#chaotic but would not have it any other way; i always yearn for adventure (c: adventure farryn scott.)
realmythsmoved · 6 months
@escapedartgeek continued from here
This was one of the rougher few projects Zora had been dealing with for a while. The stress and to have gone through all that much work just for these clients not to appreciate it at all was enough for them to feel a ... deep irritation. It was a wonder that they hadn't done anything to get back at those who had so willfully wasted their times. [well.. nothing too major. yet.] In the meantime, they had spoke to Farryn just to be able to get this off their chest. "Yeah, it's been really irritating. Like I wish people wouldn't put me through so much time and energy just to be so awful towards what I made. You don't have to like it but not to appreciate the fact that they specifically requested my style, my approach to work and .. it's like this was a total waste all around. I hate this."
"Yeah, it sounds like it." Farryn says with a small, kind smile in their friend's direction. "I don't blame you for hating it. I would too if I put a lot of effort and time into something, only to be told it's not good enough." They pause. "Like you said, they didn't have to like it, but they should have appreciated that they asked you to do it, not someone else. To not even appreciate that is so wrong. They could have at the very least understood or tried to understand your style and approach." Farryn thinks that would've just been basic courtesy. Apparently not.
"Do you still have the work?" They ask Zora, a curious expression on their face. "I'm sure I would love to see it." And would appreciate it in a way that their clients never could, apparently. And if there is anything that Farryn can do to make Zora feel better, they would gladly do it. What are friends for, after all? "Anything else I can do for you, friend? I'd love to help if I can." Their smile is back. They hope to help their friend in whatever way they can. Even if it's just listening to them vent.
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realmyths · 7 days
@escapedartgeek continued from here Zora just kind of .. glances at Farryn before giving a small shrug. "I mean I believe you. I'm just not sure what you want me to do about it. Seeing faces in unusual places is .. certainly a phenomenon that happens from time to time. Do you want to look into it any further - because.. this sounds like something you would take for an excuse to try and dive into what it might have been.." There's something something about Farryn and Adventure that Z might be thinking about right now but hasn't really tried to convey into words.
Farryn smiles brightly at Zora. Never one to say no to an adventure, that is their calling, after all, Farryn nods along to their words. "Of course I want to look into it! Want to come with?" Farryn will investigate the face either way, but adventures are always more fun with company. At least, from Farryn's point of view, they are.
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realmythsmoved · 4 months
@seekesotsibteadmist continued from here Saima casually raised an eyebrow at Farryn's suggestion. But it only takes a few moments before they give a small nod. "You know what? It's been a while since I have gone out on the town.. for real. It might be fun to go out and be out all night for once." A part of them genuinely missed it and this was as good an excuse as any to indulge. "I'm up for it. What kind of places do you have in mind?"
"Nice!" Farryn says with a smile. "That's why you need it. Everyone needs to indulge every once in a while." At least from their perspective, it's something that people would enjo9y. Of course, everyone has different tastes. So perhaps some people wouldn't like it. But Farryn themself does enjoy it. And luckily, Saima feels the same. "I was thinking maybe some clubs so we could dance. If you're up for that." Farryn loves to dance. Though they aren't sure if they're any good at it, they enjoy it nevertheless.
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realmythsmoved · 5 months
@obscurushydrae continued from here Kar stared at Farryn's pleading face with tired expression borne of sixteen hour workday. She closed her eyes and took a breath. Kar's home was a known sanctuary, even when all she wanted was pass out in bed. "Aight, let's get 'im in..." she beckoned both of them into the foyer of the townhouse. It was a liminal hub, as sort of politically neutral ground. One of the few mortal items her mother possessed and she inherited it. Cosimo dozed on the couch in the sitting room, the empusa preferred to stay in his borzoi form. Unfazed at the action in the foyer. "Whaddya want? Tea? Coffee?" she asked, leading towards the kitchen.
Farryn looks at the other person with their best puppy dog eyes. And indeed, it's not hard. All they have to do is copy their current companion, a rather small dog who had followed them when they had left work. They hadn't known if bringing him home was the best option, and so here they are. At Kar's door.
When she lets them in, Farryn smiles and claps their hands together in excitement. "Thanks so much! I owe you one." They say to Kar. To the dog, they say "Come on! In!"
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And the puppy heads into the townhouse, closely followed by Farryn themself. "Tea would be nice!" They respond to Kar's question. "Ooh, or soda. Do you have fruit punch?" Farryn isn't sure exactly what beverage they'd like. But of course, their main focus is getting their furry friend squared away. "This little guy followed me out of work today. I don't think he has an owner. No collar or leash or anything. And I don't know if I could take him home." Farryn has many talents, but taking care of a puppy is not one of them. They can't even keep a plant alive. Much less a puppy. So ideally, they'd find him another home.
"I want to help him find a home, but I don't know how to go about it. Any ideas?" Farryn is up for anything. And they're sorry to bother Kar so late, but had not been sure where else to go. Hope or Esme couldn't take on a dog, being busy with their callings as they are. And the same is true of Farryn themself. So they wouldn't want their relatives to get attached to the animal and then not be able to keep him. Hopefully, that wouldn't be the case here. "Sorry to barge in like this, by the way. But this was the first place I thought of, and you're on my way home so....sorry!"
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realmythsmoved · 9 months
@the-expatriate liked here for a starter. Song: Miss Y by Marina and the Diamonds
Farryn smiles at the other person. They aren't sure if they should be honest about all they've done to get here. Would that be too much for a stranger to take in? Then again, they've never been one to worry about that kind of thing. Better to weed out those who wouldn't be likely to become friends anyway, in Farryn's view. So, with another smile, they say: "I walked all night long in the dark just to be standing here." A chuckle escapes them. "So as you can probably tell, I really want to be here. What about you? What do you think of the event?"
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Farryn has been to many events in their time, but they were really looking forward to this one. And for a change, they hadn't been the one to start it. This event is being thrown by someone else. Friend of a friend. Or an acquaintance of an acquaintance. Farryn can't always tell. They tend to assume that those who keep them in their lives are their friends, but of course, it could just be out of politeness. Still, Farryn hopes not. They would like to think they're an approachable person and that if someone really didn't want to be friends, they would say so. Farryn does know conflict can be hard for some people, though. And they have so much compassion for that, they really do.
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realmythsmoved · 9 months
@godzexperiment liked here for a holiday/winter-themed starter and got Farryn!
Farryn is standing out in the cold, but don't worry. They've got their jacket and boots and hat and gloves on. Of course, they aren't affected by the weather in the way a human would be. But it's good to keep up appearances. After all, not everyone knows that they aren't human.
They're out here passing out flyers for their Christmas/New Year's party. As usual, they're going all out. As someone walks by, they hold out a flyer and say: "Christmas- New Year's party! All are welcome. Bring a friend." They say with a bright smile at the stranger.
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They had rented out a rather big space for this party. Of course, they had invited family and friends, as well. But it wouldn't be a Farryn party if they hadn't invited a ton of strangers too. It's simply what they love to do. Farryn loves to meet new people. They've always been a social being. And so, here they are, advertising their party to everyone possible.
"I'm Farryn, by the way. Farryn Scott." They say to the stranger, brushing away a strand of hair that's emerged from their ponytail. They hope the stranger will introduce themself as well. After all, strangers are just friends you don't know yet. At least, that's Farryn's philosophy.
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realmythsmoved · 5 months
@mostmagicals liked here for a starter for Eirian. Song: Pink Pony Club by Chappell Roan
Farryn can't help but enjoy the atmosphere in their current environment. They turn to their companion and say "I'm gonna keep on dancing." A pause, a bright smile.
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"But let me know if you need anything, yeah?" They want the other person to feel comfortable too. And if they need anything, Farryn will be happy to help.
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realmythsmoved · 5 months
@godzexperiment continued from here "I mean you could have, it's certainly different from party hosting but should be fun and the house party afterwards if you feel like it. Also a free ticket to underground pop up concerts aren't easy to come by." Nix rummaged the ticket out to extend it to them. "So it's an fascinating experience on that front alone."
"I'm sure it will be fun. And yes, it's not something one comes across every day." Farryn says with a smile, taking the ticket from Nix. "What kind of music are we talking about?" Farryn listens to a little bit of everything so they're sure they'll like the music. But it can't hurt to ask, in their opinion. That way they can have all of the information.
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realmythsmoved · 7 months
❛ drink with me. ❜ - from Tyler to a muse of your choosing ♡
"Usually I'm the one pouring them, but okay. I won't say no." Farryn chuckles a bit. Of course, being a bartender is only their human job. Their true calling is spreading adventure to humanity and their fellow supernatural beings. But they can hardly tell that secret to a stranger.
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realmythsmoved · 7 months
i haven't slept since sunday . (to adventure from gael)
Farryn looks at the other person with a concerned expression. "Why not? Is something wrong?"
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They hope not, but someone not sleeping is usually not a good sign.
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realmythsmoved · 9 months
@bewitchingbaker gets a bonus starter because reasons!
Farryn smiles at Chris. They don't fully get Esme's attraction to him, but they have to admit, he is a nice guy. "Did Esme tell you about my party?" They ask, hoping he's able to make it. "It's a Christmas/New Years/general holiday party. And the more the merrier, I say." They hope their words will put Chris at ease. That he'll feel comfortable attending the party. They know Esme would love it, and Farryn too would love to have his company. Not that they're likely to admit that, exactly. But it's true nevertheless.
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realmyths · 15 days
@bewitchingbaker liked here for a short starter and got Farryn!
Farryn can't help but chuckle just at the sight of Chris. "Hey, long time no see. How are you and Esme doing?" Farryn is sure they know but can't help but ask anyway.
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realmyths · 15 days
@storyofwhoiam continued from here Ash raised an eyebrow, a hint of a smirk playing at their lips. “Cheese,“ they raised a finger, "a good orgasm,” they raised another finger for each addition, counting them off, “a really peaty whisky, music so loud you can’t hear your own thoughts.” "The truth can suck, dude.”
Farryn can't help but chuckle as the other person makes a list. It isn't a bad one, either. Farryn especially enjoys a good orgasm and music so loud they can't hear their own thoughts. And yes, sometimes the truth can suck. But Farryn still prefers it to the alternative.
"Okay, okay. You've made your point."
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"I still prefer the truth to lies, though. Even though it does sometimes suck." A pause, a bright smile crosses their face. "I'm Farryn, by the way. Farryn Scott." They might as well introduce themself. "Nice to meet you..." Hopefully the other person will introduce themself as well.
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realmythsmoved · 24 days
you know what they say: never waste a friday night on a first date. // @ farryn
"Do they say that?" Farryn asks with a chuckle. They would think a Friday night would be a good time for a first date. Though they suppose it depends on how the date goes. No one enjoys a bad first date. And it would be a waste of a Friday night to go on one of those. "Kissed a lot of frogs, huh?" Another chuckle escapes them.
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"I hope you meet the one for you soon." They say with a bright smile.
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realmythsmoved · 2 months
@decreedfate continued from here "This isn't my first rodeo." Jophiel states, trailing a hand through her messy curls, a sigh escaping. Once again, trouble was barking at her door, and it isn't exactly the first time it had happened, so to speak.
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"Just…" She motioned up at Farryn, her hands gesturing about their person. "Don't make it harder than it needs to be. My duty isn't towards some hair brained scheme. I help guide souls to their true place." And she'd very much liked to get back to it, thank you very much. "I don't need this. Not now."
"Good!" Farryn is glad that the other person knows what they're doing. At their next words, though, Farryn frowns. "I won't."
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They blink rapidly and open their mouth in amazement at the other's next words. "Excuse me. I will have you know that my brain is great. And scheme? That sounds so...negative." All they're doing is their calling, spreading adventure to humanity and their fellow supernatural beings. "I can't help it if my calling is Adventure." They say with a shrug. All they know is that they're created for a purpose. They're sure the other person can understand that. "Well, when would be a good time?" They say with a small smile. Everyone needs a break now and then, after all.
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realmythsmoved · 3 months
@hoovedrycal continued from here
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regulus only blinks. he didn’t really understand. “ i.. don’t..” he wasn’t sure. is ufo is what earthlings call ships? he was still new at this. the cervid prince titled his head before shrugging. earth language is so weird to him. he was still used to being here. “ i believe so? your earth language confused me sometimes.” regulus leans against a tree.
Farryn chuckles a bit. They smile kindly at him. "It confuses me too. This is all on humanity." Of course, Farryn themself isn't human. Hence why sometimes things confuse them too. But this they know. "UFO stands for unidentified flying object. So if we identify a UFO, we'd have to get rid of the U."
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