#char: saeran choi
magefeathered · 2 years
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Hae-won’s ‘canon’ story involves the prologue bad end - she refuses to go into the apartment, and Unknown abducts her. But in another timeline, another little AU I’ve thought about writing, she does go in... and she still ends up with Unknown anyway.
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amee-racle-ofmyown · 3 years
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Ray + Stairway
I doodled this ages ago and didn't post it lol it was just a bit of an experiment! I wanted to try limiting myself to a few colours and also a completely different style
messy but I think I like it! I definitely want to try more palette challenges in future, probably with a style closer to normal and maybe taking requests for character/palette combos?
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saiyumichoi · 3 years
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A cup of coffee why not ♡(ӦvӦ。)
I wish I could spend more time for him
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leileix2 · 4 years
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“좋아! (Joh-a!)”
Redraw of Saeran’s clapping emoji!
★ twitter | instagram
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mystic-vision · 6 years
Highschool AU : HC where RFA+V+Saeran react to MC being too friendly with her teacher??? (RFA+V+Saeran is also a student and they're not a pair yet, but they fell hard for MC)5
(warning, really long mini-fanfics ahead! )
it’s really weird to be too friendly to a stranger teacher so i made them relatives^^
nights spent under the dim light of the han’s basement which the drama club called their theatre were the best to the class. be it the hundreds of pillows and fur carpets or the many snacks and drinks provided to the students.
despite the various studies and homework piled over them, they didn’t really care as topics threw themselves around, from stories to gossip, everything was taken in and joked about.
hyun sat hugging one of the colourful pillows as he scrolled through his ig, behind him was a fellow clubmate who had the honour of braiding his hair as they listened to the chatter of the others. “ hmm? ” she suddenly spoke. “ isn’t that MC ? ”
with a nod of his head, he liked the picture and scrolled past. “ have you heard though? ” someone from the back spoke, gathering the attention of everyone. “ she’s hitting it off with vanderwood! ”
gasps spread throughout the large room, earning a laugh from hyun. “ she’s just really friendly, ” he argued. “ extremely nice and easy to talk to. ”
“ look at you and your crush ! ” they laughed as blood rushed towards hyun’s face and he started laughing loudly, pushing the topic aside.
okay maybe, just maybe , his friends were right about her being too friendly with the teacher- but there’s no way, a teacher!
he grit his teeth as he watched vanderwood rest his hand on her arm, giving her a couple of papers before she had smiled at him dearly.
the sight horrified him- he realized how possessive he seemed but the heavy knot she had tied him with was driving him crazy, he couldn’t deny her charm and he hated the sight of her, with his least favourite teacher.
as the said hated man walked away, MC was left standing alone besides her locker. a chance that couldn’t be wasted, hyun did grasp it and walk towards her. “ hey babe ” he winked, earning a laugh from her.
“ hello, zen. ” she emphasized at the nickname the school gave him, as she opened her locker, shoving her books inside before taking others out.
a smile tugging at his lips, he rested the side of his arm on the locker, looking at the shorter female, “ i’ll give you the honour of calling me hyun. ”
she smiled and the butterflies decided to go mad and tug on his heartstrings. “ i know, uh, this seems really mad. ” he suddenly said, courage taking the best of him. “ but everyone’s going around saying you’re kickin it off with vanderwood and some other rumors of you havin a boyfriend and i tho- ”
the sudden words brought a loud laugh out of her, interrupting the white headed, “ vanderwood ? ” she said, unable to contain her shock. “ he’s my cousin- last time i checked, i didn’t have a boyfriend ”
information running through hyun’s mind took him a moment to process them properly. surprise was no doubtly showing on his face as MC excused herself and walked away, a smile still on her face.
what a pleasing thing to learn, he thought as relief washed itself over his chest. so he had a chance with her and that assured him very much.
school festivals weren’t really jumin’s thing, until of course his parents decided to endorse into the activities of the school and thus, he was forced to join in on the hype, much to his dismay.
he sighed, looking at the list of requirements as his friends on the other hand seemed to be having the fun of their lives. really, what was so pleasing about cleaning and decorating yourself when someone could do it for you?
but well, not everyone is from a rich family like you, mr han.
sighing once more, his dear friend jihyun pushed a box towards him which seemed to be filled with different and colourful decorations.
okay, maybe helping the others wasn’t a bad thing, he thought as he saw who happened to be a family friend and his crush, MC, walk into the room carrying large cardboards.
jumin, being the gentleman he is, did not hesitate to rush in and help her in carrying the large amount she was carrying.
as he was setting them aside, their art teacher walked in and his immediate reaction was to wrap his arm around MC’s shoulder.
she didn’t shy up from his behaviour and instead smiled at him, resulting in jumin’s stomach aching as if it was tied in a knot.
soon enough, MC had excused herself out and the teacher remained to help along with the cardboards.
a chance was given to the chaebol as he was left alone in the room with the teacher. and as the mentioned man had requested a hand from jumin to tie ribbons around the classroom, the student didn’t reply and started at the teacher. “ are you and MC dating ? ” he asked, bluntly.
“ i quite fancy her and thus, i’ll be the selfish and spoiled child i am, ” he added, “ i will tell the management about this. you know clearly we are not of the legal ag- ”
the laughter erupting from his teacher’s lips filled the quiet room and brought a shocked expression upon jumin’s face. “ god, han. ” he said as he tried to regain his breath, “ have you forgotten that i’m her uncle ? ”
sudden realization hit jumin, “ i apologize. ” he replied sternly, “ i fear i am too attached. ” he said with a chuckle, receiving a nod from the teacher.
the blond tried to mantain the best of his sanity, keeping his mouth shut and eyes open as he read through the japanese book- god, who decided learning japanese as a secondary language midway was a perfect idea?
the quiet atmosphere of the library didnt help. and you know what was worse? his elementary crush which happened to still be his crush in highschool sat opposite to him, studying whatever she was doing.
yoosung just wanted to look up from his book to admire her beautiful features, sinking deep into his mind palace which was literally filled with imaginations of her, but really- he had a test tomorrow!
focus yoosung, focus.
a sudden figure sat down in the opposite table where MC was and yoosung had noticed it from the top of his eyes.
curiousity took the best of him and he looked up, to find his history teacher seated rather close to MC, who smiled at him as she tugged a fallen strand of hair behind her ear- the simgle gesture tugged a smile on the teacher’s lips-
furious, yoosung didn’t know how to react to the sight infront of him, he wanted to scream at the teacher yet he tried to keep it in, fuck’s sake it’s a library.
nope, he couldn’t. he wanted to be the good guy here and thus he gathered up his books, forcing them into his bag as he got up to wherever his feet would take him.
lack of sleep due to excessive gaming was a norm to the blond, but lack of sleep due to excessive gaming because his crush was being too nice with his history teacher was certainly rather specific and strange.
he spotted the culprit of his sorrow, the history teacher himself, standing infront of the vending machine, sipping his iced coffee.
with no hesitation, yoosung walked up to him and stared right up into his eyes. “ are you flirting with MC ? dating her ? ” he said, fists clenched.
the teacher almost spat his drink out from the sudden outburst of his student- “ i’m her brother’s boyfriend.. ”
the sudden realization hit yoosung- of course, he forgot because he didn’t care! the history teacher came out to the class last year and he indeed mentioned he was getting engaged to someone!
how immature yoosung seemed had his cheeks painted with the darkest shade of red, “ oh god i’m so sorry mr park! ” he said loudly as he continuously bowed his head.
in response, the teacher merely laughed, “ you have a thing kickin for my lil sis in law huh? ” he said before patting yoosung’s shoulder, wishing him goodluck.
and that was how MC learned that yoosung had a crush on her and why she decided to confront him about it next day. and to say the least, both were very happy about the results of them helping each other out with history and japanese in the comfort of yoosung’s shithole of an apartment since they were kicked out of the library for being too loud.
chemistry class, how fun it was for jaehee.
mostly because she was partnered up with her dearest friend and crush, MC. the naive girl couldn’t tell of jaehee’s obvious feelings towards her and that sent doubts upon jaehee.
was MC into jaehee? into girls even? the thought of this topic brought shivers down jaehee’s spine often yet she promised herself to enjoy each quality moment with MC anyways.
the book didn’t help much in describing what needed to be done and certainly the two didn’t understand anything, and thus MC decided to call for the teacher-
the teacher, the smile on jaehee’s face died down as the man headed towards the two. she hated him, for the reason that he seemed to be too comfortable and flirty with MC and it made jaehee personally uncomfortable for her friend.
as soon as he arrived and leaned down hand wrapped around mc’s shoulder, she smiled at him and explained the struggles of the two with a soft, polite voice.
jaehee frowned, huffing as the teacher explained a point similar to what jaehee had in mind earlier but MC refused to do-
but as soon as the teacher had suggested it, MC rushed to do it without hesitation, pushing jaehee on her nerves even more.
shortly after class, the two girls sat in the cafeteria discussing different topics all coming from MC. the other gal replied dryly and seemed to be lost in a daze.
the sudden switch of behavior confused MC and she decided its best to discuss the elephant in the room. “ are you okay ? ” she asked, resting her arm on jaehee’s shoulder.
with a distressed look and a confused mind, jaehee found the courgae inside of her, “ look, i dont want to lose you as a friend-” MC frowned at the sudden talk, “ but are you and that teacher a thing ? ” she asked.
“ you see- ”
MC groaned. “ he’s my brother! ” she said. “ alot of people mistake us for one because he loves hugs ” she huffed. “ besides i’m not even into men, i thought you knew that ? ”
jaehee’s eyes widened, “ n-no, actually i never knew. ”“ oh gosh, i hope you don’t feel awkward now ! ” MC suddenly said- blood rushing to her cheeks. “ i mean well um- ”
jaehee smiled widely. “ hearing you say that gives me confidence to tell you that i really like you- ” she shot up, her cheeks painted with the hues of red.
MC smiled, closing in on jaehee to give her a chasté kiss on the lips. “ i hoped so. ”
with an assignment due ending tomorrow, saeyoung had a rough time deciding whether he should spend his night hours surfing through the internet or continuing his work.
the answer was obvious when it came to saeyoung, he could finish the essay easily before handing it in but he could never see the hundreds of posts waiting for him again!
with a few clicks, he had opened his ig and continued to scroll through whatever he had on his feed, stopping and laughing at the silliest of memes.
after a while, he had stopped at a picture of the girl who captured his heroific heart, the one and only, MC.
he didn’t know whether it was her keeping up with his retarded jokes or be it her own dorky personality but he knew more than well that she had him hooked up and knotted around her little finger.
but, she wasn’t alone. along her was his teacher, vanderwood, hugging her tightly to his chest.
he couldn’t believe his eyes. vanderwood knew of his crush on the girl since the two were closest as friends rather than teacher and student.
he rushed to his text messages, about to write to his so-called-friend before realizing it would stirr problems. bros before hoes.. right?
but vanderwood broke the code first- well, he would talk to him tomorrow.
the sudden overwhelming atmosphere had saeyoung too frustrated to continue scrolling and so he decided he should finish that essay.
rushing into the teacher’s staffroom, he found vanderwood standing- but not alone.
there stood MC, smiling up at vanderwood as he rested his arm on her shoulder.
saeyoung grit his teeth, feeling sick at the mere sight. he wanted MC to be his for sure but if she was happier with vanderwood..
insecurities hit the redheaded like a truck. he felt himself shrink and a heavy weight was pushed onto his back.
“ oh! choi. ” the voice recognized as vanderwood’s had saeyoung look up at the teacher. “ hey, did you meet my cousin? ” he said and saeyoung’s eyes widened.
MC giggled, “ hello! godly 707, savior of the universe ! ” she grinned as she saluted him.
the silly gesture sent a smile on saeyoug’s face before confusion looked at vanderwood. “ what ? youre cousins ? ”
the two relatives nodded, “ today’s my birthday you dumbass, where’s my present? ” vanderwood crossed his arms.
collecting the fragements, saeyoung started to laugh loudly, shocked at the information he never knew.
saeyoung threw the assignment papers at vanderwood, before laughing more. “ savior of the universe 707 shall take his 606 and leave! ” he shot up, taking MC’s hand and rushing out of the staffroom.
school trips especially to the wonderful natural sightspots were one of the most favourite things to jihyun. the rustling of the win against the trees as the leaves fell far from their home was a pleasing sound to his ears.
his love for nature was undeniable indeed, but only one thing beat that passionate connection and it had to of course be the one person that enchanted him with her grace.
she stood beneath an apple tree outside the old manor they were visiting. her lonely figure attracted him to go downstairs and outside to see how more she could make him fall for her
yet as he went through the garden door, she was no longer in solitary as she stood next to a taller figure which jihyun could recognize immediately.
the teacher accompanying them had took the empty spot next to her and she smiled at him dearly.
envy rushed through jihyun’s veins and he cringed. was he too possessive? yes, excessively but what could he blame himself for? he was too attached ever since she had transferred to his class last year, when she had offered to help him in researching about the different species of animals and plants for his essay.
as the teacher left, jihyun sighed to himself in relief. he was about to enter as well before MC herself caught up to him, grinning. “ hey ji ! ”
he smiled back at her, emotions mixing up. her smile wanted to wash away the jealousy yet he had noticed how overly friendly MC was with that teacher when he was announced as their companion. as a matter of fact, she burst with happiness when she heard the news.
“ hello. ” he tried to reply with cheer tainting his voice but she of course, noticed the fake smile and damn her she had the audacity to ask what was wrong.
being the simple man he was, jihyun thought to himself that it would be better to have her ask but he brushed it aside, replying with a dry nothing, yet his facade was seen through.
MC hummed an alright before she started talking about different topics. jihyun listened to her ramble about the place and it’s beauty before- “ even my brother liked it! ”
“ your brother is with us ? ” he said with surprise. the girl nodded and explained that the teacher accompanying them was actually her brother!
thanks to that information, jihyun felt at ease. the tightened feeling around his chest vanished almost immediately and a smile was set wide on his face. MC had noticed the change of heart and she had to address it. “ something wrong ? ”
jihyun laughed and explained his misunderstanding. “ you must really like me, huh? ” MC winked and let out multiple giggles as she saw the reddening of jihyun’s cheeks.
surprisingly enough, the test was rather easy to answer for saeran, thanks to saeyoung’s hours of lecturing in order to make a powerful genius duo but the younger twin just couldn’t buy the whole ‘godly duo’ shit saeyoung was selling.
he hummed his way through the hallway as he looked for his companion which happened to be the deadly woman who caught his heart and ripped it out.
although he had yet to regain that heart, it didn’t really matter to him because he knows it’ll be safe with her.
with her completely out of sight, saeran presumed that she had already left the building and was somewhere outside.
his feet rushed him to the entrance of school and as he got closer, he saw her standing there with a gorgeous smile on her face. her face was flustered with the brightest of expression as her cheeks were painted with the darkest shade of blushing red.
with his lips tugging up in happiness as butterflies started to tug at his heartstrings, he hurriedly jogged towards her- but he realized, she wasn’t alone.
it was that damned teacher,
the teacher that pissed off saeran the most. he always pushed himself on MC and what made saeran feel worse about him was that MC happily accepted it.
the thought pissed him off and to see MC smile at him so dearly made the student burn with jealousy tainting his every inch.
as that teacher left MC’s side and headed back inside, saeran rushed into a corner that wasn’t quite visible to where his bestfriend stood.
the moment the teacher had passed by saeran, he caught a grip of his arm and pulled him in, staring deadly into his eyes.
naturally, the teacher was shocked to say the least as he looked up at the student, “ i’ll say it nicely, you have zero chanced with MC. you’re too wacky and you have a horrible taste in those.. ” saeran looked up and down at the teacher, “ gosh, hideous. ”
as he let go of the teacher, he glared at him once more. “ you know we ain’t legal and she’s out of your league. ” he said once more as he walked away.
MC rushed towards saeran, eyes widened. he looked at her in utter confusion, waiting for her to say something. “ did you call my brother hideous ? ”
i fucked up
the gal started to giggle suddenly, “ you really got him ! ” she said, trying to breathe in as much air as she could, “ i never saw him so surprised! he really likes you. ” with a grin on her face, she reached up to kiss saeran’s cheek.
“ and i do too ! ”
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sae-bae-ran · 6 years
13 for Saeran
Thanks for the ask, lovely! ^^
Saeran + 13. If you could ask them one question, what would it be and why?
Awww, for some reason this question makes me think about clouds! ^^
“In this moment, are you happy?”
Something like this. If he’s found happiness, then my work here would be done, haha. After all, that’s what we, the MCs, tried to help him with, right? ^^ So yeah, that’s all I want to know. If he’s happy, then all’s good.              
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Imagine Saeran (GE) hearing the classic "Do you want dinner, a bath, or me?" on valentine's day.
The way I simp for this man, I was supposed to post a longer hc set but it got too long and I haven’t finished it yet gfrbghbh I got carried away!
"Do you want dinner, a bath, or me?" GE Saeran Choi Headcanons (implied nsfw)
Of course, Valentine’s was always a very special time for Saeran. Whilst he showed you his devotion every day of the year, he always wanted to make an extra effort on Valentine’s Day, just to make you feel that little bit extra special.
So, when you tried to beat him to the punch and offered him the selection of: “Do you want dinner, a bath, or me?” He was a little bit surprised, but quickly melted into a loving chuckle and smiled, asking why he has to choose just the one when they all sound so wonderful together with you.
He’s has an all-too-innocent way of getting what he wants (which is just to spend time with one another, really) and you end up spoiling him with all three of the options. However, you’ll have a hard time spoiling Saeran because he’s always there, trying to spoil you right back at the exact same time.
You start with dinner, and decide to try and make something you know he really likes. You always add lots of fruit and vegetables to Saeran’s diet, since you want to help him improve his health, and finally have some consistency in his diet. He deserved good food and you were determined to make him some.
Of course, Saeran is cooking in the kitchen with you, helping you with little bits of your own preparation but also making something as an edible ‘thank you’ for you, even when you told him it wasn’t necessary. He insisted, with big puppy eyes, that he wanted to see you eating some cookies that he had baked, knowing for a FACT that you couldn’t turn him down. 
The meal the two of your shared was very sweet and intimate, with Saeran insisting that it was the best meal you had made him yet. Although you were a little bit disappointed that your the vegetables had gotten slightly charred, you knew that Saeran was not picky with food and would gladly eat anything you gave him even if he did not enjoy the taste. Yet, you were thankful to see that he really was enjoying your meal, it was made with love after-all. 
He feeds you the cookies he made afterwards for dessert, and then lightly laughs at the chocolate crumb sitting on the corner of your bottom lip before rubbing it away with his thumb from across the table.
You ran him a bath, while he was out getting some fresh flowers from the garden, and poured a mixture of rose bubblebath and lavender bath salts into the mix. You also lit a few lavender tealight candles around the bathroom, since you didn’t want there to be too many conflicting scents incase it gives him a headache, and then opened the window to let some fresh air in, just for good measure. 
Not that he’s going to express it, but he was hoping that you’d be in the bath together, but he supposes that you might want a little bit of privacy to yourself to bathe, which he understands.
He’s said many times that he has nothing to hide from you, and that nothing is off limits to you, but he still gets a little bit self-conscious of the scars on his body. Not because he’s concerned about them, but he knows that they make you sad. So, when he gets in the bath, you spend extra time rubbing gentle soap into his back, along his arms and his tattoo: stopping to stroke and kiss the pale scars on his shoulders every now and then.
Saeran had washed your hair many times over the side of the bath because he likes pampering you, so you had the idea to try doing it for him. You told him to settle his hair on the side of the bath so you could start. You grabbed the little cup that he used to rinse your hair and filled it with water, covering his eyes as you slowly poured it over his white hair.
You’d never washed someone else’s hair before, so you were a little nervous if you were doing it right but as you massaged the shampoo into his hair, you could see the Saeran’s breathing begin to slow a little as he relaxed into your touch. You’d have to make sure that he didn’t fall asleep since he has the tendency to do that when you play with his hair for too long, he jokingly thinks you have magic hands. 
When Saeran gets out the bath, you opt for a shower instead since it’s quicker and he’s sad that he can’t pamper you in the same way that you’ve been pampering him all day, and you have to remind him that ‘I’m the one supposed to be spoiling you here.’ - ‘My love, you spoil me everyday just by breathing, and by being by my side.’
When you got out of the shower and have dried and dressed yourself in your new ~special Valentine’s outfit~, you find that Saeran was already one step ahead of you, as always. He’d left a trail of rose petals from the bathroom to your shared bedroom door. You go to open the door, but he wasn’t inside. You feel his cold, soft hands lightly touch your waist from behind as his voice rings with affection: ‘So, is this the option where I get ‘you’? I’ve been waiting for this one all day.’
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ningyosan · 7 years
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Me? 눈_눈 Your Valentine? I don’t understand what does that mean.... (`_´)ゞ
Other characters version: - Yoosung Zen Saeyoung Jumin
I need shy and tsundere Saeran
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somethinglacking · 6 years
Cruel Angel’s Thesis Chapter 10
Rating: Explicit Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Category: F/M Fandom: Mystic Messenger (Video Game) Relationship:707 | Luciel Choi/Main Character Characters:707 | Luciel Choi, V | Jihyun Kim Mary, Vanderwood 3rd, Jumin Han, Zen | Hyun Ryu, Yoosung Kim, Jaehee Kang, Main Character, Rika, Saeran ChoiUnknown | Ray
Nari frowned at the charred remains before her. She felt like vomiting if she was being honest with herself, but this needed to be done, and the RFA trusted only her with this. She grabbed the materials she needed to extract the bone marrow from the remains. She gathered samples from femur; it was in the best shape. The bone was mostly white with fat and flesh still attached. She scrapped the narrow into a dish, and signals to the forensics that they could do what they pleased with the rest.
Nari walked into the lab where her friend Minji was running Saeyoung DNA in the systems. She silently handed the girl the sample from the body and sat in one of the empty chairs. They both where on Jumin’s pay right now seeing as this was completely secret and under the table. The two girls would run the DNA against the other anything under 70% matches threw the chances of it being Saeran out the window. That was the best case scenario.
Nari not being trained in this area was more an onlooker making sure her boyfriend’s DNA was properly destroyed upon the completion of the test. It was only after much deliberation and a huge leap of trust on Saeyoung part that she convinced him to allow her to take a sample from him. It'd be unfortunate if the agency had found out about this and the DNA lead them there. Nari frowned thinking about her boyfriend working while possibly going mad with wonder. Everyone, Saeyoung included, was positive the DNA would be a match and it was Saeran lying in there.
Minji hadn't asked questions when Nari called in a favor. She simply signed the contract Jumin had his lawyer whip up securing everyone's involvement with this.
Minji had been sitting here with her for over 34 hours. Nari had left the RFA meeting and rushed straight to the hospital. The team recovering the body from the ruins kept bringing more and more burnt disfigured Parts. The femur was their best bet to find healthy DNA strands to compare to Saeyoung. Identical twins had identical DNA and a match lower than 70% even given the damage to the body wouldn't do. So far the highest match they've come across was 6.72% and that's including damage.
"The femur had a tissue, dried blood in the marrow?" Minji asked eyeing the sample beginning the process to extract the DNA from it.
"Yeah, so if it doesn't match, it means it's not who we thought it was," Nari explained rubbing her dry eyes watching the computer systems run her boyfriend DNA and biome. She saw literally every genetic thing that made her lover who he was. She smiled snapping a picture of all His biome and sent to him in a text.
Nari- I hacked into your genetic code! I've literally seen every genetic thing that makes you, you. I love you <3
707- that's actually really cool! You should tell me what these things mean sometimes. I love you too <3
707- Have you eaten? Have you slept? I just checked the time...
Nari- I can sleep when I'm dead. Can't eat because I don't want to go through sanitizing myself again. Bio shitz...
707- Hah, I love you. So baby can you please take care of yourself.
Nari- fine, but we should be wrapping up here soon anyway. Don't you work yourself to death? Mwah!!!
707- Mwah!!!
Minji had the DNA up and running through the systems about three hours later. She was humming watching the Biome and DNA try to make matches
"Match is 9.65% there is no way they are identical twins," Minji concluded typing notes and printing them. She added them to the file as a tear rolled down Naris face.
"It's positively not his brother. Of thank fucking god!" Nari sobbed covering her face with her hands.
"Yeah, honestly it could be a distant relative or just some stranger that carries a similar DNA make-up," Minji explained grinning handing the file to Nari. "From my hands to yours to Mr. Han."
"Yes before that. We have to destroy Luciel's DNA." Nari informed her and Minji giggled picking up some liquid and poured it on all the samples.
"Oops, I'm such a klutz." Minji gasped and Nari giggled gathering the samples and putting them in a container.
"I'll burn them too," Nari said shrugging. "Thank you so much Minji."
"I should thank you I made three months’ salary in 40 hours!" Minji giggled gathering her things.
Nari enters the chatroom.
Jaehee-Welcome Nari. Here for a status report?
Nari- 38 hours later and the match is only 9.65% match. Given damage caused by the flames and just living the lowest possibility was 70%. It's positively not Saeran.
707 has entered the chatroom
707- Where the fuck is Saeran?
Nari- good question
Jaehee- shouldn't the match be 100%
707- I honestly thought so...
Nari- Doctor Mode activated. Allow me to educate you.
707- I love playing doctor with you baby
707 hearts emoji
Jaehee sighing Emoji.
Jaehee- please just answer the question.
Nari- Identical twins come from the same zygote. This means that the egg and sperm are the exact same, which equates to identical DNA. They are always of the same sex and are monozygotic or MZ twins (mono = one; zygote = fertilized egg) Sperm carry either the X or Y chromosome determining the baby's gender.
707- Which means we have the same DNA...
Jaehee- we already knew that. You basically retold us they have identical DNA which we were aware of
Nari-From birth, yes they should be 100% genetically identical. However, they aren't necessarily genetically identical as life progresses. Mutations will occur as their body grows through mitotic processes.
707- Have to use Google. One second
Jaehee- just a moment, please.
Nari-Most of these mutations are automatically fixed, but some of them stay, such as when ultraviolet rays from the sun rearrange epithelial cell DNA. Also the drugs he's on, and the age he started taking said drugs can deteriorate his DNA and genetic makeup. In short, genetic variability in twins results from mutations during the lifespan.
707- mind was blown
Jaehee- you seem well educated in the area of twins
Nari- Honestly in med-school, I had a fascination with Twins after doing a report.
707- You just love me because of science!
Nari- shit Jaehee he's onto me...
Nari- Identical twins are random and universal. And the only increased chance of multiples is fraternal twins because two eggs and two sperm are required for fraternal. That's if they ran on the mother's side of the family, or you use fertility treatments. Fun facts!
707- I'm a rarity!
707- well I guess Saeran is too...
Nari-Yup just one second
Nari- I know I have a master ball laying around here somewhere! I'll need my spare one for when we see Saeran
707 heart emoji
707- So that's how you captured my heart <3
Nari- gotta catch em all!
707- be sure to capture Jumin in luxury ball, or he'll throw a tantrum.
Nari- who’s to say I haven't already
Nari wink Emoji
Jaehee- Mr.Han had asked if you have the reports.
Nari-I’m getting into my car as we speak so I'll see you soon.
Nari- Saeyoung, we will find him. I love you. Eat something other than Honey Budda chips. And drink some water!
707- I know we will. I love you, drive safe.
Nari has left the chatroom.
Nari walked into C&R looking around the reception area in awe. It was clean and light. Plants scattered about yet seemed well placed. There where Crystal chandeliers in a business building. Talk about luxury Nari would laugh if it was actual diamonds hanging above her head. That would be so, Jumin Han.
"Good to see you again, Nari." A feminine voice spoke out. Naris eyes met with Jaehee as her grin spread further.
"Jaehee!" She exclaimed walking over to hug her friend. Jaehee seemed hesitant but hugged her back.
"Mr. Han is awaiting you in his office. Allow me to escort you." Jaehee was truly a professional woman.
"Lead the way." Nari giggled following the assistant into the elevator.
"You look tired," Jaehee commented pressing the 17 button and the elevator roared bringing them upward.
"I haven't slept since before the RFA meeting two days ago. I'm functioning loudly on adrenalin and energy drinks." Nari sighed smiling at the other woman.
"I completely understand that!" Jaehee giggled. "It's nice to have another workaholic in the RFA with unreasonable hours."
"Hah~ these hours where on Jumin’s wallet!" Nari giggled. "Truly though having another woman in the RFA saved it from being a sausage fest!"
"Mmmm... It is a comfort. Thank you for stay with us despite the situation." Jaehee hummed looking at the doctor.
"I owe the RFA plenty. Plus my boyfriend pretty much makes it’s physically impossible to leave. I'm the RFA's hostage now, but I don't mind." Nari laughed.
“If I may, I raise concerns for you sanity choosing Luciel for a lover. How should I put it... he is an enigma with a very colorful and eccentric personality." Jaehee raised her mock concerns with a wicked smiled causing Nari to double over with laughter as they stepped off the elevator.
"But that's why I love him~" Nari sang between giggles and Jaehee laughed herself walking toward a door with 'the office of Jumin Han.' Plated on it. Jaehee knocked firmly.
"Enter." Jumin’s monotone voice called out.
Both women stepped into the office and Jumin vaulted whatever paperwork he was reading and signing. He folded his hands together on the desk providing them with his full attention.
"This is all of our genetic findings," Nari spoke first stepping forward setting the file on his desk. Jumin nodded skimming through the file.
"Wonderful work Doctor Choe." Jumin complimented.
"Nah, I'm not forensics. Thank Doctor Minji Park. She was the mastermind." Nari waved her hand in front of her face. "Though if you need an appendix removed, or a liver transplant I'm your gal!"
"Very well. Now raises the question of where Luciel’s brother ended up." Jumin spoke clear but mostly to himself.
"Wouldn't it be wonderful if we knew?" Nari sighed. "Saeyoung's going to work himself to death trying to trace him and completing his agency work at the same time."
"Yes, I'll gather some people to aid in the search." Jumin clarified.
"Another important question. Whose body was I harvesting bone marrow samples from for the past two days?" Nari asked clearly surprising the businessman.
"We will exhaust every possibility and hopefully identify the body," Jumin assured her. Nari smiled sadly.
"I'm sure Nari is very tired Mr. Han. Why don't we allow her to head home and get some rest." Jaehee than spoke up and Jumin nodded.
"Yes, assistant Kang is correct. Nari please be careful on your way home and take care of yourself. Until we speak again take care." Jumin finalized dismissing her. Nari nodded.
"Let me know if there is anything I can do to help. Have a good day Jumin." Nari said turning to excuse herself from his office. Jaehee was on her heel.
"Please travel safe, and again thank you for everything you've done to help us." Jaehee than bowed causing Nari to laugh.
"So formal. Alright, I'm out." Nari shot the businesswoman a peace sign and excused herself from the building.
Nari stumbled into her high-end apartment an hour later. Traffic had been at its worse. Nari kicked off her heels and locked the deadbolt before wandering into her kitchen. She noted the place seemed cleaned a smelt fresh despite her not residing there for 2 weeks. Curiously she grabbed the note on the fridge and smiled. Miu had tidy and restocked her fridge for her. As she grabbed a glass of water her phone started ringing.
"Hello~ this is the very tired corpses of Doctor Choe. Please hang up and don't try your call again." She chimed than took a sip of water listening to the laughter on the other end.
"I got worried when you didn't return to the bunker." Seven stated and Nari blushed.
"Hmm?" She hummed.
"Don't make that noise!" He sputtered to her amusement.
"Wasn't aware I was supposed to return to your place. I'm home." Nari explained and he groaned.
"I can't protect you there! I don't even know your address!" He barked in concern making her frown.
"I'm sorry. I felt like I was really imposing on your space. I thought I should come home." Nari started listening to her boyfriend’s typing.
"You're never imposing. My place is your place, always feel comfortable being here." He murmured sweetly and she smiled.
"I love you, you dork." Nari giggled and he groaned again.
"I love that you love me. I love you more than anything. When this is all over I'm taking you to a space station to marry you." Saeyoung spoke clear and determinedly causing Naris breath to get caught in her throat.
"Yes." She muttered and he hummed slightly confused.
"Yes?" He questioned after a moment and Nari found her voice.
"Yes, I'll marry you." Nari clarified and noise could be heard from the other end of the phone.
"Nari? Shit sorry, I dropped the phone and restarted my heart!" He stammered on sounding embarrassed.
"It's okay." Nari murmured quietly and there was a heavy sigh.
"Thank you. But don't say yes right now. Don't get me wrong I love that you did, but I want to do things more proper." His voice was broken. "I love you, so much and hearing you so willingly agree to spend your love with me for a lifetime makes me happy. So unbearably happy I might burst. Wait for me a little longer and then you'll be my priority." He was sniffling on the other end and Nari smiled warmly.
"Saeyoung," Nari whispered hearing him take a sharp intake of air. "I'll be waiting for you, right beside you honey. I love you, much more than I could ever fathom. You're my future and soulmate."
"God! My chest feels tight and I find it hard to breathe. I feel so complicated when I can’t see you. What's wrong with me?" He questioned himself and Nari giggled.
"My diagnosis is that you're experiencing unconditional love for the first time," Nari spoke in a matter of fact tone and he sighed.
"I'm clueless on how I got you, but I'm so happy, I don't care." He murmured and Nari smiled.
"I'll go grab a shower and clothes and be there soon." Nari decided and he chuckled sadly.
"I look forward to seeing you. Drive safe." Saeyoung mumbled and ended the call. Nari wiped her eyes and calming herself down.
Nari pulled into the garage after the gate had a pretty intense argument with her. She giggled to herself thinking out the rude gate. She parked her car and opened the door to be created with a whistle. She stepped out a caught her red-headed dork of a boyfriend ogling her silver Lexus. She smirked shutting and locked the doors.
"Like what you see?" She asked in a mock-seductive tone.
"Yes, ma'am." He muttered with a grin without lifting his eyes from the car.
"I mean it's not flashy like your cars, but she is pretty huh?" Nari smirked as he circled the car.
"Can I modify her?" Saeyoung asked lifting the hood completely inspired.
"She shy! Gotta wine and dine her first!" Nari hissed playfully closing the hood and he grinned at her.
Saeyoung wrapped his arm around Nari pulling her close smelling her freshly washed hair. He let out a content sigh pressing a kiss to the top of her head. Nari hummed running kisses of her own up his jaw. His hands traced the curve of her back as his lips met hers in a sweet kiss. Nari smiled relishing in it before she pulled away.
"Oh before I forget," Nari mumbled digging in her jacket pocket and Saeyoung raised his eyebrow. She grabbed his hand and slid a key into it. "It's too my apartment." His eyes widened before he grabbed her in a bone-crushing hug.
"Thank you. I won't abuse it, I promise." He whispered and she nodded allowing herself to be held, safe, and secure in his arms.
"You're always welcome to be there," Nari whispered and his breath hitched.
"Home number 2." He agreed with a chuckle.
"Can you put me to bed? I am running on fumes, energy level dropping. Eyelids are definitely heavy." She half whined and he smiled lazily down at her.
"Sure, princess. Let's go." He agreed to trace his fingers along her cheek before lifting her into his arms. She realized a pleased sigh as he whisked her away.
Luciel laid her on the bed tucking his blanket around her before flipping off the light. "Join me..." She whispered snuggling in his bed enjoying the smell of him that lingered there.
"I can't, my love. I have agency work to complete. But I'll use the computer in here. You sleep." Saeyoung assured her as the computer hummed to life and a faint glow lit up the room. When Luciel looked toward the bed again she was already gone. He smiled turning back to his computer turning off the monitor before crawling in beside his slumbering lover. He wrapped her in his arms spooning her from behind after setting a quiet alarm for himself. A few hours of sleep couldn't hurt after all.
They both groaned as the sound of boots came toward then and bedroom door flew open. Nari rolled over snuggling her face into Seven as he chuckled sitting up slightly.
"At least we weren't screwing. Madam Vanderwood, what do we owe the pleasure?" Luciel greeted their unwanted guest.
"For the love of- How's the job coming along," Vanderwood asked in a stern voice.
"I'll probably have it completed in a few hours." Seven explained Stroking Naris head causing her to him rubbing her nose in his chest.
"That's three days ahead of schedule. Good work Zero Seven." Vander wood complimented him clearly surprised. "Also did you get a new car because I look the leopard print one?"
"Nah, that's this lovely ladies." Seven clarified and Nari raised a finger. “OH and Vanderwood." Seven called after his handler as he tried to retreat.
"What now!?" Vanderwood snapped.
"Since Nari could be here knock in the future." Seven stated in a cheerful tone and Vanderwood sighed.
"You're right. Sorry, Nari." Vanderwood apologized and Nari snorted.
"S'all good," Nari assured the older male with a wave not bothering to turn to face him. She smirked as the door close. "How long have we been asleep?" Nari asked yawning clinging herself to her boyfriend as he moved to grab his phone.
"Five hours." He informed her and she groaned.
"When did you crawl in?" Mark's very tired voice asked.
"Five minutes after you fell asleep." He confessed and she hummed.
"Good you need to sleep." Nari yawned stretching before rolling over allowing herself to fall asleep yet again.
It was dust and Nari returned to her own space. She needed a moment to herself after the day she had. The hospital agreed to not terminate her contract if she would see one of the phycologists twice a week for 2 hours. She was spender from the O.R and gallery overlooking until she completes her therapy and the doctor cleared her for surgery. It was annoying, but after Jumin explained her kidnapping and the Mint-Eye downfall (which was all over the news with Rika and Saeran still at large) they deemed her mentally unstable and ban her access to the surgical floor.
Nari sighed walking Toward Her Apartment Door When She Stepped on a package. She cocked an eyebrow picking up the box looking it over. Nothing was writing on the box, how curious. She unlocked her door shutting it behind her locking the deadbolt as she kicked off her shoes. She examined the box debating if she should open it or call Seven. She chewed on her cheek as she uses her key to break the tap setting the box on her kitchen table. She cautiously opened the box to be greeted with a children's storybook.
More confused Nari picked up the book and laid it on the table. It appeared to be a harmless children's fairy tale. She opened the cover and tears pricked her eyes as she gasps. There pressed to the cover was a beautiful blue and orange rose. Her breathing picked up as she traced her finger over them. Saeran had to of left this for her. He had told her he was drying and pressing the rose she adored from his garden. And Saeran always kept a blue rose in his suit pocket.
Her hands shacked as she slightly cried. She turned the pages; it was clearly an old and well-loved book. The pages coming off the seam slightly, a few stains here and there. She frowned some of which looked like dried blood. Tears streamed down her face as she ran her finger over a stained pool of blood. Those poor boys, she thought to herself.
When she hit the back cover her breath completely left her. There is childish scroll was some writing looking rather faded and blood spatter made it harder to make out. She frowned squinting bring it close to her face when her eyes widened. She felt I'll like she had been punched in the gut.
Saeyoung and Saeran Choi- age 7
Nari covered her mouth as she took a picture with her phone and sent it to her boyfriend. She felt breathless as she awaited the response. She stared at her phone as her heart threatened to jump out of her chest. What felt like eons later the phone rang?
"Where did you get that?" His voice was a whisper and shaky.
"It was left in a box in front of my door." Nari murmured softly and his breath hitched.
"Pack your things. You can't stay there right now, it's not safe." He hissed quietly and Nari moved on impulse to start collecting her things.
"I understand, but Sae-" he cut her off again.
"Fuck...FUCK!" He yelled and the sound of him hitting his fist against his desk. Nari flinched. "It... It has to be him. He's not a safe person right now. Nari, I'm so fucking sorry I-" she cut him off.
"Stop taking all the guilt on yourself!" She barked and he groaned. "This is not your fault. You were a kid! Saeyoung you were a child and you couldn't possibly know this is how it would turn out. This isn't your fault." Nari assured him and his breathing became uneven.
"You know what I've done, what I do, and what I am. How can you love me despite all of this?" He asked clearly bewildered and she sighed.
"I love you for all you've done, what you do, and what you are. I don't love you in spite of it. I love you for all of it. I love who you are, I just wished you could see yourself the way I do. You'd realize you're a person that deserves my love, and you deserve to be in my life, and you deserve my friendship." Nari informed him.
"Come to me then, my love. I'll protect you with my life. I'll gladly die for you if it comes to it." He declared and Nari sobbed quietly.
"Then I'll have to protect you too, a world without you isn't one I'm interested in." Nari declared and his breathing stops.
"I'll come pick you up. Wear something pretty. There is somewhere if like to take you." Saeyoung informed her and the line was dead.
Nari stared at her phone for a moment before scurrying into her room. By the way, he drives she had limited time to ready herself. She hauled the sides of her hair back and secured it in a white bow. She peaked off her clothes and exchanged them with a white frilly dress she's be dying a wear. Next, she fixed her makeup applying some red lipstick before deeming herself ready.
She moved and in zipped her suitcase throwing random items into it when her door clicked and opened. She popped her head out her bedroom door to see Saeyoung taking in her rather nice apartment. She giggled alerting the man to her location. He smiled at her and walked to join her.
"Hey!" She smiled placing more items into we suitcase. Saeyoung wondered around her bedroom seemingly analyzing everything his eyes met with.
"Nice place." He finally spoke and Nari giggled again zipping up her bag and stood. His eyes widen slightly as a blush settled on his face. "You're so beautiful."
"You look handsome." She met him in stride looking him up and down. He had chosen to wear white as well. He looked good in his button-up dress shirt and black jeans. He flushed at her compliment.
"Where is It?" Saeyoung asked quietly looking at the ground.
Nari smiled grabbing his hand and leading him to the kitchen table. He eyed the storybook that once belonged to him. He realized his hold on Nari and walked silently to the table. Nari stood in awe watching him touch the cover. He opened the front cover being greeted by the beautiful flowers. He frowned while his eyebrows knitting together.
"Saeran always had a blue rose on him, and the orange one was from his garden. He took me for a walk one night and I kept eyeing that one rose." Nari explained walking up behind him placing her hand on his arm as she looked down at the book.
His fingers brushed the roses one more time before he turned the pages. Every stain of blood caused his breath to hitch. Finally, he made it to the back cover. The faded ink of his childhood writing covered in spattered blood was his name along with his brothers. He squeezed his eyes shut and silent tears rolled down his cheeks. Nari embraced him burying her nose in his back as every horrible childhood memory flooded back to him.
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rokutouxei · 7 years
schrodinger was wrong
mystic messenger saeyoung choi/main character, saeran | after secret 1+2 | 6276
schrodinger's cat is in a plane of existence where it exists and it doesn't exist. sometimes saeran feels the same. but it's his birthday today, and saeyoung and mc are going to be damned if they don't find a way to make saeran feel okay. [read on Ao3]
it is already past 10:30am when saeran rises from bed. his brain feels foggy; he’s overslept again, a bad habit slowly making itself into a pattern. there’s a dull hammering headache he knows will worsen down the day. saeran scratches his scalp before throwing on a shirt lying on the floor. then he turns to go out the door.
he hears the couple bicker lightly in the kitchen; he can hear their voices rumbling through the bunker walls.
“we’re doing a thought experiment.”
“we’re not doing a thought experiment, saeyoung.”
“everything is a thought experiment, if you think about it hard enough~” the man sing songs. saeran sighs. “look at it this way. the waffles aren’t burnt until we look at them. so right now, i have perfectly cooked waffles.”
“schrodinger,” she says. she’s always been able to keep up with him; a feat that may as well be worth a world record. “and the moment i open them, they become the charred pieces of flour that they actually are.”
“yep!” saeyoung says triumphantly. “that’s how the schrodinger’s cat theory works~”
“i’m pretty sure it isn’t, babe,” she sighs. just that small gesture is enough to make saeyoung light up like a bulb. there’s a warm radiating comfort that comes out of her that soothes his twin; saeran feels a sharp icy pang in his chest at the thought.
but before he can react, saeyoung has whirled around to face him. fuck, saeran sighs. why is his brother wearing that stupid pair of party glasses. the one with the big nose and the weird eyebrows. “oho, our birthday boy saeran is awake!” he gladly announces, and she turns around to smile at saeran.
“we’re twins,” saeran deadpans. “it’s your birthday too.”
“hmm?? what? can’t hear you~” saeyoung laughs.
“good morning,” she greets him, softly. sometimes, it’s been two years, but the quietness of her voice whenever she talks to him still shakes him. despite everything he’s done. despite everything he’s done to her.
“saeran,” she calls again, shaking him out of his reverie. she’s patient with him in a way he’s never experienced from anyone else. “slept well?”
saeran only shakes his head, before making his way through the living room to the kitchen. “yoosung wouldn’t let me sleep last night,” he admits. “with that game—lolol.” he doesn’t feel like lying about it today.
“oho?” saeyoung quips with a grin; to which saeran frowns deeply at him. saeyoung and she chuckle at the response. saeran grumbles as he takes a seat on the table. the two continue to busy themselves by the cupboards.
she dumps the burnt waffles into the trash bin smoothly before sliding a plate of sliced apples on the table, to saeran. “you must be hungry, but saeyoung sort of foiled my breakfast plans.”
saeran mumbles thanks before taking a piece of the apple. it’s sweet; much sweeter than he expected. he relishes in the sound it makes when he bites. it drowns out everything else in his mind.
taking away his attention from the mortar and pestle, saeyoung pouts. “i didn’t foil the breakfast plans,” saeran hears his brother say. “you opened the oven. you spoiled the breakfast.”
“don’t use schrodinger against me, you dingus.”
saeran doesn’t need to crane his neck too much to see that saeyoung is crushing a pill into powder; before slipping it into his younger brother’s drink. they weren’t really keeping this a secret to him, but they haven’t really talked about it yet. saeran feels like he doesn’t need to know. he lets them do it. he just wants to feel better. jumin has a doctor come twice a month, talks to saeran while saeyoung and his fiancée sit next to him. saeran feels safer that way.
saeran accepts the medicine without question, as saeyoung whirls around with the glass of orange juice.
“wouldn’t have thought yoosung would get you hooked on that game,” saeyoung says. “can’t believe he’s a vet now and he still plays that stuff.”
“you still play that stuff,” she teases.
“yoosung’s good at it,” saeran offhandedly notes.
“he better be,” she laughs. “he’s been playing that game for years!”
saeyoung grins. “go beat his ass. he’s spent enough time on that, his little heart will break if a newbie like you will throw him off. doubt you’ll be able to beat me though.”
there’s a glint of competition in saeran’s eyes. “is that a challenge?”
“‘course it is,” saeyoung says, smirking.
saeran drinks the entire cup in one swig. she gives him a tiny round of applause. saeyoung grins before he takes the glass back and puts it on the sink.
there’s that comfortable, homely quiet that the three of them have long gotten used to. saeran likes it better like this. he crunches on the apples without much of a word, timing his breath to the low whirr of the dishwasher. saeyoung turns to him like he’s saying something, but saeran doesn’t feel like listening; his brother turns around dejectedly. he hears her chuckling laughter. saeran feels like an intruder sometimes. he’s down to the second to the last slice when his brother presses a kiss against her cheek, before hopping off to their bedroom, humming a song.
saeran has gotten used to being alone with her. she’s taken up a major role as his caretaker in the past two years; being a personal nurse when he is sick; keeping him mute company when he needs presence but not a breaking of silence. he can hear her humming ‘happy birthday’ under her breath as she unties the apron from around her neck, to hang it by the wall.
she smiles at him when she takes the empty plate once filled with apples. he reaches out and taps three fingers against the back of her hand. now, her touch doesn’t make her flinch. she used to be afraid of him.
“what are we doing today,” saeran says. it doesn’t sound that much like a question; more like a confirmation of something he already knows. he listens to the lilt of his voice, does his best to not sound deflated.
she smiles again, although smaller this time, more regretful. she scratches the back of her neck slightly, before leaning her frame against the table gently. “we invited the rfa over—just like last year—but it seems today just wasn’t the day for it,” she explains.
she looks off in the distance sadly; like she’s watched a long-planned thing turn to dust. he taps her hand again, to get her to explain more.
“oh, well uh,” she begins; but cannot continue without letting the sigh get out of her mouth first. “well, jumin’s on a business trip, and jaehee’s working on settling a deal with another company, so they’re out.” she counts them off with her fingers. “last night yoosung called and said he has to do an emergency operation today, so he’s out as well.” she bites her lip; saeran wonders if she’s about to cry. why? it wasn’t her birthday, it was his, it was saeyoung’s, and—“zen has a shoot and is out of town, he was supposed to be back yesterday but the weather was bad, so…”
saeran shrugs. “it’s no big deal.” he wants to comfort her but these are the only words he has.
“and then saeyoung had to foil my breakfast plans… i’m sorry, can your birthday get any worse than this?”
there’s a little click at the back of saeran’s brain; he wants to tell her he’s never had a birthday before. wants to tell her the world could end today and this would still probably be the better birthday in his entire life. he’d only celebrated it last year, when they’d all invited the rfa over and took that photo that hangs above the sofa in the living room. he’s never found a reason to celebrate the day he was brought into this godforsaken world. if she and saeyoung had not found him at that point, in mint eye, saeran would not have existed. just unknown, just magenta, just tattoo and white hair and mint-green eyes. he wants to glance at the photo from last year, but he already knows how he looks like there, he looked so miserable then, and part of saeran wants to knock that photo in, break the glass frame and watch the blood seep down his fist, want to scratch his face out of the photo, wants to stop being the reason why they—
“i have a headache,” saeran slurs out. he can’t hear over the drumming sound in his head but he hopes he said it clear enough for her to understand. he digs his nails against the back of her hand; relies on the wordless signals to get her to get him a glass of water and to count slowly from ten to one. he can’t remember when but she’s surely gotten him to take a painkiller at some point because he feels his headache ebbing away like waves.
when he comes to, she’s holding his hand so gently as if it might break. he wonders how fragile he looks.
“i’m sorry,” she says; as if it was something she should apologize for, something she could have controlled. she pours him another glass of water, keeping him in the corner of her eye to make sure he’s alright. “can i make up to you?”
he wants to say nothing’s wrong, wants to tell her she doesn’t owe him anything, wants to say he’s okay, wants to lie through his teeth. wants to save her somehow. but he can’t tell her those words now; not when she’s already down enough as it is. so he settles with something else.
“mint ice cream,” he mumbles. “and dark chocolate.”
she beams at the words. “so you did hear saeyoung,” she snorts. had his brother been asking him what he wanted them to buy?  “don’t tease him like that, he thinks you’re purposefully hating on him.”
“i am,” saeran clarifies with a smirk. she answers with a laugh and he wonders if he’s caused that laugh, if he can bring light to people’s lives after all.
“i’ll go get ready to buy food for your party. tell us if there’s anything else you want, okay?” she says. he replies with a nod. she’s about to leave the kitchen when she stops abruptly; turns back to saeran on the counter, and leans on her elbows to look at him, eye-to-eye.
she’s acknowledged by a low, noncommittal grunt.
“saeran,” she starts; she’s looking at him like asking for permission. he tentatively nods, appreciating her respect for his space. she taps his nose with her pointer finger, then ruffles his bright red hair. “happy birthday,” she says. “we’ll open presents later, okay?”
saeran nods; the smile on her face is contagious, so it reflects on his. smiles still look awkward on his face; or at least it feels like so. he still thinks such an expression doesn’t belong on him. but he tries, and his try must have been successful, as it makes her giggle even more. this catches his brother’s attention.
“saerannn, she’s mine!” saeyoung teases. he peers from the shared bedroom, with his hair is still damp from the shower, and the water drips on his classic red shirt. not that the older twin didn’t give a damn; saeyoung hops right over to the two of them, wrapping his hands around his fiancee’s waist, and then gently biting her shoulder. she smacks his head with her hand.
“cold! what did i tell you about drying your hair first, you metrosexual dildo!”
“that’s new,” saeran chuckles. “you’re getting creative.”
“does my hair come first to protecting my princess from my number one rival?” saeyoung retorts, pressing a kiss to her cheek.
saeran grimaces. jokingly; and they all know. “after you’ve gotten your filthy hands all over her? no thank you.”
the three of them share a round of laughter before saeyoung lets go of her. that homely quiet surrounds them again like a blanket. if it were possible saeran would snuggle in it as tightly as he can. but now’s not the time for it. saeran stands up from his seat; tells them he’ll be recovering from his headache for the meantime.
“we’ll come back with brunch!” saeyoung says. saeran nods in acknowledgement, taking one final glance at the lovey-dovey couple, before he takes a step back into his room, and then attempts to return to the quiet of slumber.
when the nightmare hits him it is dull; he can barely feel it wringing in his nerves. saeran tries his best to stay afloat. at some point he recognizes it’s just a dream, but he can’t seem to wake up from it. so he sinks in it.
sometimes he still sees the needles if he squints hard enough. when he runs his fingers through the back of his elbows he still knows where they have pierced him. when he closes his eyes he sees the bars, the cold basement floor. and there are always shackles. his mother used to tie him up. his savior would, too. so when he’s asleep, he always kicks. always tries to push away something holding him down; he’s just not sure what. and when he does, he can hear the clang of metal. grating; he wants silence. even in sleep he doesn’t get peace.
saeran kicks; and when he does, he jolts himself awake. his shirt is damp. his bangs stick to his forehead. it takes him a moment to realize that he’s hyperventilating, that he’s clutching the sheets so tightly his knuckles are white. he takes a deep breath and releases all the tension he’s holding. he unfocuses his eyes and stares at the gray ceiling, refocuses, unfocuses—
he flinches, shaken away from his reverie. did he just imagine that? or did he really hear a—
slowly, he sits up, throwing his legs over to the side of the bed. is he still dreaming? about a cat? no, surely there should have been something. he didn’t know from where, but it’s somewhere, and—
he hears the scurrying of feet. it sounds too small to be that of a full-grown cat’s. he’s heard elizabeth the 3rd when jumin brought her over. saeyoung wasn’t around then. he closes his eyes to focus on the sound of pattering and soft miaows, to try to pinpoint where it is.
but then it stops. the sound stops and saeran frowns, taking the clock on his bedside table and slamming it to the floor. shit. did he do that? shit. today he feels like a different person. your name is saeran, he reminds himself. saeran. saeran choi. you have a name, you are alive. sometimes he can hardly believe that something as simple as that is so hard to believe. it’s his birthday. but it’s not a good day. he stands up from his bed, heads to the kitchen to get the broom, and—
miaow, miaow.
it’s louder now. he’s sure now that it’s real. maybe. hopefully. he heard it—from behind the couch? saeran doesn’t know why he’s tiptoeing towards it. one step, two step. but when he gets there, he realizes where the sound is coming from.
the vent.
“how the fuck did you get there?” he asks, loudly. he doesn’t get a miaow in response, so in his mind the cat is sniveling in guilt. the vents kept the bunker with circulating air; it connected from the house to the garage to—
the kitten sounded in pain. what had happened to it? saeran pauses for a moment to contemplate what he can do. he’s too small to fit in the vent—and there’s a chance that if he intrudes, with a hand or a stick or whatdoessaeyounghaveinthisbunkerofhisanyway, he might end up scaring the kitten deeper into the vents. great.
gingerly, he takes off the screen covering the vent; the sound echoes down the metal hallway. he hears the small footsteps again. is the kitten coming towards him? that would be helpful. he taps on the vent gently with his knuckles.
no response.
the vent goes straight on for about a meter before it turns sharply to the left; beyond that one meter of space, he can’t see into the vents. only saeyoung knows this bunker like the back of his hand; surely, no one else has blueprints on the ventilation system, and other ways they could sneak in. his brother is far too careful for that.
the kitten sounds just as far as it was earlier on.
“piece of shit, i’m trying to save you,” saeran hisses. he stops himself before he flings the screen across the room. he’s made enough of a mess today; he doesn’t want to be more of a burden. he growls. “you’re just a damn cat.”
he doesn’t need to save this kitten, he realizes. if he just goes back to his room and pretends to have been asleep the entire time, she and saeyoung will surely be home in no time, and they’ll figure out away to get it out. no big deal. this doesn’t have to be his problem.
“go away. they’ll save you. not me. i can’t save you,” saeran grumbles.
he puts the screen back, dusts himself off, and retraces his steps back to his room. then he sees the shattered alarm clock—right. he has to clean that up. or else she’s going to be worrying herself over him having another fit while they were out.
when will the lovebirds be back? he wanders into the kitchen, trying to look for the broom. he’s sure she keeps it here—wait, no, not here. for the past year, with his hands more stable and his mind less fogged up, they’ve let him help with the house chores. sweeping, laundry, washing the plastic plates. saeran’s already used that broom once; he’s just not sure where it’s kept. he peers through spaces in between the fridge and the wall. no broom there. he opens cabinet after cabinet; he focuses on the sound of them creaking open so he doesn’t get distracted. the house is quiet now. but then he opens one, and its door rings with a jangle of keys.
saeyoung’s car keys. (he’s learned not to keep it behind the plate.) ten hooks, nine keys. each keychain has a miniature version of the sports car dangling on it. does saeyoung get confused with the number of cars he has? saeran returns his attention to the cabinet, tries to see if the broom is there when the small cylinder hanging from one of the keys gets his attention.
a laser pointer.
or an actual laser, he corrects himself, knowing his brother, so he’s careful when he picks it up. small, metallic body. can fit in the palm of his hand. one small button that serves as a switch. hard to tell what kind of laser it is. there’s only one way to know. he points it at the floor and closes his eyes as he presses the button.
well, there’s no sound of sizzling at least.
he’s watched enough cat videos with saeyoung to know this is going to work. “cats are fucking dumb,” saeran’s said once, watching one try to grab the light with its paws. to no avail, of course. all cats of all sizes chase after the red dot like their lives depended on it. saeyoung laughed at him and said “that’s part of their charm~”. when did stupidity become a charm of all things? (but then he remembers his brother is engaged and surely that means it’s definitely an effective charm.)
if he flashes the laser down the vent, maybe the kitten will be close enough to see it. maybe it’ll follow the red dot, and find its way out to safety. then he’ll get the lovebirds to sort out how to take care of this pesky thing. saeyoung’s always wanted a cat, anyway.
he takes the car keys with him, feeling the weight of it on his palm. he’s been out to drives with the two of them, to the ocean, to the mountains. the world out there is beautiful; more beautiful than he had ever imagined it to be. different from what his savior had told him. he has to remind him that the only saviors he’s ever had are saeyoung and his girlfriend. but sometimes even if the outside world is beautiful, it overwhelms him. the sky is too bright, too blue, the horizon too wide. but it is so, so beautiful. maybe he should ask to come out for a drive again.
he crouches back in front of the vent, opens the screen covering and tries to listen for a sound. but there is none.
here goes nothing…
saeyoung has his hands full. with chips. he dumps them into the trolley while humming happy birthday under his breath. he also puts in a few bottles of soda—how dare his family not like doctor pepper like he does!—before sneaking up behind her and bumping her butt with the end of the trolley softly.
“saeyoung!” she gasps. she has in her hands the tub of mint ice cream, and the dark chocolates saeran wanted. just as efficient as ever. she places it on the trolley before putting a kiss on his cheek. “i got us something to do for later today~”
he blinks. “are you telling this to me so i don’t foil another one of your plans?”
she laughs; it’s a laugh that fills the entire room, his entire being. it makes him feel light. “of course. here.”
she digs into her bag and shows him the blu-ray edition of his favorite movie. no more streaming! he can watch it over and over again! the grin on his face says it all.
“oh my gooood. babe.”
she chuckles. “yes, my little alien nerd?”
“i’m so glad i abducted you.”
saeyoung doesn’t care that he’s out in the grocery store, he presses a kiss right on her lips; enjoys the soft touch of her fingers against his cheek. when he steps back she’s bright pink, holding her hand against her mouth. but the ring on her finger only catches his attention. matching with his. bonded for life.
“thank you for letting me reset all of this,” he says.
“saey…” she starts. “please don’t get sappy over these chips…”
he laughs. “they can’t stop me,” he says. “not when the woman who let me start over from the beginning is here for me. for another year.”
“aren’t you glad we timed our engagement to your birthday with saeran~” she smiles. there’s that smile, that smile that saves him over and over again. the smile that got him through. saeran is a handful; he would not have survived without you by his side. he had been limping through his life the entire time, and so did saeran. but you were there for him. it doesn’t matter if saeyoung choi is invisible to the world like this—you’re there for him, and that is enough.
“i can’t wait to celebrate with saeran. let’s go home!”
ten minutes. saeran’s back hurts. he’s lying on the floor, torso propped up by his elbow. he’s using the other hand to flick the laser pointer around but there hasn’t been any observable change since. he wonders if the cat can read the way he’s moving the laser pointer, spelling his name over and over again.
“if you have no plans to come out i’m going,” he says. he reminds himself he doesn’t need to save this cat; they’ll be home soon. they won’t know he’s been lying on the filthy floor like a barbarian to save a kitten that doesn’t want to pay attention to him. they don’t need to know. this kitten he tried to save won’t exist; only the kitten they will save.
he hears it again. saeran’s flopped back-first onto the floor now. he groans.
“well, miaow to you too,” he says. the way he imitated that sound was the ugliest thing he’d ever heard in his entire life, possibly. he catches himself chuckling; where had this dark humor come from? saeyoung, probably. only saeyoung depreciates himself through humor like that. something about becoming like his brother irks saeran, but also gives him comfort.
saeyoung used to say that they were each other. that they were the same person. like the same coin, but different sides.
maybe trying to save this kitten is something he got from his brother too.
it’s really there isn’t it? he can pretend it’s not there, but the kitten will be there. it’s going to haunt him, echoing in the vents.
“come out now, you piece of shit,” saeran says. he’s tired. he should have just gone back to his room. he sticks his hand back inside the vent and waves the laser pointer around. he’s too sure that even if the kitten does stumble into him, he won’t be able to save it. he hasn’t been able to save anything in his entire life. everything he touches withers into ash. rika. v. saeyoung. saeyoung’s fiancée. this kitten. himself.
he throws his other arm over his eyes; the ceiling light suddenly is too bright. he hears a steady buzzing sound inside his brain. did he really need to… to miaow to get the cat’s attention? what had it been doing? sleeping?
he hears the padding of footsteps against the vent. at least it’s not stuck wherever it was earlier. he inhales through his nose and exhales through his mouth. when will the lovebirds be home? he’s scared of being alone with his thoughts. though he’ll never admit it.
the footsteps become faster. a steady thrum against the metal. probably found the light source, he figures. his mind starts to clear. and when he does, he hears it.
he feels it. a little paw on his bright red hair.
he puts the laser pointer down gently on the vent, careful not to make too much of a rattle, before he takes his free hands to lift the kitten from over his head to over his chest. now face-to-face with the kitten that has been bothering him, he hisses at it cattily for all the trouble it had given him
“how the shit did you get up there, punk?”
the kitten looks straight at him; he wonders if it is grateful. it better be! it took him a damn hard time to get it and—
then he sees it.
the kitten’s eyes are a startling blue, colors that stand out against its white fur, but the left one is faded, and he’s sure this time that the cat can’t see well on that eye. maybe could see shapes, colors, but not in detail, that’s probably why it got lost, why it—
—found its way down that dark hallway, he knows that look, knows that half-blind stare, v, his name was v, saeyoung saw in him a father they’d never had, saeyoung looked at that man and the father that never existed for him was there, and saeran took it all away, jihyun, he doesn’t exist now, saeran can remember the look on the man’s face before he crumpled to the ground and—
“please say ‘i am not bread’ in arabic.”
shit. that was the door.
saeran is fast to his feet, picking himself up from the floor and dashing straight to his room. he doesn’t even realize the kitten is still in his hand until he’s slammed his door closed with only one; he makes it inside just in time as the main door opens wide.
“saeraaaaan~” saeyoung singsongs. shit. saeran left the vent open, and the cabinet with the car keys, and the car key—
“why are you back so fast? it hasn’t been an hour!” saeran shouts through the door. the kitten whines at the loudness.
“it’s already been two hours, saeran!” she answers in his stead. “you must’ve been sleeping.”
“shut up!” saeran hushes it softly, under his breath. two blue eyes—he’s so scared. saeran doesn’t understand why he’s so scared.
but his silence only caught the attention of his brother. saeyoung sing-songs, “oho, did we catch you do something naughty?”
“i’m not a pervert like you!” saeran says, before dashing from leaning against his door to his dresser. he flings it open and places the cat on top of a shirt—shit, that was black, it’s going to be white by the time he gets that kitten out. nevermind. he slams the doors shut. he rests his back against the closed doors, breathing deeply.
he hears her talking. “saeyoung drove as fast as he could. he said he didn’t want to keep you waiting. i’m pretty sure we broke a law or two.” she knocks against his door, soft rapping of knuckles. “c’mon out, we have food.”
then there’s a louder knocking; firmer. saeyoung, this time. “saeraaaaan, open up, your ice cream is going to melt.”
the kitten yelps at the sound of the door being knocked on. it whines, meows.
“miaow to you too, now shut up,” saeran tries to hush it again.
“knock knock—” saeyoung starts, and then pauses. shit. “it’s not locked! saeran, i’m coming in—”
shit shit shit shit
that’s it. that’s the breaking point. saeran curls himself up into a ball, arms around his knees, head down. saeyoung finds him like that, crying, murmuring “sorry, sorry, sorry,” to himself. saeyoung is next to him in a flash, arms tentatively wrapped around his shoulders. careful not to overwhelm.
“saeran. saeran what’s happening? saeran.”
“go away!” is all saeran can muster out.
“does your head still hurt? we—we got pain medication, we can—”
“i’m going to kill it!” saeran chokes out. “i don’t want to kill it!”
saeyoung stills. “kill—kill what?”
and then he hears it.
saeran lets out a choked gargle.
“saeran—is that—”
“a cat, a cat, i saved it, i didn’t—no, i didn’t save it, it—”
they don’t notice her entering the room, face contorted into worry. saeran knows he always makes them feel miserable. it’s probably his specialty at this point. she says something to saeyoung, and saeran hears the words clock, vent, keys, light, but he doesn’t want to.
he shoves his brother off of him, but she catches him. stills him. she rubs soft circles on his shoulder, counts backwards from ten to one.
saeran takes a deep breath. he doesn’t know where it’s from but saeyoung produces a glass of water. he gladly takes it. feels the cool go from his mouth down his throat to his empty stomach. when he looks up, she’s smiling at him.
god, can she stop smiling at him like he’s done nothing wrong. he’s done so much wrong.
“can we open the dresser, saeran?”
saeran swallows. nestles in that tiny moment where that’s the only sound that rings in his head. then he turns, facing his dresser.
he pauses, rests his head against the doors.
“i got scared,” he admits. the words fail him; he stumbles in between each new sentence. “i didn’t—i didn’t want to keep it locked in—i just—i could have killed it, i—”
saeyoung presses his cheek against saeran’s shoulder. “you won’t. you’re not a killer.”
saeran sobs.
“i’m so sorry.”
she rubs his lower back gently. “you’ve long, long been forgiven.”
saeran opens the door. the kitten is there, in a little ball, hiding itself as much as it can. the first thing he sees is its eyes. but this time, saeran is not as scared. he reaches out for the kitten; it approaches him slowly. he takes the cat out cradled in his arms.
saeyoung doesn’t bother to hide the excitement in his eyes. “is that—is that, a kitty?” his fiancée chuckles at his fervent reaction. she can see the heart eyes already. “best! birthday gift! ever!” saeyoung says, running across the room jumping. she, of course, joins him to high five.
saeran just observes the little kitten; they consider each other for a while before the kitten rubs its face against him. saeran can’t help the little smile.
saeyoung crouches back in front of him. “looks like a ragdoll,” he says. “she’s going to be huge! oh my god!”
“like your stupidity,” saeran snorts.
she chuckles. “yeah, this kitty is going to be too big for you to fling around, saey.”
the accused cat-abuser pouts. “why are you two ganging up on me!!!”
she and saeran laughs, before they all settle together next to saeran to observe the little kitten. she’s pressing her head against saeran’s hand, wanting to be pet.
“she’s as white as elly~ prettier than elly~ i’m so happy~” saeyoung hums. she chuckles at the much-expected reaction from saeyoung.
“she looks like a miniature,” she adds. “where did you find her?”
saeran shrugs. “i heard a sound. i just followed it.”
she smiles at the unexpected honesty and gentleness. and saeran knows. he flushes red. “i’m glad you did.” she reaches out a hand to pet the kitten; scratching behind the ear. the kitten purrs at the soft touch. “hello,” she murmurs. “think you’re lost, little buddy?”
the thought of the kitten simply being lost drains the color out of saeran’s face. “lost?” he murmurs. this kitten could have had a home from the start. that’s right. maybe it had some place to return to. if he was selfish—he could take the kitten. he could keep her nestled against him, away from the warmth of mother’s nourishing milk and nestling blankets. his mind starts to spin.
“she could be microchipped,” saeyoung adds before standing up. “i think i still have that reader the agency gave me—i’ll go get it!”
when saeyoung leaves, saeran shakes. it’s true. she could have been from town. they live away from the city, but—it’s not impossible. saeyoung’s cars have a lot of hiding space in them, the kitten could have found its way there, because it’s warm, and then made its way into the vent… saeran isn’t going to lie, he doesn’t want to know he doesn’t want to find out he doesn’t want to—
he thrusts the kitten into her arms.
“give her back give her back give her back give her back give her back give her—”
“saeran,” saeyoung calls out. “saeran, listen for a sec.”
“no!” saeran says. he doesn’t hear the beep; doesn’t hear the little gadget in saeyoung’s hand. there’s a microchip he’s sure. and they’ll find the kitten’s home, it’s family, everything else but him has family. “i don’t want to!” saeran shouts. “i don’t want it! give it back! give it back give it back!”
saeyoung embraces his brother, and she does the same. saeran doesn’t realize there are tears flowing down his eyes until that moment.
“give her back,” saeran weakly says between hiccups. “she shouldn’t be here. i shouldn’t be here. we don’t belong here.”
“there is no place for her to be given back to,” saeyoung says. “this is her home now. this is your home now.”
then it becomes clear. the microchip reader. there’s no microchip. he settles in their presence. the kitten pressing its head against his thigh. him. saeyoung. her. they’re all home.
“this is home now,” saeyoung says again. his voice is soft in that way saeran used to hate, that, ‘forgive me, i have hurt you, i am so sorry,’ tone. but now saeran can hear that it’s really just filled with love. love that had never found its way to him for the longest time.
saeran has so much to learn, like trusting, and love, and so much to apologize for. he is so thankful they are there.
“it may have taken us the longest time to get to you, but we’re here now,” she whispers. they finish each other’s sentences; it doesn’t make saeran jealous. it makes him feel safe. “we’ve always been here. and we’ll always be here for you.”
schrodinger was wrong, saeran realizes. sometimes there are things you don’t see. but they’re real. they’re all real. trees fall in the middle of the forest and make a bang. you don’t hear it, but the wind does. the sky does. it’s there. it’s there.
saeran is home. saeran is there.
after cakes and birthday presents, the three of them settle into watching movies together, something saeran appreciates for the silence and the comfort of mere presence. not that saeyoung can keep quiet when interstellar is playing. but he’s still now,
love is the one thing we're capable of perceiving that transcends dimensions of time and space—
“what should we name her?” she asks saeran. his gentle hands keep the little furbaby warm. the kitten—which they’ve found out to be a girl—sleeps on his lap quietly.
the younger twin murmurs the name so softly under his lips; like he revered it, like if he said the name too loudly he could break it. saeyoung hears the sound but not the word; she and saeyoung share a small confused look before turning back to saeran.
at that moment, the little kitten rolls over in its sleep, belly-up at the soft-eyed saeran.
“haneul,” saeran says again, stronger now. the kitten meows in response. “like the sky.”
bright, blue, warmed by the sun, and everlasting.
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magefeathered · 5 years
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guys I am having a CONNIPTION
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stormcrowthegrey · 7 years
mm chars as the gotg awesome mix(es)
Jaehee Kang - Come and Get Your Love (for all you Jaehee lovers ;p)
“Hey, what’s the matter with your head, head Hey, what’s the matter with your mind, and your sign, and ohohoh Hey, nothin the matter with your head baby, find it, come on and find it Hey, with it baby cause you're mine and you're fine and your lips so divine. Come and get your love. Come and get your love.”
Jumin Han - Hooked on a Feeling
“I can't stop this feeling Deep inside of me. Girl, you just don't realize What you do to me. When you hold me In your arms so tight You let me know Everything's all right.
I'm hooked on a feeling I'm high on believing
That you're in love with me.���
Saeran Choi - Ooh, Child
“Ooh-oo child, Things are gonna get easier Ooh-oo child, Things'll get brighter Ooh-oo child, Things are gonna get easier Ooh-oo child, Things'll get brighter Some day, yeah We'll get it together and we'll get it all done Some day, When your head is much lighter Some day, yeah We'll walk in the rays of a beautiful sun Some day, When the world is much brighter”
Saeyoung Choi - Moonage Daydream and I’m not in Love
“Keep your 'lectric eye on me babe Put your ray gun to my head Press your space face close to mine, love Freak out in a moonage daydream oh yeah!”
“I'm not in love So don't forget it It's just a silly phase I'm going through And just because I call you up Don't get me wrong, don't think you've got it made I'm not in love, no no...”
Yoosung Kim - Ain’t No Mountain High Enough
“Oh baby there ain't no mountain high enough, Ain't no valley low enough, Ain't no river wide enough To keep me from getting to you babe”
Zen - Go All the Way
“I never knew how complete love could be 'Til she kissed me and said, Baby, please, go all the way It feels so right Being with you here tonight Please, go all the way Just hold me close Don't ever let me go.”
Vanderwood - Fox on the Run
“Fox on the run You scream and everybody comes a running Take a run and hide yourself away Foxy on the run Foxy, Fox on the run And hide away.”
V and Rika - The Chain
“Listen to the wind blow, down comes the night Running in the shadows, damn your love, damn your lies
Break the silence, damn the dark, damn the light
And if you don't love me now You will never love me again I can still hear you saying You would never break the chain.” 
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saiyumichoi · 3 years
Saeran red hair aiyooo
I realize that this is perfect for them 💕💕💕
Commission by Xuân Trúc
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magefeathered · 6 years
Title: spin my world into chaos
Pairing: Saeran Choi/Reader
Rating: Explicit
Word count: 3,100 [Chapter 1/2]
Summary: And you might be wrong, you might be misreading the situation, but you can’t help but think that maybe he hadn’t truly hurt you yet because he didn’t truly want to hurt you. He wanted to feel strong, feel superior, but it wasn’t worth physically harming you, was it?
“I’m Ray, you stupid toy!” he shouts, and the suddenness of it startles you, but his words cement your conviction. “Treat me like Ray, will you?”
He’s leaning over your bed, pinning you in place, face inches from your own, practically begging you to kiss him… but he isn’t kissing you. He has every advantage, every upper hand, and he could easily take from you whatever he wanted, but he takes nothing. He wants you to kiss him.
As much as he wants to feel strong, he wants to feel loved even more.
Tags: Reader-Insert, Present Tense, POV Second Person, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Ray Route Day 9, Sexual Tension, Pining, Explicit Sexual Content, Safe Sane and Consensual, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, An Excess of Foreplay, Cunnilingus, Vaginal Fingering, Multiple Orgasms, Penis In Vagina Sex, Unsafe Sex, Overstimulation, Begging
Ever since I first played Ray’s route I’ve wanted to do a rewrite of the events of Day 9, particularly the VNM just after midnight, when Saeran comes to MC’s room and asks her to “treat him like Ray” and I finally got around to writing it! This got... a lot longer than I expected it to, however, so I’m going to be posting it in two parts. Here’s part one! I hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I’m enjoying writing it~
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magefeathered · 6 years
Title: When the Seasons Change
Pairing: Saeran/Reader(MC)
Rating: General Audiences
Word Count: 1,080
Summary: Saeran reflects on how the seasons of his life have unfolded.
Warnings: Vague references to Saeran’s past abuse, allusions to depression, vague Ray Route spoilers
Written for @saeranchoiweek day one prompt - seasons. The title for this piece was taken from the song of the same title by Five Finger Death Punch.
Fair warning - I’m not actually done with Ray’s route yet!! I’ve seen spoilers so I know a little bit about what happens, but I’m only on day 9 as of today. This piece just wrote itself though; it came right to mind as soon as I saw the prompt. ;u;
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