seekesotsibteadmist · 5 months
Saima figured that such a rare looking item had to come from somewhere specific. And they didn't want to risk the other losing track of it. Goodness knows that could have caused an issue.
"You're very welcome. It's a stunning pendant by the way. I understand not wanting this to go missing by any means.. whatsoever."
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escapedartgeek · 5 months
In this more social era, Zora was glad to be able to make friends with all kinds of figures. And getting invited to a party with a bunch of nymphs sounded like a good enough time for them. With some snacks, a few drinks.. and some good music, Z was feeling comfortable enough to genuinely be at ease milling about the garden.
It was during such wandering that they heard their name called - causing them to stop turn their head and wave back at Kar before slowly making their way over.
"Hey hey! Good to see you, yeah Cloris is a newer friend of mine but she's super cool. "
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realmythsmoved · 5 months
@obscurushydrae continued from here Kar stared at Farryn's pleading face with tired expression borne of sixteen hour workday. She closed her eyes and took a breath. Kar's home was a known sanctuary, even when all she wanted was pass out in bed. "Aight, let's get 'im in..." she beckoned both of them into the foyer of the townhouse. It was a liminal hub, as sort of politically neutral ground. One of the few mortal items her mother possessed and she inherited it. Cosimo dozed on the couch in the sitting room, the empusa preferred to stay in his borzoi form. Unfazed at the action in the foyer. "Whaddya want? Tea? Coffee?" she asked, leading towards the kitchen.
Farryn looks at the other person with their best puppy dog eyes. And indeed, it's not hard. All they have to do is copy their current companion, a rather small dog who had followed them when they had left work. They hadn't known if bringing him home was the best option, and so here they are. At Kar's door.
When she lets them in, Farryn smiles and claps their hands together in excitement. "Thanks so much! I owe you one." They say to Kar. To the dog, they say "Come on! In!"
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And the puppy heads into the townhouse, closely followed by Farryn themself. "Tea would be nice!" They respond to Kar's question. "Ooh, or soda. Do you have fruit punch?" Farryn isn't sure exactly what beverage they'd like. But of course, their main focus is getting their furry friend squared away. "This little guy followed me out of work today. I don't think he has an owner. No collar or leash or anything. And I don't know if I could take him home." Farryn has many talents, but taking care of a puppy is not one of them. They can't even keep a plant alive. Much less a puppy. So ideally, they'd find him another home.
"I want to help him find a home, but I don't know how to go about it. Any ideas?" Farryn is up for anything. And they're sorry to bother Kar so late, but had not been sure where else to go. Hope or Esme couldn't take on a dog, being busy with their callings as they are. And the same is true of Farryn themself. So they wouldn't want their relatives to get attached to the animal and then not be able to keep him. Hopefully, that wouldn't be the case here. "Sorry to barge in like this, by the way. But this was the first place I thought of, and you're on my way home so....sorry!"
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xflashbastardx · 5 months
"Yeah, I could go for that. Maybe a little Kool-Aid of, you know… of the, you know, the grape persuasion…"
" You can just say wine, you know."
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Sass aside, Crowley got up to grab a bottle and a couple of glasses, but paused mid-way and turned back to face Kar.
"Unless you actually meant you want grape Kool-Aid. Because, just so you know, I don't have any of that."
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andtoconquer · 1 month
@obscurushydrae - cont.
"I guess I could..." Conquest mused, before pausing and shaking his head as if to dismiss the thought. "Wait no, that would definitely put me back in asshole or monster territory." He let out a nervous chuckle, rubbing his arm and breaking eye contact with her. "Besides, where would I even find a mind control ray?"
Another pause, punctuated by a sigh as he turned her words over in his head. "You're probably right. I guess I can try to find a way to make up for it. I just wish I had more experience with that kind of thing."
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praemoniitus · 5 months
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Eying the doll with paranoia and distrust. Though the other didn't show any sign. That the doll was anything but a doll. Even if it creeped Zed out. e It didn't stop her deep paranoia ,from past experiences' with the entities', mainly the stranger. Even if they have no hold in this dimension, thank god "Just paranoid." this is why she never visits antique stores alone. Even if nothing was out to harm her. "Sure its not possessed by anything." particularly The Stranger. Even if Zed was sure none of the Entities where in this world.
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Thread# I with Kar/ @obscurushydrae :: verse main :: continued from
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infernal-feminae · 4 months
Agent Two
Wrong blog but Beelzebub!
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a-hell-of-a-time · 4 months
What was your character’s favorite toy as a child? What does your character like in other people? Describe a scenario in which your character feels most comfortable. (For Octavia)
Character Development Questions: Hard Mode: Accepting!
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((Octavia's favourite toy would have been her little telescope. She would love to use it to gaze up at the stars, even though they were simply the decorations in her room.))
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((Octavia likes people who are honest and won't try to bullshit her. She also likes kind and gentle people, nut unlike her father when she was growing up.))
((Octavia is honestly the most comfortable when she's reading or listening to her music! Reading allows her mind to focus on other things while music lets her zone out or go through the emotions she's feeling at the moment.))
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thecounci1 · 5 months
"What are you meeting about, lamps?"
Looking at the objects on the desk "Someone in the artifacts division, had butterfingers." it was one way to put it. It took Ruth, Thea, and five other agents to contain the buggers ". . .but who knew lanterns can hold Salamanders." okay modified lanterns with symbols, and other provisions. "Until we can fix their previous vessels'." he questioned why they put them in the conference room.
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muse: Ezra : ask from Kar/@obscurushydraee , verse tbd
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monmuses · 4 months
⭐ (disregard if I sent one already)
mutual bingo - NO LONGER ACCEPTING
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okay i LOVE ur blogs and the aesthetics. i love how much time you've put to your muses and you just. are so cool??? i love the whole vibe you have! i think you're super cool!!
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pupmusebox · 4 months
[Surprise! Run by bapping!]
Haha, bap to you to. 🐾🐾🐾🐾
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escapedartgeek · 5 months
Z should have known something was up with the way that Kar was looking elsewhere. And while they were in no position to judge given how much memories tended to float up for them, they were a little bit worried.
"..Do you want to talk about it? Or would you rather go somewhere else? I just want to know what would be uh good for you right now. "
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mandysxmuses · 4 months
“ I've been looking for you. ” (Nico or Nero)
"For me?" Nero looked up and pointed to himself as he approached, and then eyed who was actually approaching him. ... Immediately, a feeling of caution overcame him. He could tell just by looking at her that she wasn't exactly human.
"... Is it a demon problem and you want me to kick some ass, or am I the problem and you've come to kick my ass, or ...?"
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xflashbastardx · 4 months
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Look at him. A very proud pseudo-uncle.
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realmythsmoved · 4 months
@obscurushydrae continued from here "Oh?" There is a tilt of her of her head. Almost raptor-like. "Perhaps I am." She remained silent, assessing the being before her. Everyone could mean a whole lot of folks, with varying opinions, various understandings of aspects of her she does not show others. "And just what about have they been talking about?
Hope smiles kindly at the other person. They are glad to finally meet her. Especially since they've heard a lot, they're excited to make up their own mind about the other. When asked what they've been talking about, Hope shrugs. "Well, a lot of people have said you're intimidating. But my sibling, Farryn, I believe you know them, said you're cool."
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A pause, a chuckle. "I simply knew I had to meet you and make up my own mind. I'm Hope, by the way. It's a pleasure to meet you."
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stellevatum · 2 months
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[Written by Karthonic; sporadic activity.]
THE CELESTIAL: @stellevatum [ The Original; scifi/space opera]
THE PRIMORDIAL: @obscurushydrae [Paranormal AU]
THE SURVIVOR: @sidisaspecto [Private; ARK AU for @stargazertribe]
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