stranger-awakening · 2 years
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Roman Godfrey I know what you are
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How would each ro react to mc talking about how they found a picture of the hottest person in the world on their phone but when the ro looks, it's a picture of them?
Anastasia: She smiles affectionately at the mc while shaking her head saying "you're an idiot"
Augustus: He gives the mc a smirk "It couldn't be any different, could it?"
Azhey: They rolled their eyes trying not to show how flustered they were. But deep down, they're feeling flattered.
Cam: They immediately blush as they take a closer look at the photo (to make sure it's really them there) and then they look back at the mc. "Are you…I mean, are you serious? Me?"
Dominique: "What do you think about having a Full photo album of this person then?" they look significantly at the mc as they start posing for the photo
Olivia: She raises her eyebrows and gives the mc an approving look "Hmmm you really know how to appreciate what is yours, don't you"?
Roman: "Well if you say so..." he doesn't show much reaction but deep down he's happy with the way the mc feels about him.
Ruiz: "I guess I'm going to have to disagree with you on this, love" and then he takes out his cell phone and shows a picture of the mc. "This is the hottest person in the world"
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sweetcreatnre · 4 years
“do you think it’ll be a boy or a girl?” // “the baby will not stop kicking my bladder, so that is why i refuse to leave the toilet.” // “is that a hand?” // “i’m going to be a dad/mom?!”
"do you think it’ll be a boy or a girl?"
If Ezra was being completely honest he hadn't given much thought to whether their child would be a boy or a girl. He had spent most of his time stressing about the fact that they were going to have a baby in the first place. Don't get him wrong, of course he was excited and happy about them having a baby together but he couldn't help but be worried. What kind of father was he going to be? His own father had never been a part of his life, and he'd never had any kind of father figure to speak of. How was he supposed to be a good father when he'd never had any kind of guidance in that area? It had taken him a lot of thinking since finding out they were expecting to realize that he didn't need to have had a father to be a good one. He had an amazing mother who had taught him love and compassion and really that was all that mattered. Ezra placed a hand on Rylee's growing stomach, giving her a little grin. "I keep dreaming it's a boy, but you know I'd be happy either way. As long as they look just like you and not me." 
"the baby will not stop kicking my bladder, so that is why i refuse to leave the toilet."
Never in Roman's life did he think he'd ever die from laughter but right now he was thinking it was a very real possibility. The words that had just come out of Cecelia's mouth were probably some of the funniest he'd ever heard, and he had a feeling it had to do with the lack of sleep he'd been getting lately. His whole body shook with laughter as he braced himself against the bathroom counter. "Babe you cannot sit on the toilet for the rest of your pregnancy. But I mean we might be able to make it up real nice in here. I can bring you some pillows and blanket, maybe a few candles to liven up the ambiance. I can take up residence in the bathtub to keep you company." He straightened himself as his laughter calmed and he looked at the woman carrying his child. Man, how had he gotten so lucky to have this woman in his life? He certainly didn't deserve her but he was glad every day that she chose him. "There is always the option of wearing a diaper? Can get in a little practice before the baby gets here."
"is that a hand?!"
The amount of support Xavier had been giving her during her pregnancy still surprised her so much that she was still working on believing he wasn't going to just up and leave her at any second. She was beyond grateful for his patience with her. How she had gotten so lucky, she wasn't sure. Lately when they'd found themselves lounging around the house their focus had turned to her belly, always on the search for any movement. They both joked at times that it looked like she had a little alien in there trying to fight his way out. His. Calla had just found out the day before that she was carrying a little boy. It had been a huge relief on her end, fearing the thought of bringing a daughter into the world. As they laid there on the couch Xavier pressed slightly on her belly, hoping to garner a reaction from the baby and he did not disappoint. You could almost make out the ridges of his knuckles as he hand from inside her. "I think he's trying to give you a fist bump." She said, grinning up at the boy next to her.
"i’m… going to be a dad/mom?!”
It was hard to tell in Rhett's voice if that was anger or surprise. Usually she could read him like a book but she had been so anxious at finding out his reaction that she was having a hard time right now gauging whether he was mad or not. And really she wouldn't blame if he was. They had been being so careful, but she hadn't know the antibiotics she had been on a couple months ago would cancel out her birth control. Not until she had been at the doctor yesterday and they had informed her that was most likely what happened after she had cried that she took her birth control religiously.  "I'm so sorry, Rhett. If I had known I would have made sure we were using a backup birth control." Shiloh pleaded, desperately hoping he wasn't mad at her. Her mind had never felt so scrambled before and she was having a hard time keeping her thought's straight. She had never been so worried before about what was thought of her, but that was different with Rhett. She loved him more than she had ever loved anyone before and his opinion was the only one that counted to her. It would kill her if he thought he had done this on purpose.
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nateshaywood · 4 years
location: random parking lot closed: @romanreignn​​
It was a rough week. Nate needed to stock up on whatever he could get and he didn’t feel like going to Day’s  again and stealing her stash. He knew that she wouldn’t care but he just constantly felt bad about it. He just left the meeting with his dealer, he had walked from his apartment, since it wasn’t very far away and he needed the exercise anyway. There was a small bag inside of his jacket pocket, and he had pulled out a fresh joint from it and decided to light it up. Was it risky? Yes. Did he hate himself and not really care about anything at the moment? Also yes. He took a long hit and threw his head back and blew smoke out into the nighttime air. It was a nice night. 
He caught the feeling of someone’s eyes on him but he looked behind him and shrugged it off, he was probably just being paranoid again. 
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blindspot-tv · 7 years
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3x01 - Back to the Grind
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"Warm me up! I'm a snake and we don't do well cold." RWBY Haruko to Roman
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“I dunnnoooo,i’ll consider it.”
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In deep crush stage what the RO's want to say to mc but can't?
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How would the ROs react to the MC bridal carrying them? 👀 Both crushing and relationship stage!
Crush: Absolutely flustered. She would demand that the mc put her down immediately, she would be so disconcerted to be so close to the mc...
Relationship: She would be more comfortable being carried by the mc, but would still be flustered. She just can't help it..
Crush: He would tease the mc all the time, touching them purposefully, moving around a lot to test the mc's balance, turn it into Something unbearable (maybe to disguise the nervousness..)
Relationship: Basically the same! But much more provocative.
Crush: They would freeze completely, try their best not to touch the mc and occasionally threaten to sue the mc if they dropped them.
Relationship: Against their own will, they would end up totally relaxing in the mc's arms and enjoying the moment.
Crush: "Please don't drop me!" They would be too nervous to do anything but repeat it.
Relationship: They would snuggle up to the mc and even end up falling asleep.
Crush: They would laugh all the time, taking advantage of every moment around the mc to flirt with them.
Relationship: Same, but they would touch the mc, give them kisses, flirt more explicitly, talk about anything all the time.
Crush: "If you drop me I'll kill you myself" she would try to act as cold and nonchalant as possible but her red face and inability to face the mc would reveal how flustered she would be.
Relationship: She would still blush but much more relaxed and wouldn't threaten the mc so often, she would even close her eyes and allow herself to enjoy the moment.
Roman: Good luck trying this
Relationship: He would be pretty bossy and observant with the way the mc would be carrying him. But overall, he would be quite comfortable being in the mc's arms.
Crush: Mocking the mc saying they couldn't carry him for long, he would even try to bet with the mc when they would get tired of carrying him. He is going to keep it all very casual.
Relationship: He would try to bet with the mc. He would touch the mc all the time, using it as a way of flirting and teasing the mc until they gave up carrying him (so he would possibly win any bet placed)
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hi! what are the ROs fashion choices? what do they typically wear in and out of their jobs? thanks so much, hope you’re doing well!
Uh, I'm not very good at fashion stuff so I'll answer as best I can
Anastasia: She usually wears suits to work. They are in different shades of color but she prefers the most striking ones: red, dark blue, black, yellow, white.
And outside of work, honestly, she is always wearing professional-toned clothes with a slightly more casual tone (skirts, dresses, sweaters and even her pajamas)
Augustus: At work or out, he likes to wear blazer. In colors, black, white, blue, beige, brown or gray. If on a mission, anything that suits the place but is comfortable and practical.
Azhey: If it's expensive and comfortable, they're using it. This can be jeans, hoodies, jackets, t-shirts, sweaters, boots. They doesn't even care about the colors as long as the end result makes them stylish.
This goes for work and elsewhere (although while working they chooses not too flashy clothes) You never know what they're going to wear until they are ready.
Cam: Anything they can afford and is comfortable and sturdy. They usually wear hoodies, or caps, sneakers, and comfortable pants.
Dominique: If it's colorful, flashy and doesn't make any sense they're using it. It doesn't matter the occasion. This goes for suits, t-shirts, pants, hats...accessories. They usually wear a jacket over the T-shirt and cargo pants.
Olivia: At work she prefers to wear sweaters, jeans and sneakers. As comfortable as possible in case she needs to run away. All her clothes are in neutral colors with the exception of some special pieces.
Outside of work she prefers casual clothes, dresses and skirts, sweatpants, oversized t-shirts and everything in neutral colors too.
Roman: Anything that doesn't draw attention and has colors that mix easily, he's always at work so...his choice of clothes are boots, comfy pants and jackets, sweatshirts that support extreme conditions.
Ruiz: At work, combat clothing and very occasionally camouflage clothing.
Outside of work, jeans, t-shirts, boots and anything comfortable to exercise.
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Answer this? :D
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sorry for the delay i'm an idiot ❤️
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How would the ROs react to MC kissing them awake in the morning and telling them they're so beautiful they couldn't resist?
Anastasia: She would smile and pull Mc closer, trying to prolong this moment with them as she repeated Mc's words in her mind.
Augustus: "I think this is better than you trying to kill me in my sleep" He's going to pretend to be annoyed but it's obvious he's not really upset, actually… quite the opposite.
Azhey: They'd be a little stunned at first, not knowing what to say, but eventually they'd end up saying something like "Uh, thanks, do you want breakfast now?" They would be visibly flustered.
Cam: Still half asleep they would smile blushing a lot while muttering "You too"
Dominique: They would smile teasingly at Mc "I think you'll need more than kisses to convince me of your words"
Olivia: She would be surprised but then she would laugh to disguise how much Mc's words messed with her "Just..go back to sleep"
Roman: He would touch Mc's face gently and then, without saying anything, pull them close as he went back to sleep.
Ruiz: He would smile smugly at Mc as he pulled them closer to kiss them too.
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Do the RO’s like to cuddle? If so, how would they cuddle with MC?
Anastasia: One arm around mc and head resting on their shoulder.
Augustus: He's not really the "cuddle" type, so, for him to sit next to the mc with their sides touching and hold the mc's hand in his is a great gesture.
Azhey: Arms around Mc, head resting against their chest.
Cam: Their head in Mc's lap while they have their arms around Mc's waist and caress their skin. 
Dominique: Arms and legs entwined, body pressed against Mc.
Olivia: In Mc's lap, head resting against their neck, arms hugging each other tightly. 
Roman: Mc lying fully on top of him while his arms are around them, fingers rubbing their back. 
Ruiz: Face to face, legs entwined, arms around Mc.
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How do the RO’s fall asleep without the MC, and what position would they sleep in with the MC?
🤔 I hope I got this right!
Without the Mc: She sleeps on her side, right on the edge of the bed, near the door. Arms close to her chest.
With Mc: Almost the same position, but with her arms around Mc and with enough space for Mc not to fall out of bed.
Without the Mc: He sleeps on his stomach, with one arm under his pillow where he leaves one of his guns.
With Mc: Same position, but he lets his other arm wrap around Mc's waist.
Without the Mc:
They sleep with their back pressed against the wall. Arms close to the body.
With Mc: Almost the same position, but an arm extended towards the Mc, but not touching them.
Without the Mc: They sleep in the middle of the bed, curled up.
With Mc: They sleep cuddled up in Mc, chest pressed against their back.
Without the Mc: They sleep completely spread out on the bed, on their back, right in the center of the bed.
With Mc: They cuddle with Mc. Sometimes they end up rolling across the bed and hitting them with an arm or leg.
Without the Mc: She sleeps on her stomach, arms spread around her.
With Mc: She sleeps with her head resting on Mc's chest, legs and arms intertwining.
Without the Mc: He sleeps on his back, arms across his chest, head slightly turned towards the door.
With Mc: Almost the same position. But holding Mc's hand.
Without the Mc: He sleeps fully splayed across the bed, arms and legs spread out.
With Mc: Arms around Mc, head resting against the crook of their neck.
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RO’s reaction to the “i want a baby” meme?
Just because I thought it was too long 🤣
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RO reactions to finding out an engagement ring hidden in the MC's stuff (in deep relationship stage)?
Anastasia: No coherent thoughts would cross this woman's mind for the next few hours. She would be completely baffled by the idea of being proposed, she never imagined she would ever reach this point in a relationship...or that she would be so eager to say "yes"
Augustus: He would start, not very subtly, talking to Mc about weddings, engagement rings and anything to do with that subject. He would do this until Mc finally told him about the ring or made the proposal.
Azhey: They would go after Mc immediately holding the ring and ask them if it was serious. When Mc replied to them that it was really serious, they would ask Mc to put the ring on their finger to make it official.
Cam: They would be so thrilled. Even after some time of relationship they would still feel some insecurity about Mc wanting a future with them, but after seeing the ring, they finally would be able to accept that the Mc really wants them in their life in a definitive way.
Dominique: "Yes Yes Yes!" They would try to keep the discovery of the ring a secret but they would be so eager to make things official that they would end up talking to Mc about it a few days later...
Olivia: She would smile genuinely and warmly as the thought of "it's about time" passed through her mind. She wouldn't let Mc know she knows about the ring. She would wait and see how the Mc would surprise her.
Roman: He would pretend he doesn't know about the ring until Mc proposes to him. The fact that he doesn't have any reaction to this is his claim that he is ready to commit to Mc in this way.
Ruiz: It is very likely that he already has a ring hidden somewhere too so he would arrange for the Mc to find his ring and they would decide which ring should be used.
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I can only think about Dominique hugging Cláudia Leite and trying to samba (to sambar??) 😭😭😭
Soooo ✨✨✨
Let's pretend MC is brazilian and they're taking the ROs to our - awful country but - beautiful land, what are they most excited about?
Also who can sambar (is there an English word for that???) better? Rate them 🤲
✨(on the vibes: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMLssfK7L/ - https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMLssAfdp/ - https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMLsGdTou/)✨
🤣🤣 I can see Dominique doing this! they have a Brazilian soul.
(About sambar, I must say that Anastasia, Cam and Dominique would be the most interested in learning this and would manage to do it reasonably well) 🤣 and I think "samba" doesn't have a translation... 🤔
Anastasia: The beaches, she would finally be able to relax and enjoy her time while on one of the wonderful beaches here.
Augustus: A little bit of everything..but mainly the atmosphere of relaxation, the sun....the drinks.
Azhey: All tourist spots. They would make a list of all the famous and historic places to visit in Brazil in alphabetical order.
Cam: The culture, the people! They would try to fit in with people, learn the language... the dances...
Dominique: Probably would like to come to Brazil during some commemorative holiday. Like: Festa junina, Carnaval e etc. They love parties and meeting new people.
Olivia: Like Augustus, she would be excited to know a little of everything. But one of her biggest focuses would be the Brazilian cuisine.
Roman: He would be excited at the prospect of being outdoors. Brazil has beautiful landscapes and many interesting activities to pass the time. So he would spend a lot of time outside.
Ruiz: Sports! He would be obsessed with watching football games, knowing the rules, and even finding a football team to cheer for.
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