#chaim tannebaum
countrymusicandcher · 1 month
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Wade Hemsworth (right) with Kate & Anna McGarrigle, ?, Chaim Tannebaum and Dane Lanken (L-R), ca 1980s. At the forefront what looks like Kate's daughter Martha.
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Chaim Tannenbaum actually recorded a song for the soundtrack of Joker?! Wtf?! How the did that happen...like really of all the movies he could possibly be on the soundtrack of he ended up on the soundtrack for JOKER? Talk about a surprise... On the plus side, there is more Chaim Tannenbaum to listen to!
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LOU REED sings Blue Christmas At the Knitting Factory NY  with Rufus Wainwright, Martha Wainwright and the Mc Garrigle sisters. Musicians Laurie Anderson, Chaim Tannebaum, Joel Zifkin.
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countrymusicandcher · 2 years
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Jane McGarrigle & Chaim Tannebaum, New York 1990s
Photo by Jason Lang
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countrymusicandcher · 4 years
Got tagged by @babymyleopard to use this site to create an album wall with my 7 top records. Now, I have A LOT of top records? But for now this'll be it.
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countrymusicandcher · 4 years
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Do you want to support research on a rare, deadly cancer variant and support cancer patients with a passion for music?
So you want to witness a passionate Christmas show by one of the royal families of folk music in return?
The yearly McGarrigle/Wainwright Christmas show has tickets on sale now!
All proceeds from the show goes to the Kate McGarrigle fund, which donates to research of Saracoma cancer, the same type which eventually killed Kate herself, and create therapy programs for cancer patients with a passion for music.
This year, due to COVID-19, the concert will be live-streamed from three different locations: Montreal - where Martha Wainwright will be hosting, Los Angeles - where her brother Rufus Wainwright is the host, and New York - where their half-sister Lucy Wainwright Roche will lead the show.
Advance tickets are between $20 and $250. From $75 and up, they include access to a video chat with the hosts afterwards. A day of ticket is $25. Donate to a great cause and get a wonderful experience in return!
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countrymusicandcher · 4 years
Ten random songs from my liked songs playlist
@musicrunsthroughmysoul tagged me to shuffle my liked list on Spotify ten times and make a playlist. Here we go!
1) Mitt Guld - Pernilla Wahlgren
2) Julen är här - Tommy Körberg
3) Get out of town - Linda Ronstadt
4) London, longing for home - Chaim Tannenbaum
5) Music you mighta made - Gurf Morlix
6) Swimming Song - Kate & Anna McGarrigle
7) Bad News TV Mix - Emmylou Harris
8) Silent Night - Loretta Lynn
9) Help me I'm falling in love (with you) -Honk Tonk Angels (Loretta Lynn, Dolly Parton & Tammy Wynette)
10) Papa Come Quick (Jodie and Chico) - Bonnie Raitt
So this was a surprisingly accurate playlist that well reflect my taste. I REALLY want to encourage people to watch the Chaim Tannenbaum video. Audio only doesn't make the man justice. You won't regret it!
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countrymusicandcher · 4 years
It's hilarious watching news spread faster in a fanbase than the artists themselves can release it.
Basically, this has happened from Saturday to now in the Rufus Wainwright fanbase:
1) Tickets go live for the christmas show - Friday/Saturday
2) User share all the info found at the vendor on the Rufus Wainwright Message Board (Facebook group) - Saturday
3) I share in Kate & Anna McGarrigle Facebook Group - Sunday
4) Rufus, then Martha, then Lucy, Loudon, Ursa (venue), Town Hall (Venue) and Chaim Tannenbaum share the news of the Christmas show on Facebook/Instagram - Sunday to now
So, fans break the news first and the artists have to race to catch the fuck up because they had all the graphics prepped and texts written about it - but we already know it all!
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countrymusicandcher · 4 years
McGarrigle Radio Broadcasts
A list of Kate & Anna McGarrigle radio broadcasts. Some include interview segments, some are just music. At the bottom there is a sub section for Anna after Kate died.
Includes a small review of each & it's content.
Möte med Kate & Anna McGarrigle/Meeting with Kate & Anna McGarrigle - Sveriges Radio, 1977
Review: the pros of this one is that it's very short - barely 7 minutes, but the downside is that there is no live performance. It is only a short interview segment with a narrator providing info about the sisters inbetween. There is some music but it's all the album-cuts. Note: While the page above is in Swedish, the recorded content is in english
The McGarrigle Sisters on Mountain Stage - NPR radio, 1989
Review: A very nice performance with phenomenal sound quality. A good mix of classics and currents at the time. No French, only Complaint. The bulk of the show is their kids stepping in to sing some Stephen Foster and some traditional stuff. Only downside is that the sound is very flat - there is definatly not 'live' feeling to it.
The McGarrigle Sisters on KCRW radio's "Morning becomes eclectic", hosted by Liza Richardson - February 26th, 1997
Review: The sound quality on this one is sub par, sadly. There's some background noise/disturbances at times, and it sounds very 'bulky'. The performance itself however is the best among the bunch. The interview segments are witty and full of McGarrigle humor and charm. Rufus steps in to back on 'Complainte Pour Ste Cathrine", and there are several very intimate and touching renditions of songs from Matapedi. Has a wonderfull "Live" feel to it that I love.
The Songs of Wade Hemsworth - CBC Radio, 2016 / original broadcast 1977 (archive material)
Review: A podcast made up of archive material from CBC regarding Canadian Singer-songwriter Wade Hemsworth, including a ca 20 min clip with Kate & Anna from the 1977 where they perform some of his best songs. The vocals are absolutely stunning and their lonesome rendition of "Wild Goose" will make you want to cry. Or dramatically starr out a window. Other songs featured are "Log Driver's Waltz" and "Land of the Muskeg (And Shining Birch Tree)".
Other musicians that feature in K&A's performance on backing are Dane Lanken, Chaim Tannenbaum and Pat Donalson.
Anna McGarrigle only:
Anna McGarrigle: On life without her sister - May 11th, 2011
Review: You will cry like a baby. Seriously. Anna breaks every heart including her own describing life without her sister. She also talks about the strangeness of just being a functioning person without someone you've basically had tied to your hip since she was born. They were functioning as twins, the 14 months between them not withstanding. It's horrible and so good. Be a masochist, listen to it. I know you want to.
Polarize Prise Podcast Ep. 3 - 2016 Slaight Family Heritage Prize pt. 1
Review: A really good, insightfull interview with Anna. She doesn't tend to be very talkative on her own and just answer direct questions. Here, however she moves along, sentence by sentence stuttering and stummbling along through one story after an other with little prompting. Her personality is as lovely as always, suitably embaressed and laughing nervously all along.
This interview contains some rare stories about Kates time with Roma Baran in the late 60s, some unusual insight into her thoughts and feelings while being inserted music industry in the 70s, etc. Lots of very rare info/stories to be heared. Really, it's just lovely and cute like Anna herself.
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countrymusicandcher · 4 years
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The "Sing me the songs" Ensamble in New York, 2012. A wide array of artists gathered to sing praise to Canadian Singer-songwriter Kate McGarrigle through performing her material.
Picture 1, L to R: Teddy Thompson, Martha Wainwright, Greg Prestopino, Joel Zifkin, Ian Vincent "Vinnie" Dow, Norah Jones and Dane Lanken.
Picture 2, L to R: Kathleen Weldon, Sylvan Lanken, Rufus Wainwright, Chaim Tannenbaum and Krystal Warren.
Picture 3, L to R: Justin Bond, Jenni Muldaur, Emmylou Harris, Lily Lanken, Michel Pépin, Sloan Wainwright, Jörn Wiesbrodt (?), Anna McGarrigle, ?
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countrymusicandcher · 4 years
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Kate McGarrigle, -, Joel Zifkin, Anna & Jane McGarrigle and Chaim Tannenbaum, 1990s.
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countrymusicandcher · 5 years
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Kate McGarrigle, ca 1976
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The What Four Live
Found some wonderful old videos of The What Four performing live back in 2012. The What Four was/is a Montreal folk music group including Jane McGarrigle, Peter Weldon and his daughter Kathleen, John Knowles, Marvin Segal, Stephen Barry, Andrew Cowan and the since 2016 sadly departed Jack Nissenson.
The group is/was a reincarnation and expansion of an earlier Montreal folk group, Mountain City Four (MC4), which was active from 1963 to 1970. The groups original members were Jane’s younger sisters Kate and Anna McGarrigle, Peter Weldon and Jack Nissenson. Other Canadian musicians such as Wade Hemsworth and Chaim Tannebaum later joined the group. 
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countrymusicandcher · 4 years
Just listened to this fantastic podcast on Wade Hemsworth, the unsung hero of Canadian folk, from what would've been his 100th birthday in 2016. It contains some highlights of CBC radio interviews and broadcasts with Wade himself talking and singing. It also includes Kate & Anna McGarrigle performing what is probably their best ever Wade Hemsworth covers and talking about his influence on them.
Even for a newbie who mever heard of Hemsworth before, It'll be well worth a listen!
Song list:
The Blackfly
The Land of the Muskeg and the Shining Birch Tree
Log Driver's Waltz
Wild Goose
Foolish Me
My Mother is the Ocean Sea
Blackfly song (1995 version)
Ye Girls of Old Ontario
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countrymusicandcher · 4 years
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Anna McGarrigle and Chaim Tannenbaum, 1977.
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countrymusicandcher · 5 years
Rolling in my sweet babies arms
So, this sweet little take is with Chaim Tannebaum. Though i don't know the story, Tannebaum most likely learned to know Loudon through being a dear friend and backing muscian for his ex-wife Kate. Either way, they're a fun duo who work well toghther - Chaim's been on the road with Loudon, and Loudon was there on Chaim's solo album in 2016 (though he did mostly contribute to the worst track, but ya know).
This track, however, is not a hit for both of them. Loudon sounds quite terrible in comparising to Chaim, who is an absolutely stunning singer and has been for as long as he's been around, and who pull this off quite perfectly. Not that Loudon is a bad singer, but there really was no point for him to add this to the album if the idea wasn't to honour Chaim's abilities.
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