#chapter 4 gave me depression fr
zingeralmighty · 11 months
Oh, you finished Chapter 4 of Rain Code already😬
So, uh, how are you feeling after the chapter?
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In all seriousness yeah, especially since I’m back in school I’ve gotten too impatient to wait to finish writing before progressing. I just make notes of things I wouldn’t know at a certain point and also have a good record of my live reactions from a channel I update when I play LOL. I like to keep the spoiler barrier up though just in case people still playing the game come across it
Ch. 4 spoilers under the cut. PS I saw your massive comment on my most recent piece, I’m swamped with school atm but I so so appreciate how much you get into my fics, even when I just see you around it’s nice, I think you’ll like what I have in store for the future (be excited and scared)
Man when I tell you I fucking BAWLED. I was inconsolable for a good hour. And it’s so funny because in hindsight there were so many clues leading back to it being Yakou, but I literally did just block the possibility out of my brain because I couldn’t even begin to conceptualize it, especially with how distraught I was that he was already dying. The only thing that got me to finally consider it was when the possibility of Huesca leading the detectives in there to kill them came up, WHICH, MIGHT I ADD, he HAD to at least have had a hunch that would have happened because he banked on them getting Ama-Pal to break in which was literally the only way he could have gotten in there. But that’s a tangent for another day, I have a massive Yakou character analysis/rant in the works because I love him so fucking much, he is the dad of all time.
Besides the heartbreak it was a fucking fantastic chapter though, I wish we could have played a bigger role in the Yomi takedown but seeing him get put in his place was beyond fucking satisfying. ALSO I CALLED MARTINA NOT BEING DEAD because I figured he’d flaunt it so hard if he had physical evidence of her execution, so when she showed back up I was GIDDY. She deserves better
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xaz-fr · 6 years
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Set in a fantasy world of the semi socialist society Fey Alliance with magic, dick head dragon riders, benevolent necromancer, and even bigger dick head gods of mischief. The Zealous Servant is the story about a guy named Spayar who, basically, has to keep his crown prince of a bff from being murdered by his entire family by murdering them first. Honestly though Spayar just wants to take a nap and find a cute boy to kiss and not have to worry about his corpse potentially being dragged through the street after a war. Better win that shit then.
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@estevnys @bahamuut-fr  @deadpool-scar-bro @barkingjester @flelagela  @golden-lionsnake @frxemriss  @starry-ampelope
This just in: Spayar is a BIG GAY MOOD
Chapter 4: The Mourning Rose
The city of Nedrag and the surrounding area sat in a low part of the land. The little bay the city sat in was enclosed by two cliffs that rose like they were embracing the sea and sky. Nedrag was set in the lowest part of the cliffs, in the only bit of shore there was, and Spayar was surprised to see that there were also buildings cut into and built onto the northern cliff face. He'd never been to Nedrag so of course he wouldn't know. Ships bobbed in the bay, only the smallest boats able to get close to the port and avoid the perils of shallow water. The city itself were neat plaster white buildings with flat roofs, sitting in neat rows like teeth in increasingly larger semi circles around the bay.
Directly next to Nedrag, separated by a black wall, was the Garden. If Nedrag was monochromatic, with only the blue Shard to contrast it, the Garden made up for it by being every color in the spectrum. The largest building, the Grand Temple, at the center of the Garden was a pure alabaster and a gold gilt roof. Across from it, down a paved walkway, was the chapel, and it was as black as the Grand Temple was white. Where the Temple was full of beautiful sweeping curves designed to look like it was hovering above your head without supports and had large stained glass windows in the front of a silver man with a moon for a halo, the chapel was squat and straddled the pathway like a toad. The air seemed dark around the chapel, which was also an eighth of the size of the Temple, and Spayar was glad he'd never get to go in there.
More paved pathways branched off from the Temple like the spokes of a wheel, that went to white buildings of various sizes. Some were cottages, others looked like dormitories or classrooms, stables, workshops, training grounds, and then up near the cliff it was buffered against was the large graveyard. Each plot was marked with a post with a white circle placed on it's apex; the sign of the full moon. The walls of all the buildings except the chapel and Temple were covered in greenery and flowers. This far north it was warm enough that flowers didn't have a season and bloomed nearly all year round and the ones that didn’t were magically encouraged to do so. The Garden was a riot of color, purple climbing up the side of a house, thick stripes of yellow and red flower beds lined the pathways, rose bushes with flowers as big as your hand were practically everywhere. It was a perpetual springtime paradise in the Garden it seemed.
"I hate this place," Von said from his horse as they looked down on the city and temple complex from the Sea Road, the road that ran directly from Peonia and the Garden. A gift, it was said, from a Peony Governor to a High Priestess. If you listened to the Aldashi version the two were lovers. The Nedalian version said it was a peace offering. For Spayar didn’t know. Probably some petty argument the neighboring provinces had about gymnastics or plant growing.
"You have to admit, it does look pretty," Spayar said. Idly.
Von looked at him with a frown, "You know what they do in there, don't you Spayar?"
"Yes, I am well aware," the teaching tables were legendary in the Garden and you could see them from here. Open air amphitheaters with a small stage where the only object upon it was a heavy wooden table that was said to be black from blood and bent from hate. They regularly held live dissections on criminals who warranted the death punishment; murderers, rapists, pedophiles, partakers in incest, and traitors. If they survived the lesson a healer tended to their wounds, regrew organs if needed, and they were put back in cells until needed again. The necromongers who taught lessons in anatomy were experts at keeping their 'patients' alive for weeks. If a patient survived four months, half a year, on a teaching table without dying all their charges were dropped and they were free to go. Spayar didn't know of one time someone had made it all six months.
That wasn't even the end of the horror that went on there though. Spayar was sure he didn't know half of it, and didn't want it; was glad he didn't know.
"It's sickening really," Von said.
"They aren't all like that," Spayar said. He’d met a few necromancers while serving time and some necromongers. They were just people who were more fanatic about their worship of the god of death than most of the Alliance. That didn’t make them bad.
Von looked at Spayar, "They're a noble house of the Alliance, Spayar," he said seriously, "they're all like that."
"They're just people. People who are useful to us. Stop complaining.”
Von sighed, "Yes, you’re right-
“I tend to be.”
Von gave him an annoyed look but it didn’t stick. “And I suppose they could be worse. I could throw my hand in with the Clan. I heard my sister is doing that. Idiot," and he tapped his horse's side and they headed for the Garden.
“She is?”
“Last I heard she was sleeping with one.”
“Why would she do that?”
“Why my siblings use their bodies like that when everyone knows it means nothing will never cease to baffle me,” Von said. Spayar looked away in embarrassment. He knew why they would. He knew because it was useful to him in the same way.
He cleared this throat, “She must be desperate if she’s actually in bed with the Clan. I hear they circumcise themselves. That’s weird.” Von snickered from his saddle and they urged their horses to continue along the road down to the Garden.
There were two entrances into the Garden, the Rose Gate, and the Sea Gate. The Sea Gate connected the Garden to Nedrag and allowed people to move in and out of both places without having to go around to the front Rose Gate. Three necromongers and a single necromancer, a skeleton crew, were manning the Rose Gate, the portcullis down and looked like the vines of some creeping plant. The walls surrounding the gate were covered in spines like a barbed rose and a large, red, piece of stone had been carved into the shape of a rose to hang over the entrance, the black stone that housed the gate and made up the wall looked like leaves. The necromongers looked at the two of them as they approached. "The Rosalia are accepting no visitors now," one said.
Von looked at Spayar to say something clever. "We come in the name of crown prince Vondugard Le'Acard. We're here to see the High Priestess, Lady Helida Rosalia. Now open the gates or the Asuras will hear about how you turned away her son's envoy," Spayar said. He was good at this stuff. Making people scared, not of him really, but the power behind him. He knew how to make people do what he wanted them do. Just a few right placed words and all sorts of doors opened up for him.
Of course it would have just been easier to announce Von himself, but they didn't want people to know they were here. They'd been careful coming to the Garden from Peonia not stopping at towns along the way and using the main road to travel fast to outpace anyone following them from Peonia.  To the Asuras her children didn't just visit an important house for no reason, at least not one like the Rosalia. They had plenty of reason to keep their presence unknown. Thankfully it had only taken two days to ride up the coast.
The necromongers looked at one another and then at the necromancer. She pursed her lips and they and spoke amongst each other a moment. Spayar looked over at Von, what were they going to do if they didn't get in? It didn't come to that, "Tell his highness that our doors are always open to him," the necromancer said and the necromongers opened the portcullis. Von and Spayar walked under the Rose Gate and through to the other side. The portcullis thumped down behind them.
They rode to the Temple, and a pair of holsters ambled out curiously. Once it was clear they were guests of Helida they took their horses, helping them down and said they’d send their bags to where the High Priestess was allowing them to stay. After getting their names to add to the stable list they were beckoned off to enter the temple.
"Let’s hope we didn't come at a bad time,” Von said as they headed for the open mouth of the Temple. The entrance was open with a ethereal muslin veil covering the entrance. The bottom was beaded to keep it from flailing in the wind but parted like water when Von lifted the edge to go in.
"Her mother just died, Von," Spayar frowned at Von.
“I meant now,” he heard the eye roll in Von’s voice. “But it was almost five months ago Spayar, surely some of the bite is gone," Von said with a frown, "and her only daughter's naming day is approaching-
"It's in four days," Spayar supplied. He'd been tasked to know the naming days and names of every major noble house growing up, that included the new ones too. Von knew the heads of houses and important others. He didn't have to remember the others; that was what Spayar was for.
"Good. So lets hope she isn't so damn depressing. This place celebrates death after all."
Spayar frowned after Von. He just hard to remind himself that for a prince Von was pretty sheltered. He’d only ever been in the capitals really, or places where they were openly welcoming royalty. He hadn’t been around real people other than the Hillsmans in who knew how long. “That’s unfair to them,” Spayar grabbed him before he could go too far into the Temple.
"I'm the crown prince-
"These people could be one of your best allies. Your mother made herself no friend to Maja when she was alive, siding mostly with the Drake on important house politics when the two were involved. But they aren’t senseless or chaotic. They’re just people who worship Lemp, which is good because not many of us do.”
Von frowned hard at him, "Why do you have to be so damn smart all the time, Spayar?" Spayar didn’t miss the hurt feelings in his voice. Spayar let his arm go. He shouldn’t have felt bad for reminding Von to not be so judgmental but he was.
"You made me that way," Spayar said instead.
There was an uneasy silence between them for a moment. "You're right,” he said, acknowledging he’d done this himself.
“So listen to me when I give advice. Otherwise what is the point of me? A trophy?” D’aelar, an old Fey word meaning zealous servant, the most devoted to their chosen member of royalty. Von's older siblings called Spayar d'alaer to mock him in equal measure of how much they were jealous of their little brother to have someone so devoted to them as Spayar was to Von. There had only been a handful of named d'aelar in the entire existence of the Alliance since the first Asuras and his d'aelar, Masalla. To be named was no casual thing and Spayar didn’t always feel like he deserved it or that he was appreciated enough for actually having it.
Von’s eyes widened. “No,” he was quick to assure. “You’re my friend,” he touched Spayar’s arm. “You’re just… annoying sometimes.”
“So are you, don’t hear me complaining,” Spayar huffed.
“Oh so that whining you did all the way down the Westerlance didn’t happen?” Von grinned, relief spreading across his face that the uncomfortable moment was passed.
“Okay, maybe a little,” Spayar allowed.
“Can we go in now?”
The muslin pooled against Von’s hand as he gently pulled away the veil barely concealing the entrance of the Temple and they quietly stepped inside. Inside the Temple was as grand inside as it was outside with shiny, multi-colored, marble floors and delicate white pillars. Frescos decorated the walls, most of the scenes involving death and women without faces riding pure white deer. Others involved naked men with stag heads eating the flesh of fallen warriors, and one depicted the three bird-like furies with gleaming swords and dark leather covering their bodies, ready for war, all of the paintings were scenes under moonlight of some form of solar eclipse.
This part of the Temple was totally open and at the back was a large, silver, statue of a man, Lemp; one of the twin head gods, ruler of the moon and the Shadowed Lands. He stood with one foot supporting most of his weight and you could see his ribs and clear line of his pelvis even through his clothes. Silver hair covered his eyes and in one hand he held a glass orb that glowed gently from the inside. A representation of the soul no doubt. In the other hand he held a shepherd's crook.
"Bad timing," Spayar whispered softly to Von as they walked a bit deeper into the side wings. The Temple was filled with people, all kneeling on the floor watching three people standing under the statue of Lemp, one women and two men, singing in a language Spayar didn't know. He had to assume it was the old tongue the necromancers spoke before their country had become part of the Alliance, the one their Red Book was written in. Spayar didn't know they spoke it anywhere else other than at funerals. The woman was a soaring soprano while the two men behind her were basses and it was a pleasant surpise. The singers had lovely voices that the vaulted ceilings of the Temple made resonate down into your bones.
Von tugged Spayar over to a wall and a small alcove where incense were burning gently in an alter of two cupped hands. Spayar looked up at the fresco and grimaced, they stood right under a stag headed man, a jogull, his maw dripped blood, his eyes a wild red color, teeth huge and pointed. He swallowed a bit and looked away, not liking being reminded that the Shadowed Land wasn’t the only place a soul could end up. "What’s this?" Von asked Spayar quietly to not disturb the service.
"No idea," Spayar whispered, "I think it's some sort of service."
"Is it a holy day?"
“Well… It is Lemest? So I guess? I'm not a Rosalia, how should I know?"
“Because you know stuff,” Von hissed.
"I don't know this," Spayar glanced at the Temple and the singing people. It was a very hauntingly beautiful sound he had to admit, also kind of creepy. But what did the Rosalia do that wasn't a bit creepy? "We'll just have to wait it out."
“Annoying,” Von muttered but they had no choice. They stood back, out of sight, waiting for it to end. Spayar's feet started to hurt before the song- songs?- ended. Everyone in the Temple bowed, touching their heads nearly to the floor and then stood up. The sound of hushed talking was nearly instant as they left through the main front entryway. Spayar recognized all of the people as necromancers or necromongers. No general servants or people from Nedrag had been in attendance. He could tell by their eyes and the way the men wore their facial hair. Every necromonger he’d met while serving time complained about having to keep their face shaved for religious reasons. Back home it was easy but on the road you sometimes had to make due with trusting someone with a dagger at your neck. If you were lucky an officer had a shaving knife or there was a lonth around who had the type of killer precision to shave your face without nicking you.
Once the last person had filed out Von stepped out of the alcove, "Okay, lets find the High Priestess," he said and Spayar followed him down the side wing to walk down to where the Temple had doors. Behind the main area of prayer the Temple also contained the rooms of the Governor and their family, the true Rosalia, since every man and woman who served Lemp called themselves Rosalia.
Von knocked on the door to the living area and a servant answered the door, "Can I help you, sirs?" she asked.
"We're here to see the High Priestess," Spayar said.
"She isn't seeing anyone."
"We're envoys of the crown prince Vondugard. Ask her if she'll see us," Spayar put in kindly.
The servant frowned at them, "I will ask," and she closed the door on them.
"What if she doesn't see us?" Spayar asked Von.
"Helida isn't stupid. She'll see us."
"Does she know we're coming?"
"No. But I know Tallalsala came and saw her. Helida nearly invoked my mother's wrath when she quite literally threw my sister out on her ass," Von chuckled.
"But?" Spayar asked, he hadn't heard this. That made him extra nervous. He hated not knowing what the royal heirs had been up to while he was gone. What stupid mess they’d made while he wasn’t around to capitalize on it.
"It was a few weeks after her mother died and, as you said, my mother and hers were not friends. She threatened to create a portal into the sky and see what came out if my mother wanted to 'punish' her for not tolerating Tallasala’s rudeness, which included some very nasty things including stripping of titles and going into the Book of Bloods. Needless to say it didn’t end well and Tallalsala had to apologize. My mother managed to smooth things over after that but we’ve had no correspondence with the Rosalia since.”
"Your mother is an idiot," Spayar said with a snort.
"She is," Von said passionlessly.
"You'll do better than her," he said as the door opened again to the servant girl.
"She's agreed to see you," she said.
"Thank you," Spayar said and they followed after the servant into a hallway. She led them to a room at the back of the Temple complex and knocked. Someone within bid them to enter and the servant opened the door, Spayar and Von went in.
Helida wore a dress down to her knees the color of storm tossed water, gray and blue and cold that made her brown skin look gray. Her long, brown, dreadlocks were piled on the top of her head like a crown and she wore small yellow flowers in her hair, woven into her locks. She had one brown eye, and her right one was the color of a drop of blood. Despite the mourning dress she didn’t seem any less than he expected her. Of course he put on all sorts of brave faces so wasn’t above thinking that of her. The room wasn’t exactly a room but an open air courtyard surrounded by high blooming hedges and enclosed by small gazebo.
When the two of them climbed the two short steps up to the wooden floor of the gazebo she bowed lowly to Von. “Your highness,” she said.
"You knew it was me?" Von said, hands behind his back.
She looked up at him with cool eyes, “I expected someone else to come along eventually after her highness Tallalsala made such a blunder. That and you look like your grandmother, of course I knew it was you.”
Von grimaced. “I see. I am actually not here to speak of politics at all, regardless of my incompetent sister,” Von said.
"Oh?" she asked, raising her brows at him.
"I came for two reasons," he said and stepped over to Helida. He took her hand in both of his, "I'm sorry about your mother," he said sincerely and Spayar actually wondered how sincere he truly was. Von didn't do things like this unless he could benefit from them. And he didn’t know what it was like to want to mourn a family member. "I know our families did not get along as well as they should have while she was High Priestess but she was an amazing woman. The world shall mourn her passing as I'm sure Lemp is glad to have someone like her back with him."
"She was,” Helida swallowed and it was the first time Spayar saw a chip in Helida's armor, and extracted her hand from Von’s "No doubt she's at peace in the Shadowed Lands." Von and Spayar crossed themselves respectfully.
"I also know that your daughter's naming day is coming," Von smiled warmly at her, "I had hoped to be invited," he held up a velvet bag he pulled out of nowhere containing the hair comb he’d bought n Tassa’s approval. Spayar didn't even bother to question where he'd been hiding it.
Helida appraised her prince, looking for lies, deception, or a way to make her look a fool in an attempt to regain his sister's honor. The truth was though Von didn't care about his siblings, much less Tallalsala. He was here for himself and yes to celebrate little Paja's naming day. After a few moments Helida allowed a slight smile to come to her face, "It would be an honor your highness,” she said. "I'll have some rooms for you prepared for you both. I assume you aren't here publicly?"
"No," Von said, "Discretion would be appreciated. My mother doesn't want her children anywhere near the Garden until... oh how did she put it?" he seemed to think a few seconds, holding his chin. "Oh, right, until 'that new red witch has remembered who holds the power'." Helida's eyes narrowed, Von shrugged, "But I am nothing if not a misbehaving son,” he said with a charming grin.
"You may want to be careful your highness," Helida said, "Roses have thorns."
"I'll just wear gardener's gloves then," Von’s smile didn’t falter for a moment.
Helida looked him over a last time, “Hmm, I like you more than your sister," she said.
"My sister is a moron," Von said candidly. "So, those rooms my dear High Priestess? Also maybe something to eat? My vassal and I are starving."
"Of course. And perhaps also a bath," she said mildly, Spayar wrinkled his nose but did agree. "I'll have Nemi air out some of the guest rooms across the court, you may make yourselves comfortable until they're prepared and have your bags brought to them.”
“Thank you, Helida. You are a most gracious and warm host.” He gave a little flourished bow more for the flair and less for the respect. That amused her and she chuckled.
“You are a gracious guest, prince Vondugard,” she said respectfully and stepped down from the gazebo to get the servant.
"Helida," Von said as she opened the door.
"Yes, your highness?"
"I am sorry about your mother. I can only imagine what it must be like," since Helida had no parents. Her father had gone through the Departed ceremony to get himself ritually killed shortly after Maja had suddenly died. Spayar wasn’t quite sure of what still. It was hard to get information from necromongers or necromancers in the Arm about what had killed the late High Priestess.
Helida looked over her shoulder at him, "Something tells me you will, your highness," and then she left the two of them.
When the door closed behind them Von grabbed his chest dramatically. "I have never been more scared of a woman in my entire life." He dropped onto the wooden bench that wrapped around the gazebo,
Spayar chuckled and sat down next to Von, "She is quite something," Spayar agreed with a smile.
"I felt like she was going to snap me in half with just her eyes," Von said, sagging in the chair.
"She is the High Priestess," Spayar reminded him.
"I must be a fool to try and play with the Rosalia. No wonder my mother distanced herself from this house when she could. They're terrifying!"
Spayar laughed, "Weren't you the one who said all the noble houses are this bad?"
"They are!"
"And that you wanted to try for the Drake as well?"
"Uhg, don't remind me. I can wait on the Drake until I feel like I'm not in danger of having my nuts ripped off and stepped on by a necromancer," Spayar laughed louder this time. "Laugh it up Spayar. I'd like to see you talk to her."
"You forget," Spayar said, "everyone you know and associate with is above me and could kill me whenever they wanted, for any reason. I'm used to dealing with people who make me squirm. It's a good lesson for you to find someone who scares you."
“I don’t like it.”
“It’s good for you.”
“And yet I have learned that everything that is ‘good for me’ sucks,” Von cried.
“Well… depends on what’s sucking,” Spayar said mildly and Von just looked at him very confused. At least Spayar knew Von was still innocent like that.
“How do you do it? Deal with those people?”
“I just remind myself you need me.”
“I am an adult, and quite capable,” Von said.
“Yeah. But you still need me,” Spayar said with a little self satisfied grin. “Who else will watch your back but me?”
“I guess you have a point. I do like having you around, even you are completely unreasonable at times.”
Spayar snickered as the door opened. It was another servant woman, this one looking much more everything than the one who'd showed them here. "Sirs, your rooms are ready. If you'd follow me," she said and they both heaved themselves off the bench and followed her. She led them out of the Temple and across the well paved path to a guest house between the Temple and Chapel. “Here you are,” she showed them in. It was several one room apartments with attached bathrooms. “You missed lunch," she said, "but Lady Rosalia is having food brought to your rooms shortly."
"Excellent," Von said, "Thank you," he nodded to the woman who just brushed something invisible off her apron and left them. "Bath and food?" Von asked him.
"I'll come over once I'm out," Spayar said.
"Good," and then Von vanished into the room he'd been given.
Spayar slipped into his own. It was well furnished but nothing horrifically elaborate. His bags were on a low bench at the end of the bed and there was a door to a bathroom on the left. He stripped and went to the bathroom, thankfully it looked the same as the one back home with an above ground tub. He knew inset floor tubs were becoming popular among the wealthy, especially nobility. Spayar just found them difficult to get in and out of.
The water was warm out of the tap and there was over a dozen vials and bottles of every scent he could imagine and a few he couldn't as well as three different soaps. He picked the mildest smelling ones he could find and washed. It felt good to get rid of all the dirt. He heard someone enter his room but leave again without announcing themselves, probably just his lunch. His stomach growled then, reminding him of how hungry he was. Spayar had planned on soaking in the bath a bit but his stomach demanded he do otherwise, so he climbed out of the tub, dripping wet and went into his room without bothering with a towel.
There was a tray on the side table filled with cool and raw foods. He groaned. Shit, he forgot the Rosalia were vegetarian. He'd been looking forward to meat, but no meat was allowed inside the Garden and other than specific sacrifices no animals were allowed to be harmed here either. If you wanted meat you had to go to Nedrag. Spayar looked forlornly at his meal and picked at a baked bun filled with vegetables. It wasn’t that it was bad but in Peonia raw meat was already being sold, despite the very clear law saying that wasn’t allowed, and that made cooked meat for purchase even more expensive. Von hadn’t wanted to contribute to it so they’d only eaten fish in Peonia.
He wandered around his room a bit eating the bun and letting the wind from the open window dry his naked skin. He looked for spy holes and hollow areas where there shouldn’t be. He also checked under the bed and in the closet but found nothing. Either the Rosalia were trusting or they didn’t care. He supposed it was probably the latter. Who was dumb enough to make plots against the house of necromancers in their own home? Satisfied with his room he dressed, grabbed his tray still full of food and went to Von's room. He used a bit of magic to push the door open so he didn't have to take his hands off the tray.
"Von," Spayar called as he entered.
"Still in the bath," Von called back as Spayar closed the door.
"Still?" Spayar sat on Von's bed, putting the tray in his lap and started putting food in his mouth. He didn't care if it was vegetarian, he was starving and it was good. Honestly he didn't even notice the lack of meat as he ate some sort of cool, savory, tart filled with cheese and vegetables.
"It feels wonderful," Von said delightfully from the bathroom and he heard some water sloshing, the door was ajar but Spayar couldn't see inside. "You didn't want to relax?"
"I'm eating," Spayar said, his mouth full. From the bathroom Von laughed.
"I do have to admit," Von said, "This did turn out better than I expected."
"You expected to be ejected?"
"As soon as she saw me honestly," and Spayar heard more water sloshing around. "You remember the Rosalia ruled Nedalia before it became one with the Alliance."
"I remember," Spayar said. Old Nedalia had had two rulers before they became part of the Alliance. A weak king and a much stronger faction of priestesses who served Lemp. Von's ancestor had taken Nedalia nearly fifteen hundred years ago, promising that the Rosalia would rule this province and not the now extinct Rensun.
"Honestly it's like some of these houses still think they rule," Von muttered, just loud enough for Spayar to hear.
"Well that's why it's called the Alliance," Spayar shrugged as he shoved an apple slice covered in honey into his mouth and nearly gagged on how sweet it was, "You only rule through their agreement of an alliance," he went to eat the rest of the food on his tray instead of the honeyed apples. There was cubed and skewered squash, yam, and turtle peppers covered in a thick brown sauce he was into.
"I know," Von sighed.
"Then why do you make me remind you?"
"It'd just be so much easier if the Alliance was smaller, and I didn't have to worry about such high and mighty nobles."
"I don't," Spayar said.
"You're not a Le'Acard," Von said and Spayar heard yet more sloshing, a lot more sloshing. "You don't have to worry about the stuff I worry about."
"Yeah I just have to worry about you. And let me tell you, one Le'Acard is enough to... worry about," Spayar trailed off, the food practically falling out of his mouth, as Von came out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around his waist and he swallowed thickly. Before he'd left to serve his Von had been a child. He'd been almost fifteen years of age and seeing him shirtless was like seeing a child shirtless. That was two years ago and Von's visits to bother Spayar on his service had come maybe twice a year for a short period of time, this was the longest he'd spent with his prince in two years. In two years Von had grown up and he definitely didn't look like a child now and had some hair on his chest and a defined abdomen he definitely hadn't had when Spayar had left. His arms were muscular and his skin was bronze all over, meaning he'd trained, outside, shirtless, during the summer. Spayar blushed and thanked every god he knew his skin was too dark to show it.
"Yeah but you like it," Von didn't even seem to notice and smirked at him before going to find some clothes. Spayar stared down at his tray. Good gods when had Von become a man? He always sort of knew it but he still thought of Von as that barely fifteen year old kid he'd left in Assarus two years ago. Von definitely wasn't a kid anymore. This just made it worse for Spayar honestly.
"It has its benefits," Spayar said and cleared his throat.
"Well of course. I mean you get to be in my presence," Von teased.
“Yeah, the presence of the most royal pain in my ass," he said but still was staring at his tray as he heard Von pull on his clothes. His knuckles were pale where he was gripping the tray. He wanted to look, but he didn't.
Von laughed, "Food any good?" he asked as he sat next to Spayar and finally he could look, oh thank the gods he was dressed. Von had his own tray of food next to him, between the two of them.
"For nothing but vegetables, yes, its good," Spayar said and pried his hands off his tray so he could eat. The gods were testing him with giving him a hot best friend, one who was also a prince. It was a cruel test.
"I forgot they don't eat meat," Von popped one of the little cheese and vegetable tarts into his mouth thoughtfully. "Honestly I don't know why the Drake and Rosalia don't get along. The wyrms are vegetarians, the necromancers are vegetarians, the Wyrd practically sustains itself on fish and chicken. "
"So they should get along based on their food preferences alone?" Spayar rose his brows at Von.
"Why not? Not like their hatred is any less stupid. Do you even know why they hate each other?"
"No," Spayar said. The reason for the blood feud had been lost centuries ago, and had started when the Rosalia had first started to train necromancers, decades after they joined the Alliance. All anyone knew was that the two factions loathed each other and the feud had nearly led to civil war several times in the past two thousand years. No one even knew why. Anyone Spayar talked to who wasn’t part of the feud also thought it was beyond ridiculous.
"No doubt its over something stupid. Like a girl, or a pig, or some insignificant slight," Von said, unimpressed as always with the petty hatred between the Rosalia and Drake.
"Who can say honestly," Spayar said. "So other than Paja's naming day what is your plan here?"
"Nothing," Von said.
"Yes. Nothing," Von had found the apple slices and was polishing those off while he eyed the ones Spayar had left on his own tray. Spayar didn't like sweet things that much, he knew Von did though.
"What do you hope to accomplish with that?"
"That I'm better than my mother," Von said. "I've been planning what to do for a while and honestly Tallalsala's mistake was a great opportunity for me," he smiled slightly, madly. "My family has lost the art of subtlety the last few generations. My mother didn't even kill her own mother, she just found her hurt brother who'd thrown the coup and killed him, taking his place. It's all brute strength and no brawn in my family. Bless my father for being a snake in the grass and slithering into her bed,” he crossed himself like he was thanking a god.
"Which none of your siblings got except you?"
Von shook his head, "Teldin is good. He's overly cautious, but a good match for my brain," he tapped his temple, leaving a slight residue of honey. It took more willpower than Spayar would admit to to not wipe it away with his thumb. "Can I have those?" he pointed to Spayar's honeyed apple slices, the only food left on his tray.
"Yeah," Spayar said and Von took the little plate they were on happily. Spayar smiled slightly, he liked making Von happy, even if it was just small things like honeyed apple slices.
"I have sources," Von said, the apple slices vanishing down his throat quicker than they maybe should have while he was talking, “Not you, I know what a surprise. But they’ve told me Teldin has put his lot in with the White Foot and the Wren-Kal."
Spayar frowned, "Both are powerful," he said. The White Foot were a nomadic people from the north who lived in the foothills of the Spine and within the Spine itself at times. They were a fearsome cavalry and being so close to the Federation border they could shoot an arrow or swing a sword almost before they could talk. The Wren-Kal were a house of powerful warlocks, many of which with the lightning element. Not a great enemy to have.
"Yeah and like I told you, Tallasala is approaching Clan chieftains. She knows Teldin has started to move." The Clan of the Yellow Hills was a collection of tribes who only barely agreed to Alliance laws and abided more by their own tribal laws than not. They were also known ritualistic cannibals. The ritualistic part was usually left out in most people’s minds so they had a fearsome reputation.
"What about Obi and Dellin?"
"They probably also know. Honestly if I know then my mother knows and so do my older siblings," he didn't mention the younger ones. Malora, Cashchil, and Gurrin, were all too young to worry about politics. The next oldest, Cashchil, was only twelve. "Though if I know about the White Foot and Wren-Kal I don't know about others. Military officials, master smiths, lower houses. All important."
"Was the Tallalsala coming here a reaction to her learning about the Wren-Kal?"
"Possibly," Von said licking the last of the honey off his fingers and the natural frown on Spayar's face deepened. "She moved too quickly, pissed off a potential ally, and then went whimpering back to mother." He rolled his eyes.
"Teldin will move soon?"
"I don't think so. You know how he is, everything is methodical. He won’t do anything until he knows he can and will win.”
"How long do you think you have until he makes a move?"
"A year. If I'm lucky," Von said seriously and Spayar swallowed. Von was marking his life at one more year if he didn't stage a coup first. Why couldn't the Le’Acard just wait until the old Asuras died or stepped down like every other kingdom? Why did the death of an Asuras always come accompanied by so much blood shed? Right, because the Alliance was like no other kingdom on Priman'osta. "Once I'm done here I need you to return to back to Assarus before me-
“Why not accompany you?”
“It’s safer for you in Assarus than it is for me. Teldin is there. He won’t hurt you but I don’t trust him not to do something to me.”
“And what are you doing?”
"I'm going to head south-
"Please don't say Peonia."
"No. The Lord Peony loves my mother. She has that… man,” he stopped himself from saying something rude, “in her pocket. I'm going to go to Alderin."
Spayar thought about who lived in Alderin. It was a little city too far inland to have a port and was off the main road that ran the length of the Shard. There was no high noble family there, so lower, probably a military official. He squinted in thought about what was so important about Alderin to have a someone needing to watch it. Trade, of course. "One of your mother's Praetors lives in Alderin," Spayar sad once he remembered but that didn’t help his confusion.
"He does."
Spayar blinked, "You're going to try for a Praetor?" he asked. Though it was a better idea than the Archon since usually when the Asuras died they were either killed or forced to step down. The Archon only obeyed the Asuras and was dangerous to have around when you took the throne. More than one Archon had betrayed a new Asuras after a coup to warrant the tradition.
"X'vazior and my mother have been on the rocks lately. She wants to try and capture land beyond the Mesa Plains, X'vazior publicly refused to lead his Arm across it-
"That happened like five years ago," Spayar's brow creased, "I thought she forgave him."
"Publicly. He still shamed her, and she humiliated him. X'vazior is holding onto that grudge."
"You know for a fact?"
"My mother summoned him to the Summer palace this year. He said he was busy and could not 'tend to her every whim' since they were suffering a bad harvest this year and he had to find a way to get food to his people," Von said.
"He really doesn't like your mother."
"You would be surprised how many people hate my mother," Von sighed and sat back, holding himself up with his arms. "She spends frivolously, she's a coward who hides behind her title, she wants to be a conqueror when every province is trying to find enough food during a bad year for harvests and can't afford a real war. She shuns powerful houses because they frighten her and I heard that the Shade are simply not reporting anything. Any of Aklin’s men who are sent into LoHaJo’in  never come back, the Shade kill them no doubt. The Drake are starting to bite a bit too hard on the Rosalia and my mother isn't doing much to stop them. I've heard rumors that people are scared there will be a civil war, a proper one and not a mere Conflict. My mother can't hold the Alliance together and people are angry."
"Does she know this?"
"She must," he sighed and rubbed his head like he had a headache, "Aklin's a good spymaster. He knows things I could never dream of knowing about her, about what's going on. I think she's too scared to do anything. She doesn't know how to be Asuras." Spayar did not agree or disagree. He didn't know much of the Asuras, but his father certainly complained about her plenty, usually in the same breath he complained about Von 'spiriting his son away to be his lap dog'. Spayar was usually too busy focusing on everything else to look too hard as his Asuras and the only thing he truly knew about her was that she did kill her brother during his coup before he could kill him. "She's an idiot with a wooden sword trying to train lions," Von sucked his teeth, "and now they're starting to growl at her and she doesn't know what to do."
"You'll do better," Spayar said.
Von looked at him, his brow low over his eyes in a worried look, "I have to be if I don't want to die," he said. "For my survival I need to be better," and he looked away. Spayar didn't know what to say to that. After a moment of hesitation he reached over and put his hand over Von's, Von twisted a few of fingers to grasp Spayar's.
"We'll be fine," Spayar said softly.
"I hope so," Von said, looking at him again, "I really hope so."
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ficswithrimi · 6 years
Mine (Chapter 4)
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A/N: HEEEY! Long time no see! Let’s be honest. This chapter sucks but ugh I forgot some of the plots in the storyline and I had to get this part in here cuz, ya know, following storyline. However, not everything will be on par with the story. The fun starts next chapter cuz! Time skips! Woo! Okay enjoy this lame chapter! Bye~
  You rode in cars before. This wouldn’t be the first time you sat in the backseat of a car as it zoomed along the highway. When Queen Sylva was alive and times were simpler, she’d take Lunafreya, Ravus, and you to the city of Tenebrae sometimes to do royalty stuff like feed the homeless or watch Queen Sylva heal those affected by the plague. The car was usually black with tinted windows so no one could see inside. You sat in the back with Lunafreya and Ravus as your adoptive mother sat upfront with the driver. You never really found the joy of riding in cars because it felt stuffy.
           However, as the wind whipped through your hair that barely touched the top of your shoulders and the smell of nature overtook your senses, you realized maybe cars weren’t so bad. Well, maybe just the Regalia. The boys drove with the hood down so there was plenty of fresh air to inhale. You didn’t even mind being squished in between Noctis and Gladiolus. Gladiolus kept mostly still in the car while Noctis would either sit correctly or on the back of the car’s hood. Your eyes glanced everywhere as the desert landscape surrounded you. Tenebrae was mostly a wooded area so seeing the red dust and sand around amazed you. Lucis was a beautiful country, you concluded, and you haven’t even seen half of it yet.
           You imagined how Lunafreya would enjoy seeing this new environment. She’d probably scold you about not running around in the sand in fear of it staining your clothing. You’d ignore her rants and go off into the barren fields anyway. A smile graced your lips as you imagined this. How you prayed to the Gods that she was okay. You barely spoke to the Gods do to you blaming them for the hardships in your life, but for the sake of Lunafreya, you’d pray countlessly for her safety. She was all you had-
           “Hey, Y/N! Can I ask you something?” Prompto turned around his seat to look at you. You blinked at him before simple shrugging at the freckled man.
           “So I’m a photographer right-“
           “Here we go,” You heard Noctis mumble beside you. You glanced slightly at the prince before looking back to Prompto.
           “Anyways,” Prompto threw a glare to Noctis. “I was wondering if I could include you in my photos on this journey.”
           “Um… sure…” You shrugged again. “I’ve… never really taken a picture before…”
           “What?!” Prompto yelled suddenly causing Ignis to slightly swerve the car. He sent a sharp look at Prompto before focusing back on the road. Meanwhile, Noctis and Gladiolus were staring wide-eyed at you.
           “You’ve never taking a picture? Not even one?” Gladiolus asked, setting down the book he was reading in his lap. Suddenly this conversation was more interesting than whatever he was reading.
           “Nah,” You said. “What’s the big deal? It’s just a photo, right?”
           “Pictures help you remember the good times!” Prompto said. “I have tons of pictures already!”
           “What about the bad times?” You arched a brow at him.
           “Why take pictures of the bad times?”
           “Well, aren’t all memories important? The good and the bad?”
           “She has a point…” Gladiolus agreed with you. You turned your head towards him and gave him a bright grin.
           “Let me take a picture of you now! How about with just you and Noct? Aren’t you guys childhood friends?” Prompto asked as he pulled out his camera, readying it for the photo.
           “We can’t be friends,” Noctis said suddenly. Your eyes grew as he said that. The memory of a nine-year-old you sadly saying that to the young prince when he begged to be your friend flashed through your mind. He remembered that after all these years? Did it really have that much of an effect on him?
           “Huh?” Prompto blinked confusedly at the prince’s words. “Why not? I think you guys will become great friends on this trip!”
           “Just take the picture,” You mumbled in hopes of the topic changing. Prompto just nodded his head at you as he put the camera up to his eye.
           “You guys look so stiff. Relax. If we’re gonna fake a friendship might as well start now, right?”
           Noctis let out a small chuckle as he smirked towards the camera. You let out a quiet sigh as you looked up at the camera. Just as you were about to smile, the camera’s flash went off. Your eyes widened as you realized Prompto had taken the picture before you were ready.
           “Hey! I wasn’t ready!” You frowned at the freckled blond.
           “The best pictures are the off-guard ones! Don’t worry. We have a long journey. You’ll have plenty of opportunities to be prepared,” He laughed.
           “Hey Noct,” Prompto called to the prince as they group made their way to one of the caves to meet Cor, the Marshal of the Crownsguard, to receive Noctis’s first royal arm.
           “Yeah?” Noctis said as he glanced to the freckled blond beside him. Ignis, Y/N, and Gladiolus were slightly ahead of the pair.
           “Do you think Y/N will be able to handle whatever’s inside that cave?” Prompto asked worriedly as they both glanced towards the raven-haired woman in front of them. They couldn’t see her face but they could tell by her body posture she was tense and on edge. The scratches and cuts she received from her solo journey to Hammerhead were visible on her exposed skin, the only thing being covered was her bullet wound.
           “She took on a train full of imperials and daemons in one day…” Noctis said as he looked away from her.
           “Yeah but what if, ya know, these daemons are extraordinarily huge and strong-“
           “Okay,” Y/N said as she suddenly stopped walking, causing the two behind her to almost bump into her backside. “I can hear everything you guys are saying. I’m not a damsel in distress. I can fend off whatever is in that cave.”
           “We don’t know that for sure, princess,” Gladiolus smirked at her as he and Ignis turned to see why everyone had suddenly stopped following them.
           “Princess?” A deep voice startled the five people. Everyone’s eyes widened and went into an immediate bow - with the exception of Noctis and Y/N – as a blond older guy walked out of the cave where the royal arm was being held. “There’s a princess among you?”
           “Cor…” Noctis said his name solemnly as Y/N glanced around confusedly.
           “Your highness, glad to see you are well and alive. Please stand, everyone,” Cor smirked at the men before his eyes fell on Y/N. Noctis glanced at the woman as she gave him a stoned expression.
           “Are you the princess among us?” Cor laughed slightly. “Looks like you’ve seen better day-“
           “Uh, she’s Lady Lunafreya’s sister, sir!” Prompto quickly interjected before Cor could continue his insult. Prompto didn’t know much about Y/N yet but he could tell she wasn’t the type to take things lightheartedly.
           “By adoption,” Ignis said as he pushed his glasses up. “She will be joining us on journey.”
           “Lady Lunafreya’s… have you heard anything from your sister?” Cor’s eyes widened as he took a step forward towards Y/N, reaching out slightly to her. However, she took a step back, preventing him from doing so, as she shook her head ‘no.’
           “Lunafreya has been reported… deceased…” Y/N swallowed hard. Noctis’s eyes fell on the woman’s hand as she balled it in a tight fist.
           "Okay, Cor, please explain what is going on,” Noctis grabbed onto Y/N’s shoulder to push her back some as he took a step towards the man.
           “Ah, right… about the King…”
           You swallowed back your tears as the words you spoke suddenly felt true. The past two days, you didn’t dare mention the possibility of Lunafreya being dead aloud but now… just now, you did. And you couldn’t handle it. Anger and sadness engulfed your body. You were angry at the Empire for killing your only family, angry at the Insomnia guards for not protecting Lunafreya better, pissed at this Cor guy for making you admit reality to yourself, but mostly, you were pissed at yourself for leaving Lunafreya behind that day. You could’ve been there to protect her – even if she didn’t tell you fully what was going on. Still, you could’ve prevented it.
           “Imperials above us!” Prompto shouted as an imperial ship flew above you guys, causing the wind to become ferocious and sand to blow everywhere.
           “You ready for this, small fr-“ Gladiolus shut up immediately as he saw you reach into the waist of your pants and remove two daggers. His eyes widened at the quality of the daggers. They were definitely a part of the Nox Fleuret weaponry as it held the Tenebrae symbol on them and the silver blades seemingly were melded together by Tenebrae’s national flower, sylleblossoms, giving it a purple-ish hue.  
           “Y/N, wait-“ Prompto called out as you blindly ran towards the barren field where the ship dropped off the soldiers. From afar, you could tell it was a mixture of their magitek soldiers and real ones. You gritted your teeth as they noticed your presence and began to aim their guns at you. Your eyes widened as a bullet came flying straight towards the middle of your forehead. Before you could dodge the bullet, you suddenly felt a pair of strong arms grab you before seeing a bright blue light engulf you and transport you behind a giant boulder. Your vision blurred before coming into focus as you looked towards the culprit – or savior – who still had their arms around your waist. Ocean blue eyes met yours briefly before he let go of you and transported – vaporized? – towards an imperial soldier, taking him down instantly. You stared in awe as Noctis, constantly engulfed in a blue light, drifted from soldier to solider. Your eyes then traveled to the others as they also seemed to possess this special magic blue light as their weapons suddenly appeared in their hands and began to take down soldiers.
           Coming to your senses and deciding to worry about the magical quartet later, you gripped onto the daggers that were still somehow in your hands and dashed towards an imperial with his back facing towards you. As you closed in on him, you noticed this was one of the magitek soldiers as the loud whirring could be heard the closer you got. It spun its head completely around to face you as it heard your impending feet but didn’t get a chance to react as you plunged one of your daggers into its weak spot – their glowing red eyes. Yanking the dagger out and watching it fall to the ground to disintegrate, you glanced over at Prompto who was constantly shooting at two magitek soldiers as they gained in on him. Smirking as you remembered his words earlier about not being able to handle yourself, you rushed over to his aide.
           “Aim for the eyes,” You said as he temporarily stopped shooting as he watched in awe as you aggressively aimed a dagger at the eye of the soldier closest to the two of you. Prompto’s mouth dropped as the soldier immediately fell to its death. “Pick you mouth up and fight, Prompto!”
           You rolled his eyes as he continued to stand in amazement – and possibly in shock – as you dashed towards the fallen trooper to retrieve your dagger. Just as you reached it, ready to yank your dagger out, the other soldier that had been coming after Prompto readied its axe to put an immediate end to you. You immediately let go of the dagger you were retrieving and dodged out of the way as a loud bang went off followed by the screeching sound of a magitek dying. You blinked as you watched it fall to the ground with a bullet sticking out of one of its eyes. Everything seemingly had been cleared out as the other’s made their way towards Prompto and you.
           “You guys okay?” Gladiolus asked as he shifted his eyes over to you as you went over to the soldier that still possessed your dagger in its eye.
           Yanking it out and putting is safely into the waist of your tights, you nodded your head at Gladiolus. “Just dandy.”
           With that you began to walk towards the cave, leaving the men behind in the process. Cor nodded his head at the others as he jogged slowly to catch up to you. The four boys followed behind him.
           “Hey…” Cor said as he caught up to your speed and was now walking directly next to you. “Where’d you learn to… fight like that? Looks like years of practice.”
           “My brother taught me,” You frowned as you kept your eyes forward, avoiding the man’s gaze. He cleared his throat as he sensed you weren’t really up for talking. Though he was partially right, the events that just occurred were still processing in your head. Like what was the blue light everyone possessed besides yourself? How did their weapons just appear like that as if magic? Of course, it wouldn’t surprise you if it were magic - your sister is the oracle after all. You’ve seen some pretty magical stuff in your 21 years of life. This, however, was new.
           “If I may ask, uh, how’d the Nox Fleuret’s find you? This is the first time anyone has mentioned of them having an adopted – uh – another member in the household?”
           You stopped walking to take a glance at the man beside you. His eyes widened as he watched as you observed him. He was built – that was for sure – but his face made him appear older than what he probably was. He’d probably witnessed and been through things that you couldn’t even fathom. He was keen on keeping the prince – king – safe and making sure he fulfilled his duty as new ruler. You knew his type. One mention of being affiliated with Niflheim and you’d be considered a threat to Noctis and his friends. You’d be left alone to find out just what had happened to Lunafreya and how to get back to Niflheim for your revenge. However, it would be far easier to travel with Noctis since you both shared similar goals. Glancing behind you at the boys who kept a safe distance from the you and this Cor guy, you looked back up at him.
           “Abandoned as a child. Queen Sylva took me in. End of story,” You shrugged as you began walking again, leaving him behind. It technically wasn’t a lie. Your father did disown you after your betrayal to your country.  
           “So, uh, what’s the game plan? We tackle some demons, retrieve some ancient sword, and find out where to go to next?” Prompto asked as the boys finally closed the distance.
           “By ‘we’ do you mean us?” Gladiolus motioned towards you, Noctis, and Ignis. “I saw how Y/N came to save your ass back there.”
           “H-hey! It was teamwork!”
           “Sure, buddy,” Noctis let out a stiff giggle as he walked past the man. You let out a small smile as you followed behind Noctis as he went inside of the cave.
           “I promise you’ll love your gift! Just… a few more days, okay, Lunafreya?” Y/N smiled excitedly as she and Lunafreya stood at the front doors of the castle, preparing to leave for Insomnia.
           “I honestly don’t need anything but your happiness, darling,” Lunafreya smiled gently at the girl she claimed as her a little sister.
           “Your happiness is my happiness…”
           “Lunafreya…” The voice of the messenger filled Lunafreya’s ears as she stood up quickly and rushed over towards the woman who stood in front of the door. After escaping Insomnia, Lunafreya was brought to Lestallum to stay for a while to get her thoughts together. Her official calling as oracle was beginning to play out. It was time for her to assist the Chosen King. After leaving Lestallum, she would travel to awaken the Gods and ask for them to lend their powers to Noctis. She knew by doing this it would lead to her ultimate death but, alas, that was the fate of the last oracle.
           However, she was distracted from her duties as she was unaware of Y/N’s wellbeing. She had gone to Insomnia to celebrate her 21st birthday. Lunafreya hasn’t heard word on her sister since the falling. She tried to push the idea that Ravus wouldn’t put their sister in danger but it still nagged the blonde woman in the back of her mind. What if he knew of the Empire’s plan to destroy Insomnia? They did have it out for Y/N, after all. It was a perfect opportunity to get rid of the young woman who they claimed betrayed them.
           “Any word of Y/N?” Lunafreya asked in a shaky voice, afraid of the answer Gentiana would give her. Gentiana kept a straight face making it hard for Lunafreya to read her expression.
           “No, I’m sorry. I am unable to detect her and Umbra is having difficulties locating her as well..”
           Lunafreya swallowed back the lump in her throat as Gentiana’s words rang through her head. Umbra and Y/N were extremely close. If anyone could sniff out the woman, it was Umbra.
           “Well… I hope where ever she is… she’s safe…” Lunafreya dropped her head to the floor to prevent Gentiana from witnessing the tears that were building up.
           “I know this is very unsettling for you, Lunafreya, but we cannot stay here too much longer. We must continue to fulfil your duties…”
           Lunafreya blinked back her tears as she looked up at Gentiana. “You’re right… we’ll set off tomorrow. I just pray to the Gods… my Y/N is safe…”
           “So, are you going to explain this blue light you possess or what?” You asked Noctis as you and the group traveled through the cave towards his first royal arm.
           “Sh, Y/N! The daemons might hear you if you’re so loud!” Prompto said as he trailed behind you. You stopped in your tracks and looked back at him in disbelief.
           “I know you’re not talking. I’ve known you for a day and you’re loud as hell-“
           “Settle down, children,” Ignis spoke up.
           You shrugged as you continued to walk beside Noctis. He was leading the group within the dark cave. Everyone had a flashlight except for yourself so you couldn’t rush through the cave as you would have liked. Though you weren’t afraid of what was inside or daemons attacking you, it was still safer to stay with the light and actually see when something jumps out at you with the intent of killing you. Noctis, being the only one you really knew, was your first choice of sticking close to. You had noticed while going through the cave that he didn’t talk much and when he did, it was him lowkey throwing shade at Prompto. Speaking of which, Prompto was the loudest of the group and you sensed he didn’t understand fully the danger all of you were possibly in. You figured he just spoke loudly to cover up his inner fear. It was kind of like how you turned to dark humor to cover up your inner emotions about your troubled past.
           “You don’t know about the power the Lucis Caelum family holds?” Gladiolus arched a brow at you. He walked faster up to you so now you were walking between him and Noctis. Though you enjoyed his presence, you wished he would’ve stayed behind a little as this cave was tight and he was, well, huge.
           “King Noctis Lucis Caelum, ruler of Lucis. The chosen king or something?” You were unsure about the last part. You only remembered because you heard Lunafreya mention it to you and him when you were little. It never interested you to learn about Noctis and his royal duties so you’d just tune her out. On multiple occasions, Lunafreya attempted to tell you the story of Eos but you just weren’t interested as you knew it would lead to her mentioning Noctis. And just mentioning the boy around you used to cause you to gag at the little romance they had going on.
           “You don’t know about the power of the crystal?” Gladiolus asked.
           “That’s where his powers come from. The Lucis Caelum family is to protect it until the chosen king comes along. The crystal holds special powers that will be used to cure Eos of the scourge. It also, however, grants powers to the king to warp at the speed of light and he is allowed to pass on some of these powers to others, more so, the kings glaive,” Ignis explained to you.
           “Ah, so that’s how you teleported me out of the way, thanks for that by the way…” You said. Noctis just shrugged it off.
           “Hey! Is that it?!” Prompto asked as the five of you reached a section of a cave that had a wooden door entailed with gold hedges and a marble structure above it.
           “Has to be,” Noctis said as he pulled out a key from his pocket. Cor had given him a key that would unlock all of the tombs outside the cave before ditching you guys.
           You watched as Noctis walked towards the door and readying himself to enter the key into the lock. However, just as he was about to do so, a loud screeching noise was heard, causing everyone to cover their ears. You whipped your head behind you as you witnessed a huge daemon surface from the ground. Jumping into action, Prompto, Gladiolus, and Ignis summoned their weapons and began to attack the monster. Hurriedly trying to assist them, you fumbled with your tights to pull out your daggers. You didn’t know why it was taking so long for you to pull them out. It was dark besides from the tiny light emitting from the tomb and you couldn’t really focus. It was now you regretted wearing black tights.
           Before you could place your hand on one of your daggers, you felt someone quickly, but gently, grab your hands. It was dark so you couldn’t see who it was. All you knew, this wasn’t the time to be flirting with you.
           “What the hel-“ You were cut off as a blue light emitted from the person’s hands – one which was gloved – and into your hands where they absorbed the light. You glanced away from your hands and up to Noctis just as he let go of your hands and warped towards the daemon to assist his friends. Confused as to what that was all about, you patted down your waist only to feel nothing there.
           “Uh guys!” You said as the realization that you may have lost your weapons somewhere in the cave. That was weird, however, as your daggers have never fell through your waistline or pockets before. You didn’t even remember hearing them drop. “I sort of lost my daggers…”
           “What?” Prompto whipped his head towards you as you stood helplessly near the tomb, watching as they took on the daemon themselves. “I saw you put them in your waistband!”
           “I know – I just! I can use my combat skills-“
           “Think of your daggers and they’ll come to you,” Noctis shouted over to you as he warped away from the daemon that tried to slash away at him.
           You blinked confusedly at him before holding your hands out and thinking of your daggers. Not really knowing what to do, you just kept repeating and asking in your head for them to appear. However, nothing did.
           “Like really think about them!” Gladiolus yelled. “Don’t just ask for them to appear!”
           Getting frustrated and just wanting to get into the action before they destroyed the daemon themselves, you thought of your daggers and how they were both welded from sylleblossoms. They were quite old but held up great strength. Apparently, one of Lunafreya’s ancestors used them in some war centuries ago. No one had used them until you took possession of them. As you thought of the daggers, the same blue light that you’ve seen several times today emitted from your hands and suddenly you felt the roughness of the leather handle of the daggers. A smile slowly spreading on your face, you looked in awe as your daggers were now both in your hands.
           “Stop gawking, princess. Come help!” Gladiolus shouted as he slashed at the daemon’s foot, bringing it harshly to the ground with a scream. Nodding, you ran towards the fallen daemon and jumped towards it, plunging your daggers in its head in the process. That appeared to be the last of its life as it screamed loudly again as it died. Before it could disappear, however, your daggers flashed back to your hands.
           You blinked in amazement. “That was… amazing!”
           “Right? Now you’re officially one of us!” Prompto grinned at you. You ignored him as you continued to practice your new gift. Lunafreya would be amazed once she saw this.
           The smile on your face immediately fell as you thought of your deceased sister. Gaining this new power made you temporarily forget the reality you lived in. Noctis seemed to notice your change in mood as he walked up behind you and placed a comforting hand on your shoulder. You turned to look up at him and gave a weak smile.
           “I’m fine... go on… get your grandpa’s sword or whatever…” You urged him to go on. He just nodded at you before walking back to the tomb to unlock the door.
           The four of you followed Noctis into the tomb where the clay statue of one of the past kings laid. Your mouth dropped in amazement as you walked over to the table the late ruler of Lucis rested. Your eyes left the statue as they shifted over to Noctis who hesitantly approached the table. Carefully, he reached his arm out towards the sword that the statue held and the blue light that you had been used to seeing now lit up the room. Your eyes widened as the sword lifted from the king’s grasp and floated midair for a while before stabbing Noctis in is chest, disappearing inside of him.
           “Noctis!” You suddenly yelled as he stumbled back slightly, the grimace on his face showing the clear pain he was in. As you were about to run to his aid, Ignis grabbed onto your arm to stop you. You whipped your head to glare at the man but before you could say anything, the lighting in the room returned to normal causing you to lose your train of thought.
           “I’m fine,” Noctis said as he looked over at you and Ignis. Shrugging your arm from his grasp, you just nodded your head at him. “Let’s go find somewhere to camp. I’m tired.”
           The boys were inside of the tent preparing to sleep while you sat outside around the firepit. You looked up at the dark night sky as you let out a heavy sigh. Was Lunafreya up there? She had to be. She was the oracle, after all. If she was, was she looking down on you and watching you journey with Noctis? You could see her now, laughing with the Gods and Gentiana, about how you ended up traveling with the man you once couldn’t tolerate being in the same room as. Of course, that was when you were a child. As an adult, you didn’t resent Noctis as much. He was a pretty okay guy for someone who has such a burden on his shoulders. Then again, you’ve only spent one entire day with him so far and he didn’t seem that unspoken. You giggled to yourself as you pictured a would’ve been Noctis and Lunafreya reunion. Lunafreya spoke her mind so it wouldn’t be surprising if she told Noctis everything that was on her mind while the shy man just quietly agreed, only speaking to say some unimportant two cents.
           “Y/N, we got word from Iris,” You turned to the sound of the voice as they exited from the tent. It was Ignis. Remembering how he prevented you from helping Noctis from earlier, you rolled your eyes and turned your attention back to the fire. You didn’t remove them from the orange glow as he sat beside you.
           “Look, I know you’re probably upset for the way I handled you-“
           “Handled me?” You snapped your head towards him in anger. “Handled me?!”
           “Sorry, poor choice of words,” Ignis cleared his throat. “I do, however, apologize for my behavior from earlier. It’s just I couldn’t let you interfere with what was happening to Noct-“
           “Noctis was in pain. What the hell?” You hissed through your teeth. “Did you think I was just going to sit there and watch my sister’s fiancé in pain like the rest of you did?”
           “It’s part of his calling to go through these difficulties, unfortunately, there’s not much we can do to ease His Highness’s pain,” Ignis frowned solemnly.
           “You wouldn’t know unless you try,” You returned his frown.
           Ignis was quiet as he took in your words. How could they call themselves Noctis’s friends if they could watch him suffer in pain – even if it was only a brief pain. Lunafreya is reportedly dead. Ravus betrayed you. You only had Noctis now. Though you didn’t want to claim it, he was your only family now and you weren’t going to allow him to get hurt. You failed to protect Lunafreya but you’d be damned if you wouldn’t succeed in protecting the one she loved. It’s the last thing you could do for her. Tears began to well up in your eyes as you thought of her. Why was all of this happening? Why now?
           “You’re correct,” You looked at Ignis as he said this. He awkwardly pushed his glasses up as he saw the tears in your eyes. “I apologize if I upset you. As Noct’s advisor, his wellbeing is my top priority and if I could take the pain he suffered today and will suffer from in the future, the Gods know I would in a heartbeat, however, I am also aware he must go through the pain to become stronger.”
           You just nodded your head to signal you understood or would try to at the least. Turning your head back to the fire, you and Ignis sat in a slightly less tense silence.
           “So, as I was saying before, Gladiolus has heard from Iris, his sister.”
           What did that have to do with you?
           “She’s in Lestallum…”
           Good for her.
           “Lunafreya recently left to continue her oracle duties in assisting Noctis…”
           Your eyes widened as you looked quickly over to Ignis. Did he just say…? Did that mean…?
           “Lunafreya… is alive…?” You whispered softly.
           Ignis let out a comforting smile.
           “Alive and well.”
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iamtmblrbby · 4 years
im khloe.
I’m 20.
At 3, I read my first chapter book.
At 4, I had 500 AR points (and I had my first 2 bullies & black eye that year)
At 5, I read on a 12th grade level (and I sobbed in the counselors office about having no friends)
At 7, I won second place in a state poetry contest
At 8, I was snuck into gifted classes even after failing the test to get into them (and the other kids parents got me kicked out)
At 9, I sang 4 different solos in school choir that year (I went through my most traumatic parental experience I ever had with my father)
At 10, I was student of the year,highest gpa, And principals choice. ( I got on the bus and sobbed suicidally about it because the kids cracked jokes cus everyone thought I was trying to be better than them. )
At 11, I had 3000 AR points. (And deeply rooted self esteem issues started to surface)
By 12, I had a bookshelf full of academic trophies and medals (and I broke them all in anger one day)
At 14, i wrote another poem about my dead dad and won a first place and a spot in the American library of poetry ( i smoked my first blunt snorted my first pill and I never bought the book)
At 15, I never had down to a dress code on my record but I got sent to alternative school for something stupid. (I became the talk of my old high school)
At 16, My mom set it up for me to be skipped from sophomore to junior year and I stayed at school everyday Monday thru Saturday until 5pm (high asl with fresh & itching cuts under my sleeves)
At 17, i made a 28 on the act. I graduated a year before anyone I grew up with. I got an academic scholarship to my number one pick out of state. And I had my first experience living in my own world, but apart from (There was brief mental peace. God had mercy.)
At 18, I had to leave college but got hired at about 7 places. 4 which I would actually go to work for.. the longest being 6 months. I began to have new,deep experiences in love and life. my spiritual views started to form. I began to feel as though I was beginning to live more authentically {haha based on now boy was I so damn wrong but it was a start fr} (I found out I was sick, I bottled up all my non positive emotions about my relationship/partner and was inside a resentful bitter sex addict w control issues and insecurities & outside an emotionally unstable needy & affectionate bitch, my relationship with my only living parent was hell {esp if I was even out of a job for a second}, I cried more than my depression years combined)
At 19, everything started to slowly shift. I got a first glimpse at my real spiritual gifts. (my boyfriend was a fuckboy) I got approved for my first apartment signed my first lease. (I screamed & cried in my room at the top of my lungs the day before moving in) then everything was magic. (I found out my boyfriend was REALLY a fuckboy) I started my music career as Pixi K and my first couple songs would hit the thousands in a week. (I found out my boyfriend was deadass from h*ll or basically somewhere where they don’t have a conscience bc what the hEll *~*) I had my first visions that I can’t tell anybody about frfr bc They’re from light years ahead.
I got lost in the sauce because this became a chest off to the universe and also helped me release those residual emotions from some of those childhood experiences. But There was a direction I was going with this, all my brightest moments to others.. the moments where I used my ambition..or my talent...or my love..or was accomplishing goals just to try to get the same people that made me feel smaller than I physically am to see that I have WORTH/be proud/validate me... have been my souls darkest moments. My mentally darkest moments. My spiritually lowest moments. And the craziest part about it is 90% of it all: NOBODY KNEW. & NOBODY CARED TO KNOW. Imagine trying to please everyone while ur engulfed in flames constantly. but everyone had something to say to belittle, something to do to kick while I was down, something to push me into overdrive, exhausting my energy & will to live.
I only want to be loved. Appreciated. Understood as a human.
At 20, I’m stepping into the unknown. what I didn’t know is I’m actually taking back the reigns on my life and it just feels like I’m losing all control because I’ve never been the one making the choices. In my mind I did, but my mind wasn’t being captained by my soul. It was being captained by the beliefs, the conditioning, the trauma they put on me...the box they put me in. The people I gave the power to make decisions for me.
At 20, I will know what true freedom feels like.
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sapphiresea · 7 years
red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple
invade my privacy. do it.
purple: 10 facts about my room
already answered.
blue: 9 facts about my family
1. i have the cutest niece ever. i call her my little goose and brag about her like she’s my own child –– which is funny because she even looks more like me than my sister.2. my family speaks almost exclusively in random inside jokes, and most people just think we’re super-weird if they hear us.3. my mom almost died when i was two and a half years old. she had a blood clot in her gut. she was in the hospital for months. i was really little, but i have vivid memories of running in to see her and bragging to the doctors that i could spell. it was only as i got a lot older that i realized what a serious and traumatic ( for her ) experience that was and how it shaped all of us.4. i only have one cousin and he’s like a big brother to me. we grew up together almost as much as i did with my sister. he’s super-smart, too. he graduated high school at thirteen.5. my aunt has two step-children, who i don’t really consider my cousins because they disowned all of us after my uncle died. they’re also extremely traditionalist catholic and have eighteen children between the two of them. i used to have to babysit all the kids at once. i was not too broken up when they said i was an abomination for being gay and that i could no longer see them. sometimes i miss a couple of the kids though. i hate that they’re being raised in that environment.6. my mom and aunt are very catholic, too, but they’re a lot more liberal. i was raised to be allowed to come to religion in my own way, though i think if i ever said i was an atheist, my mom would have a stroke. ( good thing, i guess, that i’m not. )7. my cousin is for sure my grandparents’ favorite. my mom doesn’t believe it, but all the grandkids know it. i gave up really caring though. my grandparents don’t really want to talk to me, so i don’t really bother calling them either.8. my aunt is one of my favorite people. she’s such a good™ tbh. she donated her kidney to save my grandfather’s life.9. my mom has this belief of putting everyone else’s needs above your own, and there were times when i needed protecting and wasn’t or when i got into a lot of trouble fr rightfully defending myself because it was important to ‘keep the peace.’ it took a long time to unlearn that mindset, and i wish she would, too, because it’s not just me that’s hurt by it. she takes everything onto herself.
green: 8 facts about my appearance
1. my eyes are my most noticeable feature. they’re big and green and ever since i was a small child, people would stop me to compliment me on them. my best friend once said i have fantasy novel eyes.2. when i was very sick, i lost almost half of my hair and had to wear a wig for almost a year. ever since my real hair grew back, i’ve gone a little crazy doing whatever i want to it as a kind of reclamation.3. i have one tattoo –– a triquetra on my right wrist –– and intend to get one more quite soon. it’ll be on the same spot on my left wrist and serve as a reminder of all i’ve survived so far.4. i have scars. thankfully, they’re fading.5. short lesbian nails™6. i’m a smol bean. my girlfriend likes to wrap me all up in her arms and carry me around like a koala.7. rosario dawson –– one of the most objectively beautiful women ever –– called me beautiful. i will never forget it.8. i’ve been told instead of resting bitch face, i have resting disney princess face because i look so nice. that was a great compliment honestly.
yellow: 7 facts about my childhood
1. my dad used to take me biking down by the river, so we’d ride all the way down to the donut shop, snack together, and then bike back.2. i was obsessed with dolls and stuffed toys. i used to take one everywhere with me, and i had so many stories and games with them.3. my first crush was on a girl named sam in grade three. she wore the same shirt as me but in blue ( mine was purple ) and we bonded instantly. she was blonde and adorable and i followed her like a puppy until she moved away. i didn’t realize it was a crush until much later though because of compulsory heterosexuality.4. i first experienced mental health problems when i was nine years old and struggled with emerging traits of obsessive-compulsive disorder and depression. it was awful and embarrassing and confusing.5. the first movie i ever saw in theaters was the little mermaid when it was re-released. everyone then assumed it was my favorite and i ended up with so much little mermaid stuff...6. every tuesday night, i went to this weird religious version of brownies called pioneer girls. we basically ate cookies and read the bible and made weird crafts like popsicle soldiers.7. i met my friend, katie, when we were in daycare and she lived down the street. she came over to my house every afternoon and spent a lot of weekends with us. essentially she became like a sister to me, maybe even more than my actual sister for awhile.
orange: 6 facts about my home town
already answered.
red: 5 facts about my best friend
1. we met through a mutual friend, though we were in the same math class. the first thing she said to me was, “can i touch your hair?”2. we didn’t like each other for a long time due to misunderstandings until we were forced to spend a lot of time one-on-one because of friends who kept cancelling plans last-minute after both of us had already arrived.3. we knew we were best friends when we were ditched for a sleepover and i was already at her house and we awkwardly made conversation until we realized we had a lot in common, right down to loving the same obscure television series that no one had ever heard of when we were, like, ten years old.4. she’s a book addict to the extreme and it’s adorable. she cannot walk into a bookstore and leave empty-handed. her dream is basically to live in a chapters.5. she doesn’t think she’s as smart as she is. but, i mean, this girl is in law school. she scored in the top 5% on her lsats. she’s a brilliant writer. she’s amazing. also, she’s beautiful. she doesn’t believe that either, but it’s objective fact.( cc: @iimpossible-things ❤︎ )
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