#chai: mrow?
zombiesama · 1 year
I refer to my wigs as the character they're for so I just had a very serious conversation with Aloe's cat telling her to leave Nico alone
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off-the-wall-gay · 7 years
Can you do all the numbers on the number thing you reblogged? I like learning new things about you.
Awww thank you anon! It's nice that someone cares lol 😅😅Do you prefer writing with black or blue pen?BlackWould you prefer to live in the country or the city?City over country although I LOVE driving through the country with the windows down listening to musicIf you could learn a new skill, what would it be?Skateboarding Do you drink your tea or coffee with sugar?I don't drink tea or coffee 🙈 I like chai tea lattes What was your favourite book as a child?The Warriors Series Do you prefer baths or showers?Showers If you could be a mythical creature, which would you choose?Unicorn because gayDo you prefer reading paper or electronic books?PaperWhat is your favourite item of clothing?I loooooove all of my vans tshirts Do you like your name? Would you ever change it?I really like my name but when I was younger I wished my name was Alex for some reasonWho is a mentor to you?I don't really have a mentor...Would you ever want to be famous? If so, what for?Honestly I wouldn't mind being well known for my photography or video work somedayAre you a restless sleeper?Hell yesDo you consider yourself a romantic?Oh 100% yesWhich element best represents you?WaterWho do you want to be closer to?My best friend 😭 she's in Texas Do you miss someone at the moment?All of my friends from college Tell us about an early childhood memory.I remember that I would always try to save the girls from the mean boys in kindergarten 😂😂What is the strangest thing you have eaten?Ummmm I tried snails once?What can you see outside your bedroom window?The street outside my houseWhat are you most thankful for?The fact that I can live at home while I save money (even if I really wanna move out)Do you like spicy food?I like Chipotle level spicy 😂Have you ever met someone famous?I MET HANNAH HART AND IT WAS ONE OF THE BEST MOMENTS OF MY LIFEDo you keep a diary or journal?I do!Do you prefer to use pen or pencil?Pencil. I like knowing that I can erase if I need toWhat is your star sign?Sagittarius Do you like your cereal crunchy or soggy?Crunchy What would you want your legacy to be?Doing something that's helpful for the LGBT community somehow Do you like reading? What was the last thing you read?I do! I read "Buffering" by Hannah HartHow do you show someone you love them?Touching, writing long messages to them, buying cute things that make me think of themDo you like ice in your drinks?Sometimes What are you afraid of?Death....What is your favourite scent?The scent after rainDo you address older people by their first or last name?FirstIf money was not a factor, how would you live your life?I'd have a decent apartment right now and honestly I'd probably keep my current job and keep making money to save and then I'd travel so much more!!!Do you prefer swimming in pools or in the ocean?Pools but I love walking on the beach and looking at the oceanWhat would you do if you found $50 on the ground?If I didn't have any clue where it came from I'd keep it but if I knew who dropped it I'd give it back Have you ever seen a shooting star? Did you make a wish?I haven't but I really want to!What is one thing you would want to teach your children?To be accepting of everyone they meetIf you had to have a tattoo, what would it be and where would you get it?Well I already have one but the next one I want is a wave on my wrist What can you hear right now?The TVWhere do you feel the safest?In my roomWhat is one thing you want to overcome/conquer?My body image issues If you could travel back to any era, which would you choose?I really don't know...if I go too far back I won't be able to be openly gay soooooWhat is your most used emoji?😂What is your favourite season? Why?Spring!!! It smells lovely and I can finally have the windows down in my car and the snow is gone and I'm just so much happier!How would you spend your ideal day?Hiking in the morning/afternoon, come home and cuddle with my future wife while watching Netflix, go out to dinner, come home and cuddle some more and kiss and just be happy Describe yourself using one word.HonestWhat do you regret the most?Not letting myself accept my sexuality sooner Invent your own word. What does it mean?Mrow - im happy/embarrassed/flattered
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