#chakra frontal
crystalsenergy · 2 years
Limpeza e transmutação de memórias negativas, restauração, cura e libertação - para todos
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é a cor da transmutação, do amor universal, da conexão interior e superior.
O Ho'oponopono é um método de limpeza de memórias negativas. A oração une diversos pontos mais profundos da nossa existência:
A capacidade de perdoar e pedir perdão
A capacidade de ter empatia
A capacidade de amar
A gratidão
As frases abaixo pode ser visto como uma forma de permitir que ocorra a transmutação dessas memórias, o que ocorrerá de forma profunda conforme estivermos abertos para isso. Acredito muito que quanto mais for feito, mais a pessoa terá os benefícios de cura, transmutação das memórias negativas e até mesmo consciência dessas memórias.
Antes de tudo isso vir, o melhor de tudo é sentir como você está aberto (a) e comprometido (a) com o seu processo interno! O que é mais interessante que tudo. Fico feliz por isso. Continue assim.
As frases trazidas abaixo, diferentemente de todos os outros posts meus, não é autoral. Por isso está em aspas com a devida autoria. Tudo que não for meu sempre receberá a autoria.
De Desperte o Ser (link) Todos os direitos reservados aos autores.
Está em formato de áudio, mas transcrevi para compartilhar e ficar acessível a outras pessoas.
Boa prática! 🔮💜💜
"Em nome da divina presença Eu Sou em mim, eu invoco nesse momento a grande Luz universal, a chama violeta que cura, restaura e transmuta, para que ela limpe todo o meu subconsciente.
Eu Sou, ATIVAR! Chama Violeta multidimensional em Luz. Eu Sou, ATIVAR! Pulsar, pulsar, pulsar, pulsar, pulsar, agora.
Eu sinto e visualizo essa luz que jorra do alto me envolvendo e penetrando em meu ser, identificando cada parte minha que ainda precisa de cura. eu me abro e me disponho para neste momento cicatrizar todas as feridas internas do meu ser. eu comando que todo sofrimento e energias negativas e destrutivas estão cancelados, cancelados, cancelados. e está feito.
Sinto muito, me perdoe, eu te amo. Sou grata, sou grato.
Que todo passado doloroso seja cancelado agora e se converta em aprendizado. Eu sinto muito, me perdoe, eu te amo. Sou grata, sou grato. Que toda mágoa seja cancelada agora e vire perdão.
Sinto muito, me perdoe, eu te amo. Sou grata, sou grato.
Que toda culpa seja cancelada agora e se transforme em autoaceitação.
Eu sinto muito, me perdoe, eu te amo. Sou grata, sou grato.
Que todo apego seja cancelado agora e vire liberdade.
Sinto muito, me perdoe, eu te amo. Sou grata, sou grato.
Que todo ressentimento seja cancelado agora e torne-se compaixão.
Eu sinto muito, me perdoe, eu te amo. Sou grata, sou grato.
Que todo julgamento seja cancelado agora, e vire respeito.
Sinto muito, me perdoe, eu te amo. Sou grata, sou grato.
Que todo sentimento de rejeição seja cancelado agora e se converta em força e autoaceitação.
Eu sinto muito, me perdoe, eu te amo. Sou grata, sou grato.
Que todo sofrimento seja cancelado agora e se transforme em amor.
Eu sinto muito, me perdoe, eu te amo. Sou grata, sou grato.
Que todo medo seja cancelado agora e se transforme em segurança.
Sinto muito, me perdoe, eu te amo. Sou grata, sou grato.
Divino Criador, eu peço que limpe e transmute em mim todas as memórias e energias negativas que foram gravadas em meu subconsciente, desde o início da criação até o momento presente, e envie tudo isso para um campo de pura luz. E está feito.
Eu sinto muito, me perdoe. Eu te amo. Sou grata. Sou grato.
Eu expiro todas as feridas para fora do meu ser. E coloco um ponto final em todas as situações mal resolvidas. Não julgo, nem condeno. E nem me vitimizo. Eu me liberto agora de toda a dor, de todo o medo, insegurança, e baixa autoestima. Eu sou livre. Eu sou livre. Eu sou livre.
Toda essa energia negativa está cancelada, cancelada, cancelada.
Eu sinto muito, me perdoe. Eu te amo. Sou grata. Sou grato.
Eu inspiro todo o Amor Universal que me cura por dentro. Eu me curo e deixo ir qualquer coisa que esteja impedindo a minha evolução, na luz do criador.
Eu sinto muito. Me perdoe. Eu te amo. Sou grata. Sou grato.
Eu me sinto preparada/preparado e firme para deixar as dores do passado e me abro para uma nova fase em minha vida, cheia de infinitas possibilidades.
Eu sinto muito. Me perdoe. Eu te amo. Sou grata. Sou grato.
Eu transmuto agora todas as energias negativas que ainda possam estar presentes em meu campo com a poderosa Luz Violeta em ação.
Eu Sou o Eu Sou. Eu Sou o Eu Sou em ação.
Eu sinto muito, me perdoe. Eu te amo. Sou grata, sou grato.
E assim é."
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talonabraxas · 1 month
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Sirian Talon Abraxas Our Relationship to the Sirians
About two million years ago, the Sirians began adding some of their own DNA to the genetic material of Homo Sapiens' forebears. They helped create the bodies we have now; so genetically, we are almost identical to them.
The main physical differences are that Sirians tend to be taller than we are, with larger and more fully-developed brains, and they live much longer than Earth humans. In fact, the Sirian brain has another lobe above the frontal, much like dolphins and whales have. It allows them to have stereoscopic vision: in other words, they can see inside of an object as well as the outside and opposite side in the third dimension.
Also, the Sirians, as well as cetaceans, have tremendous telepathic and psychic abilities. The telepathic communication is focused through the fourth or heart chakra, more so than through the fifth and sixth chakras. This makes the communication much more loving than words or thoughts alone. The Sirians also helped genetically co-create the dolphin/whale forms, and that is one reason many Sirian souls are so attracted to incarnate on Earth as cetaceans.
They love to joyfully become their co-creations.
The Sirians who are in etheric or in their native form are now working with many of us not only on activating and opening our five higher inter-planetary chakras and portions of our brains that have been dormant, but they are also working on our genetic structure.
Human DNA is going to be shifting back to its original twelve-strand helix from the current double strand. Now for those of us who are adults, our DNA in our bodies will not be changing much.
But for those of us who have small children or will have children in the not-too-distant future, the Sirians are working with many of us to actually change the DNA in our ova and sperm.
This will then make sure the children are being born with their full 12-strand DNA and automatically already have the infrastructure within their physical bodies for being fully conscious. Therefore, they will not have to be "retro-fitted" like us adults!
The Sirians are members of a large Galactic Federation, and some time before our so-called "recorded history," Earth used to be a part of this Federation also. There are claims that differ from source to source on what happened that caused humans to either leave or be left out of the Federation after some sort of genetic manipulation disaster.
But now, Earth is coming into a great change, and it seems everyone wants to be here to see what happens, some as participants like the Sirians, and some as observers. After the Ascension, Earth will once again be an active member in the Galactic Federation.
-Sirius Star System
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madamlaydebug · 1 year
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So what is this 144,000? Who are they? I don’t actually think there’s a single answer to this but I do believe I’ve found one of them. Since the Bible, and the book of the Unveiling especially, speaks in symbol and allegory it’s only fair to say there are many possibilities to it’s real meaning. I’d say that the orthodox “understanding” of the book is the one that’s most incorrect. We’ll get into more of that later.
So let’s get to it. Most folks have heard of Chakras. If you haven’t, I strongly encourage you to do some homework. They’re basically where the universal life force energy plugs into your body. Whirling vortices of energy at specific vibrations are channeled into your vital systems via these nerve centers. When there’s a blockage, disease manifests. It’s really fascinating stuff. Anyway, these energy centers are represented by different stages of the lotus flower, which is itself a symbol of purity of the body. Here are the chakras and their corresponding lotus blossoms:
Making reference to the 144000 sealed men whose speaks in the Revelation (Apocalypse), this number is that of the election, 12, carried to its paroxysm: 12 x 12 x 1000, where 1000 is a coefficient of the immensity. In others words, this number indicates that all the elects, without exception, are kept under the protection of God.
Number of sealed or elected of all the tribes of Israel, marked of the seal of God. (Rv 7,1)
The 144000 petals of the main chakra or coronal (located to the summit of the cranium) represent the 144000 rays of light originated from all the seven chakras, or centers of energy of the body, deployed and balanced, or again the 144000 vibrations of the divine Creation which travel in the cosmos and that are source of life.
In the Gospel of Barnabe, chapter 17, it is written: "144000 prophets that God sent to the world, have spoken obscurely; but after me will come the splendor of all prophets and saint; he will illuminate the darkness of whole what have told the prophets, because it is the messenger of God". Some have seen in this passage an allusion to Muhammad, "The Seal of prophets" (Koran XXX, 40).
When we add the number of petals of the five inferior psychic centers, we obtain a total of 48 petals. By adding 96 petals of the frontal center (the place of the third eye where the small number must receive its divine mark), we obtain the number 144, symbol of the perfect and expressed spiritual work, that is to say of the marriage between the soul and the personality. If now we multiply 144 by the thousand petals of the coronal center, we obtain 144000, the number of the elects, who will be all these that will have waked up in them the seven stars or spiritual and psychic centers.
John Phaure advances two mathematics divisions which, according to him, are very revealing. As numbers he uses the 144000 servants of God "marked to the front", the number of the Beast, 666 and 216, a fundamental cyclic and cabalistic number (tenth of the one Era: 2160 / 10) that he interprets as one of figures of the Christ:
144 000 / 216 = 666 with a rest of 144
144 000 / 666 = 216 with a rest of 144
These results express according to him that the 144000 "marked" as servants of God before the advent the Antichrist are here the object of the eschatologic combat between the Christ and his Adversary. From this combat leaves "the rest": 144, those who will be the Elects of the celestial Jerusalem". He points out moreover than 666 + 144 = 810, numerical value of the Greek word Parakletos, the Paraclete. Thus the Holy Spirit espressed at the end of time "will be the 'glorificater' of the Creation".
By using the pyramidal inch, the external volume of the tomb of the Room of the King in the Great Pyramid gives 144000 cubic inches. The pyramidal inch measures 25.303 mm. By using this unit of measure, the pyramid would have a height of 5800 inches and a volume of 160 billion cubic inches, giving all numbers without decimal.
The external recovery of the Great Pyramid would be made of 144000 stones.
The number 144000 is used 3 times in the Bible.
-Thank you Paul
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I think canon did the Yamanaka, and thus Ino, dirty by necessity tbh. I don't like it, but also the show is mostly focused on front line combat and training for it. Which is the opposite of Yamanaka strengths, as a clan focused on spying, interrogation, conversion, and (in more gritty/dark fanon) seduction and subtle poison. If a Yamanaka is in a position where their skill is compared to a front line assault ninja, they've already failed, yknow? Their targets shouldn't even comprehend they're near a ninja. And I get why the show didn't focus on that, it was NARUTO Shippuden not INO Shippuden. But on that basis alone it's an unfair and futile comparison to set Ino up as Sakura's long term rival. If anyone it should've been Shizune, or more realistically Kabuto (and she ISNT Kabuto's equal, imo)
Hi there, I’m not at the moment replying asks and this might be unfair to some people that send me questions that I haven’t replied before (apologies), but I wanted to tackle this specific subject (Ino), as I don’t get that many asks about her.
I think canon did the Yamanaka, and thus Ino, dirty by necessity tbh. I don't like it, but also the show is mostly focused on front line combat and training for it. Which is the opposite of Yamanaka strengths, as a clan focused on spying, interrogation, conversion, and (in more gritty/dark fanon) seduction and subtle poison.
I apologize, but I have to disagree with you, not on the fact that two-thirds of Team 7 focuses on frontal attacks (Naruto and Sakura -Sasuke, as Uchiha and a prodigy who also knows kenjutsu, can tackle pretty much any range of attack), and as the team with the most panel time they get pretty much highlighted throw out the series. Still, this manner of attack isn’t the story's primary focus.
The story in itself is about political warfare and the overall cruelties of the system, Sasuke -as an antagonist, it’s the main plot driver of the show (as are Obito, Nagato, and Orochimaru), and the main character that the narrative establishes as “the good ones” are reactors rather than causers.
Once this is established, I do agree that the show focuses mostly on front-line attacks as those are the ones the main duo (and some other fan favorites) possess, however, this manner of combat isn’t as relevant in the overall structure: Itachi and Nagato, for instance, rely on either genjutsu or upon their rinnegan and vast amount of chakra to control other people and perform their binding. Deidara fought against Sasuke while putting distance between them through his secret technique, and so on. 
The relevance of such a style of combat is well established during the Chünin Exams: this type of approach is the most “spectacle-friendly” as it allows viewers to witness true carnage and visible consequences, cementing before the audience the overall military power of a village or a character –which is similar, if not equal, of how a shönen works for its audience.
However, it’s constantly highlighted, albeit secretly (as this portion of the tests isn’t shown to the rest of the civilian population as it lacks the “thrill” that combats possess and I’ll say some readers skipped it as they, too, liked to see displayed raw physical power, as that’s how most mainstream heroes are depicted, not having to think around their power shall it be more complicated than a powerful punch); the relevance of Information gathering skills, having an entire test dedicated to it: such exam, Sakura failed, as she never realized what the test was actually for. Ino-Shika-Chö passes it because Ino was the only one out of the three of them shown to have understood it and has the perfect technique for it, here.
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There are, however, other mentions of such specialty relevance during the second stage as well, here and here –of course, this specific portion of the “information gathering” skills are to be more rudimentary as they’re more focused upon the shinobi’s survival rather than sharpening their spy qualities, but they are necessary to guarantee the success of a mission.
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Obito specifically targeted the Intelligence Division where Inoichi and Shukaku were to guarantee his success as they worked quickly with the information they received of the battlefield to send specific teams to different locations to warrant the enemy’s defeat (like when they sent Team 10 to support Kumo and fight the Gold and Silver Brothers, or how they also asked them to defeat Asuma); Hashirama specifically asked for a Yamanaka to spread amongst the shinobi forces the information he had and Shikamaru’s strategy. 
Sasuke and Naruto (or even Hashirama and Madara), are people whose strength isn’t the usual norm, as they’re particularly strong even amongst those considered “the strongest” in the military population (Kages), so them not having to rely on prior information to win a battle (despite them coming up with strategies all the time upon seeing how their enemies work –something Sakura isn’t shown doing, as she either relies on other people (Chiyo) or fails, as she did against Dosu) it’s an off the norm occurrence, only to be applied to them.
People's preference around which techniques are best or more "spectacle-friendly" -something necessary for a manga that relies on visual story-telling, doesn't dispute the overall value of Yamanaka clan's techniques inside the plot and structure Kishimoto established (they, after the UCM, became the clan with the most information-gathering relevance, as they were the only non-Sharingan users that could control their target and read their mind, and while the Saiko Denshin it's a T&I jutsu and not a Yamanaka one, it's clear by Ino's recollection of it that it's at least taught at its most basic form).
If a Yamanaka is in a position where their skill is compared to a front line assault ninja, they've already failed, yknow? Their targets shouldn't even comprehend they're near a ninja. And I get why the show didn't focus on that, it was NARUTO Shippuden not INO Shippuden. 
I agree that Ino isn’t a specialized combater, although she did fight Asuma while controlling two Zetsu (I speak a little about the possibility of it being a technique she came up with here), so her taijutsu is -at least, better than Shikamaru’s who stood back as support; her family’s technique and her medical training taught her to stay out of conflict (as she did when vs. Hidan and Kakuzu) in order to be able to attend those wounded (the only ones able to fight are those that mastered Mitrocondrial Regeneration, as they are able to heal without using signs and have more chakra to spare since they stored it, x and x), as medics are also main targets during combats (x).
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[If you are more interested in Medical skills, here’s a little post about it: x]
However, I’ll say that, as a secondary character, she got more panel time and development than many other characters who were pushed aside shortly after their introduction (Hinata, Kiba, Shino, Kurenai -to name some of Konoha’s). She was able to help discern, albeit with her father and an ANBU, Nagato’s location when sharing information about her mind-body switch control, she also realized one of the Paths used a similar technique to Inoichi’s (Saiko Denshin) and was given a few very powerful moments during the war, which is more than other fandoms were given.
But on that basis alone it's an unfair and futile comparison to set Ino up as Sakura's long term rival. If anyone it should've been Shizune, or more realistically Kabuto (and she ISNT Kabuto's equal, imo) 
Do you mean, unfair for Ino to be Sakura's rival or the other way around? Kabuto is a far better medic than any of them, and Sakura, while impressive, didn’t surpass Tsunade at this stage –as she improved not Tsunade’s techniques, being solely able to master them prior in age to her mentor as Tsunade created them and had to experiment with her own body in order to use it and teach it afterward. Kabuto invented his own version of Mitochondrial Regeneration (x), which is the reason why Orochimaru chose him. He’s the only one who Tsunade considers surpassed her during her prime (x, x).
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Sakura and Ino’s rivalry has less to do with their overall techniques and more to do with their attraction to Sasuke, which is the main focus Sakura puts upon their rivalry. Asuma claimed during his last speech to Ino that she mustn't lose either Ninjutsu or love, but the bars they both have about their techniques are completely different –Sakura, medical-wise, possesses a natural advantage that Ino doesn’t, which is natural delicate chakra control, something inherently necessary to learn the Yin Seal; while Ino’s medical skills (likely taught to her through Shizune), are rudimentary at best in order to do something else for her team while on a mission that doesn’t require her technique, in order to guarantee her safety.
Now, you might wonder, why does she have to be safe? Canonically speaking, besides collecting information, the team must guarantee at least one survivor who can pass on the knowledge (or, at least, a way to communicate the information). No other team is expected to ensure such a thing (x). 
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In that sense, Team 7, Team 8, and Team Gai are mostly viewed as expendable** (I am aware that all of the soldiers are viewed in such light, I’m specifically referring to such an idea when already inside that “disposable spectrum”). Only those front-lines combateurs that have techniques with enough power to defy even shinobi standards (Naruto, Hashirama, Tobirama, and some others –and I’m not putting Uchiha there as they are able to cover multiple ranges), are highlighted and rewarded with the Hokage title, the rest are sent to die or to distract the enemy in order to open space for teams more specialized in gathering the enemy’s secrets or strategies.
[Minato, also considered amongst the best, relied on other front-liners to plant his special kunais upon his targets and to take care of a big portion of the enemies, as he killed the rest. Saving the small group of survivors.]
Being rivals has nothing to do with having similar techniques, but either opposed goals (Sasuke vs. Naruto) or the same goal (Sasuke’s love reciprocation when it comes to Sakura and Ino).
Inside the manga itself, the notion of rivalry is shown to be deeply intertwined with shinobi culture, as they encourage such a mindset so shinobi would push each other to new highs of their respective techniques in order to win their competitions as long as they don’t put Konoha’s stability in jeopardy: Madara/Hashirama, Danzo/Hiruzen, Kakashi/Obito, Naruto/Sasuke, Sakura/Ino.
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[**Sakura, as a front-line fighter, is expendable, as a medic-nin, slightly less, as she is expected to die, if doing so, last of all. Not to return alive, as Team 10].
In case you’re interested, I have some other post regarding kunoichi:
The infinite “who’s strongest Kunoichi” debate and the sexist erasure/degradation of female characters and an addition
Yamanaka clan techniques
Posts of my Naruto re-read
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mariepascaleremy · 8 months
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Nous disposons de 7 chakras principaux, alignés le long de la colonne vertébrale, qui sont les "organes des sens" du corps astral. Ces chakras s'activent lorsqu'on atteint la clairvoyance dite "de tête". Sinon, ils restent inactifs, en attente de nos efforts personnels pour s'éveiller.
Chakra racine, situé au niveau du sacrum : 4 pétales.
Chakra sacré, situé au niveau du nombril : 6 pétales.
Chakra solaire, situé au niveau du plexus solaire : 10 pétales.
Chakra du cœur : 12 pétales (les 6 exercices développent cette fleur de Lotus).
Chakra laryngé, situé au niveau de la gorge : 16 pétales (le sentier octuple correspond aux 8 vertus nécessaires pour le développement sain de ce chakra).
Chakra frontal, situé entre les yeux : 2 pétales.
Chakra couronne, situé au niveau de la fontanelle : 1 000 pétales. Les chakras sont symbolisés de façon générale par le svastika, en particulier le chakra situé à la base de la colonne vertébrale. Le svastika lévogyre (qui tourne vers la gauche) symbolise l'ancienne clairvoyance "de ventre", l'asservissement et l'inconscience, tandis que le svastika dextrogyre (vers la droite) représente la clairvoyance développée par un être pleinement conscient.
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¿Sabias que las vocales I.E.O.U.A., tienen grandes poderes curativos?
La vocal «I» hace subir la sangre a la cabeza, cura los órganos del cerebro y desarrolla la clarividencia.
La vocal «E» hace subir la sangre a la laringe, cura las enfermedades de ésta y desarrolla el oído mágico.
La vocal «O», lleva la sangre al corazón, cura dicho órgano y nos despierta el sentido de la intuición.
La vocal «U», lleva la sangre al plexo solar, nos despierta el sentido de la telepatía y nos sana el estómago.
La vocal «A», lleva la sangre a los pulmones confiriéndonos el poder de recordar nuestras pasadas reencarnaciones a la vez que los sana.
Los Chakras y sus verbos.
Las vocales I, E, O, U, A se vocalizan en la forma siguiente:
Una hora diaria de vocalización nos desarrolla y desenvuelve todos estos chacras o ruedas magnéticas del cuerpo astral.
La vocal “I” hace vibrar el chacra frontal.
La vocal “E” hace vibrar el chacra laríngeo.
La vocal “O”·hace vibrar el chacra del corazón.
La vocal “U” hace vibrar el chacra del plexo solar.
La vocal “A” hace vibrar el chacra de los pulmones.
Deberá inhalarse por las fosas nasales el prana, la vida, y luego exhalarlo por la boca vocalizando. Cada vocal tiene su gran poder. Hay que alargar y sostener el sonido de cada vocal, para despertar los chacras.
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josefaleiro-41 · 22 hours
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*💦💎Banhos com cristais*
Coloque cristais na banheira ou num recipiente com água que será jogada no corpo após o banho de chuveiro.
* Cristais brancos – captam energia cósmica, proporcionando tranqüilidade, paz e harmonia.
* Quartzos Rosas – Despertam o afeto puro, trazem paz e tranqüilidade.
* Quartzos Verdes – Cuidam da saúde física e emocional.
* Esmeraldas – Prosperidade aumenta os poderes mentais e a sensitividade.
* Âmbar – Embora não seja uma pedra, e sim uma resina vegetal, o âmbar é protetor e poderoso contra magia. Realça a beleza e a atração em geral.
* Citrino – Evita pesadelos
* Pedra-da-Lua – Numa noite de lua cheia, atrai o amor. Pode ser misturada a um pedaço de âmbar e/ou pétalas de rosas vermelhas.
* Rodocrosita – Reconforta, retira as tensões, atrai o amor, proporciona um sono calmo e relaxante.
* Hawlita branca – Revigora depois de um dia exaustivo de trabalho.
* Ametista – Acalma os medos, protege contra assaltos, aumenta a esperança, afasta vícios, desenvolve o chakra frontal.
( Mago Baltazar )
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falangesdovento · 1 month
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A oração do Pai Nosso, proferida pelo Excelsior Mestre Jesus Cristo, e sua correspondência com os Chakras.
1° - Chakra Coronário = Pai nosso que estais no céu
2° - Chakra Frontal = Santificado seja o Vosso Nome
3° - Chakra Laringeo = Venha a nós o Vosso Reino
4° - Chakra Cardíaco = Seja feita a Vossa vontade assim na terra como no Céu
5° - Chakra Plexo Solar = O pão nosso de cada dia nos dai hoje
6° - Chakra Sexual = Perdoai as nossas ofensas assim como nós perdoamos a quem nos tem ofendido
7° - Chakra Básico = Não nos deixeis cair em tentação, mas livrai-nos do mal.
Boa noite! Lucas Lima
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lanuevaeradeacuario · 2 months
Esoteric Vocalization for Singles
The vowel “I” [pronounced ee as in “tree”] awakens the frontal chakra and makes us clairvoyant. The vowel “E” [pronounced eh as in “red”] awakens the thyroid chakra and makes us clairaudient. The vowel “O” [pronounced oo as in “no”] awakens the heart chakra and makes us intuitive. The vowel “U” [pronounced uu as in “you”] awakens the solar plexus and makes us telepathic. The vowel “A”…
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ars-sacra · 11 months
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Passos para Curar o Chakra Frontal
Num universo onde chakras dançam, e energias entrelaçam, O terceiro olho brilha, entre visões que abraçam. Meditar é o convite, para tua alma libertar, Mas, oh, querido ser, há muito a contemplar.
Prepara a Mente, Alma e Ser, Com devoção e entrega, permita-se conhecer. Não deixe que dúvidas ou medos te impeçam de crescer, Sintonize com o universo, sinta a energia fluir e te envolver.
O ambiente, silente, em harmonia deve estar, Com velas, pedras e sons, para tua energia purificar. Longe das distrações, em paz, a meditar, Teu chakra frontal, lentamente, irá se alinhar.
E em tua dieta, que história desejas contar? Alimenta-se com consciência, permita-se renovar. Frutas roxas, chocolate amargo e chás a saborear, Nutrem o terceiro olho, fazendo-o vibrar.
Mas, lembra-te, viajante das energias sem fim, Diversos cristais te esperam, cada um com seu sim. Âmbar e ametista, azurita a brilhar, Toque-os com carinho, sinta sua energia a se espalhar.
Nessa dança de cura, de descoberta e paixão, O terceiro olho se ilumina, trazendo clareza e visão. Oh, ser de luz, nesta jornada sem fim, O universo te guia, e o amor mora aí, bem dentro de ti.
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leticiaicitel · 1 year
1. Centro da Sola do Pé Esquerdo - Sentido Horario
2. centro da sola do pe direito, sentido horario
3 centro mao esquerda sent horario
4 centro mao direita sent horario
5 chakra basico costas das extremidades ate o centro
5.1 pra cima pela coluna vert
6. chakra cardiaco costas sentido horario
7. plexo solar horario
8. cardiaco horario
9. frontal horario
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cosmicangel888 · 1 year
Your Lives Are Your Healing ~ New 5D
We are here for the healing and bringing anew for higher vibrational loving new earth ~
In our own lives, never underestimate the power of Source, light, honouring the truth, will be what has been hidden; nothing can be built on crappy ground when there is corruption of the spirit, the degrading of the soul, which his what deceit, degrading of the spirit and tormenting denials, tormenting blackmails, and entrapments, how the underground and slight of hand works within many systems, families, and what has been stolen, taken, warped through the greed and shadiness to feed what really and truly can be healed.
Deceit, brings darkness to the spirit, the fields, the heart, chakra's and brings and spirals entities, dishonouring of what was given to you as pristine, and our role is to simply enhance, maintain, sustain our connection within; source, spirit, God within - and thus our world remains brilliance and pristine
For 8 years I have been estranged, doing all in my power to complete a divorce, and in the red tape, the delays due to spell work, and behind the scenes corruption of a select corrupt group wanted their shady ways, deceitful ways, that I have been bringing forward for years, to make right and return monies stolen, not in their names with signatures and paperwork to make up the mess that is now unravelling.
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These have been our teachings for years, years now; I am a master here, as many before me, and this time, our planet will ascend; it is beyond 1 person - this is multi-verse wide and we are and will align with light and higher programs - those that choose to stay in denial, suppression, and darkness and staunch subjugation of the liberated soul - then they will be shifted out - quite simple - they choose at a higher level; their consciousness, bodies, mental preparations simply cannot take them through to the final stages; all have the chance to prepare their worlds for this; we have been talking of this since 1987, and we will have our 3 days of darkness when our hearts and worlds are threaded as one; and is a very sacred, and precious experience with Source, -when all of our gifts are awoken the nights of Oneness;
there will be those that will feed this in fear and degrading spirit; and those hearts will not be open enough to process nor accept the light - and they will simply not be in the engagement - consciousness and what you think is real is not really - they will simply disappear - they have not prepared themselves and they will experience and earth of their vibration and play out corruption -
The only person I know personally, is my ex; and who he chose to deal with, who he chose to engage with, and even gave him warnings of their energy and what I was shown, they were undeniable scammers, and not an ounce of truth in them; free will is what it is and for the past 8 years, they chose to bound together and gang against me, because as a psychic and seer, I saw truth, was shown they were stealing from me,; and they did all they could to falsify narratives, falsify stories, signatures, create false businesses and mask it as community works, while behind the scenes building corruption and living the high life; while I live in poverty and others get taken from -
Social conformity, dogma, old stagnation, for those that challenge the norms, the social roles and status, will do, collect, gather to do whatever it possible to silence the mouth, the truth that is inevitable to its revelation - nothing in evolutionary processes; remember, our entire multi-verse is evolving and the light, the codes, the awakening of every person, will assure that (adjustments to the pre-frontal cortex) is the realignment of values, morals, and memory of who you are within the grander creational story - and alignment to a higher truth will be - all will step into exactly what they chose to leave at - all will return ; and what damage and harm, and games played now to fool or trick, make no mistake will be the debt you choose in your next steps; it never leaves you - what is created never leaves you - you have to alchemize it;
Why so many carry disease and disorder as they age; the healing, the releasing, the making right gets repressed, suppressed, and non action of rebalancing never made makes someone dis-eased for you are not in ease, to the point of death, paralyzation, blindness, and organ shut down; however the illness within deceit within, and disorders will be seen and know; have to be expressed to be alchemized, through disease or through you own releasing and healing -
Now all that we have been saying, offering, teaching is the evidence the proof that so many laughed, teased, and blasphemed healers like myself, seers like myself, as it physically unfolds in communities, families and even governments - the structures of 3D are breaking due the lack of integrity, the deceit, the corruption - and it will fail, fall break; due to their down darkness and it will take them out however the soul needs it to wake up and see the choices, beliefs, and what it has caused; disease or jail - the free will that was forcibly taken from another by taking and manipulating their resources, money, business ideas, and content; while the idea person enslaves and offers, and gives, and heals; the scams and schemes got bigger, laundering and slight of hands to build even bigger egos; and false stories and more lies to keep up with the Webb of deceit already spun; becomes a burden too grand for anyone to carry and thus; breaking begins; and we will see it, this is a portending, our systems are breaking and bit-by-bit, we have to rebuild with greater alignment to light;
The people we thought had our backs, we thought were truthful and had morals and had your interest at heart, to the very courts, and judges and policing, and banking; there are those that see, know, are involved with shady, deceitful programs and plays that keep the innocent out of balance, and hidden, in slavery and bound to living less than lives while the corrupt wealthy, misogynistic, and oligarchy commanders of wrongs continue breaking hearts, bringing the devils of debauchery through your very homes by the dark energy and spirit that passes as they speak; seers see the colour of all that is energy - it is seen in their aura's and felt in the words; everything is vibration and simple words are no longer enough to fool the people - so innocent beings like myself that are here to build better and higher systems are the hardest and most impacted - for if what we say is true; it will break entire beliefs about who you are, who you have believed in, how just are the systems that are supposed to help abused children, abused women trying to do the right thing and get towers every step of the way to simply have a simply and non-complicated divorce signed;
If there was nothing to hide, nothing that 'falsified documents' would unravel in the processing of the divorce, then it should not be an issue; there are issues because this divorce is through paper-work, signatures, connected to the devious deeds done and the tower of lies would come crumbling down when the processing of said work comes into play; the many people that the doppleganger's tried to make all believe of my coherence and the coherence of others, the deceit, and gang stalking, falsifying of everything at every lie would bring their scheme tumbling; so they are entrapping, forcing, vibrationally blackmailing me to stay and remain stuck to corruption that I had no part in, no agreement, no knowing, and was stonewalled at every single attempt to bring truth, and justice for the innocent hearts they cared nothing about - the public was fooled, the innocent were fooled; and they sat there laughing, spell casting, forcing illusions, and stories to those that trusted them;
While the innocent were pushed out of town and pushed in every way to silence; all because I spoke and knew something was not right and spoke on it; barely making it out alive; the building, tower will fall; there is nothing but darkness and we will see anomalies on our planet, mark my words, in which, Gaia, the earth, will shake, sink holes, and places of ancient and sacred land, (Calgary - Calvary) where much harm and damage done, will break, sink, shake, until the darkness and truth is uplifted; everything has meaning and life is a beautiful mystery that you can become the seer if you tune in; wake up and tune in; spirit is always talking to you with you -
There is far more to our life, all nature, our planet, our systems and when it is not aligned in the sacred truth, sacred knowing, it will break - there is God, Source everywhere - evolution and a higher vibrational earth will not be held back for groups of corruption.
All have a choice to make anew - make new paths, clear karma and move into new light, new timelines; heal - choose love, choose what is right - or choose the path of the tower.
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Sacred land is sacred land; and what was built on it, what was disrespected on it, for eons, and none listened until it is taken then people awaken; and wonder why, like covid - was COVID not enough?
Take it up with God - Truth is
Who are you? What beliefs what is within you that needs to be made right? You know when you are holding something that needs to be brought forth? be it a skill, truth, talent, or wish, prayer, and hope; break all conformity and go against all old grains and detach from anyone that tells, hopes, and makes fun of you being different and being of a higher truth; they want to suppress you because what they are fed in, how they are fed, and what fills their pockets is denial of greater and what would happen when you do take your voice, power back; you break the corruption and truth will prevail - they will have to be seen and known for what and who they are; they chose not to heal and blame the entire community on their issues and their inner wounding - they chose to take the life of an innocent healer, teacher, mother; and Brought back to life only by God, Source, my spirit teams; - none have any idea of what I have been through - and these people lied and deceived stories and narratives to assure of their innocence and place in the community -
And then we will be called in to fix the mess, the breaking, the towers that we did not create -
I wish all well - but make no mistake, be it a light worker, a healer from the heavens, or Gaia or God, the land, the cities will know of what was done; all involved get to choose - it is a higher choice selection; the higher hearts of the city will choose to break, make way for new; however it needs to; All is a higher soul choice - all must be seen and known; it never has to get to this, but those that can make change chose not to.
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Gaia is a consciousness and housing 8 B people - she wants balance; sacred lands are being used for dark secrecy and harming the people, innocence that she supports and she will not, God, Source, the lighted ones here to usher in new earth and higher integrity - will not allow the darkness to spiral its corrupt web around our glorious planet; justice and balance will be -
There is no accident; all being energy, regardless of what the scientists will say; all is vibration; earth quakes, sink holes, look at the land and what goes on there, look beneath it - all is energy and the lands, the spirits in the earth will arise to help those few of us that stand for higher knowing, living, and remembrance of who we are as spirit with all other spirit - nothing will stop this ascension; and the corrupt will fall and break for us to remake in new and lighted ways; those have been given chances, years, years, lifetimes, do what is right - all deserve justice, and all deserve truth and safe honouring homes,
What story are you creating and the one you will walk back into -
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; will guide each person to new courage to speak truth, bring truth, and offer what is right; these are adjustments that no spell caster, and no underground hoodie can portend, or think will not be the glitch in their crime scheme; Spirit is the awakener, spirit is the quickener and it has its affects down to the DNA and you know who you are, and you remember the blessing of what this is;
Alignment with Spirit is everything - beyond what any money, any scam, and any false group that pretends to be loyal and takes all opportunity to stab you in the back and take all the money - so much wounding, and for years, all were given infinite opportunity to heal and do right; All is Gods, Source, the higher self way to prove character for your next timeline - and some simply choose to stay in corruption, stay and remain in self hate and deceit, regardless of the effects, and stories their family and linage have to heal due to their actions; the children will carry every karma when a woman has a baby to keep a man, the child carries those vibrational choices, the child carries dysfunction of deceit in the home; this is why Oneness, the understanding and alignment of the grander universal laws and light;
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Truth is light; clearing the way, and even though in poverty and having no earthly person behind me, spirit, the light, the legions working and walking with me, also have ways to assure that the truth will be brought - be it making paperwork none, seen, and the right people, even though this group had slight of hand, and people paid off on all sides to deceive me, steal from me and others, and do the falsifying of all 3D ways; the light is higher, more intelligent and will somehow someway bring higher ground, truth, honour, and new infrastructure to what has been very very broken; Justice and balance will be brought to the real truth bringers and healers, and leaders; there are those that simply use their title or place in a community or system;
Be it judge, boss, CEO, to work people and when they use energy, abuse energy, mind-scraping, gifts of the occult, and they will deny it, it will cause great confusion, webbings of darkness and truth and justice will spiral in years and years of delays and corruption and nothing gets done, the monies are all spent, (which was their intent to have me never receive when the truth is found out) - these malice groups know why, what, they do and they simply do not care the harm, damage, trauma they cause in creating communities of corruption, fooling many, then blaming the victims for their actions; not only do you never get justice, but you get blamed for their corruption ~
What is before you?
Do you have a chance to do and say, speak on what is truth?> You will return to what you created; clear it or make the path of the earth that you choose - all is what you choose -
There are false spiritualists that are meant to also do the healing, always be the student, and what is envy, jealousy, less than wounds to heal so that you can grow; who ever abuses their gifts, talents, skills be it astrology, or voodoo, when you are not aligned with greater laws, universal laws; it will be returned and turned off, and Spirit, will intervene until the lessons are learned;
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taking what is not yours nor earned in good will; God, Source, will never allow, gift anyone with power to lead the communities at the grander level to those that have done nothing but corrupt minds, hearts, souls, spirit - abuse of energy will be called, and #Calgary, #corruption will be shown, for all had their time, opportunity to make right, and make truth on their own wrongs, and harm, and damage done. #calgarycrime -
how, why anyone that would believe the harsh lies, deceit, over someone that is pure in healing, help, offering higher vibrational intelligence and wisdoms for all - the benefit of the all and not received 1 penny, not 1 apology, and not 1 person making anything right; therefore, Source is now stepping in.
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For anyone that chose to be a part of scams, schemes, false businesses to have me NOT BEING SEEN; the multi-dimensional torture and harm, damage, loss of me ~ I hope you all got what you wanted - I hope the money, and the stuff will fit well on your souls story and karma the humanity and collective will know of you - I hope you feel really honouring of your own spirit - the oneness of us all -
The hiding agenda; the copying, the hiding of energy, information, money, content, video's and using me, abusing me, while defaming me, yet making money off of me; how enslaving and bigoted and again, nothing will make right what was done.Ⓒ 
The way will be made. TRUTH is truth.
All is being shown; the earth, the heavens, all spirit will be showing you - how you are able to tune in and live in your own truth and power -
Blessings and light
~ DONATIONS - see our PayPal link here; paypal.me/JoannaLRoss
#ascension #standinyourlight #healinghumanity #ascensionbooks #ascensiontools #healing #healingenergy #God #Source #healingourchildren #5Dearth #5Dplanet #5Dhealing #5Dleaders #healingcorruption #liberation #healingtrauma #calgarycrime #calgarycorruption #healinggangstalking #healingabuse
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breathe-nero · 2 years
The Neanderthal Warburg disease phenotype can also be reversed by a high fibre diet. Pranayama involves stimulation of 3 channels: Ida- the left channel starting from the muladhara chakra in the tip of the spine to the left nostril, pingala- the right channel starting from the muladhara chakra in the tip of the spine to the right nostril and the sushumna central channel starting from the muladhara chakra to the sahasrara chakra crowning the head. The muladhara chakra is called the yukti triveni where the 3 channels intersect. The shakthi, the static unmanifest kundalini is guarded by the serpent who is coiled in three and half circles 539which closes the central channel with its mouth. Prana guides its circulating movements through the ida and pingala down to the base of the spine when Kundalini is awakened. The vital energies of opposing forces of ida and pingala will be united in the shakthi kundalini which is awakened rises up sushumna nadi and energises the 7 chakras. The 7 chakras are in the ethereal body and includes the muladhara chakra in the tip of the spine, the swadhisthana chakra in the genital area, the manipura chakra in the coeliac plexus, the anahata chakra in the cardiac region, the vishudhara chakra in the neck, the ajna chakra in the pineal gland and sahasrara chakra in the crown of the head. The uniting of the ida and pingala by pranayama awakens the kundalini and stimulates the various chakras regulating body functions. The stimulation of pingala produces right hemispheric stimulation, sympathetic hyperactivity and parasympathetic hypoactivity. The stimulation of ida produces left hemispheric stimulation, sympathetic hypoactivity and parasympathetic hyperactivity. The stimulation of sushumna awakens the kundalini and balances sympathetic and parasympathetic. Thus the stimulation of ida and sushumna can reverse the Warburg phenotype. Yogic pranayamic breathing techniques can modulate brain function and metabolonomics. It decreases sympathetic activity and increasing parasympathetic activity. Yogic pranayamic breathing technique can lead to decrease in sympathetic tone, decreased amount of stress hormones, stability of the gut blood barrier and reduction in colonic archaeal growth. This leads to reduction in archaeal endosymbiosis and preservation of the frontal cortex. Yogic physical exercises leads to AMPK activation and reversal of the Warburg phenotype. AMPK activation stabilizes gut blood barrier and reduces archaeal endosymbiosis.  Yogic pranayamic breathing technique and physical yoga exercises leads to decreased archaeal endosymbiosis, reversal of neanderthalisation of species as well as reversal of the Warburg phenotype. Thus yoga exercises and postures as well as pranayama techniques help to reduce endosymbiotic and colonic archaea growth and reverse the Neanderthal Warburg phenotype. The chakras have got a sound correlate with the muladhara chakra stimulated by lam, svadhistana chakra stimulated by vam, the manipura chakra stimulated by ram and the anahata chakra stimulated by ham. Thus sounds, mantras and vedic chants can affect the chakras and regulate body functions.  
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wellbodymind · 2 years
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Wow! Today’s Biodynamic Meditation was mostly swirliness! I had again awakened early and listened to a Yoga Nidra recording on YouTube. I’ve been sampling them. Still like Liam Gillen and also now Kristyn Rose Yoga who has one with some focus on the heart chakra. I also gave 5 mini-sessions at last night’s Community Healing Circle after being unable to work this past week. Power outage at my office due to ice storm. (It’s back on now.) I was primed for a really good meditation. I breathed a few physiological sighs until I yawned (parasympathetic sign). Felt radiance at my face and then my entire head. Tide. No stillpoint unless it was brief. I wonder if the healing energy, after 3 months of daily meditations, doesn’t need stillpoints any more because it knows my system well by now. When I work on others, a stillpoint seems like a pause when the healing energy is assessing their system and gathering resources before it starts swirling. Swirliness happens when the healing energy of the Tide changes its action from regulation (ascending and descending the central energy channel) or stillpoints (gathering resources) to healing whatever is ready to be healed (swirling where it’s needed), as best I understand it experientially. Swirliness is so mysterious and magical! It has its own agenda for healing that is extremely intelligent! I believe it’s way more intelligent than any of us could possibly be. After all, it has known us deeply and intimately, from the inside out, since shortly after our conception. Sometimes it moves really fast, zipping around. Sometimes it slows down and lingers in an area. Today it touched on all my chakras and did some more realigning of my cranial bones. Usually it feels really good! Sometimes, like today with my frontal bone, there was a brief, slight sense of discomfort until the bone was aligned with its neighbors. Photo: wave receding from lava tube, with whispering stones, at Wai’anapanapa State Park, Hana, Maui. #biodynamicmeditation #craniosacralbiodynamics #craniosacraltherapy #craniosacral #bcst #swirliness #tide #stillpoints #centralenergychannel #radianceatmyface #healingenergy (at Manchaca, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoSZ4mbJr_o/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bluesrockjazz · 2 years
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riversalondayspa2 · 2 years
Ayurveda Massage Coimbatore - River Salon Day Spa
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Best Ayurvedic Massage With Specialists at River Salon and Day Spa In Coimbatore
Indus valley progress is the assistance of Ayurvedic treatment. It has seen as an elective sort of treatment the whole way across the world. From the ayurvedic treatment fostered the Ayurvedic massage which is a piece of the treatment composed exertion. The shows of Ayurveda should be prominent in old favored texts like the Bhela Samhita, Sushruta Samhita, and Chakra Samhita which were made around the year sixth BC. As the experts in India became displayed about areas of strength for the of Ayurvedic massage they began figuring out honestly more on it which got changed over into Bedouin and Persian which spread to different nations. A standard Ayurvedic Massage that has its root in our dirt, come to River Salon and Day Spa for the Best ayurveda massage coimbatore
Fragrant oil Will Influence Your Frontal cortex and Soul
The Ayurvedic treatment looks at the climatic condition, the important pressure, the mental strain one occur with in everyday life over the span of treatment. The utilization of sweet-smelling oils keeps the five assets related with which takes the psyche off from the everyday issues. This obviously impacts the frontal cortex research and the inner soul of the individual. The massage impact can be felt as loss of destruction in the hitched muscles in the body. It keeps up with the reflexes by encouraging the advancement of the blood and further developing the lymphatic framework which manufactures the discharge of destructive substances from the body. To see the value in the impact of Ayurvedic massage and its advantages come to our best ayurveda massage Coimbatore at River Salon and Day Spa.
Best Ayurvedic Body Massage in Coimbatore - Sorts of Meds
Abhyanga is a sort of oil massage where the body is massaged in various ways. The ayurvedic spa treatment is valuable to decrease weight and diabetic gangrene. During the massage, the beneficiary is made to lie on a wooden bed, and two masseurs on either side will apply neighborhood oil and massage circumspectly. The massage begins with the neck, ears, chest, back, and shoulders and painstakingly proceeded to the toes. The massage is occurred in the sitting position accomplishing taking out pressure, further making resistance, redesiging centrality, sound rest, and saving huge strong regions for a make-up. ayurveda massage coimbatore
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