#character: katerina romanova.
featuringallie · 1 year
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nome: katerina romanova (pseudônimo), kira vassiliev (nome de nascença)
idade: 26 anos
naturalidade: lastrilha, mitica (ancestralidade de auranos, reincarnação de cleiona)
traços positivos: gentileza, paciência, coragem, resiliência, lealdade.
traços negativos: ceticismo, rancor, manipulação, desconfiança, ardilosidade.
Em um mundo onde o equilíbrio um dia fora tão celebrado, era quase irônico, mas dolorosamente concordante com a natureza humana, que a incarnação de uma deusa tivesse de viver em tamanha solitude. Com até mesmo sua própria origem baseada em mentiras e violência, Katerina foi moldada desde o berço para ser o trunfo perfeito, arquitetada milimetricamente para saber somente as partes convenientes da história. Arrancada dos braços de sua mãe tão logo que fora cortado seu cordão umbilical, passou sua vida toda confinada numa propriedade longínqua e isolada, cuidada por guardas feito a prisioneira que verdadeiramente era. A ela foi dito que era filha do rei daquela próspera e rica terra, que era mantida ali somente por sua própria proteção depois de ter sofrido um atentado quando recém-nascida. Porém, nunca sequer conheceu o homem que tantos diziam não poupar esforços para mantê-la segura e nem todos os discursos bem articulados do mundo podiam conter a revolta, ainda que velada, de ser privada de sair dali. 
Do mundo além conhecia apenas histórias, contadas por seu professor e por sua guardiã, os únicos que pareciam se importar verdadeiramente com a pequena Katerina. Longe do olhar imediato dos guardas, ensinavam a ela além do que lhes era emcubido; história, geografia, ciências, mapas, compadecidos com a curiosa garota dos olhos gentis que nunca conhecera o mundo lá fora, que merecia mais do que ser tratada apenas como uma prisioneira. Conforme crescia, Katerina manteve seu encanto ao mesmo passo que se revelava como uma jovem cada vez mais ardilosa, com talento para esgueirar-se por janelas e portas entreabertas, explorar o bosque que cercava a torre, tudo isso com atenção para retornar a tempo de ninguém sequer perceber sua ausência. Sempre testando sutilmente os limites daqueles ao seu redor, seus guardiões não pensaram nada demais quando ela começou a fazer perguntas mais específicas sobre o mar, o terreno, as matas que os cercavam. Sua falta de recursos era compensada por uma paciência inesgotável e resiliente, mesmo quando muitas vezes sentia seus dedos formigarem com uma energia exótica e seu peito apertar com uma estranha ansiedade. Passava seus dias estudando e as outras treinando e aprimorando qualquer habilidade que pudesse vir a ser útil. 
Mesmo eternamente paciente, Katerina sabia a hora de agir. Quando começou a perceber as movimentações agitadas pela propriedade e os sussurros que antecipavam a chegada de um comboio, ficava cada vez mais evidente que a areia de sua ampulheta vinha se esgotando. Quando revelou o plano de fuga para seus guardiões, virtualmente as únicas pessoas com quem se importava no mundo, tinha toda a intenção de levá-los junto consigo; aproveitariam a distração para se esgueirar pelo bosque circundante e escapar pelo litoral a alguns quilômetros adiante. Seria uma janela de oportunidade estreita, mas Katerina havia arquitetado a empreitada por tantos anos que estava confiante que conseguiriam. O que ela não contava, entretanto, é que os guardiões nunca estivessem planejando de fato acompanhá-la. Já idosos e desprovidos da agilidade que um dia já tiveram, o objetivo deles era claro e único: servir de distração suficiente para que a jovem pudesse escapar, ainda que isso lhes custasse a vida. Portanto, foi exatamente isso que transpassou, os acontecimentos se desenrolando de maneira tão apertada que Katerina pôde fazer pouco mais do que assistir o sacrifício das únicas pessoas que já haviam zelado por ela, do outro lado do bosque enquanto os dois atrasavam os guardas que a perseguiam. 
Sozinha e anestesiada, a única coisa que permitiu com que Katerina seguisse em frente com o plano foi tê-lo memorizado de tal maneira que este se tornara automático. Assim que chegou à costa, depois de dois dias extremos na mata fechada, se esgueirou para dentro do primeiro grande navio que avistou no porto, com toda intenção de deixar aquela terra amaldiçoada para trás. 
Com a maioria das pessoas, Katerina é naturalmente reservada e um tanto cética – herança de sua criação em isolamento quase que completo –, embora não seja rude; pelo contrário, muitas vezes apresenta uma gentileza em desacordo com toda a dureza que viveu. Inteligente e perspicaz, possui um senso de justiça bastante apurado e frequentemente se faz ouvida quando pensa testemunhar algo equivocado. Valoriza liberdade acima de tudo, direito do qual sempre foi privada, e acredita que lealdade é uma virtude essencial; sua fidelidade, entretanto, não é dada livre ou levianamente, e só deposita esse tipo de fé em quem julga ser realmente bom. Por toda a sua natureza discreta e sóbria, honestidade é uma de suas falhas: é praticamente capaz de mentir diretamente, por isso tem de recorrer a outros métodos para conseguir se esgueirar por onde precisa.
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rose-demica · 4 years
A Year in Advance - 2021 goals/plan
Heya Everyone, I hope your day is going well!
I thought it was time to update everyone on my writing plan and goals for this year (2021). 
Reach 50 completed Gif drabbles... I’m currently two off, and have exactly two gifs in my inbox, so hopefully this will be achieved soon. 
Reach 100 completed Gif drabbles! I’m going to need your help for this one! I’m short approximately 50 gifs to achieve this, so please send me gifs of characters you’d like to see me write, it can be one I have already done as well, I’m happy to do something new for the same Gif. I am also working on writing something that’s actually drabble size, and not a small oneshot. 
Keep sharing my work with you all! The series and one shots that have filled my google drive and have never been seen outside of my friend group. Also any new work that I do. 
I am totally open to you sending me requests, head cannons, ideas, anything, even if you just want to chat! 
If anyone is waiting on more of/another part of an already posted fic, or you spot a character/show you’d like to see past work on, please let me know, I can boost that up the priority list (aka remember that I was working on that, and switch WIP’s/post the next part if it’s done and I forgot to post it)  ((I have memory issues... I would appreciate reminders)). 
So the shows, movies and characters I write for: 
(Under the Cut)
(side note, if a character you want isn’t on here, feel free to message me and ask, I’m often happy to write other characters/rare/unpopular characters. I’ll keep updating this as I find new addictions/expand my character base).
(I haven’t seen past season 10 yet, so only pre-10 characters/ story arcs please. The bf and I are watching through them, then I’m hoping to convince him to go halvsies with me on buying the last 5 on disc.)
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Baby (Human impala anyone? Or just the impala...)
The Vampire Diaries: 
(Up to about season 6, but I am rewatching and will finish the series eventually)
Damon Salvatore
Katerina Petrova (Katherine Pierce)
Elena Gilbert (Kinda)
Stefan Salvatore (Kinda)
Niklaus Mikaelson
Kol Mikaelson 
Elijah Mikaelson
Caroline Forbes
Bonnie Bennet
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Clint Barton/Hawkeye (my bae)
Natasha Romanoff / Black Widow / Natalia Romanova
Tony Stark/Iron Man
Pepper Potts (and Tony)
Thor Odinson
Loki Odinson
Bruce Banner/Hulk (I’m still learning how to write this one)
Steve Rogers/Captain America (Not super comfortable with, but will do)
Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier/James Buchanan Barnes (Not super comfortable with, but will do)
Ouran Highschool Host Club
Kyoya Ootori! 
Maybe the others too, 
The Chronicles Of Narnia
High King Peter the Magnificent/Peter Pensive
High Queen Susan the Gentle/Susan Pensive
King Edmund the Just/Edmund Pensive
Queen Lucy the Valiant/Lucy Pensive
King Caspian X the Seafarer/Navigator 
Some of the fae/mythical creatures
Doctor Who
Rose Tyler
Donna Noble
Captain Jack Harkness
Martha Jones
Rory Pond/Williams
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
Tom Riddle
Weasly Twins, Fred and George
Sirius Black
Maybe some others?
Miraculous Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir
Marinette Dupain-Cheng/Ladybug
Adrien Agreste/Chat Noir
My Time At Portia
Maybe others, (new to the game, so still learning the others)
Rise Of the Guardians
Jack Frost
Tim Armstrong
Cabe Gallo
Paige (and Ralph) Dineen 
Sonny with a Chance/So Random
Chad Dylan Cooper
Jade West
Beck Oliver
Destiny (Video Game)
Cayde 6
Probably most the others too honestly
Criminal Minds:
I wanna start writing for this one, so as yet I have no set up characters.
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crimsoncityhq · 5 years
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The High Priestess, upright 
sacred knowledge
Hours pass but time within the Art Institute stands still—most patrons inebriated by their intake of alcohol or swayed by the rhythm of the music that surrounds them. The snake in the grass is yet to be seen. A group of heretics knew what hand would be played out tonight. Not even the gift of knowledge would spare them from their fate. ‘Tis true that there are more guests than normal, but none of them had been identified as foe. A group of people on the elevator hear an extra tick to the beat of music that vibrates all four walls. Those on the dancefloor or inside see the lights suddenly power down.  Darkness pours through, and even the dim moonlight is no help at all. The music stops all together, but it doesn’t cease the subtle ticking of a distant, haunting metronome. 
Suddenly, the Earth quakes under foot. The loud explosions strike true louder than thunder as the party erupts into chaos. Anonymous armed gang members are blocking the exits with guns. A loud ominous  inhumane squeal emits from the staircases. Bullets whizz by the frantic guests, and the fire has started to entrap them into the building. The embers carry the light in the building, and crawls up the curtains and burns through the spilled alcohol on the ground. Even for civilians the fight or flight survival instincts have kicked in.  Those normally innocent from crime do whatever needs to be done to get outside to their salvation. It’s a frenzy, dog eat dog, and if you want to survive, you’ll have no choice but to fight. 
It’s promising if one finds themselves outside the thick veil of smoke, but the promise is yanked once the survivor realizes their salvation has been denied. All the bodies they crawled over were  once someone they knew. Some burned, some caught in the crossfire, some purposefully disposed of, and some trampled by the people looking to live another day.
 There are no saints among the sinners.
Hello everyone! Welcome to part 2 of the event. This will run from October 21, 2019 to October 28, 2019. You may still continue event threads from the first half of the plot if you wish.  While you're not required to pause your regular threads, we encourage you to prioritize event ones. Please tag all event threads  ‘crimson.event’. The below plot drops are currently open, but each player is limited to 2 slots only. 
Heavy security. No guns. MONIKA ADLER smuggles in guns with the help of VALARENA CASTILLO  ( Fausts )
DIMITRI VASILE notices the bomb under the staircase, alerts CHARACTER D  to help them block the way.
SAGE CAULFIELD-PROUVOST fights the flames with a fire extinguisher, but soon runs out of powder and instead begins to crack open the windows with the blunt edge.
CHARACTER F, G, and H try to turn on the fire sprinklers, but MELANIE WARD and BLUE DANIELS sabotaged their efforts. The fire sprinklers are disabled as the smoke continues to rise with the flames.
CHARACTER K catches on fire and needs to stop, drop, and roll to extinguish the flames.
TATIANA STEELE pulls the fire alarm and their sleeve catches on fire.
TEDDY COHEN and JACK DAWSON IOAN ( Fausts) are guarding the main exit. They allow Fausts and Civilians out, but fight anyone else. CLEMENTINE O’SHEA,  BOONE O’SHEA,   FINNAGÁN O'SHEA , and LEVI BOHAN ( O’Sheas/Vasiles ) are denied which leads to a fight at the main exit.
JORDAN WAKE (Civilian) gets caught in the crossfire and takes a bullet to the abdomen, courtesy of CHARACTER T.
HOLLY BYRNE and JOHNNY BENNETT sustain third degree burns being too close to the stairs when they collapse.
SANTIAGO LOPEZ  ( Civilian/Vasile/Leon/Washington ) picks a weapon from one of the bodies to defend themselves but is too afraid to pull the trigger. NAOMI WASHINGTON  ( Civilian/Vasile/Leon/Washington ) confiscates the gun and fires in SANTIAGO LOPEZ’s stead.
ILYANA ROMANOVA  steps out of the way just in time for debris to come crashing from the ceiling, trapping TOBY O’SHEA, CONNOR MASON O’SHEA , and JULIETTE HARPER  underneath. CHARACTER Y jumps to their rescue, and TOBY O’SHEA, CONNOR MASON O’SHEA , and JULIETTE HARPER  are injured.
CHARACTER C1 tries to douse some of the flames with a cup of water. Good looking out, bro. The whole building is on fire.
VICTORIA STONE, HEAVEN RICHARDS and CHARACTER F1 are trapped in a stalled elevator. They hear something beeping under the floor—the stark realization that they only have minutes to escape before the elevator blows incites panic.
LUKA SOKOLOV hears the commotion from inside the elevator and runs to help pry the doors open for VICTORIA STONE, HEAVEN RICHARDS, and F1.
BIRDIE MENDOZA passes out from smoke inhalation and has to be carried to the fire escape by TYLER MADDOX, CHARACTERS J1 and K1 witness CHARACTER L1   go out the fire escape and follow suit.
RYKER WARREN ( O’Shea ) and ZINADIA “Z” ANTONOVNA ( O’Shea ) work together to escape with priceless paintings during the commotion.
STELLA HOLLIDAY ( Civilian/Vasile/O’Shea ) takes a stray bullet in the shoulder and returns fire on JUNO SONG ( Faust ), who is struck in the chest. Luckily, the placement is non-lethal.
ANASTASIA VASILE ( Civilian/Vasile/Leon/Washington ) finds a way down to the first floor and escapes through a broken window.
MARCELLINE VASILE sacrifices a painting to the flames, but the fire only grows. It was a bad plan—their palms suffer second degree burns.
KATERINA FOX, ARABELLA DAVIDSEN, and U1 are saved from the fire by OLIVER FAUST. They suffered minor injuries, but are still taken to the hospital.
MIKAL VOLKOV is stabbed in the shoulder but doesn’t see their assailant—SAMANTHA REDFORD gets away with it.
ZACH WASHINGTON and Y1 help survivors down from the fire escape and lead them across the street, a safe distance from the flames lapping at the roof of the Art Institute.
SASKIA O’SHEA suffers a severe asthma attack due to smoke inhalation.
CHARACTER A2 tries to resuscitate CHARACTER B2, and after a few agonizing minutes, CHARACTER C2 miraculously comes back to life.
FELIX GELLER makes the idiotic decision to snuff out their cigarette, but instead creates a small fire outside.  CHARACTER E2 witnesses this and ( does/does not ) report them.
QUENTIN O’SHEA , CHARACTER G2 ( O’Sheas ) wake up outside the Art Institute. They don’t remember how they got there, and are unscathed by the flames. They are taken into custody by CHARACTER H2 ( Leon/Cop ) as prime suspects.
CHARACTER I2 ( O’Shea ) picks a fight with EFFIE FAUST and K2 ( Fausts ) thanks to the creeping suspicion that it was the Faust family who planted the bombs.
CHARACTER L2 and CHARACTER M2 assist the first responders on site to help get the fire under control.
BAXTER GREENE  is arrested, but flees the scene with the handcuffs still on. They are not captured by police.
FENRIR SJOBERG and DEXTER O’SHEA are MIA after the event of the fire. It is unsure if they survived, if they fled, or if they are still in the building due to injury. 
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hiddenwashington · 6 years
Was that [NINA DOBREV]? Oh no no, that was just [KATERINA PETROVA], a [CANON CHARACTER] from [THE VAMPIRE DIARIES]. They are [18] years old and [ARE] aware that they are not actually from Washington DC. Too bad they can’t stray from this city for long. {ooc: Sass, 24, GMT+1, she/her}
accepted! welcome to washington d.c. katerina petrova [nina dobrev]! please send in your account within 24 hours! please be sure to take a look at the checklist now that you’ve arrived! we look forward to seeing you around the city!
Was that [FAHRIYE EVCEN]? Oh no no, that was just [NATALIA ROMANOVA/BLACK WIDOW], a [CANON CHARACTER] from [MARVEL]. They are [31] years old and [ARE NOT] aware that they are not actually from Washington DC. Too bad they can’t stray from this city for long. {ooc: Sass, 24, GMT+1, she/her}
accepted! welcome to washington d.c. natalia romanova [fahriye evcen]! please send in your account within 24 hours! please be sure to take a look at the checklist now that you’ve arrived! we look forward to seeing you around the city!
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anyanik-blog1 · 6 years
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Anya Nikolaevna - Trident Task 001
Full Name: Anya Katerina Alexandrovna Kashkanov Romanov-Nikolaevna Pronunciation: AH-NY-AH Meaning: Anya - Nightless/one who is bring and shining, Katerina - the pure, Romanova- of the Romanovs, Nikolaevna - daughter of Nikolai Reasoning: Anya’s parents had always liked the name, and once little Anya was born it seemed to suit her. They wanted to give her a traditional Russian name, and Anya wound up fitting the bill perfectly. Katerina, her middle name, was the name of her great-grandmother, and the Czar and Czarina wanted to honor her. Nickname(s): Anna, Annie, Aya, Anyoosh, Anyooshka Preferred Name(s): Anya, nicknames from family pretty much exclusively Birth Date: March 1st, 1995 Age: 23 Zodiac: Pisces Gender: Female Pronouns: she/her/hers Romantic Orientation: Panromantic Sexual Orientation: Pansexual Nationality: Russian Ethnicity: Rus’ Current Location: The island Living Conditions: The Tulach House Title(s): Tsarevna (daughter of the Tsar), Princess (more colloquial), Grand Duchess
Birth Place: Grand Palace, Moscow Hometown: Moscow Social Class: Royal Education Level: In the process of getting her Masters’ Father:  Tsar Alexander Dimitri Alexei Romanov-Nikolaevna Mother: Tsarina Nataliya Izabella Kristina Kashkanov-Nikolaevna Adopted?: Sibling(s): Tatiana Nataliya Klavdiya Kashkanov Romanov-Nikolaevna sister (1), brother (1) Birth Order: Third born out of four children Children: none Pet(s): Cat named Pierre Bezukoff (the character from War and Peace) Other Important Relatives: Ekaterina Markovy - Cousin, the royal family of Belarus Previous Relationships:
Physical Strength: Not particularly strong, but hardworking, which makes up for it most of the time. Teamwork: Excellent team player Talents: Good with languages, expert knowledge of linguistics and etymology, unfailingly kind Shortcomings: Naive, trusting, deeply insecure Language(s) Spoken: Russian, English, Tatar, Belorussian Drive?: Doesn’t know how Ride a Bicycle?: Yes Swim?: Yes, she almost drowned when she was seven and ice skating on a lake that wasn’t quite as frozen as she thought, after that her parents made her take lessons Play an Instrument?: Piano, flute, balalaika Play Chess?: Badly Pick a Lock?: Nope
Face Claim: Willa Fitzgerald Eye Color: Green Hair Color: Blonde Hair Type/Style: Thick, straight, just below shoulder length Dominant Hand: Right Height: 5′5 Weight: 125 Exercise Habits: Reasonably in shape, likes hiking when she can get away Skin Tone: Fair Tattoos: None Piercings: Ears Marks/Scars: Scar on her right forearm from falling through the ice, a few on her knees from childhood scrapes and bruises, various moles and birthmarks that come from being as fair as she is. Notable Features: mouth, eyebrows Usual Expression: Thoughtful smile Clothing Style: Comfortable, simple, clean lines
Jewelry: Simple, usually silver rather than gold
Allergies: Seasonal, but nothing too severe
Body Temperature: Normal Diet: Vegetarian Physical Ailments: Mild asthma
MBTI Type: INFJ-T - The Advocate Enneagram Type: 2 Moral Alignment: Lawful Good Temperament: Melancholic Element: Earth Primary Intelligence Type: Emotional Approximate IQ: idk, but she’s smart in a sort of quiet way Mental Conditions/Disorders: Generalized Anxiety Disorder, maybe a little depression Sociability: Kind, makes friends easily once she comes out of her shell Emotional Stability: More or less stable, but prone to panic and anxiety attacks Obsession(s): none Compulsion(s): none Phobia(s): Drowning Addiction(s): none Prone to Violence? nope
Speech Style: Soft, hesitant, grammatically perfect Accent: Russian, strong, but understandable Quirks: She has a tendency to get carried away when she’s talking, shifts her weight from foot to foot. Hobbies: Hiking, horseback riding, spending time with animals and/or out in nature Habits: Coffee drinking, early rising Nervous Tics: Playing with her hair, crossing and uncrossing her arms, talking fast but quietly. Drives/Motivations: Love (for her family), loyalty, duty, caring, compassion Fears: Drowning, failure, that she isn’t enough Positive Traits: Kind, thoughtful, smart, soft bean tm
Negative Traits: naive, insecure, indecisive, avoidant Sense of Humor: deadpan, bad puns, John Mulaney is her favorite comedian Do They Curse Often? No
Activity: Reading, hiking Animal: cats of all kinds Beverage: hot cocoa Book: War and Peace, Lord of the Rings Color: Blue, Green Food: Kasha Flower: snowdrops Gem: Emerald, sapphire Holiday: Halloween Mode of Transportation: Train Movie: Hercules (disney) Musical Artist: No one in particular Quote/Saying: “Sharing is caring” “It is not our abilities that make us who we are, but our choices” - Dumbledore Scenery: Mountains, Forests Scent: Forests Sport: Horseback riding Television Show: Parks and Recreation Weather: Sunny and clear
Greatest Dream: To find what she loves and to be happy Greatest Fear: Drowning, failure Most at Ease When: With her family or her animals Least at Ease When: On the water, in the spotlight Worst Possible Thing That Could Happen: Failure Biggest Achievement: It will be when she gets her masters degree Biggest Regret: getting kidnapped Most Embarrassing Moment: Tripping and falling flat on her face during a royal press conference Biggest Secret: How deeply, deeply insecure and unsure of herself she is (not that others can’t tell, but she would never admit it) Top Priorities: The wellbeing of her family, friends, and people, far above her own.
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can you tell us more about your next-gen npcs?
       So, the fanfiction, in general, was darker. The reason these children were Avengers was that they had a longer shelf life. One of the main recurring themes was how fucked up it was to basically have CHILD SOLDIERS and how they’re idealized for things that give them nightmares. These characters had their youth taken from them, and have killed people for a long time and it deals with the mental effects of that. 
       The story was originally from Alina’s POV. She just came back from her year-long torture and it was about her getting used to being back and how she feels like everyone wants her to be her old her, but that part of her is dead.
    I also loved combining superhero with politics and how the different characters are viewed. Such as Jay, generally being viewed as a rich pretty boy but not dangerous, while Alina and Azaria are being called weapons of mass destruction. In general, the Next-Generation are celebrities  as they’ve been in the public eye since birth, so there’s this mix of feelings for them that’s both ‘look at these rich brats’ but also ‘look at these sixteen-year-olds losing an eye for the world.’
    The story also wanted to analyze the meaning of the word superhero, and how much blood denies you from being called a hero. Kat, for example, loves being a superhero and embraces it. While Alexei refuses to call himself a hero but recognizes sometimes he has to do really bad things to protect people.
So for a specific roster, I had a lot of Next-Gen kids, but the main ones are
Alina Maximoff-Rogers 
James “Jay” Stark
Maria Stark
Alexei Romanova-Barnes
Katerina “Kat” Romanova-Barnes
Elijah Wilson
Azaria Munroe-Thorsdottir
Calvin Barton-Morse
Caleb Banner
Jason May-Coulson
Calliope Murdock (Natchios)
Olivia Danvers
And of course, I just wanted to make new characters and give representation to groups not found in writing. 
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rose-demica · 4 years
What/Who I write for:
So the shows, movies and characters I write for:
(side note, if a character you want isn’t on here, feel free to message me and ask, I’m often happy to write other characters/rare/unpopular characters. I’ll keep updating this as I find new addictions/expand my character base).
(I haven’t seen past season 10 yet, so only pre-10 characters/ story arcs please).
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Baby (Human impala anyone? Or just the impala…)
The Vampire Diaries:
(Up to about season 6, but I am rewatching and will finish the series eventually)
Damon Salvatore
Katerina Petrova (Katherine Pierce)
Elena Gilbert (Kinda)
Stefan Salvatore (Kinda)
Niklaus Mikaelson
Kol Mikaelson
Elijah Mikaelson
Caroline Forbes
Bonnie Bennet
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Clint Barton/Hawkeye (my bae)
Natasha Romanoff / Black Widow / Natalia Romanova
Tony Stark/Iron Man
Pepper Potts (and Tony)
Thor Odinson
Loki Odinson
Bruce Banner/Hulk (I’m still learning how to write this one)
Steve Rogers/Captain America (Not super comfortable with, but will do)
Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier/James Buchanan Barnes (Not super comfortable with, but will do)
Ouran Highschool Host Club
Kyoya Ootori!
Maybe the others too,
The Chronicles Of Narnia
High King Peter the Magnificent/Peter Pensive
High Queen Susan the Gentle/Susan Pensive
King Edmund the Just/Edmund Pensive
Queen Lucy the Valiant/Lucy Pensive
King Caspian X the Seafarer/Navigator
Some of the fae/mythical creatures
Doctor Who
Rose Tyler
Donna Noble
Captain Jack Harkness
Martha Jones
Rory Pond/Williams
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
Tom Riddle
Weasly Twins, Fred and George
Sirius Black
Maybe some others?
Miraculous Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir
Marinette Dupain-Cheng/Ladybug
Adrien Agreste/Chat Noir
My Time At Portia
Maybe others, (new to the game, so still learning the others)
Rise of the Guardians
Jack Frost
Tim Armstrong
Cabe Gallo
Paige (and Ralph) Dineen
Sonny with a Chance/So Random
Chad Dylan Cooper
Jade West
Beck Oliver
Destiny (Video Game)
(Fell out of love with the game when two dropped, so I only really know D1 Stuffs).
Cayde 6
Probably most the others too honestly
Criminal Minds:
Doctor Spencer Reid
I wanna start writing for this one, so as yet I have no set up characters.
Court of Darkness:
I also want to try a few of the other princes, but I don’t feel like I have a grasp of them just yet. (Lynt, Fenn mainly), but also maybe some of the valets? 
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crimsoncityhq · 5 years
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The grass is stained with crimson after the smoke clears. The O’Sheas have taken monumental casualties and injuries, and the police point their fingers toward them with accusations. The Fausts have not escaped unscathed, riddled with bullet holes and burns, but miraculously, they’ve pulled off one of the most dangerous heists in Chicago to date. As for the Vasiles, their partnership with the O’Sheas has totally decomposed after the framing, and their trust is up for grabs. The Leons are slowly losing their faith in the Fausts—while they are still considered allies and the O’Sheas are seemingly to blame for the deaths, something about this still paints the Fausts in red light. They saved the day, but how many of their men were lost in the fire ? The Washington’s campaign rivals were taken by the flames, and the public eye is on them. Anyone who pays attention knows this attack was no accident, and it’s up to the Washingtons to repair their credibility after supposedly disposing of their competition.
It seems as if the Fausts took the victory, as they successfully framed the O’Sheas for the Institute debacle, but quick-witted O’Shea members scrambled to steal priceless paintings in the fire, only adding to their accumulating riches. The Leons are now looked upon as saviors of the Crimson City, disobeying the orders of the Fausts in favor of protecting the innocents. There’s always a silver lining with the Washingtons—they’ve lost their campaign competition—and the political power of Chicago is practically claimed. Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be a win in sight for the Vasiles. At least their parties are a BLAST.
Chicago is on the mend, and civilians and family members alike are busy licking their wounds. It’ll be quiet for the coming weeks, but don’t expect the peace to last long. The O’Sheas are angry, but the Vasiles are angrier.
THE VASILE HALLOWEEN EVENT HAS OFFICIALLY CLOSED. Feel free to post new threads regarding the aftermath and the trauma. You may finish your part 2 threads if you want, but don’t be afraid to start fresh. Begin all of your new threads with crimson.starter as usual, and let’s all get back to some normalcy. Below the cut is your character summary:
Heavy security. No guns. MONIKA ADLER smuggles in guns with the help of VALARENA CASTILLO.
DIMITRI VASILE notices the bomb under the staircase, alerts others  to help them block the way.
SAGE CAULFIELD-PROUVOST fights the flames with a fire extinguisher, but soon runs out of powder and instead begins to crack open the windows with the blunt edge.
O’Shea memebrs try to turn on the fire sprinklers, but MELANIE WARD and BLUE DANIELS sabotaged their efforts. The fire sprinklers are disabled as the smoke continues to rise with the flames.
TATIANA STEELE pulls the fire alarm and their sleeve catches on fire.
TEDDY COHEN and JACK DAWSON IOAN are guarding the main exit. They allow Fausts and Civilians out, but fight anyone else. CLEMENTINE O’SHEA, BOONE O’SHEA, FINNAGÁN O'SHEA, and LEVI BOHAN are denied which leads to a fight at the main exit.
JORDAN WAKE gets caught in the crossfire and takes a bullet to the abdomen, courtesy of a Faust family member.
HOLLY BYRNE and JOHNNY BENNETT sustain third degree burns being too close to the stairs when they collapse.
SANTIAGO LOPEZ  picks a weapon from one of the bodies to defend themselves but is too afraid to pull the trigger. NAOMI WASHINGTON confiscates the gun and fires in SANTIAGO LOPEZ’s stead.
ILYANA ROMANOVA  steps out of the way just in time for debris to come crashing from the ceiling, trapping TOBY O’SHEA, CONNOR MASON O’SHEA , and JULIETTE HARPER underneath. A civilian jumps to their rescue, and TOBY O’SHEA, CONNOR MASON O’SHEA , and JULIETTE HARPER are injured.
VICTORIA STONE and civilians are trapped in a stalled elevator. They hear something beeping under the floor—the stark realization that they only have minutes to escape before the elevator blows incites panic. LUKA SOKOLOV hears the commotion from inside the elevator and runs to help pry the doors open for the civilians.
BIRDIE MENDOZA passes out from smoke inhalation and has to be carried to the fire escape by TYLER MADDOX, they witness a civilian go out the fire escape and follow suit.
RYKER WARREN and ZINADIA “Z” ANTONOVNA work together to escape with priceless paintings during the commotion.
STELLA HOLLIDAY takes a stray bullet in the shoulder and returns fire on JUNO SONG, who is struck in the chest. Luckily, the placement is non-lethal.
ANASTASIA VASILE finds a way down to the first floor and escapes through a broken window.
MARCELLINE VASILE sacrifices a painting to the flames, but the fire only grows. It was a bad plan—their palms suffer second degree burns.
KATERINA FOX and ARABELLA DAVIDSEN are saved from the fire by OLIVER FAUST. They suffered minor injuries, but are still taken to the hospital.
MIKAL VOLKOV is stabbed in the shoulder but doesn’t see their assailant—SAMANTHA REDFORD gets away with it.
ZACH WASHINGTON helps survivors down from the fire escape and leads them across the street, a safe distance from the flames lapping at the roof of the Art Institute.
SASKIA O’SHEA suffers a severe asthma attack due to smoke inhalation.
FELIX GELLER makes the idiotic decision to snuff out their cigarette, but instead creates a small fire outside.
QUENTIN O’SHEA wakes up outside the Art Institute. They don’t remember how they got there, and are unscathed by the flames. They are taken into custody as a prime suspect.
An O’Shea picks a fight with EFFIE FAUST thanks to the creeping suspicion that it was the Faust family who planted the bombs.
BAXTER GREENE is arrested, but flees the scene with the handcuffs still on. They are not captured by police.
FENRIR SJOBERG and DEXTER O’SHEA are MIA after the event of the fire. It is unsure if they survived, if they fled, or if they are still in the building due to injury.
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hiddenwashington · 6 years
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