justmarcysstuff · 1 year
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Sonic Shipps X Studio Ghibli
- Spirited Away
- Howl's Moving Castle
- Kiki's Delivery Service
- Ponyo
- Princess Mononoke
- The Cat Returns
- Castle in the Sky
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thescrump · 1 year
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lilcookiebugg · 1 year
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Actually one of my favorite poly ships. Don’t know if anyone else has ever shipped them. But here you go lol.
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undynlicia · 2 years
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So, over 2022 I fell back into the Sonic fandom and made a human reincarnation AU?..
It was a spur of the moment decision that I decided to build upon and now I have a three-arc story planned out where the characters learn who they are/were, why they were reincarnated on earth, how to get back to Mobius, finish the fight with Eggman that killed them before, and decide what to do next with the knowledge they’ve gained.
I have more art pieces, which I’ll post after this, and in the future I’m considering either a comic or fanfic to tell the story (if it’s the former then I have have a lot of work to do lol) I have horrible concentration though so I can’t make any promises
Also yes, I know it’s strange that some characters were reincarnated as the opposite gender, if you don’t agree with my decisions then just don’t interact please and thankyou
The artworks are posted separately on my deviantart account, and with more detail if you’re curious:https://www.deviantart.com/cchica
If anyone would like to make fanart of this AU you are more than welcome to and would make my whole week, just tag it as #SRAU or #Sonic reincarnation AU, and link me as the original creator of the AU
Have a nice day/night!
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burning-stars98 · 1 year
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Cream: "Charmy! Oh, are those for me?"
Charmy: "Well, I mean- I just- I thought... you know, you don't have to take them, but if you want, then I mean- I just thought that maybe since you like flowers and all, I could just... um..."
Vector and Espio behind some bushes: "Somebody help this kid, please...!"
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mafuyutenma · 4 months
what i think ppl are like based on what sonic ship is their favorite
sonamy - you're the most normal person in the fandom. you were probably popular in school
sonadow - you're either a fujoshi or you think the ship is funny
sonilver - probably not a fujoshi, but i might be wrong about that
knuxouge - sonamy shipper but didn't get popular in school
blazamy - you're a himejoshi and your favorite kind of lesbians are the purple/pink couple
sonuckles - you're way past cool
sonails - you have no friends, your parents hate you, your pet hates you, your ancestors hate you, and if you had a job, your boss would hate you
rougamy - you think lesbians are a fetish
silvaze - you're the sonamy shipper's little sibling
chaream - you look at chaream fanart then go "ah, young love" like an old person.
charmy x tails - there are only three of you, but you're all pretty chill about stuff
tailsouge - you have no friends, your parents hate you, your pet hates you, your ancestors hate you, and if you had a job, your boss would hate you
ok i can't think of any more please give suggestions k bye
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twisting-echo · 2 years
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Twisting-Echo's Sega Sonic Ship Chart
I want to start by saying that I was a weird kid and I'm a multishipper, so I like a lot of STH ships; there is no ship that I hate. Sadly, if I were to let myself be myself, this whole chart would become an unreadable mess of multicolored lines and curves.
This Is My Favorite: My favorites are Sonic x Elise (Sonelise) Knuckles x Sara (Knuxara/Knuxsara) Shadow x Maria (Shadaria) Tails x Maria (Taiaria/Tailsmari) Rouge x Topaz (Roupaz) Mephiles x Maria (Mephilia) Metal Sonic x Maria (Metal Sonmaria) Sliver x Blaze x Amy (Silvazamy) Silver x Blaze (Silvaze) Blaze x Amy Blazamy) Silver x Amy (Silvamy) Big x My friend @javelin505's oc
Chris Thorndyke x Dave the Intern (Davis) Eggman x Katella the Intergalactic Huntress (Eggtella)
I Like This: Vector x Vanilla (Vectilla) Cream x Charmy (Chaream) Fang x Elise (Fangelise) Bark x Maria (Barkmari/Barkaria) Bean x Sara (Beansara/Beanara) Espio x Elise (Espielise) Espio x Sara (Espisara) Espio x Molly (Espiolly) Jet x Elise (Jetelise) Storm x Maria (Stormaria) Wave x Sara (Waveara) Ray x Marine (Rayrine) Ray x Tangle (Rangle) Honey x Mighty (Mightoney) Omega x Maria (Omegaria) Cosmo x Tikal (Cosmikal) Shade X Tikal (Tikade) Tiara Boobowski x Madonna (Tiadonna) Tikal x Chaos (Tikaos) Maria x Gadget (Gadaria) Maria x Infinite (Infimari) Elise x Others 😏 Sara x Others 😏 Maria x Others 😏 Elise x Zor (Zorelise) Sara x Zaza (Zazzsara) Maria x Zavok (Zavaria) Sonic x Knuckles (Sonuckles) Sonic x Shadow (Sonadow) Sonic x Sara (Sonsara) Sonic x Maria (Sonmaria) Sonic x Amy (Sonamy) Amy x Elise (Amelie) Sonic x Amy x Elise (Sonamelise) Knuckles x Shadow (Knuxadow) Shadow x Amy (Shadamy) Shadow x Amy x Rouge (Shadougamy) Eggman x Ella (Eggella) Knuckles x Rouge (Knuxouge) Shadow x Rouge (Shadouge) Blaze x Rouge (Blazouge) Rouge x Amy (Rougamy) Blaze x Elise (Blazelise) Wave x Rouge (Wavouge) Wave x Blaze (Blazave) Elise x Maria (Marielise/Marelise) Amy x Maria (Amyria) Metal Sonic x Sara (Metal Sonsara) Chris Thorndyke x Sonic (Sonchris) Tails x Zooey (Tailsey) Tails x Amy (Tailsamy) Tails x Cream (Tailsream) Rouge x Manic (Manouge) Espio x Sonia (Espionia) Cream x Marine (Maream) Starline x Maria (Staria)
It's Okay: Chip x Maria (Chiparia) (They are so cute!) Chip x Sara (Chipsara) Chip x Blaze (Chipaze/Hot Chocolate) Chip x Amy (Chipamy) Chip x Topaz (Chipaz) Chip x Rouge (Chipouge) (Chip really likes the ladies) Espio x Shade (Espade) Tails x Cosmo (Tailsmo) Fang x Rouge (Fanouge) Shadow x Tails (Shadails) Eggman x Sara (Eggsara) Eggman x Elise (Eggelise) Knuckles x Amy (Knuxamy)
This chart belongs to @fini-mun
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444names · 1 year
the lyrics of nameless world by skip the use
Afrace Afraces Afrain Afraind Afraing Afrainge Afrainger Afrainget Agaid Againd Againg Againger Agame Anger Anoth Anothave Anothe Anothery Anotheryday Anothise Areall Areallin Arealling Areally Aream Areame Arease Areasel Areasellike Areasellind Areaselly Areaser Areasery Areaseryday Areguld Areguy Armon Armone Armong Armonger Armonget Armony Aroularmon Aroularmony Arould Arour Arourn Bellike Bellin Belling Belly Belon Belonget Belony Belook Belost Belostay Blike Bling Blinge Blinget Chang Changet Chano Chanot Chanothe Chanother Chanow Chareall Chaream Charmon Charould Charour Chateve Chatever Chatevery Chave Chaver Chavery Chaveryday Coular Coulare Coulareame Coulareguy Coularmon Coularou Coularoular Coularould Coularour Cound Courn Daybe Daybel Daybell Daybelly Daybelook Donge Donger Dongery Donget Dreall Dreallike Dreallind Drealling Dreallinger Dreally Dreame Drease Dreasel Dreasell Dreaselone Dreaselook Dreaser Dreaseryday Dregular Dregularour Dreguld Dreguy Every Everydaybe Faces Feell Feellike Feellind Feelling Feelly Feelon Feelone Feelong Feelongery Feelonget Feelony Feelook Feelost Feelostay Feelot Feelothery Fords Forge Forger Forgery Forld Gaind Gaing Gainge Gainget Gular Gulaream Gularmon Gularmong Gularould Hange Hanger Hangery Hangeryday Hanot Hanow Hareall Hareguld Harmon Harmong Haroular Haroulaream Harould Haround Harour Hateve Hatever Hatevery Haver Havery Inger Inget Isell Iselon Iselook Iselost Iselostay Iselot Isery Iseryday Ithanothe Ithanow Ithar Ithat Ithateve Ithatever Ither Ithery Itheryday Ithis Ithise Ithisel Ithisell Ithiselost Ithiser Justay Justaybe Knoth Knothanot Knothateve Knothe Knothery Knothis Knothise Knothisel Leall Leallike Lealling Leally Leame Lease Leasel Leasell Leasellike Leaselost Leaser Leasery Linge Lingeryday Linget Llike Llind Lling Llingery Llingeryday Longe Longer Longery Longet Lostay Lostaybell Lostaybelly Lothang Lothanow Lothar Lotharmong Lotharound Lothave Lothe Lother Lothery Lothise Maybelly Maybelony Maybelost Misel Misell Miselony Miselook Miselost Miser Miseryday Nothang Nothar Nothatever Nothe Nother Nothery Nothis Nothise Nothisel Onger Ongeryday Onget Pleall Pleallike Pleally Pleam Pleame Pleasell Pleaselly Pleaselon Pleaselone Pleaselook Pleaser Pleaseryday Reall Reallike Reallin Reallind Realling Reallinge Reame Rease Reasel Reasell Reaselly Reaselong Reaselot Reaselothe Reaser Reaseryday Regularou Reguld Reguy Selly Selon Selong Selony Selook Selost Selot Selothis Seryday Singe Singer Singery Singet Songe Songer Songeryday Songet Staybe Staybel Staybellin Thang Thanger Thano Thanot Thanother Thanothis Thareame Tharmon Tharmong Tharmonge Tharou Tharould Thateve Thatever Thave Thaveryday Thery Theryday Thise Thisel Thisell Thiselost Thiser Thiseryday Todaybe Todaybel Todaybellin Todaybelong Trace Traid Train Traind Traing Trainge Trainger Traingery Trainget Veryday Verydaybe Verydaybel Wareally Waream Wareasel Wareaselly Wareguld Wareguy Warmon Warmone Warmong Warmonger Warmongery Warmony Warou Waroular Warould Waround Warour Warourn Whang Whange Whanger Whano Whanot Whanothis Whanow Whareallind Wharealling Whareally Wharegular Whareguld Wharmone Wharmong Wharou Wharould Wharound Whateve Whatevery Whave Whaver Whavery Whold Whome Whope Withang Withanger Withanot Withanow Withareaser Withat Withave Withe Wither Withery Witheryday Withis Withiselook Withiser Worge Worger Worgery Worgeryday Worget Woular Woulareguld Woulareguy Woularmon Woularmone Woularmong Woularou Woularould Woularound Woularourn Wound Wourn Yoular Youlare Youlaream Yoularease Youlareguld Youlareguy Yoularmon Yoularmong Yoularmony Yoularou Yoularound Yould Yound Yourn
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carlycmarathecat · 3 years
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They’re playing house
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venomomega196 · 3 years
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Here's my tier list of sonic shipping/couples/pairings.🤗😍
But then again This is my sonic couple tier list, I’m probably gonna get some bad comments of the coupes I ranked, but idc, this is just my opinion. I'l still waiting a hate comments.🗣
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pagonmoon · 4 years
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Teen! Charmy and Teen! Cream belongs to @idolnya
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raptorclawzz · 4 years
Imagine Cream and Charmy singing together while Cream makes them both flower crowns aaaaaaaa this makes my heart melt <3
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missplayer30 · 4 years
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Also known as "Prince Charmy Bee's future queen"
I wanted to make a picture of Charmy and all of his potential match (Including my character). Originally, it was going to be different pairings pictures of Charmy with each of his potential wife, and the outcomes if one of them become his queen. But instead, it's just Charmy proposing to one of them, and how they react that they're about to become a queen. So yeah, he doesn't actually propose to them all at once here, just one of them. It ends up as another strip not unlike this.
But I still kept the fairy tale aspect of it and the concept too, kinda. In your opinion, who is he proposing to here? And what's the outcome of her becoming his wife and the queen of his kingdom. I'd like to heard. PAIRINGS FEATURING Charmy x Cream (Chaream)
Charmy x Cosmo (Charsmo)
Charmy x Marine (Charine)
Charmy x Saffron (Chaffron)
Charmy x Violet (Charlet? Viomy?)
Charmy x Sticks (Charicks)
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royalbootlace · 4 years
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to continue that concept with Silver joining Chaotix 
Vanilla, Cream and Cheese aren't official members of the upgraded Chaotix, but they do support them and like wearing clothes with Chaotix logo on it
so, Vectilla and Chaream because they’re adorable <3
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burning-stars98 · 7 months
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Tailsmo: Flicker, Lucas, Holly, and Periwinkle
Sonamy: Remy, Merit, Allegra, and Elliot
Chaream: Crimson, Caramel, Honey, Lemon, Pepper, Felice, and Cinnamon
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evidenteam · 4 years
Como as perguntas sobre a AU vão funcionar:
Simples, você pode perguntar no local de perguntas obvio... Agora para que sua pergunta seja respondida você terá que colocar uma # que decidira quem responderá sua pergunta: #Todos (Para Chara, Drim, Error e Ink responderem) #Chara (Para Chara responder) #Drim (Para Drim responder) #Error (Para Error) #Ink (Para Ink) #Chaream (Para Chara e Drim) #Errink (Para Error e Ink)
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