles discovered a rebellious young man eager to serve as a co-financier to expanding the Xavier dream. Although Warren did not take the offers of training or classes that Charles made, he was more than willing to lend his wallet toward fighting against the same oppression that he felt his father stood for. The school came to refer to him as their “Guardian Angel” before shortening the nickname to simply “Angel,” and, realizing that they had yet to give Logan a nickname, began to refer to him as “Wolverine” in reference to his brutal nature.
Once again the school started to feel like a family, and as Charles donned the helmet of Cerebro one fateful night he knew it was a family that was about to grow even larger.
There were several emerging mutants who Xavier had been keeping an eye on from the safety of Cerebro. Hank was continuously tinkering with the machine, and what was once simply a mutant-detector became an effective tool at communicating globally. He wanted to transmit the message to all of the mutants he had selected at once, nervous about the  speech he had been preparing for weeks amidst the clatter of the addition construction projects undertaken. It was only when a hangar was installed beneath the basketball court, the Blackbird was tucked away in the hangar, and the construction workers were once again gone with no memory of their work, that Charles was able to finish writing his speech in peace.
He cleared his throat, knowing that it would not make any difference when he was speaking telepathically anyway. Hank, Logan, Scott, Ororo, and Jean all huddled in the room behind him. Charles felt their eyes and felt their burden, and with a breath he forgot both as he connected to his audience around the world.
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uncannysource · 4 years
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Warren Worthington III in Empyre: X-men Issue 4
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xmenuniverse · 2 years
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Warren Worthington III in X-Men Blue (2017-2018). - requested by @stinktalksmalls
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roguestorm · 3 years
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bonus panel of warren and jean being cute :)
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xforcesource · 4 years
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Angel and Psylocke 
Art by Jae Lee
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xforcesource · 5 years
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xforcesource · 5 years
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He is Warren Worthington III. Entrepreneur, socialite, and the object of more than one woman's desire.
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xforcesource · 5 years
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“Forgive yourself, find new love. Allow yourself joy. Enjoy your life. And be glad for every day of it.  And in the blink of an eye... We will all be together again.”
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