gguksgalaxy · 5 years
Champagne Popsicle | KTH | Bottoms Up
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You’re not a fan of social gatherings, especially not the ones where you have to show up in a stupid dress that you didn’t pick while it’s a 100 degrees outside. However, a handsome stranger with a popsicle that matches his pink hair might be able to turn your frown upside down.
›› Bottoms Up Masterlist ›› Genre: Smut / Fluff ›› Rating: 18+ (sexual content) ›› Pairing: KTH x Reader ›› Word Count: 10.1k Warnings Include: Alcohol, fingering, handjob, cunnilingus, blowjob, mouth fucking, food play, ruined orgasm, multiple orgasms, slight dom!Taehyung, almost getting caught.
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A soft breeze catches your hair and you’re forever grateful for it. The magenta dress you’re wearing sticks to your skin in the heat and cooling down seems almost impossible in the middle of the summer. The wedding below you is bustling, your friend dancing in her ivory dress with her husband. You’ve escaped to a higher floor — social gatherings aren’t your thing and neither is the hundred degree weather. This is way past your comfort zone.
You toe off your heels, stepping down onto the tile floor in the hope to cool down a bit. Your friend Sooji really had to put you in a skin-tight silk dress of one of the most hideous colours. The pink doesn’t suit you and it’s painfully obvious.
“I see I wasn’t the only person who decided to escape?” A voice sounds from behind you and when you whirl around you find the groom’s friend with the pink hair. The one Sooji definitely mentioned in regard to not wanting him at her wedding because he’s too wild.
His suit jacket has been discarded, the first few buttons open. The slight sheen of his skin makes it apparent that he is just as hot as you are. However, unlike you he has a refreshment. The popsicle in his hand is filled with fruits and your mouth waters at the sight. He catches you gawking and holds the treat out to you.
“Want a bite?” He smiles and it contrasts with his demeanour.
You remember how he had caught your eyes during the ceremony. He’s handsome, full lips with eyes that hold something you can’t quite define — intimidating is a word that rises to the surface. Yet, right now with his hair mussed up and smiling like that, he looks much more friendly.
He chuckles, stepping up beside you and handing it over to you. It’s cold against your lips, but you’re not prepared for the taste. You frown as you bite into it, ice cold and sickly sweet almost.
“Not good?” he asks.
You shake your head with a hand covering your mouth as it melts on your tongue. It’s odd but not in a bad way, and he laughs at the sight of you holding the way too big bite of fruit and ice in your mouth. “Hmm, what is this made with?”
True to your character, you almost choke on a large piece of peach, completely embarrassing yourself. “They’re made with champagne?”
He nods, taking the popsicle back. “Good, isn’t it?” He pops it back into his mouth and you catch yourself staring for a few seconds too long at the way his lips pucker. You avert your attention back to the people downstairs who are mingling and dancing. The heat doesn’t seem to bother them as much as it does you.
“So, what’s your excuse for escaping?” he muses, leaning on the balustrade beside you. The wind catches his pink hair, revealing the dark set of his brows.
You huff, the slight cool-down from the ice already subsiding and the warmth seeping back into your skin. “Too hot.”
“Too many people?”
“That too…”
A silence falls over the two of you — his mere presence alleviating your bad mood a little. He starts humming along to the music, a low and pleasant sound. You try to think of his name; you’re positive Sooji mentioned it to you when she was freaking out over him coming to her wedding. Like this, he doesn’t seem wild, but the feeling you’d gotten from him might be a hint at what she knows that you obviously do not. You’re pretty sure she referred to him as the blue-haired demon before. Though, right now it would be pink-haired.
His mouth is busy with the fruit, the red of the berries tainting his lips red just the slightest. It doesn’t make him look any less handsome — on the contrary, your mind easily drifts to the thought of kissing him. God, the heat must really be getting to you.
“Say,” you trail. “I can’t remember your name for the life of me.”
He chuckles again, something that comes from deep within his chest. “I’m hurt, I surely remember yours. How could I not? You looked stunning in that dress.” The fact that he has you blushing so easily without even looking at you — you need to get a grip.
You shake the feeling. “Thanks, but I’m entirely certain this dress is the ugliest thing I have ever worn. I mean,” you shiver your hands into the pockets, “it has pockets, which is a crime on it’s own for a dress this tight.”
The sight of you angrily stuffing your hands into the fabric sends him into a fit of laughter, almost dropping his popsicle in the process. “I mean, yeah this one’s pretty hideous. I’m sorry to say but pink is not your colour.” He takes the last bite off the stick. “I mean the summer dress you arrived in this morning. That one was gorgeous.”
Truly, he must be joking. This morning you ‘d been royally late to the venue and Sooji was ready to just kick you out of the wedding. Your hair had been barely combed, pulled up in a useless piece of a bun as you had dragged the dress from the previous night off the chair and slipped it on without much thought. A light piece of white fabric that hung off one shoulder. “I — Thank you.”
“You’re very welcome, Y/N.” He emphasises your name and the way it rolls off his tongue holds implications you must be imagining.
You smile at him. “So, are you going to tell me your name?”
He takes a step closer to you, brushing his pink hair out of his face. “On one condition,” he says lowly with the slight raise of a brow. “Dance with me?”
“I —“ You damn your cheeks for being able to turn more red even in this heat. It must certainly be matching the colour of your dress by now. “Dance with you?” The second the words leave your mouth you regret them. It doesn’t at all sound like what you’d intended.
It doesn’t seem to faze him, he merely chuckles. “I mean, you don’t have to. But it’s a wedding and it’d be a shame if you’re going to be up here moping the entire time when there’s free food and drinks downstairs.” He has a point, and you’d take him upon his offer if it wasn’t for the sun beaming down your back. You might actually get sunburnt at this rate. “You know what,” he starts to walk away, “it’s your loss. I know where they’re hiding the popsicles.”
Now that is a good tradeoff. “Fine, you got me.”
He stops, looking at you over his shoulder with a wide smile. “Follow me, my lady.” Politely, he holds out his hand for you and you take it with a slight shake of your head. The skin of his hand is soft, surprisingly so. It completely envelops yours and the metal of the rings he wears contrast against the warmth of his palm.
You shouldn’t be this frazzled by holding a near stranger’s hand, yet he has an effect on you that you can’t explain. It’s as if you’ve met him before, like there’s history — a strange feeling settles in your chest as you look at him.
He is exuberant, laughing as you stumble down the stairs on bare feet. When you stop him to put your shoes back on he grabs them from you. “You don’t need those, the grass is much cooler.” Your shoes get hooked onto the umbrella stand as he drags you outside.
The grass is cool against your feet and you sigh at the feeling. There’s people around you, though not many are dancing to the soft music that is now playing. The man holding your hand however, doesn’t seem to have a care in the word as he twirls you around and catches you gently against his chest. You laugh, freely, and it feels so good.
His hands settle on your waist, warm, guiding, and you dance in close proximity with him — it’s cheesy but it almost feels like a movie. He’s even more gorgeous up close, thick eyelashes framing his eyes that light up when he smiles. The way he laughs when he dances with you is child-like and you wish you could be like that some more. He seems enamoured with the moment, purposely living the fairytale feeling almost.
“Say,” you hum, placing your hands on his shoulders. “How did you manage to get Sooji to agree to let you into the wedding after all?”
“Jin wasn’t joking when he said she didn’t want me here?”
Maybe it was a mistake to tell him this, but you doubt he’d actually be hurt by the notion. “Well, I don’t know your name, but I know of you. Sooji refers to you in many ways but that blue-haired demon was definitely one of her favourites.”
He laughs, throwing his head back at your words. The line of his jaw is sharp like this and he lowers his head again to look at you with a joking raise of his eyebrows, only to ask; “What do you think, am I a demon?”
The way he speaks, there’s a slight drop in his timbre. The lop-sided smile that lingers has you entranced. If he is a demon, he’s most certainly one in disguise. “I don’t know. I haven’t seen enough of you. I mean, I still don’t know your name.”
He grins and you swear you can feel it in your chest. “It’s Taehyung.” When he twirls you around you bump back into him, feeling his warmth. He is firm beneath your touch as your hands land on his chest.
“Well Taehyung,” you trail, looking at him grin. “How’d you manage to get into the wedding?”
He flicks his hair out of his face, a simple gesture. “Easy. Sooji made a comment about my blue hair clashing with the theme of her wedding. So I stole Jungkook’s tie and asked my hair dresser to match it. Blue looked better, but I don’t hate the pink.”
You snort, what an odd thing to do. It’s not something you would ever do but you can’t say that the colour doesn’t look nice on him. Blue however, that’s something you’d want to see. With his features you’re leaning towards taking his word for it, especially since pink already looks this good.
“What?” he asks.
“I mean, that’s certainly chaotic.”
Taehyung laughs and the sound makes your stomach tingle. The heat is long forgotten as you watch him dance with you. He’s tall and you spot a small mole on the tip of his nose. “Not demonic?”
You shake your head, playing with the collar of his shirt. “I wouldn’t say so, no.”
“Well,” he starts, grabbing your hand and turning you so your back is against his chest. His voice vibrates as he whispers in your ear. “How’s sneaking into the kitchen for some champagne-laced popsicles?”
“Sounds more like it.”
Taehyung’s hands are on your hips, holding you firmly against him. Every breath he takes pushes against you and you’re fearful he can notice your increasing nerves. It’s the first time a guy has gotten under you skin like this by merely…being. You shouldn’t be this affected.
Your breath hitches at his next utterance of words.
“There,” he points towards the entrance. “If you go through the double doors, straight past the lobby and third door on the left. Wait for me by the bathroom.” You can feel him look at you over your shoulder. “Go,” he ushers, pushing you forward.
You look back at him. He smiles and winks and you swear that for a second he looks younger. A true enigma.
Inside you grab your shoes from the stand, slipping them back on and wobbling to get your footing. High heels are not your favourite, but at least you’re aware that they make this hideous dress look a little better. The fact that Taehyung chose to approach you regardless of the ugly garment is luck on its own. You should thank your alarm clock for making you oversleep.
It’s not hard to find the bathrooms, you’re surprised that there’s nobody here right now. This back hallway is empty and you lean against the wall, waiting for him. Why didn’t he just follow you?
“There you are!” Sooji’s voice sounds from your left. She’s waddling over to you with the skirt of her dress gathered in her hands. “What are you doing?”
You look around, you could just lie right? You doubt you’re doing anything wrong by standing here. “I’m taking a breather, it’s hot outside.”
She rolls her eyes. “I know, you’ve complained about that enough. I mean what are you doing with Taehyung?”
“You know, pink hair, the guy I’ve repeatedly told you to stay away from?” She ushers her words with haphazard gestures. “Do I need to tell you again?”
You frown at her. “Okay Sooji, sweetheart, it’s your wedding. You shouldn’t be worrying about me. Just have fun with Seokjin, that’s what today is about.” You do not understand why she’s so worried about you on her day. She doesn’t show this much concern for your hook-ups normally. Taehyung isn’t even that — he must’ve done something serious to piss her off this much.
She shakes her head at you, sighing deeply. “Do you really not remember what happened last time?”
What is she on about? Last time, what last time? You’re entirely sure you’ve never run into Taehyung before and he’s not someone you think you’d just forget. “I — Sooji listen, Taehyung’s just being nice and frankly,” you pause to take a deep breath, “if I want to flirt with him that is my decision.”
Sooji brushes stray strands of hair out of her face. “Y/N, listen. I’m going to take your word for it but…do you remember when you got really drunk at my engagement party?”
Oh do you remember. Or well, not remember is maybe a better way to say it. But you surely remember the raging headache you woke up with the next day, and the gap that is still left in your memory. It’s the one time you go so drunk that you just blanked out. None of it came back and — oh.
“Do you remember now?” she asks.
“No…” you trail off. Truly, you’re trying to but you cannot recall anything aside from the horrid taste of tequila.
“You don’t remember making out with a certain blue-haired person? In my bathroom, may I add.”
If there was one thing that could make you choke on air, that is it. “Excuse me?” Taehyung…and you…what? There’s no way. You’d remember that for sure — he doesn’t look like someone who’d let you forget.
Sooji sighs. “I’m not going to paint the picture for you, but let’s just say you were very drunk and swallowing him whole in my bathroom. I stopped him right before he could fuck you over the sink.”
Your cheeks heat up and your eyes widen in shock. “I — Please tell me you’re kidding?”
“No, I wish I was. I can’t believe he’d—“
“Wait,” you stop her. “You thought he was taking advantage of me?”
“You were drunk!”
“Both of us?”
It’s not that you don’t get where she’s coming from. If you’d found her with a random guy while she was drunk you wouldn’t have just let him do that. The difference is that she knows Taehyung, he’s a close friend of her now-husband and you just don’t believe he was going to do something like that to you. Taehyung doesn’t seem to be anything but kind and the picture she’s painting seems a bit warped. You are her friend after all. Though, if Taehyung was as drunk as you were then you don’t see the need for her to act like this.
You sigh, rubbing your forehead. “Why did you never just tell me this?”
Sooji smooths down the material of her dress. “I thought you were lying when you said you didn’t remember, that you might’ve been ashamed or something.”
You try to weigh your words properly. “I appreciate that you’re trying to look out for me, but I’m an adult and I can make my own decisions. If me and Taehyung were both drunk then I get why you broke us up but you have no reason to treat him like a villain because of it. That said, we can have this conversation any other day that’s not your wedding. Until then I just want you to enjoy yourself and stop worrying about me.”
Sooji purses her lips, probably realising that you’re right. You doubt she wants to have this conversation today, the fact that she’s looking out for you on her own wedding says a lot about her as a friend. She has always been a great friend, and she has stopped you from making bad decisions. However, today is not the day, and this decision isn’t that bad. You hope she knows this.
Taehyung…you wonder if this is why he is flirting with you, if you even took it the right way. He probably remembers kissing you, nearly bending you over your friend’s sink — you blush at the thought. Simply looking at him has made your skin heat up, the heft of his gaze simply palpable. Yet, imagining kissing him seems foreign, out of your reach.
This is why you’re not surprised that you can feel him before you hear him as he walks up behind you. An undeniable presence. “Is everything okay?” Taehyung asks.
You look up at him and you can swear the corners of his mouth twitch when your eyes meet. “Yeah, Sooji just needed help with her dress.”
Taehyung puts a hand on your waist, pulling you a little more into his side as he looks at Sooji. Her eyes fall to where he touches you, something he’s doing so comfortably even you struggle to not let it faze you. His touch is like a constant static noise in your periphery as Sooji and him share looks. “Are you okay now Sooji? Jin is looking for you, he misses his wife.” Taehyung chuckles as he speaks and you note that he does this a lot. It’s as if he’s unaware of Sooji’s grudge. That, or he knows and doesn’t care — you hope he doesn’t.
Sooji’s face does perk up at the mention of her husband, and she gathers her dress in her hands again. “I should get going then, wife duty calls!”
Uncertainty floods your veins as soon as she leaves, giving Taehyung one last look over her shoulders. The way his fingers tighten around your hip is enough to tell you that he does remember. Even if that hadn’t been so, the way he leans down to whisper in your ear again speaks volumes.
“I got the key to the kitchen.” Taehyung’s voice is rough and you can feel it.
You glance at him from the corner of your eyes, aware of the proximity of his mouth. “Is lock-picking not part of your demonic abilities?”
He dangles the keys in front of your face. “Pickpocketing is.”
A gasps leaves your lips and you whirl around to face him. Something about it makes him laugh. “You what?!”
“I’m kidding,” he says, lowering his face to yours. A shiver runs up your spine despite the heat. Like his closeness, his gaze is heavy. You still can’t describe the air that rolls off him, but you’re entranced to say the least. “Though, persuasion might be in my skillset.”
Who would’ve thought? You seem at his mercy, even if you’ve barely touched him The thought of having kissing him — of kissing him now — remains at the forefront of your mind. Especially with his face so close to yours.
Taehyung’s lips are full, they look soft, and there’s a small mole dotted on the bottom one. It’s barely there but you can see it and — you’re staring.
Taehyung cocks his head to the side, lips pulling up in a lopsided smile. “Cat got your tongue?” He totally caught you.
“I — I,” you stammer.
It doesn’t help when he reaches for you, hand smoothing down your back to press you that much closer. You’re almost certain he’s going to kiss you, his intentions are clear from the way his gaze settles on your mouth. Yet, he stops mere inches from your lips. “Lets go get those popsicles, hmm?”
There’s no way he’s not playing with you, but you don’t know if he’s aware that you don’t remember him. Without a doubt you should tell him. If you really had a full on make-out session with him in Sooji’s bathroom that was borderline drunk-fucking, you should talk to him about it. The only thing that’s stopping you is the possibility of scaring him off. You want to remember. You want him to — you’re not sure what, but when he grabs your hand again and pulls you along you know that you want him.
His behaviour makes all the more sense knowing that you’ve had a previous interaction. How comfortable he is around you, reading between the lines now shows his flirting. It’s not obvious, because you’re already well past the initial flirting stage. No, he’s just being playful, and you want him to kiss you again. You want him to make you remember.
As much as you try to crunch your mind while he guides you into the kitchen, you can’t pull up the image from that night. The one thing that pops up is his blue hair, a bright azure hue framing dark eyebrows and playful eyes. The same eyes that spark now as he opens the door of the freezer and reveals to you what seems to be an abundance of popsicles.
He stands there, arm resting on the door, white shirt tucked into his black suit paints to frame narrow hips. The light frames him and you can just see the soft dip of his chest where his shirt is unbuttoned. “Come on,” he ushers with a smile. “Grab one.”
You shake yourself, reminded that you keep ogling him and it’s rude, even if he doesn’t seem to mind. The popsicle is cold in your hand, but the first bite is so soothing. You can taste the faint leftover fizz from the champagne, and the peaches and strawberries mix so well — they’re good. Taehyung grabs his own, closing the freezer and leaning against it as you haul yourself up on one of the tables.
The popsicle is cold and it takes only a few seconds for it to start melting over your hand. You find yourself licking the drip of champagne off your finger and the second you do you meet eyes with him. The change in his eyes is so visible a shiver runs up your spine. Your stomach lurches and you almost choke on a piece of apricot.
“Hey, hey,” he laughs. “Easy there. There’s plenty left over. Jin said that it’s too hot to put them outside so they’re waiting till later.”
You nod, treat between your lips, enjoying every bit of it as he eats his own. The silence that falls for a moment is not uncomfortable but it’s full. Full with the presence of him, and the history between you. Watching his lips move over the popsicle definitely isn’t helping.
Call you biased, but Taehyung might honestly be one of the most handsome men you’ve ever met. His features are so alluring, almost too perfect and you want to trace them.
“You’re so strangely silent.”
You blind at him, lips parted and popsicle by now long finished. “What do you mean?”
“Maybe I’m just weird but, I constantly feel like you’re going to say something and then you don’t. This kitchen is a judgment free zone. You can say whatever you want, do whatever you want.” When he turns away and opens the freezer again you sigh deeply. He grabs another popsicle for you, this one has more berries than peaches and you can’t help but realise that the hues match his hair. Especially when he gets close enough for you to see them side by side.
Your hand brushes his as you take it from him, but he doesn’t let go. Instead, he remains close to you, searching your eyes as the popsicle threatens to melt in your hands. From here, you spot the other moles on his face. One below his bottom lip, and another hidden in his lashline. Sitting on the table, his face is level with yours and you almost hold your breath.
“You don’t remember, do you?” he whispers.
The sinking of your heart hits hard, your hand trembling against his as you let out that breath you might’ve been holding. “Sooji told me.”
Out of all things, you do not expect him to laugh as a reaction to that. Yet, he doubles over, chest vibrating with laughter only to look at you with bright eyes. “You were really drunk.”
“What’s that even supposed to mean!” you squeal, pulling the stick from his grip. “You were drunk too!”
He shrugs. “True, but I remember everything. Did you actually black out?”
You puff out your cheeks in displeasure. “It’s not funny!”
“Oh, it’s a little funny. I can’t believe this. I thought you were playing with me, Seokjin told me you were so ashamed you were pretending to not remember. I didn’t think you actually didn’t. Oh my God.” Taehyung wipes a tear from the corner of his eye and you give him a shove with your foot in annoyance.
“Stop! Sooji legit thought I was pretending! I don’t remember, I don’t even know how that’s possible!”
He comes up, grabbing his popsicle from where he’d discarded it on the table beside you. “Well, let’s start over then.” He extends his hand to you. “Kim Taehyung, theatre major.”
You scowl as his hand, chewing a berry in annoyance. “Y/N, fool.”
“God,” he exclaims. “You really are cute.” Taehyung reaches for you again, brushing a stray strand of hair out of your face. “I can’t believe you don’t remember that you cited an entire scene from Hamlet to me back on the balcony at Jin’s place.”
“What?” You suckle on the popsicle as you think. There was more than you just making out?” “I thought that we…you know?”
“I suspected that Sooji would only tell you the nasty details. To be fair I’m not entirely proud of almost fucking you like that. Though, in my defense, were both drunk and I did have condoms.”
“Taehyung!” You push at his chest.
He shakes his head. “Anyway, we didn’t just haphazardly start making out like two horny teenagers. We hit on from the moment we got talking, or at least that’s how I felt. I know you don’t remember but, we spent the entire evening talking outside and I was so enamoured with you that I kissed you. Three tequila shots and some other nasty liquor later and we found ourselves in the bathroom.”
You stare at him, frowning with your mouth half open. On the edge of your memory you can feel him, a faint sense of familiarity. It’s the longing in your chest that you couldn’t place. The weight of his gaze as it fell on you time and time again. It has a purpose, as if your body remembered him but your mind didn’t.
“I’m so sorry,” you blurt out.
Taehyung smiles. “Don’t be sorry, happens to the best of us. I mean, I can’t believe you forgot about me, but no hard feelings. I just hope I can get another chance.”
He is too nice. That he sought you out after a forgotten make-out session in your friends’ bathroom was strange enough. Yet, if it is true that you had such a nice encounter before that, maybe it does make sense. He looks at you with questioning eyes, continuing to much on whatever fruit he last pulled from the popsicle. The pit of your stomach is lifted a little, and when your eyes land on his mouth again you know you want to kiss him. You want to relive him for the first time.
Taehyung reaches for the third batch of popsicles and you find the alcohol simmering in your blood just a little. His gesture is cheeky, as he holds it out of your reach and asks for you to close your eyes. You have other ideas.
It takes a hard tug on the fabric of his shirt to get him standing between your legs, almost nose-to-nose.
“Can I help you?” Taehyung muses. His breath smells of champagne and peaches and you want a taste of it.
“Kiss me,” you breathe. “Kiss me and make sure I won’t forget this time.”
He doesn’t, but he smirks. The narrowing of his eyes is dangerous as they zone in on your slightly parted lips. His are coated red, as must be yours. Slowly, he lifts the popsicle he was holding, tracing is over the seam of your lips and making you gasp. “Are you sure you know what you’re asking for?”
The way your body reacts to the drop of his voice is violent. You shiver, thighs clenching around his as he stands there. Your fingers are still curled into the fabric of his shirt and you swear you feel his heart race. The drawl of his voice is so deep and almost hollow, it settles in your chest and you can’t properly answer.
“I mean,” he starts, leaning in close enough to almost kiss you. The tip of his tongue traces your lips to have the slightest taste of the popsicle flavour. “You are asking to kiss a demon.”
A breath passes from your lips against his and he holds you to closely to him. His hand is hot on your lower back and your fingers tighten around his shoulders in certainty. “Did I stutter?”
His mouth captures yours before you can register it, a hand winding into the hair at the back of your head and pressing you so close there is nothing around you but him. Taehyung tastes like berries and peaches and champagne — divine. He smiles into the kiss, lips smoothing over yours teasingly as your hands slide down his arms. The groan that leaves his mouth is so low it sends little jolts through your body and your legs tighten around his waist.
This is kissing — you think — as Taehyung grazes his teeth over your bottom lip, pulling it lightly. His hands roam, chest brushing over yours as you gasp into his mouth. It’s delirious, addicting — kissing him is a push and pull motion. He guides you and lets you go only to catch you right before the fall and dips deeper.
When his tongue traces the seam of your lips you moan, and he halts at the sound. Your gazes meet, lips parted against each other. Both of you breath heavily in the warmth. The scent of his cologne hangs heavy in the air, something sharp and woody. You swim in it, as he lets out a breathy little sound before he reaches for the popsicle that laid melting on the table. What would he — oh.
He pops it into his mouth, eyes not leaving yours as he bites down hard. When he kisses you again your eyes fall closed on instinct. Taehyung cups the back of your head, tipping you back and parting your lips with his. The sensation of the ice cold piece of fruit passing from his lips to yours makes you moan. You grin, tasting the fruit as his tongue glides along yours. It melts quickly and when you part to swallow, Taehyung stares at you intently.
You shake your head and pull him in again. The kiss is toe-curling, passionate — moans spill from both of you within seconds. It’s strange, the sense that you know him, that you’ve felt this before. The feeling of his chest warm against yours, his lips devouring you — you recognise it.
He is hot, firm, and you’re pliable in his grip as he kisses you like it’s all he’s ever wanted. The moans that fall from him come from so deep within his chest it only fuels your quickly growing arousal. “God,” you groan, throwing your head back as you part from him.
Taehyung wastes no time, full lips kissing down your jaw to your ear. “Do you remember me yet?”
“Maybe,” you whisper, holding onto him for dear life. You’re painfully aware of how far your dress has ridden up, and how close he is standing to the juncture between your legs. The only thing stopping you from grinding against him is how far you’re scooted up the table. “Gimme something more to go by.”
The glint in his eyes says it all, framed by thick lashes and slightly flushed cheeks. You yearn for more of him as you slide your hands down his clothed chest. His pants fit snugly around his hips but you manage to slip your fingers into the waistband to pull him closer.
Taehyung kisses you, hands finally slipping down to grip your ass and slide you closer. The breath is knocked out of your lungs as you’re forcefully pulled into him. He chuckles at the little whine you let out when he grinds into you. He’s hard and he’s purposely making you feel him. You lean over backwards, one of his hands holding you up as his mouth busies itself with yours. He absolutely has you spellbound, it’s wicked and you want nothing else but him.
His lips are soft but his sounds are rough. His hands are firm and steady where his tongue is languid. The movement of his hips against yours drives you insane. You can feel the outline of his dick clear as day and it’s nothing to be shy about. He is big.
Every sound you make he swallows, and by the time he’s done kissing you your world is spinning. You’re panting as you stare at him, trembling legs still. Your lipstick is smudged over his lips and his hair is messed up on all sides. Yet, he smiles so wickedly you can ’t help but burst into ecstatic laughter.
“Wow,” you gasp.
He laughs with you, a release of tension. “Yeah, wow.”
You lean back, hand sliding into something sticky and wet. “Wha — oh, ew.” Beside you, there’s a puddle of fruit and molten champagne. It clings to your fingers, stains them red and purple where you squished the berries.
Gently, Taehyung’s fingers circle your wrist and you stare as he lifts your fingers to his mouth.
“Tae—” you start, but you can’t find the rest of your words as he licks a stripe up your palm. He holds your gaze, steady and with a spark of mischief. You watch him wrap his lips around two of your fingers as he’d done with the popsicle earlier, and suck them clean. His tongue is rough against the pads of your fingers and the sensation sends a flood of wetness between your legs. He swirls his tongue between your digits. It’s obscene and all your inhibitions are thrown out the window as you moan at the sight. “Taehyung,” you try again.
He pulls off with a pop. “Time to find a room?”
Sexy, persuasive, witty, an amazing kisser, and a mind-reader? Maybe you should put demon back on the possible lists of explanations for his behaviour because it might be the only solid one. “I—“ you halt as he pulls you off the table, straightening out your ugly dress.
“Moving too fast?”
You shake your head. The fact that you want him stands, you can feel it in the way your underwear clings to you. Truth be told, you can’t think of anything else aside from fucking him right now. There’s nothing to worry about. “Let’s go.”
Taehyung grabs one last popsicle from the freezer before your leave. He haphazardly tries to get his hair back into shape in case anybody sees. You definitely don’t miss the way he adjusts his raging boner through the pocket of his pants. Both of you are covered in a thin sheen of sweat, and the hot air from outside does not aid you.
You find yourself standing by Taehyung at the front desk of the hotel. To others you must look like an absolute mess, even Taehyung still looks roughed up. All you can hope is that nobody from the wedding sees you. Or that nobody notices the wet stain on the side of your dress.
Speaking of, Taehyung hands his popsicle to you, and you pop it into your mouth to ease your nerves as he speaks to the woman behind the desk.
“Listen, the bride has an issue with her dress and she desperately needs to get into the bridal room but she lost her key.” Taehyung rushes his words, making gestures and running his hands through his hair.
She frowns at him. “Sir, we can’t just give you the—“
He points at you. “My girlfriend is not wearing that dress for her own enjoyment. We’re part of the wedding party and we need to get into the brides room!”
Girlfriend? You blush.
“Sir, listen, the br—“
He slaps his hand down on the desk. “Do you want to argue with a newly-wed woman whose dress just got ripped?”
The woman lets out a deep sigh, obviously annoyed with the situation but not ready to argue with Taehyung whose ravished state matches his act. “Fine,” she says, reaching behind her and pulling out the extra keycard. “We do need both keys back tomorrow or we will—“
“Yes, yes,” Taehyung brushes her off. “I know, thank you!”
You stare at him in awe, popsicle half eaten and having melted down your fingers again. He really is an enigma of talents and surprises. Though, you should’ve expected so from a theatre student.
His eyes fall on your hand, and you know what he’s thinking as you lick down your own fingers. You’re thinking about it too.
It takes too long for both of you to reach the suite and get inside. What doesn’t take long is for Taehyung to push you up against the wall and lift your dress enough so he can cup you through your underwear. “Fuck, you have no idea how often I’ve replayed kissing you in my head.” His voice is muffled into your skin as he nibbles at your earlobe. You find yourself grinding down into his palm, warm and unforgiving as he grinds it against you.
You let out a trembling sight, letting him work his palm into your mound, head falling back against the wall. His mouth trails down your neck, licking along your exposed collarbones, all the while he rubs you so close to the edge you almost scream.
“Taehyung,” you whine when he stops.
“I don’t want you to come yet.”
You pout, meeting eyes with him. “But I do.”
A curse falls from his lips as he stares at you twirling the popsicle in your mouth. He fixates, and you feel it — use it. You flatten your tongue, suck it deeper. Pushing it in and out, slowly, and you can almost see his eyes darkening upon the sight. The fingers of his free hand tighten around your hip but you don’t stop. You push deeper, the cold prickles against the back of your throat and his eyes widen when you don’t flinch.
“Fuck,” he growls, fingers snapping up to pull it from your mouth. “That’s enough, I want to fuck you. Now.”
You keen when he lifts you, wrapping both your legs around his waist. He’s still hard and like this you can feel the outline of his dick press against your dripping core. The feeling sends you reeling way past normalcy. You’re already so close to coming and he’s barely touched you. You haven’t even shed a single article of clothing. The idea of feeling him inside —
“Taehyung?” you mumble into his mouth as he sets you down by the bed. “Condoms.”
He stills, cursing as he realises the fault. “Fuck — Fate really isn’t with us.” Taehyung snags the popsicle from you, pursing his lips as he trails the wet tip of it down your neck. “Are you clean?”
You frown at him, fingers toying with the buttons on his shirt. “Yeah, but I’m not on the pill.” The first button slips free, you’re unable to help yourself.
“Okay, good, me too.” He’s hurried by arousal, an undeniable force that you feel too. Maybe it’s the sudden realisation that you’re in the bridal suite and anybody would literally walk in right now and see you. They’d see Taehyung licking the drips of champagne from your neck with your dress ridden up way past your ass. The idea excites you a little more than it should.
That it’s Taehyung out of all people who’s bringing this out in you isn’t surprising. Getting caught has always been something that makes you that little bit extra sensitive. You’re hot, burning, and the way he laps at your chest to clean wherever the popsicle had run doesn’t help.
Your surprised when he sinks down on his knees without a word, taking the zipper of your dress with him. He doesn’t ask for your permission, and he doesn’t need it. The view of him sitting on his knees in front of you is mouth-watering.
The dress falls from your body, breast springing free from their confines. His focus wavers, trailing the popsicle down the centre of your stomach and looking up at you daringly. It takes a small nod for him to slide your underwear down your legs. He kisses your skin, a trail of champagne running down your stomach and threatening to reach your now exposed folds. The drop is caught on his tongue, following it all the way up until he decides he’s had enough and discards the popsicle all together.
“Hold on,” he whispers into your thigh before lightly biting the soft skin. He soothes over the mark, looking up at you briefly.
You grapple for him as he slings one of your legs over his shoulder. There’s no lingering, no anticipation. No, his mouth is on you within seconds and you have to muffle your own screams with your hand.
He dives in as if he’s done this before, replacing the sweetness of the frozen treat with the hot taste of your juices. He licks up your folds, quickly finding your clit and zoning in on it so hard you teeter on the edge immediately.
“Tae.” His name comes from your mouth in a pathetic whine, and you can feel him smirk against you. Taehyung’s tongue is certainly twice as devilish as his lips. He flicks at your nub, circles it until your legs are shaking and you’re held up by him. He keeps going, but stops you right before the fall.
Then, he kisses your skin again, another small nip at your inner thigh to catch your attention. He tenderly kisses your pubic bone, a brief pause as he comes up for air. His hand slides between your legs, locking eyes with you as he starts to glide his fingers between your folds. It’s teasing, keeping you so close to your orgasm you’re sure you might go insane.
“Please,” you beg. “If you make me come I swear to God I will suck you off until you see stars.”
He nips at your thigh again, a third mark added as you squeal. “Are you that impatient?”
You whine. A needy little sound as you pull at the pink strands of his hair. He doesn’t listen to you, just keeps circling your entrance over and over again. You must be dripping down his fingers by now, you’re clenching and entirely certain you’re about to come from just the slightest of touches. He circles and circles and when you’re certain you feel your orgasm start to slip away from you, he plunges two fingers inside of your dripping core.
You cry out, tears stinging at the corners of your eyes at sheer pleasure. He shows you no mercy.
Your moans don’t stop falling. It’s no avail trying to hold them in. One of your hands is tangled in his hair as leverage, and the other is a fist between your teeth. He fingers you so quickly you see stars. The pit in your stomach builds, the squelching sounds from between your thighs only adding to it.
“Look at me,” Taehyung growls, a menacing sound.
You gaze down, watery eyes and flushed cheeks, your impending orgasm the only thing on your mind. He flattens his tongue against you without flinching, letting you rock down into his mouth and onto his fingers. The way he looks at you — darkly and so boldly — is enough to make you —
He stops all his movements, fingers stilling and tongue withdrawing as he grasps your hip and shoves you against the wall. You whine, clenching down hard on his digits. The edge of your peak sits there, you hover and you can’t feel anything but the ridges of his fingers against your walls. You tremble. He doesn’t move, but he doesn’t need to — to your own surprise you come.
Your thighs quiver as you let out a soft moan as it washes over you. The feeling is foreign, orgasm so unsatisfying but so good in a more way. It falls quickly, ebbing away and leaving you panting in his hold.
He stares up at you, waits for an answer as you try to grasp what just happened. All you know is that you want to come again. You came, and you barely felt it — it’s indescribable.
“Fuck,” you whisper, the only word you can form.
Taehyung kisses your thigh, tongue laving over the marks he left. Finally, he withdraws his fingers and the feeling sends a throb through your core. He sucks his fingers clean as he stands up carefully. “How’s that?”
You push at his shoulder and he chuckles. “Least you could’ve done is let me come properly.”
“Oh.” He brushes your sweaty hair away, cupping your cheeks and kissing you. The taste of yourself on his tongue isn’t unwelcome. “You said, make me come and you’ll suck me off.”
The roll of your eyes is half-hearted, matched by your fingers making quick work of his buttons while his mouth busies yours. His skin is smooth and sticky with sweat. It’s so nice to finally get to touch him. You pinch his nipple, and he moans weakly upon the touch. Something you’re going to save for another time.
You kiss down his tan chest, leaving his shirt hanging halfway off his arms as he watches you intently. The idea of a blindfold pops into your head. Would you buckle as easily if he wore one?
Another time. Right now, you busy yourself with undoing his belt as you scrape your teeth over his stomach. You’re so keen on tasting him that you don’t even pull his pants down. The sight of him straining against his underwear makes you pause, he really is big.
The way he hisses when you slip your fingers past the fabric of his boxers hint at how much he’s been holding back for you. “God, I want to feel your mouth.” He curses as you stroke him lightly.
That, you can do. Your tongue laves over his tip and pulls a sound from him that so near a growl you shiver. With your hand wrapped around his cock you steady yourself at his hip. He braces himself against the wall, one hand gently winding into your hair.
“Fuck, just—“ He falters when you take him inside your mouth. “Yeah,” he sighs.
Like him, you don’t waste any time. You flatten your tongue, sucking on the tip as you slowly slide him deeper. It’s a feat, but by his moans he doesn’t seem to mind that you can’t take him all the way. After a few slow bobs up and down he hits the back of your throat — you moan when he grips your hair harder.
The ache in your jaw is delicious, and the vibrations of your moans cause him to twitch on your tongue. You hold him there, steady breaths in and out your nose as you tap his hand. He grunts, eyes falling open and meeting yours.
They almost roll out of his head as he sees you. There you sit, on your knees with his cock in your mouth, looking up at him with glassy eyes.
The way he pauses makes you pull off slowly — making him feel the slide of your tongue as you suck harshly. “Go on,” you whispers, voice hoarse as you kiss his tip. The taste of his precum collecting on your tastebuds is salty. “Not too fast.”
He nods eagerly, grabbing your hair and sliding himself back into your awaiting mouth. The lack of breath is so worth it once he starts shallowly thrusting. He does go slow, holding himself back for your sake. The way he moans, how he doubles over as he fucking himself in and out of your wet mouth. You find yourself closing your eyes, letting him use you. Your own fingers slip between your bare legs to touch yourself.
Taehyung stutters when he hits the back of your throat and you gag a little. You hum into him, sucking in your cheeks to tell him not to stop.
That’s when you hear voices outside. Taehyung pulls out immediately at the sound, looking at you with slight panic in his eyes. You’re about to get caught — you’re actually about to get caught sucking off a guy in your friend’s bridal suite.
“Up,” Taehyung says, voice absolutely wrecked from moaning. “Come on.” He grabs your arm half lifting you and half pulling you.
You stand on trembling legs, listening to the sound of the door knob jiggling. “Did you lock it?”
“Fuck, I didn’t.”
“Grab your clothes,” he ushers, sprinting over to the closet with his dick still out. “Here.”
You rush, finding yourself pressed against him in the dark as the sounds of your friends’ voices reach your ears. It’s not Sooji, but a few of the other bridesmaids probably looking to refresh themselves in this heat.
Speaking of, Taehyung’s breath is hot as it fans against your face, both of you sweating profusely. The way you can feel his cock pressing against your hipbone does nothing to ease the lingering ache between your own legs.
“Tae—“ His hand flies over your mouth, shushing you as the girls move through the room beside you.
You want to listen to what they’re saying, but your ears are rushing with excitement. What comes over you, you don’t know, but you find yourself trailing a hand down his chest. He doesn’t protest, all he does is let out a heavy sigh when your fingers wrap around his shaft.
He’s still wet with spit and precum and you stroke him experimentally. From what you gathered when you sucked him off a few seconds ago, he likes it tight. As you twist a little his head falls onto your shoulder with the tiniest of sounds. He’s holding himself back, you feel it in the stutter of his hips as you keep gliding up and down his member.
You slide a fingers over the tip, dipping into the slit. His teeth sink into your shoulder, biting to stifle his own moan. Sharp pain pricks shoot through your shoulder and you hiss at the feeling — it’s so good.
Your objective is getting him off, uncertain of whether he’s as turned on by the possibility of getting caught as you are. He does seem more on edge, breathing heavily through his nose as you focus on twisting your hand just under the crown of his cock.
What you don’t expect is for him to part your legs and slide his fingers back to your cunt. “Is this okay?” he whispers softly, tracing a circle around your clit.
Hips bucking into his touch, you nod, letting out a quiet yes as you pause your movements on him. You can’t see whether he grins but you swear you can feel it as he starts drawing figure eights between your legs.
His movements are practiced, and it takes you a little to catch up to his rhythm. Falling into tandem, he rubs you while you stroke him. Almost silent, you’re muffled by the darkness and the closed doors. The voices of the people outside are apparent and loud enough to signal that they don’t hear you — the threat is so exciting. The hairs on your arm stand up, and Taehyung shivers.
Your eyes are closed even in the dark, focused on the feeling of his fingers between your legs and his dick in your hand. It’s wet, all of it, and the slick sounds are definitely amplified by the emptiness. Taehyung’s mouth remains on your shoulder, sucking, biting — that bruise is going to last. He lavishes over it with his tongue, fingers not ceasing their movements for even a second. Both your hands are moving on their own, minds blissed out.
His grunts become deeper, hips losing their rhythm and you know he’s close. He must be with how fast your stroking him. It matches the pace at which he abuses your clit. It’s delirious, senses heightened by the little pricks of fear in the back of your mind.
You strain your neck, trying to keep in your voice as he increases the pressure. His fingers slip around your mound so easily, you can feel your arousal start to drip down your thighs. He notices the strain in your silenced moans, hand coming up to cover your mouth again.
You’re back on the edge so quickly you don’t even feel it coming. You come so hard you find yourself biting down onto two of his fingers. It shatters through you, throat straining to stay as quiet as you can.
Taehyung comes with you, groaning into the crook of your neck as his dick twitches in your grasp. You feel his cum splatter on your stomach, hot and sticky. Both of you tremble in each other’s hold as you come down.
“Fuck,” he whispers.
He holds you, arms coming up around your waist in a very slippery embrace that you sigh into. You’re totally smearing his cum over his stomach and probably his shirt — he opts for sucking his fingers clean.
Taehyung has ruined you. He has utterly and totally ruined you. You came, twice, with people on the other side of the door no less. And it was hot. And you might want to do it again.
You hold in the laughter that bubbles up and you feel him smile once he kisses you. He tastes of you still and you’re certain he can also taste himself on your tongue as he seeks it out. His hands have slowed, tender as he soother over your naked body. It’s contrasting, goosebumps erupting all over your skin.
The door clicks, you’re alone again.
“Good lord,” you exclaim.
He throws open the door, shrouding the both of you in the bright light. You were right, his cum is smeared over your skin, and your dress lays crumpled on the closet floor.
“You might want to put on something else,” he chuckles, running a hand through his absolutely ruined hair. It’s soaked with sweat, sticking to his forehead in strands.
You sigh, slipping into the bathroom to clean yourself off and cover yourself. “Did we just…?”
“We totally did,” he grins, shirt off and standing by the open window. It’s the first chance you get to properly admire him. He’s tan, lightly toned, and his shoulders are broader than you thought. “And I hope you enjoyed it because I definitely want to do that again. And,” he walks over to you as you’re midway into pulling your underwear back on. “I still want to fuck you,” he growls as he kisses you.
You blush, suddenly uncertain. “I — not the closet thing.”
“Okay, maybe not the closet thing but fuck, I’d give a lot to come in that pretty mouth of yours.”
His words sound so casual but they’re not. You’re not entirely sure how to react to him.
“Too much?” he asks.
You shake your head. “I’m just…a little out of it.”
He nods, giving you a knowing smirk as you find your bag with your dress. “Understandable, I’m sorry if I—“
“No!” You stop yourself at the sound of your own voice. “No, Taehyung please. That was literally the hottest thing I’ve ever done and I definitely am up for doing it again. It’s just that you made me come twice, once ruined and once in a closet nonetheless. I’m also still semi-naked and am going to have to explain that I changed dresses.” You’re stressing out.
Taehyung chuckles, a sound that is already growing on you. “Well,” he says, twirling you when you’ve got your white dress on. You find yourself chest to chest, him kissing you a few times, just softly. “The story goes that I spilled wine on your dress and you had nothing else to change into but this. Oh, and you spilled your drink on my shirt too, so I’m going to phone Jimin to come help me out.”
Your eyes widen at the mention of his friends name. “You’re not going to tell him are you?!”
“What do you take me for?”
“You lied pretty convincingly to the lady at the front desk!”
“Oh stop,” he says, kissing you again. His lips are swollen, as are yours, but they’re soft and you keen into the gesture. “I don’t lie to the girl I like.”
He…what? He can't be  serious right? You scoff, pulling away from his grasp and fishing a pin out of your bag to put up your messy hair. “The girl you like, sure Kim Taehyung. Do you fuck all girls you like in a closet?”
He scowls at you as you walk to the door. “I most definitely do not.”
“Well then, how does my makeup look?” you ask as you wipe under your eyes. Not that you had much makeup left to begin with.
Taehyung gives you a look, one that speaks volumes in a language you can’t discern. It’s not like before, it’s changed. There’s a small smile playing on his lips as he observes you — almost fondly. You must be imagining it. “You’re makeup looks fine.”
You smile. “Thanks, I’ll see you around.”
When you close the door behind you, you lean against it, thoughts falling over you. What you just did was so wrong but so good and the thought of doing it again is enough to excite you. Yet, you can’t just let yourself fall for Taehyung while you barely know him. Yes, you might click but what relationship is going to come of this now that you did that. Even if you’d want to — do you?
You ponder over it as you walk back down the stairs to where the party has started to come to an end.
The chime of your phone stops you mid-flight.
Unknown: You. Me. A week from Saturday. 7pm. Dinner. I’ll pick you up x Tae [18:43]
Your heart flutters as you see the sign off of his name at the end. Maybe he is serious about this. You realise that you can’t let him slip between your fingers. Technically, you already did once.
He isn’t like others guys, you shouldn’t treat him as such. Taehyung is mysterious and sweet, but also has an air of — maybe not danger but he's alluring. It asks for you to give him a chance.
But maybe, not too easily.
You: Okay, but you’re paying [18:45]
You: Wait, how did you get my number? [18:47]
Taehyung: Demonic powers ;) [18:48]
Taehyung: Wear that dress next week [18:48]
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© GguksGalaxy 2018-2020
Special thanks to: @jeonkookd @lapysllazuly @btsaudge @bubypjm @sunshineangelhobi 
@flowerymoonlight @mooniva @lunyua @jimini-chim @bts-reveries @pyschxdxlic-sugaaflower @mrcleanheichou @leavingthegroup @burgeoninggirl @taechnological @4dtaelien @multisong @shreya-pjm @queen-ofthe-lunar-dreams Sorry to those I couldn't tag!!
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winslowworld · 7 years
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Happy Bastille Day!!! Sending a #print of my "Let Them Eat Champagne Popsicles" drawing for a friend! #bastilleday #ivanka #maryantoinette #letthemeatcake #champagnepopsicles 🥂🍾🎀 #original #art #print #handdrawn
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gguksgalaxy · 5 years
Champagne Popsicle | KTH | Teaser
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You’re not a fan of social gatherings, especially not the ones where you have to show up in a stupid dress that you didn’t pick while it’s a 100 degrees outside. However, a handsome stranger with a popsicle that matches his pink hair might be able to turn your frown upside down.
›› Bottoms Up Masterlist ›› Genre: Smut / Fluff  ›› Rating: 18+ (sexual content) ›› Pairing: KTH x Reader ›› Word Count: 10k
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His hands settle on your waist, warm, guiding, as you dance in close proximity with him — it’s cheesy but it almost feels like a movie. He’s even more gorgeous up close, thick eyelashes framing his eyes that light up when he smiles. The way he laughs when he dances with you is child-like and you wish you could be like that some more. He seems enamoured with the moment, purposely living the fairytale feeling almost.
“Say,” you hum, placing your hands on his shoulders. “How did you manage to get Sooji to agree to let you into the wedding after all?”
“Jin wasn’t joking when he said she didn’t want me here?” he gasps.
Maybe it was a mistake to tell him this, but you doubt he’d actually be hurt by the notion. “Well, I don’t know your name, but I know of you. Sooji refers to you in many ways but that blue-haired demon is definitely one of her favourites.”
He laughs, throwing his head back at your words. The line of his jaw is sharp like this and he lowers his head again to look at you with a joking raise of his eyebrows — only to ask;  “What do you think, am I a demon?”
The way he speaks, there’s a slight drop in his timbre.
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Special Thanks To: @lapysllazuly @jeonkookd @btsaudge @sunshineangelhobi @bubypjm 
NOTE: If you want to be tagged when I post this, COMMENT TAG! 20 spots!
@flowerymoonlight @mooniva @lunyua 
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