#charlene offdensen
dooshbeeg · 6 months
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sketch dump i have procreate now 😁
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vol5greenhouse · 8 months
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heres more ladyklok ideas i did for fun! charlene is butch because i said so
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sparklecinnamonbunny · 6 months
Happy Winter Wonderklok! Today's prompt is Saran Wrap Ball, and it marks part 1 of my 'big fic' for this challenge.
Summary: Saturnalia, at its Roman height, was a festival to celebrate Saturn, the god of the harvest. After the appropriate sacrifices, celebrants partied, exchanged gifts, feasted, and made merry in hopes of a bountiful spring. Lucy may not be a farmer, but she’s in for one hell of a spring with the way this party’s going.
I'm beyond grateful to have so many friends in the community who allowed me to use their OCs in this one. In order of their first OC's appearance, they are: St. Cecilia Jameson || @gointothevvater Cherry O'Reilly, Eden Nightwish, Nita Nirvana, and Caj Stryker || @chordsykat (the fifth member of Baen-Shee will appear!) Jamila 'Jimi' Calabash || @sichore Blanca Tennebris || @plvtosun Halfrid Schäfer and Mosel || @inky-da-dinky XZ Corrosion || @agentkaz Vama Chakrabarti, Tasha Livingston, and Vanessa Leverett || @claudia-nomusaabara Vivi Skarsgård, Jules Seefore, and Kari Naelstrom || @pan-flute-skeleton (who also started Winter Wonderklok u rock bb!!) Nairi Hammersmith || @nightklok Lucy Skye Desmond || @the-loveliest-lotus (thank you for letting me make Lucy throw a party) Bastian Kitzler || @raddouchebag Aurora Attic || @neopolitangumdrops Ozzy || @picklesjar  These OCs (and even more) will return tomorrow for the conclusion of Lucy's Sinful Saturnalia!
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dooshbeeg · 7 months
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another edit. plus variations because i love all narles
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sparklecinnamonbunny · 6 months
Happy Winter Wonderklok! Today's prompt was 'Black Friday' so I sent three of my best girls shopping.
Summary: Envy, Sunday, and Charlene brave the Amon A-Mart mall for a spot of Black Friday shopping. Envy plays 'Who's on First' with Charlene's various male parents. Charlene scuffles for a laptop. Sunday has a good ol' fashioned holiday custody argument.
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sparklecinnamonbunny · 6 months
Happy Winter Wonderklok! I'm super excited to participate in this event and I'm hoping to write a fic for every prompt.
Today's prompt is Improvised Snowman Decoration. I headed back to my CEO AU for some daddy-daughter bonding time! You can find my fic here:
Summary: Skwisgaar and Charlene make snowmen on the grounds of Mordhaus with Toki's help. An accident gives Skwisgaar some new feelings to think on.
Be sure to check out the other incredible works in the WinterWonderklok2023 tag here and in the collection on AO3!
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sparklecinnamonbunny · 11 months
The dethmoms corner your OC and asks them to deliver something to their sons. Rose passes you a mysterious wrapped package with a DVD taped on top. -are they tempted enough to rip into the box and see what's inside? What do they find? -do they fulfill the quest? Who gets the package and do they tell Charles about it?
I had some ideas for longform answers to this, but I didn't want them to be the next victim of my writer's block. Here's how my OCs would react (except Envy, who would categorically deny the request):
Sunday Mourning: After Serveta gets the mothers tickets to an American Voice Showdown live show, they corner Sunday in her dressing room. Rose (blocking the only exit) pressures her to deliver a strange, heavily-taped package to the band. Sunday takes the package home and watches the DVD strapped to the top. It's a collective guilt trip from Dethklok's moms, who'd like to be invited to Mordhaus. Curiosity sated, she calls Charles about it. They open the package together and find an assortment of holiday cards and letters from the band's extended families. Rendered deeply uncomfortable, the Offdensens rewrap the package and make sure it gets to its intended recipient.
Ava Sunbeam: The mothers secure backstage passes to one of her concerts and swarm her afterward. Ava plays up the shocked girlfriend angle, agrees to everything the moms say, and immediately brings the package to her Vater. The Tribunal's intel team mines the video and letters for all of the info they can get. Neither Charles or Dethklok know of the package's existence— And when Rose asks Nathan about it on the phone, he lies and pretends he received it despite having no clue what she's talking about.
Charlene E. Offdensen: Has the misfortune of encountering the mothers at the gates of Mordhaus, where they've been barred from entry. After rendering Serveta speechless by referring to her as her farmor, she accepts the package from Rose, citing that "moms should be with their kids." She brings it to Charles, who remarks on her kindness, lets her find out what's inside with him, and has her deliver the rewrapped gift to Skwisgaar.
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Your OC is part of a heist. Identify what their role is, how they perform it and -how good or bad are they at it -what is it that they're stealing that would entice your OC enough to participate -do they involve anyone else in the heist -what do they do with the bounty IF achieved
I got carried away and wrote a Charlene heist! It's beneath the cut.
The tension bar eases down silently, letting her slowly open the door. So far, so good. The hallway’s clear. She waves her backup forward and hugs the wall as she moves forward, ducking below the window in each doorway. Three more, then… She peeks in. Empty. She jimmies her ID card in the crack and the door handle pops open. Charlene shoulders her way into the empty classroom and locks the door after herself. Everything’s going according to plan.
Mr. Martinez always leaves his laptop on his desk during lunch. He hates it when people try to eat and work at the same time. His commitment to work-life balance is the only reason they have this opportunity. She flips open the computer and hovers over the keyboard. He can’t have had time to change the password since presentations today.
A shadow passes over the door. Charlene freezes. A hasty glance at the window and she knows she’s in the clear. The muscle’s in place. They still have their chance. She just needs to deliver. Her tongue peeks out between her lips as she types in the code. GoMuskrats2009. Success comes in the form of a rainbow loading wheel.
“I’m in,” she mutters to no one. She always wanted to say that.
As luck would have it, her Ethics teacher happened to leave his gradebook program signed in. Charlene notes his spot, then tabs over to the assignment they agreed to edit and starts from the top.
Nicole’s essay goes from 75 to 89 for tracking Martinez’ lunch habits for a week. Garrett’s 70 becomes an 82. Hopefully that’ll make up for the detention he’s earning in the lunchroom right now. Lily’s still standing in the doorway, so her essay jumps up a grade. Charlene pauses over her own name. OFFDENSEN, CHARLENE ELFE got an 89 that’s been bugging her since. Part of the plan had been an agreement not to change anyone’s score up to an A. At the time, she said she got a B-minus and wanted to bring it up, but…
She doesn’t have time to waffle. She increases Zeke (the other side of Garrett’s fight) and Chanel (the backup distraction)’s grades, then scrolls back up to herself. Fuck it. She didn’t come this far not to do it. Charlene changes her 89 to a 98— if anything, Martinez will think he made a mistake. She clicks back to the assignment he left it on and scrolls up, but not before seeing that he gave her presentation on the Trolley Problem a perfect score.
When they planned the grade heist, Charlene accounted for everything but the guilt she’d feel afterward. She spends the rest of the day with a sick feeling in the pit of her stomach. There wasn’t any reason for her to do this, she thinks. It was a dumb thing she knew her friends would mess up if she didn’t help. At most, she just boosted her overall grade from a 95 to a 97. It meant more for the others— could make them the honor roll or prevent a C on their report cards— but Charlene didn’t need to be involved.
That night, she lays her head in her mom’s lap and tells her everything, sniffling into her shirt. Mom strokes her hair with her long nails and hmms in all the right places, then says, “Well, it’s like that presentation you worked on.”
“You knew that if you didn’t help plan and do the heist, they’d get caught. Your teacher’d probably give them all zeroes on the assignment they cheated, and they’d get in worse trouble. So you chose to get involved to spare them the trouble. Sacrificing your peace of mind to save five people’s grades and happiness.”
“That’s not how that works.” Even if her mom’s view of utilitarianism’s a little twisted, it makes Charlene feel a little better.
“If you say so. You’re the one who got a perfect score on the thing.”
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sparklecinnamonbunny · 7 months
I'm curious to see all your girls for number 25. Because none of them seem like the intrusive thought type
I can absolutely do that for you, my daaahling.
25. Have they ever acted on their intrusive thoughts before? What was the outcome? 🌞: Sunday's intrusive thoughts are more literal than most. Suffice it say she absolutely has, and will likely continue to do so. If we also consider random bursts of prophecy to be intrusive thoughts, she does frequently. The outcome's almost always her own discomfort, especially in Chapter 13 of Spellbound's case. Any metaphorically intrusive thoughts are usually horny ones, and she tends to act on them.
🦌: I've got a WIP of Ava acting on an intrusive thought, but she generally keeps those ideas deep in her mind where no one will see them. There's a lot of fantasies of maiming certain metal vocalists in there. If she acted on one, the outcome would be bloody and downright disastrous.
💚: Envy doesn't have many intrusive thoughts, but they're mostly the common weirdly violent type. Chopping limes? Chop part of your finger off. Have to tell a customer off? You could kill them with the nail bat. It's easy to push them aside and move on.
💼: It may come as a surprise, but lil miss CEO has intrusive thoughts just like the rest of us. Charlene's intrusive thoughts fall into the unreasonable worries type - Someone once told her the classic rhyme, "Step on a crack, break your mother's back," and she still avoids stepping on sidewalk cracks. More concerningly, she has a budding feeling that if she doesn't do something perfectly right, something bad will happen. This pushes her to perfectionism at the same early age as both of her parents.
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Let's go to work, Sparkle
🤔 for Sunday, 📱for Ava, 🖌️ for Charlene and 💝 for Envy
Thanks for the asks! Looong answers below the cut.
🤔 - What’s something they’ll never understand? Sunday can only do math if she thinks about it in terms of finances. Even then, she has to take it slow and triple-check all her calculations. Consequentially, any math question beyond basic algebra is probably out of her area of expertise.
During her time managing Smugly Dismissed, she consulted Charles for anything she didn’t fully understand. She was lucky to have a couple very understanding professors when she went back to school for her MBA.
One of Dick Knubbler’s favorite ways to torment Sunday is by asking her to take a headcount of any group they’re in. She’ll inevitably miscount (or think she miscounted) and start over multiple times.
📱 - What social media do they use the most? I think Ava has a presence on every mainstream platform, but only personally uses two.
Her MySpace is professionally coded, bright pink, and plays her hit single “Sea Salt Kisses” on loop. She takes the time to personally curate photo albums after every wild night with her friends. It’s rumored that a spot in her Top 8 means someone’s career is about to pop off! She comments inside jokes and compliments on all of her friends’ pages.
She loves FaceFriends too, once it comes out— she can post all her thoughts at any second and her Sunbeams blow them up with likes and comments! Not to mention all the photos she posts. Between her and Toki, Where Are They Now Now?’s paparazzi photographers are dangerously close to being out of a job.
🖌️ - Do they have any hobbies? Charlene has a new hobby for every day of the week. She loves to learn new things, and it shows. Some of the hobbies that make frequent comebacks are music (of course), horseback riding and show jumping, watercolor painting, and crossword puzzles. She loves to sing with her mom, and learns to play the guitar from a very young age.
She’s obsessed with mysteries and loves researching conspiracies and secrets, trying to find a breaking story or overlooked detail that breaks it wide open. As she gets older, she plays around with the idea of starting a band, but it never becomes more than a hobby. She’s got grander ambitions.
💝 - What gestures do they really appreciate? How do you get on their good side?
Envy’s spent her whole working life in the hospitality industry, so a little respect and courtesy goes a long way. A customer who’s careful to wipe up after themselves and says please and thank you might find a snack slid their way or a manager’s discount on their check.
Likewise, acts of service are the fastest way to ingratiate yourself with her. Anybody that offers to help her out when she’s busy is good in her book. It carries through to her romantic exploits — she’d rather come home to a clean house than a present 99% of the time.
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