alltimefanfiction · 4 years
Tori was just your average girl, but her life was stuck on repeat. That is until she met Jack Barakat of All Time Low. He turned her life completely upside down but can it all work out when everything goes through such a change?
SEQUEL: Kiss Me Again
The first time Alex looks at Tay he knows he'll fall for her. A girl he's never met, but Tay's had her heart broken so many times and has a fear of falling. Can they last with all the strain put on them or will it all fall apart? 
NOTE FROM MOD: The Jack/OC story is incomplete as it was wrote and intended as a prequel. The Taylex sequel story, however, is complete, and contains Jack and Tori. 
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alltimefanfiction · 4 years
Tay falls in love with Alex. Alex falls in love with Tay. This is their attempts at a relationship.
I'm losing you, and it's effortless.
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alltimefanfiction · 4 years
Alex Gaskarth is vastly known for the wild games he likes to play with girls. Every one has heard of him. Even Tay Jardine. The difference between Tay and all those other girls is that, she's not interested, which, unfortunately for her, intrigues him.
When Alex asks for a chance with her, and bets her $1,000 he could charm her, Tay can't resist. She agrees to humour him and as Alex tries his best to win her over, with an unexpected turn of events. As Tay finds out more than she bargained for, she realizes that Alex has a lot more going on than what meets the surface. But will it be too much for her?
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alltimefanfiction · 4 years
When Tay's controlling mother forces her into attending therapy for problems she does not believe she has, a manic ball of energy named Alex finds his way into her life and burrows like a tick, deeming Tay his new project; stopping at nothing to figure her out.
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alltimefanfiction · 4 years
Alex Gaskarth has had a shitty year in both his love life and professional. He swears that 2012 is going to go his way, new label, new album, and new love.
Tay Jardine is fed up with being alone. She wants to be able to love someone just as much as they love her. She wants to break down the walls she has built so high but what happens when she falls for someone that is already in an unsteady relationship? Will the two be able to sort through their own issues and be together or will their problems get the best of them?
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alltimefanfiction · 4 years
Alex Gaskarth, lead singer of All Time Low, left Taylor Jardine, his best friend, for 5 freakin' years. What happened before was history to him, what happened after he left he doesn't really know. Tay thinks it should stay that way.
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alltimefanfiction · 4 years
Alex Gaskarth and Tay Jardine were happy for a long time. But that was before Tay stopped feeling the spark, and Alex had to let her go. Now that all of Alex's friends are in relationships, he finds that he's forcing himself into happiness while he watches Tay move on without so much as a second glance back.
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alltimefanfiction · 4 years
And the funny thing is, I don't even know how to start this story. I could say I am a very thoughtful person, but you know what? I always get the wrong choice of words.
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alltimefanfiction · 4 years
Sophomore year. The second year of high school. The year that you're finally used to high school. The year after the stress of freshmen year but before the stress of college searching. Tay was looking forward to it. Senior year. The last year of high school. The year of easy classes and time with friends. The year of frantically trying to get in college and scholarship applications. But not for Alex. No, Alex and his friends would be leaving for tour after graduation. Alex and Tay had started dating her freshmen year. They were going strong. They had the relationship everybody envied. They were the 'it' couple of the school.
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alltimefanfiction · 4 years
Cam falls for Tay. Cam and Tay hook up. Alex falls for Tay. Tay is unsure of who to choose so Cam decides for her. But that's not how love works. There's brunettes, blonde girls, Blue jeans, string of pearls Take you on a trip around the world girls Love has a thousand faces Love has a thousand faces There's debutantes, drama queens, Glued to bride magazines Half-caf, two pump, no whip in the coffee bean Love has a thousand faces Love has a thousand faces, but I see you There's small town, itty-bitty Tomboy in a big city Turn your head when the light ain't red, stop traffic kinda pretty Love has a thousand faces Love has a thousand faces, but I see you You're a stormy night, thunder crashin' Mystery full of passion Quiet as a Sunday mornin', shange without any warnin' Love has a thousand faces Love has a thousand faces, but I see you -Randy Montana
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alltimefanfiction · 4 years
Alex wants exactly what he can't have. That is, until the tables have turned. Can he get the girl he's been chasing after, to finally chase after him?
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alltimefanfiction · 4 years
Alex Gaskarth is in a mental facility. A nice one, mind you. Nice rooms, nice accommodations. It’s one of those places for rich people, a place to go when you start to fall apart, where you can have a therapist on call at all times and someone to keep you safe. Alex doesn’t think he needs to be there. He’s perfectly fine. Who cares if he has mental blackouts and finds himself waking up on a playground, outside of a school building, on the side of the road, with no memory of how he got there? He just wants to get home to his wife, Tay. But Alex has something big he needs to learn, and he’s not getting out until he does.
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alltimefanfiction · 4 years
Alcohol has a tendency to blur the senses, and to take away things that are important, like inhibitions and common sense. When Alex Gaskarth And Tay Jardine met, they were instant friends. But during one of his off periods with his long time girlfriend, Lisa, Alex decided to get hammered with Tay. He found comfort in her in a way that was way more than friends. The next day they decided to forget it and move on. But now they’re on tour together. And things are definitely still on with Lisa. So what does that mean for Alex and Tay now that they’re back in each other’s presence every day? Let’s find out.
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alltimefanfiction · 11 years
Early February and We Are The In Crowd is finishing off their latest tour when an accident happens, leaving Tay in the hospital. What happens when things turn out worse than they really are? And why can’t the doctors get her to wake up? Follow along as we discover why exactly Tay cant and won’t wake up, and who she meets along the way. 
SEQUEL: Worlds Collide
Summer has just started and Warped Tour is full blast. New fans, new people, new locations. Everything that you’d wish and hope for. But what happens when you see someone you thought you would never see again? Let alone see in reality. Tay can’t tell if its just her mind playing tricks on her or if he’s really there. But the thing is, Alex has no idea who she is. And is actually kinda freaked out when a small ball of energy wraps him up in a hug. Will her feelings for him ever go away or will she have to hide them to try and be happy with Cameron? Or will he actually begin to have feelings for her as well? Who knows, the summer has just begun.
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alltimefanfiction · 11 years
A.W. Gaskarth is an accredited writer that challenged readers to question reality through his work.
Alex Gaskarth is just another person, but with an unexplained imagination.
A.W. Gaskarth doesn't take no for an answer.
Alex Gaskarth does everything he can to stay out of the spotlight.
They’re two different people in the same body. The author has published four novels; the average person has eaten four tacos.
When a job opening for A.W. Gaskarth's editor is available, Alex soon realizes that his two person front isn't going to fool her.
Of the 7.046 billion people living, is one girl able to fix him?
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