#champing at the bit to move out i wanna go to uni NOW
pxgeturner · 6 months
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Miguel O'Hara is a world-renowned professional boxer, and Hobie's other best friend. One night he finally makes the two worlds collide and sparks immediately fly between the two of you. But will he distract you from meeting your publisher's deadline? And will you distract him from getting World Champ?
before you follow. m.list. Iron Fist gfx library. series m.list. tag list.
Prologue. I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. Epilogue.
wc. 1.5k
an. hi. its me! Giselle, or gi, or gigi to few (not to be confused w gg, that is one of my moots. she makes really cool art.) n e ways here is the awaited Prologue for Iron Fist. Oh goodness I'm so nervous. I just want to make a few things clear. the reader is an author (obvs). She's recently graduated uni and is Latina! I write with a woc!r in mind always. I try to be as inclusive as possible, pero porque soy Mexicana, r might lean towards being more Mexican but I'll try to keep her Spanish standard and not be too specific to my family's culture. much love! hope you enjoy <3
please don't forget to reblog! likes do nothing to boost engagement.
Your foot taps against the floor. The damn blank document stares back at you. Mocking you is what it’s really doing. Fuck you, you think, I achieved my goal. I published a book and it is a damn bestseller! Only problem is that the readers want more. It’s been… some time since your first book. And sure, Jess said you can take a break before starting a new project. But you also know that it’s good to ride on existing publicity. At least be able to make an announcement that you’re writing something while all this excitement lasts. Maybe you should write something about vampires. You love vampires and how they fit into romance and how them drinking blood is a euphemism just a bit away from, the whole cannibalism-equals-all-consuming-love trope and how when a vampire attacks it’s often an allegory for rape and— but you have nothing to add to the conversation. You have nothing new to say, no new perspective or hot take, or twist. You have nothing. No ideas.
Not a single word on the page.
You have an idea, leaning forward to peck the keyboard. “F-u-c-k. T-h-i-s!” You highlight the text and italicize it.
Fuck this. At least it’s words on the page.
You reach for your cup and take a sip. “If all else fails I can ride on the rest of the signing bonus and royalties for a bit since the book is doing good, and once that dries up, I can apply to be circulation assistant at a library or something.” You sigh and take another sip. “But nobody has to know for now.” You get up, searching for your phone. You find it resting on the arm of the couch, you grab it, sliding onto the cushions, resting your head where your phone just was. “God, don’t make me a one hit wonder, I wanna be a star. I wanna be the one to push that bitch Colleen Hoover into obsoletion. Please God. Please.”
You open your phone and look for your mother on speed dial.
“Hola, nena!” Your mama’s voice is happy, she must be having a good day. You move into the kitchen. You need a snack.
“Hey, mama, how are you?” You hold the cell with your shoulder as you look through your pantry.
“Good, good,” you find a pack of roasted seaweed snacks and grab it.
“I went on a date anoche.” Your shoulder drops and the pack of seaweed slips out of your grasp.
Mi mami fue a una cita. Con un man! You stand there, trying to process that she is actually back on the dating scene.
“How did it—” you aren’t holding your phone anymore. You use the wall as support to lower yourself to pick up your phone and snack.
“—ay, mami, lo siento, mi cellular se cayo de mi mano.”
“Todo bien, hija! I’m glad you’re ok.”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m ok, I’m ok. Anyways— how was the date? What’s he like? Am I going to have a stepfather soon?” you joke.
“My time for marriage is gone, muñeca, I’m just looking for companionship, pero, tu lo sabes.” You hear some subtle clinking in the background of the call, she must be stirring her coffee. You open your snack and park yourself on the couch. “Are you writing?” Ugh. Not you, too.
“I was, just finished for a bit before I called you.”
“You called me to procrastinate.” You choke on your seaweed from the accusation.
You clear your throat, “I called to check in with you. I call you practically every day.”
“But right now you called me to check up on me as an excuse to not write. Nena, I know you.”
“Okay, fine. I might be having some writer’s block,” you admit, sighing.
“And that’s okay, nena, but then you need to get out, get some inspiration. Allow the world to give you a story.” There’s mama, with her easier-said-than-done advice. But, maybe you should get out of the house.
“Alright, I’ll go out soon.”
“—I will go out to the Chinese place across the street and nothing more. I’ll talk with Hobie when he gets back to see if he has any ideas.” You hear your mama make a noise in her throat.
“You still live with that boy?” Here it comes. You’ve lived with Hobie Brown for three years and have known him for five. She’s always been apprehensive of him, since he’s radical and looks like he’s been in jail, with all the metal in his face, and why does his hair look like that? But Hobie is the one who’s kept you sane all these years. He’s held you while you cried and pushed out of your comfort zone when you were getting too stuck into your routines, most likely by dragging you to a concert or a protest. You help him thrift and flip clothes and ever since that one time his stylist had an emergency and canceled, you now help him tighten his wicks every so often. On days like that the two of you stay in, watching nostalgic movies and listening to any demos he’s recorded recently. He’s like a brother to you at this point.
“Yes, mama, I still live with Hobie. Nothing’s changed.” You move the phone down to your chest and take a deep breath.
“I didn’t like him when I first met him,” you clench your jaw as she continues— “…and although he’s one of those kids, I can tell he is a good boy. I’m glad he takes care of you.” You relax. “But it wouldn’t hurt to have someone you could kiss.” “It would be nice, but right now it’s not happening.” “Alright, muñeca. I’ll leave you alone for now, but keep your eyes open for a nice man.”
“I will, con cuidado, mami, besitos.” You make a kissing noise into the phone, and she responds with a goodbye of her own, and you wait for her to hang up the call.
You sigh, and look at the coffee table. Hobie left his song book at home, weird. It’s open to the song he was working on the other day. It’s a slower song, you can still hear the melody. You drum your fingers to the tune. He’s on an unfinished verse. You pick up a pen from the little catch-all dish and scribble down a line or two.
Hobie weaves through the roar of chattering, anticipating fans and into the tunnel, and walks past employees and into Miguel's prep room to see him tying his shoes. “Hey,” Miguel looks up. “Hey.”
“Are you excited?” He moves to sit by the boxer, shimmying up against his shoulder.
“Haven’t really been excited for one of these in a while.” Miguel breathes.
“Well, one step closer to retirement!” Hobie bounces out of his seat. He turns to face his friend, putting a hand on his shoulder. “You’re gonna do great, you big fuckin’ bear of a man.” He ruffle’s Miguel’s hair.
Miguel gives a half-ass hum in response.
“Well then, I’ll be out there, mate, cheerin’ you on.” He puts his hands in his vest pockets and walks out the room.
As he reaches the empty doorframe, Miguel speaks up. “Thank you, Hobie.”
“Anything for you, mate.” Hobie nods and goes to join the audience. Miguel fastens his gloves and puts on his robe. He warms up waiting for his coach.
“Ready, O’Hara?”
Miguel turns around. “Always ready for a fight.” He clenches his jaw. Walking down that hallway, the festive colors lighting up his path and the music blaring, he does his little bit, the movements molded into muscle memory.
This is it. This is his last year fighting. If he gets world champ again, he’s free.
Soon, he gets to fight his last fight. And dammit, the world championship will be his last match. Then, he’s never gonna have to come back.
He weaves under the ropes, entering the ring. Sitting on the stool, he shrugs off the robe and lets Carlos put the mouthguard in.
“You are going to show this guy exactly why people call you el oso!” Miguel beats his gloves together and nods. He might not like his job right now, but he really wants to hit something and goddammit if his opponent doesn’t look so beatable right now.
Coach Carlos steps out of the way, and Miguel stands to walk to the ref as he calls for him to center.
“We went over the rules in the dressing room.” Right before Hobie got here. “I want to remind you to protect yourself at all times, and obey my commands.” Ring the damn bell already. “God bless you both,” I don’t need it but this kid might. “Touch up,” here we go. He touches gloves with his newbie opponent and each goes back to their respective corners.
Miguel takes an orthodox stance.
The bell rings.
Miguel lands the first punch. He also lands the last.
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goldenkid · 3 years
hey sorry i’ve just been doctorwhoposting on here lately BUT
i finished rereading draft 3 of morai and now i’m gonna dump all my editing plans in a big spreadsheet & get stuck into the next draft before i go to uni, and i’m EXCITED
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shigarakiskitten · 4 years
Kuroo x fem. reader
First time writing fan fic and its gonna be awful and I'm sorry. But I wanted to give it a shot lol
(X oikawa too maybe?)
Synopsis: you're in a band who just toured with a more well known band and are back home in Japan. You're playing at a local bar where Oikawa , kuroo and a couple of their uni teammates frequent.
Its been six months since you've been back home and man does it feel good. You love touring and getting to travel and all of the experiences that came with it but you were homesick. Tonight you and your band were playing at a local bar, it'd be the last show you have for a bit so you guys can take a break and relax and maybe come up with a new song.
The stage crew was setting things up while you and the guys were finishing getting ready.
Kuroo had been dragged out to the bar by Bokuto. Usually he wouldn't mind going but he was pretty tired from practice but you can't really say no to Bokuto, and it was more energy to fight him than complying so he went. It looked like the band was going to play soon so Kuroo grabbed a table and ordered some drinks. As he's looking around he notices that shittykawa is here with iwa and not surprisingly a horde of girls. He tries his hardest to blend in so oikawa doesn't see them and come talk to them, he doesn't mind oikawa or iwa but with him comes those girls and that's more than Kuroo can handle right now. Unfortunately for him Oikawa sees Kuroo and Bokuto and starts yelling from the bar and walks over.
" Well look who we have here" oikawa says in a sing-song tone
" Hey hey hey what are you guys doing here!?" Bokuto questions
Iwa states " shittykawa said one of his friends is back from tour and is playing tonight so he wanted to come see her."
Oikawa and Iwa join you and Bokuto at the table as the lights start dimming and the band comes out.
"Well it looks like its time, let's crush it" you say to your band as you guys walk on stage.
No matter how many shows you play you always have a little stage freight at first, but music is your passion and all of that anxiety melts away as soon as you start playing.
"Thank you so much for coming out tonight!! We're really happy to be back home in Japan!! I hope you guys enjoy the show!!"
Your drummer Yuri yells "1 2 3 4!" And then you begin your first song and you can feel all of the anxiety disappear.
As soon as the lead singer walked on stage everyone in the bar shut up. She was pretty as fuck if he was being honest, she had (h/c) and bright (e/c) eyes. She was wearing a black tank with a red plaid skirt and fishnets underneath with big black buckle boots. They started their first song and she had an incredible voice, it was so unique. It was like he was hypnotized by it.
" Alright guys this will be our last song of the night! But we'll be staying to hangout with all of you after the show! This last song is a cover of "Stay the night" I hope you enjoy!!
As you're looking into the crowd you can see your friend Toru with a few other guys. As you're singing the chorus of the song " Are you gonna stay the night?" You give them a wink 😉
Shows always seem to go so fast and before you know it , its over.
"Thank you so much for coming to see us!! We really hope you liked it!!"
Cheering explodes
And with that you and the band move into the bar to talk to everyone.
As soon as you walk off stage you see Toru booking it towards you and you can't help but laugh as he envelops you in a crushing hug.
" (y/n) that was so great! I'm really glad you're home, I've missed you!"
You laugh " thanks and I've missed you too."
As you take a step backwards you see 3 other guys come towards you and oikawa.
Toru turns to them and introduces them "(y/n) this is Iwa, Bokuto and Kuroo they're my volleyball teammates at Tokyo U."
Bokuto the owl like one says " Your show was fucking fire!"
You chuckle as you express your gratitude.
Kuroo feels a tiny pang of jealousy as he sees oikawa pick you up and hug you which baffles him because he doesn't even know you. He sees Iwa and Bokuto stand to join you guys so he follows, he's feeling a little nervous which is irritating because he usually has no problem talking to girls. Oikawa introduces him and the other two and you all start chatting.
Soon Oikawas fanclub surrounds him , Iwa and Bokuto so he's left alone with you at the bar. You smile at him and he's kicking himself internally for blushing like a school boy.
calm down Kuroo she's just a girl, it must be the alcohol he thinks to himself as he regains composure.
But of course Torus fanclub has swarmed him so you're left at the bar sitting with Kuroo, you look over at him and smile and you can see his cheeks are a tinge of pink which causes you to smile more.
" So how did you meet shittykawa?" Kuroo asks
At that nickname you burst out laughing
" shittykawa? Ha ill have to remember that one. And we met 2 years ago, my band and I were playing somewhere and he was there. After the show we always hangout with the people who come so he came up to me and started flirting of course. But somehow we became really good friends. What about you?"
" In high school he was the captain of a rival team and I was the captain of my schools but we'd obviously have matches together and sometimes practice together. Then we ended up going to the same college and now we're on the same team."
Kuroo was having a really good time talking to you. It was really interesting getting to know what life on tour was like. He talked about how volleyball was going.
You were asking him when his next game was when a guy came up behind you and threw his arm over your shoulders. Kuroo felt that little pang of jealously again but ignored it because it was completely irrational. You looked up at who it was and Kuroo could tell you were a bit uncomfortable but smiled nonetheless and said hi. This dude was drunk as hell.
" hey baby you were really great up there, you wanna get out of here? We'd have a really good time."
" Oh thank you I'm glad you liked the show but no I'm okay here thanks."
This guy was persistent though and you were giving kuroo a look that said how uncomfortable you were.
Kuroo finally had enough and removed the guys arm from you " Look man you're obviously hammered and she doesn't want to go home with you, take the fucking hint and leave her alone."
The guy scoffed but probably figured it was too much trouble to keep harassing her as long as he was around.
"Thank you" she said with a small smile but he could tell you were still unnerved about what happened.
"No problem, I'm assuming that happens a lot?"
You look at kuroo and say "yeah unfortunately "
It was getting pretty late and you were beat after the show so it was time for you to go home.
" I had a lot of fun talking to you Kuroo, I hope to see you again soon."
" Yeah me too, we should definitely hangout."
You smile at him and give him a hug, before you leave you grab his hand and write your phone number on him.
"Call or text me" you yell as you start walking away to find Toru to say bye.
Kuroo just looks down at his hand with your number on it and starts smiling like an idiot. Bokuto comes out of nowhere and slaps him on the back as he says " you ready to go?"
You find Toru still surrounded by his fan club so you have to wiggle yourself through until you reach him.
" Hey Toru I'm heading out"
He whines " Awhhh (y/n) you're leaving already? I hardly got to spend time with you!!"
You laugh " who's fault is that? I've been sitting at the bar all night you could've been hanging out with me"
He pouts and you roll your eyes at his dramatics.
He picks you up and hugs you tightly, as he sets you down he whispers in your ear " I've really missed you (y/n)" and its not in that flirty way he usually talks with. You smile at him and say " then hangout with me dork, I'm back for the foreseeable future. You have my number" you wave behind you as you walk away.
I hope this was okay, I had fun writing it and if people like it maybe ill make it a series. (:
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jungshookz · 5 years
okay so hear me out... uni Yoongi teaching y/n how to skateboard and then she hurts herself and then kansnsnsnsn make out session after plasters are done which will be in yoongi’s bag because he always get scuffed knees
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→ pairing: min yoongi x reader
→ genre: university!au, uni!yoongi, fluFF!!!!!!, fluffy nsfw? is that a genre??, they just make out at the end and a little more idK
→ wordcount: 2.6k
→ what to expect: yoongi has peppa pig bandaids and y/n really, really wants to impress yoongi. 
→ note: i hear you loud and cLear!! in case it isn’t already blatantly obvious i am 110% in love with uni!yoongi and now that it’s been established that he’s a skater boy i’m 150% in love with him 
(gif isn’t mine!)
you know
when yoongi suggested a study break this was the absolute laSt thing you thought you guys would be doing because-
“this is a disaster just waiting to happen.” you huff and watch as yoongi wheels around you in circles
he laughs lightly and hops off his board
“trust me, this’ll be fun!” yoongi steps on the nose of his board and it flips upwards so that he can grab onto it
and u know what
that should noT have been as attractive as it was
you clear your throat and smooth down your skirt before flipping some hair off your shoulder “i’m not wearing appropriate skateboarding clothes.”
“there’s no such thing as inappropriate skating clothes, so i think you’re fine.” yoongi snorts and drops his skateboard before gently nudging it so that it rolls over to you slowly
it stops right at your feet and your face twists slightly
you don’t want to skateboard!!!!
why would anybody want to skateboard!!!!
why would you willingly step on something that’ll most definitely make you lose your balance and eat shiT
it’s like ice skating
you don’t like ice skating because your only form of support are two little sharp blades
which is a big noPE
you let out a sigh before looking over at yoongi “what if i fall?”
“it’s not like i’m asking you to do an ollie, y/n. just get on the board and i’ll wheel you forward slowly so that you can get a taste of it. relax!”
your brows furrow in confusion “…who’s ollie?”
yoongi snorts
he makes his way over to you and nudges the skateboard closer to you agaIN “come on, get up onto the board.”
“how did i let you rope me into doing this again?” you wipe your hands on the back of your cardigan before putting one foot on the skateboard
almost imMEdiately you feel unstable and you only have one foot on the damn thing
you’re only doing this because due to unfortunate circumstances you still have a big ol crush on yoongi and it’s gotten to the point where you’d do practically anYthing to try and impress him
“here, hold on to me-“ yoongi grabs onto your hands and places them on his shoulders before he reaches down to hold onto your waist “-you’re doing this because i said so. it’s as simple as that!”
“that’s not a very good reason.” you’re trying veRy hard to keep it together but that’s proving to be a challenge because yoongi has his hands on your waist and it feels like he’s buRning damn holes through your sides
of course you don’t have timE to be focusing on yoongi and his cute face because you’re already wobbling on the board and you haven’t even moved yet
“the proper procedure would suggest that i be wearing a helmet and some safety pads for my knees and elbows.” your grip tightens on yoongi’s shoulders when he starts rolling you forward gently
oh jesus this is teRRIFYING
“helmets are for loooosers” yoongi sing-songs as he continues walking along with you as you guys move up the street at what seems to be slower than a snail’s pace
he shoves one of his hands into his pockets and keeps his other one on your waist because there really isn’t a need for him to be gripping onto you with two hands (also it’s easier to walk this way because now he’s not awkwardly side-stepping down the street)
you scoff and shake your head
“safety isn’t for losers woAH-“ the skateboard rolls over a crack on the pavement causing you to bounce a little and you instinctively lean over and wrap your arms around yoongi
at the sudden movement yoongi’s arm automatically loops around your waist just in case you dO stumble
“you’re alright,” yoongi chuckles lightly and gives the small of your back a reassuring pat
it’s taking everything within yoongi to hide the big fat fond smile growing on his face because you are just the absolute cutest and he knEW it was a good idea to suggest skateboarding as a study break >:-) 
your face is practically shoved into the crook of his neck and at that realisation you immediately pull away
you straighten yourself out a little bit even though your knees are all wobbLy
“…i know.” you clear your throat before tugging your cardigan down a little bit “i think... i can handle it on my own now.”
yoongi raises a brow in question
“are you sure? because you barely made it just standing on the board while i pushed you.”
you purse your lips in thought
the man has a good point
you had time to sneakily watch (1) skateboarding for beginners video earlier when yoongi was warming up his board so you’re pretty sure you have this thing in the baG
all you have to do is like,,.,. keep one foot on the board and push off with the other and bOOm you’re skateboarding!
it’s child’s play if you really think about it
“i’ll be fine!” you chirp and yoongi nods before pulling away from you and raising his hands in defence
“alright, smarty pants. whatever you say!” he sighs and crosses his arms
you turn so that you’re facing the front and you place one foot on the ground while keeping your other foot planted firmly on the board
you’ll be fine
just copy the girl in the youtube video and you’ll be fine
of course she had a helmet and elbow pads and knee pads on
and also she was literally like eight years old
but that’s not the point
you let out a breath as you push off the ground firmly and-
oh my gOd
we have liftoff!!!!!
you’re doing it!!!!!
you quickly place your other foot onto the board and your eyes widen in surprise
you’re really doing it!!!!!
you’re actually skateboARding!
“oh my god, look, yoongi!!! i’m doing it!!!” you squeal excitedly and keep your eyes on the ground because woW you’re going surprisingly fast
yoongi’s eyes widen in surprise
well would ya look at that
of course all you’re doing is standing on the board right now but it’s still pretty impressive that you haven’t lost balance and fallen yet
and just when you think you have the hang of it-
“hOld on wait watch out for the-!”
you shRiek when the skateboard rolls over a larger dip in the pavement and the next thing you know you’re hurdling to the ground and the skateboard ziPS out from underneath your feet
yoongi gasps and reaches up to slaP his hands over his eyes
he counts for three seconds before peeking out from in between his fingers “…you good?” he winces at the sight of you on your hands and knees on the pavement
“does it look like i’m good??” you let out a groan as you push yourself up off the ground before bending over to look at your now bloODY knees
you pick the skateboard up and hook it underneath your arm like how you’ve seen yoongi do it before turning and literally hobbling over to him
yoongi can’t help but laugh lightly because even when ur limping ur cute
for the record
he feels awful because he probably shouldn’t have let you go so crazy on your first try
“lucky for you, i have a first aid kit in my bag! take a seat on the sidewalk, champ.”
you let out a groan of pain as you plop down on the sidewalk before taking a look at the damage
both your knees are scratched up and bleeding
your right knee is a liTTle more busted up because that was the knee you fell on
your palms are scratched up too but at least they’re not bleeding
and somehow you managed to scuff up your knuckles??
eW there’s a little pebble wedged into your palm
you wince lightly as you pick it out before flicking it aside  
“if it makes you feel any better, i think that was a pretty good first try!” yoongi chirps “…now spread ur legs so i can sit.”
“wha- why can’t you just sit on the side?” you gawk at yoongi and he gives you that signature min yoongi Are You Kidding Me? look  
“you hurt both of your knees and both of your hands. if i sat on one side then i would have to get up and move to the other side and if you think about it that takes a loT of energy and-“
“oh, for christ’s sakes, fine-“ you roll your eyes playfully and part your legs a little
yoongi smiles satisfactorily before sitting cross-legged on the ground in between your legs and you instinctively pull your skirt down a little just so you won’t flAsh him
the two of you sit in silence as yoongi pulls a couple bandaids and mini thing of antiseptic spray out of the metal tin
now that you have a moment to think
…that was so embarrassingGgGGG goD you wanna DIE
your body is wounded and sO is your pride
“oW-“ you hiss and flinch when yoongi sprays the antiseptic over the fresh wound
he freezes and looks up and you with a sheepish smile “…sorry.”
and that’S when you notice a very interesting detail
“..are those peppa pig bandaids?” you snort when you notice the bright pink pig-pattered bandaid on your right knee
“they were the cheapest option.” yoongi sighs and smooths the bandaid over your left knee “and they’re gangster.”
the boy u have a crush on thinks peppa pig is gang$ter
…you have very interesting taste in men
yoongi has a little divot in between his brows as he concentrates on cleaning and dressing your cuts
he’s so cute it hurts :-(
“by the way, this is aLL your fault so you’re going to have to find a way to make it up to me-“
you immediately choke over your own words when yoongi leans down and plants a little kith over the bandaid on your right kneecap before moving on to kiss the one on the left
he takes your hands and frowns when he notices a bright red cut peeking out from underneath the peppa pig bandaid
he’s going to need to get some bigger ones for next time
for a second you think your heart actually stoPs beating when yoongi looks up and locks gazes with you as he sponges gentle kisses over your bandaged palm and flips your hand over to continue trailing kisses til he reaches your scuffed up knuckles
“what were you saying?” yoongi hums and lets go of your hand and you feel like your soul literally floated out of your body after whatever the hell that was and you’re kind of just chilling up in space right now
“i- i was saying that-“ yoongi shifts in his spot on the ground before shuffling a little closer to you “um, that you- this was your fault so you’d have to find a way to make it up to me-“
yoongi has come to the conclusion that he has absolutely no self control because-
“uh-huh, yeah-“ the next thing you know yoongi’s pulling you down from the sidewalk and riGht onto his lap (which probably wasn’t a very smart move on his part because now your sore knees are on the ground) and the next nExt thing you know he’s pressing his lips against yours in a heated kiss
in all honesty he was hoping he’d come off smoother than this but you don’t seem to mind because you’re kissing him back fairly eagerly
your mind is all cloudy because woW you’re kissing yoongi again and it feels so nice and his lips are softer than ever and he tastes like that damn mint gum he’s always chewing on in class
you keep your hands to yourself for the meantime because you’re just not sure where they should go
as if he could read your thoughts, yoongi grabs your hands before placing them on his chest
he’s just hoping that you can’t feel his heart racing
you unknowingly let out a pitiful little whine when yoongi pulls away and he’s more than pleased to see your cheeks all flushed and your lips all sticky and swollen
nothing gets him going more than seeing his effect on you
“so, did i make it up to you- mMph-!“ yoongi’s eyes widen in surprise when you lean forward to slot your lips against his once more
this is a pleasant surprise
this is good!!!!!
more kissing is good!!!!!!
he responds with tender, soft smacked noises as he kisses you back just as enthusiastically and he gives your hips an encouraging little squeeze
there’s something just so cute about your kisses
you kind of taste like candied apples for some reason and yoongi wants nothing more than to suck your bottom lip into his mouth but he’ll take it easy because he doesn’t want it to be too much too fast
after all this is the first time you’Ve initiated this kind of contact
you don’t want to ruin the moment
but uh
your legs are getting kind of sore
buT you don’t want to have to stop kissing yoongi!!!! r u kidding!!!
your intention was just to get more comfortable in yoongi’s lap (because your knees are scREAMING) but in your haste to move, your leg slips a little and you end up quite literally grinding down on yoongi
his fingers immediately dig into the flesh of your hips and he groans lowly in the back of his throat
“jesus, baby-“ the nickname rolls off his tongue casually and you will fully admit that you! don’t! mind! at! all!
“my bad…” you giggle lightly and curl your fingers into the material of his t-shirt before pulling him closer to you
eventually you become a little out of breath and you’re forced to pull away
but you keep your face close to yoongi’s and when you open your eyes you’re met with the face of the stupidly handsome boy who never fails to make your head spin and your heart hiccup
yoongi nudges his nose against yours before the corner of his mouth tweaks in a particularly cheeky smirk
“i told you this was going to be fun.”
anyways yoongi ends up piggy-backing y/n back to her apartment but she has to carry both her and yoongi’s backpacks so it’s not really a win-win situation lolz
help me help you make your wishes come tru (aka send me a request)
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tigeowe · 5 years
personal shit/facts
- my birthdays on the 2nd september and im gonna turn 21 soon wuhu
- im still waiting for my uni to send me the acceptance-papers so i can apply for my loan
- what am i gonna do with that money: tattooes, a new graphic tablet, new furniture, clothes, shoes!!!, plushies (kawaii shit from japan), merchandise from different franchises, save some for trips to anywhere, pc parts, new video games, piercings, hairdye (purple, pink, blonde, orange... ),
- i love flamingos
- i love neon lights
- i love rainbow colors especially purple, uff
- sometimes i just get too nervous/anxious and bite off my nails which btw grow again
- im streching my ears until i reach 3cm(?) but currently im at ~1,5cm
- i love to paint but i barely do cause im annoyed by my graphic tablet and i dont like drawing on paper
- i think in english though my native tongue is german, since i only talk english to my boyfriend (and that for like 2 years now so ive quite learnt a bit)
- my boyfriends from sweden ghehe uwu
- im gonna start a swedish course soon
- i might move to sweden in the future
- billie eilish is a queen. so is sasha sloan.
- i love music and dont really have a favorite music genre but what i find myself listening to often is chill step, electro, house, instrumental stuff, pop, and really everything i like
- im still a fkn weeb, though i wouldnt ever consider me one infront of people (oh wait i just did :^) )
- a varety of animes (anime movies) i love: fullmetal alchemist, bleach, tokyo ghoul, attack on titan, silent voice, your name, but hey... why dont you check out my animelist? thehehe https://myanimelist.net/profile/CutiePantsu
- im in bed listening to music and my boo is beside me rn
- i can be hella cringe but whatever
- pewdiepie is a hero
- tomorrow im gonna go to ikea and ill buy some mfuckin shelves
- i love animals theyre basically my life and if i were to be rich id dedicate my life to build dozens of shelters for animals
- i find myself playing femals only in whatever game allows you to choose obviously :b
- i play league of legends and im a midlane main, but if theres a mate i will accompany them on botlane and be either support or adc, i can play jungle as well with certain champs but i absolutely suck on toplane, kek
- my wardrobe is full af but i cant stop buying stuff ugh... sucks being a woman, right :^^^
- i have a lil hate-love relationship with sims...
- i wanna have at least 2 kids when i get my own place
- wanna see the whole world and my next destination will probably be either netherlands or croatia
- you probably are a hecking stalker when youve reached this or just hella bored :') , props to you bru
have a good night/day (if youre a person i hate - who is most likely not going to be here anyway - i wish you the complete opposite!) :P
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