snowflakechallenge · 2 years
Snowflake Challenge #6
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Introduction Post * Meet the Mods Post * Master Post on DW * Challenge #1 * Challenge #2 * Challenge #3 * Challenge #4 * Challenge #5
Remember that there is no official deadline, so feel free to join in at any time, or go back and do challenges you've missed.
Fans (and human beings in general!) accumulate stuff that reflects our interests. A scavenger hunt is a chance to share some of the things you enjoy with others and let them get to know you better.
When you find an item on the list, post a picture or a description of it or both. If you only post pictures, consider including alt text in your image code for the visually impaired or those who have images turned off. If you are using Dreamwidth hosting for your pictures, use the Short Description field to automatically include the alt code in your embed.
Interpret the items on the list as literally or creatively as you want and skip any you don't want to do!
Challenge #6
In your own space, post the results of your fandom scavenger hunt. Leave a comment in today’s post at The Fandom Snowflake Challenge on DW saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so.
Search in your current space, whether brick-and-mortar or digital. Post a picture or description of something that is or represents:
1. A favorite character 2. Something that makes you laugh 3. A bookshelf 4. A game or hobby you enjoy 5. Something you find comforting 6. A TV show or movie you hope more people will watch 7. A piece of clothing you love 8. A thing from an old fandom 9. A thing from a new fandom
For examples of a fill, see the link to my entry in the comments.
Check out the comments for all the awesome participants of the challenge and visit their journals/challenge responses to comment on their posts and cheer them on.
And just as a reminder: this is a low pressure, fun challenge. If you aren't comfortable doing a particular challenge, then don't. We aren't keeping track of who does what.
(If you want us to reblog your response here at our Tumblr, we’re tracking: snowflakechallenge2023.)
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theoremproved · 3 years
Catching up on the Snowflake challenges, pt 2.
#6: In your own space, create something.
Oh, I’ve been waiting for this one. The thing that speaks about me more than my entry itself is that the very moment I found out “create a fanwork” is one of the usual challenges my mind immediately went to thinking what exactly can I cook up for this one.
Submitting one of my one-shots, finished and edited in October, would have been cheating.
And then I remembered that I do have some crafting skills...
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... And made him.
Fourth Doctor, dressed in formal Gallifreyan robes. Very heavily inspired by one of the snapshot pics from The Deadly Assassin.
I love Four and I love orange, so the choice of the subject was a no-brainer. Pretty proud of this, given that it was the first time I had to both draw the cross-stitching scheme and pick the colours; love how his collar turned out in particular. Took me ~18 hours over the course of 12 days.
He adorns my table now, in a frame of TARDIS blue.
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mooncatchallenges · 5 years
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i try.
good bye. (:
User: lehua
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jbonnel · 3 years
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Le groupe de #Batucadas #PANGAEA augmente le rythme à l'approche du 11kms du 38eme Cross Courir pour les Droits Humains @CrossAmnesty de @ValbonneSA #SophiaAntipolis @Sophia50ans #Challenge06 (à Ferme Bermond) https://www.instagram.com/p/CXYO4k8LAv3/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Friends to an Extent ((Para w/ Tommy))
Baran considered himself a man of simple, if not contradicting taste. He didn't care about what people said about him as long as it wasn't degrading. He didn't care what sort of girls he screwed as long as they were Pureblood. He didn't care what sort of company his friends kept as long as they were Slytherins. Regarding that third one, Baran Flinders considered Tommy Terror to be his best friend. No, Tommy was not the smartest kid in the school by far, but he certainly had the brawn and he was a Pureblood Slytherin. Baran had gotten to know Tommy pretty well over their years together, and he'd been certain of two things: one, Tommy didn't associate with non-Purebloods, and two, he did not talk to people outside of his own house. But Baran could clearly see Tommy doing both right now. Since when did Tommy talk to people like Bette Kane, a half-blood Hufflepuff?! Granted, Tommy didn't seem to notice that Baran was watching him, but before long he caught a glimpse of his sister and walked off, hastily leaving Bette behind him. Baran smirked. So, Tommy's little tryst with Bette was supposed to be a secret. The interactions would've been painfully obvious to everyone that saw them, but as stated, Tommy was, to put it nicely, dull. He wondered how the elder Terror Twin would've reacted to knowing that Baran knew. Even more importantly, Baran wondered how Tuppence would react to what he knew.
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blondebadger-blog · 12 years
~we'll cry tonight, but in the morning we are new~ {Bette/Roy}
Bette sat on the floor of the hall, her head resting on her knees as she tried to figure out everything that was going on. All she knew was that there was a break out in Azkaban, and Professor, well, former Professor Isley was involved. Her feet was aching from walking through the hall, passing out food to the students, and she longed for her comfortable bed. Rubbing her arms to get rid of the goosebumps on them, she decided she'd be happy with even a sweater.
Suddenly, a flock of owls flew into the hall, apparently allowed in by the professors. Bette squinted, looking for Plebe, when she saw the fiery red bird swoop down towards her and land on her shoulder. She smiled a little, before petting him, "Hey Plebe, it's nice to see you." The owl clucked in response, dropping a rolled up package into the blonde's hands.
It was a copy of the Daily Prophet's evening edition for tonight, with a note tied to the scrolled up paper, which read:
"Bette, tonight's events are truly worrisome. An escape from Azkaban has never happened before, and this group, the Light, is creating a panic. From what my dad's told me, a lot people in the ministry don't think there's a connection between the prison escape, and the muggle attack, but I don't know, all of this seems too... coincidental, for my liking. Keep your eyes open, Isley may have influenced some of her students. You're a smart girl, cuz. Stay safe."
~Sincerely, Kate
Bette poured over the articles of the Prophet, reading every section carefully as she fully took in the severity of the situation. She hoped Kate was wrong; the idea of students being loyal to Professor Isley, it scared her. Would they attack other students, in the name of the Injustice League? Sighing, the blonde set aside the paper, and took out of her pocket the remains of a pastry she'd had earlier, giving them to Plebe.
She hoped that if the time came, she'd be brave enough to fight back.
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snowflakechallenge · 4 years
Fandom Snowflake Challenge #6
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Introduction Post* Meet the Mods Post * Master Post * Challenge #1 * Challenge #2 * Challenge #3 * Challenge #4 * Challenge #5
Remember that there is no official deadline, so feel free to join in at any time, or go back and do challenges you've missed.
One of my favourite things about fandom is screaming, "Did you see that amazing thing!" to someone and having them scream back at you (hopefully positively) that they have now. Sometimes, it's about the canon itself, but a lot of the time it's about fan works our community has made. In that spirit, today is the day to sing the praises of our fellow fans' hard work and creativity.
Challenge #6
In your own space, rec at least three fanworks that you didn’t create. Leave a comment in today’s post at The Fandom Snowflake Challenge on DW saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so.
You can include three or three hundred links to any kind of fanwork that strikes your fancy: meta, gifsets, podfic, graphics, fic, art, mixes, crafts, resources, whatever strikes you as having been pretty darn cool.
I totally encourage people to include a note of why they liked the thing, but linking to them with accompanying exclamation marks also works.
Check out the comments for all the awesome participants of the challenge and visit their journals/challenge responses to comment on their posts and cheer them on.
And just as a reminder: this is a low pressure, fun challenge. If you aren't comfortable doing a particular challenge, then don't. We aren't keeping track of who does what.
(If you want us to reblog your response here at our Tumblr, we’re tracking: snowflakechallenge2021.)
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snowflakechallenge · 5 years
Fandom Snowflake Challenge #6
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Introduction Post * Meet the Mods Post * Master Post * Challenge #1 * Challenge #2 * Challenge #3 *  Challenge #4 * Challenge #5
Remember that there is no official deadline, so feel free to join in at any time, or go back and do challenges you've missed.
This is my favorite challenge by far, because I love doing things for people and it helps me dust off, say, my Photoshop and various skills that tend to go dormant during the year. I also love to find likeminded people who want the same things I want, so we can enable each other to produce them. That's right: it's the wishlist challenge!
Challenge #6
In your own space, make a list — anything between one and ten things is a sweet spot, but don't feel constrained by that! - of things that you wish existed in fandom or elsewhere, or that you'd like someone to make for you. Are you dying for podfic of your writing? Do you need icons for a character that doesn't get much fanart? Is there a story you want to read? Are you looking for new canons to get into? Would you like a collaborator for a project? Maybe you want more people to talk about a certain fandom with, or you'd love to trade ficlets with somebody over email. Maybe you're new to a fandom and would like some recs to start reading, or communities to join. This is the time to ask! Leave a comment in today’s post at The Fandom Snowflake Challenge on DW saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so.
Note: if you want e.g. artwork or podfic for a specific story you've written, or icons for a specific character, make sure to include links to those fics and any screencap or image galleries you know of!
The sky's really the limit here. I'm pretty sure I once asked for couchsurfing opportunities, so you'll never top me in shamelessness, if that makes anyone who might feel awkward asking for things feel any better.
Check out the comments for all the awesome participants of the challenge and visit their journals/challenge responses to comment on their posts and cheer them on.
And just as a reminder: this is a low pressure, fun challenge. If you aren't comfortable doing a particular challenge, then don't. We aren't keeping track of who does what.
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(If you want us to reblog your response here at our Tumblr, we’re tracking: snowflakechallenge2020.)
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mooncatchallenges · 5 years
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For my MEWNBOT! design I drew inspiration from BB-8 & 3D holographic cards! I also added in the idea of different Mooncats decorating MEWNBOT! because it would be fun to see it colored & decorated by different artists!
Twitch: digital_spell
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mooncatchallenges · 5 years
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hai I went the animu robot girl route no regrats. She doesn't have much human emotion and doesn't change her expression too much. Twitch: owlcats
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mooncatchallenges · 5 years
Prompt: Create a design for our stream bot “MEWNBOT!”
Some keywords for inspo: moons, cats, flowers, organic, plants, robot, a helping hand 
Deadline:  June 30th @ midnight CT time (1 month)
What should be included in your submission: 1. Your design (You can spend an hour or the whole month on your piece; can be a sketch or full render - it’s entirely up to you). 2. Your full Twitch username.
-Please keep your submissions to 1 entry per person.  If you do multiple ones throughout the month, that’s great!  Just pick your favorite one to submit so it’s fair amongst all the participants.
-Winner will be decided upon what matches the channel “aesthetic” and concept best!
Prize: 2 second place winners will receive features/shoutouts on stream and 5000 catbeans to be used for games or towards future giveaways.
One grand prize winner will win 10,000 catbeans, features/shoutouts on stream and Twitter, and their design will become our “mascot” for Mewnbot!♥
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mooncatchallenges · 5 years
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This is my mewnbot concept entry
User: LegendofSidequest
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mooncatchallenges · 5 years
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Hullo! This is my submission for designing a Mewnbot!! :D So, I wanted her to be able to read as a helpful person, so I gave her several things that would aid in my attempt to do that (like her back compartment or the screen on her chest). Also, I've noticed that a lot of robot designs have either painted on or built in smiles, and I didn't want Mewnbot to have that. I wanted her to represent the mooncat community in the way that every time I come back to it, I'm always met with genuine happiness, and I thought that a painted smile would not do that justice. :-)
Here's some extra stuff you should know about her:
 she uses the mic to announce things such as "to the moons" and the like
 watering can is for beans (when everyone goes to the moon)
 has a charging pad that she stands on
Twitch: cixatrix
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mooncatchallenges · 5 years
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Hello! This is the little sketch I did for MewnBot! I always saw this lil friend as a beautiful black cat~
This is very simplistic! Sorry about that! I just found out about the challenge... I thought the deadline was over :P
Twitch: Alice3960
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mooncatchallenges · 5 years
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Hello! This is my version of the mewnbot, they have a moon on their head and the tail is shaped like one and they are filled with blooming peonys inside to express their robotic feelings c: it also has kinda like a pirate vibe to it which was unintentional xD there will be a "colored" version in my instagram (name in the pic)
Twitch name: peccum
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mooncatchallenges · 5 years
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A more android approach to mewnbot! A beautiful robotic lady who will help you to the moon if you have enough catbeans lol
Twitch username: Naokiku
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