skyedaisy · 6 years
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Three years in space; Echo couldn't believe she'd lasted lasted that long. More than once she had stood at one of the airlocks, looking down at the world that had turned orange. To ash. Murphy had often teased her about it, telling her he could show her how to work the escape hatch, if she needed it. They'd settled into a routine, the seven of them. The others were used to this place, metal and hard lines, but Echo and Emori had some trouble adjusted. But even Emori knew her way around technology, and soon they grew distant, the frikdreina feeling more at home with Skaikru than Echo did. Five years; that was how long they said it would take. Five years, and Echo could go home. To what? She had no clan. No king, or queen. She was alone, because no one really trusted her up here. They all knew what she had done, Bellamy most of all. So Echo spent most of her time alone, even now. Training. Trying not to go mad. That night found her sitting at one of the bay windows, staring down at the dead world, feeling more alone than ever.
@chaosthxory // starter
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letscallitxhope · 6 years
Can’t Stop Taking From Me || Abby & Jake
Abby's hands moved methodically as she sorted supplies and arranged them on the shelves. They were in the proper order for procuring should an emergency arise in which they'd be necessary. She could hear the distant hum of the every-growing Arkadia in the background as she inventoried everything. It wasn't a distraction, but it served as white-noise that allowed her to concentrate on her work.
So when the noise quieted audibly, she noticed. Her eyes narrowed slightly as she glanced at the empty medical bay and frowned. She hadn't been aware that they'd all left for lunch, and she was even more surprised to see a shadow in the doorway. She didn't give her full attention but instead continued on with the medicine that she was counting.
"Have a seat on the table, and I'll be right with you."
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tostxyalive · 6 years
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                                                    The Griffin Family                                                                   @chaosthxory
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The Exiled
@chaosthxory: Daniel
Verse: Stargate
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“I’ve spent very little time on your world. My husband brought me here, long ago, and to a few other Realms but otherwise I tend to find the Bifrost a miserable way to travel,“ she meant the Stargate, of course. Sitting at the conference table, holding Vali tight as he sat upon her lap, Sigyn watched the Midgardians warily though she let nothing of this show on her face. Thor thought very highly of them, she knew, but at the moment she didn’t think particularly highly of him. She spoke only to Daniel, for the others carried themselves as warriors, even without armor, and she’d had enough of that sort to last the rest of her considerably long life. “But I know you to be a decent people. Please, I ask only temporary asylum, at least until something more permanent can be found.”
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ayana sc. @chaosthxory
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“I require payment if you want somethin’ from me,” she tells the other. “So what will you offer the Bone Witch?”
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ceriseflameeeee · 6 years
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                          it hadn’t been the first time thor had seen his brother die before his own eyes. the first being upon the bifrost bridge, watching him fall into the depths of space only to return to release an attack upon new york. the second on svartalfheim at the hands of kurse for the sake of him. both times he had returned, yet this time felt all too different. it hadn’t been long since all of it had unfolded, since loki had died and half the universe had disappeared into nothing, and there was still a part of thor that was waiting for his brother to make yet another grand entrance, prove it to be another scheme in his grand plan to fix everything. ( a foolish thought, thor knows. loki was well and truly gone this time. ) that’s why this was left to thor, informing sigyn.  ❝ this is.. a rather nice set up you’ve got. ❞ thor begins as steps are taken into the room she occupies, eyes dancing around the area before landing on her. it’s best to make small talk before he gets to his point of being here. a subject still difficult for himself even.
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icyxmischief · 6 years
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cupcakemonwrites · 6 years
♖|| MAFIA VS MAFIA AU {Family versus Family. Intrigues, rivalries,crime and capture etc. Yukuza vs. Russian mob, Sicilian vs. San Francisco, Chicago vs. NYC, any era, any place, any content. Make it Alien vs. Alien if you want…Just as long as it’s organized crime rivals.}
Nova had been asked to represent them at some meeting for mob bosses. Since she would be taking over for Raphael over Lux this was important. They would all need to see the new face of the Arch Mob. She sits down and waits for the other, curious on what was going to go down. She was told to make some peace, make an agreement then find out who was threatening the both of them and put a stop to it. Afterwards she was allowed to betray them. When the other joins she looked over at them, nodding her head. “I was curious on what you looked like. I wasn’t told before I came.”
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@chaosthxory liked from xx
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madenatblida · 6 years
mothers day !! || @chaosthxory || abby
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today was the day. the big day that everyone on the ark seemed to know about but the moms -- at least to the kids in mrs.fields 3nd grade class. after taking the time to at least sort of brush her hair and make her mom a fruit filled toaster pastry, clarke took her homemade invitation and the small plate and gently nudged open the door to her parent’s pod.
“ mommy? daddy? are you up? ” mrs.fields told them mother’s day was special, they were suppose to be good. that meant fighting every urge to go barreling into their bedroom with a burst of excitement.
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notrxcketscience · 6 years
@chaosthxory from (x)
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“Do you want the honest answer or the lie?” She asked, not able to catch his eyes.
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damnthetitle-blog · 6 years
replied to your
Marcus is starting his own kru. It’s called We’re...
Can I join this kru?
Yes absolutely. There’s only one condition: don’t be an asshole. 
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starbuckskeptic-a · 6 years
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       ❝ so YOUR PRINCIPAL called today...anything you wanna tell me ? ❞
               { @chaosthxory // wanted scully }
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tostxyalive · 6 years
(( Starterrr for @chaosthxory )) --- for Abby
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Clarke smiled as her mom opened the door. She had been gone most of the night, probably doctor stuff. The blonde finished brushing her teeth, then came to greet her mom, “Jeez, you’ve been gone since yesterday morning. I know you’re the most important doctor here on the ark, but come on.” Joking tones lined her words, until she wrapped her arms around her mother, “Dad is still asleep, but do you wanna go get some breakfast before you crash?”
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foxbelieve · 6 years
I know we just started playing but do me anyway
Meme (x) l Accepting l @chaosthxory
My Opinion on;
Character in general: Okay so I’m still learning about their character (or at least one of them), but so far, I’m really liking the character, even though she’s definitely hesitant to be around Mulder. How they play them: Definitely love the fact that she is hesitant to trust Mulder, because it would definitely be no fun if it was just an immediate trusting thing.The Mun: I like the mun, I don’t know them very well, but they seem really nice!
Do I:
RP with them: YesWant to RP with them:  Definitely!
What is my;
Overall Opinion: Really sweet mun and I’m definitely looking forward to interacting with them a lot more!
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icebitxh · 6 years
     the air in the room was cold, even more then usual. the warrior stood in silence knowing whatever she said would be taken as hostel by the other. she couldn’t blame him, she did lead a small group of warriors to take the skaikru leader -- then killed his companion right in front of him at the queens request. now she stood watch over him. she was to make sure he didn’t leave or do anything stupid. whiskey hues fond the male. “regretting coming to the ground yet?” fuck it. she could play cat and mouse for awhile, she had nothing better to do. she raised a brow laying her sword down. “don’t worry we won’t kill you -- we just need to send a message.” she now stood a few feet away from him. “get comfortable, you’ll be here awhile.” a small smirk across her face. she hated the people that fell from the sky but she had to admit some of them were good looking, including the one sitting in front of her.
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agcntvasqucz · 6 years
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“Vasquez, are you flirting with me?”
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“If you have to ask that question, Ms. Morgan, then normally, I’d say no.  I’m not.”
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