#yeo changgu fluff
blizzardfluffykpop · 9 months
Summary: While it isn’t the first time you’ve made dinner for all of your boyfriend’s members. It’s the first Christmas dinner Changgu and you have made for them in your new house.
Fluff, Established Relationship au
Word Count: 4,289
Changgu (Yeo One) X Reader
[Features! The rest of OT9]
Requested: not to be that person who requests twice (pls feel free to prioritize other requests!!) but maybe 6. for Changgu? 👀 You know, in celebration of someone becoming someone's ult 👀
Prompt: 6. Cooking Christmas dinner together for your friends
[A.n: Pls don’t worry about requesting 2x- I love double/multiple requests~ And also I just do the request in the order I get them unless I have to skip to not have the same member in a row. I’d say I don’t know how this fic got to 4k but uh see above point ^ (I named it dishwasher and hopefully you’ll understand the significance)]
It was finally your turn to make Christmas dinner for your big friend group, “You sure this is going to feed eight other people?” He nods, “Yeah, I’m sure. If not, there is always the restaurant down the road.” “Ggu!” He laughs, “I’m just teasing, I promise. We got this!” You shake your head, “I know. I guess I’m just a little worried.” He grabs your hand, “It’s going to be okay. I promise. We make a great team. Our food will be even better.” You search his eyes, and he squeezes your hand, and all you find is reassurance. You interlock your fingers, “Okay.” He nods and pulls your hand to push the cart with his to the checkout lanes. You finish up and shove the groceries in his car. You return the cart and see him waiting for you to get in. He opens the door from the inside, the heat pouring out from the vents, and you hop in. 
“We’ll let the ham defrost overnight in cold water, and then we’ll be all set.” He agrees as you both put the groceries away. He finds the pre-packaged cookies and goes, “Want one?” You ask, “Shouldn’t we wait for our guests?” He shrugs as you come over, waiting for him to open the box. “Maybe.” You both grab one and eat it, “Yeah, this is way easier than making them.” You both resist eating another to save them for tomorrow's guests. You set them on a platter and the cake you bought onto a cake stand.
You wake up to Changgu ruffling the covers to get out of bed. You look at him with half-opened eyes, “Is it time?” You watch him shake his head no. He comes over, kisses your forehead, and tells you, “I was just going to make us some coffee before we started cooking.” You hum, opening your eyes, “Let’s do that together.” He smiles as he waits for you to roll out of bed. You slip on your slippers, and with a yawn, you follow him into the kitchen. He fills a kettle with water before putting it on the burner and turning it on. You grab your mugs and set them on the counter, and he finishes making the coffee. You lean against the counter, still trying to wake up as you sip your first bit of coffee, “Warm…” He hums before he takes a sip of his and shares the same sentiment. 
You start, “So, the ham.” You both look over at it, hoping it’d grow legs dress itself for the occasion and throw itself into the oven. He laughs before you both sigh, “Shinwon was not kidding when he said, ‘Good luck next year’. After they both made that dinner…” You shake your head and agree, “This is going to be a lot of work…” After setting your coffee down on the counter, you look for a piece of paper and a pen. “How do we want to go about this?” “Well, we cleaned the roasting pan two days ago, so all we have to do is line it with foil.” You write: ‘Foil the pan, make sure the ham is defrosted. Bag the ham, and then dress it with pineapples and cherries.’ You ask, “Did we get 7up?” He nods, “Yeah, I put it in the cart last minute. We almost forgot it.” You sigh in relief as you write the 7up part and add brown sugar to the list of things going on with the ham. 
You list the things you bought, and he goes, “Peel and chop the potatoes?” you write that down, “Are we making sweet potatoes?” He nods, and you take another sip of coffee before writing that. “Corn, green beans?” Changgu softly reminds you about the ‘peas’. And you finish that bit, “Oh, bread, which kind?” He goes, “Biscuits and croissants?” “Perfect.” “Am I missing anything else?” You both think for a minute before you go, “Oh, cranberry sauce, the most important part!” He laughs, “For you, dear.” You roll your eyes, “You love it just as much as me.” He shakes his head, “No, not as much as I love you.” You roll your eyes, “I love you more than I love cranberry sauce.” He gasps, “I’m honored.” You shake your head as you smile at him.
You finish your coffee while looking out at the snow. Watching it gently coming down. “I’m glad this time it’s not a snowstorm.” He laughs, “It was a nightmare getting to Hongseok’s house that year!” You laugh even harder, “We don’t even live more than a street away from him!” You two cackle before catching your breath. He adds, “At least we have snow this year, though!” You shake your head, “We even have photos of Hoetaek pouting about it!” You both giggle before catching your breath. You put your two mugs in your new dishwasher. You grin, “I can’t wait for this thing to have its first big holiday.” He smiles in excitement, “It’s going to do the work of ten men!” You both laugh before washing your hands away from the ham and start working on preparing it. 
Thankfully, it thawed, and everything went swimmingly even putting the brown sugar and 7up on it was easy. You open the pineapples as Changgu digs for the toothpicks, “Didn’t we buy a pack?” “Yeah, I think they’re up in the cabinet by the other knife set we don’t use.” He hums and says a little ‘aha!’ when he finds them there. You separate the pineapples from the ones you’re using for the ham and the two for the two of you. After you finish sticking the pineapples in with toothpicks, he sticks the cherries in the center. When he pins the last one, and you both have washed your hands and put the ham into the oven, “One pineapple for you, one for me?” 
He pulls out a maraschino cherry for both of you to eat, and you happily eat the unused toppings before cleaning your hands again. You sigh, “Those were so good.” He agrees, hands you a towel to dry your hands with, and says, “What’s next?” You look back at the list and go, “The potatoes.” He nods and gets them out, and you ask, “How many potatoes do you think Shinwon can eat alone?” He laughs, “Probably the whole bag.” You shrug, “Guess that’s how much we’re doing so everyone can have at least a bite.” He agrees, and you get out your peeler and the chopping board while he fills a bowl with water.
You shave them as he patiently waits to chop them up. He cuts the last potatoes up and puts them back in the bowl. You drain them and transfer half to a pot of water. As you do, he says, “I’ll start shaving the sweet potatoes.” You agree and put the soup mix into the cleaned bowl before pouring the other half of the potatoes in and combining them. You flip them onto a foiled pan and wash off your hands. You come back over to see him sharpening a knife, “Having a hard time with the sweet potatoes?” He nods, and you smile, “It’s more about the pressure and force than the sharpness.” He hums, “But it’d help.” He cleans it off before he returns with more vigor to chop them into small pieces. 
He lets out a yell as he smacks it, and you giggle as you watch him, “You want me to do it?” He pouts, “But I have more muscle than you. This should be easy…” You smile as you tell him, “Watch this.” You scoot him away, and with the knife still lodged into the sweet potato, you lift it and slam it back onto the board. And it separates into two, “Didn’t you ever watch your mom make them?” He shakes his head, “No, she always makes the ones you just gotta poke and put in the oven with foil on them.” You nod, “Those are so good! Do you want to save two so we can have that tomorrow?” He grins, “Oh heck yeah!” He saves two and puts them in the pantry while you finish chopping up the first one. He gets the hang of it on the second one, “Isn’t there a less noisy way?” You shake your head, “Not that I’ve ever figured out.” He shrugs and continues while you make the brown sugar mix for them, “I’m excited for these.” He hums, “Me too.” 
You do the same with sweet potatoes, draining them before mixing them and putting them onto another foiled pan. You set them out and clean off your hands. As you dry off your hands, Changgu checks the oven, “Ohh, look!” You look, “Still there.” He shakes his head, “No, it’s starting to look more cooked.” You laugh, “I know.” You pull back, and he says, “And we still have three hours and twenty minutes to get it all done. I say that calls for a break.” You agree, and you both head into the living room and kick back on the couch together. “What kind of Christmas special do you wanna watch?” You hum, “What about a hallmark movie?” He wrinkles his nose and shakes his head, “Preferably something that doesn’t make me cry today.” You nod, “Okay, the Charlie Brown special before we head back and make the rest?” He agrees, and you put your legs over his lap while he puts his legs on the ottoman. He puts his arm around your back, and you watch the Peanuts. 
When the movie ends, you both get changed into your dinner clothes before heading into the kitchen. You look at the list when it hits you, “Oh, we almost forgot to add a butter stick tray for everyone!” He nods, quickly pulls out the butter, and puts it on the designated dish. “Done and done!” You grin and grab the canned corn, peas, and green beans. You open them up while he gets the pots out. You fill all three up as he works on making two foiled pans for biscuits and croissants. You both work on rolling up the crescent and making them nicely shaped before putting the other premade biscuits onto a pan to bake. “Do you want to open the cranberry sauce now or later?” He hums, “Probably later, so it stays cooler.” You agree and look over at the timer on the ham, “Two hours and fifteen minutes…” He sighs, “Looks like it’s making the table time.” 
You nod and stand on either side of your small kitchen table, “On the count of three, I’ll pull my end. You’ll pull yours.” You nod, and he counts, “Okay, and one, two, three!” You both pull out the table to make it longer to fit ten people. After pulling it out, you huff, “I’m glad our table expands twice.” He sighs, “Me too.” You pick up one side of the leaf while he picks up the other before setting it in and doing the same with the next. 
When it’s all clicked in and properly fitted, he goes, “Alright, tablecloth next?” You nod, and he gets it from the cabinet, “The pretty green one?” He nods and pulls the one that has mistletoe berries lining the edges. You both cover the table before getting the dishes out. You hand them over to him, and he sets them out while you grab the knives, “Do the knives go on the right side or the left?” He goes, “Wherever you want them.” You laugh as you put it on the left side before lining the left with other utensils. He asks, “Napkin towels and paper ones?” You agree, and he gets out two napkin holders and puts one on each side. You fill them with paper napkins while he gets the towels and puts them in front of the plates.
“If we don’t get the 1865 wine out, Hyunggu will be whiny.” You laugh, “I don’t think he’ll whine, but he will pout.” He laughs as he agrees, and you open a bottle for him, letting it aerate, “What do you say after thirty minutes,... We have our glass?” He smiles, “I’d like that.” You nod, and you get an assortment of glasses for each person. You finish up before looking over the table. You feel him come over beside you and wrap his arm around your waist, “Look at us. We’re doing a nice job so far.” You look at him and say, “Don’t jinx it.” He laughs, “Not intending to!” He knocks on the table regardless as you both lean against each other. “But you’re right, it looks nice.” 
You smile and wrap your arm around his waist, “Who do you think will arrive first?” He hums, “Probably Hoetaek and whoever he’s bringing, he got that whole integrity saying about five minutes early is on time.” You laugh as you agree, “And who’s last?” He hums, “It’s a tie, depending on who’s driving.” You wait for him to continue, and he says, “If Wooseok is driving, they’re going to be like ten minutes late, but if it’s anyone else, I’d say they’d be right about time.” “Why’s that?” “Wooseok is very careful.” 
You laugh, “I believe it. But you're the only one I trust to drive me around whenever I don't want to drive.” “Baby, you’re so cute.” You laugh, “I’m telling the truth. I get to be the relaxed passenger. And I don’t even have to be the GPS. Cause you know where you’re going.” He laughs, “Yeah, I like having you as my passenger. You make all of my worries go away. Not even someone who drives fifteen under can make me mad with you by my side.” “Are you sure? Following that tractor for like two miles about killed you.” He groans, “Don't Remind me.” And you move from your relaxed position, getting close to his lips, “Don’t worry, it irritated me too.” You pull him in for a kiss, and when you pull away, you ask, “Better?” He sighs, “Always.”
The ham comes out about an hour later, and you pop the beefy onion and sweet potatoes into the oven. And turn the flame under the potatoes on the stove on as the doorbell rings, “I got it, baby.” You nod, and he kisses your cheek before heading over. And as he had predicted, Hoetaek was five minutes early with Shinwon and Jinho. Jinho asks, “What’s cooking?” You smile, “Potatoes.” You hear a gasp, and Changgu says, “You’ll have to wait until it’s on the table.” You hear the pout in Shinwon’s voice as he says, “Okay…” The four of you laugh as he answers. Changgu comes over and joins you. You turn the burners underneath the canned veggie pots on while he cuts open the bag. Hoetaek asks, “Do you guys want any help? Or?” You look at Changgu and shake your head, “No, we got it here.” The doorbell rings, “However, if you could get that.” He smiles, “Sure.” 
You hear four more voices and shoes hitting the floor as you stir the potatoes around. You both turn and look as they come to the table and find their spots. Changgu asks, “Where’s Wooseok?” Yanan goes, “He was asleep last time I checked.” And before you can look at Changgu like, ‘Do we need to get him?’ the doorbell rings. You both sigh in relief as Yuto gets the door, “Sorry, I wanted five more minutes of rest!” Hoetaek chides, “You need to leave your studio sooner so you can be on time!” He whines, and you don’t hear the rest as the potatoes boil. And you mash them with butter and milk. 
You put them into a serving bowl as Changgu transfers the ham onto a platter before bringing it to the table. He brings everything to the table as you pour them into bowls and place serving spoons in each. The bell rings again, and you both pull out the pans of potatoes and place them onto platters before he sets them down in front of them. You open a can of cranberry sauce before bringing that over, too.
Changgu puts the bread into the oven before you both sit down. He sits in front of the ham, and you sit beside him as he looks at everyone. He cheers, “Alright, who’s ready to eat?” You all cheer back, “I am!” And he happily serves it to everyone, ensuring everyone has a big piece before serving his last. “Let’s dig in!” Before you can get up, he goes, “I got it, honey.” You smile, and he gets up, turns off the oven, and puts the freshly done bread into two separate baskets. He returns, “Croissants on which side?” Hyunggu and Hongseok cheer for them the loudest, and he places them down in front of them while your side gets the biscuits. 
With all the food out, the conversations only get louder, especially, with Changgu turning on the Bluetooth speakers to play soft Christmas music to set the mood. You gasp, “No way!” as Hyunggu talks about the Christmas play he saw, “Yeah, way! The lights started shining and out popped another new Santa Claus. This musical just kept getting more hysterical as they did it!” You all laugh at Hyunggu's stories, and Yanan talks about the Christmas lights he went and visited. Wooseok goes, “Do you guys remember when we performed in Daegu?” They all hum, and you nod, having seen their performances rather than being there, “It was so cold, but it was perfect like tonight.” You smile and thank him, and everyone agrees.
As everyone finishes their last plate, everyone talks about the plans they’ve made and gifts they’ve gotten for their families. And when there’s a lull of silence, you ask, “Who’s ready for dessert?” They all cheer, “I am!” And you happily get up, grabbing the platter of cookies, and Changgu comes in, getting the cake from the fridge. As you come back, Yuto asks, “What kind?” You smile, “We got a big assortment of cookies, including chocolate chip, plus chocolate cake!” You hear Changgu rustle in the fridge as he yells, “Oh, don’t forget the fruitcake!” And everyone lets out, “Really!?” And he turns around with the cake stand and goes, “Nah, just kidding.” You both laugh as you gesture for them to follow you, “Let’s have dessert in the living room.” 
Everyone follows the two of you, pushing in their chairs as they sprawl out onto the couches and chairs. You set the platter of cookies down and head back and get everyone some napkins and plates. Everyone picks out their favorite cookies and serves themselves a piece of cake. And you sit on the arm of the couch and lean against Changgu, who is happily chatting about his recent concert, “I know, I was there!” You laugh, “Hey, but we weren’t!” Yanan protests softly, and you encourage him to go on, which he happily does and would have, anyway. You finish your slice of cake and set your empty plate on the side table beside you, which leads to everyone putting their plate on top of yours. 
Hongseok goes, “We can help you clean up if you like.” You both shake your head, “No, you’re our guests tonight.” They nod, and you continue, “We just got a new dishwasher, so we want to make the most of it.” They all laugh, and Hongseok tells you, “That makes sense.” Changgu goes, “Do we look like new dishwasher owners?” He nods, “Yeah.” You laugh, “I guess we have it stamped on our foreheads.” “Yeah, basically.” And Yanan goes, “Yeah, you wouldn’t believe how excited he was about buying your first appliance together.” You laugh, “Really?” You watch as Changgu’s cheeks turn more and more red, “Yeah, he called all of us up telling us all about it.” You grin and tell them, “I told all my friends, too.” You look over at Changgu with a big smile, “We’re all getting old.” He grins and grabs your hand, “You age like fine wine.” You roll your eyes before pulling his hand up and kissing it. You smile at him, “So do you.” 
As the night becomes darker and the time grows later, you let out a yawn. And so does Changgu, which makes Hui look at his clock, “I’d hate to be making us leave first, but I have a schedule in the morning.” You all whine, “The day after Christmas?” He shrugs, “Well, I’m preparing for my album...” You nod, and Shinwon and Jinho get up, too. You follow them to the door as they gather their things. Jinho is the first to thank you both for the meal. And you tell him it was fun having him and the rest of the members over. Changgu opens his arms, which Jinho reluctantly accepts before accepting your hug too. 
Shinwon follows, hugging you both and telling you, “See, I told you it wasn’t going to be too hard.” You both roll your eyes at him, and Changgu tells him, “Yeah, you were right, but I’m glad it’s Yanan’s turn next year.” Shinwon laughs, “I was glad to pass the torch on to you guys.” You shake your head, “Take care of yourself.” He nods, “I will.” Hoetaek grabs one of your hands and one of Changgu’s. “You guys did so wonderfully. It was such a good dinner.” You grin and thank him, and he says, “No, seriously, you guys did an excellent job.” He brings you both in for a hug at the same time. He lets go of your hands before telling you guys to take care. You bid the three of them goodbye and wish them a Merry Christmas before watching them leave. 
You return to the living room, where Yuto talks about his latest solo projects. And you all listen intently, as he does as it grows later. Hongseok gathers him, Yanan, and Hyunggu. Hongseok gingerly tells you both goodbye, giving you both a strong hug after telling you what he liked most. Hyunggu smiles as he puts his hat back on, “I didn’t expect any less from you guys. It was excellent.” You nod, and he hugs you both, and you can’t help but grin. Yanan thanks you both for the delicious dinner, pulling his scarf tighter around his neck before squeezing the both of you into a hug. And Yuto smiles, “Thanks guys, that was a wonderful meal and dessert.” You smile, “It’s no problem.” He hugs you both before exiting and following the three out the door. You both realize you forgot to wish them a Merry Christmas, so you both shout it as they enter the vehicle. And they shout it right back. You both laugh as you shut the door.
You watch them drive off before settling across from the last guest. “Wooseok!” He smiles, “I know you both probably want your alone time now.” You look over at Changgu and shrug. You tell him, “We could always watch a Christmas special or something with you.” And Changgu continues, “You couldn’t bother us with your presence.” Wooseok smiles before looking at the clock, “I know, but I can always come over later in the week.” You both agree, and he gets up, “I just wanted to say goodbye last.” You laugh at that, and you all head to the door for the last time. You go, “I can’t believe they let you drive all by yourself! You best be careful!” He laughs, “I will, don’t worry.” You both nod and hug him before he leaves. He thanks you both for the delicious meal and says, “Merry Christmas.” And you both repeat it back, “Merry Christmas.” 
He exits out into the cold air. You watch him take off and leave your window. Just to turn back and see that you’re left with a mess of things to clean up. You sigh, “Glad we have that new dishwasher…” He smiles, “Did you really tell all of your friends?” You smile as you nod, and he kisses your forehead before you kiss his. He looks back at the mess ahead of him and shakes his head, “We’ll still have to clean up the rest of it, though.” You sigh even louder, “We got a lot to do.” You look around at the mess for a while longer, “You want to leave it for later?” He sighs in relief, “Oh yeah, let’s get cleaned up and go to bed.” You smile, and you both head up to the bathroom and change into your pajamas. 
After you return from the bathroom, you both collapse in your bed, “We’ll do the dishes tomorrow.” He laughs and pulls you into his arms, “Yeah, tomorrow.” You curl into his chest, “We did a good job.” “Yeah.” “I’m glad it’s over.” He hums, “Me too. Good luck to Yanan next year.” You laugh, “Yeah, good luck, Yanan.” You pull the covers over the both of you, “I love you. Good night.” “Good night, I love you more.” “Ggu…” He pouts, and you go, “I love you most.” He giggles as he says, “I love you mostest.” You roll your eyes, “I love you the most mostest.” “Nuh-uh.” “Yeah-huh.” “Nuh-uh.” “Yeah-huh. Good night, Ggu.” “Nuh-uh, I love you even more. Good night, my love.” You groan and whisper, “I love you even more than that.” Before drifting off to sleep, he says softly before falling asleep, “I love you two round trips to the moon and back, baby.”
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jinkoh · 2 years
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Back on your feet
Changgu x reader
Tags: meet-cute, fluff, a bit of hurt/comfort, gn reader, mentions of a past relationship, SFW, Warnings: none
Wordcount: ~1.2k
a/n: been meaning to write christmas themed stories since like. september tbh and I actually started several in november but uh. life and all that. this is really just a quick drabble and I guess it's not even that christmas-y but I hope you'll enjoy it anyway~
You were already feeling a little weary when you put on the ice skates you’d borrowed at the register. Maybe it was a bad idea after all—you’d never even inline skated before, what made you think you could handle this? 
But you’d already paid for the shoes and the entrance fee and you’d never been one to let money go to waste. With newfound determination you got up from the bench and staggered to the rink, your hands clutching onto the boards as soon as they were in reach. 
The rink wasn’t that full, you’d probably come at a fortunate time. There were some families and children but it was mostly empty. You were grateful that no couples seemed to be around. It’s not that you were one of these grumpy cynics who hated love. But your boyfriend had literally only just broken up with you which is why you came here alone in the first place. You didn’t need happy couples to rub it in.
With a deep breath you took a first step onto the rink. It was slippery, of course it was, but it seemed doable. You took a second step, still holding onto the boards. After inching forward step by step, you started feeling a bit more confident. Maybe you could actually do this.
You tried imitating the way the other people on the rink skated, bringing your feet forward in smooth movements instead of taking actual steps. A small smile crept onto your lips, unable to contain your relief and the little sense of pride that was welling up inside of you. It seemed to be going fine.
Warily, you lifted your hand, letting it hover over the boards while moving forward. So far so good. You slowly dared to move a little further away from the boards, increasing your speed bit by bit.
Finding confidence in how well it’d been going, you skated further into the middle, taking longer strides. Maybe you were actually gifted at this?
You weren’t. 
In your uncalled for confidence you slipped and landed on your butt.
It hurt, but the pain was bearable. What wasn’t bearable though, was the humiliation of trying to get up over and over again but you lost balance every time. The people skating by looked at you pitifully but no one stopped to help, and honestly you weren’t sure if you wanted them to, but having them stare at you was also not making you feel any better.
After the nth failed attempt of getting back on your feet, you just gave up, sitting on the ice rink with a cold, aching butt and tears welling up in your eyes.
You knew this wasn’t supposed to be such a big deal, but somehow it all just added up to how miserable you already felt about coming here alone instead of with your (now ex-) boyfriend. This wouldn’t have happened if he’d taught you like he promised he would, but you guessed he’d rather teach his new love now, that he started dating one (1) day after the break up. 
Before you realized you were already full on sobbing in the middle of a public ice rink, surrounded by family’s who were probably freaked out about your sudden outburst. But since the dam had already broken, you didn’t even try to stop the tears anymore. Everyone he already thought you were weird, what else was going to happen?
Just when you started considering to crawl back to the side of the rink and use the boards to heave yourself up, a pair of skates elegantly came to a halt right in front of you.
When you looked up, you were met with a dazzling smile.
“You okay?” The young man asked even though you clearly weren’t.
You nodded anyway, accompanied by sniffing noises.
“I’m Changgu, can I ask for your name?”
“Y/n,” you replied and it came out timid and shaky.
He chuckled sweetly before holding out his hands to you. 
“Okay, y/n. Let’s get you back on your feet first— you think you can stand?”
Not trusting your own voice, you nodded at him again and then hesitantly gave him your hands. He immediately closed his fingers around them, holding on to you tightly.
“Up you go,” he commented with a chuckle as he heaved you up from the rink. 
“All good?,” Changgu asked when you were finally standing on (very shaky) feet again.
“Yeah,” you croaked. “Thank you.” 
“Can you stand by yourself?”
“I don’t think so.”
“Alright. Let’s get you off the rink first then.” 
He loosened his grip on your left hand, but you instinctively clutched onto it tighter, to make sure he didn’t let you go. 
Changgu laughed, but somehow it didn’t feel humiliating at all. Instead it seemed sweet and warm and you thought you could get used to the sound of it.
“Don’t worry. I’m not letting go of you. But it’s easier like this. Trust me, hm?”
Reluctantly you let him release your right hand, holding onto your left instead and putting his other hand at the small of your back, before slowly skating forward.
You staggered at first, but quickly found your rhythm with him and managed to reach the side of the rink safely. He helped you sit down on one of the benches and crouched down before you.
“Does anything hurt?”
You shook your head, earning a slightly confused expression from the guy, who was probably trying to figure out why you were crying if nothing hurt.
“Are you sure?”
“Do you want to try again?”
You examined the ice rink for a moment before shaking your head with a sniff. “I only came because my boyfriend—my ex-boyfriend—,” you interrupted yourself. “It doesn’t matter anymore. I probably shouldn’t have come in the first place.”
“Don’t say that. Skating can be a lot of fun, I promise. It’s just a little tricky at first.”
“But you saw how it went,” you chuckled awkwardly. “I’m just not cut out for this.”
“Sunshine,” he said with a sweet smile. You were caught off guard by the sudden nickname, but it wasn’t unpleasant. “You only tried for such a short amount of time. It’s normal to fall. But you did so well for a beginner. And I work here so I know my stuff.”
You shrugged, unable to hold his warm gaze. “I don’t know. I feel like I’d just fall over and over again.”
“Maybe we’ll just have to make sure that doesn’t happen then?”
“What do you mean?” You looked up at him in confusion.
“I could teach you? I may not look it but I’m pretty decent. As I said, I work here.”
Heat rose to your cheeks despite the cold air. “Uh, I don’t think I can afford a private lesson…”
“Then what if it’s not?”
“If it was a date— would that work?” His smile looked a little more timid, as if he was nervous to ask this.
“Are you for real?”
“Only if you say yes.”
You nodded slowly. “Yeah, yes. A date would be perfect actually.”
Changgu’s eyes lit up at your words. “Perfect.” He stood up and held out his hand for you to take. “How about we start right now?”
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cyncialwoo · 6 months
[4:58 pm] Time-stamp/ drabble
-pairing: changgu x gn!reader
-genre: fluff
-words: 494
-warnings: none
-a/n: This is something new and not out of my drafts!! I am still working on something new that's at 3k words, but I haven't gotten to the climax of the story yet, so stay tuned!!
You were waiting at a cafe, staring down into your coffee cup. You kept putting off drinking your coffee. You didn’t want to leave the cafe yet, not when you hadn’t accomplished what you came here for. You looked around the cafe for him again, and he was nowhere in sight, again. It felt like you had been waiting all day. 
He promised you he would be there, and yet again your coffee was growing cold with each minute. Your mind wandered to teh days where he was earlier than you, already ordering for you. When the two of you would play games on napkins, and would spend hours together. The way his eyes would glow as he spilled details of the things he loved, and how he listened to you when you would talk with him. 
You looked out the window, it was still snowing. The snow covered the ground and only kept piling more and more. You had enough, that’s what you would tell him when he would arrive. If he would arrive. You ran your finger around the rim of your coffe cup, your face inbetween your hands. You watched the people in the cafe, the people in line for a quick drink, the people sitting down, weather they were alone or with other people. 
You met the eyes of one of the guys in line. He was far back in it, and he gave you a soft smile. You smiled back, feeling a sense of warmth on this cold day. You continued to watch him from the corner of your eye as he looked around before making his way to you. He slid into the seat next to yours. 
“All alone?” He asked you, while getting settled in his seat. 
“You’re alone too.” You retorted to his rhetorical question. “What brings you here?”
“Coffee, you?” He looked down at your full coffee cup that hasn’t been touched since the waiter gave it to you. 
“I wish I could say the same thing, but it looks like I’ve been stood up.” You looked out the window again, the sky looked a bit darker than before. 
“I could make up for that absence.” the stranger said causing you too look back at him. 
“You don’t even know my name, but you want to butt in on my date?” You smiled at him. 
“Only if you let me. And my name is Yeo Changgu” He said. You thought about it for a bit and nodded at him. It didn’t seem too bad and it didn’t seem like your boyfriend would ever show up.
So you spent what felt like hours talking to this new stranger about anything and everything that came to mind. It felt like the early days. You didn’t know how this guy made you feel so comfortable around him. For a moment you could’ve sworn that you looked outside, and it was spring with flowers blooming around you and Changgu.
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baby-iloveyou · 1 year
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< Masterlist >
. . . genre S smut SUG suggestive FL fluff A angst . . . reader GN genderneutral F afab M amab
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. . . jo jinho
[S][F] Busted. - Jinho has always claimed he doesn’t like oral. But seeing you taste your own cum makes it difficult for him to keep disliking it.
. . . yang hongseok
[S,FL][F] just me and you - Whenever you and your best friend want to have a sleepover, it would always be at your place, since his place was small and would be uncomfortable for two people to stay at. He recently moved however, and to celebrate that, you are staying over at his place for the first time. But you didn’t expect it to be THAT different.
. . . yeo changgu
[FL][GN] A cover model, only for your eyes to see - Your relationship with Changgu has been nothing but lovey dovey so far, and when Changgu asks you to visit him at his Men’s Health photoshoot, you can’t say no. But this would mean you would see him shirtless for the first time, and you didn’t expect the view to affect you that much. [SUG] PART 1 [S] PART 2
. . . kang hyunggu
[S][GN] A private afterparty - Kang Hyunggu was one of the members of your project group, and he’s also one of the most loved people in your year. You’re good friends with him, and after this party you decide to hang out just a bit longer. It just isn’t a very common way of hanging out when you’re friends…
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Tomorrow X Together
. . . choi yeonjun
[S,SUG][GN] Carpe Diem - Seize the day, why not have some fun with each other?
[SUG][GN] thought #1- bf!yeonjun is proud of you for passing your course, and thinks you deserve a reward
[SUG, S?][GN] thought #2 - teasing yeonjun is fun until he punishes you for it (or is that part of the fun?)
. . . choi beomgyu
[SUG][GN] Lyric prank - Beomgyu was feeling nostalgic and watched some old YouTube videos, revisited some old trends. One of them was the ‘lyric pranks’, which were a huge thing, and a joke he used to pull quite often on his friends. But since he’s now in a relationship, he knows exactly on who to pull the prank. And he knows exactly which song.
. . . kang taehyun
[S][F] goodnight, you're so tight sleep tight - after a long day, all you just wanted was to snuggle up with your boyfriend in bed and drift to sleep. he wanted something else.
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Stray Kids
. . . bang chan
[S][GN] A picture for a picture - Chan is on tour with the rest of the group, and you as his significant other obviously miss him a lot. And he misses you too. He just misses you a bit more today than other days…
. . . lee minho
[S][GN] thought #1 - pathetic minho, and that on christmas…
. . . han jisung
[F][GN] i like the view right now - Late night talks made you discover that you both love stars. And Jisung knows the perfect place in his hometown to go stargazing.
. . . lee felix
[A][GN] Deep End - Sometimes, one fight can break a person entirely. And unfortunately, this was the case in your relationship.
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. . . choi seungcheol
[S][GN] thought #1 - texting one of your friends while seungcheol fucks you
. . . boo seungkwan
[SUG, S?][GN] thought #1 - just seungkwan pinning you up against a wall, choking you, and calling you his slutty toy
[S][F] you could be a hand model - sometimes you need a break from studying. and sometimes you suddenly notice that seungkwan has very nice hands. and sometimes you really want those hands to touch you.
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. . . group
[F][GN] A.C.E comforting you when you’re afraid of failing your exams
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Other groups/idols
. . . BTOB lee minhyuk
[S][GN] Whiskey - You’ve been single for a while and were looking for a casual hookup. And let there be one guy who wants to order whiskey for you.
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pentagonieslut · 2 years
m.list !!
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lee huitaek/hoetaek (hui):
[hui's high pitched screams are in place of no works. - cube staff]
jo jinho:
ko/go shinwon:
yeo changgu (yeoone):
[causing silent chaos somewhere, lurking]
yang hongseok:
adachi yuto/yuuto:
kang hyunggu:
[embarrased he has to match hui and shinwon, hiding]
jung wooseok:
kim hyojong (e'dawn):
i will write romance + smut for him on request. he just got out of a relationship with hyuna. be nice.
all members:
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kim hongjoong:
[ran away to the studio to work on something]
park seonghwa:
[poor mama can't catch a break]
jung wooyoung:
[he's trying to get rough-talked again because he likes it]
jeong yunho:
[him and minjae are going around and calling each other brothers]
song mingi:
[just being happy little mufasa]
kang yeosang:
[ordering as much chicken as he can]
choi san:
[being a sex demon again]
choi jongho:
[breaking apples and singing tears]
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moon taeil:
[being a grandpa, he's sick of this shit]
qian kun:
[yelling at the younger members starting from 99s-jisung]
seo johnny:
[he's eating chicago pizza and crying]
lee taeyong:
[febreezing all the fucking dorms]
kim doyoung:
[he's hiding in his room]
kim jungwoo:
[he's being a puppy to get taeyong to cook]
dong sicheng (winwin):
[running from taeil's monstrous love]
nakamoto yuta:
[eating taiyaki and sharing with shotaro]
jung jaehyun:
[he's preparing to work overtime]
chittaphon leechaiyapornkul (ten):
wong yukhei/wong xuxi (lucas):
[freaking out about the discovery of nana and nearly crushing louis]
na jaemin:
[reminding lucas he's nana for the third year in a row]
xiao dejun (xiaojun):
[jasmine is really muscular]
wong kunhuang (hendery):
[he's in macau touring with big byung]
liu yangyang:
[he's freaking out in german, give him a second]
zhong chenle:
[flexing his money again]
huang renjun:
[he's planning the death of a dream member]
lee mark:
[my baby said she wanna dance she wanna leave me, huh? FUCK]
lee jeno:
[let him recover from being tied up and being ridden]
jung sungchan:
[he's playing games with your heart, i'm sorry]
lee donghyuck (haechan):
[consistent with his 37.5% show rating]
osaki shotaro:
[he's being the cutest fucking otter alive and you're here for it]
park jisung:
[he's on his way to becoming a tiktok fuckboi]
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moon hyunbin:
[casting a spell for peace, maybe?]
choi seokwon (tan):
[can put you in a chokehold but has a cute face so like- I TAP OUT]
kim byeonggun (hwi):
[cupid is making him do secretary work]
terazono keita:
[still waiting on the phone papa rain promised him]
yeom taegyun (tag):
[leave mans alone, he's doing highschool rapper 4 n stressing]
gil dohwan:
[he's yodeling..somewhere]
park sungwon (won):
[snuck out for a poetry slam]
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son seungjun (castle j):
[producing some type of track]
nam seungmin (bic):
[he's not a pen, promise]
song minjae:
[dammit minjae..you're so tall, i mistook you for yunho!]
no huijun:
[getting a black belt in taekwondo]
bang junhyuk (win):
[he's making your brain rot with his deep voice like felix]
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lee hangyul:
[putting you in a choke hold with his all day performance]
park junseo:
[he's dancing his bones off]
jeon minwook (j-min):
[trying to go to the olympics in professional flexibility]
jung gun (yoojun):
[making 'fuck you' necklaces to choke bit with]
kim hyunwoo (muzin):
[trying to meditate before he goes off]
ryu yeongseo:
[trying to become the next twice member]
na gyumin (doha):
[drawing webtoons about the chaos of this group]
noh minjae (bit):
[tormenting yoojun and j-min with cucumbers]
nam dohyon:
[auditioning for SMTM with his milk mixtape]
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[he's so pretty they're making him model schoolgirl uniforms]
[he's being hyper again...MOOM]
[his mind is blank leave him alone]
[eating dango and watchinge veryone with a happy smile]
[lurking somewhere
[he's telling everyone he's not a athlete]
[flustered about something]
[working out again]
[chicken GK, chicken GK, chicken GK]
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adachicuto · 2 years
happy birthday changgu
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warning(s): food mentions
going for bike rides in the morning and he’d make sure you’d be warm enough if the weather would be a little chilly out. the two of you would go around the neighborhood and would stop at a nearby park
after, you’d stop at changgu’s favorite diner to get breakfast and he’d have the biggest smile on his face when you’d order his favorites and you’d have to take a picture of the moment
after that you’d walk around for a bit before you’d get back on the bikes and head home. for the rest of the morning you’d try watching a show or something but you’d both end up falling asleep
you would wake up before changgu a few hours later and you’d notice a lot of notifications on your phone and most of them would be from the rest of ptg and they would range from normal to pretty chaotic
anyways, they’d text you about coming over soon to make a birthday dinner for changgu’s birthday and you’d be a little nervous about what happened the last time they were in your kitchen, especially kino and wooseok lol
dancing around your place together as you’d sing happy birthday to changgu before everyone would come over. he’d almost fall while dancing and the moment would feel like something out of a drama but it be over the moment you’d hear loud knocking on the door and you’d both dissolve into laughter
no one would know how but the dinner would kind of get ruined because everyone would be somewhere besides the kitchen. like, hui and kino would be comparing playlists that they made and everyone would be off somewhere else
but at the last minute all of you would decide to go out to eat somewhere and luckily you’d find a place that had good reviews and it’d turn out pretty good for last minute
after dinner you’d all go back to your shared apartment for birthday sweets and wild dancing in the living room with all of ptg bc shinwon would yell dance battle and no one would be able to resist it
once everything would calm down a little, kino would go around capturing candids of everyone with the camera that you picked out for changgu
everyone would hand out the gifts they got for changgu and he’d have the biggest smile on his face and would get a little emotional about it as he’d thank everyone for everything
changgu would really appreciate the birthday wishes and everything that you and the rest of ptg would do for his birthday. being a sweetheart, he’d probably write little thank you cards for everyone to make sure you’d all know how much he enjoyed the day and that it meant a lot to him
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sadienita · 4 years
Pentagon Cuddles
Yeo One / Changgu
In Public
He’s so sweet and kind with you
And respectful of your space
So in public he wants to give you room and not be too touchy
He’s good at not hinting about the relationship at all
And he’s good at keeping it between the two of you, even from his members for the most part for the first little bit
That doesn’t last too long though
But you’re both ready to make it public when you do
And when he’s next to you he finds himself touching you
It isn’t fully intentional
He isn’t thinking that he needs to hold your hand right at that second
But if you say something that makes him laugh he’ll grab onto your arm
And afterwards he won’t let you go
And after a while he realizes he’s still touching you
And you seem so content with it he just pulls you closer and smiles to himself
His hand ended up in yours a lot
He finds holding your hand so comfy
And he’ll grab it to get your attention
And you’ll lace your fingers with his
And suddenly he never wants to let go
He just loves having you close to him like that
And the way you squeeze his hand to get his attention
It melts his heart
Around The Guys
Kinda like in public
He’s not crazy touchy with you
He likes you being near him of course
But he’s not likely to pull you into his lap or be crazy cuddly with you in front of the others
If it’s squishy and another seat is needed however
He has no issue pulling you into his lap
Does so quickly and with no hesitation
You don’t even have time to react
He’ll wrap his arms around you and now there’s no escape
He won’t hear your protests on it either
Just snuggles into you and chuckles
Whispers to you throughout the movie you’re watching
Lowkey trying to make you flustered because he finds it cute
He won’t tease you too much though
Just a bit
Kinda loves it when you tease him just a little
Or surprise him with a kiss
He’s never expecting it so it makes him a little flustered
But he also loves it
He will sometimes follow you around a bit
If you’re just getting up for something from the kitchen that’s fine
But if you’re gone too long he gets curious
And he’ll come looking for you
Takes the quiet moment to give you a quick kiss
And remind you how much he loves you
In Private
He really likes to show his love to you in private
He prioritizes comfort in your cuddling
He’ll always ask if you’re comfy and if you shift around a lot he’ll ask if you want a different position
This boy is so effortlessly charming and sweet
He sings to you and speaks to you so softly because he’s so full of softness and love for you
He loves when you lay your head in his lap
Even if you spend time napping a bit when you see each other
He’ll put something on the tv and turn the volume down
And he’ll play with your hair or massage your scalp
And sing to you quietly
And lull you off to sleep with the sweet, loving smile on his face
He does really like cuddling in bed
Even if it makes you both really sleepy
He does like to hold you
He’ll spoon you and press a few kisses to your shoulder
But he lowkey prefers when you face him
He likes when your face is close to his
He keeps his voice quiet
He shifts forward to give you little kisses on your lips and nose
And he talks to you about everything and anything
He just loves sharing little moments with you
If he’s upset he’ll probably hold it in at first
He’ll be quiet and taking deep breaths
And it’s only when you pull him onto the bed and wrap your arms around him that he starts to cry
He can’t help letting his feelings out with you
And you soothe him and let him know his feelings are valid
And he hugs you tighter
And thinks about how safe and loved he feels with you
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im-whatchamccallit · 6 years
The Hero//Yeo One (Pentagon)
(A/N: Sorry I didn’t upload yesterday. I had to handle some things. Anyways, this is something I made today just to contribute something and I will be posting twice a day from now on, once in the morning and once at night. This sin’t the best but I’m here to learn and grow, right? Anyways, enjoy!)
Pairing: Yeo Changgu x Reader
Genre: Fairytale!au, fluff
Warnings: Terrible writing (?)
Words: 2.1k (This is so long! I’m sorry!)
You groaned as you shifted in your bed, a faint echo drawing you from your slumber before actual words were made out, causing you to open your eyes groggily.
“Rapunzel! Rapunzel! Let down your hair!” That voice was familiar.
You groaned as he continued screaming, your body flying upwards from the bed as you searched around the small tower’s room before finding an old book. You approached the window to see Changgu staring up hopefully, his horse patiently waiting for him to silence his decree before riding off for another day but, you, had no time.
You let out a loud yell as you tossed the hard covered book at him, watching him stumble as it hit his shoulder. He stared at you in bewilderment as you leaned out the window.
“I’m not Rapunzel! She’s on the other side of the forest! We’ve done this too many times, Changgu!” You screamed in annoyance as he reached down to grab the book, placing it on the satchel strapped to his horse. What a thief.
“Rapunzel is said to be a beautiful maiden with long flowing hair, trapped in a tower by an evil witch. I’m here to save you.”
“Listen, I’m gorgeous, I know, but she’s on the other side of the forest!”
You were Rapunzel, you just didn’t wish to be saved. Not by him, that is. Changgu found you months ago while wandering, escaping his village as he was the town’s thief. He was handsome enough to trick everyone into trusting him and clever enough to rob them blind. He was a fox and you weren’t falling for his tricks. You sent him on wild goose chases for the princess that was you, pinning your hair up to hide its length and taking on the new name of Ophelia to throw him off yet, he always came back, calling for you day after day.
Changgu wasn’t an idiot. He knew who you were, your story, everything. But, what he truly cared about was your hair. Legend had told it you were a princess, who knew how much it would sell for? Hell, who knew how much you’d sell for? All he knew is that he had to have it, one or both.
He sighed sadly, hiding his smile as he looked back up to you.
“That’s a shame. It’ll take me days to get through this forest by horse. I was only hoping to rescue a trapped maiden tonight, to show her a world he has yet to experience.”
He mentally laughed as he watched your eyes widen slightly. You have never been outside the tower. Your baths and meals were all given here in this almost cramped room, the closest thing to freedom was the fresh air you got from the triangular window. He wasn’t the person you wanted to rescue you, or anyone you wanted to be around for that matter, but, if it wasn’t him, then who? Another thief 20 years from now? A woodsman who wouldn’t hear your cries over the sound of his axe cutting into trees? It was now or never at this point.
You sighed and slowly climbed onto the window sill, Changgu smiling brightly as he watched your hand reach to your hair, hoping you’ll release your locks from the bun on your head but, instead, you let out a loud yawn, still not over the rude awakening.
“Okay, catch me.”
“Catch you? That’s a hundred foot dr-“ He watched as you jumped down, your hands attempting to hold your dress down as he began panicking. Would your hair save you? Would you somehow land on your feet? You were insane for this!
He snapped out of his thoughts as you let out an amused scream, your body much closer at this point and all he could think to do was catch you, letting out a yell as you fell into his arms, hurting his shoulder a bit.
You slowly removed yourself from his arms as he held back from crying, your feet dragging you to his horse that seemed quite friendly as you pet her mane.
“Here, let me help.” Changgu said as he finally eased the aching in his arm.
He wrapped his arms around your waist and hoisted you onto the large steed, his hand on your lower back as you wobbled slightly, smiling to him once you found your balance. He easily climbed on behind you, moving closer so that your back was pressed to his chest. You watched he reached forward to grab your hands, placing them onto the horse’s reins before peeking over your shoulder to look at you.
“Hold on tight, okay?” Before you could even nod in response, you were off, letting out a small yelp as the horse galloped into the forest.
A small smile grew on your face as you watched the trees pass by. So green and alive, unlike the few flowers in your tower that had died. You slowly removed your hand from his as you reached out to touch the leaves that passed by in flashes. They were soft against your hand, making you laugh excitedly.
Although his motives weren’t pure, Changgu couldn’t help but admit the sight before him was heartwarming. He could only imagine what it was like waiting in that tower for years. Knowing no one or nothing, having only yourself, it saddened him. But, the way you laughed as you gripped the trees and looked around anxiously at the sound of frogs from the nearby pond brought him some joy. He slowly brought his horse to a trot before ultimately stopping. Your eyes saw a wide open field with a large barren patch where a fire burned, a small tent just by it.
“Is this where you sleep?” You asked cautiously, feeling his body move from yours as he stepped down from the horse, reaching up to grab your waist and help you onto your feet.
“Yes, just until-“
“Until the village stops hating you?” You smirked up to him as he laughed slightly, forgetting he had confessed that to you some time ago.
“Have you eaten today?” He asked, leading you towards the fire before allowing you to sit on a nearby log.
You shook your head sadly, a small hum leaving his mouth as he turned from you. You watched with curious eyes as he slowly pushed off his coat, peeling away his shirt and shoes. Changgu’s hands reached towards his pants and you shyly looked away, hearing the material fall to the ground before a sudden splash. You turned back to see he had disappeared.
“Changgu?” You called, the only sound heard were from insects and the horse nearby eating what grass was still alive.
You gasped as you watched a head emerge from the water, Changgu gasping for air before diving back into the water, searching eagerly for a fish. You, unknowing to his plan, quickly kick off your strapped boots, rushing into the water to save him. You had no idea how to swim and your large dress wasn’t much help either, the material practically swallowing you as you tried to stay afloat.
Changgu watched as your feet kicked frantically, your head dipping beneath the water every so often before making his way towards you. You screamed slightly as he wrapped an arm around you, the other pushing your dress down as he swam closer to the land.
“Are you out of your mind?”
“I thought you were drowning.” You said in response to his scolding.
He hurriedly placed you on the edge of the pond before climbing up next to you, your eyes quickly scanning him before looking away. So, that was what the male body looked like…
You stepped out of the tent, clad in Changgu’s coat that surprisingly covered everything, your dress hung up to dry on a nearby tree. Changgu sat in front of the fire, poking at the fish he caught as you were changing. You took a seat next to him on the small log, shifting slightly to not fall off. He had dressed himself but refused to wear his shirt, the slight breeze not bothering him as the fire’s warmth overruled it.
“So, I guess you do care about me.” You gave him a questioning look as he smirked, looking over to you before you looked away, your eyes landing on the sunset.
“Think of it as a debt. You helped me escape, helped me start a life I never thought I’d have, and I saved your life. Well, you saved mine, again. Besides, who am I supposed to explore the world with if you die?” You said with a slight chuckle, crossing your arms over your body.
Changgu watched as you crossed your legs and rubbed your arms together, obviously in need of warmth. He silently wrapped his arm around you, pulling you into his side as you continued to look ahead, actually enjoying his presence at this moment.
“So would that mean that you owe me twice now?” You rolled your eyes at the inquiry before nodding hesitantly.
“My first request is for you to let your hair down. It’ll never dry this way.” He stated as you sat up a bit. He was right but you also knew he was curious as to your hair’s true length.
You sighed and reached into your hair, pulling out the single bobby pin that held it together. He watched in amazement as your hair cascaded down your back falling to the ground in a pile that stopped just at your lower back. You sighed happily as the weight was removed before moving it over your shoulder, letting it fly almost 20 feet ahead of you, landing just by the horse that whinnied at the sight of it, stomping it hooves on it as it mistook it for a snake.
“Hey!” You yelled as it walked away from the strands, your lips pouting slightly before you turned back to the male whose eyes never left your locks.
He could be rich. The length was extraordinary and, coming from a princess, it’d sell for thousands. He slowly looked back at you, knowing what his final request would be but he froze. Your face was shaped differently as your hair framed one said of your face, the sun now gone allowing the fire to enhance your features, your eyes shining as you found his, confused as to why he was staring so much.
He had you right where he wanted you but couldn’t help but see the excitement and trust in your eyes, the way you listened to him, jumped to his rescue, even while knowing who he was and what he’s done, you were on his side.
He smiled slightly, exhaling from his nose as he cupped your exposed cheek, brushing his thumb over your skin as your eyes followed his hand before meeting his eyes once more.
“My last request is that you promise to stay by my side no matter what.” It was a bold demand but he was the only person you knew and even someone who could entertain you while learning more about who you are and the world around you.
“I promise.”
You stared at one another, your eyes lowering shyly as he moved closer, his lips inching closer to yours before suddenly stopping.
“Who?” You asked, backing away in shock as he only looked at you.
“(Y/N)!” He called again, making you grimace as he continued, your eyes shutting but it only made his voice grow louder.
“(Y/N)!” Changgu jumped back as you snapped out of your world, your eyes going between him and the unfinished novel on your laptop’s screen.
He was dressed for bed, his eyes still so bright although he was clearly exhausted. He slowly moved closer to you from the doorframe where he stood, wrapping his arms around your neck and placing his chin onto your head as you read over the few lines of your story, his eyes following along with your cursor.
“Are you ready to sleep yet?” He asked tiredly, your eyes looking to the corner to see it was almost 2am.
“Uhm, yeah, sorry. I didn’t think you’d wait for me.” You admitted, saving your work and shutting your laptop before Changgu helped to move your chair back, holding your hands as he brought you to your feet.
“I’d always wait for you. I can’t sleep without by my side.” You rolled your eyes at how romantic yet cheesy he was, letting him drag you from your small office and down the hall to your bedroom, a small smile gracing your lips as he patiently waited for you to change and crawl into bed with him, his arms wrapping around you protectively as his lips pressed to your cheek and shoulder.
He was always by your side, like a bodyguard, except you didn’t need his protection, you only wanted his loving presence. No wonder your male protagonist were always like him.
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kpoppwriter · 2 years
Pentagon Reaction - Having a Short S/O
❧ Anon asked: Ptg reaction to having a short and/or chubby S/O? 👉🏻👈🏻 (your writing gives me life btw! It's so good!)
❧ A/N: I’ve been in a ptg mood recently
~※ Main Masterlist ※~
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The short king Jinho himself definitely doesn’t mind that you’re short. If you’re shorter than him, it actually gives him a bit of an ego boost. He likes having you shorter than him since it makes him feel like your protector. 
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Hui may be on the shorter side himself but he’s gonna tease you a bit for being short. He actually likes that you’re short. It makes it so he can really wrap himself around you when you cuddle. 
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Oh man. Hongseok is such a little tease. He teases and pokes fun at your height all the time. If you get bothered by it, he will stop. He thinks you’re so cute -- especially when you get angry and try to be all intimidating. 
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Shinwon doesn’t mind that you’re short. He actually likes being able to drape his long limbs around you and fully envelope you. He might poke fun here and there but he doesn’t make it a regular thing. 
Yeo One
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Aww Changgu thinks you’re just the cutest thing. He thinks you’re cute regardless of your height but it just adds to your cuteness. Oh, he might just combust when you have to get on your tippy toes to kiss him.
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Yanan doesn’t really think much about your height. To him, it doesn’t matter what his s/o’s height is. He loves you regardless. He does sometimes put stuff on the top shelf just to mess with you.
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Yuto is a sweet but teasing man. He’ll put things on the top shelf just so you have to come ask him for help. He does like that ego boost. He doesn’t verbally tease you much though. 
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Kino thinks you’re cute all the time; your height is just a bonus to that. He likes to play around a bit but he never really teases you. He loves being able to wrap his whole body right around your smaller one. 
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Wooseok is that guy that uses your head like an arm rest. He also calls you shorty and other short pun nicknames. He’s just a menace. He does do it out of love though.
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blu-joons · 3 years
Your Child Almost Walks In On You ~ Yeo Changgu
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The look on Changgu’s face was something that you had come to learn pretty well as he closed the bedroom door behind him, finding you laid out on your bed. He crept over to you, keeping his footsteps quiet as he laid down.
“Listen,” he instructed, cupping his hand behind his ear, “it’s quiet for a little while, that means we’ve got some time to ourselves.”
“Y/D/N isn’t sleeping, she’ll want us soon,” you tried to explain.
Changgu placed his finger against your lips to silence you, “trust me, she’s busy playing with the toys in her toy box, I say we’ve got a little while before she wants the two of us.”
“You’re really wanting this, aren’t you?” You laughed, knowing Changgu so well, you knew exactly what was on his mind, “don’t you think it’s too risky?”
His head shook confidently in reply to you as he rolled over to hover above you, “what’s life without a risk or two? We’ll regret it if we don’t make the most of this.”
“I hope you know what you’re doing,” you warned as Changgu slowly moved down, propping himself up with his elbows resting either side of your waist.
His smile grew as he hovered over your lips, “of course, I know what I’m doing, we wouldn’t have that little girl across the hall if I didn’t know what I was doing.”
“If I remember correctly, she was conceived on the first night after your tour,” you reminded him, “maybe you were just particularly needy that night,” you tried to tease, only to be silenced by Changgu pressing a kiss to your lips.
It didn’t take long before he began to explore, resting his hands into the belt loops of your jeans to keep you exactly where he wanted you, pulling away momentarily.
“We’ve got to be quick,” he reiterated, reaching down and pulling the bottom of his shirt over the top of his head in the blink of an eye, leaving you flustered at how close he was.
“You’re impossible,” you laughed, unable to look away from the toned body before you.
Your reaction was exactly what Changgu was hoping for as he leaned back down, “I think I might just have the best dad bod that you’ve ever seen, right?”
You hummed in reply as Changgu began to kiss you once again, feeling your hands press against his chest as you allowed yourself to relax too, working under the spell that Changgu had put you under.
“I knew it wouldn’t take long,” he smirked as he felt your fingertips tickle against him.
As he began to push more, Changgu’s hand wondered to the bottom of your shirt too, pushing it up slowly so that you could feel the chill of his hand against your skin. As he did so, the two of you were oblivious, unaware of the footsteps that came across the room until your bedroom door swung open, leaving you both stunned.
“Daddy, where did you go?” Your daughter asked, luckily looking down as Changgu hurried to grab the duvet and pull it over the two of you.
Your hands hurried to pull your top back down as Changgu rolled aside from above you, trying his best to fix the mess that his hair was.
“You said you wanted to play by yourself,” Changgu reminded her.
Her shoulders shrugged as she made her way across to your bed, dragging one of her dolls behind her as she tried to get Changgu back into her bedroom again.
“I got one of my dolls out for you to play with, but you never came.”
“You should have said,” Changgu weakly smiled, “you go, I’ll be right behind you.”
Your daughter nodded, not needing much convincing to leave the room and head back to her toys, reminding herself to check for Changgu if he didn’t arrive within the next couple of minutes.
As soon as she was out of the room, your hand reached across and smacked harshly against Changgu’s chest. Your heart was pounding, cheeks bright red, you were stunned, still unsure quite what your daughter had seen.
Despite the sting from your hit, Changgu knew it was his fault, having assured you that there would be nothing to worry about, and leaving you flustered instead.
“You’re an idiot,” you scolded as he reached across the bed to pick his shirt back up, “I told you that she would come looking, she never plays alone.”
“I thought we’d get five minutes; I had no idea she’d be so desperate to play with me.”
Once you had settled slightly, you sat yourself up in the bed, making sure that your shirt was pulled down probably, running your hands through your hair to try and unknot it in an attempt to look as if the two of you hadn’t just tried to get busy.
“It was worth a shot, we never have time to ourselves,” Changgu justified.
“It’s worth a shot when a shot is there, like when she’s asleep, or out of the house.”
Changgu nodded in reply to you, moving across the room to press a kiss to your cheek before moving to the bedroom door.
“We can talk more about this later,” he vowed, “but I should probably go and entertain Y/D/N before she ends up interrupting again.”
You hummed back at Changgu, staring out of the window as you let go of a shaky breath, trying your best to find some sort of composure.
The commotion that soon came from your daughter’s bedroom brought a smile to your face, knowing that you couldn’t hide for too long. Once you felt settled and had managed to convince yourself that she had seen nothing, you stood up from the bed.
The sound of your footsteps immediately caught both Changgu and your daughter’s attention, as she scrambled through her toy box to find a doll for you too, greeting you with it as soon as you walked through her bedroom door.
Changgu’s expression softened as he watched you too, tapping the space just beside him on her floor, inviting you to take a seat. As you did, his arm came around your waist, pulling you closely into his side.
His eyes remained on you, waiting until he saw a smile on your face before turning back to your daughter who was in her own little world.
“Never again,” you whispered as your daughter collected a few more of her toys.
Changgu nodded back at you, “maybe the timing wasn’t great, but I meant every word of what I said about needing more chances to be intimate with one another Y/N.”
“We can work on that, but do it at a more suitable time,” you proposed.
A hum of agreement came from Changgu, knowing too that the two of you had pushed your limits. He couldn’t begin to imagine the talks that would need to be had, if your daughter somehow managed to see anything.
“Why don’t I message the boys, see if one of them is free to do a bit of babysitting tomorrow?” Changgu offered, “we’ve not had some time to ourselves for ages, and to be honest, I really miss it Y/N.”
“I miss it too,” you encouraged, “I think it would be good to speak to the boys too, between the group, I’m sure that someone’s got to be free.”
Changgu’s grip around you tightened so that he could press a kiss to your cheek, “I know we’re mum and dad, but we’re so much more too.”
“I agree, and perhaps we’ve both neglected that part of who we are recently, and that’s something we need to change.”
“Absolutely, I couldn’t agree more.”
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blizzardfluffykpop · 2 years
Christmas Tree
Summary: The annual Christmas tree lighting ceremony. 
Fluff, Best Friends to Lovers au 
Word Count: 1,253
Changgu (Yeo One) X Reader
Requested: The 12 days of winter thing is so cute omg!! 🥺 Maybe #7 for Changgu or Kiki? I think it'd fit well for either of them so whichever you prefer&lt;3
Prompt: 7. “Christmas lights can’t compare to how bright you shine”
[A/n: I really hope you like this 🥺💖 it's not my best work. But I still hope you're able to enjoy it; it may be a little cheesy tho. Thank you so much for requesting, Kebbi 🥺😭💖]
You’re leaving work after a boring shift when you hear your phone ring; you dig it out from the depths of your pockets and see it’s Changgu. Your best friend, who you have slight feelings for, you excitedly answer, “Hey, Changgu! What’s up?” You can almost hear his grin as he goes, “Us right now!” You roll your eyes as he continues, “I was wondering if you’d like to watch the Christmas tree lighting with me?” You grin, “Yeah, I would love to!” He goes, “Alright, I’ll pick you up in an hour, okay?” You nod before realizing he couldn’t see you, “Okay, that works for me! See you later, Ggu!” “See you later, (N/n)!” And with that, he hangs up, and you make it the rest of the way home.
You change out of your work clothes and into something warm and cozy. Before relaxing in front of the TV, the Christmas specials serving as background noise to your phone scrolling. You catch the time and see it’s about to turn to the next hour and pull on your winter coat and shoes. As you hear your front door ring, you grin, “One second!” You hear his muffled agreement before you walk out of the door and see him and ask, “Are you ready to see the tree all lit up?” He grins, “I am! Are you?” You nod happily and follow him out to his car.
He holds the door open for you, all gentlemanly-like, and you shake your head with a smile before sitting in the seat. You click your seatbelt in as he shuts your door, you smirk and reach over and pop his door open, and he shakes his head as you push it out. He catches the door with a sigh and slides into his seat as you slide back into yours. He clicks his seatbelt on before turning over the car and turning on the heat. You immediately put your hands on the vents to warm them up. His music softly plays through the speakers, and you can’t help but feel more at peace as you watch him drive.
Within less than fifteen minutes, you guys arrive and find a parking spot, “Oh, look, the crowd is starting to gather now!” You say with excitement as he reverses into a parallel space and pulls in. “Oh wow, look at how huge the tree is!” He cheers, filled with excitement too. You grin before getting out of the car and waiting for him on the sidewalk, “Let’s find a nice spot to view it!” He nods, and you two walk beside each other. And you ask, “So, anything exciting at work or home?” He hums, “It’s been peaceful, almost too peaceful…” You grin, “Do you think someone is up to something, then?” He shakes his head, “Yes, but no. Shinwon is always up to something, so that’s nothing new. But the others? They’re hiding presents from each other. So, it's leading to more sneaking around and suspicion. It's amusing to see their prying eyes every time someone comes home.” You nod, “Oh~ Where are you hiding yours then?” He grins, “My car. I sleep with my keys for a reason.” You shake your head at him, “Weird but not out of a reason.” He laughs, “What about you?” You shrug, “It’s been boring with the holidays right around the corner. Everything has come to a lull, it seems.” He nods, “But that’s nice, though. Isn’t it?” You smile, “Only if there is something fun to do afterward.” He smiles, “Does this count?” You grin, “Absolutely!” He nods, and you guys spot a place on the side where you can see the tree without being blocked by others and quickly head over to it.
He looks down at his watch, “Twenty minutes until the lights come on!” The two of you sway to the carolers singing in front of the tree and softly sing along. When it’s five minutes til the carolers clear out and join the crowd. And everyone gathers in closer to watch the lights, and to keep you close, Changgu places his hand on your waist, “You okay?” You nod, “You?” He nods as everyone grows silent and begins to brim with anticipation.
When the first stage, the lowest branches on the tree light up, everyone ‘oohs’ and ‘aahs’. And the lights continue turning on until it reaches the very top. The golden star glows brightly and shines so beautifully in the night. You gasp as cheers break out in the crowd and turn towards Changgu, “Woah! Isn’t that the brightest thing you’ve ever seen?!” And he shakes his head with a soft smile, “Christmas lights can’t compare to how bright you shine.” If your cheeks weren’t already red from the cold, they certainly were now. You gasp and look down at your shoes before telling him a small thank you, “I mean it. I think your beauty shines inside and out. You make me so happy.” He pauses momentarily, staring into your eyes, “I was wondering if you would want to be mine?” You hold his stare, and without skipping a beat, you say, “Yes, of course. I’d love to be yours if you would be mine as well.” He grins, lifts your chin with his mitted hand, and kisses you softly, and you wrap your arms around his neck.
You pull back for a minute and stare into his eyes before pulling him into another kiss, and he dips you back a bit. You grin as you hold onto him tighter, and when the two of you pull away, you giggle, “I can’t believe this is real.” You tell him softly, and he agrees, “I’m so glad it is.” You can’t help but laugh harder and kiss his cheek, “Do you want to get some warm apple cider?” He grins and sees the stand not far from where you two stand, “I’d love to.”
You carefully reach out your mitted hands for his, and he happily wraps his hand around yours. You swing your arms together as you wait in line. You ask him, “When did you know you liked me more than a friend?” He smiles, “I think I noticed I liked you last Christmas when you snuck us both a cookie from Hongseok’s freshly baked sheet. And you gave me a cute cheeky wink before we both had to hide from him.” He shakes his head with a laugh before continuing, “I think I always knew I liked you, but I didn’t realize it until then. When did you notice?” You think for a few minutes, maybe it was when he kissed your cheek on New Year's Eve, or maybe, it was the Halloween before that. Where you two wore peanut butter and jelly couple costumes that you realized you had more than friendly feelings for him. “I realized I had more than platonic feelings for you last year on Halloween, but I think it really hit me when you kissed my cheek when the clock turned twelve this year.” You smile as you see his cheeks turn red, and he scratches the back of his neck, “You remember that?” You nod, “I don’t think I could ever forget it. Maybe this time, you can do it for real?” He grins, and you pay for the warm cider and walk back to his car, mitten in mitten. And glasses in the other, enjoying your first evening as a couple.
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caliboyjaeffrey · 7 years
Worthy (Yeo One x Reader)
Rating: M, with a side of soft
(A/N): Here’s a scenario on your romantic and magical first time with Pentagon’s Yeo One! Hope you enjoy!
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"I want you."
Yeo One pulled away breathlessly, his shoulders rising and falling subtly underneath your hands from his soft pants that ghosted over your face. He spoke before his lips had even left yours, whispering those words deeply into your mouth so you could swallow them and digest. Your eyes darted away from his wide brown ones, the rings of light gold around his iris resembled that of the rings of a tree, mesmerizing and drawing. You curiously wished to count them, but his words made you focus instead on the cool blue linen of his shirt, your fingertips running over the woven fabric shyly as you folded his words over and over in your mind like clean laundry. This was not the first time he had said such words to you.
"Please," he added pleadingly, hands in your silky strands gently turning you to face him again, to meet his tender gaze that melted you like a wax candle to a flame. He licked his lips as if trying to taste you, drunk on just the thought of your lips pressed to his again. He was far to convincing and genuine for his own good, and you loved and hated that about him. If Yeo One simply asked you to walk into a stream of heavy traffic, you would eagerly ask him how far to go. You bit the bruised flesh of your own bottom lip, careful with your words as you picked them delicately, "Can I ask you why?" It sounded uppity coming from you, like you were wondering if this was really worth your time at all. But, you had decided long ago that whichever man wanted all of you would have to show respect for not only you as a person, but for your boundaries and body as well. Yeo One considered your question seriously, his hard eyes searching your face as if the answers themselves were written there. You blushed under his gaze, looking down from his intense stare and tracing the white buttons on his shirt. He seemed to read your face as he spoke definitively, like he had known you would ask that question the whole time, "You're someone I want to finally give myself to." You were taken aback, mouth parting as you marveled at his words, he hadn't done anything yet? Here you were selfishly thinking that you were the only one who should be concerned about this situation, but in reality, it was the both of you. Something stirred inside your chest as you looked into his eyes, hand coming up the trace the softness of his cheek with your fingertips as you realized he really was someone worthy of you. He wanted the same thing as you, someone who would care and respect for your mind and body, your feelings. Yeo One cupped your hand with his own, pressing it to his mouth as he kissed your palm, whispering against the skin, "I love and trust you with my whole entire being, ________. I just want you to feel the same trust and devotion that I feel for you." "I think I do," you smiled gently, shifting yourself so that you straddled his lap rather suggestively. You settled down carefully onto his strong thighs, his big hands naturally coming up to rest on the curve of your hips as you murmured, "I want you too." His eyebrows raised at your words as he stared at you in wonder like it was the first time he had seen you; or maybe he truly was seeing you for the first time in a new way. His words were barely a whisper, but just by the shape of them on his lips you could tell what they said, "Know that I love you..." "With all my heart," you finished for him as you leaned in to capture his mouth in your embrace, hands coming up to cup his face lovingly, shielding him protectively from the world. His body responded to yours with just the lightest of brushes, his lips becoming enthusiastic and passionate when you moved your hips experimentally against his. The feel of his jeans a luxury against the thin fabric of your shorts, something strange and beautiful. He tasted like something new, something loved, and like joy could only pour forth from him, he was giving and giving, and you wanted to return. Each movement he made seemed to go in slow motion as you watched his fingers slip your favorite shirt over your head, lips leaving yours to caress the newly exposed skin eagerly. With the softest of groans, he savored your taste as though it was ambrosia, food only deserved for gods. You tilted your head back and arched under his touch when his mouth found the tops of your breasts, tongue slicking the soft flesh until it shone under the dim lighting of his bedroom. Deft fingers soon unhooked your bra and dropped it off the side of his bed to the wood floor, your chest now fully exposed to him for the first time. You felt no shame under his intense gaze, no flush dusting your cheeks as you allowed him to drink in the sight of your nakedness. You felt his intentions and knew they were true and devoted, full of respect and trust in you. "Yeo One," you breathed, eyes fluttering open so that you could find the hem of his shirt, wanting to finally press your bare skin to his, feel his warmth in a whole new way. Without a word, he quickly helped you rid him of his shirt and have it join your bra on the floor, his chest rising and falling as you pressed yourself to him in an embrace. His arms came up around you, pulling you so close that you could feel his heart hammering against his ribs, your own beating almost matching in time. You rested your cheek against his shoulder, placing butterfly kisses to his neck as he began to move his hips up fluidly against you. You gave a soft cry from the foreign feeling of pleasure that suddenly surged up your stomach and into your chest, earning you another groan from Yeo One that made the same feeling shoot through you again. Something he was doing made your thighs twitch on their own accord, little sparks of sensitivity curling deep within you and purring like a cat. "Yeo One," you whimpered, unable to help yourself as your eyes slid shut and confusion settled within you along with the pleasure. You worried if what you were feeling was normal, or if your body was making a mistake on its own. Should you be feeling these sensations? He sucked in a sharp breath as you called his name, fingers digging in just a little harder at the tone in your voice, enough to make you cry out. He felt himself tighten against you from within his jeans, your soft gasps heightening as you felt him for the first time, something foreign and strange pressing into you. His voice sounded strained, like he was being crushed with a boulder, "________, can I please-" "Yes," you answered immediately, picking your head up from his shoulder and sitting up on your knees so that he could slip his pants off. You watched with mesmerized eyes as he slowly exposed himself to you, your own hands working on your shorts like it was second nature. He glanced up in surprise for a moment when he heard your zipper being pulled down, watching as you shifted to slide both your shorts and panties off. You had never seen this side of him, this forbidden and hidden passion that he must've had to mask from you for so long for fear of scaring you. It made you annoyed with yourself for never having noticed the small cues and hints he might have dropped in times past, when you were still stubborn about everything. You finally blushed, noticing how he couldn't take his eyes off of your body as he fumbled slightly with his own clothes. It made you smile to yourself for a second seeing the clumsy side of him that you knew so well and loved so dearly. His voice was lower than usual, making you tremble with want as he murmured with flickering eyes, "So beautiful." Chest filled with anticipation, you watched as he slowly slid his jeans and briefs off, his length smacking gently against his toned stomach. You couldn't help but swallow at the sight of him, feeling not exactly afraid, but unsure as to how everything would feel when he finally did it. Noticing your apprehension, Yeo One cupped your face and forced you to look into his eyes, "________." The sound of your name on his lips instantly relaxed the tension in your shoulders, leaning into his touch as he smiled tenderly, "You okay?" You nodded, matching the love in his expression, as your smile made your eyes crinkle, "Yeah." Having been reassured by your answer, he carefully turned you over, pressing you gingerly into the bed like you were made of porcelain. He reached over to his nightstand drawer and pulled out exactly what you thought it was, watching with bated breath as he rolled the condom on his length while turned slightly away from you like he was shy. Turning back to you, he regarded your exposed body with hooded eyes, something within his look made you shift in anticipation as he moved back over you. He was treating you like a wild animal that might scare and run at any moment as he shifted down onto his forearms to cage you in and kiss you on the nose. Like this, Yeo One was your whole world, everything that you saw, smelled, and tasted. "Yeo One," you whispered, half-pleading, half-commanding him with just his name as you laced your arms around his back. Your fingers drummed one, two, three, four against the column of his spine nervously as you tried to convey your readiness to him without words, too shy to say what you wanted out loud. He nodded, his Adam's apple shifting as he swallowed thickly while his hand guided his covered length to your opening. His golden brown eyes glanced up at you one more time before he pushed in, watching your expression diligently for any signs of panic or pain. He was ready to back out at any moment for you, never wanting to hurt or force you into anything you didn't want. Your brow furrowed at the strange feeling of him pushing inside of you, not exactly uncomfortable and not exactly in pain. Your walls stretched and relaxed around his manhood as he worked himself inside of you carefully. He pushed toward a point that seemed to give a little and you realized exactly what it was, and so did Yeo One. He looked slightly panicked at his own realization, eyes darting up to read yours as you gave him another nod of affirmation. You wanted this. You both wanted this. He was worthy of you and you were worthy of him. With one strong thrust and a shaky inhale, Yeo One broke your purity as you let out a single gasp of shock. It certainly wasn't painless, but was dulled by the sheer impact of Yeo One's hips smacking solidly against yours. He let you regain your composure for a moment before he began to pull out again, his shoulders trembling as he strained to control himself. You noticed his struggle and lifted his chin with a hand, forcing him to look at you, "It's okay, baby. Go." His expression softened at your words for moment before his brow furrowed again when he began to finally thrust in and out of you. You gasped at his choice of pace, nails digging into his back as he rocked into you fluidly, the bed creaking rhythmically with the movement of his hips. You couldn't help how his name spilled from your mouth over and over again, the sound obviously urging him to go faster as he rutted into you with a new energy. You ran a hand up into his dark hair, trying to relieve whatever foreign feeling of need inside of you was building up, fingers tugging insistently at his strands. "You're so good," he groaned deeply, eyes screwing shut as he buried his head into your neck. "So tight for me." You moaned at his words, never before having heard him say things like that. "God, I love you." "I love you too," you whimpered, staring up at the ceiling as you felt Yeo One twitch inside of your clenching walls. His breath was hot against your neck, causing your body to shiver at the closeness of his mouth. Something strange was twisting inside your belly when Yeo One's hips pressed especially hard into you. "Oh, god." You nearly saw stars when one of Yeo One's hands reached down and rubbed near the top of your center, shocks of pleasure electrocuting your nerves. After one particularly rough thrust, you suddenly snapped, walls and muscles seizing up in unison as the feeling of your first release ran throughout your body, your boyfriend's name on your lips like a mantra, "Yeo One!" "Fuck," he cursed suddenly, body stiffening as he stilled inside of you and let out a relieved groan. With each second his body slowly relaxed, coming inside of the condom within you as you ran down from your own high. Your chest heaved against Yeo One's, heart racing with his as the feeling of your mutual first orgasm settled down in your bodies. You felt him smile against your neck, his lips tickling, "Wow." He sounded so breathless and amazed, like he had just seen and experienced something more spectacular than anything yet. "Wow," you agreed with your own smile, fingers coming up to run through his hair again as you attempted to catch your breath, body already aching for another release as Yeo One pulled away and caught your mouth with his, the same idea in his mind as yours.
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jinkoh · 2 years
Pentagon Scenarios - When they're jealous
Maknae Line | >Middle Line | Hyung Line
SFW; Warnings: none; gender-neutral reader
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Recently, you’d been obsessed with some actor, watching his whole filmography and not missing a single interview of his.
It’d started out innocently enough – you’d seen his picture, tall and handsome, in some magazine.
“He’s really gorgeous,” you’d absentmindedly stated, causing Shinwon to look up from his game and throwing a brief look at the open page.
“A feast for the eyes,” he’d said. “Obviously can’t compare to me, though.”
You’d chuckled and jabbed him in the ribs playfully. “Obviously.”
And that’d been the end of it, or so Shinwon had thought. In reality, it’d only been the beginning.
You’d looked up the actor’s interviews after that; binge watched his dramas and movies. You were so immersed with that guy, Shinwon had briefly considered to talk to his manager about pursuing acting himself. After a little bit of consideration though, he’d come to the conclusion, that it wasn’t really what he wanted – he much preferred the schedules with the members or doing his radio show.
Still, that actor and your obsession with the same bugged Shinwon a little. Shinwon was tall and handsome too and most importantly he was actually there and not just behind a screen.
When he came home one night, feeling especially tired after his radio show, he found you on the couch, fully absorbed in some drama. Shinwon considered to watch a little with you – until his arch enemy appeared on screen.
“Nooooo,” he whined, throwing himself on top of you like a giant blanket, simultaneously blocking your view. “Let’s watch something eeeeelse.”
You laughed at your boyfriend’s antics. “Why?”
Instead of a proper reply, he just made whiny noises and wiggled around like a pouty toddler.
“C’mon, it’s a really good show, I promise. We can start from the beginning, so you get the story.”
He tugged his face into the crook of your neck. “I don’t like him.”
You laughed, wrapping your arms around your big baby of a boyfriend. “Are you jealous because I like that actor?”
“Jealousy is not a concept known to me.”
“Sure, baby, sure.”  You tried to reach for the remote on the coffee table – to no avail. “You gotta get off me though, so I can turn it off.”
“Mmh-mmh,” he grumbled and shook his head. “Comfy.”
“You’re hopeless,” you said, indulging him anyway, letting the drama run on in the background without paying it any mind.
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Changgu was really happy for you, when you’d told him that you’d booked a small vacation with your best friend. You didn’t get to see them that often, so it was nice, that you got to spend some time together.
After you left, he found himself checking your Instagram a lot, excited to see all the places you and your friend were visiting, excited to see you smiling and having fun in the pictures.
But as time went by, his excitement slowly started turning into something else. A week was a lot longer than he’d thought and he he’d already missed you on day one. Even though he wanted to be happy for you, he couldn’t help feeling a little jealous of your friend, wishing he’d be the one spending time with you and making you smile.
Enduring the remaining time until your return felt rough. He didn’t let it show, though. He didn’t send you whiny texts or called you every night – this was your well-deserved vacation, and he wasn’t going to ruin it by making you worry about him. He pressed “like” on the pictures you posted, he replied full of curiosity when you texted him to tell him about your day and he picked the phone up with a smile when you called him.
Whenever it felt particularly hard he just took a deep breath and told himself he could endure this. Just fours more days, just three, just two, just one.
When it was finally time for you to come home he was happy and relieved to get you back. He’d offered to pick you up from the station, but you’d insisted that you’d drive with your friend. So, all he could do was sit at home, order your favorite food for dinner and wait for you to come back.
He almost jumped out of his seat when he finally heard the clattering of your keys at the door. Changgu didn’t even wait for you to come in, he hugged your right there on the doorstep, as if he hadn’t seen you in months (to be fair – it did feel that long).
Caught by surprise, you dropped your keys, but neither of you paid it any mind. You hugged him back, softly running your hands over his back.
“Did you have a good time?” Changgu asked, still not letting go of you.
“Yeah, I did. Let’s go inside first?”
“Mhm,” he replied, but didn’t budge one inch.
With a sigh he let go, picking up your keys and your suitcase and moving them into your shared flat. You followed after him, making a small detour to the bathroom to wash your hands.
Changgu brought the suitcase into the bedroom and then settled on the couch, waiting for you.
“It smells good,” you said as you walked out of bathroom.
“Mhm, I ordered food.”
“Oh, god, amazing, I’m starving.” You started making your way to the kitchen.
Changgu watched you with a pout. “We can eat a little later.”
“What’s wrong?”
Still pouting, he opened his arms, a silent request for cuddles. “Didn’t you miss me?”
“Of course, I missed you.” You sighed fondly, walking over and snuggling into his arms.
Contentedly, he held you in his arms until the growling of your stomach made him take pity on you. On condition that he’d get more cuddles later that night, he let you go so both of you could finally have dinner.
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This whole gala thing wasn’t half as fun as he’d expected. Especially not now, when you were standing across the hall from him, talking to that photographer you’d been dying to meet, while he was sitting at the bar, nursing his drink and throwing longing glances at you.
“You know you can go over and talk to them, right?” Hyunggu grinned. “You're dating.”
“I know,” Yanan supplied with a pout. “But y/n could also come over here instead. I’m their boyfriend.”
Hyunggu just laughed at that,  finding entertainment in his hyung’s cute behavior.
Yanan wasn’t quite as amused, scenarios of him walking over to you and taking you back home with him running through his head. He didn’t. Instead, he stayed at the bar, only half-listening to the conversations of his friends and simply nodding along in confusion when they addressed him.
Of course, he was happy for you, that you finally got to meet someone you’d been looking up to for a long time. He didn’t want to ruin this for you either. But seeing your happy smile from afar made him wish you were smiling at him instead.
After what felt like an eternity, the guests of the gala already beginning to thin out, you came back to the bar, standing close to your boyfriend who was still wearing a pout.
“At last they have returned,” Changgu announced solemnly, a laugh in his eyes.
“C’mon, I wasn’t gone for that long.”
“Long enough,” Yanan mumbled under his breath.
“Don’t be like that, love.”
Hyunggu looked at the two of you for a second, before grinning knowingly. “Guess that’s our sign to leave.”
“Get home safely.” Changgu gave you a small wave before he followed behind Hyunggu.
“Thanks, Changgu, you too.” You watched them leave before turning back to your boyfriend. “Should we go home?”
The car ride was quiet, Yanan sulking on the passenger seat, focusing his gaze on the streetlights, the dashboard, his hands – anything, but you. He knew he didn’t have a right to be angry, but somehow he still was.
“Yanan, please tell me what’s wrong already,” you pried as you came to a halt at a red light.
Yanan shrugged, still not looking at you.
“Youdidn’thavetolookthathappy,” he mumbled, feeling his face flushing red.
The traffic light turned green, and you started the car again. “What?”
“You didn’t have to look that happy talking to him,” he repeated, a little more clearly. Then, almost inaudibly: “You left me all alone…”
You couldn’t help the chuckle that wanted to escape your lips. “You weren’t alone, the boys were there too?”
“That’s not the same. I didn’t want to spend the evening with the boys.” He paused. “I wanted to spend it with you.”
“I’m sorry, I just got so excited talking to him. I promise I’ll make it up to you.”
“How?” He finally looked over to you, though the pout was still prominent on his face.
“I’ll buy chocolate for you?” You briefly glanced at him, before focusing your attention on the road again.
“Or we could re-watch My Love from the Star when we get home?”
Yanan eyed you for a moment, thinking about your offer, but he wasn’t quite satisfied yet. “….Hm.”
You sighed fondly. “All three?”
At last, a small smile spread on Yanan’s face.
“All three.”
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milkybonya · 3 years
corner store (pt. ii)
anon: okay, i am soft right now after reading mafia!changgu 🥺❤️‍🩹
thank you for writing it 😆 could you please write for part 2?
🥛: i'm so glad you enjoyed it aHh i still feel like there were plot holes and it was rushed 😭 but i hope you enjoy this~
warnings: mafia!au, hitman stuff
summary: Changgu, your local corner store worker. oh, did i mention he works for the mafia?
part i
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you wake up next to Changgu, his topless chest poking out from beneath the covers. his breaths are slow and long as he faces you, and you push the hair out of his eyes to help him sleep more comfortably. he begins to stir awake, instead.
"y/n?" he groans, pulling you towards him even though his eyes are shut.
"you're awake?"
Changgu's arms wrapped tightly around you make you feel safe, but you can't help but think how many people he's harmed with them. you trace the curve of his biceps and he chuckles.
"do you like my muscles?" he asks, smirking.
"how could i not--i mean, Changgu! stop pulling words out of my mouth," you whine, slapping the boy who laughs at you.
his curled hair and creased eyes... his tired smile... you just can't help but softly kiss him.
"Changgu," you call out once you pull away.
"do you have to be a hitman?" you ask.
"to protect you, yes angel," Changgu replies, gently stroking your hair and the side of your face with his thumb.
"what if i move somewhere else? it'll be fine.. right?"
"i still have uncleared debt that i owe the mafia," Changgu replies, sadly. "also, please don't move away from me."
you bury your face into his chest.
"i'll never leave you, Changgu. i'll take you with me!"
he smiles, gently holding the back of your head.
"if i also join the mafia, can we clear your debt faster?" you ask.
Changgu chuckles at your innocence, shaking his head.
"that's not how it works."
"well, how long will it take for you to clear your debt if i move out? will it make it faster at least?"
"hm... probably. i have 3 years that i actually owe them."
"3 years? that's good then! hm, i need to start looking for new places to stay," you say, turning around to find your phone.
"you're being serious?" Changgu asks you.
"of course," you say, searching for apartments on your phone.
Changgu's heart flutters knowing you're moving out just for him. he presses a kiss to your bare shoulder, a sign of his affection.
"find something close to here at least," he says, shuffling towards you to look at your phone.
"of course," you say again, "do you think i can survive without you?"
you manage to find a place in the apartment complex across from your old one. it's much safer and Changgu's apartment is slightly closer to it, too.
for three years, you go about your life and take care of Changgu during the hours that he's home. you always thought mafia members would be all bloody and bruised, but Changgu always just looks like the pretty corner store worker you've known him as.
he never tells you about what he does while he's gone and you never ask him about it. you just greet him with a hug and ask him if he wants to chill at home or go out and do something.
one night, as you're laying in bed beside him, you trace the 'x' on his neck with your fingertips as he lays on his back, staring at the ceiling.
"Changgu, what'll you do about this tattoo once you're done with the mafia?" you ask.
"keep it as a memory?" he jokes.
"could you turn it into something else?"
"maybe.. should i write your name?" he asks, placing his hand over yours, the one that was touching his neck.
"no! that's weird!"
Changgu laughs, turning to face you.
"i'll think about it when we get there, okay dear?"
you nod and he pats your head, smiling at you with utmost sincerity.
three years later, Changgu shows you his healed tattoo. it's a tiny cornerstore in colour, just like the one where he met you.
you press a kiss to it and hug him, and he hugs you back.
"you're finally free, Changgu."
"i'm always free when i'm with you," he replies.
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baby-iloveyou · 3 years
A cover model, only for your eyes to see [PART 1]
pairing: yeo changgu from pentagon x gn!reader genre: fluff, suggestive, in a relationship for a few months already but still first base, idol/model changgu warnings: very innocent reader, changgu kinda has a corruption kink, public teasing, it's kinda cute at the beginning, the reader is so innocent it's so cute summary: Your relationship with Changgu has been nothing but lovey dovey so far, and when Changgu asks you to visit him at his Men's Health photoshoot, you can't say no. But this would mean you would see him shirtless for the first time, and you didn't expect the view to affect you that much. word count: 2.7k writer notes: part 1 of this because i want to get it out there already and otherwise it's gonna be such a long post, hence why i split it up in two!! hope you enjoy ;)
You are on PART 1, here's PART 2
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"Yeo One will be the next cover model for Men's Health Korea! Leave your questions for him in the comments and we will record a Q&A with him. You don't want to miss this!" You read the Instagram post out loud to your boyfriend, who was sitting right across from you. "Aw Changgu, I'm so happy for you! This is so cool!" You smiled and leaned forward over the table to kiss his nose. He closed his eyes when you pecked him and grinned. "It is my second time as well, I'm really happy they invited me again." He said, while a big smile was plastered on his face. "Apparently they couldn't get enough of you!" You said and winked at him. "I can't get enough of you either." You added afterwards. Changgu laughed: "I'd rather spend the day with you than with them. I can get enough of them, but I also can never get enough of you."
Both of you were smiling like idiots, until Changgu suddenly said: "What if you come visit me during my photoshoot? I know you've never seen me shirtless, so this would be a good first time." This time, he was the one who winked at you. "I'll be all done up, I'll look great so why won't you see for yourself instead of a photo?" You were slightly flustered. "Is that allowed? Can I just show up to your photoshoot without any notice beforehand? I don't know Changgu..." He shook his head and stood up to walk over to you. His right hand was on your shoulder, his face in front of yours. "Yeah, it'll be fine! I'll persuade them. I need someone to entertain me during that photoshoot and you are the perfect kissable huggable kind of entertainment." The moment you replied that you'd come, he gave you a big smile, pecked you on the lips and left to go to the gym.
The day of the photoshoot was nearing and with every day passing, you could feel your nerves getting worse. Changgu was going to the gym every day to work on his body and to be in his best shape, and it only made you feel even more nervous. You didn’t know how you were gonna react to his physique, what kind of feeling to expect, what to do if something went wrong somehow? It made you terribly stressed, but you tried your best to not show Changgu your feelings. He had to focus on his own schedule and his lover’s emotions were not a part of that schedule.
The day before the photoshoot, your thoughts were going a mile a second, thinking about what Changgu would look like shirtless, what kind of concept the photos would have, what Changgu would look like shirtless, whether the staff from Men’s Health was nice, what Changgu would look like shirtless… The thought would not leave your mind. You felt bad about it, even thinking about such a scenario made you embarrassed. “Keep your mind out of the gutter, Y/N… You shouldn’t think about these kinds of things…” You whispered to yourself. “Hm?” Changgu hummed, apparently hearing your buzzing but not quite hearing what was being said. You looked up at him, said it was nothing and left to go take a shower. Changgu tilted his head to the side in confusion, but didn’t think too much of it and continued scrolling on his phone while eating his protein bar.
The moment had finally come. Changgu had sent a message at 8AM, letting you know he was on his way to the photoshoot location and when you could come over. “I’ll be exercising a bit more at the beginning and then I have make-up and styling, which would take around 2 hours or so. If you are dropping by, do so around 1PM for my manly muscles,” the text read, finished off with a sunglasses emoji. You mentally facepalmed at the text, smiling because of how stupid the text was.
However, it did also remind you that it was The Day. All those built-up nerves were coming back and you weren’t sure whether you would be physically able to visit him. But you made a promise, and you were gonna stick to that promise. So you hopped out of bed, got ready, picked out the clothes that you knew Changgu liked and hopped in the first taxi you saw on the way to the address he sent.
“Hi, is this the photoshoot location for the magazine Men’s Health?” You asked a random staff member who happened to walk by. “Yes it is, why do you ask? Oh wait, are you the person that Yeo One was talking about? He said something about inviting someone to the set.” So he told the staff about your visit. At least you could tell that the staff member was fine with it, which made you calm down slightly. You nodded and smiled. “Yes, that must be me. Could you tell me where I can find him?” After a few instructions and some pointing towards certain directions, you went on your way to find Changgu.
You were a bit early: you were supposed to get here at 1PM, but right now it was 12:30PM. He might still be getting his make-up done, you thought to yourself. Thankfully, the staff was lovely and had extra chairs so you could sit down at the actual shooting area, where the photos would be taken in a moment. You plopped down and scrolled through Instagram, waiting for Changgu to show up as his majestic beautiful-looking self.
Your scrolling session was rudely interrupted by a hand coming from behind you, grabbing your phone and taking it out of your hands. “Hey, what the??” You exclaimed, before looking behind you and seeing your boyfriend with his leather jacket zipped up. He laughed, “It’s just too easy with you.” You rolled your eyes in a joking manner. “Ha ha, very funny. Now give me my phone so that I can take some photos of you.” You could tell he wanted to keep your phone but that he also wanted you to take pictures of him when he hesitantly handed back your phone. “Pose for the camera, manly man.” You said, with a cheeky tone, as a reference to his own message. And pose he did.
You had never seen him so serious like this, so attractive, so captivating. Your face quickly turned into a blank expression while taking photos of him, and only when Changgu called out to you, you realised you were wandering off. “Y/N? Hello?” You looked up at him from your phone screen. “Should we take some photos together as well?” The heartwarming smile you knew all too well was on his face, a drastic difference from the posing face he had a few seconds ago. “Oh yeah, that sounds really nice, let’s do that!” You walked up to one of the photographers and asked if he could take some pictures of you two. He agreed and even proposed to take pictures with the actual background and lighting that they’d be using for the shoot. Both you and Changgu liked the idea and walked over towards the spot the photographer was pointing to. “What kind of poses should we do?” You softly asked Changgu. “Do they know we’re dating? Can we do couple stuff?” He replied back: “They don’t know but they don’t really care. When I asked whether you could come over or not, they were so chill about it. It’s probably fine.” After hearing that, you stood on your tippy toes and kissed him on the cheek. Click! That was photo number one. Both of you blushed and smiled while looking at each other. You grabbed his arm and hugged it while leaning against his body. Click! There was a second photo. “I have an idea,” Changgu said all of a sudden, “climb on my back.” There was no hesitation. You let go of his arm and, using the chair that was standing there, jumped on his back. He had a very broad back, and you could feel his muscles where your arms were holding on to his body. Click! And the last picture was taken. “Thank you!” You got off Changgu’s back and rushed over to the photographer to retrieve your phone. “Let’s take a look!” You said while walking back to Changgu slowly.
“Everyone please get ready for the shoot! We will start in a few minutes!” A staff member shouted out through a megaphone. “We can look through the photos later, love. I have to get ready.” Changgu replied to you after the announcement. You nodded and headed to the chair that was right next to the photographer, so you had a good view of your boyfriend. Changgu sat down on the same chair you two were standing in front of just now, and unzipped his leather jacket to reveal… his abs. He was not wearing anything underneath the leather jacket. You could’ve seen that coming, but you still were caught off-guard. The red and blue lights that were reflected on his body made him look so incredibly handsome. You gulped at the sight.
Maybe you had too good of a view.
It felt like he was born to be a model. His facial expressions were off the charts, and the way he exuded so much confidence by literally sitting on a chair was insane to you. The loving, idiotic (in the best way possible) and giggly Changgu could not be found right now. You couldn’t tear your eyes off him, he was simply stunning in every single way. So stunning in fact, that it made you feel something. A feeling which was unknown to you. Some type of need, the need for him. You didn’t know where it was coming from, or what it was. But your brain couldn’t process said need. The only thing your brain could think of was Changgu.
“Okay everyone, good job! Let’s have a quick break and get back to it in 30 minutes or so.” The same staff member shouted. You could see Changgu looking around a bit, spotting you and resting your eyes before signalling you should come to him. You walked over to stand next to where he was seated, eyes trying not to drift over to his abs. You know you failed since Changgu said: “Are you that impressed?” And there was the cheeky smile again. Although, it was slightly different this time. It turned into a little smirk, knowing you couldn’t keep your eyes off his physique. “I… I just didn’t… I just… I…” You were stuttering from his teasing tone, flustered and didn’t know what to say. “Do you want to touch it? My abs?” He taunted you, grabbing your hand and slowly reaching for his body. As much as you wanted to pull away your hand to prevent even more embarrassment, you simply couldn’t. He was addicting and the way he lured you in made it impossible to deny him. Before you knew it, your hand (which was guided by his hand) was stroking over the little cubes, its edges, the entire thing.
You could feel your cheeks burning and the need from earlier came back, but this time it was worse than before. Changgu noticed you licking your lips as your hand was going over his six pack, and perked a brow. “Was that coincidental or did you just lick your lips because of me?” Your eyes shot up from your hands to his eyes. They were dark, and it seemed like a similar kind of feeling like the feeling you were experiencing right now. Changgu’s other free hand softly pushed you onto his lap, so that the staff couldn’t see what was going on. He looked up another time to see if someone was paying attention, and slowly lowered your hand to the hem of his pants, making you toy with it. At this point, it felt like you were able to cook an egg on your cheeks, they were burning hot. And you didn’t even know it was possible to feel like that. Changgu lowered your hand even more, it was now hovering over his crotch area. You could feel something, you could see something. You felt like you were staring but you couldn’t help it. It was such a new feeling and it made you feel... good. “Babe, no staring. We’re still a photoshoot studio, remember?” Changgu’s free hand, which wasn’t holding your palm, raised your chin so you had to look him in the eyes. “No… I mean yes, no staring…” You pouted but it made sense, there was a different time to explore these feelings. Changgu scooted you off his lap, and excused himself to go to the toilet. You walked back to your original chair, still thinking about what had just happened. About 5 minutes later, Changgu still hadn’t returned. And 5 minutes after that, there still was no sign of the man. You grabbed your phone to look at the photos that you took earlier, and saw that Changgu actually sent you a text. “Come over to the toilet stalls?” You put your phone back in the pocket of your trousers and walked towards the toilets.
“Changgu?” You asked when you opened the door to the stalls. No response. After you closed the door, you asked again. This time, your boyfriend did come out of one of the stalls. Before walking over to you, he checked all the locks of the stalls. All were green. You were still standing in front of the, now closed, bathroom door, looking at Changgu slowly approaching you. You took a few steps back until you were against the door. He kept getting closer and closer, until only a few inches were left between your faces. “Do you like what you’ve been seeing today, love? How are you feeling?” You gulped again, the second time today. “I… I… You look… You look very good… Your… Your body… Your body is very nice looking…” It felt like your entire vocabulary had been snapped away by him. “Tell me what you feel baby, have you ever felt this way before?” His tone was so patronising, but you couldn’t help but answer him. “It… It feels nice… I feel weird, it’s all so new…” A smirk appeared on Changgu’s face. “Y/N, I can see right through you, you know that right? Do you know how cute you look right now?”
Your mouth opened, but words refused to come out. The power he had over you was insane. “No response anymore? I guess you’re too embarrassed to admit how cute you are.” He took a small step forward, making the distance between your faces even smaller. He rested his hands next to your head against the door, trapping you with his body. “Do you want me to act on your feelings? Is that what you want me to do? Use your words.” The tension between you two made you almost break, and you knew you had to try and get at least a ‘yes’ out of your mouth.
“I-I think I do… I’m not sure what you are going to do though.” You managed to get a sentence out. Changgu removed his hands from the door and crossed his arms to think. His eyes scanned your entire body, starting with your head, going down to your feet and back to your head. He licked his lips and smirked. “I have an idea… but you’ll have to wait for tonight. The break is almost over and I have work to do.”
At this point, you really wanted to slap your boyfriend.
The devilish look he had on his face indicated that this was his plan all along, to only taunt and tease you for now. You pouted in the hopes that he would do at least something to help you along, but you didn’t know what to do to get him as desperate as you. And honestly, you were almost certain you wouldn’t succeed based on the way he was acting. The only thing you could do was wait until after the photoshoot.
click here for part 2
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adachicuto · 3 years
fall with changgu
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warning: food mentions
gifting everyone scented candles and really soft blankets just for the heck of it and also because changgu is just so sweet. the little gifts wouldn’t surprise any of the ptg members bc changgu would do this year round but they’d appreciate it so much
standing outside together and sighing in relief when the weather would finally cool down and being grateful for the break from the heat of the summer
you’d come home after a long day and changgu would be waiting for you in the kitchen with hot tea or cocoa to help you relax before he’d gently nudge you towards the bathroom for a shower and he’d make you both something to eat
i definitely think he’d like to take lots of nature pictures every chance he’d get and he’d be so excited to show you how good they’d come out. changgu would probably have a an entire drawer dedicated to film and things for his camera and he’d organize them by season
so your home would be full of the really nice pictures that changgu took and being the sweetheart that he is, he’d give some of his favorite pictures to the rest of ptg
having him make sure you’d be warm enough every morning before work and even if you’d assure him that you are, he’d still send you off with an extra hoodie, scarf, or hat bc he’d care about you so much
going to a park on days when the weather would be mostly sunny and windy. the two of you would grab coffee or tea from a nearby café before you’d both find a bench to sit and just take everything in. there would be many moments where you would catch him staring but you’d find it so cute and when you’d tell him he’d blush
building a pillow fort and staying inside on rainy days to watch movies or tv shows with your favorite foods and drinks. if you’d fall asleep before changgu expect him to show you the cute pictures he took of you bc he’d be in awe the next day and vice-versa if he’d fall asleep
making homemade cookies and other things with the rest of ptg on your days off and it’d definitely be chaotic at first but everyone would kinda calm down after a solid hour before it’d pick up again bc someone would challenge others to a dance battle (probably kino)
also, watching baking shows together bc after hongseok would mention it the two of you would be hooked bc of the food but also bc it’d just become one of those things that you’d enjoy together
changgu would bring up the idea of writing each other little thank you notes each day. so, you’d both read them to each other before bed every night and it would be the sweetest thing to remind each other what you’re grateful for and how you appreciate time spent together
fall with changgu, like any other season and for every moment spent with him, would be so wholesome. his presence would make you feel so calm and his sweet actions would leave you feeling so warm and light
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