#characters who do make an effort not to actually voice/take out their anger on anthy
palms-upturned · 1 year
I see, thank you for explaining! I think Kanae's feelings of dislike are understandable because she's definitely tried her hardest to love Anthy and it must be upsetting having a woman you're supposed to get along with and love hate you for reasons you have no idea about. The fact that Kanae wasn't raised to deal with her dislike of others properly and recognize her negative feelings are valid doesn't help either.
Hmm well I think that’s ultimately one of the things that the show is trying to say about these sorts of situations. Neither Kanae nor Anthy are the villains in this scenario, and both their negative feelings toward each other are understandable in context. Akio is the villain because he has a broader perspective (and just generally more power) than the two of them, but chooses to use that against them and engineer scenarios in which he can turn them against each other.
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