#chao are Chaos' minions like Dark Gaia has its minions
tekatonic · 1 year
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I'm skipping a few drawings in-between these two for the sake of being related-ish, but we'll come back to those.
Technically this Chaos design could be considered OC-ish I guess ? Chaos is a deity here, and quite a major one considering chaos energy is the aura in everything ! Here he is mortal, for purposes.
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mahoutoons · 1 year
so... i asked the sonic ai on character ai some basic questions on sonic lore and it came back with some.... interesting answers
starting with how sonic met his friends
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tails is a super genius but apparently, he doesn't know a plane needs a propellor to fly
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knuckles' ancestors are still alive and evil now, apparently
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how the FUCK does anyone misunderstand that
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ah yes, the dark gaia monsters. my favourite eggman minions
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there's so much going on here. eggman didn't just blow the moon in half, he fucking DESTROYED it after he failed to colonize it. and apparently tails is either so smart or has supernatural powers because he can just fix the moon like its no problem
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ah yes, my favourite sonic moment. when eggman shot sonic to the sun. truly an absolute classic
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sonic adventure 2 never happened, shadow was just minding his own business and happened to run past sonic.
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blaze's full name is apparently princess blaze tawns. who would've thought?
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we got it all wrong guys, cream is actually a chao. so then... what does that make cheese?
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sonamy fans, get up, new enemies to lovers au just dropped.
and that's all for messed up sonic lore for now
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perry-88 · 11 months
Breezie has a prosthetic/robotic leg that can turn its foot into a wheel.
Mighty was sonics first ever friend since some of the people in South Island were scared of him when he crashed landed on the island. (Think of it like soniccanon being shadows first friend.)
I have 2 ristar ocs. The first one has a genetic birth condition? That makes his legs extend instead of his arms.(is also Amy's assistant as she's a time guardian.) The second one is named Margaret and she's the villages market/shopkeeper. Might appear in the main story as someone who explains to us (and belle) about this world. Might be delivered as something casual/she's been through this before.
Amy in this AU is something called a 'Time Guardian'. They protect the time stones and try to stop the usual 'time going wrong' tropes from happening. And paradoxes. Those are hard.
Miles and Marine are (engineering) rivals/ compete with one another. (Presented in a comedic fashion?)
There's lore for the phantom ruby.
The shooting star species have been around as long as villages were made on earth! (Or Gaia idk)
Nights's gem is the main source of their paraloop.
Sonic might have 25% of STC's sonic's jerkiness since he's supposed to be the Shadow to sonic's Mighty.
Uncle Chuck as Wherehog when he was young?
Eggman has Safety protocols for his robots If sonic ever goes berserk.
'scourge' in this AU is confused/discomforted by his wooden transformation.
Silver, Manic, Little John.
Finitevius is technically a zombie in the main stories timeline.
The Zeti in this AU have some sort of list of friends that they made over the past decades/centuries. Most were from aging, some are diseases or war. They have this list as various types of things such as, an engravment, books, or even a webpage!
Mario and Luigi Zeti are (probably) not canon.
I just had some ideas of a young NiGHTS meeting Finitevus, but then I decided it would be best for Reala to meet him when he gets lost in a forest.
Fini's a hermit but not for religious reasons.
Sonic can change the subject in a conversation really well. (Although I'm not sure how to write that.)
Chaos is the last ancient. The shooting star species is as old as chaos.
Metallix = Shadow androids.
Metal sonic in this AU is some sort of sheepdog/ sheepherder for the metallix's.
Bean used to have a Macintosh when he was younger.
Bokkun is organic and a shooting star in this AU.
ALL of Dark Gaias minions have stretchy arms like the shooting stars.
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robotnikium · 5 years
Do you have five tropes that fit your muse well? Of these five, what do you think summarizes best your muse's archetype? How often do you see it being used in roleplay?
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Psychopathic Manchild: Anyone who meets him will quickly realize there’s… a bit more to him than expected? For a mad genius with rad minions, he certainly is the childish one. Immature mocking and impersonation, temper tantrums when things go wrong and just being … so unnervingly disconnected from the world. His all-around manic glee is a terrifying juxtaposition to his end goals and I LOVE it.
I’ve got a LOT of threads and short interactions that display this. Maybe a little too much to list? Its just how he interacts with the world around him.
Despotism Justifies the Means: This one probably applies to him the most! Eggman will do anything to take charge of the world, even if it means the planet has been destroyed. The war against the Eggman Empire is a very much telling sign of that, where he was committing genocide and destroying everything in his wake.
Hijacking Cthulhu: This one is a little self-explanatory isn’t it? I mean, how much gods has he fucked with just to get what he wants? Chaos, Solaris, Dark Gaia, and the Time Eater… He’s been able to enslave all these deities which should terrify anyone. Even if many of these plans backfired on him but just the simple fact he had the guts to go through with it is an accomplishment in itself.
It’s All About Me: Without question, he loves having his image plastered everywhere he goes. Whether its in the form of flashy neon lights or menacing logos marking his entrance, no person on Mobius will be able to go about their day without having seen or heard of Eggman at least once. He wants the whole world to know of his brilliance; there’s something wrong if someone doesn’t know his name.
Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Though he tries hard to act like he has no weakness, vulnerability, etc. he can’t help but care for all of his family. His grandfather, his cousin ( @planethcpe ) his niece ( @badlette ) That doesn’t even include the other characters he wants to see do well. Shadow, Tails ( @skyfcx​ / @hcrofraid​ ) He’s quite awful at showing it, half of the time not even allowing himself to but by god would he throw his life on the line to protect the ones he does care for. 
That being said, he won’t let anyone stop him from getting what he wants. It’ll just be a little harder for him to fight them.
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sonicfanj · 6 years
A quickie AU concept Background for my Rosy redesign
So, on and off I've been juggling with coming up with a background for my Rosy redesign but never felt like anything really worked because I just constantly want to involve the whole franchise in some form or another. Even going for an AU approach it's proven a challenging task. Then there is also the fact that I seem to better at writing synopses than anything else really resulting in me not knowing the best approach to take. Well, getting tired of my indecisiveness I figured why not just put something out that's part story synopsis and outline and put this little piece together.
Hedgehog Circus
A History of Rosy
Her origins are unknown and she doesn’t ever bring it up herself so for most she first was noticed in the company of the treasure hunter/ mercenary Fang the Sniper. Though her actual name is still Amy Rose, Fang is the one who took to calling her Rosy as a nickname and her rascal title came from being in the company of the shifty jerboa/wolf. As for why she accompanied Fang is a matter of benefit for the both of them as her fortune telling abilities easily allowed Fang to sniff out treasure and she craved adventure being inspired by the stories of the most famous hedgehog in the world: Sonic. For the most part the two provided the other with what they wanted and despite Rosy’s title as a rascal Fang was still taken aback when he was one who was betrayed of all people.
Rosy’s betrayal was not out of spite to Fang in any regard but rather out of reverence to the powers that spoke to her through her fortune telling. For Rosy their commands were absolute so when her cards told her to travel to Never Lake for a fated encounter she questioned them not. Using her personal magic carpet Rosy promptly traveled to the lake and was greeted by the sight of none other than the Miracle Planet: Little Planet. Rosy was aware of the portals between worlds but was still astounded to see the dwarf planet that itself traveled once a month to her home world there before her eyes. While Fangs treasure hunts had taken her across three of the four worlds that were known to be connected by the powers of the legendary gems of Chaos, Sol, and Time, it was her first time seeing Little Planet. Lulled by her sense of adventure Rosy forgot her reasons for visiting Never Lake and ventured to Little Planet to satisfy herself. In short order she found herself in over her head as she became embroiled with the latest clash between Dr. Eggman and her hero, Sonic the Hedgehog. Experiencing the battle not just between Sonic and Eggman, but also the Time Stones and the Phantom Ruby, Eggman’s own unique gem of legend which could transform the world into his image, enamored Rosy beyond her wildest imaginings with Sonic. When it was all over though and she found herself alone at Never Lake as the rescued Little Planet warped back to whence it came it was almost as though it had all been a wild fever dream. Dream or no though she was positive that meeting Sonic was indeed the encounter that the powers that be desired her to experience and it would change her relationship with Fang forever.
Already feeling betrayed by Rosy her sudden desire to chase after Sonic and be a part of the hedgehog’s life was a major inconvenience to Fang beyond even whether he could trust her anymore. Disgusted he would eventually take a job from Eggman to try and off the blue hedgehog and secure the chaos emeralds for himself. When that failed he would later encounter the last echidna and guardian of the Master Emerald, Knuckles, and form an easy relationship that has persisted to this day. Rosy would not be a part of this new life partnership with Fang effectively handing her over claiming how she was beloved by the gods to the shrewd business woman, Breezie, who was the proprietor of the Hedgehog Circus.
For Rosy who wanted to chase after Sonic the Hedgehog Circus was pretty much a prison. Even so though she would make friends with the majority of the traveling circus’ members, including; Chuck, the hedgehog robotics engineer who also acted as the conscious to Breezie’s cold hearted business mindset; the pop superstar, twins Sonia and Manic and their mother Aleena whose compassion would encourage Rosy to keep dreaming big; and lastly the mail pilot turned stunt pilot Paulie and his wife Brenda, son Nicky, and daughter Anita. Of the various members of the Hedgehog Circus it was Paulie and his stories of adventure that most enamored Amy and the closeness between the two resulted in Rosy not just being the circus’ resident fortune teller but also an acrobatic wing walker for the main events.
Unfortunately for Rosy the amount of money she could make Breezie made her the traveling circus’ star attraction with the headline “the hedgehog girl who’ll become more famous than even Sonic” meant she had all of no freedom. With Fang’s warnings about Rosy’s willingness to just run off based on her fortunes even those were closely watched and Rosy had all of no chance to again pursue her love of adventure beyond the locals the circus visited. That did not mean she was totally trapped though as some adventures still awaited her such as a chance encounter with Sonic in Station Square and the short lived adventure that followed before Chaos, God of Destruction laid the city low before eventually being stopped by Sonic. Seeing the power of the gods first hand though and how Rosy was unharmed during the events by all but Eggman’s minions Breezie became even more greedy and though Rosy was known as a rascal began promoting the love struck hedgehog as beloved by the gods. With such a title it was of little surprise when Rosy was summoned by Lumina to Maginaryworld to restore the Precious Stone along with Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles resulting in Rosy learning that Fang was well. As a reward for her part in restoring the precious stone Rosy was returned to her world away from the Hedgehog Circus and finally had the chance to finally pursue her dream of chasing after Sonic and becoming a part of his life.
Freedom was not as easily obtained as Rosy believed though as her reputation with the Hedgehog Circus had spread well throughout the three worlds and she was recognized everywhere she went. It was only a matter of time before her whereabouts were discovered by the Hedgehog Circus. Her time in Maginaryworld had changed her though and her desires to chase after Sonic manifested in being able to achieve speeds that would allow her to do just that resulting in her being able to travel the world. Feeling mischievous and free both Rosy traveled to as many random and disparate places as she could in as short a time as she could to make it impossible for Breezie to track her down. However, as her speed and freedom were gifts of the powers that be, or the gods to be exact, Rosy still considered herself obligated to answer their commands and wasted no time in doing so when her fortune telling directed her to Soleanna.
Unsure of what to expect in Soleanna, Rosy convinced herself that if she was required to go that she would likely have another destined encounter with Sonic. What she found instead was Silver the Hedgehog and found herself entangled with his quest to stop the God of Time Solaris from laying waste to the world through its avatar Iblis. When it turned out that Sonic was the target of Silver’s quest Rosy defended Sonic based solely on her faith in him and his willingness to save the world no matter what he’s up against. Despite Rosy’s faith in Sonic though her decision seemed to backfire as she finds herself uninvolved with anything of note Eventually by the time Rosy decides to leave Soleanna before Breezie catches up with her she finally notices something major happen as she finds herself back in time to just before the start of the Festival of the Sun. Confused and unsure Rosy turns to her fortune telling and learns that her and another hedgehog have been granted a second chance. Guessing it is Silver who has been granted a second chance Rosy searches for the time displaced hedgehog and learns that he is trapped in the past with nowhere to go and no one to confide in after watching Sonic save Solaris. Feeling like she is supposed to be responsible for him Rosy decides to try and patch things up with him by inviting him to watch the Festival of the Sun. It is at this point that Breezie finally catches up with Rosy with the Jackal Squad in tow having suspected that one “beloved by the gods” would attend such a festival. Though not wanting to give up her freedom, Rosy also does not desire to endanger Silver and willingly returns to the Hedgehog Circus with the telekinetic hedgehog finding a home within.
With Silver’s telekinesis being a major draw and the stunts that it could allow Rosy to perform as a wing walker, Breezie has Silver trained as a stunt pilot by Paulie. Additionally, when she learns that Silver’s telekinesis can be used to prevent Rosy from running off she metaphorically twists the time displaced hedgehogs arm so that he acts as her personally assurance that Rosy won’t run off again. Feeling betrayed when she learns of Silver’s new role Rosy still surprises her fellow hedgehog when she casually blames herself and calls it karma for her own actions against Fang and Breezie and optimistically says they should just make the best of it. Despite her good intentions though, Rosy still considers herself beholden to the powers that be so when they portend of a world shattering disaster she naturally becomes most anxious.
When the human world is shattered by Eggman as he releases Dark Gaia, Rosy runs off in search of Sonic believing that he will likely already be embroiled in what’s going on and that her fortune telling foretold these events as she needed to be involved to some capacity. Feeling like he has no choice due to his debt to Breezie, Silver heads off in pursuit of Rosy but has little luck in finding her due to her not getting personally involved in the conflict. In truth, after being rescued by Sonic from Dark Gaia’s minions Rosy found herself teaming up with Professor Pickle, Tails, and a vixen named Zooey who works a junior member of an organization called Checkpoint in researching the Gaia Manuscripts to help Sonic restore the planet. Having a chance to help out by expanding her knowledge of the ancient world and legends Rosy develops a newfound passion that she had not experienced since her time traveling with Fang and gains a yearning to go adventuring again to discover what other wonders the world holds. Faithful that Sonic will save the world in the end Rosy is not even bothered when she doesn’t get to see him again afterward, instead desiring to go off on her own adventures so that way when she does encounter Sonic again she’ll have so much more to share and just might finally be able to get him to open up to her a little.
To pursue her new dream Rosy learns what she can about Checkpoint from Zooey. As it turns out, Checkpoint is an organization that adventurers, including Soinc, report their findings to from their adventures to make a living. Zooey herself was a history buff who after befriending Tails through their mutual association with Professor Pickle also got into machinery tinkering. Though she doesn’t personally explore she loves hearing the stories of adventurers, especially those related to whenever a new Warp Zone between worlds is discovered. Having befriended Zooey, Rosy promises to share stories of her adventures too and registers with Checkpoint. Meanwhile, Silver’s own journey to find Rosy persists unsuccessfully and Breezie growing impatient with her star attraction being out of her grip again once more hires the Jackal Squad to bring the errant hedgehog back to her.
----- Anyway, that's my little AU concept background for my Rosy redesign. Let me know what you think and whether or not I should go with it, or if you have any questions about the setting let me know. It's kind of all concept nonsense at this point though so I would appreciate any thoughts everyone has to share. Thanks ^_^
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kira-the-cat · 7 years
So lets talk a bit about Tails and his characterization in Forces and pretty much every game since Unleashed versus how he was in past games and how I plan on tackling the issues therein in my rewrite. Spoilers to follow under the cut so ignore this post if you’re trying to play Forces blind.
So first lets look at Tails’s previous characterization. Introduced in Sonic 2, Tails had limited playability outside of the two player mode in single player. He didn’t move as fast as Sonic and was prone to falling in pitfalls, a lot, but he was there and was basically just Sonic’s sidekick. Sonic 3/& Knuckles was kinda the same, giving him some better playability, to the point that a Solo Tails run is just as much fun as Solo Sonic or Solo Knuckles, and even his own super form. He eventually gained three spinoff games of various acceptability (personally I like Skypatrol and Tails Adventure) but the point was made that he wasn’t just Sonic’s sidekick which became even more obvious when Adventure 1 and Adventure 2 rolled around, giving Tails his own story plots in both and a wealth of new ways to play him. In addition to this he was given some much needed character development; portraying him as the loveable little scientist who was best friends with Sonic who was just as capable of taking down Eggman on his own. Sure he still relied on Sonic a bit but he was never useless or weak without Sonic, competely contradictory to his Forces portrayal where he apparently cannot take on Chaos 0 without crying for help. 
Now I realize Tails is still a kid and Forces is a bit darker than most of the other games in the series, but this is the Timeline that includes the Adventure games. Tails has dealt with Chaos 4 on his own, so it makes no sense that he can’t take on the arguably easier Chaos 0. And I get what Sonic Team was going for, Tails is mostly in shock and doubting himself (remember just before he apologizes to Omega for not being smart enough to help him which we as the audience know is not true) but he doesn’t even try to take on Chaos. At least with Infinite and the whole group that makes sense that he wouldn’t attempt to take them all on, but Chaos is by himself, he should have at the very least attempted. This is a trend that’s been going on since Unleashed, a poor mark on an other wise good game and one of my favorites in the series but even there it makes sense when you take into account how Dark Gaia’s minions are, and its getting harder and harder to believe with each game that pulls this stunt. If this had been the first time Tails was shown to not function without Sonic then I would have been fine with that. But this is the fourth time in a row. Its getting old and harder to believe when we know Tails is completely capable of functioning without Sonic.
So what am I going to do to fix this in my rewrite? Well, without giving too much away, I’m going to try and rerail Tails the way Sonic Team did for Knuckles. Not enough to fully change his behavior in the game, as some of it is justified since he is mourning Sonic for a good while until he’s revealed to be alive, but I will be giving him a slight overhaul by bringing him back to at least Adventure’s characterization of him and having him attempt to take on Chaos. Baby steps are better than a full leap after all.
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The ‘Blight of Nature’ Arc, or the Overgrowth Zones answer to Sonic Unleashed & Sonic X
Cosmos tribe creates several wmds during the war of thirds, one of which was a pair- the Gaia weapon, and the Metarex Blight. Gaia was built to cause mass destruction, while the blight intended to transform and kill any who contracted it, bar Seedarians who would simply gain a more powerful form from it. the entire project backfires horribly, leading to mass death among their people. their leader flees deep into the jungles to avoid Gaias wrath,and it is sealed away by a force of Mobians and Overlanders. they bury the knowledge of what they'd done, creating a narrative blaming the very people they'd attempted to use the weapons on…
In modern times, Earthia's husband, Lucas, discovers things discussing the weapon in a dusty royal archive. he, bitter and distrustful of Mobians and Overlanders like many of the tribe,  has been rallying some of the people to go to war with the rest of the factions and let the Seedarians rise to power despite his wife's objections. looking for knowledge on ancient weapons, he accidently breaks open an old sample of the Metarex Blight, which makes many fall ill while transforming some with powerful mutations. he blames the other factions and rallies those transformed to storm the resting place of Gaia and wipe out the rest of Mobius for their transgressions, even going as far as to hold coup d'état against his wife…
His wife takes many of her people and flees in the night, going deep into the jungle where the Metarex cannot find them, seeking medicine for the ill. Over the months, many die, and her teenage daughter Cosmo becomes convinced- despite years of stories of Mobian and Overlander cruelty- that they must seek out help or they will all die out. Her mother forbids it, but she sneaks out one night with her sister Galaxinas help, after revealing that she herself had been infected with the blight and thus will too die if they do not find a cure.
 Eventually, Cosmo, nearing the edge of the jungle after a long trek, meets a Mobian named Sticks, who has lived a secluded life there since childhood. Sticks is wary of outsiders and paranoid about this new stranger, and Cosmo elects to leave rather than bother her. However, sticks, realizing that Cosmo is clearly very sick and may be harmed if she doesn't help her, follows after her…
Meanwhile, Eggman begins getting strange reports from his observer robots about some group calling themselves the Metarex destroying his robots and attacking Mobians. Eggman send battle bots to investigate, which report back the Metarex's plan. Eggman, realizing what this highly advanced ancient weapon could do, contacts Sonic & Co and calls for their aid in stopping the Metarex. They distract his army, and Sonic goes on ahead to stop their leader in the ancient compound... Sonic  manages to disrupt the process of awakening Gaia midway through with a bomb supplied by eggman, and uses a chaos stone to chaos control out of the blast radius. Only to pass out in pain, having been infected with the Metarex Blight, which will only continue its painful transformations as time goes on…
 Sonic awakens later on in the night and, dazed and confused from the blights transformation, looks around the blast zone wondering why his friends didn’t find him- only to find a small fairy-like being curled up in the rubble. He rushes over to make sure they're alright, and they awaken only to discover they've lost their memory. Assuming the explosion must have been the cause, he offers to help them figure out who they are while he seeks out his friends. They stop at an ice cream cart since this new friend apparently has never had any and sonic is hungry after the fight and transformation. This earns the fairylike friend the nickname of 'chip'. Sonic and Chip soon learn that part of the Gaia weapon escaped confinement and is now causing havoc throughout the land from his friends via a badly damaged communicator.  Despite the continuing spread of the blight, Sonic is determined to help since it's his responsibility, and he and Chip set out. Along the way, Chip learns of the world…
In the meantime,  the team continues to deal with the ongoing threat of the Metarex, who are continuing to unearth dangerous weapons and causing general havoc. Shortly after sonic had activated the explosive and the Gaia weapon had escaped, they had managed to saved a badger by the name of Sticks and a sick Seedarian called Cosmo from a rockslide caused by the destabilized ground. Sticks offers her reluctant help, given that the Metarex are a threat to her livelihood as well, and Cosmo insists on helping given her familiarity with blights and the fact that she could do with Cream's medicinal knowledge. Along the way, Cosmo learns about Mobian and Overlander culture, and finds they are not so different after all…
 These two plots eventually come together. Dark Gaia is revealed to be just a part of a sapient learning weapon-  the part with only power and instinct, no ability to reason or feel sympathy. Cosmo is shocked by the revelation that the cruel Metarex are in truth her own people, effected by the same blight. Earthia, having followed Cosmo out of concern for her welfare, is forced to reveal the truth that the Seedarians are to blame for these terrible weapons- not the Mobians or the Overlanders.
Cosmo is disgusted that her mother would keep this a secret- and even more so by the fact that she would allow the narrative of the cruel and evil other factions to prevail when they were just as bad.
Rejecting the centuries long hatred, Cosmo elects to physically and verbally confront her father with this new information, and in the ensuing fight he is gravely injured by one of the weapons.
 Realizing his destructive path has lead to the death of hundreds of his people and the illness of his own daughter, he apologizes to Cosmo and Earthia for his ignorant hatred, offering to help defeat Dark Gaia to atone.
Sonic notices that one of the Seedarian artifacts Lucas has matches Chips necklace, and brings it to him. Chip regains his memories and realizes that he is in fact the other part of the Gaia weapon- the part designed to avoid such mindless destruction. Realizing if they can get Chip to Dark Gaias core he may be able to override it and stop the destruction, they set out.
 During the ensuing fight, the team gets bogged down fighting Dark Gaias minions, and Sonic & Chip are having touble making it to where they need to go. Lucas and the blighted Seedarians use an ancient and unstable Seedarian boost serum, to fight and give Sonic and Chip the chance they need. Cosmo takes the White Emerald with her with Creams encouragement, hoping to prevent their deaths…
Sonic does his best to help fight Dark Gaia, but the blights effects have taken their toll, and even he is having trouble. Chip manages to wrestle control over part of the system and assists in the fight. Eventually, Chip realizes that the only way to win will be to reintegrate into the Gaia weapon, and thus lose himself…
 Gaia returns to dormancy, a bioorganic learning machine with all the potential Chip had. Sonic considers himself lucky despite the heavy weight of his new bracelet on his heart, simply because he has not permanently lost two friends today. Despite the blights toll and the boost serums unstable reactions with many of the blighted Seedarians, its regeneration function works, perhaps due to the White Emeralds effects …
 While Earthia takes most of the resulting seeds home in order to regrow those she can over time, she elects to leave Cosmo with her new friends. She reasons that, after all the years of seeking out the outside world, Cosmo deserves to be a part of it. The plant will bloom far more quickly with contact with chaos energy, anyway. Galaxina elects to leave with her mother, reasoning that the tribe will need a new leader after all of this, one who is not as stuck with the old ways. She wishes everyone the best and leaves her sister her rescued cane.
  Cosmo's plant sprouts extremely quickly thanks to two parts rabbit care and one part Emerald energy. Knuckles allows the healthy plant to be put near the Master Emerald for a short time, hoping that it'd encourage growth even more- only for Cosmo to pop out of the now massive plant the next day. Chaos Energy really is amazing like that. Cosmo, for the most part, is happy and healthy- although not without effects from her time fighting the Metarex Blight. Aside some minor discoloration of her right eye and wing, and one of her flowers being permanently removed, she has a tendency to limp- and spastic paresis of her right arm. Cosmo has had some trouble adjusting to these permanent disabilities and her return in general, but she's happy to have a place as a permanent member of the team, and she's enjoying learning about the world outside the jungle.
 Sticks meanwhile hates the toaster at amys because it keeps overcooking her toast.
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