#changgu au
jinkoh · 1 year
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help 🫣
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blizzardfluffykpop · 10 months
Summary: While it isn’t the first time you’ve made dinner for all of your boyfriend’s members. It’s the first Christmas dinner Changgu and you have made for them in your new house.
Fluff, Established Relationship au
Word Count: 4,289
Changgu (Yeo One) X Reader
[Features! The rest of OT9]
Requested: not to be that person who requests twice (pls feel free to prioritize other requests!!) but maybe 6. for Changgu? 👀 You know, in celebration of someone becoming someone's ult 👀
Prompt: 6. Cooking Christmas dinner together for your friends
[A.n: Pls don’t worry about requesting 2x- I love double/multiple requests~ And also I just do the request in the order I get them unless I have to skip to not have the same member in a row. I’d say I don’t know how this fic got to 4k but uh see above point ^ (I named it dishwasher and hopefully you’ll understand the significance)]
It was finally your turn to make Christmas dinner for your big friend group, “You sure this is going to feed eight other people?” He nods, “Yeah, I’m sure. If not, there is always the restaurant down the road.” “Ggu!” He laughs, “I’m just teasing, I promise. We got this!” You shake your head, “I know. I guess I’m just a little worried.” He grabs your hand, “It’s going to be okay. I promise. We make a great team. Our food will be even better.” You search his eyes, and he squeezes your hand, and all you find is reassurance. You interlock your fingers, “Okay.” He nods and pulls your hand to push the cart with his to the checkout lanes. You finish up and shove the groceries in his car. You return the cart and see him waiting for you to get in. He opens the door from the inside, the heat pouring out from the vents, and you hop in. 
“We’ll let the ham defrost overnight in cold water, and then we’ll be all set.” He agrees as you both put the groceries away. He finds the pre-packaged cookies and goes, “Want one?” You ask, “Shouldn’t we wait for our guests?” He shrugs as you come over, waiting for him to open the box. “Maybe.” You both grab one and eat it, “Yeah, this is way easier than making them.” You both resist eating another to save them for tomorrow's guests. You set them on a platter and the cake you bought onto a cake stand.
You wake up to Changgu ruffling the covers to get out of bed. You look at him with half-opened eyes, “Is it time?” You watch him shake his head no. He comes over, kisses your forehead, and tells you, “I was just going to make us some coffee before we started cooking.” You hum, opening your eyes, “Let’s do that together.” He smiles as he waits for you to roll out of bed. You slip on your slippers, and with a yawn, you follow him into the kitchen. He fills a kettle with water before putting it on the burner and turning it on. You grab your mugs and set them on the counter, and he finishes making the coffee. You lean against the counter, still trying to wake up as you sip your first bit of coffee, “Warm…” He hums before he takes a sip of his and shares the same sentiment. 
You start, “So, the ham.” You both look over at it, hoping it’d grow legs dress itself for the occasion and throw itself into the oven. He laughs before you both sigh, “Shinwon was not kidding when he said, ‘Good luck next year’. After they both made that dinner…” You shake your head and agree, “This is going to be a lot of work…” After setting your coffee down on the counter, you look for a piece of paper and a pen. “How do we want to go about this?” “Well, we cleaned the roasting pan two days ago, so all we have to do is line it with foil.” You write: ‘Foil the pan, make sure the ham is defrosted. Bag the ham, and then dress it with pineapples and cherries.’ You ask, “Did we get 7up?” He nods, “Yeah, I put it in the cart last minute. We almost forgot it.” You sigh in relief as you write the 7up part and add brown sugar to the list of things going on with the ham. 
You list the things you bought, and he goes, “Peel and chop the potatoes?” you write that down, “Are we making sweet potatoes?” He nods, and you take another sip of coffee before writing that. “Corn, green beans?” Changgu softly reminds you about the ‘peas’. And you finish that bit, “Oh, bread, which kind?” He goes, “Biscuits and croissants?” “Perfect.” “Am I missing anything else?” You both think for a minute before you go, “Oh, cranberry sauce, the most important part!” He laughs, “For you, dear.” You roll your eyes, “You love it just as much as me.” He shakes his head, “No, not as much as I love you.” You roll your eyes, “I love you more than I love cranberry sauce.” He gasps, “I’m honored.” You shake your head as you smile at him.
You finish your coffee while looking out at the snow. Watching it gently coming down. “I’m glad this time it’s not a snowstorm.” He laughs, “It was a nightmare getting to Hongseok’s house that year!” You laugh even harder, “We don’t even live more than a street away from him!” You two cackle before catching your breath. He adds, “At least we have snow this year, though!” You shake your head, “We even have photos of Hoetaek pouting about it!” You both giggle before catching your breath. You put your two mugs in your new dishwasher. You grin, “I can’t wait for this thing to have its first big holiday.” He smiles in excitement, “It’s going to do the work of ten men!” You both laugh before washing your hands away from the ham and start working on preparing it. 
Thankfully, it thawed, and everything went swimmingly even putting the brown sugar and 7up on it was easy. You open the pineapples as Changgu digs for the toothpicks, “Didn’t we buy a pack?” “Yeah, I think they’re up in the cabinet by the other knife set we don’t use.” He hums and says a little ‘aha!’ when he finds them there. You separate the pineapples from the ones you’re using for the ham and the two for the two of you. After you finish sticking the pineapples in with toothpicks, he sticks the cherries in the center. When he pins the last one, and you both have washed your hands and put the ham into the oven, “One pineapple for you, one for me?” 
He pulls out a maraschino cherry for both of you to eat, and you happily eat the unused toppings before cleaning your hands again. You sigh, “Those were so good.” He agrees, hands you a towel to dry your hands with, and says, “What’s next?” You look back at the list and go, “The potatoes.” He nods and gets them out, and you ask, “How many potatoes do you think Shinwon can eat alone?” He laughs, “Probably the whole bag.” You shrug, “Guess that’s how much we’re doing so everyone can have at least a bite.” He agrees, and you get out your peeler and the chopping board while he fills a bowl with water.
You shave them as he patiently waits to chop them up. He cuts the last potatoes up and puts them back in the bowl. You drain them and transfer half to a pot of water. As you do, he says, “I’ll start shaving the sweet potatoes.” You agree and put the soup mix into the cleaned bowl before pouring the other half of the potatoes in and combining them. You flip them onto a foiled pan and wash off your hands. You come back over to see him sharpening a knife, “Having a hard time with the sweet potatoes?” He nods, and you smile, “It’s more about the pressure and force than the sharpness.” He hums, “But it’d help.” He cleans it off before he returns with more vigor to chop them into small pieces. 
He lets out a yell as he smacks it, and you giggle as you watch him, “You want me to do it?” He pouts, “But I have more muscle than you. This should be easy…” You smile as you tell him, “Watch this.” You scoot him away, and with the knife still lodged into the sweet potato, you lift it and slam it back onto the board. And it separates into two, “Didn’t you ever watch your mom make them?” He shakes his head, “No, she always makes the ones you just gotta poke and put in the oven with foil on them.” You nod, “Those are so good! Do you want to save two so we can have that tomorrow?” He grins, “Oh heck yeah!” He saves two and puts them in the pantry while you finish chopping up the first one. He gets the hang of it on the second one, “Isn’t there a less noisy way?” You shake your head, “Not that I’ve ever figured out.” He shrugs and continues while you make the brown sugar mix for them, “I’m excited for these.” He hums, “Me too.” 
You do the same with sweet potatoes, draining them before mixing them and putting them onto another foiled pan. You set them out and clean off your hands. As you dry off your hands, Changgu checks the oven, “Ohh, look!” You look, “Still there.” He shakes his head, “No, it’s starting to look more cooked.” You laugh, “I know.” You pull back, and he says, “And we still have three hours and twenty minutes to get it all done. I say that calls for a break.” You agree, and you both head into the living room and kick back on the couch together. “What kind of Christmas special do you wanna watch?” You hum, “What about a hallmark movie?” He wrinkles his nose and shakes his head, “Preferably something that doesn’t make me cry today.” You nod, “Okay, the Charlie Brown special before we head back and make the rest?” He agrees, and you put your legs over his lap while he puts his legs on the ottoman. He puts his arm around your back, and you watch the Peanuts. 
When the movie ends, you both get changed into your dinner clothes before heading into the kitchen. You look at the list when it hits you, “Oh, we almost forgot to add a butter stick tray for everyone!” He nods, quickly pulls out the butter, and puts it on the designated dish. “Done and done!” You grin and grab the canned corn, peas, and green beans. You open them up while he gets the pots out. You fill all three up as he works on making two foiled pans for biscuits and croissants. You both work on rolling up the crescent and making them nicely shaped before putting the other premade biscuits onto a pan to bake. “Do you want to open the cranberry sauce now or later?” He hums, “Probably later, so it stays cooler.” You agree and look over at the timer on the ham, “Two hours and fifteen minutes…” He sighs, “Looks like it’s making the table time.” 
You nod and stand on either side of your small kitchen table, “On the count of three, I’ll pull my end. You’ll pull yours.” You nod, and he counts, “Okay, and one, two, three!” You both pull out the table to make it longer to fit ten people. After pulling it out, you huff, “I’m glad our table expands twice.” He sighs, “Me too.” You pick up one side of the leaf while he picks up the other before setting it in and doing the same with the next. 
When it’s all clicked in and properly fitted, he goes, “Alright, tablecloth next?” You nod, and he gets it from the cabinet, “The pretty green one?” He nods and pulls the one that has mistletoe berries lining the edges. You both cover the table before getting the dishes out. You hand them over to him, and he sets them out while you grab the knives, “Do the knives go on the right side or the left?” He goes, “Wherever you want them.” You laugh as you put it on the left side before lining the left with other utensils. He asks, “Napkin towels and paper ones?” You agree, and he gets out two napkin holders and puts one on each side. You fill them with paper napkins while he gets the towels and puts them in front of the plates.
“If we don’t get the 1865 wine out, Hyunggu will be whiny.” You laugh, “I don’t think he’ll whine, but he will pout.” He laughs as he agrees, and you open a bottle for him, letting it aerate, “What do you say after thirty minutes,... We have our glass?” He smiles, “I’d like that.” You nod, and you get an assortment of glasses for each person. You finish up before looking over the table. You feel him come over beside you and wrap his arm around your waist, “Look at us. We’re doing a nice job so far.” You look at him and say, “Don’t jinx it.” He laughs, “Not intending to!” He knocks on the table regardless as you both lean against each other. “But you’re right, it looks nice.” 
You smile and wrap your arm around his waist, “Who do you think will arrive first?” He hums, “Probably Hoetaek and whoever he’s bringing, he got that whole integrity saying about five minutes early is on time.” You laugh as you agree, “And who’s last?” He hums, “It’s a tie, depending on who’s driving.” You wait for him to continue, and he says, “If Wooseok is driving, they’re going to be like ten minutes late, but if it’s anyone else, I’d say they’d be right about time.” “Why’s that?” “Wooseok is very careful.” 
You laugh, “I believe it. But you're the only one I trust to drive me around whenever I don't want to drive.” “Baby, you’re so cute.” You laugh, “I’m telling the truth. I get to be the relaxed passenger. And I don’t even have to be the GPS. Cause you know where you’re going.” He laughs, “Yeah, I like having you as my passenger. You make all of my worries go away. Not even someone who drives fifteen under can make me mad with you by my side.” “Are you sure? Following that tractor for like two miles about killed you.” He groans, “Don't Remind me.” And you move from your relaxed position, getting close to his lips, “Don’t worry, it irritated me too.” You pull him in for a kiss, and when you pull away, you ask, “Better?” He sighs, “Always.”
The ham comes out about an hour later, and you pop the beefy onion and sweet potatoes into the oven. And turn the flame under the potatoes on the stove on as the doorbell rings, “I got it, baby.” You nod, and he kisses your cheek before heading over. And as he had predicted, Hoetaek was five minutes early with Shinwon and Jinho. Jinho asks, “What’s cooking?” You smile, “Potatoes.” You hear a gasp, and Changgu says, “You’ll have to wait until it’s on the table.” You hear the pout in Shinwon’s voice as he says, “Okay…” The four of you laugh as he answers. Changgu comes over and joins you. You turn the burners underneath the canned veggie pots on while he cuts open the bag. Hoetaek asks, “Do you guys want any help? Or?” You look at Changgu and shake your head, “No, we got it here.” The doorbell rings, “However, if you could get that.” He smiles, “Sure.” 
You hear four more voices and shoes hitting the floor as you stir the potatoes around. You both turn and look as they come to the table and find their spots. Changgu asks, “Where’s Wooseok?” Yanan goes, “He was asleep last time I checked.” And before you can look at Changgu like, ‘Do we need to get him?’ the doorbell rings. You both sigh in relief as Yuto gets the door, “Sorry, I wanted five more minutes of rest!” Hoetaek chides, “You need to leave your studio sooner so you can be on time!” He whines, and you don’t hear the rest as the potatoes boil. And you mash them with butter and milk. 
You put them into a serving bowl as Changgu transfers the ham onto a platter before bringing it to the table. He brings everything to the table as you pour them into bowls and place serving spoons in each. The bell rings again, and you both pull out the pans of potatoes and place them onto platters before he sets them down in front of them. You open a can of cranberry sauce before bringing that over, too.
Changgu puts the bread into the oven before you both sit down. He sits in front of the ham, and you sit beside him as he looks at everyone. He cheers, “Alright, who’s ready to eat?” You all cheer back, “I am!” And he happily serves it to everyone, ensuring everyone has a big piece before serving his last. “Let’s dig in!” Before you can get up, he goes, “I got it, honey.” You smile, and he gets up, turns off the oven, and puts the freshly done bread into two separate baskets. He returns, “Croissants on which side?” Hyunggu and Hongseok cheer for them the loudest, and he places them down in front of them while your side gets the biscuits. 
With all the food out, the conversations only get louder, especially, with Changgu turning on the Bluetooth speakers to play soft Christmas music to set the mood. You gasp, “No way!” as Hyunggu talks about the Christmas play he saw, “Yeah, way! The lights started shining and out popped another new Santa Claus. This musical just kept getting more hysterical as they did it!” You all laugh at Hyunggu's stories, and Yanan talks about the Christmas lights he went and visited. Wooseok goes, “Do you guys remember when we performed in Daegu?” They all hum, and you nod, having seen their performances rather than being there, “It was so cold, but it was perfect like tonight.” You smile and thank him, and everyone agrees.
As everyone finishes their last plate, everyone talks about the plans they’ve made and gifts they’ve gotten for their families. And when there’s a lull of silence, you ask, “Who’s ready for dessert?” They all cheer, “I am!” And you happily get up, grabbing the platter of cookies, and Changgu comes in, getting the cake from the fridge. As you come back, Yuto asks, “What kind?” You smile, “We got a big assortment of cookies, including chocolate chip, plus chocolate cake!” You hear Changgu rustle in the fridge as he yells, “Oh, don’t forget the fruitcake!” And everyone lets out, “Really!?” And he turns around with the cake stand and goes, “Nah, just kidding.” You both laugh as you gesture for them to follow you, “Let’s have dessert in the living room.” 
Everyone follows the two of you, pushing in their chairs as they sprawl out onto the couches and chairs. You set the platter of cookies down and head back and get everyone some napkins and plates. Everyone picks out their favorite cookies and serves themselves a piece of cake. And you sit on the arm of the couch and lean against Changgu, who is happily chatting about his recent concert, “I know, I was there!” You laugh, “Hey, but we weren’t!” Yanan protests softly, and you encourage him to go on, which he happily does and would have, anyway. You finish your slice of cake and set your empty plate on the side table beside you, which leads to everyone putting their plate on top of yours. 
Hongseok goes, “We can help you clean up if you like.” You both shake your head, “No, you’re our guests tonight.” They nod, and you continue, “We just got a new dishwasher, so we want to make the most of it.” They all laugh, and Hongseok tells you, “That makes sense.” Changgu goes, “Do we look like new dishwasher owners?” He nods, “Yeah.” You laugh, “I guess we have it stamped on our foreheads.” “Yeah, basically.” And Yanan goes, “Yeah, you wouldn’t believe how excited he was about buying your first appliance together.” You laugh, “Really?” You watch as Changgu’s cheeks turn more and more red, “Yeah, he called all of us up telling us all about it.” You grin and tell them, “I told all my friends, too.” You look over at Changgu with a big smile, “We’re all getting old.” He grins and grabs your hand, “You age like fine wine.” You roll your eyes before pulling his hand up and kissing it. You smile at him, “So do you.” 
As the night becomes darker and the time grows later, you let out a yawn. And so does Changgu, which makes Hui look at his clock, “I’d hate to be making us leave first, but I have a schedule in the morning.” You all whine, “The day after Christmas?” He shrugs, “Well, I’m preparing for my album...” You nod, and Shinwon and Jinho get up, too. You follow them to the door as they gather their things. Jinho is the first to thank you both for the meal. And you tell him it was fun having him and the rest of the members over. Changgu opens his arms, which Jinho reluctantly accepts before accepting your hug too. 
Shinwon follows, hugging you both and telling you, “See, I told you it wasn’t going to be too hard.” You both roll your eyes at him, and Changgu tells him, “Yeah, you were right, but I’m glad it’s Yanan’s turn next year.” Shinwon laughs, “I was glad to pass the torch on to you guys.” You shake your head, “Take care of yourself.” He nods, “I will.” Hoetaek grabs one of your hands and one of Changgu’s. “You guys did so wonderfully. It was such a good dinner.” You grin and thank him, and he says, “No, seriously, you guys did an excellent job.” He brings you both in for a hug at the same time. He lets go of your hands before telling you guys to take care. You bid the three of them goodbye and wish them a Merry Christmas before watching them leave. 
You return to the living room, where Yuto talks about his latest solo projects. And you all listen intently, as he does as it grows later. Hongseok gathers him, Yanan, and Hyunggu. Hongseok gingerly tells you both goodbye, giving you both a strong hug after telling you what he liked most. Hyunggu smiles as he puts his hat back on, “I didn’t expect any less from you guys. It was excellent.” You nod, and he hugs you both, and you can’t help but grin. Yanan thanks you both for the delicious dinner, pulling his scarf tighter around his neck before squeezing the both of you into a hug. And Yuto smiles, “Thanks guys, that was a wonderful meal and dessert.” You smile, “It’s no problem.” He hugs you both before exiting and following the three out the door. You both realize you forgot to wish them a Merry Christmas, so you both shout it as they enter the vehicle. And they shout it right back. You both laugh as you shut the door.
You watch them drive off before settling across from the last guest. “Wooseok!” He smiles, “I know you both probably want your alone time now.” You look over at Changgu and shrug. You tell him, “We could always watch a Christmas special or something with you.” And Changgu continues, “You couldn’t bother us with your presence.” Wooseok smiles before looking at the clock, “I know, but I can always come over later in the week.” You both agree, and he gets up, “I just wanted to say goodbye last.” You laugh at that, and you all head to the door for the last time. You go, “I can’t believe they let you drive all by yourself! You best be careful!” He laughs, “I will, don’t worry.” You both nod and hug him before he leaves. He thanks you both for the delicious meal and says, “Merry Christmas.” And you both repeat it back, “Merry Christmas.” 
He exits out into the cold air. You watch him take off and leave your window. Just to turn back and see that you’re left with a mess of things to clean up. You sigh, “Glad we have that new dishwasher��” He smiles, “Did you really tell all of your friends?” You smile as you nod, and he kisses your forehead before you kiss his. He looks back at the mess ahead of him and shakes his head, “We’ll still have to clean up the rest of it, though.” You sigh even louder, “We got a lot to do.” You look around at the mess for a while longer, “You want to leave it for later?” He sighs in relief, “Oh yeah, let’s get cleaned up and go to bed.” You smile, and you both head up to the bathroom and change into your pajamas. 
After you return from the bathroom, you both collapse in your bed, “We’ll do the dishes tomorrow.” He laughs and pulls you into his arms, “Yeah, tomorrow.” You curl into his chest, “We did a good job.” “Yeah.” “I’m glad it’s over.” He hums, “Me too. Good luck to Yanan next year.” You laugh, “Yeah, good luck, Yanan.” You pull the covers over the both of you, “I love you. Good night.” “Good night, I love you more.” “Ggu…” He pouts, and you go, “I love you most.” He giggles as he says, “I love you mostest.” You roll your eyes, “I love you the most mostest.” “Nuh-uh.” “Yeah-huh.” “Nuh-uh.” “Yeah-huh. Good night, Ggu.” “Nuh-uh, I love you even more. Good night, my love.” You groan and whisper, “I love you even more than that.” Before drifting off to sleep, he says softly before falling asleep, “I love you two round trips to the moon and back, baby.”
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tantai-jin · 8 months
fic writer meme!
thank u rachel @fruitdaze for the tag!!! <3333333
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
23 since 2016 lmao,, i don't remember exactly how many i posted on lj from 2012-2015 but it wasn't a ton, probably 10-15 that were like 50k altogether
2. What's your total Ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
it's been all over the place since 2020 lol but p much only chinese media like danmei novels, movies, cdramas. used to write kpop rpf but prob won't return to that even tho i still like and follow many groups
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
给你给你 (yunfei)
换一世身份姓名; heaven to myself (canglan)
not-that-small talk (tell me honestly) (bts yoonkook LOL)
새벽 rush hour (yellow light, slow) (bts taegi LOL)
捡一个梦; reach for a dream (canglan)
5. Do you respond to comments?
i usually do, although i'm often quite late LOL i have a couple fics where i didn't reply to all the comments after a certain point and then i just stopped 😭 or if they are a guest user or only leave emojis as a comment then i don't reply? but ofc i see every comment
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
uhh i feel like the only thing i wrote that is complete and has an angsty ending is 捡一个梦; reach for a dream bc it was a missing scene from an angsty arc of the show. or lol jk same scenario applies to 余光 (remnants of light) bc it takes place before the end of yuwu and not in one of the happier moments
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
either 给你给你 or 换一世身份姓名; heaven to myself bc they're both disgustingly sweet and affectionate at the end
8. Do you get hate on fics?
nope! either i am writing for tiny ass fandoms or like, my fics don't get enough traction to attract haters LMAO
9. Do you write smut?
not a lot... the incomplete bingqiu au i posted has the most explicit scenes so far but i am still too shy writing it. i have to practice so that i can write more than 3 sentences of sex in a single day and actually finish the wips i started 😭
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you have written?
i have before! nothing crazy tho bc it was just kpop rpf and it would be like, two idols from the same company that have interacted multiple times! lmao. sometimes i think abt crossovers for cdramas that are relatively tame such as: two actors that have been in the same drama multiple times are reincaranted and those 2+ dramas are their different lives... but it's so niche in eng speaking fandom and i haven't fully written one out yet. also does it count as a crossover if u put characters from story A into the setting/setup for story B bc i do that a lot but i think that is fairly common at least for ppl to imagine
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
i don't think so... again, my fics do not get a lot of traction so i don't think it's likely lmaooo
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
i think there was an exo one translated into russian a long time ago but i don't even remember which one lolllll it might have been on my livejournal
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
not a whole fic yet but ive brainrotted a plethora of aus with friends before such as but not limited to mingqian actors au with lianzi (very intricate with multiple variations) and a Bunch of cdrama and yuwu stuff with another friend :')
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
i cannotttttt pick only one but ummm in the last yr-ish it's been a rotation of tantai jin/li susu + mingye/sang jiu from cyjm, mingqian from liu yao, xilian from yuwu (🤪)..... bingqiu from sv (always).... i should stop for now that's Tew Many. but i think once i finish spl, changgu will also be up there
15. What is a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
i feel like i'm cursing myself by typing this out but perhaps the bingqiu i posted one chapter of..... even if i could write all the p With p parts that i wanted to include, i was also a little stuck on the ending and idk if i would be able to write it in a way that doesn't feel like a cop out or just weak in general 😢 but i do like that au and i think my writing for it so far was p decent... so who knows...!
16. What are your writing strengths?
i think i am pretty good at dialogue that sounds 1. natural and 2. true to the characters! i try really hard to make imagery sound original(ish) and evocative, and to make a character's Yearning palpable
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
intricate plot, action, sex (takes me forever to write and haven't done it in as much detail as i would like to tbh)
18. Thoughts of writing dialogue in another language in fics?
i love it! i did it a little in my yunfei fic and instead of directly translating the line of chinese right there i just included the meaning in the next line of dialogue, like "what do you mean [thing they just said]" + i did it like that bc the tone of it just felt so much more natural to me in mandarin for that specific convo. not that it was something untranslatable (it wasn't) but it just felt comfier to me. i also like the thing ppl do where you can hover over the text and it will show the translation but idk how that html works HAHA someday i would like to give it a go
19. First fandom you wrote for?
exo.......... lmao
20. Favorite fic you have written?
overall i think it would be typhoon season (my incomplete but not abandoned cisswap girls ximang in hk) ! i had it fermenting in my brain for like 8 months before i wrote it, which meant i had figured a lot of the stuff for the beginning out and it was much easier to write than normal since i was not deliberating so much in the moment. i think the pacing for it was good and the reveals of backstory were placed well, and i think i adapted the characters well too even if it's only a first chapter and they haven't done a lot yet. i wanna write them again but it's been rly hard for me to think abt that specific au for many months lol. i also think my recent yzy gegedidi fic had a lot of yummy scenes even if i see some flaws in some parts of the fic's progression... but i spent enough time on it already so i will not go and fix it anymore 😌 peace
i think all my writer friends were tagged already...... this tagline (like a bloodline) will end with me
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milkybonya · 4 years
Under the Willow Tree
Warnings: mentions of food
Pairing: Yeo One x reader
Summary: he meets you once a week under the same willow tree
song to listen to listen to while reading: MOMENT by VERIVERY
[a/n]: i have been extra soft for Changgu lately and keep thinking about things,, so i thought i would turn my thoughts into a little scenario ! hehe
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You had met him under the shade of a willow tree at a park. He had been playing hide and seek with his friends and chose to hide behind the tree that you sat under while dozing off. His loud footsteps and the grass crunching under his feet woke you up.
“I’m sorry, but can I please hide here?” he asked you, whispering. He was too cute for you to say no to him, and you were amused by the fact that a man in his twenties was playing hide and seek. It was quite adorable.
Now, that’s where he would meet you every week on a Sunday afternoon. Same time, under the long, skinny branches that stretched to the ground, tied down by the thick base of the tree. He’d always find you there.
Sometimes, he would bring some food or snacks to share with you. Sometimes he would bring nothing but himself and his ear to listen to you talk. Sometimes, he would be the one speaking. You learned a lot about him and he learned a lot about you.
On this particular day, the sun was high up in the blue, cloudless sky. You were under the willow tree again, reading a book when you heard the grass crunching under someone’s feet. You recognized the sound. Looking up, your eyes met Changgu’s soft brown ones, hiding under the squint that his smile forced them into.
“Hey, whatchu reading?” he asked, sitting beside you.
“One of my favourite books,” you replied. “It’s a shame I’m so far into it, otherwise I would have let you read it with me.”
Changgu waved his hand around. “That’s okay,” he said. “I can just nap until you’re done.”
He placed his head on your outstretched legs and closed his eyes. This simple movement made your heart flutter - he’d never done anything like this before. You continued to read while a soft breeze rustled the willow tree’s branches, creating a sound that resembled ocean waves crashing softly together.
Your eyes eventually trailed off the page and landed on the back of Changgu’s head. His dark caramel hair hang in small curls around his head. The sunlight that was peeking through the tree’s branches illumined some parts of his hair. His curls looked so soft that you wanted to reach out and touch them, so you did. Gently stroking his hair, you felt a deep happiness grow within you.
He was so beautiful and so kind to you, you couldn’t have helped but develop feelings for him over time. On this day especially, it was a little harder to hold back.
Your finger tips traced the curve of his ear, slowly moving to his jaw, his cheek bones, the curve of his nose. Then, his soft lips. You couldn’t help but leave your fingers there for a bit longer. 
You watched as Changgu’s lips moved. He kissed your fingers… Was he dreaming? You moved your hand away immediately, a soft blush rising on your face.
“Where’d you go?” Changgu mumbled, smiling.
“You’re dreaming, Changuuu,” you sang, but he opened his eyes.
“I’m not, though,” he said, turning to look at you. “I felt your fingers move across my face. Do you like me or something? That touch was so soft…” he let himself trail off.
“I don’t-” you started to say, but he cut you off.
“Cause if you like me, that’ll be good for me, since I like you too,” he said, placing his hands behind his head and locking his fingers together.
“What?” you asked, shocked.
“I like you, [y/n],” he hummed, looking up.
You didn’t know what to say, you were left speechless. All you could do was accept his confession.
“I like you too,” you said. He smiled as he heard your words.
“Then I’ll go back to sleep and dream that I’m holding your hand,” he mumbled, but you heard him.
“Why dream about it when it can be your reality?” you asked, smiling as you reached for his hand which was now lying by his side. It felt soft and warm in yours, and you didn’t plan on letting go of it anytime soon.
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ultadachi · 4 years
10 and 13 with Yeo One
10: “ We cant keep this up forever. ”
13: “ Don’t leave me… ”
You tried. You really did. But it was clear nothing was going to change. There were nights Changgu came home late, not knowing he woke you up as he crawled into bed during the early hours of the morning before the sun had even come up. There were times he didn’t even come home at all, and you didn’t see him until the next night where he would eventually find his way back into your be you “shared” with him -- but at this point, did you even really share it? You had a gist of what he was doing, but no solid explanations. You knew with him being in the mafia that he couldn’t be there for you like a normal fiance, but you thought that maybe after getting engaged that he would at least put in a little more effort to be there.
Of course, the one time you wanted Changgu to come home at his usual hour, he didn’t. He came home a couple hours before midnight to you staring down at the ring on your finger, ready to take it off and place it on the nightstand.
“_____?” Changgu’s voice made you jump and turn to face him, looking like a deer in headlights.
You didn’t even hear the front door close. You didn’t even hear his boots on the floor as he walked down the hallway and up the stairs to your bedroom.
“What’re you doing?” he questioned, though judging from the hurt in his eyes, he already had an idea.
“Changgu, I--”
“No,” he shook his head before you could even explain, seeing your fingers on your other hand still holding onto the engagement ring. “No, you can’t do this.”
“Changgu, it’s just not working,” you sighed. You did feel bad to end everything like this, but you had already spent enough time crying over him and your lonely relationship. You couldn’t cry anymore despite the tears that filled his eyes. “You’re never home, we barely speak--”
“I’m trying, _____!” he insisted.
“But it’s not enough.”
He strode over to you, covering both of your hands with his, “_____, please... Don’t leave me...”
“We both know this isn’t working,” you said just barely above a whisper. “We can’t keep this up forever.”
You gently pulled your hands from his grasp, removing your wring and putting it into his palm. You wrapped his fingers around it before looking into his eyes.
“Goodbye, Changgu.”
And with that, you took your luggage and left him alone in the bedroom that he’d left you alone in so many times before.
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gamerwoo · 6 years
can you make 67 with pentagon yeoone please?
67: “Stop being so cute.”
You both knew he had to leave to make his flight in the morning. But if he slept over and just woke up extra early, he’d probably be fine -- at least, that’s what you thought. So you were doing literally everything in your power to get your boyfriend to spend the night before he’d be gone for another x amount of months.
“_____, I really have to go,” he told you, though he was imitating your pout.
“Pleeeease,” you whined, refusing to let go of his hand.
“I have to, baby, I’m sorry,” he sighed, grabbing his jacket and heading for the door.
You followed, trying to dig your heels into the ground but not only were you on hardwood, but you were wearing socks, so all he did was drag you along behind him. So then you let go and got on the ground, wrapping yourself around one of his legs.
He couldn’t help but chuckle, “_____-ah...”
You looked up at him with the biggest, saddest eyes you could manage, “Staaaay.”
He sighed, staring up at the ceiling, “Stop being so cute, I’m trying to convince myself to leave.”
“But I don’t want you to leave,” you frowned, pressing your cheek against his leg, “and you don’t actually want to leave, so the logical thing is to stay.”
“I don’t know...”
You got to your feet, taking his hands in yours and pressing kisses wherever you could reach, making him laugh softly. In between each one, you mumbled a “please”, using this as your last resort.
Changgu held your face in his hands, keeping you still as he smiled at you, “Alright, fine, you win.”
“You give in so easily,” you giggled, pressing a kiss to his lips before going back to the couch to resume the movie you were watching with him.
He blinked a few times, dumbfounded that you were now suddenly teasing him, “But you-- I was gonna-- And you said-- Yah, get back here!”
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adachicuto · 7 years
winter with changgu
hongseok ver. | shinwon ver. | hui ver. | hyunggu ver. | wooseok ver. | yanan ver. | jinho ver. | hyojong ver. | yuto ver.
he’d buy you a ton of scarves and beanies bc they all reminded him of you and he just wanted to make sure you had enough warm things to wear whenever you have to go out into the cold
would go out to get the two of you coffee and breakfast even though you told him that he didn’t have to bc you didn’t want him to get sick but he still does bc he wants to
baking so many sweets together bc he saved a ton of recipes and he’d just want to make the best of his off days with you but it wouldn’t really matter what the two of you did bc you’d both be grateful
lots of cuddling while the tv is playing in the background and he’d sing for you and it’d just warm your heart
he’d go out of his way every day to make sure that you’d have everything you’d need while he was away at practice and etc. bc he’d always worry about you but it’d just multiply bc he doesn’t want you to get sick
would surprise you after work/school and take you somewhere really nice to eat and he’d ask you about your day and etc.
changgu would leave cute little post-its for you around your place for whenever he was away and they’d remind you to dress warmly and that he made your breakfast bc an actual angel
there’d be one day where the two of you are on your way back home and it’d start to snow and he’d just stare at you bc you’d look so nice to him in that moment as you’d just stare at the snow and then he’d sweetly kiss your cheek
being cute and kind of nagging the rest of ptg about dressing warmly and not staying out in the cold too long but they’d really appreciate it
inviting yanan and his s/o over for dinner sometimes and it’d be so cute and you’d all have smiles on your faces the entire time
also inviting all of ptg over for movie night whenever they’d have a break and it’d be kinda rowdy but in a good way bc they’d be good company
winter with changgu would be so sweet and wholesome and good for your heart bc he’s such an angel that cares about you so much and just wants the best for those that he cares about
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kyswoo · 3 years
Pentagon reaction
having a kid with them
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pairing: yandere!pentagon x reader
genre: yandere au, fluff(?), some angst idk???
request: "can you do a yandere pentagon reaction to having a kid with their s/o?"
masterlist 🌸
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the kid is like the physical representation of your love, so he will cherish them as much as he cherish you, the kid basically shows everyone that you are his
usually he treats your child really well and gives them everything they want, so they might become a little spoiled
but if the kid do something that annoys him he might yell and ground them
you have to tell him to not be so harsh on them since they're just a kid
since he doesn't want the kid to be afraid of him or something, he will give them something to make them happy
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you know he can get violent sometimes so you are afraid he might do something to your kid, so you are always around them
he gets jealous you give your child so much attention so he just ignores the kid whenever they come to him
your child might ask you something like "does dad hates me?", hearing it makes you feel so bad, so you try to make Hui pay more attention to them, he might give them some gifts from time to time but that's it
your kid ends up getting scared everytime you two argue because he can be really loud, so eventually they get afraid of bothering him and try to stay away from him
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he doesn't hates neither loves your child,
if they ask him something, like if they want to eat something or buy something he will gladly do it
but if they try to make a fuss he will just say something to scare them making your kid run to you crying
when you tell him to not say such things to your child he will just say he didn't said anything like that and tell you to control your kid better
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just like Jinho, he thinks the child is like a extension of you
so he will actually take good care of your kid, showering them with love
he would be like a very overproctive dad, not letting them out very often and controlling everything they do and every step they make
he will do everything he can to make them happy as well, because he knows you care about them a lot so if they are happy you will also be happy
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°•Yeo One
he will try to take good care of your kid, but he does get jealous whenever you give more attention to your child than him
he would get all pouty and you have to give him a lot of attention later
or else he would think it's all your kids fault and ignore or say something mean to them
besides that he would spoil your kid a lot so you think he is a good dad, but if you are not around he would just ignore them as well
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he won't pay a lot of attention to your kid too, if he is in a good humor he might buy them a gift or something
but he doesn't likes seeing you give them so much attention and leaving him aside
so if the kid does anything that annoys him he would take it out on you
"if you didn't spoil them so much I wouldn't have to do this" your kid starts being afraid of him doing something to you, so they are always quiet when he is around
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he is always taking care of your kid so you wouldn't give them too much attention and forget about him
so this way he can get more your attention than your child
if your child misbehave is all your fault because he treats them well, so you are the one that have to be punished
but he still tries to make you stay away from them as much as he can
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he actually likes the idea because it's one more excuse for you to stay with him
"I mean it's our kid, they need both their parents right?" he keeps saying this so you won't even think of leaving him
he is always close to your kid because that makes you stay close to him too
he tells your kid about how everything changed once he met you, so they might think it's a normal behavior to do what he does
(I wouldn't be surprised if your child became a yandere too)
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he doesn't really know how to take care of them so he usually just do what you ask him to do
he knows you would be upset if he didn't treat them well so he tries to spoil them as much as he can
if the kid throws a tantrum or something he will just ignore them and leave it for you
but whenever the kid needs something he will do everything he can to satisfy them
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julyarchives · 3 years
Thicker Than Blood || (M) || Ch. 01
Growing up in a tough neighborhood had you learning to deal with hard situations, the occasion leads you to cooperate with the mafia organization that took care of your neighborhood - Pentagon. Looking after yourself and valuing your safety brought you to adapt to the moment, but the line between working for them and protecting yourself is very blurry when you are forced to live under their roof.
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→ Pairing: Pentagon OT9 x Reader
→ Genre: Smut; Mafia AU.
→ Words:  2.2K
→ Contains: Mentions of Alcohol; Mentions of Violence.
→ A/n: So this is our Pentagon Mafia AU Series! This story will be multi-chaptered and we will add more tags as the story goes on, we have big plans for it! We hope you guys like it and it is worth the wait!
→ Index: 01 • 02 • 03
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Chapter 01 - The Collectors
The cute jeans and red t-shirt you wore barely matched the bar you currently were on behind the counter. The place was quite nice but it was still too rustic for your liking, too brown and dark. Usually, the customers were rustic as well, and had a certain grumpiness to them, just like the place. You shrugged for the nth time while lost in thoughts. Working at a bar on a Tuesday night was the perfect situation for boredom, and bored you were.
Thinking back, you barely understood how you got the job anyway, walking in there one day to kick your friend's ass for drinking while you had a job to do with him and the owner liked your style. He needed someone behind the counter, you needed the money, it was perfect. You were rather young and sweet, you knew that often resolving some complicated shit and arguments in the bar but you also knew how to answer when needed and to take no one's shit home, you still stood up for yourself. Ok so maybe working at a bar was the perfect job for you.
Not wanting to dwell on how you wanted a better paid perfect job, you busied yourself by watching the entrance. It was Tuesday, so you've been kind of anxious the whole day waiting for them to show up. You almost gave your excitement away when two figures entered the bar and sat in front of you on the bar stools.
"Hello, boys. The usual?", you asked them with a bright smile.
"Please, Y/N".
"Right away", you chipped as you turned to get them their cold drinks. It'd be funny to see them drink a sweet cocktail instead of anything stronger if you didn't know them a bit better.
Wooseok and Yuto were young. Sweet and awkward boys that most older people liked and wanted to pamper. That's what you heard anyway whenever you spoke to the neighbors. You also knew they were attached to the hip, always together and always messing with each other. They had a third part to their best friend dynamic and you only saw him a few times at the bar, but you knew they clearly loved each other as brothers.
But that information didn't add up to the other information you had on the boys. The reason you expected them every Tuesday was because of their work. And that was what confused you. As every person in the region knew, there was only one force to respect and listen and that was the Pentagon gang. No, not a gang. It was straight down mafia business and these two cute young boys were their collectors. So every Tuesday they went out to collect the fee from every block and at the end, they'd crash at the bar to chat and drink something.
Seeing them every week made you realize how nice they were and quickly put the whole mafia business behind them. You, better than anyone, understood that you gotta do what you gotta do to survive. Since then, Wooseok and Yuto became more open with you and always brought back gossip when they had a good day. After all, mafia men were still men. Well, boys.
"Here you go, guys", you placed the drinks down and smiled sweetly.
"Thanks, Y/N", Yuto had a deep voice and it always managed to startle you.
"So, any gossip?", you chuckled and the boys followed, lowering their heads as if to share a secret with you.
"Guy from the butcher shop was working alone", Wooseok said, "caught his employee with his girl".
"No way!", you truly were shocked at the irrelevant news.
"Yep", he said while Yuto nodded. "Oh, and someone's trying to get inside our territory. We saw a warning at a wall, directed at us and, well, at all of you".
"What?!", you shouted and they looked at you like you just offended their entire family. You were confused. One, why were they telling you information that may be confidential? Two, how could they speak about something dangerous so casually?
"We have orders to let you know, actually", Yuto said as if he was reading your mind. "We know who these people are but not their faces. We thought maybe they'd start by frequenting a place where they can get more intel on our people".
"Here then".
"Hm, yeah", Wooseok nodded. "The warning only said to be careful who is loyal to us or the community would show us. We guess they want to turn people against us"
"More people, more money. An entire neighborhood against us wouldn't be controlled by usual methods. So, that's when you come in".
"If you're suggesting what I think you're suggesting, then no way". You were bold enough to talk back and they only raised their eyebrows at you.
"We only need you to be on the lookout for someone different", Wooseok clarified, "if there's at least one person asking the wrong questions about the community, you gotta let us know".
"Helps if we can identify a face", Yuto shrugged.
"Do I have a say in this?", you already knew the answer.
"As much as you do about our fee, Y/N".
"Fine. But if they come for me, I won't wait for your boys to come to rescue me. I'll bolt", you said with a sigh in defeat.
"You won't be alone", Wooseok said as Yuto typed away on an old phone. "You'll be getting a visit from tomorrow on, he's our shapeshifter, blends in wherever".
"If you have a guy like that, why put me to watch anyone?"
"Y/N", Yuto sighed and looked straight into your eyes. "We could burst into any safe house right now and do whatever we pleased with whoever was in our way. But we do value our community, that's why we got hold of this business in the first place. The bar is where everyone comes for information and you know that. Don't forget why you're behind this counter, to begin with. We need the bartender to do her job and chat with her customers as she does. The info will come to you".
"I-", you were starstruck and kept glancing from Yuto to Wooseok, hands on the counter. "I- this is the most you have spoken to me since we met". It came out accidentally and you wanted to slap yourself.
Wooseok laughed and Yuto smiled at you. You could feel the heat on your cheeks but only nodded to yourself, still processing everything. They finished their drinks in one big gulp and got up, Yuto nodding at you still with a cute smile on his lips, one that didn't match his previous words. Wooseok watched as Yuto walked out of the bar and chuckled at your expression that slowly was turning grumpy.
"I know you'll do just fine. It's not like us to put people in our business but to protect people, we need you", he was leaning forward, as if to make you see him and only him. "So, congratulations, you got promoted!", he laughed.
"Yeah, I'm the lookout kid", you definitely were grumpy now. "You need me to protect people but who protects me?".
"Me", Wooseok said a bit too fast. "I mean, Pentagon does. And you'll have the right company for that, don't worry. He'll be here tomorrow night".
Wooseok smiled at you again and turned away from you, leaving you to your thoughts. Why the hell was this happening? You got why this way was safer to find out who was behind the threat but you still were unsure. Well, it's not like you could say no without a valid reason. And apparently, your safety wasn't one.
You watched Wooseok leave and sighed. Getting their glasses to clean up, you kept thinking about all the things that could go wrong but also all the things that could go right. Part of you wanted to impress them and come out as a hero, it'd give you something else to do instead of just being the bartender. You laughed at the absurdity of it all and quickly shoved it all in the back of your head, deciding to let the future self deal with the situation and this guy who'd meet you tomorrow, slipping back into the boredom of a Tuesday night at the bar once again.
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Laying on your bed, your mind raced nonstop and you couldn't sleep no matter how much you tried. Yuto's words kept coming back and you felt even more deflated each time. "Don't forget why you're behind this counter, to begin with". You knew your upbringing was shitty and you had to fend for yourself a long time but you honestly thought that it didn't matter much until now.
Your parents fled when you were eight. They had some issues with themselves and suddenly having a family became too much of a cage for them and they fled. They left you with your grandmother and never came back. Your grandma was a saint, she was sweet and loving but she was sick enough to not be able to work, so you toughen up and started bringing money home by twelve years old.
You smiled thinking about how she raised you with such care and love that you managed to get that trait from her even if the streets treated you like shit. You discovered soon enough that all the love your grandma had was all the love you could get because no one liked a little girl who put her hands on whatever she could find to sell and get hers. You met a few people while you grew up and managed to turn out just fine even if it bruised you more than you liked to admit.
When you were around seventeen your grandma passed, you thankfully blocked whatever memory you had of her suffering and only focused on her happy memories. Since then you got her small and simple house and got more involved in the community, everyone who respected your grandma finally understanding why you were a kid like you were. Fast forward a few years and you got the job at the bar and things got a bit better.
You got up from the bed and scoffed at how things were mostly shoved on your face enough that you had to go with the flow every time. Fucking Pentagon taking over the neighborhood when you were a kid and now this. You heard more than participated in the whole protecting mafia business when you were younger, but the situation wasn't strange to you. Getting around in the streets you knew things and the most important one was to follow the organization's rules.
When you were twelve and started to hit the streets, you knew very well to not mess with the men from the org. But also soon enough you learned that the best way to earn anything good was to be on their good side. So you started to run a few errands for them and earned a good amount. Of course, you had nothing to do with them but still, it was a good connection. You didn't know much about the members in the hierarchy but you were sure that no one from the time you were a kid was still in their ranks.
You were sure mafia business was very harsh and violent but the boss was too violent once upon a time and things got out of hand. The neighborhood they swore to protect was being targeted and they brought the fight to all people. Fortunately, it ended after a few months of much fear and blood around the streets and you heard they all changed members. Rumor had it that it was their kids that took over when the parents died during the more violent times, at least in the high ranks. But you had stopped tending to them a few months before it went down so you had no idea for sure.
You only knew that Pentagon had a hard time getting people's trust again and started a more gentle approach with the community, hence why Wooseok and Yuto were dear to some people under their wings. They went over to everyone who had helped them directly and formally thanked and apologized for their trouble. Of course, they still terrified people who walked out of line and when the community respected them again, it was clear they were in charge. But now it seemed like they only cared about their own business and getting richer with their schemes instead of getting involved in a bloody gun war.
You realized you were standing in the middle of the corridor getting lost in thought and laughed to yourself before finishing the path to the kitchen to get water. The cold water helped you calm down and soon you were too busy sitting on the couch looking for any silly reality show to get lost into.
Halfway through the episode, you felt the sleep taking over you but being comfortable on the couch made you just pull a cover you kept there over you and stayed there, falling asleep in seconds. It was a very rough and long day, so you welcomed the slumber gratefully. Little did you know that while you succumbed to sleep in the living room, your phone buzzed in your bedroom, a small text that should be completely out of line appearing.
We trust you to do this safely but count on me to help. -WS.
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mymoodwriting · 3 years
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4k, smut, drugs, needles, pills, grinding, blue balls, fingering, eating out, yandere, supernatural, aliens, mind control, non-con, idk wot this is
“Pretty girl, wake up.”
    You lifted your head off the pillow, squinting at the blob in front of you. As you opened your mouth to speak you felt something push past your lips and then quickly melt onto your tongue. It tasted good, and a warm feeling spread throughout your body, a content sigh leaving your lips. A light chuckle somewhat echoed in your ears, and a hand came down to pet you.
“That’s a good girl.”
“Did you sleep well?”
“Did you dream of me?”
“I don’t know… I don’t remember my dreams…”
“Maybe I can help.”
    You were pushed onto your back, someone climbing on top of you and pressing their lips against yours. Kissing back was just natural, and you felt hands trailing down your body, tugging up your shirt.
    You giggled when you heard Yuto get hit by a pillow, pushing him off you and sitting up. You smiled at Kino.
“Are you jealous?”
“Always baby.” Kino crawled into bed, shoving Yuto further from you. “I don’t remember him being allowed to wake you.”
“Why not?”
“Cause I wanted you to keep dreaming of me.”
“Who said I was dreaming of you?”
“If not, let me make sure you do.”
    This time Kino was the one to steal a kiss, moving closer and closer until he had you under him, his body hovering just above yours. His crotch achingly close to yours, and you could feel something poking you.
“Ya! Ya! That’s not fair.”
    Yuto took his revenge by tackling Kino off the bed, and off you as well. You broke out laughing, letting the two fight it out on the floor as you went off to fight the one who had yet to greet you. Wooseok was at his desk, working on either music or something you couldn’t possibly understand. He was listening to some music, and as you got closer, able to hear it, you got giddy again. Pulling back his chair and taking a seat in his lap was the best way to say hello.
“Good morning.”
“Well good morning to you.” Wooseok grabbed your hips. “What are you doing up?”
“Yuto couldn’t keep it in his pants.”
“You don’t smell like sex.”
“Kino couldn’t keep it in his pants either.”
“I think they stopped fighting.”
“And you want them to come hit me for getting a lap dance?”
“You want one?”
“How much would it cost?”
“You know my price.”
“Only the best for my girl.”
    Wooseok stole a chaste kiss from you before reaching into one of the desk drawers, pulling out a blank pill bottle. He shook it in front of your eyes.
“Does my girl want to feel good?”
“I don’t need that to feel good, you can make me feel good, can’t you?”
“Oh I can, but this just makes it easy to fuck your brains out.”
    The chair suddenly turned and a mouth was at your neck. The two other boys had stopped fighting and came down to hunt you. Now you sat in Wooseok’s lap, back pressed against Yuto’s chest, his lips eager to mark you.
“It was dirty to leave.”
“I thought you might want to fuck Kino first.”
“My good girl is quick to go bad.”
“Is that true?” Wooseok teased. “Have you been a bad girl? Cause bad girls don’t get treats.”
    You tried to reach for the pill bottle but Wooseok held it away from you. Yuto quickly grabbed your hips, keeping you seated, and then decided to have his own fun. His grip was firm, and he started guiding your hips, having you grind down on Wooseok. You bit your lip, giving in more than fighting it.
“I guess you are my good girl. You like this?”
“Wooseok, give her a treat.”
    It took a second for Wooseok to register the words as he was lost in his own enjoyment. He got a pill and pushed it into your mouth, watching it melt as you let out little moans. Once the drugs kicked in Yuto took the chance to kiss you, easing his hold on your hips, but you didn’t stop. Wooseok took the chance to finish what his hyung had started, pushing up your shirt and exposing your breasts. His lips were soon around one of your nipples, sucking and making you shiver from the cold.
“Hyung, we gotta go back to the bedroom.”
“Why? You think you can make it back there without cumming in your pants?”
“I’m not gonna do it on the desk.”
“Fuck, I can’t.”
    Wooseok managed to shove Yuto off you, and then push the chair over to the couch. It was easy for him to just lift you up and lay you down, unbuckling his pants although Yuto came over and tried to shove him away.
“She was grinding down on me.”
“Cause I got her in the rhythm.”
“I’m about to-”
“Will one of you two fuck me!” You whined. “Kino!”
“Ya! Ya! Why are you calling him!” Wooseok complained. “You’re really asking for it.”
“Yeah, oldest first.”
    Yuto shoved the other away, knocking him to the ground and crawling on top of you. His lips were greedily kissing every inch of your exposed skin, a hand reaching down into your panties.
“You’re so wet.”
“Do something about it.”
“Kino!” Wooseok yelled. “Kino, get over here!”
“You too now? You brat!”
    Kino dumped a box of condoms on Yuto, making you laugh. He pulled the other off you, winking at you and then throwing the empty box at Wooseok.
“You two can at least remember the basics, even when y/n is being a needy bitch.”
“I would have gotten some.” Wooseok defended, throwing the box at Kino. “Don’t lecture me.”
“Whatever, something came up, we gotta go.”
“Bull shit, you just want-”
“We got a lead on Rocky. Let’s go.”
“Who’s Rocky? I think you’ve mentioned-”
    You were cut off with another kiss from Wooseok, missing out on the silent agreement the other two made.
“It’s nothing you need to worry about.” Wooseok assured. “We’ll be back later.”
    Kino came up from behind you, wrapping a hand around your throat and exposing your neck. You only struggled for a bit before you felt a needle prick your skin, submitting out of some weird instinct, or habit. Kino kissed your head, gently setting your head down on the couch.
“Get some sleep princess.”
    The first thing you registered was the faint music in the distance. You found yourself back in bed, in the moment unassured as to how you got there. Somehow you managed the strength to get out of bed, a blanket wrapped around you, and stumbled out of the room. Although you jumped and screamed when you heard gunfire. You crawled over and caught a glimpse of the boys.
    Kino’s back was to you, meanwhile Yuto and Wooseok had some guy tied up and gagged on the couch. Your scream didn’t go unnoticed, nor did your little attempt at peeking. You locked eyes with the man tied up, feeling something strange in the pit of your stomach, although when Kino approached you, gun in hand, you freaked out a bit and scrambled to your feet. You wanted to run but you were grabbed.
“Sh, sh, sh, easy baby, I’m no gonna hurt you.”
“What… what’s going on…”
“It’s just business baby, let’s get you back to bed.”
“No one important.”
    You were ushered back into the bedroom, Kino shutting the door. He sat you down, putting on some music, some of your favorites, and tucking you in.
“You’re still tired, so sleep. We got a surprise for you later, okay?”
“Okay… you’re not gonna…”
“Sh. Sleep.”
    The next time you woke the music was much louder, and you could tell those boys were having fun without you. This time you had a better reason to get up. As you leaned against the door frame you could see them dancing around, celebrating, and the guy that was tied up was now free, dancing around with them. It was hilarious, and you were about to make your presence known when you noticed Kino drop.
    You weren’t so surprised, that happened, but then Yuto and Wooseok followed. The happy atmosphere quickly died as the once hostage looked at the bodies and started dragging them out of sight. You slapped a hand over your mouth, unsure of what to do, or how something like this could have happened. Once all the boys were out of sight you quickly moved forward, and when you peeked around the corner you saw them being stuffed into the trunk of their car.
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    You couldn’t help but think they were dead, but something in your heart told you that wasn’t the case. You had to do something, like call the cops, but before you could run off you were pulled out of your hiding spot. You screamed, fighting the one who grabbed you, but the were quick to catch both your arms and hold you still.
“Stop it! Y/n, it’s me!”
“Huh? Do I… do I know you?”
“Fuck… we can talk about this later, let’s go.”
“No! Let me go! What are you-”
“Please, just come with me. Don’t make this difficult.”
“Who the hell do you think-”
    You suddenly found yourself in a choke hold, desperately struggling until your world started going black. You didn’t pass immediately, aware that you were picked up and put into the backseat of the car. You tried to fight again, scream, do anything, but you couldn’t and that’s when darkness finally swallowed you.
    You jumped awake, your thoughts running a mile a minute before hitting a wall. You laid back down, taking a deep breath and trying to stabilize yourself. When you were good you took in your surroundings, you were locked up. The cell was white, one wall glass. You couldn’t see anything outside, only darkness. Then a figure came into view.
“You’re awake.”
“Who are you? What the fuck is this? Where are the others!”
“Y/n, it’s me. You-”
“I don’t know you!”
“You do! You just… fuck, please, you have to remember.”
“Remember what? Where are my boys!”
“Can you not worry about those assholes for five seconds.”
“Where are they!”
“Y/n, focus! You-”
“Shut up!” You stumbled back, feeling dizzy. “Fuck…”
“I’m sorry, this is my fault. I should have stopped you.”
“Make some fucking sense or shut up.”
“I don’t know if now is-”
“Talk or shut it!”
“Fine, fine… you don’t remember… but I’m Minhyuk, Rocky, we’re partners.”
“We’re investigating Cerberus.”
“Investigating Cerberus? Why?”
“They’re drug dealers.”
“Drug dealers don’t get kidnapped like this! Who are you?”
“Government intelligence, like you.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“That’s what worries me the most.”
“You’re not making sense again.”
    You sat down, grabbing your head. You felt nervous, a headache coming on, and you started to wonder when your last hit was, which brought up the question as to how long you were out for.
“This is gonna be a lot, but Cerberus aren’t your average drug dealers. There’s something about their product that just… hits different, like nothing we’ve ever seen.”
“They make good shit.”
“That’s the problem. They don’t have enemies, the cops don’t even bother them, and they’re not secretive about their shit either, yet they’ve been untouchable for over a year.”
“Until now I guess.”
“I’m sorry.”
“For what?”
“This… you don’t remember but… you’re an agent with me… since everyone is so happy with Cerberus, we couldn’t find anyone to help us investigate, so we had to go undercover.”
“We moved into the neighborhood together… and we got connected to Cerberus. We were just supposed to collect samples but… shit went south real fast.”
“What… what happened?”
“You went to get some samples, we had to keep up the cover of being regulars, but they were in the middle of a party. You got dragged into it, and to keep your cover… you had to take something… and then you were gone…”
“I… I…”
    Your headache got worse, and you were starting to feel very ill. You collapsed to the floor, twitching a bit. Minhyuk didn’t hesitate to come into the room, screaming for help and doing whatever he could to make sure you were alright. You felt like your head was gonna explode, but that’s when the memories came flooding in.
“I’ll go.”
“No, no, I’ll go.”
“Come on, I can do this, buying drugs isn’t hard.”
“Yeah, but these guys are already weird, it’s too dangerous.”
“Then admit it.”
“Admit what?”
“You know what. I saw their files, they’re hot as fuck, and you don’t want me near them cause you think I’m gonna fall for them.”
“And what’s wrong with me protecting you from that?”
“Nothing, but it’s been a month now, it’s gotta be suspicious if you’re the only one getting the drugs if they know you have a girl. They have to meet me at some point or else they’re gonna think you’re lying.”
“Ugh, fine, whatever, go, but don’t stick around. Those guys aren’t normal.”
“No shit, if they were normal I’d wonder why we were doing this. I’ll be back soon, order some take out.”
“Got it.”
    You took the car and drove to the warehouse. This Cerberus group was really cocky, not really doing anything to hide themselves from the cops, but at least it made it easy to keep an eye on them. As you approached you could hear the loud music, but didn’t think much of it, until you walked in and realized there was a party going on. This was absolutely the worst time to come, and you knew you needed to leave immediately, but then Wooseok had an arm around you.
“Well, hello there, and who might you be?”
“Uh, Jesse… I’m with Rocky.”
“Ah, you’re his girl? I’ve heard about you, nice to finally meet you, come in, you came at the right time.”
“It’s okay, I wasn’t invited. I’ll just be going.”
“You came for a reason, right?”
“Yeah, to buy, but you’re clearly-”
“You like our stuff?”
“Yeah, of course, it’s good shit.”
“Then stay baby girl, have fun with us.”
“I’m good.”
“Hm… alright, you came to buy, so let’s get you set. Come with me.”
    You followed Wooseok into the warehouse. He kept his arm around you, pulling you along to a room in the back. On the way over he made some gestures to his partners that you didn’t notice, and they followed you too. 
“I don’t need much, just-”
    You were grabbed and shoved into a chair, Yuto holding you down while Wooseok tied down your arms. You tried to scream but Yuto’s grip was fierce, and you were worried he’d break you if you pushed him hard enough. Once you were secured the boys stepped away.
“What the hell is this? Some fucken-”
“Who are you?” Kino asked.
“A customer! Is this how you treat-”
“All our customers are happy.” Wooseok commented. “You may be buying from us, but you’re not using. It was never weird with Rocky, figured he was buying for you, but this, who are you?”
“What are you talking about? I-”
“Baby girl, we know who’s using our product.” Yuto said. “And you aren’t.”
“That’s ridiculous.”
“Last chance.” Kino warned. “Tell us the truth, or we’ll get it out of you.”
    You scoffed, glancing at all of them. You had to get out, fast, even if it meant blowing your cover. At least you were lucky these guys were amateurs, you easily escaped the bonds, throwing the chair at Yuto and bolting for the door. Although they reacted just as fast, Kino caught up to you and kicked you to the ground. He pinned you beneath him, glaring down at you with a fire in his eyes.
“You stupid bitch, you have no idea what you’ve gotten yourself into.”
“Let me go, you freaks!”
“Wooseok, bring me something strong.”
“Get off!”
“It was so easy to tell you weren’t on our drugs, you want to know how we knew?”
“I said-”
“Cause you’re not our bitch.”
    A needle went into your arm and you screamed again, but the sounds of the party outside meant no one would hear you. Again you tried to fight, but you felt a strange feeling starting to overtake you, a fog rolling into your mind.
“That’s it, don’t fight it, cause you can’t. Just listen to my voice, got it?”
“Who are you? What are you doing here?”
“I… I…”
“Be a good girl and answer me.”
“My real name is y/n… I’m a government agent sent to investigate Cerberus…”
Kino scoffed. “I figured. What do you know?”
“Very little… you guys just appeared on the market and are seemingly untouchable.”
“Yeah, what else?”
“Your drugs… it’s dangerous… it’s more than what you say…”
“Good instincts, you should have stayed away if you didn’t want to get involved like this.”
“What… what are you… doing to me…”
“We gave you… the raw formula, it opens up your pretty little mind. That’s why you’re aware of all of this, the stuff we actually sell, that’s the fun stuff, but don’t worry, you’ll get to try it soon.”
    The days blurred into weeks, the weeks into months, and slowly you forgot yourself. The night you were discovered they packed up and moved. This time they weren’t so open about their business, not like before, but they certainly kept you a secret, something only they could have. You got used to that, the drugs, and the boys blowing your mind every other day.
“What are you working on?”
“Some music, why?”
“You sell drugs and make music, an interesting combo. I don’t get it.”
“You want to?”
    Kino pulled you into his lap, putting his headphones on you, kissing you as well.
“Our drugs put you in the right mood. So when I play this…” He played a certain clip and it just made you happy. “You melt, cause my voice is just that sweet, resonating with your mind and making me irresistible.”
“You were some big shot secret agent, and now look at you, our biggest accomplishment.”
“You so easily fell under our control. If you can’t resist, how can anyone else?”
“But… drugs and music… it still doesn’t…”
    Kino changed the music, and you giggled, leaning against him and cuddling. He pet your head, taking the headphones off.
“We don’t need the drugs or music to do what we want, it’s just more fun this way.”
    You gasped awake, out of breath. Minhyuk was still by your side, other medical officers there as well. You were still processing everything, unaware of the scene change.
“Y/n, are you okay?”
“You need to isolate them… no interaction… and mute them.”
“What are you talking about?”
“It’s not just the drugs… it’s not the drugs at all, they… they… mind control… has the government known this whole time? Is that what they-”
“Hold on y/n, take it easy. We’ve been studying their drugs, remember? We can counter-”
“It’s not the drugs!”
“What are you talking about?”
“It’s them… this is what they wanted…”
“They’re far smarter than we thought… they could take over so easily… but they just wanted to have fun… until we stuck our nose in their business…”
“Now you’re the one not making sense. Y/n, what do you mean?”
“How did you get them here?”
“I managed to get back on their radar and they came to me as I planned. They’re junkies so it wasn’t so hard to drug them.”
“That’s what you think… what was the fucken plan?!”
“To talk to them first and then maybe-”
“We have to go.”
    You got out of bed, but you only took a step before collapsing. Minhyuk picked you up, getting you back in bed.
“Easy, you’re going through withdrawal. They’ve really been pumping you full of drugs these last few months.”
“Months… I don’t…”
    The light suddenly went out, emergency lights coming on. Your mind was still swimming with memories of being with them, and what they did to you. It was freaking you out, but you knew you couldn’t stay put.
“We need to get out of here.”
“Don’t be stupid baby.”
    You swallowed nervously when you heard Yuto’s voice. It shouldn’t surprise you he had found his way to the infirmary, where you were. Minhyuk was quickly on the defensive side, standing in front of you.
“How did you escape?”
“It’s easy. Baby, hold him down.”
    Without really meaning to you grabbed Minhyuk’s arm and held it behind his back, shoving him onto the bed, holding him down.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I can’t-”
“Yes!” Yuto cheered. “It works like we theorized.”
“What did you do to me!”
“You think all those months with us was just fucking and fun, it was good to have a little guinea pig. Spend enough time with a subject and it seems you can deeply brainwash them. I don’t need to take full control to have you wrapped around my finger.”
“I’m assuming you remember somethings, right?”
“You remember the drugs are just our creation, right?”
“I don’t need to pop a pill into your mouth to turn you into a good girl.”
“Just a kiss…”
“I had something else in mind. Knock him out.”
“I’m sorry.”
    You did as you were told, hating every second of it. You didn’t even get the chance to feel guilty before Yuto pinned you to the wall. He looked you over, a hunger in his eyes.
“Should we just go back to having fun, or should we do what you humans are so afraid of.”
“Please… please let me go…”
“We didn’t just keep you cause we wanted to run tests, you’re good. Smart girl we can make stupid, a good little girl who will do whatever her oppas tell her. Sounds like a much better life, don’t you agree?”
    Yuto didn’t wait for an answer, ordering you to stay still. He tugged down the shorts you were in, along with your panties. His cold fingers rubbed between your folds, massaging your clit to get you excited. You were hating yourself for enjoying it so much, and he knew.
“Conditioned by pleasure too, such a good girl.”
“Sh, just a kiss, and you’ll be happy. Stay still and have fun.”
    When Yuto knelt down a million things went through your head, but it was too much for anything to get past your lips. He grabbed your thighs, his warm breath right against your core. You knew what came next and there was no stopping him. He teased, kissing your inner thigh, a nibble here and there before he dove in.
    You screamed out his name, your mind dropping into the bliss of submission in an instance. In the moment you focused on nothing but the pleasure, unable to stop yourself from grinding down on his tongue, wanting him deeper, wanting to feel more of him.
“Please… please…”
“Hm? Please what?”
“Cum… I wanna cum…”
“I know babe, but not here.” Yuto got up, kissing you so you could have a taste of yourself, of your own stupid submission. “There’s a lot to think about. Us that is, you don’t need that brain.”
“There you are.” Kino entered the infirmary with Wooseok. “Security has been dealt with, what about her?”
“I got our girl. She might be needy right now though, anyone got a condom?”
“Plenty.” Wooseok scoffed. “Let’s get out of this hell.”
“Right, come on baby, we’ll have more fun later. All of us together, sound good?”
“Yes please…”
“Good, that’s our good girl.”
45 notes · View notes
jinkoh · 2 years
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See you soon
Hui x female Reader
Tags: hurt/comfort, meeting again, ambiguous (hopeful) ending, college/science? au
word count: ~2,5k
a/n: Happy Hui Discharge Day ♥️ I drabbled this a while ago and thought it was good timing to post it now. (Not really proof read - sorry >_<) It's also a bit of a love confession to ptg and their friendship tbh. I hope you enjoy it~
When Hui first met you, he'd already accepted his scholarship to do his PhD abroad. It wasn't the kind of thing you think about for too long— being able to study at a renown university abroad AND do his PhD— that kind of chance didn't appear so easily. Of course, he'd miss his friends, but he'd only be gone for two years since he'd be able to write the last bits of his doctor's thesis from Korea.
But after meeting you, only four months before his departure, he started to question his decision. Would he have still said yes if he'd known you earlier?
You were new at the faculty, switching over from a different university in order to pursue your research further.
Hui's friend Changgu had immediately adopted you as part of the group and brought you along whenever everyone met up.
Hui wasn't sure how or why, but the two of you hit it off immediately. You just clicked from that first evening you met at the shabby bar everyone always went to. It was embarrassing to admit, but Hui still remembered the scarf you wore and the drinks you ordered, even after all this time.
He was sure there was something more between the two of you. You felt like home and comfort to him, but there was also this tension, they way your gazes lingered a little too long on each other and they way it made his heart flutter.
There was no doubt in his mind that you were feeling the same.
But he didn't make a move and neither did you, the shadow of his approaching departure looming over both of your heads.
He didn't want to leave with painful memories of breaking up, nor did he want to ruin what you had by trying out a long distance relationship. Maybe, if he'd gone to Japan or something. But he would be a continent away, a 16 hours time difference between the two of you. That couldn't work and he'd rather leave like this than to taint the beautiful memories between the two of you.
You seemed to think so too, never crossing the line even if there were a million chances to do so. It was like an unspoken rule between the two of you.
When the time came for him to depart, his friends wanted to see him off at the airport. But he declined, feeling like it would be too painful to bear.
Instead there was a small gathering the evening before he left where he said goodbye to everyone.
Well, almost everyone. He knew it wasn't very mature, but he didn't tell you the date of his departure. You came to the party thinking you had a little longer, thinking you could come to the airport and say goodbye then. Because you trusted Hui to tell you. Why wouldn't he?
The answer was easy, he was scared. The thought of saying goodbye to you was just too terrifying and painful to him.
On the day of his departure, everyone was still scattered over the shared flat, sleeping off the alcohol. Only Shinwon was awake already, since he'd volunteered to be Hui's driver. Hyunggu had also offered, but considering the amount of wine he'd consumed yesterday... Yeah, no, Shinwon was a good choice.
"You ready to go?" He asked, his voice hushed in order not to wake Wooseok who was asleep on the floor of the living room.
Hui glanced at his suitcases again and then took a last look at the flat. It'd be weird not to live here anymore.
Shinwon looked at him and shook his head in amusement. "Don't be so dramatic, it's not like you'll never come back here."
Hui shrugged. "What if you decide to give up the flat until I'm back?"
Shinwon shrugged. "Nah. Even if everyone moves out, I'm sure at least Wooseok and I will hold the fort."
Hui had to chuckle at that. He could imagine it pretty well, though it would be good if someone stuck around to do the dishes...
"Okay. Let's go then."
"You sure you don't wanna wake the others and say goodbye again?"
"Nah, it's okay. We said goodbye yesterday."
"Who said goodbye?" A sleepy voice came from the hallway, accompanied by shuffling steps. Changgu looked up at the two of them, rubbing at his eyes sleepily. "Are you leaving, hyung?"
"Yeah, it's time."
Changgu nodded slowly, before shuffling closer and hugging Hui tightly. "Take care," he mumbled. "And have a safe flight."
Changgu put so much weight on Hui's shoulder, it almost felt as if he was going to fall asleep on him.
"I will," Hui replied, hugging him back tightly before trying to pry him off, which only succeeded with Shinwon's help.
The drive to the airport went by way too fast. Hui told Shinwon he could just leave after dropping him off, but Shinwon stuck around. He said it was to help with the luggage but Hui knew him better than that. He simply didn't want to say goodbye yet. Maybe that was also the reason why he volunteered to drive in the first place.
It was almost time to say goodbye, Shinwon and him hugged around the twelth time now. Both of them had cried and maybe it would have been embarrassing in front of someone else, but they didn't worry about keeping face.
Just when Shinwon decided it was time to go for real, an angry voice sounded through the airport.
Hui flinched and turned around to see you walking towards him with angry steps, your eyes and nose red from crying.
"Why the fuck didn't you tell me?"
Hui stared at you in confusion. "Uh, I—how?"
At that moment Changgu walked up behind her awkwardly. "Sorry, hyung, I accidentally told her..."
Both Shinwon and Changgu said goodbye (again) and left in order to give the two of you some privacy before Hui had to leave.
"Did you really think you could leave without saying goodbye?"
He shrugged, looking at the ground. "Maybe?"
"Why would you do that?!" instead of angry you sounded mostly hurt now, your voice thick with tears.
"I just- I didn't want to say goodbye." He sniffed too.
"Then let's not say goodbye. Let's just say see you soon?"
"Soon," he let out a breathy chuckle. "Sounds good."
“You have to bring back some souvenirs for me.”
“Of course.”
“I heard they have tasty chocolate over there.”
“I’ll try it.”
You wiped your eyes. "I'm really, really going to miss you," you said, stepping closer to hug him.
He was taken off guard for a moment. Sure, you had hugged before, but never like this. Not for so long, not so closely.
He hesitantly raised his arms to hug you back, wrapping you tightly in his arms. "Me too."
You stayed like this for a while, sniffing into each other's shoulders.
"You know," you mumbled after a while. "The people around us will probably think we are dating since we're making such a scene."
 "If we dated I'd say all the romantic stuff." He chuckled, but the smile didn't quite reach his eyes. "You have to wait for me. Don't look at someone else. Don't fall for someone else." He tried to make it sound like a joke, but he felt as if his voice betrayed him.
If only he could say these things for real, if only he'd taken the leap and asked you out.
But now it was too late, that was not the kind of question you ask minutes before leaving for two whole years.
So he just laughed, sad and bitter before he raised his voice again. "Let's stay in touch, yeah?"
You didn't stay in touch though, and maybe both of you had known that the moment he'd turned around to go to his gate.
He wanted to text you or call you or even write you a letter. But he didn't know what to say. He knew what he wanted to say. I love you. I miss you.
But he couldn't do that so he said nothing at all.
You didn't contact him either, so any update he had about you, like how you got a job at the university's new research project, was something he'd heard from Changgu.
He was busy with his thesis, having to work day and night, but that's how he liked it. He didn't want to waste this opportunity, even more so since it felt as if he'd given up so much to be here.
It was a good way to distract himself too, thoughts of you hunting him in every calm moment.
Hui tried his best to keep himself busy, always working on something, being with someone, going somewhere. But despite his best efforts his thoughts came back to you ever so often.
He kept buying small souvenirs that reminded him of you, knowing full well he'd probably never get to give them to you. But he simply couldn't help himself.
When the time came to go back to Korea, he had mixed feelings about it. He would miss the friends he'd made in America, but even more than that he had missed his friends from Korea, had missed you.
But what if things had changed while he was gone, what if he'd come back just to see that everyone moved on without him?
There was no use thinking about it too much though. He would have to just let it happen.
Hongseok had offered to pick him up from the airport and somehow, the way he'd asked so naturally like "Hyung, when do you land? I'll pick you up." had given Hui a bit of comfort. As if even if things had changed between him and you, at least his friends were still the same.
The moment he stepped out of the door after picking up his luggage, he wasn't just greeted by Hongseok though. Instead, the whole gang was waiting there for him, holding up cheesy posters with his name and welcome home written on them. It was ridiculous and maybe someone else would have been embarrassed (well, Hyunggu clearly was) but Hui loved it. He loved it so much, it almost moved him to tears.
As he scanned over the familiar faces with a big smile, he quickly noticed that it wasn't exactly the whole gang. You weren't there. But what did he expect after two years of radio silence?
The guys had driven to the airport in two cars, since they obviously couldn't all fit into one, and somehow it warmed Hui's heart that they'd gone through the trouble for that.
Yanan, Wooseok and Yuto drove back with Shinwon while Hyunggu, Jinho, Changgu and Hui squeezed into Hongseok's car.
On the way back to flat he was quickly updated about this and that, though since he'd stayed in touch with everyone there wasn't really that much to update each other on.
It was a fun ride though and it made him feel as if he'd never been gone at all. Hyunggu connected his phone to the bluetooth speaker of the car, having Jinho immediately cringe at the music choices, while Hongseok started to sing along and Changgu just laughed at their antics.
Truly, this was what home felt like.
Things at the flat had changed a little, but just like Shinwon predicted, he was holding the fort.
Hongseok had moved in with his girlfriend by now (to no ones surprise since they'd been dating for years now) and Jinho got himself a little closer to his workplace. Changgu and Yanan had also moved out and were sharing a small apartment now.
But everyone else was still living in the flat.
"Honestly though," Hyunggu said with a roll of his eyes. "Everyone is here so much, I don't know why they even bothered to move. I think they should still pay rent."
One perk though, was that everyone had a little more space now, getting to have their own rooms instead of sharing with someone else.
Hui got used to being back really quickly. Just as Hyunggu had said, the guys were still coming around the flat a lot and he also got to see some of them at the faculty often.
The only person he hadn't seen yet was you but he felt like he couldn't ask about you either.
The souvenirs he'd bought for you were still sitting in his room, kept safe in a small box on his shelf.
Almost a month after his return, there was a small gathering from the people working at the faculty to celebrate one of his professors getting a prize for a research he'd published.
Since Hui was well liked among everyone, they also took it as a chance to celebrate his return to Korea.
Of course, you were there too.
You didn't sit next to him, but Hui couldn't stop glancing at you from time to time. You never met his gaze though.
"So, how was America?"  one of the professors asked, while pouring Hui another drink. "I'm sure you left behind a lot of broken hearts, huh?"
Hui chuckled awkwardly, finding the topic a little uncomfortable. "Ah, uhm, actually-" he started, but then he saw you getting up at the other table, excusing yourself to take a smoke.
"Sorry, if you'll excuse me for a moment," Hui quickly mumbled and went out after you.
You were leaning against the wall of the building, eyes closed.
"You don't smoke." Hui said when he stepped outside and you raised your head to look at him.
"Maybe I started." You said with a shrug. "Two years are a long time."
Somehow the thought of you changing and becoming someone else, even if it was only small aspects of you, hurt him.
"Did you?"
He felt himself breathe out in relief before he leaned against the wall next to you.
"You didn't text me," you said after a while.
"No." Hui nibbled at his lower lip, a nervous habit he hadn't been able to shake. "You didn't either."
You let out a bitter laugh. "No, I didn't." And then, a little quieter: "But I wanted to."
Hui's head shot up at your words, looking at you with big eyes.
You met his gaze then, swallowing thickly before you replied. "Every day."
"Me too."
It was silent for a while, both of you unsure what to say. Maybe both of you had been idiots for not staying in touch.
But maybe it wasn't too late to pick things back up?
"So, how was it?" you eventually broke the silence.
"Well it--," Hui interrupted himself. "Do you really want to talk about that?"
You shrugged. "I don't know. But we have to start somewhere right?"
The word echoed in Hui's head like some kind of spell. Maybe the two of you really had a chance.
It didn't have to be as lovers, you didn't have to start dating.
Just the prospect of having you in his life  again was enough.
Hui smiled. "The chocolate over there tastes terrible."
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blizzardfluffykpop · 2 years
Christmas Tree
Summary: The annual Christmas tree lighting ceremony. 
Fluff, Best Friends to Lovers au 
Word Count: 1,253
Changgu (Yeo One) X Reader
Requested: The 12 days of winter thing is so cute omg!! 🥺 Maybe #7 for Changgu or Kiki? I think it'd fit well for either of them so whichever you prefer&lt;3
Prompt: 7. “Christmas lights can’t compare to how bright you shine”
[A/n: I really hope you like this 🥺💖 it's not my best work. But I still hope you're able to enjoy it; it may be a little cheesy tho. Thank you so much for requesting, Kebbi 🥺😭💖]
You’re leaving work after a boring shift when you hear your phone ring; you dig it out from the depths of your pockets and see it’s Changgu. Your best friend, who you have slight feelings for, you excitedly answer, “Hey, Changgu! What’s up?” You can almost hear his grin as he goes, “Us right now!” You roll your eyes as he continues, “I was wondering if you’d like to watch the Christmas tree lighting with me?” You grin, “Yeah, I would love to!” He goes, “Alright, I’ll pick you up in an hour, okay?” You nod before realizing he couldn’t see you, “Okay, that works for me! See you later, Ggu!” “See you later, (N/n)!” And with that, he hangs up, and you make it the rest of the way home.
You change out of your work clothes and into something warm and cozy. Before relaxing in front of the TV, the Christmas specials serving as background noise to your phone scrolling. You catch the time and see it’s about to turn to the next hour and pull on your winter coat and shoes. As you hear your front door ring, you grin, “One second!” You hear his muffled agreement before you walk out of the door and see him and ask, “Are you ready to see the tree all lit up?” He grins, “I am! Are you?” You nod happily and follow him out to his car.
He holds the door open for you, all gentlemanly-like, and you shake your head with a smile before sitting in the seat. You click your seatbelt in as he shuts your door, you smirk and reach over and pop his door open, and he shakes his head as you push it out. He catches the door with a sigh and slides into his seat as you slide back into yours. He clicks his seatbelt on before turning over the car and turning on the heat. You immediately put your hands on the vents to warm them up. His music softly plays through the speakers, and you can’t help but feel more at peace as you watch him drive.
Within less than fifteen minutes, you guys arrive and find a parking spot, “Oh, look, the crowd is starting to gather now!” You say with excitement as he reverses into a parallel space and pulls in. “Oh wow, look at how huge the tree is!” He cheers, filled with excitement too. You grin before getting out of the car and waiting for him on the sidewalk, “Let’s find a nice spot to view it!” He nods, and you two walk beside each other. And you ask, “So, anything exciting at work or home?” He hums, “It’s been peaceful, almost too peaceful…” You grin, “Do you think someone is up to something, then?” He shakes his head, “Yes, but no. Shinwon is always up to something, so that’s nothing new. But the others? They’re hiding presents from each other. So, it's leading to more sneaking around and suspicion. It's amusing to see their prying eyes every time someone comes home.” You nod, “Oh~ Where are you hiding yours then?” He grins, “My car. I sleep with my keys for a reason.” You shake your head at him, “Weird but not out of a reason.” He laughs, “What about you?” You shrug, “It’s been boring with the holidays right around the corner. Everything has come to a lull, it seems.” He nods, “But that’s nice, though. Isn’t it?” You smile, “Only if there is something fun to do afterward.” He smiles, “Does this count?” You grin, “Absolutely!” He nods, and you guys spot a place on the side where you can see the tree without being blocked by others and quickly head over to it.
He looks down at his watch, “Twenty minutes until the lights come on!” The two of you sway to the carolers singing in front of the tree and softly sing along. When it’s five minutes til the carolers clear out and join the crowd. And everyone gathers in closer to watch the lights, and to keep you close, Changgu places his hand on your waist, “You okay?” You nod, “You?” He nods as everyone grows silent and begins to brim with anticipation.
When the first stage, the lowest branches on the tree light up, everyone ‘oohs’ and ‘aahs’. And the lights continue turning on until it reaches the very top. The golden star glows brightly and shines so beautifully in the night. You gasp as cheers break out in the crowd and turn towards Changgu, “Woah! Isn’t that the brightest thing you’ve ever seen?!” And he shakes his head with a soft smile, “Christmas lights can’t compare to how bright you shine.” If your cheeks weren’t already red from the cold, they certainly were now. You gasp and look down at your shoes before telling him a small thank you, “I mean it. I think your beauty shines inside and out. You make me so happy.” He pauses momentarily, staring into your eyes, “I was wondering if you would want to be mine?” You hold his stare, and without skipping a beat, you say, “Yes, of course. I’d love to be yours if you would be mine as well.” He grins, lifts your chin with his mitted hand, and kisses you softly, and you wrap your arms around his neck.
You pull back for a minute and stare into his eyes before pulling him into another kiss, and he dips you back a bit. You grin as you hold onto him tighter, and when the two of you pull away, you giggle, “I can’t believe this is real.” You tell him softly, and he agrees, “I’m so glad it is.” You can’t help but laugh harder and kiss his cheek, “Do you want to get some warm apple cider?” He grins and sees the stand not far from where you two stand, “I’d love to.”
You carefully reach out your mitted hands for his, and he happily wraps his hand around yours. You swing your arms together as you wait in line. You ask him, “When did you know you liked me more than a friend?” He smiles, “I think I noticed I liked you last Christmas when you snuck us both a cookie from Hongseok’s freshly baked sheet. And you gave me a cute cheeky wink before we both had to hide from him.” He shakes his head with a laugh before continuing, “I think I always knew I liked you, but I didn’t realize it until then. When did you notice?” You think for a few minutes, maybe it was when he kissed your cheek on New Year's Eve, or maybe, it was the Halloween before that. Where you two wore peanut butter and jelly couple costumes that you realized you had more than friendly feelings for him. “I realized I had more than platonic feelings for you last year on Halloween, but I think it really hit me when you kissed my cheek when the clock turned twelve this year.” You smile as you see his cheeks turn red, and he scratches the back of his neck, “You remember that?” You nod, “I don’t think I could ever forget it. Maybe this time, you can do it for real?” He grins, and you pay for the warm cider and walk back to his car, mitten in mitten. And glasses in the other, enjoying your first evening as a couple.
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hansols-yoda-boxers · 3 years
Tales From Bingo Night
“Alright, we need to divide and conquer.” Said Yoohyeon. “I say we split up and do like, three of these.”
“What do you propose?” Changgu asked.
“Well someone,” Yoohyeon gave you a pointed look. “Needs to give a handjob.”
“Ughhhh,” you groaned. “It doesn’t say me.”
“It was written for you,” Wonwoo pointed out.
“You’re not helping,” you hissed.
“Look,” said Yanan, “I’m gonna find someone to make out with for 7 minutes. You guys can figure out what else to do.”
“See, couldn’t we kill two birds with one stone?” You asked.
“Nah,” Yanan laughed, starting to walk away from the group. “It’s more fun to see you frustrated.
“You’re an ass, Yanan!” You called after him.
“Love you too, bitch,” he called back.
“Why am I even friends with him?” you grumbled.
“It might not be a bad idea,” Changgu said. “I don’t know how sticky with the rules Seungcheol and Hongseok will be.”
“Fine,” you said. “What else is gonna get done now, since I only need one other person to do this.”
“Alcohol,” Yoohyeon said, “And those lessons from Cabin Lepus. I know where we can find both.”
“Sounds like a plan,” Jihyo said brightly.
“Let’s get going,” said Changgu, heading towards Cabin Lepus.
“Hey! Hold on!” You cried.
“A-Are you just-” Wonwoo started.
“Have fun!” Changgu called back at you.
You stared after him for a moment, mouth hanging open before you and Wonwoo looked at each other, his shock mirroring your own.
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milkybonya · 3 years
corner store (pt. ii)
anon: okay, i am soft right now after reading mafia!changgu 🥺❤️‍🩹
thank you for writing it 😆 could you please write for part 2?
🥛: i'm so glad you enjoyed it aHh i still feel like there were plot holes and it was rushed 😭 but i hope you enjoy this~
warnings: mafia!au, hitman stuff
summary: Changgu, your local corner store worker. oh, did i mention he works for the mafia?
part i
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you wake up next to Changgu, his topless chest poking out from beneath the covers. his breaths are slow and long as he faces you, and you push the hair out of his eyes to help him sleep more comfortably. he begins to stir awake, instead.
"y/n?" he groans, pulling you towards him even though his eyes are shut.
"you're awake?"
Changgu's arms wrapped tightly around you make you feel safe, but you can't help but think how many people he's harmed with them. you trace the curve of his biceps and he chuckles.
"do you like my muscles?" he asks, smirking.
"how could i not--i mean, Changgu! stop pulling words out of my mouth," you whine, slapping the boy who laughs at you.
his curled hair and creased eyes... his tired smile... you just can't help but softly kiss him.
"Changgu," you call out once you pull away.
"do you have to be a hitman?" you ask.
"to protect you, yes angel," Changgu replies, gently stroking your hair and the side of your face with his thumb.
"what if i move somewhere else? it'll be fine.. right?"
"i still have uncleared debt that i owe the mafia," Changgu replies, sadly. "also, please don't move away from me."
you bury your face into his chest.
"i'll never leave you, Changgu. i'll take you with me!"
he smiles, gently holding the back of your head.
"if i also join the mafia, can we clear your debt faster?" you ask.
Changgu chuckles at your innocence, shaking his head.
"that's not how it works."
"well, how long will it take for you to clear your debt if i move out? will it make it faster at least?"
"hm... probably. i have 3 years that i actually owe them."
"3 years? that's good then! hm, i need to start looking for new places to stay," you say, turning around to find your phone.
"you're being serious?" Changgu asks you.
"of course," you say, searching for apartments on your phone.
Changgu's heart flutters knowing you're moving out just for him. he presses a kiss to your bare shoulder, a sign of his affection.
"find something close to here at least," he says, shuffling towards you to look at your phone.
"of course," you say again, "do you think i can survive without you?"
you manage to find a place in the apartment complex across from your old one. it's much safer and Changgu's apartment is slightly closer to it, too.
for three years, you go about your life and take care of Changgu during the hours that he's home. you always thought mafia members would be all bloody and bruised, but Changgu always just looks like the pretty corner store worker you've known him as.
he never tells you about what he does while he's gone and you never ask him about it. you just greet him with a hug and ask him if he wants to chill at home or go out and do something.
one night, as you're laying in bed beside him, you trace the 'x' on his neck with your fingertips as he lays on his back, staring at the ceiling.
"Changgu, what'll you do about this tattoo once you're done with the mafia?" you ask.
"keep it as a memory?" he jokes.
"could you turn it into something else?"
"maybe.. should i write your name?" he asks, placing his hand over yours, the one that was touching his neck.
"no! that's weird!"
Changgu laughs, turning to face you.
"i'll think about it when we get there, okay dear?"
you nod and he pats your head, smiling at you with utmost sincerity.
three years later, Changgu shows you his healed tattoo. it's a tiny cornerstore in colour, just like the one where he met you.
you press a kiss to it and hug him, and he hugs you back.
"you're finally free, Changgu."
"i'm always free when i'm with you," he replies.
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ultadachi · 5 years
i’m not sure how good of an idea this is, but i always see changgu as a very vanilla type of guy who has everything simple when it comes to sex. but maybe for this one prompt he could turn things around and surprise y/n with his ultra dominance that it leaves y/n speechless
I love this idea a lot actually. Because like Changgu looks so innocent too and like yeah he definitely looks like he’d be vanilla so the idea that he’s lowkey more dom is,,,,,,anon this is a very good idea.
Like normally when things get heated with him, it’s all kind of similar: you go to the bedroom, have pretty vanilla sex, and then cuddle and sleep. And it’s definitely not a bad thing!! You love sex with Changgu. But one night, you’re making out on the couch while watching a movie because the rest of the members are out of the dorm, and things started to get heated. He’d pull away and you’d assume he’s going to suggest going to the bedroom like always, but instead he’d kind of smirk a little and say he wants to try something different.
“Do you trust me?” he’d with a smile that’s way too sweet to actually be sweet, and you’d just slowly nod in reply. “Then strip for me.”
The glint in your boyfriend’s eyes would be much different than usual as you get up and do what he asked. You’d feel your cheeks heating up as he’d rakes over your body with his eyes, and once you’re completely bare, you’d have to resist the urge to cover yourself with your arms.
“Now straddle my thigh.”
You’d walk back over to him and put your legs on either side of his right thigh, your hands resting on his shoulders.
“Ride my thigh, baby.”
Since Changgu had never really done much other than standard missionary sex, you’d be kind of nervous to do this, but you’d also be really excited because you’d never done this with him and you’d definitely never seen him like this. The way he’d look at you and the way he’d talk to you is so much more dominant and authoritative and it sends arousal shooting through you, so you’d lower yourself onto his thigh and start rocking your hips. Changgu would hold onto your hips and guide you, grabbing your ass and slapping it every now and then. You wouldn’t even know what to say so you’d just be a moaning, whimpering mess as you do whatever he tells you. He’d whispers praise in your ear the closer you get to your high, flexing his muscles beneath you and bouncing his thigh to help you.
You’d cum on his thigh relatively quickly since this was so new to you so it worked you up easily. Changgu would chuckle and tell you how good you were for him and asked if you had one more left in you, and you’d just nod because you really didn’t want this to end. So he’d shift you so you were on your hands and knees with your head by the armrest, and he’d stand up and take off his clothes, hard from watching you ride his thigh.
You’d feel the couch dip behind you as he knelt behind you and rubbed his tip through your folds that were still wet from your first orgasm.
“Don’t cum until I tell you.”
And then he’d push into you slowly, one hand holding your hip and the other reaching around to grab your throat. He would tighten his grip on your throat gradually the faster his thrusts got, and he’d be saying the dirtiest things lowly in your ear as he nipped at the shell of it, his hand on your hip reaching down to rub your clit. Your thighs would start shaking and your arms would be ready to give out, and you’d be begging Changgu to let you cum in whimpers.
“Yes, baby, cum all over my cock.”
You’d be so light headed which only added to the pleasure that washed over you. You’d be crying out his name as you clenched around him, just barely holding yourself up as Changgu continued to slam his hips into you in an irregular pattern as he came inside you with a loud moan. He’d let go of your neck, and you’d collapse on your stomach as your boyfriend pulled out of you and went to go get something to help clean you up. He’d be so soft afterwards, wiping you down with such care and making sure you were okay. And he’d ask if what he did was okay and you’d just smile tiredly and tell him it was more than okay.
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ppaltagon · 4 years
Uni Cafe Schedule
I have promised to post this series when Yanan is back, so here it is ^^
coffee shop au
university au
[7-10am] morning shift
Jo Jinho: 
Major: music
Favorite coffee: long black 
Task and working style: the responsible oldest who opens the shop with Wooseok. Since there’s not too many people this early, he can just chill and study for his classes. Very stressed because he’s graduating soon. Nice and polite.
Jung Wooseok: 
Major: veterinary
Favorite coffee: latte
Task and working style: he was forced to be here, he just wants to sleep. Sometimes messes up orders because he’s always tired but he’s cute even if he seems a bit gruff at times. Even though he keeps complaining, he does his job diligently.
[10am-1pm] lunch shift
Yeo Changgu:
Major: drama
Favorite coffee: mocha
Task and working style: handles the busiest time, the perfect man for the job #1. Flirts with his customers and writes his numbers on the cup of the girls he wants to hook up with. Nobody called him back yet.
Yang Hongseok:
Major: athletic trainer
Favorite coffee: caramel macchiato
Task and working style: handles the busiest time, the perfect man for the job #2. Flirts with his customers and is the master of coffee related puns. Occasionally gives lectures about the different types of coffees.
[1-4pm] chill afternoon shift
(Kim) Yan An: 
Major: Korean language
Favorite coffee: vanilla latte
Task and working style: chill time because every normal person takes classes at this time. Bored out of his mind. Eats all the marshmallows and serves himself vanilla lattes every hour. Good at his job because he’s learnt it by making it for himself all the time.
Adachi Yuto: 
Major: Korean language
Favorite coffee: iced americano
Task and working style: chill time because every normal person takes classes at this time. Actually works hard, he has to because Yanan is not much help to be honest. 
[4-7pm] busy afternoon shift
Kang Hyunggu (Kino): 
Major: dance
Favorite coffee: cappukino
Task and working style: okay at the job. Smile sweeter than the sweetest thing they sell. A pro at selling because nobody can say no to him. Dances around to his own background music when he has nothing to do.
Ko Shinwon: 
Major: model
Favorite coffee: affogato
Task and working style: a professional. Has a fanclub and that group is always there to watch him but as long as they spend money, it’s okay. A bit clumsy but his coffee is the best!
[7-10pm] night shift
Lee Hwitaek (Hui): 
Major: composition
Favorite coffee: espresso
Task and working style: he never sleeps so he’s the perfect for this shift. Kind of turned the cafe into a night club with Hyojong. Honestly, a mess but has a mood different from the day and people like it a lot. Both of their coffees taste like shit but the people go for their performances anyways.
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