#char: hae won sung
magefeathers · 2 years
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I may or may not have made my old MM ocs in the xiv character creator..... Sunhee and Hae-won my beloveds, I miss you both so much
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olivierdemangeon · 6 years
  En 1953, alors que la guerre de Corée bat son plein, Nam-bok, soldat sud coréen, est chargé de délivrer un document militaire secret qui pourrait changer le cours de la guerre. Mais après l’avoir perdu lors d’une attaque ennemie, il devra faire face à un adolescent nord-coréen qui a le document en sa possession.
    Origine du film : Corée du Sud Réalisateur : Cheon Sung-il Scénariste : Cheon Sung-il Acteurs : Sol Kyung-gu, Yeo Jin-goo, Lee Geung-young, Jung Sung-hwa, Jung In-gi, Jo Hee-bong, Kim Won-hae, Jung Suk-won, Kim Sun-young, Noh Young-hak, Song Kyung-chul, Kim Tae-hoon, Ji Chang-wook Musique : Choi Seung-hyun Genre : Action, Comédie, Drame, Guerre Durée : 111 minutes Date de sortie : 24 septembre 2015 (Corée) Année de production : 2015 Sociétés de production : Harimao Pictures Distribué par : Lotte Entertainment Titre original : Seobu Jeonseon / 서부전선 Notre note : ★★★★☆
    “Seobu Jeonseon” ou “The Long Way Home” est une comédie d’action sud-coréenne datant de 2015, écrite et réalisée par Cheon Sung-il, qui signe là son unique métrage à ce jour. Les acteurs principaux sont Sol Kyung-gu, qu’on a pu voir dans “The Spy: Undercover Operation” (2013), Yeo Jin-goo, qu’on a pu voir dans “Hwayi: A Monster Boy” (2013), Lee Geung-young, qu’on a pu voir dans “The Battleship Island” (2017), Jung In-gi, qu’on a pu voir dans “Detective K: Secret of the Virtuous Widow” (2011), Jo Hee-bong, qu’on a pu voir dans “Cruel Winter Blues” (2006), et Kim Won-hae, qu’on a pu voir dans “Asura: The City of Madness” (2016).
L’histoire proposée par “The Long Way Home” nous emmène en juillet de l’année 1953 dans les derniers jours de la guerre en Corée. Nous allons suivre Jang Nam-bok (Sol Kyung-gu) chargé d’une mission importante : délivrer un document militaire top secret, susceptible de décider du sort de la guerre. Après l’avoir perdu alors qu’il était attaqué par l’ennemi, il fait face à un adolescent nord-coréen, incorporé de force, du nom de Kim Young-kwang (Yeo Jin-goo), qui acquiert le document secret alors qu’il tente de rejoindre sa patrie au Nord…
Les coréens ont cette particularité de mêler les genres. Ce n’est pas toujours réussi, mais avec “The Long Way Home” ça fonctionne plutôt bien. On passe de la comédie très drôle, très amusante, au drame parfait avec une bonne dose de tragédie. Le contraste est fort, mais dans les deux registres, c’est très bien orchestré. Ceci étant dit, on peut commencer par retenir l’aspect action du métrage. Le récit se déroulant durant la guerre de Corée, qui rappelons-le, s’est déroulée de juin 1950 à juillet 1953. Elle résulte de la partition de la Corée à la suite d’un accord entre les Alliés victorieux de la guerre du Pacifique à la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale.
On retrouve donc des éléments très familiers de nombreux films de guerres, des fusillades, des explosions, des attaques aériennes sur des convois militaires ennemis, des escarmouches, etc. La photographie signée par Lee Jae-hyeok est très agréable avec un beau travail au niveau des décors, des costumes et de la reconstitution des différents véhicules et autres aéronefs. Beaucoup de situations sont construites de manière humoristique avec des personnages très maladroits et finalement peu expérimentés. Toutes les scènes mettant en scène le char d’assaut de Kim Young-kwang sont très drôles. La séquence où les deux personnages principaux se battent en duel, l’un à pied, sans protection et l’autre protégé dans son tank, est très amusante, avec un top départ qui rappelle celui qui lance le combat entre Bruce Lee et Chuck Norris dans “La Fureur du Dragon” (1972).
En toile de fond, on retrouve le conflit qui oppose les deux parties de la Corée, mais le scénario concocté par Cheon Sung-il, qui endosse ici la double casquette de réalisateur et de scénariste, offre également un regard sur le fait que dans de nombreuses guerres, on retrouve des personnes qui n’ont rien à y faire. Le personnage incarné par Sol Kyung-gu n’est, à l’origine, qu’un simple agriculteur alors que le personnage joué par Yeo Jin-goo est un jeune étudiant. Le peu d’expérience qu’ils ont de la guerre et du combat se présente quasiment comme un lourd handicap, les amenant dans des situations ubuesques et hasardeuses. Leurs pérégrinations vont finalement les conduire à développer une certaine forme d’amitié et de sympathie l’un envers l’autre, ce qui rendra la fin d’autant plus émouvante et dramatique.
En conclusion, “The Long Way Home” est une agréable comédie, disposant d’une histoire amusante, d’une intrigue rocambolesque et d’un développement dynamique. Le récit est fluide et le rythme est assez soutenu. La photographie est très agréable avec un très bon travail sur les décors, les costumes et les véhicules. Les effets spéciaux sont bien maîtrisés et les éléments humoristiques sont bien travaillés et parfaitement divertissants. La distribution offre de très bonnes prestations, tant dans le domaine de la comédie que dans la tragédie. L’ensemble est un agréable divertissement que l’on peut aisément recommander.
  THE LONG WAY HOME (2015) ★★★★☆ En 1953, alors que la guerre de Corée bat son plein, Nam-bok, soldat sud coréen, est chargé de délivrer un document militaire secret qui pourrait changer le cours de la guerre.
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magefeathers · 2 years
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Hae-won’s ‘canon’ story involves the prologue bad end - she refuses to go into the apartment, and Unknown abducts her. But in another timeline, another little AU I’ve thought about writing, she does go in... and she still ends up with Unknown anyway.
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magefeathers · 6 years
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good morning everyone I am having Way Too Much Fun making my mysme OCs in character creators this morning and I thought I would share my faves so that if/when I ever start writing or posting about these girls y’all will know who they are!!
on the left is Sunhee, the char I made for 707, and on the right is Hae-Won, the char I made for Saeran!
links to the creators I used: top middle bottom
I will start talking more about these girls.... eventually :3c
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magefeathers · 6 years
Asking these for both Sun-hee and Hae-won!! 1, 2, 5, 10!
1. what is your character's biggest fear
Sunhee is afraid she'll never figure out what she wants to do in life, and will continue just coasting through life forever.
Hae-Won has struggled with depression for most of her life and it's made her very apathetic about a lot of things; her fear is that she'll never be able to find joy or passion again.
2. what is your character's favorite memory
When Sunhee was a preteen she was in a lot of talent shows and fashion shows, and people always told her she should audition to be an idol when she was older. That was her dream when she was a kid, so every time she heard that it would light up her world. (then she hit puberty, gained a good deal of weight, and people stopped telling her she’d make a good idol. RIP Sunhee's dreams)
One time Sunhee invited Hae-Won to a kpop concert with her and Hae-Won Really Didn’t Want To Go because she didn't know the group, but it ended up being a blast and she treasures the memory. (Though Sunhee now uses this against her when trying to coax her out of the house.)
5. describe your character's dream date
Sunhee is a HOPELESS romantic, will be wooed by the slightest romantic gesture. She’s fallen for a lot of Bad People because of this;; Any date where she and her partner can just talk for hours getting to know each other is an especially fantastic date in her mind.
Hae-Won will tell you she doesn't think about dates or romance but it's a lie. She wants someone to take her to a botanical garden and as they’re looking at all the beautiful foliage, tell her she's the prettiest flower in the garden. She’s such a lowkey sap and I love her for it
10. would your character ever kill someone
If someone hurt her friends, Sunhee would definitely threaten to kill them, and might even harm them, but she's like the hero in a movie where the villain is like “drop the gun, you're not gonna kill me” and the hero just collapses onto the ground in grief.
Hae-Won would never kill anyone just because she like... wanted to, but if she were put into a “kill or be killed” situation she would probably come out of it alive and with little remorse, though that knowledge does bother her.
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magefeathers · 6 years
33, 40 and 60 for both hae-won and sun-hee!
33. in what ways is your character like you
well! tbh I mostly gave them my flaws and insecurities lol. Personality-wise Sunhee is more of how I act online and Hae-Won is more of how I act irl. 
is incredibly protective of anyone she considers a friend, even if they don't know each other well or haven't known each other long
isn’t very outgoing but will talk to anyone who approaches her first
will literally talk for hours about her favorite things if no one stops her
is always listening to music
has never willingly left the house in her life
holds a double major in “making plans and then cancelling last minute” and “making very vague plans only to ghost when asked for more details”
40. what would be your character's favorite school subject
Sweet Sunhee did terrible in school but she is very curious and loves new information, so she enjoyed science and history classes! She is now a wealth of random fun facts that she busts out when she doesn’t know what to say in conversation. Meanwhile Hae-Won is an art student so art classes were always her favorites, but of the core subjects, maths always came the easiest to her.
60. if you could title your character's life, what would you title it
This is easily the hardest question out of all the ones I received, but that’s just because I’m REALLY bad at titles. I’m so sorry, but I’ve got nothing for this o(-(
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magefeathers · 6 years
7, 15, 26, 30 for sunhee & hae-won!
7. how does your character feel about their name
Sunhee loves her name, and thinks it’s very cute. Hae-Won thinks her name is clunky, and her resentment toward it grows each time someone tells her it suits her. (Though this changes the first time she hears Saeran say her name *w* )
15. what music genre does your character listen to
Sunhee mostly listens to cheery bubblegum pop, though she’s a sucker for any type of love songs, even breakup songs.
Hae-Won listens to a constant stream of low-fi beats and occasionally soft hip hop jams. I know very little of Korean music but like, the weeknd's ‘my dear melancholy’ album? That's the type of shit she's about. She doesn’t really care about lyrics, just the general Vibe™ of the music.
26. what is your favorite headcanon for your character
Sunhee tries so hard to be a mom friend and look out for everyone she meets, but in reality she's an impulsive Disaster child who Really Needs A Mom Friend.
Hae-Won is accidentally fashionable. She has zero sense of style and doesn't keep up on fashion trends, just buys clothes she thinks are cute and comfy and throws on whatever. Because all her clothes are really similar, they all look good together and whatever she throws on always Works as an outfit.
30. would your character have any hobbies
Sunhee's really into the whole idol scene, loves keeping up with fashion and kpop bands and such. She likes knowing what's going on even with groups she doesn't like, and she watches her favorite groups with the same enthusiasm that Jaehee watches Zen. She also takes dance classes but she’s.... Not Good. It’s fine though, she has fun with it lol
Hae-Won is an artist, and drawing flowers is her secret hobby. She thinks it's a useless skill so it's a sort of guilty pleasure, while she usually focuses on drawing people and animals. She also keeps a bullet journal, and is really into immersive roleplaying video games. Has 100% played Skyrim for 10 hours straight just zoning out to the ambient music.
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magefeathers · 6 years
42 thru 45 for both of ur ocs?
42. What would be your character’s dream career
Sunhee always wanted to be a kpop idol when she was a child, but because she's heavyset and also just Cannot dance she's given up on that dream. Now, she has no idea what she wants to do with her life.
Hae-won wants to work in media, either doing artwork for video games or as an animator! She's still trying to figure out which way she wants to go with it.
(neither of them get their dream jobs but they both end up really happy!! dw dw)
43. What is your character insecure about
Sunhee is ashamed of the fact that she was the only person in their high school who didn't go on to college/university. She thinks she's unintelligent and will never amount to anything. She also has a lot of body image issues.
Hae-won is… insecure about a LOT of things, but most of it stems back to her depression symptoms.
44. What is your character proud of
Sunhee is proud of her singing, her fashion sense, and the fact that she has a semi-respectable job and can afford to live on her own!
Hae-won is proud of her art, and the fact that she was brave enough to continue pursuing it as a career despite her parents’ disapproval.
45. What would your character change about themselves
Sunhee would definitely change her body type if she could do so magically. She’s tried every diet and workout plan she could find but can never manage to stick to them.
Hae-won would make herself be passionate about more things, and would also like to get rid of her anger issues and trust issues.
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magefeathers · 6 years
4: Does anyone have a crush on your character? Is your character aware of this? | 8: Does your character hate anyone? Why? | 24: What prejudices does your character have? for both sunhee and haewon!
4: Does anyone have a crush on your character? Is your character aware of this? 
Sunhee tones herself down a lot at work for fear of being seen as immature or unprofessional, so there isn't anyone who really knows her that has a crush on her, but she's the type of person you see at the grocery store and fall in love with bc she's so adorable and you never see her again but you think about her periodically. Sunhee has no idea she has that effect on people, however!
Hae-Won knows a few classmates have crushes on her, but she doesn't care much for any of them. She assumes everyone who likes her only does because she's pretty, not because of who she really is.
8: Does your character hate anyone? Why? 
Sunhee hates… a few of her exes. She's been in some Bad relationships and she just can't fathom why anyone would want to hurt another person in the way she's continually been hurt. She also holds grudges against people who bullied her in school, but that's less of a hate and more of a “god I hope I never see them again, ever.”
Hae-Won is very good at seeing other people's points of view and is relatively forgiving of Big Things that most people would say are worthy of hatred… but she gets agitated easily and abuses the word hate for things that aren’t actually hatred. “Oh god I hate this person so much. They always stop and just stand in the doorway to have conversations. Don't they see all the other people trying to get through the door?? Do they have no common sense, no common courtesy-”
24: What prejudices does your character have? 
This one was really hard!! When I hear the word prejudice I think of Big Ones like racism and homophobia and such! And as the characters are a different ethnicity and live in a different culture than me, I feel like a realistic response would require an understanding of Korean culture that I just do not have, so... I picked silly little things that probably don't actually count as prejudices o(-( just… preconceived notions
Sunhee automatically assumes that anyone who didn't do well in school and/or didn't go off to university afterwards is unintelligent, including herself. She also has a tendency to harshly judge those who are dependant on things like drugs and alcohol. (It’s okay, Seven helps her learn more about mental illnesses, including her own!)
Hae-Won Does Not Understand that some people just… don't think about the way their actions affect others. It baffles her that some people just do rude and/or inconsiderate things for no reason. It doesn't occur to her that people don't realize their actions may be rude or inconsiderate (see: doorway quote above) and she assumes every microaggression is intentional ill-will. It’s a big part of the reason she gets agitated so easily and isn't very sociable!!
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magefeathers · 6 years
5, 14, 17, aaaand 26 for both Sunhee & Hae-won?? 💕
I answered 5 here and 26 here!
14. what is the cutest thing your character has ever done
THIS WAS SO HARD fksjflfsd I really wanted to be like “Everything Sunhee does is the Cutest Thing Ever and also Hae-Won is beautiful but also a Bitch” lmao
Sunhee will dance her mcfrickin heart out when a really upbeat song comes on, no care for where she is, who’s around, or how Awful her dancing is
Hae-Won will sing to herself very softly sometimes when she’s happy, cheesy love songs she’s heard from Sunhee and would never admit to knowing, but she only does it when (she thinks) no one is around. Sunhee is the only one who’s ever caught her doing it, before Saeran :3c
17. does your character have any irrational fears
Sunhee is afraid of dogs. She had a Bad Experience with a really big dog when she was really young, and has been afraid of them ever since.
Hae-won is pretty logical so she doesn’t really have any irrational fears. She’s mostly just afraid of herself tbh
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magefeathers · 6 years
For the character asks: 5, 17, 27, and 30
I’ve answered 5 here, 17 here, and 30 here!
27.  What would be the worst way for your character to die?
Sunhee is terrified of dogs so like… being mauled by a dog would be high up on her list lol. She also just doesn’t want to die in a way that would leave her family like, without closure for her or anything like that.
Hae-Won, well… “not at all” would be her answer. D: But honestly, she wouldn’t want to die in any way that would involve lengthy periods of pain. She would just want it to be fast and as painless as possible.
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