#chai adani
rumade · 3 months
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Chai Adani (spiced tea, Yemen style) from Hamdan in Shepherds Bush Market. Absolutely delicious
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neolympus · 5 days
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thongtinthoisu1234 · 1 year
Những tỷ phú quyền lực nhất châu Á
Li Ka-shing được coi là người thay đổi vận mệnh cho Hong Kong, còn Jack Ma được đánh giá cao về tầm nhìn với thương mại điện tử toàn cầu.
Khi châu Á ngày càng phát triển và đóng vai trò lớn hơn trong kinh tế toàn cầu, các doanh nhân khu vực này cũng mở rộng tầm ảnh hưởng trên thế giới. Các khoản đầu tư vào năng lượng tái tạo của Mukesh Ambani, hay tầm nhìn về thương mại điện tử toàn cầu của Jack Ma được cho là sẽ tiếp tục đóng góp cho thế giới trong nhiều năm tới.
Theo SCMP, dưới đây là các doanh nhân quyền lực nhất châu Á. Những người này không chỉ sở hữu khối tài sản lớn, mà còn có hoạt động kinh doanh đa dạng cùng nhiều sáng kiến từ thiện có ảnh hưởng đáng kể trong khu vực.
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Ambani là Chủ tịch kiêm cổ đông lớn nhất của Reliance Industries - công ty giá trị nhất Ấn Độ. Mukesh hiện cũng là người giàu nhất Ấn Độ và châu Á. Năm 2020, ông từng lọt top 10 người giàu nhất thế giới.
Reliance đầu tư vào nhiều lĩnh vực, từ viễn thông, năng lượng đến bán lẻ tại cả nông thôn và thành thị Ấn Độ. Đầu năm 2022, Ambani còn công bố kế hoạch rót 80 tỷ USD vào năng lượng tái tạo.
Thông qua quỹ Reliance Foundation, Ambani đã thực hiện nhiều sáng kiến từ thiện trong các lĩnh vực giáo dục, số hóa, xoa dịu thảm họa tự nhiên, chăm sóc y tế và phát triển nông thôn. (Ảnh: Bloomberg)
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Zhong là nhà sáng lập Nongfu Spring – hãng nước uống đóng chai tại Trung Quốc. Ông cũng là nhà sáng lập hãng sản xuất vaccine Beijing Wantai Biological Pharmacy Enterprise. Đây là nhà cung cấp lớn về kit test Covid-19 tại Trung Quốc và trên thế giới. Tỷ phú làm từ thiện trong nhiều lĩnh vực, từ giáo dục, nước sạch tại nông thôn Trung Quốc, phát triển bền vững và giảm nghèo. (Ảnh: Reuters)
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Zhang là đồng sáng lập kiêm cựu CEO ByteDance – công ty mẹ của ứng dụng video ngắn TikTok. Zhang được đánh giá là người có tầm nhìn trong việc sử dụng trí tuệ nhân tạo (AI) để tạo ra các nội dung được cá nhân hóa. Ông cũng tham gia nhiều hoạt động từ thiện tại Trung Quốc, như phòng chống Covid-19, hỗ trợ giáo dục và có nhiều sáng kiến về môi trường. (Ảnh: VCG)
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Adani là Chủ tịch Adani Group – đế chế đa ngành của Ấn Độ với các mảng kinh doanh từ năng lượng, cơ sở hạ tầng đến quốc phòng. Phần lớn tài sản của ông hình thành trong 3 năm gần đây, nhờ chuyển đổi sang năng lượng xanh và cơ sở hạ tầng. Việc phát triển các mảng kinh doanh phù hợp với định hướng của Thủ tướng Narenda Modi giúp các công ty của Adani ăn nên làm ra.
Ngoài kinh doanh, Adani tham gia vào nhiều sáng kiến môi trường, giáo dục, phát triển bền vững, năng lượng sạch, bảo tồn động vật hoang dã và phòng chống Covid-19. (Ảnh: Reuters)
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Tỷ phú Li Ka-shing được gọi là "siêu nhân" tại Hong Kong, nổi tiếng với các khoản đầu tư chiến lược và sự nhạy bén trong kinh doanh. Ông gây dựng đế chế kinh doanh thông qua công ty đa ngành CK Hutchison Holdings – hoạt động trong nhiều lĩnh vực, từ cảng biển, bán lẻ, viễn thông đến năng lượng.
Li được coi là người đã thay đổi vận mệnh cho Hong Kong. Ông cũng quyên góp lượng lớn tài sản cho giáo dục, y tế và xã hội. Tỷ phú nghỉ hưu năm 2018 ở tuổi 90. (Ảnh: Reuters)
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Yanai là nhà sáng lập kiêm CEO Fast Retailing – công ty mẹ Uniqlo (Nhật Bản). Hãng thời trang này trụ vững trong đại dịch và ngày càng nổi tiếng nhờ các sản phẩm tiện lợi, mặc được lâu, trong nhiều hoàn cảnh và giá cả phải chăng.
Ngoài kinh doanh, Yanai tích cực tham gia vào nhiều sáng kiến từ thiện, như giảm thiệt hại từ thảm họa tự nhiên, hỗ trợ an sinh xã hội, giáo dục, phát triển bền vững cả ở Nhật Bản và trên thế giới. (Ảnh: Bloomberg)
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Ông là nhà sáng lập kiêm CEO Tencent – công ty đa ngành tại Thâm Quyến (Trung Quốc) nổi tiếng trong lĩnh vực truyền thông xã hội và game. Năm 2021, tờ Shanghai Securities News từng đánh giá Pony Ma là người "viết lại kỷ nguyên di động" tại nước này.
Pony Ma cũng tham gia vào nhiều sáng kiến từ thiện và môi trường. Ông thành lập quỹ Tencent Foundation năm 2007. Quỹ này tập trung vào phát triển giáo dục và hỗ trợ nhóm yếu thế tại Trung Quốc. Tencent Foundation đã chi hàng trăm triệu USD cho việc xây trường học, cấp học bổng và hỗ trợ các chương trình chăm sóc y tế. (Ảnh: Reuters)
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Robin Zeng là nhà sáng lập CATL – một trong những hãng sản xuất pin xe điện lớn nhất thế giới. Với khối tài sản lớn, Zeng có điều kiện thúc đẩy sự phát triển của năng lượng sạch trên toàn cầu.
Các nỗ lực từ thiện của ông tập trung vào phát triển bền vững và bảo vệ môi trường. Công nghệ pin của CATL được đánh giá gián tiếp đóng góp cho mục tiêu tăng phương tiện sử dụng nhiên liệu sạch và giảm phát thải khí CO2. (Ảnh: CATL)
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Ding là CEO kiêm nhà sáng lập NetEase – hãng công nghệ Trung Quốc hoạt động trong lĩnh vực thương mại điện tử, game và dịch vụ Internet. Ông thành lập Ding Foundation – hỗ trợ các chương trình giáo dục và giúp đỡ người yếu thế. Hoạt động của quỹ này tập trung vào giáo dục khoa học – công nghệ. (Ảnh: Reuters)
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Jack Ma đồng sáng lập Alibaba – một trong những hãng thương mại điện tử lớn nhất thế giới. Ông trước nay vẫn được coi là biểu tượng thành công của Trung Quốc, khi từ một giáo viên tiếng Anh thành doanh nhân khởi nghiệp lọt top giàu nhất thế giới. Khi còn điều hành Alibaba, ông thường xuyên phát biểu trước công chúng và là diễn giả cấp cao tại nhiều sự kiện quốc tế lớn, như Diễn đàn Kinh tế Thế giới (WEF).
Sau khi rời chức Chủ tịch Alibaba năm 2019, Jack Ma tập trung vào các dự án từ thiện thuộc nhiều lĩnh vực. Gần đây, ông thường xuyên ra nước ngoài để nghiên cứu vấn đề lương thực toàn cầu. Tỷ phú từng thăm một phòng thí nghiệm nuôi cá ngừ tại Nhật Bản và tới một trường Đại học ở Hà Lan để học về sản xuất lương thực bền vững.
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#radioprogram #broadcasting #rerun #playlist #music #listening #pop #rock #indie #live #cool #catradioactive #series #easyday #hipster #shoegazer #anything #modernrock #dreampop #musicoftheweek #newrelease #flashback #jrock #thaimusic #thairockband #downtempo #legends #classic Cat Radioactive by DJ Wasana Wirachartplee (DJ Ziggy) on every Saturday at 22:00 - 24:00 hrs. (+07:00 GMT) at www.thisiscat.com DJ Wasana Wirachartplee’s Facebook https://www.facebook.com/wasana.wirachartplee Catradioactive 29 Sep 18: lovely the band - broken Mainlight - Cold Star Dead Heart Bloom - Lost In A Dream Toy - Energy Chai - Boyz Seco Men Emmaline Twist - Catch Like Fire Dizzy - Backstroke Pale Waves - Drive Metric - Dark Saturday Active Bird Community - Amends Film School - Bye Bye Bird https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fI18dh3Kh9I&list=PLU62MFne4NxD3fXeqHPcKPOYd7hY00Wzl Optloquat - Memoir Heaven - Firesky Art Dave - If Indie Song Is Anime Opening https://soundcloud.com/pookystolenkiss/sets/catradioactive-29-sep-18 Dirty Sidewalks - Heard You Wanna Kill Me https://vimeo.com/45810596 Fun for a day 115: Chris Cornell - When Bad Does Good Orchid Mantis - Porch Song Thom Yorke - Suspirium Arcade Fire - Peter Pan Jo Marches - Monsters Westerman - Albatross The Beatles - The Long And Winding Road Weezer - Africa The Cranberries - Íosa AKMusique - 707 ocean drive Adani & Wolf - Wings Of Santa Lucia Aandra - Sunset Deep Surfers - Paradise Island The Impossible - Easy To Be Hard Grand 'Ex - ทาสรัก Blackhead - ความทรงจำ (Blackbonusliveconcert) They Might Be Giants - Lake Monsters X Japan - Tears (World Tour Live in Yokohama 2010.08.15) X Japan with Taiji - Dahlia, Unfinished & X (World Tour Live in Yokohama 2010.08.15) Damon Albarn – On Melancholy Hill (acoustic) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WuUZy5B205E&list=PLU62MFne4NxDtDRqs6t8bieOEmpqZVkn- https://www.instagram.com/p/BoWP5sclgRE/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1vlzxfj6ldm3s
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Note from a Magnanimous Hindu to those other Indians
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India is truly blessed that our population is dominated by thos. Who identify as Hindu – the most noble and altruistic people. In the history of mankind. Irrespective of your caste, gender or religion, we know what’s best for you and have now mobilized. Our government to work in your best interest. It’s been a tough ride for Hindus in India since we’ve constantly been under attack and oppressed. All we have going for us is a majority of the population. Dominance of our upper-caste in every conceivable position of power. A central government heavily composed of RSS trained Hindutva leaders. Finally, we have reached a point where we can openly impose our superior ideals onto you. Just in the last few years, here’s how we’ve been looking out for you: 1. We are champions of women rights and can’t bear to stand discrimination of women Specifically, we love saving Muslim women from Muslim men. So we banded together for our Muslim sisters to save them from the treachery of triple talaq. Otherwise, some of our most powerful leaders spend their time. Stalking women others take time out to celebrate rapists and a special few actually rape women. 2. We will do ANYTHING for national unity Anything to a majority Muslim region. We are in the early days of uniting J&K with the rest of the country. What better way to do this than to force Kashmiris to unite with us by restricting their movement. Communication and political activity while imprisoning them in a military state. And using the NRC we have already started the process of making countless Muslims in Assam stateless. All this will help create akhand bharat. But non-Hindus needn’t worry, since our government is also represented. Those who can “purify” (convert) thousands to Hinduism at a single event.
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3. We seethe with rage when we see animal abuse We spring into action if there is even a hint of suspicion that a Muslim man may have hurt a cow. When this happens, we will happily justify murder. Otherwise, under our supreme leader, beef exports have been as robust as ever. India remains one of the top global exporters of beef. The key of course being that lesser beings like buffaloes can be sacrificed for any amount of financial gain. But even with cows, once they are spared by evil Muslims, we can let them die in misery in spaces run under the auspices. Premier Hindutva leader and bovine lover Ajay Singh Bisht (Yogi Adityanath). 4. We abhor crony capitalism We lose our minds when we have to clean-up the mess left behind by previous non-Hindu government regimes that were corrupt. This is why, we have focused on providing you with a leader who is at heart, a chai wala,  or in his words, a fakir-aadmi.  Under this “honest” regime, we are happy to turn a blind eye to the Adanis being bailed out by various BJP governments again and again. We enjoy it when Ramkrishna Yadav (Baba Ramdev) receives all the free land that he needs for his Ayurveda business. And we are extremely proud of wunderkind Jay Amit Shah (son of fakir’s right-hand man) who unbeknownst to all turned out to be a financial prodigy. Let alone the matter of our dear government instituting mechanisms like electoral bonds to institutionalize opacity in corporate political funding. All this, is in YOUR best interest.
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5. We are happy to sacrifice for national security India’s national security can not be compromised. We feel extremely proud whenever the government takes credit for actions by our armed forces. In fact, we are so sacrificing by nature, that using our Hindutva powers, we have sacrificed multiple journalists who deviate from the acceptable Hindutva narrative and are even happy to get rid of the odd judge who could  come in the way. To ensure that national security is never compromised, we have even sent nationalistic terrorist Pragya Thakur to the Lok Sabha. All this has been accomplished in just five years. We appreciate your gratitude. You’re all welcome and stay tuned for more #AccheDin. Read the full article
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thehatguy · 7 years
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I miss this tea... And the people I used to drink it with... #tb #adani #chai #tealover #thatnight
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engineerbabuinc · 5 years
An A-Z Guide for the Magnificent MP Investors' Summit 2019
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Magnificent MP 2019 Investors' Summit is all set to go live in the Indore city on 18 October 2019 at the Brilliant Convention Center. The event is supposed to attract angel investors in India and would be inaugurated by the CM of Madhya Pradesh- Kamal Nath. The MP government has been actively engaging with industry giants to explore the massive untapped potential of the state. It's an exhibition showcasing the strengths of Madhya Pradesh along with an investors’ summit.
The summit will bring out unprecedented waves of industrial development and socio-economic inclusion! Earlier it was supposed to last for 3 days, but now it has been reduced to just one. Now, Magnificent MP Investors' Summit 2019 will be held on 18 October 2019. It’s an exclusive platform for industries and countries to showcase their capabilities and achievements through a ‘Global Trade Exhibition’.
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The event has been a flagship biennial business summit of the Madhya Pradesh government since 2007. It also goes by the name "Global Investors Summit". In the last summit organized in 2016, a whopping 2630 investments worth ₹5.63 Trillion were proposed! The government is really positive about this year's event being even more successful.
Let's take a look at the Magnificent MP Investors' Summit 2019 in detail:
An Ideal Platform For Key Stakeholders:
At the summit, industrialists will be interacting amongst the people on industry scenarios and technology advancements across 15 focused sectors. A complete gamut of sectors including Agriculture & Food Processing, Automobile & Engineering, Information Technology and ESDM, Pharmaceuticals, Healthcare, Logistics, Tourism, amongst others would be present at the event.
Notably, CM of Madhya Pradesh, Mr. Kamal Nath will be inaugurating the program. Some of the leading industrialists of India including Mukesh Ambani, Anand Mahindra, Kumar Mangalam Birla and Gautam Adani are amongst the invited guests. This exhibition provides a forum to promote the initiative ‘Make in Madhya Pradesh’.
Massive Opportunities for Madhya Pradesh:
According to a statement released by the Madhya Pradesh Congress Committee, there has been a capital inflow of approximately Rs 30,000 crore in the Indore-Pithampur region. "The forward development-oriented measures taken by the state government are resulting in an atmosphere for investment." -media in-charge Shobha Ojha tells us. Also, she claims that the Magnificent Madhya Pradesh 2019 Summit shall be a historic success.
Numerous prestigious magnates are among the invitees. This centrally-located state is ideal for outlay as it boasts a road network of 2.3 lakh km, quality transport including air cargo facilities besides sharing borders with five states."
The state of Madhya Pradesh is a host to excellent opportunities for financing in agriculture and food-processing. It is because of the fact that the state tops in orange, tomato and garlic cultivation besides leading in milk production.
Special Focus on Key Areas-
The state government has focused special attention on investors in the medical sector in Madhya Pradesh. As per reports, big investors from the USA and Europe have also shown interest in this regard. To create a special identity, the government will hand over the investors of this region. Hence, it's an opportunity for big hospitals to open up in Bhopal, Indore and other cities of the state.
Also Read: Top 10 Healthcare Companies in the US
According to the Finance Minister Tarun Bhanot, during his recent stay in America, there had been a preliminary discussion with many investors in the region. Many of these investors have shown interest in the medical sector and especially in MP, so it is more likely that more people will be coming from this area. The government's effort is that after this investment, MP will emerge as a "hub" of medical tourism. People from all over the world would be coming here for treatment because the cost of medical treatment in America-Europe is very expensive.
Apart from this, the government has also placed a condition of giving 70% employment to the regional youth in the "agreement" with investors. This will increase employment opportunities in the state of Madhya Pradesh. It has been decided that only those industrialists would be invited who are committed to bringing investment in MP. The government has also assured to provide all possible facilities and infrastructure to such business investors.
The Preparations for Magnificent MP Investors' Summit 2019:
The Global Trade Exhibition 2019 will have a 77,500 sq. ft. of exhibition area. It will have a dedicated space for industries promoting the latest technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, IoT, Robotics, Mobility, etc. People can participate in the ‘Global Trade Exhibition 2019’ to showcase what their companies have achieved. This includes– design, products, services and other technological advancements.
Indore International Airport is going to be decorated along the route leading to the city. As told by the Divisional Commissioner of Indore, a liaison officer and security officer would be appointed for each guest industrialist. Also, Municipal Corporation will ensure proper signage, street lights and repair the roads at all the major places.
Subsequently, an information desk will be set up at the Devi Ahilya Bai Holkar Airport. This is to give guests a glimpse of tourist places in and around the commercial capital of the state. Herewith, we are attaching information about food, travel, opportunities and leisure while you stay in the city.
Introducing you to the Commercial Capital Indore:
The largest and most populous city in Madhya Pradesh is located on the banks of Khan and Saraswati rivers. Certainly, Indore is a historical city. However, it's a busy commercial one housing several industries- automobile, IT, textile and many others!
Traveling to Indore and travelling within Indore:
Being a tourism and commercial hub, Indore offers excellent road, rail and air connectivity with the rest of the country. Also, Indore has become a host to MP's first International Airport. Here, you will find regular bus service available from cities like Aurangabad, Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Ujjain, Bhopal, Sanchi, and Gwalior, to name a few. In addition to that, direct trains from metropolitan cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Hyderabad have contributed to the growth of trade and tourism in Indore.
The city has iBus connectivity for local transport. Also, there's Ola, Uber and Jugnoo.
Luxury Hotels & Lip-smacking Street Food: Did you know Indore has multiple 5-star hotels? The list includes Sayaji Hotel, Indore Marriott, Hotel WOW and Radisson Blu. Also, the venue for the event, Brilliant Convention Centre is a 5-star property.
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Indore has abundant delicious street food that makes it stand out in the state. You might've heard about the Indori Poha and Imarti. But that's not all folks!
For instance, there are many successful food outlet franchises that started in Indore and have several branches in different parts of the city/state. Check out Chai Kaapi, Chai Sutta Bar and the most-ordered dish on Uber Eats in all of Asia Pacific- Forbes mentioned Johny Hot Dog! And then there's Sarafa Bazaar! for night foodies!
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It's true, the city will not disappoint you when it comes to food :)
Hub of Co-Working Spaces:
Indore has over 30 co-working spaces for its people! This can be credited to the inflow of massive innovative youth from prestigious institutes like IIM and IIT! Yes, you read that right, Indore is the only Indian city to have both of them. It makes the city an entrepreneur's delight!
Recommended Reading: How To Set Up An Offshore Development Center In India? This list includes Adited Coworking, Incuspaze, Workie, Sky Space and VirtualCoworks. 
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Summing Up
Initiatives like these are essential for fueling economies. In other words, business investment for startups by angel investors in India is like a ray of sunshine in this economy. We're glad that the government is keen to bring more and more opportunities to Madhya Pradesh via events like Magnificent MP Investors' Summit.
Therefore, if you're going to attend the summit and have any queries about the city, we're here to guide you. And just in case you want to know more about the potential of Indore as the silicon valley of central India, we wrote an amazing article about it. Read it here.
We're an IT startup from Indore specializing in web and mobile app development. Our clientele hails not only from Indore and India, but it's spread all across the globe!
Take a look at our portfolio. Likewise, in case you have any queries, drop a comment in the section below. Meanwhile, you can also send us an email at [email protected].
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GroupPal: A Mobile Application for Networking, Profit Sharing and Much More!
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crcapitalism · 6 years
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@mahiban4u I wonder what Adani and Ambani gave Modi. Place to set up a chai stall on Adani and Ambani's plane? https://t.co/tZZ7qIPxeC https://t.co/tZZ7qIPxeC
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wionews · 6 years
Rahul, the underdog?
Obstacles during elections always come out of the blue. They are sudden and have the capacity to change the narrative. Election campaigns in India are far more prone to losing balance over ill-timed comments and lost-in-translation sentences. Both Kapil Sibal and Mani Shankar Aiyar's comments prove this theory right that an election can go off-course if organisations fail to control leaders' their extra-curricular activities. It happened to BJP in Bihar when Mohan Bhagwat spoke on reservations; throughout the campaign, BJP had to explain its position on it.   For this reason, BJP rejoiced when Congress handed over a 'Maut Ka Saudagar' moment to them on a platter till Nana Patole, BJP MP from Gondia resigned from Lok Sabha calling BJP anti-farmers. It is too early to know about the nature and depth of the damage and whether it is Maut ka Saudagar part 2, it definitely tells us a few things about current politics.   Despite analysts making sweeping observations about highly charged urban Gujarat’s dominance over rural issues and constituencies, economic issues have managed to find resonance in the state across the rural-urban map. It is for this reason that BJP has decided to cling to mandir and neech remarks because it harnesses Gujarati pride which can make them override the issue of incumbency and lack of leadership in the state post-Modi.   On the other hand, what we see today is a different Congress. Politicians like Mani Shankar and Kapil Sibal enjoyed a good amount of autonomy under Sonia which I don’t think will continue under Rahul Gandhi. Within hours, Mani Shankar Aiyyar was suspended, apology issued and BJP was asked to extend a similar courtesy to Congress when their senior leaders abuse Gandhi’s in person. Congress did not allow the statements to assume the proportion of chai par charcha which has become a hallmark of BJP’s campaign to showcase humble origin of Narendra Modi. Despite the gaffe and BJP’s attempt to milk it best of its ability, Gujarat tells us that same electorate can quickly see a person from a different angle within a short span of time. Indian history is replete with such examples and it should worry the government.   For this reason, social media did not bite Rahul Gandhi in Mani-Kapil controversy.   Rahul is a dynast and not like Modi who has become Prime Minister out of his own might and will. The issue will persist till Rahul gains legitimacy through an electoral process which is a win attributable to him.   The difference this time is that Rahul Gandhi is getting sympathy from the same electorate which disliked him. The reason for is the impression that he has received more than his share of brickbats. BJP should be wary of it.   Indira Gandhi became authoritarian from being a strong leader in a very short span of time. Rajiv Gandhi from being the most honest and fresh politician became a symbol of corruption within three years. The liberal and new age Nehru was being perceived as weak and idealist within 15 years of power. Even VP Singh from being most loved became most hated within a span of 2 years. Even UPA could not escape it. Within a decade, a division of power between Sonia and Manmohan led to the emergence of the theme of PM without authority in 2014 Lok Sabha elections.   Rahul who has been portrayed as Pappu and a dynast is slowly turning into an underdog. That should worry the government even if Gujarat is retained. Though Narendra Modi was quick to change and respond to suit boot ki Sarkar jibe which pinned him down as pro industrialist. It is for this reason land bill is still in cold storage and PM continues to mention Ambanis and Adani in his electoral speeches.    It remains to be seen whether BJP can recreate the magic of maut ka saudagar moment once again. The controversy has shown that BJP wants its national campaign to remain centred around cultural nationalism and Ayodhya issue.   During 2014, the campaign was around delivering a prosperous nation. India voted for Modi because it saw its own potential in him. The BJP's 2019 campaign script will be sealed in the Gujarat elections -- this way or that way.
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Note from a Magnanimous Hindu to those other Indians
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India is truly blessed that our population is dominated by thos. Who identify as Hindu – the most noble and altruistic people. In the history of mankind. Irrespective of your caste, gender or religion, we know what’s best for you and have now mobilized. Our government to work in your best interest. It’s been a tough ride for Hindus in India since we’ve constantly been under attack and oppressed. All we have going for us is a majority of the population. Dominance of our upper-caste in every conceivable position of power. A central government heavily composed of RSS trained Hindutva leaders. Finally, we have reached a point where we can openly impose our superior ideals onto you. Just in the last few years, here’s how we’ve been looking out for you: 1. We are champions of women rights and can’t bear to stand discrimination of women Specifically, we love saving Muslim women from Muslim men. So we banded together for our Muslim sisters to save them from the treachery of triple talaq. Otherwise, some of our most powerful leaders spend their time. Stalking women others take time out to celebrate rapists and a special few actually rape women. 2. We will do ANYTHING for national unity Anything to a majority Muslim region. We are in the early days of uniting J&K with the rest of the country. What better way to do this than to force Kashmiris to unite with us by restricting their movement. Communication and political activity while imprisoning them in a military state. And using the NRC we have already started the process of making countless Muslims in Assam stateless. All this will help create akhand bharat. But non-Hindus needn’t worry, since our government is also represented. Those who can “purify” (convert) thousands to Hinduism at a single event.
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3. We seethe with rage when we see animal abuse We spring into action if there is even a hint of suspicion that a Muslim man may have hurt a cow. When this happens, we will happily justify murder. Otherwise, under our supreme leader, beef exports have been as robust as ever. India remains one of the top global exporters of beef. The key of course being that lesser beings like buffaloes can be sacrificed for any amount of financial gain. But even with cows, once they are spared by evil Muslims, we can let them die in misery in spaces run under the auspices. Premier Hindutva leader and bovine lover Ajay Singh Bisht (Yogi Adityanath). 4. We abhor crony capitalism We lose our minds when we have to clean-up the mess left behind by previous non-Hindu government regimes that were corrupt. This is why, we have focused on providing you with a leader who is at heart, a chai wala,  or in his words, a fakir-aadmi.  Under this “honest” regime, we are happy to turn a blind eye to the Adanis being bailed out by various BJP governments again and again. We enjoy it when Ramkrishna Yadav (Baba Ramdev) receives all the free land that he needs for his Ayurveda business. And we are extremely proud of wunderkind Jay Amit Shah (son of fakir’s right-hand man) who unbeknownst to all turned out to be a financial prodigy. Let alone the matter of our dear government instituting mechanisms like electoral bonds to institutionalize opacity in corporate political funding. All this, is in YOUR best interest.
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5. We are happy to sacrifice for national security India’s national security can not be compromised. We feel extremely proud whenever the government takes credit for actions by our armed forces. In fact, we are so sacrificing by nature, that using our Hindutva powers, we have sacrificed multiple journalists who deviate from the acceptable Hindutva narrative and are even happy to get rid of the odd judge who could  come in the way. To ensure that national security is never compromised, we have even sent nationalistic terrorist Pragya Thakur to the Lok Sabha. All this has been accomplished in just five years. We appreciate your gratitude. You’re all welcome and stay tuned for more #AccheDin. Read the full article
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crcapitalism · 6 years
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#SoldChaiNotNation both are Fake No Proof of Modi selling Chai ever, but remembers it again & again during Elections. Ample proof of selling the nation, especially to Ambani & Adani, the latest being the #RafaleScam https://t.co/BRA1tJBrgF https://t.co/BRA1tJBrgF
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