cosmicdreamt · 16 hours
Neff is still totally ignoring a certain eldritch being who has the audacity to tell her to get over something just because they're too much of a whiny wet dog to handle being out there.
Sips her warm drink.
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muu-kun · 7 months
Nyar simply just bites him
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Without hesitation, the blond merely opted to bite them right back.
"I'm not afraid of you!!"
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♚ @chaoscrawls
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They give off a weird aura. "If you're hurt I can help you."
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theboonofchaos · 1 year
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    " Welcome to my temple~ Have you come to pray to me~? " The essence of chaos cooed, smiling gleefully.
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nvrcmplt · 1 year
I'd totally fuck you from nyar to pchan
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"Good ~ ♥."
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pluviacuratio-a · 2 years
@chaoscrawls || ♫
{ ♪ } -- She blinked. It wasn't every day that she returned home to find a chaos deity on her floor like a cat. Crouching down, she tilted her head to one side as her arms folded over her knees.
"You didn't fight my pets over this spot, did you? It's a prime sun spot, so I know Shou at least wanted it... he's an old cat and the sun helps warm his old bones. Patriot... well, he's a silly dog and copies Shou all the time."
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phantasmaw · 2 years
---- @chaoscrawls
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cosmicdreamt · 2 months
Nyar is just staring at her through the window. They look a little bit like a cat that has been shut out but they had no intention of coming in.
Inbox Call || @chaoscrawls feat. Nyar
She sees them outside on the balcony of her home, staring at her as she sits on the couch in her living room. She only stares at them for a moment, and even though she tries to hide it she knows they'd be able to see her furrowed brows and tiny pout.
She was still upset with them, and even more upset at herself for believing they could have actually had any genuine type of care for her.
All she was was some 'interesting' toy to play with.
And so she ignores them with a huff, pulling her knees up to her chest to focus on her show.
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magioffire · 2 years
I believe in Mothman! :>
thank you for reading my rules <3
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muu-kun · 1 year
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"Hey. If anybody gets to be fighting God's, it gets to be being me. I'm calling dibs."
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boliide · 2 years
❛  you look absolutely irresistible right now.  ❜
Purring is the closest description for how she replies.
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 ❝ Oh yeah? ❞ Drawing out each syllable on a sweet little sigh, her eyes trace the shape of their face— the focus heavy in their brow and the way their tongue traces the inside of their lip. She has to work to stamp down the urge to jump them. She has planned this after all.
 ❝ Good enough to eat? ❞ She luxuriates on the sofa of their current shared space like a cat in a sunbeam. Her legs stretch up and out, forcing the silky and frankly ridiculously short night dress she has chosen today to fall back to expose the thick curve of her pale thighs before it bundles at the apex where her fingers fiddle dangerously with the hem, making sure that only brief glimpses of the bright red lace underwear beneath can be seen.
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deathleadsarc · 2 years
@chaoscrawls | s.c
―    🜛    ―    humans  often  catch  her  eye  when  on  her  walkabouts  through  the  village.  The  weak  in  appearance,  alone,  simple  and  possibly  easy  to  lure  back  to  the  cottage  in  the  woods    (  low  on  materials,  aching  for  excitement  within  the  sanctuary  )  so  when  a  person  catches  her  eye,  she  seldom  allows  them  from  her  sights.  In  this  particular  instance  however,  it  seemed  as  if  her  usual  sport  of  the  hunt  was  being  tested  by  something  truly  abnormal.  The  man  she'd  sought  was  taller  than  most  other  humans  she'd  seen,  and  certainly  handsome  to  boot    ―    but  this  was  not  why  she  had  begun  to  walk  after  him.
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There  was  something  strange  about  him.  An  uneasy  allure  that  retained  its  abnormality  the  further  she  cast  her  gaze  upon  him.  Curious  indeed  that  she  would  allow  such  a  feeling  to  guide  her  forward,  all  the  more  curious  that  he  had  not  felt  the  piercing  STAB of  her  eyes  against  his  large  back.  Digging  into  the  flesh  beneath  that  unfamiliar  fabric  of  the  modern  man . . .  
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stardusthalos · 2 years
❛  have you considered trying something else?  ❜ ~ Atem
Atem feels his eye twitch as the voice rattles in his ears, and he sighs as he runs a hand through his hair.
Before them lays a failed, burnt brick that was meant to be a wool roll style pan of bread. After the raucous display of spite that just seemed to pour out of Atem when the unknowable was around him, there was a brief realization that something was burning and he quickly scrambled to take it out of the oven.
He didn't need to see it to smell the mistake he'd made, and running a knife over it to hear the crunch of the char made him wince.
"...you know for the first time I hope you're talking about my god-awful life decisions and not baking another fucking loaf of bread like this."
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nvrcmplt · 2 years
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going on an adventure
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shecharm · 2 years
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*   @chaoscrawls​  sent;    [  coated  ]  receiver  finds  sender  covered  in  blood   ||   prompted,  accepting.
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concern was the immediate feeling that comes at such a sight,  frozen only for a moment;  calculating.  she could not tell if it as his blood or that of another.  snow did not slow her down once she began her approach,  however.  in fact,  she seemed to cut right through it in her haste.  she collapses to her knees next to him,  encouraging the rise of frost in large poof until she was still.  “what happened?”  she asks,  reaching out to touch him but . . stops.  again,  she did not know if it was his own blood or that of another.
she feared touching him on the off chance she might graze a wound of his.  she didn’t want to hurt him.  was was covered in blood,  it stained him and the snow  -  soon,  her hands too as they find placement on his shoulders.  “everything is alright,”  she speaks softly in hopes of reassuring him.  “what happened?”
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stanislawkowalski · 27 days
starter for @chaoscrawls
Luka dangled precariously from the thick branch of an old oak tree, fingers gripping the rough bark as he swayed slightly in the breeze. The height didn’t seem to faze him; if anything, he looked more amused than concerned. His dark eyes glinted with a mixture of mischief and challenge, a crooked grin tugging at his lips.
“Hey!” he called down, his voice carrying a light, teasing tone. “Think you could catch me if I let go?” He swung his legs a little, as if testing the air, making the branch creak in protest. The playful edge in his words was unmistakable, but there was something else beneath it—something that dared the other to take him seriously.
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Luka’s grin widened as he met their gaze, the challenge clear in his eyes. “Come on, what’s the worst that could happen?” He tilted his head slightly, almost as if he was genuinely curious. “Or are you too scared to even try?”
He shifted his grip slightly, making it look as though he was about to let go any second. The tension hung in the air, thick as the leaves around him, as he waited for a response, clearly enjoying every moment of it.
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