#chanyeol ig
fyexo · 11 months
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230726 chanyeol instastory
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oscargoldksoo · 11 days
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240531 real__pcy instagram story (with SHINEE MINHO + TAEMIN)
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creschendos · 17 days
☆ EXO D.O. + CHANYEOL + BAEKHYUN + XIUMIN + CHEN + SUHO ☆ Cheese Challenge ☆
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venomousnakes · 2 months
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choiminho_1209: Let's word hard. Today's workout routine is done. with Young man hyung and chanyeolie. [2] Raise your hand if you can do muscle up 👋!. Me me me me me!!!!!!!!.
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fuckyeahchanhun · 1 year
230204 Gaeko ig story update
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heartcravings · 2 years
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pcysdelight · 2 years
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221113 | dj_raiden_ IG story update with CHANYEOL
"LOEYs Kitchen🍽"
"Afternoon vibe"
"LOEY 👑"
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waitingforminjae · 1 year
they should just let raiden produce everything btw
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dmumt · 2 years
last night i was thinking to myself that chanyeol discharge from the military did not fix me like i thought it would but seeing his face on live now has truly healed me i am a sane and normal person i am no longer suffering
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defloey · 10 months
when ur exist albums finally arrive but ur too busy to open them 😭
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ikissjae · 2 years
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PAIRING … jung jaehyun x female!reader
THEMES … angst, smut, and ig some fluffy?
LENGTH … 5.4k.
WARNINGS … TOXIC relationship. this is a bad, codependent, parasitic relationship i do not idolize nor condone this kind of relationship by any means. abuse of power. corruption kink. religious themes. throat/face fucking, aggressive at that. reader is restrained at one point, nothing crazy. fingering (fem receiving). jaehyun isn’t a great guy. please let me know if i missed something! MINORS DNI.
NOTES … i wrote this fic literally years ago as a chanyeol fic lol! again, mind those tags as this is a darker kind of piece. hope yall enjoy! rbs, comments, and asks are always appreciated ♡
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ㅤㅤㅤ© ikissjae 2022. translating and/or reposting is not allowed.
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Jaehyun reminded you of fire.
Out of control. Hot. Angry. Suffocating. 
Jaehyun was like a burning building you wanted to get out of but couldn’t find your way out because the smoke was so thick and heavy. The horrifying part wasn’t that the building was burning down or that your lungs were burning from the smoke, oh no no, it was that you didn’t want to get out.
You wanted to burn to the ground surrounded by Jaehyun.
You can’t explain how you got yourself here pinned down in the backseat of his car, dress riding up dangerously high on your thighs, and your baby hairs plastered to your forehead from the sweat that harbored there. 
Hot. It was so hot in his car. Suffocating almost. 
That probably wasn’t from the heat, that was probably due to the large boy weighted on top of you, his large hands holding tightly onto the lacey fabric of your dress. You loved this dress. It was a pristine white and had the prettiest lace pattern you had ever seen. You wore it every Sunday. Today was no different.
The boy’s lips stayed attached to your neck as you laid there, complacent, your hands rested barely on his waist. You were scared to touch him. You didn’t know what was right and what was wrong. Jaehyun pulled back from your neck to look down at your face. You just blinked up at him, letting your hands move from hovering over his waist to rest heavily on his broad shoulders.
Jaehyun was so big. It was stupid you two kept making out in the cramped backseat of his beatup old car. If you felt confined, you couldn’t imagine how Jaehyun must’ve felt.
“Wanna try something new?”
Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. Matthew 26:41. 
The verse rang through your head once Jaehyun’s offer hit your ears. Your eyes scanned his face unsurely, watching his pretty pink lips quirk up into a smirk at your hesitation. There was always something dark in his eyes. Something impure.
Jaehyun was impure. 
He was, as your father affectionately put it, a “troubled youth” and needed some help “improving himself”
Your father loved fixing things that never needed to be touched in the first place. Jaehyun was one of those things. He’s been drinking since he knew how to hold a bottle, fighting since he knew how to walk, and smoking since he was fourteen. He told you that once when he was taking you to church.
You, on the other hand, were pure.
You never drank, you never smoked, you never even thought about doing any type of drugs, and you had never kissed a boy till Jaehyun appeared in your life. You remember night vividly. He looked harmless, honestly, soft features and dressed all nice. Your father talked so highly of the progress he and Jaehyun were making, how Jaehyun’s life was only improving since your father started taking him to church. 
Jaehyun was the devil in sheep's clothing. 
You remember how intense his gaze on you was. How hot it made your cheeks and made you advert your eyes from him and onto the green beans on your plate. You should’ve known then and there he was laying the trap out so he could keep you locked in his burning house forever. 
God, if only you knew.
“What’s the new thing?” You wondered breathlessly. Jaehyun hummed as he sat up, looking around the backseat before nodding to the front. 
“Get in the front. There’s not enough room back here.” You complied so easily, soothing your dress down and sitting up to crawl over his center console and into the passenger seat. You didn’t even ask where he was taking you. You just listened to him without thought. You were his lapdog practically. 
You couldn’t help it. Jaehyun was interesting. He had so many stories, so many tales, some of drama, some of loss, and some were just funny. He was so interesting. You never met anyone like Jaehyun before. 
Once the boy settled in the front seat, you propped your elbow up on the center console and rested your cheek in your palm, watching him turn on the car with stars in your eyes. You adored Jaehyun as much as your heart could allow you too. You knew it was futile but you couldn’t help it, he was looking to be adored.
After a beat of you staring, Jaehyun turned his head towards you, brows knitted together and a scowl on his face. You simply batted your lashes at him, smiling warmly up at his gaze.
He didn’t warm up. He never did. But you had hope one day he would.
One day, Jaehyun would feel the same way towards you. 
“Stop looking at me like that.”
“I like looking at you like this.”
“I don’t care. It’s weird.” You laughed softly at his rebuttal, shaking your head.
“It’s not weird. You’re just handsome.” Jaehyun scoffed, beginning to drive out of the church parking lot. “I like looking at handsome boys.”
“I’m the only handsome boy you’re looking at, let’s be honest, angel.” You preened at that nickname. Angel. You loved being his angel. A celestial being in his eyes. It always made your cheeks burn. You sat up finally, looking out the window as he sped down the empty road that desperately needed fixing.
“Where are we going?” You asked after way too long of not knowing. Jaehyun glanced over at you then back at the road.
“My apartment.” Your eyes lit up at that, the excitement clear as day on your face.
“Really? You’re really taking me there?” You asked leaning back over to rest your hands on his bicep. Jaehyun couldn’t help but to smile a little at how excited you got over the minsecule of things. It was cute. You were excited to see his apartment, something he didn’t see as a big deal, but you saw as a massive deal.
Jaehyun never took you to his apartment. It was like a shadowy part of his life you didn’t know about––Well, a lot of Jaehyun’s life was like that.
“Yeah,” He chuckled quietly, “We’re trying something new, right? Why not do it somewhere new?” New for you, not new for him, but you didn’t say that. You just bounced excitedly in your seat.
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Jaehyun’s apartment was rather messy. You weren’t surprised. His car was messy so why wouldn’t his house be too? He guided you through the disheveled living room, arm tightly wrapped around your waist as you looked around trying to take in your surroundings. You didn’t want to sound pompous but, god, this place was a dump.
He opened his bedroom door, letting you walk in first and look around. You were a curious little thing. Jaehyun liked that. He liked how little you knew about the world, how sheltered you were from everything dark and twisted. He liked showing you those aspects of the world, slowly and cautiously so you wouldn’t run away or get scared but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t like when your eyes got all wide and full of fear.
“You should get an aloe vera plant.” You finally conclude causing his lips to quirk up with a small laugh as you hooked your fingers in front of you, smiling up at him. “You need something alive in here.”
“I got you, don’t I?” He tapped the tip of your nose at that. You giggled up at him, rocking back and forth on your heels anxiously. Jaehyun hummed down at you, waiting for a response with that same smirk on his lips. You nodded quickly, hands still laced in front of you.
“You got me.”
It felt like a promise. A one-sided promise.
Jaehyun pinched your cheek playfully before nodding towards his bed. You looked down at the black sheets, humming stiffly as you sat on the mattress the springs squeaking beneath your weight. Your hands rested in your lap as Jaehyun towered over you, his eyes dark with something you didn’t know. You didn’t know a lot about Jaehyun.
Jaehyun tilted his head down at you, tucking hair behind your ear in one last gentle act of kindness before he dropped his hand to begin undoing his belt.
You bit your bottom lip as he stared down at you, his eyes falling to your fidgeting hands.
“Let me just see your hands,” You didn’t hesitate to put your hands up, palms facing him. He easily took your wrists into one of his large hands. You swallowed thickly up at him as he wrapped the belt around your wrists tightly and expertly. You wondered how many times he’s done this with other people.
You let out a soft gasp when he tugged on the belt, pulling you towards his hips till you were in front of his zipper. You swallowed thickly, looking up at him with big adoring eyes as he trailed his hand up and to tangle into your hair.
“Open your mouth, angel,” Your jaw immediately dropped. He hummed in slight pride, nodding his head down at you. “Tongue out.” You listened to that command without hesitation as well, staring up at him pathetically as he let go of your hair to take off his jeans letting them fall to his knees. 
You’ve seen Jaehyun’s dick before, it just happened. You didn’t plan on it, but it’s happened multiple times now. 
“I don’t think I said you could talk,” There’s a pang of hurt in your chest, but you stared up at Jaehyun with big doe eyes as he gently tapped your jaw. “Just shut up and keep your mouth open.” You swallowed thickly but dropped your jaw again, watching as he pulled his boxers down to join his jeans.
This was new. Jaehyun took his dick into his hand, stroking slowly like he was teasing himself.
You haven’t seen a lot of dicks in your life––Okay, you’ve only seen Jaehyun’s but you’re going to assume that he’s on the bigger side. You have nothing to compare him to but a big boy has to have a big dick, right? 
“Gonna fuck your throat,” You tried to wring your wrists with your hands but the leather restraint around your wrists stopped you causing you to whine softly, “Hit my thigh if it’s too much, got it?”
You blinked up at him a few times, scared to speak again thinking he would snap at you again. So, you nod as your eyes fall downward. Jaehyun snapped his fingers causing him to look up at him again. 
“Look at me and don’t look away till I say so, understood?” 
You took a second, but nodded. You could feel your tongue getting dry. Jaehyun gently smacked the head of his cock against the palette of your tongue with a wet smack. You shut your eyes tightly before quickly opening them again––You’re a good listener.
Jaehyun smiled down at you, putting one hand on the back of your head to push your mouth towards his dick. 
You balled your fists up, your nails digging into your palms as Jaehyun ran a hand through your hair. He was gentle at first, not pushing you too far or too fast, just a gentle guiding hand. It wasn’t bad. You weren’t enjoying it but you didn’t hate it.
It was for Jaehyun. You’d do anything for Jaehyun.
He didn’t taste like anything really. There was a saltiness but that was easy to ignore. You kind of had a hard time breathing but it wasn’t impossible. Truly, it could be better but it could be worse.
“Deep breath through your nose, angel.” His deep voice knocked you out of your thoughts. Of course you listened, you always did, taking a deep breath through your nose as he put a hand on the back of your head and pushed down until your nose pressed against his stomach.
You shut your eyes tightly, loudly sputtering and gasping around his cock. Your throat spasmed around him trying to catch a breath but to no avail. You could feel tears flood your eyes and roll down your cheeks, unable to wipe them because of your restraints. Jaehyun groaned down at you, twisting his hand in your hair a little tighter to hold you down on his cock.
Everything was getting so messy. You hated messes. You didn’t want to be messy. Messes are bad. You weren’t a mess.
“Fuck,” You gagged around his cock again, trying to focus on breathing through your nose but it progressively got harder. “You look so cute with my dick down your throat, angel.” 
He thought this was cute? Rapid tears running down your cheeks and drool pooling from your mouth? Gagging around his cock? You were 90% sure you didn’t look cute right now.
You shut your eyes tightly before hitting his thigh with your tied together hands, whining up at him pathetically before he pulled you off of his dick with a deep sigh.
Once off his dick, you coughed trying to catch your breath as Jaehyun watched you turn away from him, blinking hard as your chest heaved a little bit. Jaehyun cooed patronizingly down at you, laughing at how you still struggled to get it together.
“So cute,” He coos, running his knuckles over your cheek. His words didn’t feel sincere anymore. They felt mocking. You looked up at Jaehyun with a sniffle, clearing your throat with a deep breath through your nose. 
“I–I don’t think I like it,” You tell him as you put your hands on his thigh, “I-I’m not good at it.” It was a lame excuse that you knew he wouldn’t accept, but it was worth a shot. “My throat hurts already. I–”
“It’s supposed to hurt,” Jaehyun interrupted, putting his hand back in your hair. You whimpered up at him, eyes wide and lips swollen. “If you make me cum, I’ll give you a surprise. You want that, baby?”
You swallowed up at him, batting your wet lashes up at him.
He knew you liked surprises. He knew you too well.
Slowly and unsurely, you nodded. Jaehyun smirked as he leaned down, sloppily colliding his lips with yours. You whined softly at how his tongue licked into your mouth, groaning softly at your still sweet taste before pulling back with a wet smack. 
Messy. Things were so messy.
Jaehyun grabbed you by your jaw, easily opening your mouth again so he could slide his dick into your mouth. You inhaled deeply through your nose. It didn’t help, really, you still gagged and your eyes still watered the further he pushed you down. When your nose brushed against his stomach once again. Jaehyun snapped his fingers above your head causing your wet eyes to look up from the carpet, looking up at him with the smallest whimper.
“Look at me. I want you to look at me when I fuck your face.”
Jaehyun’s never been poetic.
He was gentle at first, like he always was. His hips smooth and and slow, his cock easily sliding from the back of your throat to the tip of your tongue. You didn’t mind the pace, you slightly enjoyed it even, but with time his hips snapped harder and faster. 
It was only a matter of time before his cock was hitting the back of your throat repeatedly. The soft cute sounds you were making, morphing into dramatic gags as tears ran down your cheeks again. 
You wanted to close your eyes, you wanted to wipe the drool from your chin, you wanted to use your hands again. 
But it didn’t matter what you wanted. It was about Jaehyun. It was always about Jaehyun.
At least he was handsome, he looked so good when he felt good. He sounded like heaven too. His baritone groans were so harmonious and a blissful distraction to your throat getting fucked.
“Oh god, you’re doing so good, angel.” You hated how his compliment made your cheeks burn. “You’re no angel, huh? What angel sits around and gets their throat fucked?”
You tried to shake your head but you couldn’t move your head that much. 
You were an angel. You were his angel. 
“You’re just a whore, hm?”
You shook your head again, this time letting out a soft sound of protest that only made him fuck into your mouth harder. His hand in your hair turned iron tight as you gagged around his cock again, spit dripping from your chin and onto your dress. You hated how wet your face was, you desperately wanted to wipe your cheeks or your chin––You wanted to be clean again. 
“You just need to be put in your place,” Jaehyun groaned, brows knitting in as more little sounds left your throat. “I’ll put you in your place, baby. I’ll show you what you’re really meant to be.”
You thought he was just talking to talk, you couldn’t understand what he was saying or what it meant. The ache in your jaw was pretty distracting, your jaw going slack and eyes glossing over as both of his hands went to either side of your head for more control. His cock now sliding in and out of your throat with little resistance, the only sounds in the room are his rough groans and the crude squelching sounds from your throat.
While your eyes were staring up at him, listing like always, your mind was elsewhere.
You wished you were in the car again. You wished he was on top of you again. You wished you were kissing again. You liked kissing Jaehyun––No, you loved kissing Jaehyun. He has the softest plumpest lips, it was heaven kissing Jaehyun.
You don’t have anyone to compare him to but you bet he was the best kisser in the world.
Hastily, Jaehyun pulled you off of his cock, jerking himself off causing your eyes to drop to watch him jerk himself off but he grabbed your jaw and jerked your head up.
“Sorry.” You whispered hoarsely, watching him bite his bottom lip as you watched his face with parted spit-slicked lips. Jaehyun’s chest heaved as his breathing picked up. The small grunts he was letting out turned into loud rough moans, his head falling back as he came in thick strings of white.
A string of cum splattered on your cheek causing you to grimace a little, feeling even dirtier than before. Jaehyun watched you as he came down from his high, breathing deeply through his nose before wiping his cum on your cheek.
“Jae!” You squealed, jerking away causing him to laugh at your reaction. You whined loudly, struggling to stand from your position from the ground. The ache in your knees almost immediately once you stood, you ignored it to lift your tied hands with a clear of your throat.
“Take it off.” 
Jaehyun raised his brows at your tone, immediately knocking back into your place. 
He stared down at you for a second before taking your hands into his, untightening the restraints around your wrist and letting your hands free again. Once your wrists were free, you quickly wiped at your face. You didn’t know what you were wiping off at this point cum, tears, drool––You wanted a shower. You sniffled softly, holding you tainted palms out to him with a pout on your lips. Jaehyun looked at your hands then back at you, brows raised like he was supposed to do something.
“Just wipe them on your dress.”
“I don’t want to wipe them on my dress.”
You blinked at him.
“It’ll get dirty.” Jaehyun scoffed a little bit at that. “I don’t want it to get dirty.” He shrugged nonchalauntly like he was supposed to help you.
“There’s drool all over it already,” You bite the inside of your cheek at how dismissive his tone was.
“Wipe it on your dress.” It wasn’t a suggestion anymore. It was a demand. 
A demand that made your throat tight and your eyes dropping to the floor. Slowly, you wiped your grimy hands on the hem of your dress, brows knitting together in disgust as the white darkened to a dark grey. 
Jaehyun grabbed your chin, jerking your face up to look up at him. You stared up at him, eyes wide and innocent just like he likes.
“Do you want to shower?”
You nodded. He dropped your chin, pulling his boxers up and kicking his jeans off before striding over to a drawer. He pulls out a large black t-shirt, handing it to you before nodding towards the door across the room.
“Towels are in the cabinet.”
You looked at the door, holding the shirt close to your chest before looking back at Jaehyun.
“You don’t use 2 in 1 shampoo and conditioner, right?”
Jaehyun looks back at you, brows raised as he lets out an amused chuckle. He shakes his head.
“I–uh–No, no I don’t. I use regular shampoo and conditioner.” He walks back over to you, putting his hands out to help you up. It took a second for you to get back on your feet, your knees aching almost unbearably and legs feeling like they’re not there. You held tightly onto his hands, closing your eyes at the headrush you got from standing up, sighing at how light you felt.
“You okay?” Jaehyun asked with a quiet laugh. You didn’t answer just leaning forward and resting your head on his chest with a small sigh. It takes him a second but he wraps one arm around your waist and places his hand on the back of your head, playing with your hair as you let your eyes close.
“Go shower,” He whispered, “I’ll be right here when you get back.” You let out a small sound of protest before standing up straight, sighing. Jaehyun stared down at you, arm still loosely around your waist as he leaned down to press a kiss to the top of your head.
“I’ll be out in a minute.” You whispered, patting his chest before walking into his small dingy bathroom.
You don’t spend a lot of time in the shower. It’s small and makes you feel claustrophobic. The ends of your hair get wet but you avoid washing it, you already did so before church. 
You stepped back into Jaehyun’s room, wearing the oversized black shirt he gave you. Jaehyun looked up from his phone as he laid on his bed with one arm behind his head. He doesn’t say anything, just pats the empty space next to him.
You smiled, skipping a little as you approached the empty side of his bed and crawling next to him and resting your cheek on his chest with a fond smile. Jaehyun wrapped an arm around your shoulders before leaning in and kissing the side of your head.
Your arms easily wrapped around his torso as you watched him mindlessly scroll through his twitter timeline, both of you just laying in silence.
“We go to sleep now?” You whispered, eyes never leaving his screen but your voice clearly tired. Jaehyun looks down at you, patting your shoulder before getting up to turn off the light, silently agreeing with you. He seems to do that a lot. Showing his agreement instead of vocalizing.
He wasn’t good with words. Typically only saying critiques and crude jokes. You’ve chalked this up to him never learning how to properly communicate his feelings. You can’t be too sure though as you know little to nothing about Jaehyun before you met him.
He was a mystery. Easily, a big part of why you liked him so much.
Jaehyun climbed back in bed, turning you on your side so he could slot himself behind you, holding you to his chest with one arm around your waist. You always fell asleep easily. Something about the darkness just made it easy. Plus, Jaehyun was warm and comfy to be pressed against.
He hooked his chin over your shoulder as his hand slowly bunched up your black shirt to reveal your underwear. You opened your eyes slowly, turning to face him with a small sound of interest.
“Let me give your surprise, angel.” He whispered, gently bumping his nose with yours before colliding your lips smoothly. He pulls away from your lips, slipping his fingers into his mouth to get them wet.
It’s a crude sight to see but you can’t tear your eyes away from him. With his free hand, he held your thigh tightly, resting your leg on his hip to keep your legs spread. You let him manhandle you into the position he wanted, only letting out soft whimpers and sounds as you brought your fingers to your mouth.
Without missing a beat, he slid his wet digits down your stomach and into your underwear. You whimpered when his digits slid against your soft folds, rubbing circles into your clit. You gasped against your fingers, your hand quickly dropping from your mouth to hold tightly onto the hand that held tightly onto your thigh.
“You’re such a good girl,” Jaehyun cooed, “Bet you’ve never been touched like this before, hm?”
Your face got red red at that, shaking your head with a small whimper. Jaehyun’s the only person to ever touch you like this, you know he knows that but you nod along to his words, silently agreeing. It feels like your body is overheating with pleasure as he presses harder into your clit as the circles become slower and more diligent.
Jaehyun watches your lips as pretty little moans fall from them, kissing your neck with a groan. You arched against him, squeezing his hand with a louder than usual moan. Your cheeks immediately got red at your volume, but you couldn’t help it. You just felt so good.
Abruptly, Jaehyun removes his fingers from your underwear. Before you can complain or ask any questions, he manhandles you onto your back and pulls your underwear down your legs. He spread your legs apart so he could lay on top of you like in his car.
You were panting at this point, the ache in your core only growing as he slid his hand back between your legs, lips only centimeters from yours.
“You ever had someone inside you, angel?” Your eyes widened at his words, shaking your head in response. Jaehyun smirked down at you, humming at your answer as his finger stroked over your entrance. You looked between your bodies with knitted brows before looking up at him with concerned eyes.
“Is it going to hurt?” You whispered, nerves burning in the pit of your stomach as he shakes his head. 
“Just relax, angel.” He whispered soothingly, “I would never hurt you.”
Your throat still ached and you could still feel his belt around your wrist. But you still believe him, pressing your palms against his chest and looking up into his eyes with a soft smile.
Slowly, he pushes one finger into you, causing a small sound to leave your mouths, your brows knitting together in confusion at the forgein feeling.
“Is this what sex feels like?” You whispered, causing him to laugh a little down at you, sliding his finger in and out of you to test the waters, causing you to moan softly at the smooth glide. You were told sex was going to hurt. One girl even told you she bled after her first time. Easily, that scared the shit out of you and made you steer clear of sex, saving it for marriage. Well, that was until you met Jaehyun.
You can’t think too much about that. You’ll feel guilty because Jaehyun isn’t your husband, hell, he’s not even your boyfriend.
“I can’t really describe sex to you, gonna be honest,” He starts as he slowly working his finger into you. Jaehyun leans down to press his forehead to yours, “Your pussy is really tight. I bet fucking you would feel like fucking heaven.” Jaehyun says. You throw a hand over your head, covering your eyes in shame with a pathetic whine.
“No, no, let me see you, angel,” He chides. You take the hand off your face and look at Jaehyun, keeping eye contact. His finger inside you starts to pick up speed, and soon you can feel a second finger pushing in alongside the first. The burn from the stretch makes you whine, arching your back against him, eyes tightly shut.
“Tell me how it feels, baby,” Jaehyun groans, finger moving faster, curling upwards. You blink your eyes open, panting again, trying to think of anything to come out of your mouth to please him. He seemed to like how you struggled to get yourself together, smirking at how every time you opened your mouth to say something only moans came out.
“G-good.” You finally got out with a whimper.
“Aw, that’s all you can say?” Jaehyun taunts, moving his fingers faster, curling them upwards. You gasped up at him, digging your nails into his arms at the new sensation. This must be what euphoria feels like, you can’t think of another word to describe the feeling other than euphoric. “It feels good doesn’t it, angel? You look so good right now,” You look down to watch his fingers slide in and out of you, curling up against the bundle of nerves inside you that made you look back up at his face. “You think this feels good? Wait until I get my dick in you.”
Your eyes rolled back at his words, nails firmly digging into his biceps as you arched your back up against his chest. A loud moan rips through your throat, your eyes shutting tightly.
“Jaehyun, Jaehyun, Jaehyun,” You repeat, like a prayer , your legs start shaking against the mattress, abdomen muscles tightening. Your cries of his name turn to incoherent babbles, just you making pathetic sounds again.
Jaehyun groans into your ear at how tightly your walls contract against his fingers, kissing the side of your head as you try to ground yourself but failing. You felt like you were in the clouds, like you were floating somewhere, you just felt so good. You never imagined anything could feel this good.
Jaehyun lifts his head from the crook of your neck, staring down at you with a smirk, brushing your hair from your forehead back.
“Look at you,” He hummed, tracing your bottom lip with his index finger as he slowly pulled his fingers out of you, “So pretty.” You let your eyes open to stare into his with a small whimper. Your eyes drop to his lips, tilting your head at the urge to kiss him. You lifted your head to collide your lips. He held the side of your face, humming against your lips with a small moan.
“My pretty, pretty, angel.” Jaehyun whispered, kissing your forehead causing you to shut your eyes. You undug your nails from his biceps so you could wrap your arms around his torso to pull him closer. 
It took him a second to recuperate, wrapping his arms around you to hold you tightly to his chest. You nuzzled into the crook of his neck, pressing a kiss under his jaw before pulling back and resting against the flat pillow beneath your head.
“Did you like your surprise?” He asked with a cocky smile, causing you to giggle softly. Your cheeks grew pink at that, covering your face with one hand. Jaehyun rolled off of you, giving you the ability to feel around for your underwear.
You finally found them by the end of his bed, slipping your underwear back on with a small ‘hmph’ sound, causing Jaehyun to lift his head and watch you. You soothed your shirt down, letting it rest at your knees, looking up to lock eyes with him in the dark, blinking a beat after him.
“You going to lay back down?” Jaehyun asks.
“Where else would I go?” You huffed, crawling back to your spot and laying down. Jaehyun doesn’t answer, just lets out a grunt and pulls you to his side.
The rest of the night was silent and cold.
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fyexo · 6 months
231220 real__pcy: 너를 만나면 눈물 차 올라 바보 같은 난 아무 말 못해 말해줘 메리 메리 크리스마스 안녕 잘 지내는거지🤍
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oscargoldksoo · 1 month
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240506 real__pcy instagram (with SHINEE TAEMIN)
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creschendos · 6 months
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231209 real__pcy instagram
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aphrodite1288 · 8 months
SM has said that one person in EXO group did not renew the contract
Do you know who that person is?
Now you know who. 😂
I meant to not answer this ask for a few days now, because if I said who, Dandanies would have eaten me and tbh I'm not a big fan of most of them (not all).
Chanyeol, Xiumin, Jongdae all these three SM doesn't want them and they don't want it, but it's the Exo members staying Together that made it hard for SM to end their contracts because of constant warning from the other members whom SM want aka Jongin, Back, Ksoo, Sehun and Suho.
Also nothing will change just like I said many times, just what was supposed to happen back in March 13th 2019 is happening now. Ksoo wanted to leave since then and there's a long post here talking about the details as to why he wanted to leave.
Also nothing's gonna change! Baekhyun is leaving too. Sechan. Xiu might Join Baekhyun's company etc.. you'll see more surprises to come.
Also in our previous group on IG we talked a lot about how all of them members want to leave especially Chanyeol, Jongdae and Xiumin as they were sabotaged and ignored. For Ksoo's part he has a grudge against SM since 2019 for manipulating his private life and ruining it and overworking him by acception acting projects he didn't want and not let him do the singing part of his Job he enjoyed as well, because they were building him a career and an image as an actor only, Which he fought and this is why you're seeing him more and more now on TV shows and you're seeing him SINGING a lot recently.
So don't you see Ksoo broke free from his old boring and annoying Character SM built for him for 11 years?? Let him be happy do what he wants.
Also #Ksoo_Freedom yey 🗣️🥳👏🏻
Also guys Nothing will change don't panic. The hiatus we're used to it anyways.
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exoluxionlove · 11 months
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230706 yooranna Instagram Story Update
Chanyeol submitted a question for Yoora's "Ask Me Anything" on her IG story. Chanyeol: "If it's possible to bite anything, can I also bite your finger?" Yoora's Comment: "Does anyone know why is he like this,,?" "물어봐" can mean "ask" or "bite". Source
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