#char; oscar salazar.
Federico Gutierrez is the winner and candidate for Team for Colombia.
Federico Gutierrez achieved the official candidacy for the center-right party with more that 1.7 million votes. The former mayor of Medellin was elected Barguil (Char), Penalosa and Tab of Los Cristianos. Federico Gutierrez is an ex-mayor of Medellin. https://www.portafolio.co/elecciones-2022/discurso-fico-gutierrez-tras-ganar-coalicion-de-equipo-por-colombia-562882 He was born in the city in 1974. https://www.elcolombiano.com/colombia/dos-candidatos-antioquenos-lograron-certificar-sus-firmas-para-la-presidencia-BF16313200 He has been an elected Medellin Municipal Youth Councilor since the year 2003. Gutierrez is a certified civil Engineer at the University of Medellin. Furthermore Gutierrez holds a specialization degree in Senior Management as well as a second one in Politics Science both at the Pontifical Bolivarian University. Federico Gutierrez was not only a political figure during his professional career. He was also a Consultant at HGI Consultores as well as a Resident Engineer at Company Vifasa S.A. (a glass and construction company). https://www.instagram.com/ficogutierrez/ In his personal life, Federico Gutierrez defends his family and says that it is the most important thing in his life. He's married and has two children. In his time as an elected council member, he backed the city's mayorship of Sergio Fajardo and later that of Alonso Salazar. Fico Gutierrez He was elected to the Mayor's Office of Medellin, moving his focus to 2015. He also became a victim of corruption, as were all other mayors in the Hidroituango Project. Daniel Coronell also published an investigation into him that led to him being implicated in Panama documents. He said he had kept his cash in tax havens, and that he committed fraud. https://forbes.co/2021/11/25/precandidatos-presidenciales/es-increible-ver-el-obstaculo-que-le-han-puesto-a-hidroituango-de-manera-irresponsable/ Actually, he confronted the former mayors whom he had supported. He said recently, "I have been standing in solidarity with the people in the report since I don't believe anyone decides to make such a decision to ensure that the tunnel of diversion falls. https://www.elespectador.com/politica/elecciones-colombia-2022/oscar-ivan-zuluaga-adhiere-a-fico-gutierrez-para-unir-a-la-derecha-contra-petro/ One is in solidarity and certain sectors have to be targeted by political strategies." A new contest for the presidency The so-called Experience alliance was created in October 2021. It eventually became Team for Colombia. Federico Gutierrez, being the center-right coalition, won the election. Paola, a Democratic Center representative, was able to support him in his bid for another term. Furthermore, on several occasions he has repeated that his model of administration comes an example of public management designed for the common good and has also stated that politics is a profession. career. Fico Gutierrez Gustavo Petro received the second most votes. Fico or Fico, as he likes being called, will represent the left in Antioquia.
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genieforu · 2 years
o s c a r
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o: how much have they changed in the past five years?
Nenhum pouco. Oz não acha que precisa mudar, principalmente considerando o fato de que ele continua conseguindo o que quer a todo momento. Ele quis ser um animador, e conseguiu fazer sucesso nisso, e então quis fazer streaming de um rpg de mesa, onde novamente obteve sucesso. Não tem nada que realmente o tenha feito mudar. 
s: how do they tell someone they’re sorry? 
Para ele fazer isso ele teria que ter errado em algo, não? Oz nunca errou, ele nunca fez nada pelo qual precisava se desculpar. Se você se magoou, talvez tenha sido porque você queria se magoar. Mas ok, falando sério agora, quando ele realmente percebe que pisou na bola, não tem nada muito incrível ou fora da casinha, ele apenas diz que sente muito. 
c: if they had to pick one sport to play/watch which would it be?
Depende de cada opção. Para assistir é futebol, ele é colombiano com orgulho então sempre ta assistindo o seu time jogar, todo domingo é de lei parar tudo para assistir o jogo. Mas para ele mesmo jogar, seria um esporte mais intelectual, como xadrez. 
a: who are their exes? do they still keep in touch?
Durante sua adolescência foi basicamente a era de ouro, considerando que todas as menininhas gostavam de garotos que usavam lapis de olho e escutavam bandas mais #alternativas, então Oz acabou namorando bastante. Mas, a ex que ele realmente não consegue superar é a Cássia. Quer dizer, eles namoraram, tiveram que terminar porque ele se mudou, e no exato segundo que ele voltou, procurou pela garota para um remember, e então diversos outros e outros e outros e…. etc. 
r: when’s the last time they had a birthday party? 
No seu último aniversário, ué. Tem como não comemorar o nascimento de alguém tão incrível, magnético e único? Todo ano o Oz faz questão de ter uma festa, e toda festa é um tema “diferente”, mas não tão diferente assim. Ele pega um musical, e modela a festa nisso, mas sem falar que é o musical. Por exemplo, se ele escolher Heathers, ele fala que o tema é ensino médio nos anos 80, ou se escolher Wicked, o tema obviamente é o mágico de oz, sempre seguindo nessa linha.
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Federico Gutierrez, winner of the Team for Colombia consultation and as a candidate?
https://www.semana.com/noticias/federico-gutierrez/ achieved the official candidacy for center-right candidate with more than 1.7 million votes. Fico Gutierrez of Medellin has won the Barguil (Char) Penalosa, Barguil (Char) and Tab of los Cristianos. Federico Gutierrez, who was born in Medellin in 1975, is a former Mayor of Medellin. In Fico Gutierrez , he started his political career as a city councilor for his hometown, he is identified as the Municipal Youth Councilor and Municipal Planning Councilor for Medellin. Gutierrez is a civil Engineer by profession from the University of Medellin and, from the same university he holds the degree of a Specialist in Management Senior and a second in Political Science from the Pontifical Bolivarian University. Federico Gutierrez has been a consultant for HGI Consultores and Resident Engineer at Company Vifasa S.A. This construction and glass business however was not his primary goal. In https://www.instagram.com/ficogutierrez/ , Federico Gutierrez is a staunch advocate for his family and asserts that they are the most important. He's married and has 2 children. He supported Sergio Fajardo as mayor and Alonso Salazar later in his councilman's tenure. https://elpais.com/internacional/2022-03-14/fico-gutierrez-y-el-riesgo-de-reconocerse-como-el-candidato-de-uribe.html was able reach the Mayor's Office of Medellin by 2015, and this made him reconsider his plans. However, like all the mayors who had to face the Hidroituango project, he faced issues because of corruption. https://www.elheraldo.co/politica/oscar-ivan-zuluaga-desde-el-uribismo-celebran-su-adhesion-fico-gutierrez-894480 published an investigation which found him guilty of corruption and keeping his cash in tax havens. He did meet with ex-mayors who he had a relationship with. He has recently stated that he felt in solidarity "because I don't believe that one makes this choice so that tunnels of diversion are built and that there is a solidarity between certain sectors are targeted by strategies of political power". A new race for presidency The so-called Experience coalition, which eventually was renamed the Team for Colombia, was formed in the month of October in 2021. Federico Gutierrez, the Center-right coalition's candidate for the presidency, won. He now has the backing of Paola Holguin (a congresswoman from the Democratic Center who ran again in 2022 for a new seat). He has also claimed that his model of administration comes from public management for people at numerous times and that the profession of politics is one. https://www.laopinion.com.co/elecciones-2022/vamos-garantizar-el-orden-fico-gutierrez received the second most votes. Fico, as he prefers being known, will be the left in Antioquia.
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Sábado 20 de octubre del 2018 - Más de 100 personas : la lista de uribistas y muy cercanos implicados en vínculos con el paramilitarismo.
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Aceptación de cargos
Miguel de la Espriella, ex senador de Córdoba. 
Eleonora Pineda, ex representante a la Cámara, detenida en la cárcel El Buen Pastor en Bogotá. 
Jorge Luís Caballero, ex representante del Magdalena, en los próximos días aceptará cargos. Está detenido. 
Rocío Arias, ex representante a la Cámara, se encuentra en libertad y a la espera de que se emita su medida de aseguramiento. 
Muriel Benito Revollo, ex representante a la Cámara, se encuentra detenida en el Buen Pastor y en los próximos días se someterá a sentencia anticipada. 
Wilmer José Pérez Padilla, ex alcalde de San Antero, Córdoba, detenido.
Eric Morris, representante a la Cámara. Seis años de prisión y 2 mil salarios mínimos. 
Alfonso Campo Escobar, ex representante. Multa por más de 1.600 millones de pesos y prisión por seis años. 
Trino Luna, ex gobernador de Magdalena. Cárcel por 3 años y ocho meses. 
Nelson Stanp Berrío, ex diputado de Sucre. Multa de 430 millones de pesos y prisión por tres años. 
Edilberto Castro, ex gobernador del Meta. 
Miguel Ángel Pérez, ex gobernador del Casanare. Seis años de prisión, aunque fue por enriquecimiento ilícito de particulares y por fuera del escándalo de la parapolítica, fue un de los primeros en hacerse contra de un político vinculado las autodefensas.
A juicio
Dieb Maloof, ex senador, renunció a su investidura, detenido. 
Jairo Merlano, ex senador, renunció a su investidura. , detenido. 
Álvaro Araujo, ex senador, renunció a su investidura. Detenido. 
Álvaro García, ex senador, renunció a su investidura. Detenido. 
Mauricio Pimiento, ex senador por César, renunció a su investidura. Detenido. 
Luis Eduardo Vives, ex senador por Magdalena, renunció a su investidura. Detenido. 
Juan Manuel López, ex representante por Córdoba, renunció a su investidura.
William Montes, senador, Bolívar, detenido. 
Karelly Lara, representante, Magdalena, detenido. 
Reginaldo Montes, senador, Bolívar, detenido. 
Jorge Luís Caballero, ex representante, Magdalena, renunció a su investidura. Detenido. 
Ángel Daniel Villareal, diputado, Sucre, detenido. 
Jhony Guillermo Villa, diputado, Sucre, detenido. 
Walberto Estrada, diputado, Sucre, detenido. 
Pedro Pestana (líder indígena), bajo jurisdicción de el resguardo San Andrés de Sotavento, Sucre. 
Antonio de Jesús Martínez (líder indígena)
Vicente Blel, senador, Bolívar, detenido. 
Luís Humberto Gómez, senador conservador, detenido. 
Mario Uribe, senador, Antioquia, renunció a su investidura. 
Luís Alberto Gil, senador, Santander, renunció a su investidura. 
Óscar Josué Reyes, senador, Santander. 
Luis Alfonso Riaño, representante, Santander. 
Luis Carlos Torres, senador, Meta. 
Jairo Fernández, representante, Sucre. 
Carlos Clavijo, ex senador. 
Gonzalo García, representante, Tolima. 
Hernando Molina, gobernador. 
Luis Carlos Ordosgoitia, ex congresista, Córdoba, detenido. 
Alfredo Cuello Baute, representante a la Cámara. 
Álvaro Morón Cuello, representante, César. 
Jassir Farak Mendoza, diputado, Sucre. 
José Manuel Herrera, representante, Santander, renunció a su investidura. 
Oscar Wilchez, representante Casanare, detenido. 
Álvaro Antonio Cabrales 
Edwin José Mussi Restom, ex alcalde de Ovejas, Sucre. 
Ramiro Suárez Corzo, ex alcalde de Cúcuta, Norte de Santander. 
William Pérez, ex gobernador de Casanare. 
Mauricio Esteban Chaparro, ex alcalde de Sabanalarga, Casanare. 
Jorge Eliécer López Barreto, ex alcalde de Tauramena, Casanare. 
Henry Montes Montes, ex alcalde de Maní, Casanare. 
Raúl Cabrera Barreto, ex alcalde de Villanueva, Casanare. 
Aleyder Castañeda, ex alcalde de Monterrey, Casanare. 
Leonel Torres, ex alcalde de Aguazul, Casanare. 
César Ricardo Chapín, ex alcalde de Tamalameque, Bolívar. 
Rosa Stella Ibáñez, ex alcaldesa de Soledad, Atlántico. 
Fulgencio Olarte Morales, ex alcalde de Zona Bananera, Magdalena. 
Luís Saleman, ex alcalde de San Onofre, Sucre. 
Nazly Zambrano, ex alcalde de Algarrobo, Magdalena. 
José Francisco Zúñiga, ex alcalde de Santa Marta, Magdalena.
Versión libre
Óscar Suárez, senador, Antioquia. 
Mauricio Parodi, representante, Antioquia. 
Ciro Ramírez Pinzón, senador conservador, Boyacá. 
Dispón Ferney Tapasco, representante a la Cámara. 
Rubén Darío Quintero, senador, Antioquia. 
Óscar Iván Zuluaga, Ministro de Hacienda. 
Gonzalo García Angarita, representante, Tolima. 
Alfredo Cuello Baute, representante a la Cámara. 
Edgar Benitorevollo, ex diputado, Sucre.
Indagación preliminar
Miguel Pinedo, senador Magdalena. 
Julio Manzur, senador, Córdoba. 
Zulema Jattin, senadora, Córdoba. 
Habib Merheg, senador, Risaralda. 
Héctor Julio Alfonso, ex representante de Bolívar, renunció a su investidura. 
Fernando Tafur, representante a la Cámara, Bolívar. 
Adriana Gutiérrez, senadora, Caldas. 
Gabriel Zapata, senador, Antioquia. 
Guillermo Rivera, representante, Putumayo. 
Luís Fernando Almario, representante, Caquetá. 
Jorge Anaya, gobernador, Sucre. 
Sabas Enrique Balseiro, alcalde de San Onofre. 
Musa Basaile Fayad, representante, Córdoba. 
Rodrigo Burgos de La Espriella, ex senador, Córdoba. 
Freddy Sánchez, ex congresista, Córdoba. 
Remberto Montes, ex congresista, Córdoba. 
Álvaro Antonio Cabrales Hodeg, diputado, Córdoba. 
Sigifredo Mario Senior Sotomayor, ex alcalde de Tierra Alta, Córdoba. 
Wilmer José Pérez Padilla, ex alcalde de San Antero, Córdoba. 
José María López, ex gobernador, Córdoba. 
Emilio Enrique Ángel Barco, Partido Liberal. 
Hernando Díaz Mendoza, ex alcalde de la Jagua de Ibérico. 
Aleider Castañeda, ex alcaldesa de Monterrey, Casanare. 
Jorge Luís Feris Chadid, ex congresista. 
José María Imbeth, ex representante, Bolívar.
Javier Cáceres, senador, Bolívar. 
David Char, senador, Atlántico. 
Mussa Besaile, representante. 
Luis Alfredo Ramos, ex senador y Gobernador de Antioquia. 
Piedad Zuccardi, senadora. 
Alonso Salazar Jaramillo, Alcalde de Medellín. 
Luis Élmer Arenas, senador, aparece en los correos de ‘Ernesto Báez’. 
Nelly Blanco, diputada, Sucre. 
Pedro Patrón Luna, ex alcalde de Coveñas. 
Daniel Contreras Serje, alcalde de El Guamo. 
Guillermo León, alcalde de San Jacinto. 
Efrén Hernández, ex gobernador de Casanare. 
Guillermo Jaramillo Martínez, ex gobernador de Tolima. 
Jorge Rafael Garay, ex acalde de Coveñas, Sucre. 
Pedro Patrón Luna, ex alcalde. 
Mario Prada, ex alcalde de Valencia, Córdoba. 
Salomón Nader, ex congresista. 
Libardo López. 
José María López. 
Mario Pineda, ex alcalde de Valencia. 
Ferney Bertel, ex alcalde de Buenavista. 
Rodolfo Montes, ex alcalde de Lorica. 
Martín Álvarez, ex alcalde de San Antero. 
Moisés Nader, ex alcalde de Montelíbano. 
Wilson Negrete, ex alcalde de San Bernardo del Viento. 
Julio Álvarez, ex alcalde de Chinú. 
Carlos Rodríguez, ex alcalde de Chinú. 
Carlos Vergara, ex alcalde de Puerto Escondido. 
Nelly Blanco, diputada, Sucre. 
Libardo Simancas, ex gobernador de Bolívar. 
Héctor Ignacio Rodríguez Acevedo, ex concejal de Santa Marta, Magdalena.
Fuente: Prensa Rural
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downinfront · 7 years
“Pirates of the Caribbean” sprints dutifully toward the horizon
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For all the theme-park tie-ins, goofy catchphrases and freewheeling action, the Pirates of the Caribbean moves ran pretty dark as far as family-friendly franchises go. Allegiances shifted on a dime, characters were murdered and resurrected as needed, and while the ass-backwards swashbuckling of Captain Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp) had its yuks, there was always a kind of frantic desire for survival running throughout each of his increasingly improbable adventures. These movies were always a bit deeper, and darker, than they appeared to be, and six years after 2011′s woebegone On Stranger Tides, it’s a fair bet to say there might be treasure found in them yet. But despite an enticing setup, the fifth entry in the series, subtitled Dead Men Tell No Tales, settles mostly for surface trappings and reflections of former glory.
That sounds harsher, perhaps, than it should. On a certain level, it’s hard to knock a Pirates movie at this point for giving you exactly what you paid to see, and Dead Men Tell No Tales offers up a well-crafted remix of the franchise’s greatest hits. Depp slurs and swans as Captain Jack, while Geoffrey Rush (who was always low-key the best thing about this franchise) makes a meal of the magnificent scenery as his frenemy Barbossa. Elsewhere, a famous actor (this time it’s Javier Bardem) is transformed into a CGI monstrosity; a famous rock star (this time it’s Paul McCartney) cameos as a member of Jack’s family; two young lovers played by relative unknowns (this time it’s Brenton Thwaites, late of Gods of Egypt, and Kaya Scodelario from the Maze Runner movies) trade witty banter; and maritime mayhem ensues as all parties pursue a mystical MacGuffin that will oh no I’ve gone cross-eyed. (In Dead Men’s most overt nod to the originals, Orlando Bloom and Keira Knightley return for about five minutes apiece after sitting out On Stranger Tides, though only one of them gets any lines. You can probably guess who from the trailers.)
If you yearn for a return to the full-bodied adventure of Pirates 1-3, this one is probably for you, which is ironic considering the movie is, on paper, a complete and total effort to take the franchise somewhere new. In the director’s chair, Dead Men Tell No Tales boasts the Oscar-nominated duo of Joachim Rønning and Epsen Sandberg (Kon-Tiki), and they bring with them a sumptuous visual palette that’s unmatched by anything in the franchise. Its central conflict has a much darker setup, too: Not only is Jack penniless and washed-up at the movie’s beginning, this is the first time he’s placed against an enemy he’s actually killed.
That the movie ultimately leans back into what’s tried and true and doesn’t even stick the landing is somewhat deflating, but in fairness, it’s not entirely accurate to say Dead Men Tell No Tales is bad. The first 45 minutes or so are a blast, even. Following the return of Bloom’s Will Turner -- Thwaites plays his grown son and is on a quest to liberate him from a sinister curse -- Rønning and Sandberg stage a preposterously fun sequence wherein Captain Jack absconds with an entire bank, then follow it up with a bench-clearing melee during a botched execution. But things start to sag a bit when the action pivots from Jack to the villainous Captain Salazar (Bardem) who’s vowed revenge on Sparrow after their last encounter left him transformed (though it’s never made clear exactly how) into a waterlogged ghoul.
Bardem himself is tragically underused -- Salazar is a one-note avatar of revenge, though hearing him gargle “Yack Sparrrrrrrow” is a persistent delight -- but the CG department does some serious heavy-lifting here. Bardem’s hair floats in midair like a drowned man’s, bits of bone jut from the back of his head, black ooze seeps from his lips and his crew, who are lovingly photographed being burned alive, are mostly made up of the charred remains. (One guy is just a floating hand.) But for all the energy of Bardem’s performance, the movie never does anything interesting with him, nor does it find a way for the other characters to do anything interesting with him; he is, simply, uninteresting, which is a shame given what Bardem’s done with one-off villain appearances like this.
What the script does do, however, is tee the actors up to do what they do best, and they rise -- sometimes a little too dutifully, but still -- to the call. Truth be told, most of them could play these roles in their sleep, and some of them seem like they are. But it’s not often that the filmmakers can’t find a way to make something work. That’s admirable on the directors’ part, but it also means that the big action finale ends up being as hollow as it is kinetic, a case of the everyone mistaking zany action for satisfying resolution. Which isn’t to say they don’t push hard for it. There’s a death that is, I think, ill-advised, followed by a post-credit sequence teasing a return that holds promise should Part Six materialize, and not one minute of it feels as earned as it should.
You can’t help but feel that this is due to a misreading of the franchise’s appeal by the filmmakers. True, Gore Verbinski caught lightning in a bottle with Depp-as-Sparrow the first Pirates of the Caribbean in 2003, and the irreverence of that performance is what pushed that film into the Oscar conversation. But Verbinski also imbued that movie with an old-school robustness (That score! That scenery! Those cheekbones on Orlando Bloom!) and a genuine respect for his characters. When their fortunes rose and fell, it felt earned, or at least exciting, because the audience knew what they had been through. Dead Men Tell No Tales reads like someone bought the Curse of the Black Pearl DVD, skipped to each of the action scenes, decided to make that movie and fill in the blanks on the fly.
If there’s one thing it absolutely gets right, though, it’s the casting of the lovers. Thwaites and Scodelario crackle with the same kind of chemistry that Bloom and Knightley struck in the original movie, and they quickly become the best thing about this one. That doesn’t seem to be an accident. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales toys with the idea, for the first time, that the pirate’s life is a finite one, and that eventually all the swashbuckling has to come to an end. It seems as though the story is priming us, sometimes explicitly, for a passing of the torch. But of course, Captain Jack Sparrow is once again roaming the seas by the movie’s end, so, like everything else here, it’s an interesting concept that doesn’t get taken nearly far enough.
All of this doesn’t leave you nearly as hopeful for a potential Pirates 6 as the filmmakers would probably like you to be. It certainly doesn’t seem like Pirates can re-capture the old magic like it so explicitly wants to. But at this point, it’s best to follow what has turned out to be Captain Jack’s most prescient pearl of wisdom: Take what you can.
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ufhq-blog · 7 years
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Bem-vinda, LAU! Você foi aceita como TRISTÁN SALAZAR MAFARAXAS, um VAMPIRO e CIDADÃO. Agora, OSCAR ISAAC está indisponível. Você tem 24 horas para entregar a URL do seu char, ou ele será reaberto.
Aquele é OSCAR ISAAC? Não, você deve estar enganado. Seu nome é TRISTÁN SALAZAR MAFARAXAS, um VAMPIRO e CIDADÃO de 566 ANOS, e está em Unnatural Falls há 488 ANOS. Me disseram que ele está aqui porque ESTAVA A PROCURA DE PAZ, e é fundador do MUSEU DE HISTÓRIA E ARTE MAFARAXAS. As pessoas costumam a dizer que ele é PESSIMISTA E MELANCÓLICO, mas eu ouvi dizer que ele também é DILIGENTE E SENSÍVEL. Bem, espero que ele aguente o caos da cidade. 
( Lau, 18, ela/dela )
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genieforu · 2 years
top 5 músicas de musicais favoritos do oz
meu deus, esse foi tão dificil... eu amo tanto músicas de musicais, mas tive que parar para pensar no que esse indigente gostaria aaaaaaaa deu tudo certo no final, mas sofri. vamos lá. 
ASK ME MY “TOP 5” ANYTHING!: accepting.
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1. MEANT TO BE YOURS from heathers.
heathers é um dos musicais favoritos desse bostinha, e ele adora fazer animatics para ele, sempre tentando fazer #metalinguagem, principalmente em relação a forma como as heather ficavam controlando a veronica e todos os outros estudantes. mas ele também é muito interessado no JD, então não é surpresa que a música favorita dele é meant to be yours, até porque ele adora gritar o “VERONICA! open, open the door, please” 
2. DEFYING GRAVITY from wicked.
essa foi uma das primeiras músicas que oz já ouviu, e o apresentou para o mundo dos musicais, então ele tem um carinho muito especial por ela. quando ele começou a fazer animatics, foi um dos primeiros, mas recentemente ele refez o seu animatic dessa música e é um dos mais criativos, deixando de ser apenas um animatic para uma animação própria, principalmente a parte final onde elphaba começa a voar.
3. NONSTOP from hamilton. 
essa é a música ele nunca OUSOU tentar fazer um animatic, apenas porque... oof, muita informação, muitos personagens, muita mudança de cenário, apenas muito muito muito, mas não deixa de ser uma música que ficou no repeat por MESES e se tocar hoje em dia ele ainda sabe a letra de cor. 
4. CELL BLOCK TANGO from chicago. 
novamente, nunca terminou o animatic dessa, mas ele fez da sessão que ele mais gosta (spread eagle!) e tem bastante orgulho. a música inteira faz ele ficar num mood muito especifico, onde ele sente que pode matar um homem! sim a música é sobre empoderamento feminino, mas vai, ele pode se sentir um tico empoderado também... por favorzinho. 
5. NEVER ENOUGH from the greatest showman. 
apesar de sentir HORROR em relação adaptações de musicais para cinema, the greatest showman não é uma adaptação então... ele gosta do filme, mesmo que ainda se sinta um tico culpado por isso. de qualquer maneira, never enough realmente toca ele, o faz ficar emocional e mexe com o seu lado romântico de uma maneira intensa. geralmente músicas românticas não tocam muito o oz, mas essa em especifico o deixa emocionado a nível de querer casar no mesmo instante.
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